Warning: Sodium hydroxide is corrosive.
Wear gloves when handling it.
In addition, the chemicals wastes may generate hydrogen sulfide if acidified.
Destruction with bleach is recommended.
Greetings fellow nerds.
In a previous video i was restoring tarnished silver with electrochemistry.
I was doing it repeatedly and it seemed like i had dozens of tarnished silver coins off camera.
Actually it was the same coin and i was re-tarnishing it over and over again.
In this video we're going to see how i did that.
First i need to issue a warning to any silver collectors, coin collectors or antiques dealers.
Artificial chemical alteration of silver is very poorly received by the collector community in general.
Do not perform this on any pieces of metal that have any historical, numismatic or other value beyond the spot price of the silver metal itself.
Our objective in this video is to explore the science.
Now i actually showed this years before as part of my silver anodizing videos.
The process isn't much different except now i'm doing it in higher resolution.
If you're already satisfied with that video then you can skip this one.
So let's get started.
First we need to make our anodizing solution.
Start with 200mL of water and stir in 10g of powdered sulfur.
Then add in 20g of sodium hydroxide.
You may have to increase stirring to get the sulfur to mix.
What we're doing is making a mixture of sodium polysulfides.
Keep stirring for about half an hour or so.
Afterward filter the mixture to remove any excess sulfur.
Here i've poured out the anodizing solution into a shallow petri dish.
Now we're going to need a battery for this to force the oxidation of the silver.
I'm using just a single 1.5 volt battery since it works slower and let's us better control what we're doing.
And here is our silver coin.
Technically this is a silver round but the chemistry is the same.
To do the anodizing or toning as it's sometimes called,
we connect the coin to the positive end of the battery and make it an anode.
Now we just touch the negative end or cathode to solution.
And there we go, years of tarnish made in just a few seconds.
What's happening is at cathode we're just generating hydrogen gas.
But at the anode we're oxidizing the silver and combining it with sulfide ions to make silver sulfide
which is the tarnish you see on silver.
Now let me try again but this time for longer.
The final color is dependent the thickness of silver sulfide layer.
If you run longer, you get a thicker silver sulfide layer and different colors as well.
This is because the light undergoes interference with itself as it partially passes through the layer.
Depending on the thickness, certain wavelengths of light are destructively removed and others are not.
And there we go.
Beautifully toned silver.
Let me wash it.
Now the color changes slightly as it's exposed to air since the reactions keep going.
It takes a few hours for it to settle on the final color but you get the idea.
And there it is a beautiful blue toning.
You can even see purples, a bit of green, and some reds in there as well.
A naturally toned coin is considered very valuable by collectors.
But artificially toned coins like this one are considered cheating and only worth a little more than spot price.
Now a special note about this particular coin.
You're probably wondering what's with this splotch right here that never seems to change.
Well this particular coin was the same coin i used for silver testing with that acid dichromate solution i made in a previous video.
The test etched the coin so badly that it's been deeply damaged.
That splotch is a sandpaper like surface and while it is being tarnished as usual,
it's so rough that we can't see any difference.
This is why you don't run silver testing on visible or important parts of a silver item.
The damage is extremely unsightly.
Anyway let's get back to our current experiment.
Let's try a different procedure now and use six volts of current.
This will give us a faster conversion rate but also create a much high current density and polarization on the coin.
This will allow us to create different patterns based on that.
I'm going to hold the electrode well off to the side of the coin rather than just above it to make the current density as uneven as possible.
And there we go.
We now have a rainbow coin.
The areas closest to the cathode tarnished and changed colors faster than the ones further away.
This creates this rainbow gradient pattern.
Let me try that again.
But rather than distance, i'm going to simply hold my thumb against the coin and directly block the current that way.
As a side note, when you're using a positive current to thicken a layer of oxides, or in this case sulfides,
on the surface of a metal, the process is called anodization.
Anyway there we go.
And you can see where my thumb blocked the current.
You can get all kinds of interesting artistic patterns this way.
Now you might be wondering what happens if you go too far and run the current for too long.
What you create is black silver sulfide.
The silver sulfide is loosely adherent and comes off.
But it contains silver so we've lost it and in doing so this damages the fine details of the coin.
Kind of like sandblasting except we're using ions.
Additionally, electrochemical restoration doesn't work very well with this extreme level of damage.
You end up having to grind off the silver sulfide causing even more surface damage to your coin.
So if you're doing this for artistic purposes then be sure to practice a lot with silver you don't mind damaging.
Then move on to doing it your target piece.
Anyway a special note on waste disposal.
This solution of sodium polysulfides will release hydrogen sulfide if mixed with acids.
To render it safe i recommend adding in half a liter of bleach to oxidize the sulfides into sulfur and sulfates.
If you want to avoid sulfur you can actually try the same experiment with just sodium hydroxide.
Now this produces silver oxide rather than silver sulfide.
But the experiment works very well and you still get great color.
It's not quite as well defined as using sulfides, but i'll leave the choice up to you.
Anyway, that was artificial silver toning or tarnishing based on anodization.
Thanks for watching.
Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible
with their donations and their direction.
If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,
then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.
I really appreciate any and all support.
For more infomation >> Toning Silver Coins by Anodization (fixed) - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
【Minecraft】ガチPVP!最強playerにまたフルボッコにされました #2 WIIU PS4 VITA【マイクラ】【ZXZ】 - Duration: 7:50.
YouTube TV Now Available
N. Korea reveals they caught S. Korean fishermen... and promises to return them Friday ... - Duration: 2:16.
There have been many cases of South Korea picking up a North Korean fishing boats, then
repatriating the crew.
An unexpected role reversal this time.
The regime's state media announced the vessel and its crew will be returned to the South
later today.
