There are two ways to escape this prison, Relics.
By losing your life...
...or by dedicating your life to my master.
Diffrider! Are you one of those Apostles?!
What do you mean to do with us?!
What is this?!
I am Evil Deity Bishop, Gastille.
I am an Apostle of the Deity of Destruction, Gyze,
and leader of the Apostles.
All right.
We'll deal with it here. You get some rest.
That was Kiba.
Valeos, one of the Apostles, showed up at Kiba's house.
I see.
At around the same time the enemy came here to deliver a declaration of war,
Noa Hoshizaki took Chrono Shindou away.
On top of that, an Apostle went to Kiba's house.
And he used a Zeroth Dragon.
I'm going to tackle this myself.
Anjou, you're support.
I want to ask Sendou and Kai for their continued cooperation.
In the meantime, we'll protect Vanguard and the average fighters.
Well, leave it to us.
I'm counting on you guys.
Be safe, Chrono.
Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon
What do you people want?!
We desire but one thing.
The being that will destroy everything!
Our master, who rules over destruction and chaos as the incarnation of nothingness!
I'm talking about none other than the arrival of Gyze!
And for that purpose, I wish to have your help.
It all depends on your visit here.
Where are we?!
Only a strong fighter who can endure Gyze's power is worthy of becoming its "vessel."
That is, one who has beaten a Diffrider.
Essentially, diffriding can only be achieved
by a human and unit that have a strong bond of imagination.
So to defeat it, that bond should be destroyed.
For that reason I created Relics, the prison of souls.
I hope Chrono is okay...
What's with the long face?
Are you thinking about that guy again?
Sheesh, that swirly-head...
I don't know why he didn't win there.
If he had, he could've sent him back.
Well, he's not the kind of guy who'd die that easily, so don't worry about him.
You're right.
More importantly, they may be targeting you too.
I'll walk you home.
At next year's Under 20, it's gonna be you, me, and Final Justice!
'Cause I'm gonna win!
But the teams aren't decided yet.
What are you talkin' about?!
You want a teammate who can be counted on to lead the team to victory!
And that can only be me! That's me!
Taiyou Asukawa, I presume?
Who are you?
I am an Apostle of Gyze, Aqua Force Marshal Valeos.
Then you beat Shion?!
You are a candidate to be a "vessel."
Fight me.
Don't think of trying anything funny.
We have Chrono Shindou.
You get my drift?
Don't worry.
If you win, we'll return Chrono Shindou.
Stand up...
...Z Vanguard!
...Vanguard! ...Z Vanguard!
Sever the bond between a unit and a fighter?!
After a "vessel" candidate comes to Relics,
the bond they have with their avatar, the unit from planet Cray, becomes eroded.
My master rewarded me with that cursed power.
And Relics is where I put that power into operation.
The skills of the diffriding Apostle Darkface's human host
have proven unexpectedly useful.
Huh? I've seen that face before...
Ryuzu Myoujin's scientist?
The mark that has been made upon you is the sign of Gyze's vessel.
When it is complete, the bond between you and your avatar unit will be severed.
Then you will be able to serve as a host for my master.
You will become Gyze itself!
Turn end.
Right now it's 2 to 3...
Roar! Endless blue wave!
Blue Wave Marshal, Valeos!
Blue blast that summons destruction!
Stride Generation!
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon!
Stride skill.
Your Vanguard is fixed at 11000 power.
Blue Wave Marine General, Galleass!
I attack with Flood Hazard!
Perfect guard!
Triple drive.
First check. Second check...
Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Blue Wave Marine General, Foivos!
Third check.
Critical trigger.
I give the power to Foivos, and the extra critical to Flood Hazard!
To your Vanguard, who's done attacking...
...Does it have a skill to stand?!
Foivos's skill is activated on the third attack.
+2000 power, and it stands at the end of the battle.
No guard!
Damage check!
Even if I draw a trigger, I can't increase my Vanguard's power!
I stand Foivos.
Blue Wave Recruit, Kosty's skill.
I draw one card.
Foivos attacks once more!
Guard! Intercept!
Flood Hazard's skill is activated on the fourth attack.
Flood Hazard stands!
Drive minus 3.
Generation Guard!
Sacred Heaven Prayer Master, Reia!
With its skill, +5000 shield!
How you like them apples?! He hung on for five attacks in a row!
Not good enough.
Show me your power!
I'll... become Gyze?
That's right.
There's a reason Gyze has gone to the trouble of coming to this world.
