ladies and gentlemen I'm about to show you guys an old Seaboard railroad
crossing well what's left of it anyways so this sign here as you can see is
ancient look at it looks like it's been through hell and back right so this here
is a border this is North West 35th Avenue facing south facing north this is
actually the border between Hialeah and Miami Florida so yeah once again look at
this sign how old it is look at all the rust on it it's actually still yeah
still planted it's no firm I don't know who's the genius that decided to put
these 2 poles to cover it but yeah this is definitely a relic over here, so I'm gonna go ahead and
show you the spur which is just a few feet ahead or what's left of the spur
all right come along so right now I'm standing on what would have been the
spur, that's facing west and as you can see it came through that
curve over there on the street itself there is no visible signs no traces or
rails cross ties nothing the only visible remnant is where the cross bucks
stood which is over here oh I just saw a cross tie, I'll show it to you right now so
this was where the cross buck stood there is no emergency contact info nothing
left however there is a cross tie over here
see it and I'm gonna show you guys what I see
through the fence here
so yeah guys
Once again looking West
looking East
there's nothing there but a boat
nothing at all
all right guys please subscribe or like thank you very much for viewing over and out
For more infomation >> Railroad Crossing Former Site - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
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Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:07.
Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:05.
Subaru Legacy - Duration: 1:09.
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Grande Fratello Vip, pianto disperato di Cecilia Rodriguez: Mi sento sporca | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:49.
U&D, Gemma e Giorgio sono ancora innamorati? La frase della Galgani spiazza | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:31.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:52.
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Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:51.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:49.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:50.
Kako zamenjati motorno olje in oljni filter na MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 VODIČ | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:06.
Use a torx №T30
Using a special wrench, unscrew the oil filter housing cover
Use a socket №13
Audi A3 - Duration: 0:53.
배우 김재범♥고효진 결혼|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:33.
1 - 1 Pulpo Brodet | Cocina de pescadores | Cocinando en el mar - Duration: 6:06.
Is Medic Class Useless ??! | Battlefield 1 Funny Epic Highlights and Plays | 2017 | BF1 Montage - Duration: 5:19.
Is Medic Class Useless ??! - Battlefield 1 Funny Epic Highlights, Plays, and Montage
They Push
We Pu.... YAYYY!!
I'm Joking, I'm joking , Im Joking
We will look death in the eye
and we will fight
It was at this moment Jackson knew
He F***ed up
Yeaaa,, Boiiii!!
Commercial Break!
I'm I safe here?!!
Why is it lagging now?!
Oh my god, did you see that?!
did you kill him?!
yeahh, with a rocket!!
(I'm shooting at my friend)
(laughing) It's ben, it's ben
You blew up my bike... you piece of Sh*t
Thanks for watching :D
Please drop us a like if you liked the video, and a comment to tell us what you think of it
and don't forget to subscribe
Drop the Mic
Railroad Crossing Former Site - Duration: 2:34.
ladies and gentlemen I'm about to show you guys an old Seaboard railroad
crossing well what's left of it anyways so this sign here as you can see is
ancient look at it looks like it's been through hell and back right so this here
is a border this is North West 35th Avenue facing south facing north this is
actually the border between Hialeah and Miami Florida so yeah once again look at
this sign how old it is look at all the rust on it it's actually still yeah
still planted it's no firm I don't know who's the genius that decided to put
these 2 poles to cover it but yeah this is definitely a relic over here, so I'm gonna go ahead and
show you the spur which is just a few feet ahead or what's left of the spur
all right come along so right now I'm standing on what would have been the
spur, that's facing west and as you can see it came through that
curve over there on the street itself there is no visible signs no traces or
rails cross ties nothing the only visible remnant is where the cross bucks
stood which is over here oh I just saw a cross tie, I'll show it to you right now so
this was where the cross buck stood there is no emergency contact info nothing
left however there is a cross tie over here
see it and I'm gonna show you guys what I see
through the fence here
so yeah guys
Once again looking West
looking East
there's nothing there but a boat
nothing at all
all right guys please subscribe or like thank you very much for viewing over and out
YouTube TV Now Available
Alex Rodriguez Texted J.Lo in the Middle of Their First Date - Duration: 3:15.
Alex Rodriguez Texted J.Lo in the Middle of Their First Date
Like, from the bathroom. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, or, as Vanity Fair dubs them, J-Rod, are one of Hollywoods hottest couples, but their dating history isnt without its flukes.
For the magazines Mr and Mrs. Smith-esque November cover, which was photographed by Mario Testino, the pair opened up about their first date to writer Bethany McLean.
Rodriguez, who wasnt even sure if they were on a date or just catching up, recalls excusing himself to use the restroom when he heard that Lopez was single.
It was from the bathroom of Hotel Bel Air that he made his move. Recalls Lopez, "So I'm sitting there and he's walking back, and I get a text.
'You look sexy AF. " Charming! A conventional definition of smooth may have you believe that things would all be downhill from there, but lucky for Rodriguez, a sexy AF text was all it took to woo one of the most successful women in entertainment.
Well, that and their commonalities: We are very much twins," Rodriguez said, using a familial analogy we wouldnt usually suggest when describing a significant other.
"We're both Leos; we're both from New York; we're both Latino and about 20 other things." Other revealing quirks detailed in the profile include Rodriguezs love of baseball metaphors — he recalls the timeline of their first date by innings (she told me around the third or fourth inning that she was single), and refers to overcoming personal challenges as rounding first base — and Lopezs unique strategy for plowing through a difficult workout.
At the crescendo of an extremely challenging kettlebell class, McLean writes that the 48-year-old coped by casually busting out in song. Lopez and Rodriguez have had their fair share of headline-making relationships in the past (remember, of course, the original Bennifer and Rodriguezs relationship with another icon, Madonna), but they believe this one will be the one that lasts.
Adds Lopez, I understand him in a way that I dont think anyone else could..
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Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI AMBITION PRO LINE S | NAVI | SPORTSTOELEN | S-LINE 2X | XENON | - Duration: 0:59.
HANA & WEN'S 日本慶功遊記 東京OK OK之旅DAY6(池袋Sunshine City+巢鴨找佐為+新宿二丁目+上野阿美橫町) - Duration: 6:26.
Minecraft crafting for MICE presentation - Duration: 2:34.
Press e to open inventory
Get achievement
no further instructions
checking next achievement
Chop some wood
Get achievement
Make a work bench with 4 planks
planks have not been explained yet
planks crafted from wood
get achievement
make a pickaxe with planks and sticks
pickaxe must be made on crafting table
no actual recipe shape is given
player is expected to know or figure out how
sticks crafted
not enough planks for pickaxe
craft more planks
craft pickaxe shape
crafting axe to make wood cutting faster
craft a stone pickaxe (stone is not mentioned)
mining stone under the pond
get 3 pieces cobblestone for pickaxe
ignore the lama
get achievement at last
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