But according to our Kwon Jang-ho this rare gestures isn't expected to do much in easing
tensions in the region.
North Korea unexpectedly reached out to the South on Friday morning.
In a report published by the regime's Korean Central News Agency, a South Korean fishing
boat was captured in the East Sea last Saturday, north of the de-facto inter-Korean border.
According to the report, the South Korean crew deliberately sailed into North Korean
waters to catch fish.
The crewmen are said to have admitted to their offence and repeatedly apologized, and North
Korean authorities decided to repatriate them, from a, quote, 'humanitarian point of view.'
The statement also gave the exact time and coordinates where the crew would be dropped
South Korea's Unification Ministry confirmed the veracity of the report, saying it is believed
seven South Koreans and three Vietnamese sailors were on board at the time of the capture.
Upon arriving in the South, the crew will be questioned by Seoul's intelligence agency
and an investigation will take place on how they ended up past the Northern Limit Line.
South Korea captures a handful of North Korean boats and sailors in South Korean waters and
repatriates them every year, but this is the first time in seven years the regime chooses
to return a South Korean boat with its entire crew.
In the past, Pyongyang would contact Seoul through a direct line, but those channels
of communication have been cut since inter-Korean ties deteriorated last year.
(Korean) "We were alerted to the situation by the KCNA
news report.
During the pick-up, we're not sure if any direct communication will take place, or whether
we will just receive the boat, but we will monitor the situation and report on any updates."
Although this incident is not expected to be significant in de-escalating current tensions
between the two Koreas, experts say the North's decision to publicly repatriate the South
Korean sailors does suggest a willingness to maintain civil relations.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
Defense chiefs of S. Korea, U.S. hold talks in Seoul on N. Korea, alliance - Duration: 1:47.
Our top story this afternoon...
A meeting between the defense chiefs of South Korea and the United States took place this
morning in Seoul.
Let's get all the details from our Oh Jung-hee,... who's on the phone for us from Seoul's Ministry
of National Defense.
Jung-hee, we're hearing the press conference is happening now.
Do we know what was discussed?
Hello, Myung-kil.
Less than an hour ago, South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo and U.S. Defense Secretary
James Mattis held their annual Security Consultative Meeting.
This year's SCM marks the first since Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump took office earlier
this year.
As you say,... a joint press conference is taking place as we speak... so we are just
getting the details now.
But we know that ways to better deal with North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile
threats topped the agenda.
To better counter those threats, the U.S. could deploy strategic assets on a rotational
basis to the region... to further strengthen its military presence here and pressure Pyongyang.
And to strengthen Seoul's own defense capabilities,... the two have reportedly discussed Seoul's
development of its own nuclear-powered submarine... as well as follow-up measures in doubling
the maximum payload weight of its ballistic missiles... from 500 to 1,000 kilograms.
We also believe they've talked about the condition-based transfer of wartime operational control from
Washington to Seoul,... which is one of the key goals of the Moon Jae-in administration.
If all the conditions are met, the Moon administration aims to take back OPCON in the early 2020s.
In approximately three hours, there will be a closed-door briefing here at the ministry
about the details of the talks... so we will be back with more updates during our next
Back to you, Myung-kil.
Toning Silver Coins by Anodization (fixed) - Duration: 6:43.
Warning: Sodium hydroxide is corrosive.
Wear gloves when handling it.
In addition, the chemicals wastes may generate hydrogen sulfide if acidified.
Destruction with bleach is recommended.
Greetings fellow nerds.
In a previous video i was restoring tarnished silver with electrochemistry.
I was doing it repeatedly and it seemed like i had dozens of tarnished silver coins off camera.
Actually it was the same coin and i was re-tarnishing it over and over again.
In this video we're going to see how i did that.
First i need to issue a warning to any silver collectors, coin collectors or antiques dealers.
Artificial chemical alteration of silver is very poorly received by the collector community in general.
Do not perform this on any pieces of metal that have any historical, numismatic or other value beyond the spot price of the silver metal itself.
Our objective in this video is to explore the science.
Now i actually showed this years before as part of my silver anodizing videos.
The process isn't much different except now i'm doing it in higher resolution.
If you're already satisfied with that video then you can skip this one.
So let's get started.
First we need to make our anodizing solution.
Start with 200mL of water and stir in 10g of powdered sulfur.
Then add in 20g of sodium hydroxide.
You may have to increase stirring to get the sulfur to mix.
What we're doing is making a mixture of sodium polysulfides.
Keep stirring for about half an hour or so.
Afterward filter the mixture to remove any excess sulfur.
Here i've poured out the anodizing solution into a shallow petri dish.
Now we're going to need a battery for this to force the oxidation of the silver.
I'm using just a single 1.5 volt battery since it works slower and let's us better control what we're doing.
And here is our silver coin.
Technically this is a silver round but the chemistry is the same.
To do the anodizing or toning as it's sometimes called,
we connect the coin to the positive end of the battery and make it an anode.
Now we just touch the negative end or cathode to solution.
And there we go, years of tarnish made in just a few seconds.
What's happening is at cathode we're just generating hydrogen gas.
But at the anode we're oxidizing the silver and combining it with sulfide ions to make silver sulfide
which is the tarnish you see on silver.
Now let me try again but this time for longer.
The final color is dependent the thickness of silver sulfide layer.
If you run longer, you get a thicker silver sulfide layer and different colors as well.
This is because the light undergoes interference with itself as it partially passes through the layer.
Depending on the thickness, certain wavelengths of light are destructively removed and others are not.
And there we go.
Beautifully toned silver.
Let me wash it.
Now the color changes slightly as it's exposed to air since the reactions keep going.