Long ago, after the disastrous war with Genesis Deity, Messiah,
the elemental mass that made up the Zeroth Dragons was sealed away
and sent to this planet.
We used the method of diffriding to come here and take back that power.
And when all of the Zeroth Dragons have been subdued, Gyze will destroy the world!
Generation Zone unleashed!
Stride Generation!
Master Swordsman of First Light, Gurguit Helios!
Our team is going to challenge Chrono next year!
So I'm definitely gonna get Chrono back!
Stride skill! Superior call!
Unite activated! Kinarius's Unite, +4000 power!
Knight of Sunny Day, Salonius's Unite!
All of my units get +2000 power!
Coel's Unite!
I superior call Conanus! +2000 power!
Conanus's Unite! +5000 power!
Master Swordsman of First Light, Gurguit Helios's Unite!
You can't guard against this unit's attacks with grade 1 guards or higher!
Also, +5000 power for each rear-guard unit!
And drive plus 1!
It is different from the whole army reinforcement of Sunrise Ray Radiant Sword
and the chain attacks of Holy Sword of Heavenly Law!
Gurguit's one point breakthrough!
Taiyou got the possibility of a new future!
Go, Salonius!
Gurguit Helios attacks your Vanguard!
No guard!
Quadruple drive!
First check. Second check!
Critical trigger!
I give the power to Kinarius, and the extra critical to Gurguit Helios!
Third check! Final check!
Stand trigger!
I stand Salonius, and give the power to Kinarius!
I won't let you...
...have our future!
He's got him on the ropes with 5 damage!
Salonius, one more time!
Kinarius attacks!
Including the boost, Kinarius has 41000 power!
He can do this!
Generation Guard!
Blue Wave Armor General, Galfilia!
And then guard!
Darn it! But now he has zero cards in his hand and on the board!
I see...
Taiyou Asukawa, you are suitable to be Gyze's "vessel."
No matter what...
...I must offer you to Gyze!
And now I'll show you a Zeroth Dragon!
Stand and draw!
At the cost of the same card as the Vanguard...
I'm putting the possibility of my future on the line
to offer you up to Gyze!
If I lose the fight,
all of the cards in my Generation Zone will never return.
Devour my future and manifest!
Magallanica's Zeroth Dragon!
Ultimate Stride!
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
Megiddo's skill.
I superior call five units from the Drop Zone.
All five units get +5000 power.
He powered up by bringing units back from the Drop Zone?!
Blue Wave Dragon, Arsenal Fleet Dragon!
Megiddo's skill activated.
After its attack, it can switch places with another rear-guard.
Switch places?!
How many times does he intend to attack?!
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo attacks your Vanguard!
Salonius's skill!
I look at the top two cards of my deck
and superior call them to the Guardian Circle!
Unite activated!
Golden Holy Sword, Gurguit's Unite!
All of my rear-guard units can intercept from the back row!
Also, guard!
Triple drive!
First check. Draw trigger!
I give the power to Megiddo and draw one card.
Second check.
With one trigger card, he'll be able to guard against the remaining attack.
Third check...
Critical trigger. I give all of the effects to Megiddo.
Darn it!
There's no need to be ashamed.
Before Gyze, everything is meaningless.
The world will be silent!
Thanks to a certain human child...
...forming a bond with a unit from the planet Cray,
a path opened up between the two worlds.
And based on that, someone who connected the two worlds appeared.
At last we were able to come to this land!
You have lost a fight with an Apostle.
So go to Relics, the prison of souls!
Darn it!
Everything began with you.
I am sincerely grateful to you, Gear Chronicle Singularity,
Chrono Shindou.
Hey, we're getting out of here!
Is this any time to be takin' a nap?!
What is this?
That appears and disappears.
It disappeared...
Um, Rin, what are you...
A stuck-up jerk challenged me... I figured I would crush him, but...
...he dumped me here.
In other words, you fought him and lost.
Nothing, never mind!
Relics is in fine form again today!
A number of "vessels" are coming, so get things ready to choose the best one.
Leave it to me, your grace.
By the way, when is Gredora coming?
Her Majesty the Queen will be here before long.
Everything is going smoothly.
I can almost hear the screams of the world as it waits impatiently for silence.
Hey, Tsuneto.
When you say "Let's get out of here," do you actually know of a way?
Leave it to me!
When I was a kid, they called me "Maze Master Tsune."
What the heck is that?
But since you're bragging so much, I suppose you must have a decent plan.