It takes a few hours for it to settle on the final color but you get the idea.
And there it is a beautiful blue toning.
You can even see purples, a bit of green, and some reds in there as well.
A naturally toned coin is considered very valuable by collectors.
But artificially toned coins like this one are considered cheating and only worth a little more than spot price.
Now a special note about this particular coin.
You're probably wondering what's with this splotch right here that never seems to change.
Well this particular coin was the same coin i used for silver testing with that acid dichromate solution i made in a previous video.
The test etched the coin so badly that it's been deeply damaged.
That splotch is a sandpaper like surface and while it is being tarnished as usual,
it's so rough that we can't see any difference.
This is why you don't run silver testing on visible or important parts of a silver item.
The damage is extremely unsightly.
Anyway let's get back to our current experiment.
Let's try a different procedure now and use six volts of current.
This will give us a faster conversion rate but also create a much high current density and polarization on the coin.
This will allow us to create different patterns based on that.
I'm going to hold the electrode well off to the side of the coin rather than just above it to make the current density as uneven as possible.
And there we go.
We now have a rainbow coin.
The areas closest to the cathode tarnished and changed colors faster than the ones further away.
This creates this rainbow gradient pattern.
Let me try that again.
But rather than distance, i'm going to simply hold my thumb against the coin and directly block the current that way.
As a side note, when you're using a positive current to thicken a layer of oxides, or in this case sulfides,
on the surface of a metal, the process is called anodization.
Anyway there we go.
And you can see where my thumb blocked the current.
You can get all kinds of interesting artistic patterns this way.
Now you might be wondering what happens if you go too far and run the current for too long.
What you create is black silver sulfide.
The silver sulfide is loosely adherent and comes off.
But it contains silver so we've lost it and in doing so this damages the fine details of the coin.
Kind of like sandblasting except we're using ions.
Additionally, electrochemical restoration doesn't work very well with this extreme level of damage.
You end up having to grind off the silver sulfide causing even more surface damage to your coin.
So if you're doing this for artistic purposes then be sure to practice a lot with silver you don't mind damaging.
Then move on to doing it your target piece.
Anyway a special note on waste disposal.
This solution of sodium polysulfides will release hydrogen sulfide if mixed with acids.
To render it safe i recommend adding in half a liter of bleach to oxidize the sulfides into sulfur and sulfates.
If you want to avoid sulfur you can actually try the same experiment with just sodium hydroxide.
Now this produces silver oxide rather than silver sulfide.
But the experiment works very well and you still get great color.
It's not quite as well defined as using sulfides, but i'll leave the choice up to you.
Anyway, that was artificial silver toning or tarnishing based on anodization.
Thanks for watching.
Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible
with their donations and their direction.
If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,
then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.
I really appreciate any and all support.
Defense chiefs of S. Korea, U.S. hold talks in Seoul on N. Korea, alliance - Duration: 2:14.
The United States has once again said it will never accept North Korea as a nuclear state.
U.S. defense chief James Mattis, who is visiting Seoul said Pyongyang's nuclear and missile
programs serve to undermine, not strengthen its security.
Kim Hyun-bin reports.
North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile threats topped the agenda on Saturday at the
annual 49th Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul.
To better counter those threats,...
South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo and U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis agreed
to increase the deployment of U.S. strategic assets around the peninsula on a rotational
basis... and to enhance cooperation so Seoul can obtain and develop state-of-the-art military
The two also shared views on the transfer of wartime operational control from Washington
to Seoul,... one of the key goals of the Moon Jae-in administration.
(Korean) "Secretary Mattis and I agreed to consider
the timing and conditions of a condition-based OPCON transition.
We will continue to work, develop and refine plans on this issue in time for the next Security
Consultative Meeting."
Mattis pulled no punches on North Korea,... calling Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program
"illegal and unnecessary."
He also stressed that Washington wants to find a diplomatic solution to the nuclear
crisis,... but military force remains an option, if need be.
"The United States will not accept a nuclear North Korea.
Diplomacy is our preferred course of option.
As I repeatedly emphasized, our diplomats are most effective when backed by credible
military force in this sort of situation."
Mattis also took the opportunity to warn Pyongyang against the idea of ever trying to use its
nuclear weapons offensively.
"Make no mistake.
Any attack on United States or our allies will be defeated.
Any use of nuclear weapons by the North will be met with massive military response, effective
and overwhelming."
This year's Security Consultative Meeting marks the first since Presidents Moon Jae-in
and Donald Trump took office earlier this year.
The 50th SCM will be held in Washington in 2018.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
How to tell if your Wheel Bearing is Bad - What a Bad Wheel Bearing Sounds Like - Bundys Garage - Duration: 2:27.
N. Korea reveals they caught S. Korean fishermen... and promises to return them Friday ... - Duration: 2:17.
North Korea announced via its state media outlet Friday morning that it had picked up
a South Korean fishing vessel last week and that it would be sending the boat and its
crew back later today.
It's the first time in seven years this has happened, and it's caught Seoul a little by
But ultimately it's not expected to ease tensions in the region.
Kwon Jang-ho has this report.
North Korea unexpectedly reached out to the South on Friday morning.
In a report published by the regime's Korean Central News Agency, a South Korean fishing
boat was captured in the East Sea last Saturday, north of the de-facto inter-Korean border.
According to the report, the South Korean crew deliberately sailed into North Korean
waters to catch fish.
The crewmen are said to have admitted to their offence and repeatedly apologized, and North
Korean authorities decided to repatriate them, from a, quote, 'humanitarian point of view.'
The statement also gave the exact time and coordinates where the crew would be dropped
South Korea's Unification Ministry confirmed the veracity of the report, saying it is believed
seven South Koreans and three Vietnamese sailors were on board at the time of the capture.
Upon arriving in the South, the crew will be questioned by Seoul's intelligence agency
and an investigation will take place on how they ended up past the Northern Limit Line.
South Korea captures a handful of North Korean boats and sailors in South Korean waters and
repatriates them every year, but this is the first time in seven years the regime chooses
to return a South Korean boat with its entire crew.
In the past, Pyongyang would contact Seoul through a direct line, but those channels
of communication have been cut since inter-Korean ties deteriorated last year.
(Korean) "We were alerted to the situation by the KCNA
news report.
During the pick-up, we're not sure if any direct communication will take place, or whether
we will just receive the boat, but we will monitor the situation and report on any updates."
Although this incident is not expected to be significant in de-escalating current tensions
between the two Koreas, experts say the North's decision to publicly repatriate the South
Korean sailors does suggest a willingness to maintain civil relations.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
N. Korea reveals they caught S. Korean fishermen... and promises to return them Friday ... - Duration: 2:18.
There have been many cases of South Korea picking up a North Korean fishing boats, then
repatriating the crew.
An unexpected role reversal this time.
The regime's state media announced a South Korean vessel that crossed the border will
be returned home.
But according to our Kwon Jang-ho this rare gestures isn't expected to do much in easing
tensions in the region.
North Korea unexpectedly reached out to the South on Friday morning.
In a report published by the regime's Korean Central News Agency, a South Korean fishing
boat was captured in the East Sea last Saturday, north of the de-facto inter-Korean border.
According to the report, the South Korean crew deliberately sailed into North Korean
waters to catch fish.
The crewmen are said to have admitted to their offence and repeatedly apologized, and North
Korean authorities decided to repatriate them, from a, quote, 'humanitarian point of view.'
The statement also gave the exact time and coordinates where the crew would be dropped
South Korea's Unification Ministry confirmed the veracity of the report, saying it is believed
seven South Koreans and three Vietnamese sailors were on board at the time of the capture.
Upon arriving in the South, the crew will be questioned by Seoul's intelligence agency
and an investigation will take place on how they ended up past the Northern Limit Line.
South Korea captures a handful of North Korean boats and sailors in South Korean waters and
repatriates them every year, but this is the first time in seven years the regime chooses
to return a South Korean boat with its entire crew.
In the past, Pyongyang would contact Seoul through a direct line, but those channels
of communication have been cut since inter-Korean ties deteriorated last year.
(Korean) "We were alerted to the situation by the KCNA
news report.
During the pick-up, we're not sure if any direct communication will take place, or whether
we will just receive the boat, but we will monitor the situation and report on any updates."
Although this incident is not expected to be significant in de-escalating current tensions
between the two Koreas, experts say the North's decision to publicly repatriate the South
Korean sailors does suggest a willingness to maintain civil relations.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
N. Korea releases S. Korean fishing boat that crossed border last weekend - Duration: 0:50.
South Korean sailors, whose fishing boat was captured by North Korea last Saturday after
it crossed the inter-Korean border, have been returned safely.
The boat and its ten crewmen, including three Vietnamese sailors, arrived at South Korea's
eastern city of Sokcho at 10.15 PM, on Friday night,... some four hours after the boat was
handed over to a South Korean patrol boat.
None of the sailors had been harmed.
The crew will be questioned by South Korea's intelligence agency and an investigation will
be launched into how they ended up crossing the Northern Limit Line.
There have been numerous cases of South Korea returning North Korean fishing boats,... but
this is the first time in seven years that the roles have been reversed.
North Korea said it decided to repatriate them for humanitarian reasons.
S. Korea, U.S., and Japan kick off missile warning drills - Duration: 1:44.
The defense chiefs of South Korea, the United States and Japan have agreed to coordinate
their efforts to resolve tensions with North Korea... using pressure... but also diplomacy.
They also vowed to maintain a high state of readiness against any further provocations
from Pyongyang,... by continuing to hold joint military drills.
Lee Unshin reports.
South Korea, the U.S. and Japan have kicked off their joint ballistic missile warning
and anti-submarine warfare drills on Tuesday.
The training includes missile detection and tracking exercises to enhance defense capabilities
against possible missile launches from North Korea.
The two-day drills, carried out in the waters off the Korean Peninsula and Japan,... are
the fifth of their kind.
On Monday, Seoul's Defense Minister, Song Young-moo, and his U.S. and Japanese counterparts,...
James Mattis and Itsunori Onodera, reaffirmed the need to up their military preparation,
by continuing to hold joint military drills against Pyongyang's growing provocations.
The three met on the sidelines of the ASEAN security forum in the Philippines, and committed
to supporting trilateral efforts to tackle the North through maximum pressure.
Song added that South Korea is still prioritizing a peaceful solution,... but if Pyongyang were
to use military force on his country,...
Seoul would have no choice but to take strong action.
(Korean) "We understand the weight of engaging in a
war as such.
We would make all efforts necessary to resolve the issue in a diplomatic and economic way."
Tokyo's defense minister however endorsed Washington's view to consider "all options"
on the table... for dealing with the North's recent threats including a pair of missile
launches that flew over Japanese territory.
Lee Unshin Arirang News.
Japanese emperor's visit to Seoul will contribute to bilateral ties: S. Korea's envoy to Japan - Duration: 1:48.
The role of South Korea's Ambassador to Japan will have on special importance now.
He will have to boost cooprtation with Tokyo on the North Korea nuclear threat... while
at the same time dealing with sensitive historical issues.
Speaking to reporters after his appointment as ambassador, Lee Su-hoon said he will pursue
both of those aims... and patch up relations between South Korea and Japan.
Connie Kim has more from his press briefing this afternoon.