If we follow the left wall and keep going, we'll definitely reach the goal.
That works 100% of the time, even in giant mazes!
What do you think, Chrono? Are you filled with awe?
Turn 5 Street Burning with Vengeance
What should we do? Turn 5 Street Burning with Vengeance
I was a fool for counting on him, even for a moment. Turn 5 Street Burning with Vengeance
Turn 5 Street Burning with Vengeance
For more infomation >> [Sub][TURN 4] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Zeroth Dragon - Duration: 26:24.-------------------------------------------
[Sub][TURN 3] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Blue Wave Marshal Valeos - Duration: 26:25.
My master has...
Turn 3 Blue Wave Marshal Valeos
Master Shion...
What are you doing here?
I had a feeling I was summoned.
By Fides...
Blazing Sword, Fides, passed down through the generations of the Kiba family...
It's the symbol of the will of a righteous person
who defeats evildoers and aids those who are weak of mind.
If Fides came from the planet Cray, does it have some connection to Diffrider?
This is the place?
Who are you? What did you do to the guards?
Fides must disappear...
...from this world, forever.
You're after Fides?
Inheritor of Fides, if you stand in my way, I'll eradicate you too!
Begone, Fides!
Master Shion!
I suppose there is a difference in the weapons.
Why are you targeting Fides?
For the sake of my master.
Master? You mean Gastille?
Gastille is our leader.
I have but one master: Gyze.
The Deity of Destruction you Apostles are plotting to resurrect...
You don't understand, do you?
The magnificence of Gyze...
That's when I had an epiphany.
That I should cling to the absolute existence before my eyes.
Everything would return to nothingness before the power of Gyze.
There was no other path for me but to follow him.
If Gyze desires destruction, then I must comply with that will.
But why go after Fides?
The answer is in here.
I'm going to annihilate Fides.
Fight me!
I accept your challenge.
If I win the fight, I'm going to send the unit diffriding you back to Cray.
By doing that, I'll foil your plans and protect Fides.
What's your name?
Aqua Force Marshal Valeos.
Stand up...
...the Vanguard! ...Z Vanguard!
Knight of Discipline, Alectos!
Blue Wave Recruit, Kosty!
I ride Knight of Respect, Diotius!
I ride Beragios.
I ride Knight of Encouragement, Albion!
Stand and draw.
I ride Blue Wave Marine General, Galleass.
I attack your Vanguard!
No guard.
Damage check.
He hasn't gotten serious yet... I will.
Stand and draw!
Stand up, my new sword!
Knight of Heavenly Decree, Altmile!
Is that your avatar?
Altmile attacks!
Belenus's skill.
I send this unit to the Soul!
Altmile gets +5000 power!
Twin drive!
Second check! Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Altmile!
If you want to defeat me, you'll have to use Fides.
It seems you're fond of Fides.
We who live on Cray will never forget it.
The planet Cray?!
Some time ago, Gyze and we, his Apostles,
drove the world to the brink of destruction.
We were helped by the six Zeroth Dragons.
They're mighty dragons that Gyze produced from an elemental mass.
But some people foolishly tried to oppose us.
They were Genesis Deity, Messiah and his supporters.
As Gyze oversees destruction and chaos, Messiah governs creation and order,
so they are polar opposites.
In the wake of my loss to Fides, my army lost its power and Gyze was sealed away.
I am responsible for all of it.
Blazing Sword, Fides...
All because of a single sword...
Hatred. That's why you've come after Fides?
Don't get the wrong idea. This isn't a personal grudge.
It's for my master, Gyze.
I'm going to get rid of Fides, the one thing that's dangerous to Gyze.
Roar! Endless blue wave!
Blue Wave Marshal, Valeos!
This is Valeos...
Your true self?
Behold the power of my Aqua Force.
Blue blast that summons destruction!
Stride Generation!
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon!
Flood Hazard Dragon...
Stride skill.
Your Vanguard is fixed at 11000 power.
So even if he draws a damage trigger, the power won't increase.
And his opponent is using Aqua Force, a clan that specializes in chain attacks.
Master Shion...
I created the Absolute Justice Armada, Aqua Force.
The Aqua Force you know isn't even in the same league.
Galleass attacks.
Galleass gains two skills.
First skill. If it's the first attack this turn, Galeos stands.
The Galleass I just stood attacks Escort!
Blue roar of death, reverberate in the depths of despair!
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon attacks!
Galleass's second skill. After it attacks the Vanguard, it stands.