South Korea's new ambassador to Japan says North Korea with its ongoing provocations
has boosted bilateral cooperation in frayed Seoul-Tokyo relations and hopes to patch up
ties during his term.
(Korean) "North Korea's nuclear issue has fortunately
become the middle ground where South Korea and Japan can cooperate.
Through the crisis,… high-level Seoul-Tokyo exchanges and communication have become active.
I believe the whole situation in Northeast Asia is unstable, but at the same time, I
trust that there is no room for bilateral ties between our two nations to worsen."
, ..// , , .
Speaking to reporters,.. Lee Su-hoon, a key adviser for President Moon Jae-in since his
election campaign, reaffirmed a two-track approach on Tokyo during his tenure-- working
with Japan on North Korea issues while dealing with historic issues separately.
The new ambassador also expressed hope that Japanese Emperor Akihito visits South Korea.
The remark from the new envoy to Japan comes as there are growing speculations South Korean
lawmakers are pushing for the emperor's visit to Seoul,… in what would be a historic milestone
moment that could improve the two countries' ties, which have back tracked with the so-called
'comfort women' issue.
The South Korean Blue House expressed anticipation that Lee's appointment would contribute to
future-oriented relations between Seoul and Tokyo.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
S. Korea's Q3 GDP expands 1.4%, fastest growth since 2010 - Duration: 1:25.
A positive report card for the South Korean economy.
The country's third-quarter GDP expanded one-point-four percent on-quarter -- a rate of growth not
seen since the turn of the decade.
Lee Unshin starts us off.
South Korea's economy has posted its fastest growth in seven years.
According to the Bank of Korea, between July and September, the nation's gross domestic
product shot up one-point-four percent from the previous quarter.
It's the biggest increase since the second quarter of 2010, when quarterly growth marked
one-point-seven percent.
Thanks to solid shipments of semiconductors, automobiles and chemical products, overall
exports rose six-point-one percent during the third quarter..., a record not seen since
the six-point-four percent increase logged in the first quarter in 2011.
For Asia's fourth largest economy,... exports account for some 40 percent of GDP,...and
the country has been enjoying on-year double digit export growth for nine consecutive months
Along with high global demand for Korean products, the government expanded its spending by two-point-three
percent from the last quarter...and construction investment advanced as well, by some one-and-a-half
As local sales for non-durable goods like medical services and electricity edged up,
private consumption growth also ticked up by zero-point-seven percent.
Lee Unshin, Arirang News.
S. Korea, U.S., and Japan kick off missile warning drills - Duration: 1:44.
The defense chiefs of Seoul, Washington and Tokyo agree to coordinate efforts to resolve
North Korea issues... using not only pressure... but diplomacy.
They also vowed to maintain a high state of readiness against any further provocations
from Pyongyang through continued combined exerdises.
Lee Unshin has the highlights from the tripartite meeting.
South Korea, the U.S. and Japan have kicked off their joint ballistic missile warning
and anti-submarine warfare drills on Tuesday.
The training includes missile detection and tracking exercises to enhance defense capabilities
against possible missile launches from North Korea.
The two-day drills, carried out in the waters off the Korean Peninsula and Japan,... are
the fifth of their kind.
On Monday, Seoul's Defense Minister, Song Young-moo, and his U.S. and Japanese counterparts,...
James Mattis and Itsunori Onodera, reaffirmed the need to up their military preparation,
by continuing to hold joint military drills against Pyongyang's growing provocations.
The three met on the sidelines of the ASEAN security forum in the Philippines, and committed
to supporting trilateral efforts to tackle the North through maximum pressure.
Song added that South Korea is still prioritizing a peaceful solution,... but if Pyongyang were
to use military force on his country,...
Seoul would have no choice but to take strong action.
(Korean) "We understand the weight of engaging in a
war as such.
We would make all efforts necessary to resolve the issue in a diplomatic and economic way."
Tokyo's defense minister however endorsed Washington's view to consider "all options"
on the table... for dealing with the North's recent threats including a pair of missile
launches that flew over Japanese territory.
Lee Unshin Arirang News.
S. Korea becomes one of major donors; hopes to provide rice to developing countries - Duration: 5:11.
Korea has come a long way from picking up the pieces... following the horrific war that
split the nation in two.
Not only did this country rebounded miraculouly to become one of the most prosperous nations
in the world... it made the fastest transition from aid recipient to donor.
Most noteworthy are food security assistance efforts.
For our news features tonight, Oh Jung-hee sheds light on the past, present, and future
of Korea's food assistance.
With natural disasters and political instability,... Afghanistan has approximately 10-million people
who are food-insecure.
Malnutrition and stunted growth are the most prominent problems.
To seek stronger support from the Korean government, Mick Lorentzen, the World Food Programme Country
Director in Afghanistan made his way to Seoul.
Seoul has been supporting the WFP's programs in Afghanistan since 2013... and is now the
second largest donor.
Mr. Lorentzen says... the agency's joint project with Korea on soybeans... has contributed
greatly to improving local nutrition.
Citizens are trained to grow soybeans, a crop common in Korea but not in Afghanistan,...
then harvested beans are used in various foods like naan bread or milk.
(English) "( )Things like the soybean bread, the naan,
has been accepted, they like the taste.
( ) After you do sampling, that seems to work very well.
And as I learned yesterday at the soybean museum, there are many many uses of soybean.
So we're trying to introduce it gradually.
Given the protein and high fiber and everything else in there, it's a probably.. really does
have a big use in Afghanistan."
Korea's assistance also goes toward encouraging children to go to school... to study and eat.
Vocational training is provided for local women... and over 50-thousand residents build
vital infrastructure.
(English) "So the idea is... ( )it's not to be feeding
a black hole all the time, the same people year after a year, it's to find solutions
that empowers the beneficiaries...( ) and hopefully Afghanistan can become another South
Korea in the future."
Korea provides assistance to roughly 30 countries every year through the UN's food relief agency.
A major transformation for Korea... as it was once one of the agency's major recipients.
From 1964 to 1984, Korea received World Food Programme assistance worth over 100-million
dollars for over 20 programs nationwide.
(English) "ROK graduated from WFP's assistance in 20
years and in one generation, it became top 20 donor.
This is a remarkable feat.
So ROK's not only a donor, but actually achieved Zero Hunger.
So it sends out the message of hope to other countries, Zero Hunger is indeed possible."
(Stand-up) "South Korea has become one of the international
community's major donor countries.
And while most of its food assistance has been given through cash contributions,...
the Seoul government now hopes to go one step further,... and provide in-kind assistance
to those countries in need."
Seoul's agriculture ministry is planning to join the Food Assistance Convention, or the
FAC, next year.
The FAC is a 14-nation convention including the U.S., the European Union, and Canada...
that aims to promote global food security and provide humanitarian food assistance to
developing countries.
If the parliament approves the membership this year,... Korea will ship 50-thousand
tons of rice next year...
worth roughly 40-million U.S. dollars.
It's expected to not only meet the most imminent global needs... but also alleviate domestic
overproduction of rice.
(Korean) "There were ups and downs in rice production
before, but during recent years, we've seen constant oversupply of rice from 200 to 300-thousand
tons every year.
So we see that there won't be shortage of rice even if we export some for food assistance.
Korea now has the capacity."
While Korea's assistance will be used for countries in emergencies, concerns remain
about whether in-kind assistance is compatible with long-term development.
It may rather bring down crop prices in local markets and thereby curtail earnings for local
(Korean) "The side-effect of giving in-kind food assistance
is that the local economy may depend more and more on food from overseas.
What's more practical is to discuss together with local authorities and come up with models
on how to achieve economic and social development.
Korea is very strong on that, too."
It's been a long journey for South Korea since the mid-1900s... to now become one of the
world's largest economies.
And what enabled that is not only Korea's own efforts for development... but support
from the international community.
From food... to technology... to development experience...
Korea has lots to share with the world.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Japanese emperor's visit to Seoul will contribute to bilateral ties: S. Korea's envoy to Japan - Duration: 1:42.
South Korea's Ambassador to Japan is feeling the weight of growing expectations and responsibilities.
Not only must Lee Su-hoon... boost cooperation on North Korea's nuclear threat... he'll have
to deal with sensitive historical issues between Seoul and Tokyo.
The new envoy vowed to pursue both goals while mending frayed ties.
Connie Kim has the highlights from his press briefing.
South Korea's new ambassador to Japan says North Korea with its ongoing provocations
has boosted bilateral cooperation in frayed Seoul-Tokyo relations and hopes to patch up
ties during his term.
(Korean) "North Korea's nuclear issue has fortunately
become the middle ground where South Korea and Japan can cooperate.
Through the crisis,… high-level Seoul-Tokyo exchanges and communication have become active.
I believe the whole situation in Northeast Asia is unstable, but at the same time, I
trust that there is no room for bilateral ties between our two nations to worsen."
, ..// , , .
Speaking to reporters,.. Lee Su-hoon, a key adviser for President Moon Jae-in since his
election campaign, reaffirmed a two-track approach on Tokyo during his tenure-- working
with Japan on North Korea issues while dealing with historic issues separately.
The new ambassador also expressed hope that Japanese Emperor Akihito visits South Korea.
The remark from the new envoy to Japan comes as there are growing speculations South Korean
lawmakers are pushing for the emperor's visit to Seoul,… in what would be a historic milestone
moment that could improve the two countries' ties, which have back tracked with the so-called
'comfort women' issue.
The South Korean Blue House expressed anticipation that Lee's appointment would contribute to
future-oriented relations between Seoul and Tokyo.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
S. Korea, U.S., and Japan kick off missile warning drills - Duration: 1:47.
The top defense chiefs of South Korea, the U.S. and Japan have pledged to maintain a
high state of readiness against North Korea,... utilizing both pressure and diplomacy.
Combined military exercises by the three countries that kicked off on Tuesday... are a realization
of the pressure we can expect on the rogue regime.
Lee Unshin has the details.
South Korea, the U.S. and Japan have kicked off their joint ballistic missile warning
and anti-submarine warfare drills on Tuesday.
The training includes missile detection and tracking exercises to enhance defense capabilities
against possible missile launches from North Korea.
The two-day drills, carried out in the waters off the Korean Peninsula and Japan,... are
the fifth of their kind.
On Monday, Seoul's Defense Minister, Song Young-moo, and his U.S. and Japanese counterparts,...
James Mattis and Itsunori Onodera, reaffirmed the need to up their military preparation,
by continuing to hold joint military drills against Pyongyang's growing provocations.
The three met on the sidelines of the ASEAN security forum in the Philippines, and committed
to supporting trilateral efforts to tackle the North through maximum pressure.
Song added that South Korea is still prioritizing a peaceful solution,... but if Pyongyang were
to use military force on his country,...
Seoul would have no choice but to take strong action.
(Korean) "We understand the weight of engaging in a
war as such.
We would make all efforts necessary to resolve the issue in a diplomatic and economic way."
Tokyo's defense minister however endorsed Washington's view to consider "all options"
on the table... for dealing with the North's recent threats including a pair of missile
launches that flew over Japanese territory.
Lee Unshin Arirang News.