+2000 power!
A single unit can attack three times?!
Triple drive.
Draw trigger.
I give the power to Galleass.
Second check. Third check.
Critical trigger.
I give all of the effects to Flood Hazard Dragon!
After the fourth attack, Flood Hazard's skill is activated.
Stand. Drive minus 3.
Beragios's skill.
After the Vanguard stands, it stands.
What successive attacks!
Galleass attacks!
Damage check.
Critical trigger.
I give all of the effects to Altmile.
But the power is frozen at 11000.
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon attacks!
It ends here.
Master Shion!
Generation Guard!
Divine Knight of Godly Defense, Igraine!
Soulblast! +10000 shield!
And then guard!
Six attacks in one turn...
This is Valeos's Aqua Force.
The countdown to Fides's annihilation has begun.
I'll stop that clock.
You can't stop our plans.
We have already obtained the Zeroth Dragons.
Zeroth Dragons...
After sealing away the Zeroth Dragons, Messiah sent the first holy sword, Fides,
to this world, where it couldn't be reached.
But we were able to come to this world through diffriding.
Thanks to the Singularity known as Chrono Shindou...
Don't tell me that...
As the resurrected Gyze's tools, the six Zeroth Dragons will destroy the world.
Did the first holy sword, Fides, entrust my ancestor
with Blazing Sword, Fides, for a time like this?
Then I'll live up to that promise!
Valeos, Fides will defeat you once more!
And I'll prevent Gyze's return!
Altmile's skill!
I superior call Knight of Ambuscade, Redon!
+4000 power!
And with Redon's skill, +3000 power!
Righteous one, use that radiance to smite everything!
Stride the Generation!
Blazing Sword, Fides!
Justice for all humanity is in a tight spot.
For the sake of the future, lend me your power, Fides!
Stride Skill!
I superior call Support Sorcerer of Damascus!
+4000 power!
Fides's skill!
I superior call Counteroffensive Knight, Suleiman!
Fides gains a skill.
Alectos's skill.
To the Soul!
Redon attacks Valeos!
Suleiman attacks!
Skill activated!
I superior call Albion!
+2000 power!
Albion attacks!
Skill activated!
I superior call Redon!
+3000 power!
Generation Guard!
Blue Wave Armor General, Galfilia!
Its skill is activated on the third attack.
+5000 shield!
Fides, lend me your power to protect the future!
Fides's Brave!
I retire Beragios!
Also, Fides and Redon each get +5000 power!
No guard.
Triple drive!
Critical trigger!
I give the power to Redon and the extra critical to Fides!
I will protect the future!
5 damage! Master Shion!
Redon attacks!
It didn't go through!
Is this the best you can do after putting Fides into play?
Reading the wind, reading the waves, reading the time.
You couldn't do those things, so only death is left for you.
After biding my time for many years,
I'm sending up the signal here announcing Gyze's return!
The tide is high. The time has come.
At the cost of the same card as the Vanguard,
a Zeroth Dragon can appear, depending on the fight.
But with that, I have to put everything on the line.
If I lose the fight this way,
all of the cards in my Generation Zone go up in flames, never to return.
It means the fighter and units lose all possibilities to spin a future together.
Devour my future and manifest!
Magallanica's Zeroth Dragon!
Ultimate Stride!
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
Zeroth Dragon, Megiddo! What power!
Megiddo's skill.
I superior call five units from my hand and the Drop Zone.
All five units get +5000 power.
Five units at the same time?!
Valeos attacks!
Megiddo's skill activated.
After its attack, it switches place with another rear-guard.
Switches place?!
Then he can attack six times, or even more than that?!
Tremble with despair.
Galleass attacks!
Galleass switches place!
Galleass switches place!
I attack Albion!
No guard!
I, who bear all responsibility for failure, have been given
this chance to destroy Fides.
Victory is the only thing I can offer Gyze.
Valeos attacks!
Zeroth Dragon is still there...
Now it's your turn to go to sleep... forever.
When the blue scales tremble, the judgment between life and death is bestowed.
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
No guard...
Triple drive.
Critical trigger.
Critical trigger.
Critical trigger!
I give everything to Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
How long I have waited for this moment... You should experience my impatience firsthand!
Perish, Fides!
Inheritor of Blazing Sword, Fides, which once saved the world...
You won the Under 20 championship, but lost to the Diffriders, and now lost to me.
You're not even a prospective vessel, so you're not going to Relics...
...but to hell.