S. Korean president calls diplomacy with U.S., China, Japan, Russia crucial in face of growing ... - Duration: 2:42.
President Moon Jae-in has officially appointed his chief of missions to the U.S., China,
Japan and Russia.
As he awarded the four with their credentials, the South Korean leader highlighted the importance
of these countries to South Korea as it faces North Korea's defiant pursuit of nuclear weapons
Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung has more.
South Korea's diplomatic relations with four global powers surrounding the Korean peninsula
is more important now than ever... in the face of North Korea's increasingly defiant
nuclear arms program.
That's President Moon Jae-in... as he stressed the role of his new ambassadors to the U.S.,
China, Japan and Russia... calling for their absolute best to further enhance South Korea's
relations with the countries of their post.
(Korean) "While we seek to diversify our foreign relations
policy by also boosting ties with the EU, ASEAN, and India, it remains unchanged that
our relations with the U.S., Japan, China, and Russia are the foundation of our foreign
EU, , 4 . That's especially true now considering the
grave nature of North Korea's nuclear and missile program.
Our diplomacy with these four countries is especially important for a peaceful resolution
of North Korea's nuclear issue, establishment of a peaceful regime on the Korean peninsula
and the entire Northeast Asia."
, , 4 .
Pointing out that never before have South Korea's ambassadors to all four of these countries
been filled with political appointees...
President Moon said the decision reflects the gravity of these nations to his foreign
policy agenda.
(Korean) "As for our ties with the U.S., not only do
we have the task of further consolidating the bilateral alliance to better cope with
North Korea's nuclear issue, , -
but also other sticking points such as the Korea, U.S. FTA and the issue on how to share
the cost of U.S. troops stationed in Korea."
The president also underscored Seoul's relations with Tokyo and Moscow saying improved ties
with the two are just as crucial in peacefully resolving North Korea's nuclear problem and
ensuring regional cooperation even beyond that.
(Korean) "As far as China is concerned, we face the
task of significantly upgrading our diplomatic relationship to be on par with the bilateral
economic and trade volume, moving beyond the THAAD issue."
South Korea's diplomacy with these four global powers will be put to the test very soon...
with U.S. President Donald Trump set to make his maiden trip to Seoul in less than two
weeks and followed by South Korean President Moon's attendance of the APEC and ASEAN-related
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.
U.S. Department of Commerce issues preliminary anti-dumping duty on S. Korean steel - Duration: 1:34.
New anti-dumping measures on South Korean steel exporters has been announced by Washington.
The U.S. Commerce Department claims products were sold at prices that hurt American industry.
For details we turn to our Lee Jeong-yeon.
The U.S. Department of Commerce has issued preliminary anti-dumping duty determinations
on carbon and alloy steel wire rod from several countries, including South Korea.
Last year, Korea's exports of those products to the U.S. were estimated to be worth 46
million dollars.
According to the Commerce Ministry, South Korean exporters dumped wire rod at "less
than fair value" and therefore POSCO and all other local exporters will have to pay the
U.S. an anti-dumping margin of approximately 10-percent.
That's lower than the 33 to 43 percent initially requested by U.S. steelmakers... and also
significantly lower than duties on similar products from other countries such as the
United Kingdom,... which has a maximum margin of almost 150 percent, and South Africa with
140 percent.
The Commerce Department is scheduled to announce its final anti-dumping decisions at the beginning
of next year.
Speaking to the press on the same day, South Korea's new ambassador to the U.S., Cho Yoon-je,
said that trade between South Korea and the U.S., including the KORUS FTA, has been "favorable."
And though it won't be easy, he said,... he hopes further negotiations on the FTA will
be beneficial to both countries.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News.
S. Korea and U.S. nuclear envoys stress international coordination over North Korea - Duration: 2:27.
Today it was the turn of the U.S. nuclear envoy to meet with his Korean counterpart
in Seoul.
It's the latest in a series of meetings this week between South Korea, the U.S. and Japan,
and today the two diplomats reaffirmed Seoul and Washington's alliance to work together
on the North Korea nuclear crisis.
Kwon Jang-ho has this report.
The South Korean and U.S. top nuclear envoys met on Friday morning, marking the completion
of a series of high-ranking diplomatic meetings this week on North Korea.
Before the two diplomats engaged in official talks, the U.S. representative, Joseph Yun,
extended his congratulations to his South Korean counterpart, Lee Do-hoon, as this was
the first time the two sat down for a one-on-one since Lee was appointed Seoul's Special Representative
for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs one month ago.
(English) "Congratulations for your new appointment.
This is of course not the easiest time to do this job, but that's what we are faced
(English) "Thank you very much for congratulating me...The
burden of the circumstances, my duty weighs very heavily on my shoulders, that I can hardly
stand it."
The two envoys then discussed the North Korean nuclear crisis and ways to tackle it.
They agreed they needed close cooperation from their international partners, built against
the backdrop of a strong South Korea-U.S. alliance.
In particular, they stressed the need for China and Russia to play a greater role in
reining in North Korea and have the regime return to the negotiation table.
The series of meetings this week also included a trilateral discussion among the nuclear
envoys from Seoul, Washington, and Tokyo, as well as a vice-foreign ministerial level
meeting between the three countries.
Besides discussing feasible solutions to peacefully denuclearize Pyongyang, the series of meetings
also preceded U.S. President Donald Trump's upcoming trip to Asia next month.
Trump is scheduled to visit South Korea, China and Japan, followed by stops in Vietnam for
the APEC summit, and Malaysia for the East Asia summit.
Since President Moon Jae-in also confirmed his attendance to both summits, the two leaders
are expected to meet several times besides their bilateral summit in Seoul on November
7 to discuss North Korea's ongoing provocations.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
NATO Secretary General to visit S. Korea to discuss regional security issues - Duration: 0:46.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will visit Seoul next week to discuss North Korea
and regional security in Northeast Asia.
South Korea's foreign ministry says he will arrive next Wednesday and stay for three days.
He will meet with Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha and other high-ranking officials to discuss
how to strengthen South Korea-NATO cooperation on issues such as cyber security, WMD non-proliferation
and terrorism, as well as regional security and North Korea's growing threats.
Stoltenberg will also make a courtesy call to President Moon Jae-in.
His visit is the second by a NATO chief, after then-Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen's
visit in 2013.
Foreign ministers of S. Korea and France agree on stronger sanctions on N. Korea - Duration: 1:49.
Over in Paris, Seoul's top diplomat met with her French counterpart to hold talks on the
same matter.
Among other things, the duo saw eye to eye on the need for tough sanctions to bring the
regime to the dialogue table.
Kim Mok-yeon shares with us what was discussed.
During talks in Paris on Monday, South Korean foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha and her French
counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian agreed on implementing strong sanctions on North Korea, which they
say will eventually lead the reclusive regime to the negotiating table.
Speaking to reporters after the talks, the two officials said that North Korea's nuclear
activities pose a serious threat to the security of the international community, adding that
all options should be employed to solve the issue.
(French) "The ability of North Korea to obtain a nuclear
weapon and especially to achieve the necessary miniaturisation to enable it to be carried
by a ballistic missile is a serious breach of the non-proliferation treaty, and a serious
threat to the security of the world."
(Korean) Edit No1180 "The nuclear threat from North Korea is at
a very serious state.
North Korea is developing its nuclear missile capacity at a very fast pace, and as the minister
has mentioned, this is not a problem just for South Korea also the biggest problem concerning
the international community."
In another meeting with the Korean press afterwards, Kang said that through her visit to Europe,
she was able to confirm the international society's support for Seoul's decisive role
in dealing with Pyongyang.
She added that a lot could be learned from how the EU member countries were able to solve
Iran's nuclear issue through dialogue.
Kang also said that South Korea and France plan to hold their third strategic dialogue
at a mutually convenient time in Seoul next year for further discussion and cooperation.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
Funny Animal Cartoons
Presentacion del Canal :D - Duration: 1:12.
NOVO ! bolinho de peito de frango com creme de milho - Duration: 5:40.
[Matsuoka Alice] Otome Drama CD - Translation 【Diabolic Lovers ☩ Raito Sakamaki 】 - Duration: 12:13.
Your unaware, oblivious sleeping expression is,
Utterly pleasant to watch,
Divinely tasty...!
You are finally waking up...
Now Bitch chan,
Open your mouth,
That would do !
The special Reiji's,
Under the counter Xanax, you like it ?!
Bitch chan you've done it !
You mean little pest !
Shooting that foot straight into my guts...
That just had,
The opposite effect, you know...?
Now i have to exert my revenge for the pain you inflicted upon me,
With a payback of my own,
Which game should we play...?
I got one,
I will use this,
To closely tie up your body,
And start with my revenge...?
Don't move,
I am going to restrain your whole body with this rope !
But would you really perceive this as a punishment ?!
Being the masochiste you are, i have doubts i must say !
Your hands are bound you, know ?
If you keep on tugging hard like that,
You will only hurt yourself, ok ?!
It seems like Reji's Special is working alright...
What a cutie...
That face exulting anticipation,
Your expression oozing of sexual expectations,
I will meet the challenge,
You present me with,
Let's get on with it then,
We will start with this,
Like this...
That hurts ?
But don't worry,
Since it's you, i guarantee that you will soon like it...!
Your body is gleefully accepting it,
Bitch chan you really are,
Quite the little pest...!
Getting all hot by such stimulation...
Bitch chan you really are,
The biggest pervert of them all...!
You have toothpaste all over it,
Bitch chan,
It refreshes you, isn't it ?
Fear thou not !
For I will,
Lick it away !
Bitch chan,
That was cute !
You make me want to do more perverted things to you...
Eat it,
Come on...!
Open your mouth...!
Come on now ! Lick it,
I don't want to hear any of your objection !
Is it delicious ?
Yes, yes...
You are doing fine,
Your eyes are sparkling with unshead tears...
I too,
Will lick you...
Bitch chan,
Your glistening muscles,
Jumped, you know...
Am i doing right ?
How naughty !
Right here as well,
So lewd !
You respond so openly,
It makes you feel that good ?
You've became gifted at seducing me,
Bitch chan....
Here you go again..!
Even though you like it...
You climaxed,
Do you really want me to stop it...?
Knowing how good it feels,
Let's play more enjoyable games, alright...
Your face too is,
Melting with pleasure,
What is it ?
My finger,
Felt great ?
You have goosbumps on your flesh,
The body don't lie,
They say...
Do you want me to touch you more ?
Well, why not...
Seems that the time,
Has come...
And i am also reaching my limit,
I am going to step up a notch,
Come on,
Show me,
Everything you have,
Oh yes !
Bitch chan !
I want more !
Bitch chan !
You're coiling up like a spring,
So good !
Incredible noise !
You feel,
So good,
Inside too !
Yeah !
Alright !
I'll give it to you !
I'll pour out everything,
I have inside you !
Yes !
Oh yes !
Me too !
We'll cum together !
Together !
Come on !
Coax me for more my Bitch chan,
You prefer to bask in the aftermath ?
Now let's,
Change location ?
Ok ?
If i may ?
My fair lady,
Seeing as you cannot stand up on your own,
This gentleman will,
Offer his arms for you to be carried,
Let's go ?
We will do more and more,
Lustful things,
Be ready for what is coming...
Ok ?
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