The world will be silent!
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
Master Shion! It's dangerous here!
Oh no...
Master Shion!
The symbol of a righteous person...
Fides has been obliterated.
Now all obstacles against Gyze's return have been removed.
Useless resistance...
What the heck is going on here?!
Okay, one more time!
It doesn't make sense!
Darn it! It doesn't make sense!
In the first place, where are we?!
What is it?!
Suddenly felt a burning...
Just one was red before, but now it's two.
Like some kind of countdown?
Maybe when all six are red, a bomb goes off or something?
Did you hear that?
Somebody's coming!
Hey! Help us!
Wait. They're not necessarily on our side.
This is Relics, the prison of souls.
Once you enter here, you can never leave.
Friend of yours?
Yeah, right. Who are you?!
There are two ways to escape this prison, Relics.
By losing your life...
...or dedicating your life to my master.
Fides has been destroyed by the transcendent power of Zeroth Dragon.
Now nothing stands in the way of Gyze's return.
Valeos, you have shown me your loyalty to Gyze.
Bishop Gastille, what is the next plan?
We'll pay our respects to the greatest contributor to our cause.
As Gyze wishes...
The world will fall silent...
Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon The world will fall silent...
Before the destruction of our god! Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon
Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon
NCIS: Los Angeles - Digging Deeper - Duration: 5:12.
NCIS: Los Angeles - Another Shot - Duration: 4:20.
میرا نام نادیہ ہے اور مجھے ایک اچھے رشتہ کی تلاش ہے - Duration: 6:08.
ปลานึ่งขิง - Duration: 1:41.
Steamed Fish with Ginger
Ground pepper ¼ tsp
Oyster sauce 1 tsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Fish 500 g
Ginger ½ cup
Spring onion ¼ cup
Steam 15-20 min.
Red chili 1 tbsp
1-2 serve
Holly Willoughby's This Morning SELLS OUT £100 swimsuit in less that 24 hours as fans obsess over - Duration: 2:38.
Holly Willoughby SELLS OUT this £100 swimsuit in less that 24 hours as fans obsess over This Morning presenter's candid beach snap: 'Hottest woman on the planet'
HOLLY Willoughby's This Morning outfits are known for selling out, especially if they're high street – and it seems that the Holly effect doesn't stop on daytime TV.
Holly Willoughbys latest Instagram selfie has caused huge sales [Instagram].
Holly Willoughby – best known for hosting This Morning on ITV with friend Phillip Schofield – has made headlines recently by sharing a glimpse into her out of work life, something the blonde beauty rarely does.
Married to Dan Baldwin – who has a surprising role on Celebrity Juice – with three children, the 36 year old keeps to herself during holidays.
However, this half term break, Fearne Cotton's best friend has left fans obsessing after posting a swimsuit selfie on a beach during her last trip away.
Posing on the beach, with her hair loosely tied up, very little makeup on, wearing a black swimsuit and a gold chain necklace, the beauty captioned the image: "And with the blink of an eye half term hols were over..back at home and this already seems a distant memory…".
Fans are going crazy for the This Morning presenters latest picture, showing off her natural beauty [Instagram].
The black swimsuit Holly is wearing is a classic black one piece by Hunza G [Beach Flamingo]. And fans are going crazy for the snap – and more importantly – Holly's amazing natural looks.
One fan shared: "Hottest woman on the planet in my eyes," while another wrote: "You literally look incredible. But it seems it's not just Holly's looks fans are loving, it's the classic black swimsuit the star is wearing in the snap.
They love it so much in fact, that the £100 Hunza G swimsuit has sold out on Beach Flamingo, a luxury online swimwear retailer. The item is sold out on Beach Flamingo, but the Hunza G website still has stock [Hunza G].
The black classic one piece is made from a seersucker textured lycra mix, with a low cut back and front for a flattering silhouette.
But if you're in love with the swimming costume – like so many other people are – the good news is that you can buy the same item off the Hunza G website for £120.
The item also comes in a range of colours from purple, yellow and pink to red, blue and white.
In other Holly Willoughby fashion news, it was recently revealed that the TV presenter makes one exception to her style rule on This Morning.
Holly Willoughbys This Morning outfits also have a habit of selling out after the mum of two steps onto camera in the pieces [Holly Willoughby/Instagram]. Find out what her rule is here, and the reason she breaks it.
Xem Tướng Bả Vai Biết Ngay Vận Mệnh Sướng Khổ Sang Hèn Của Một Người - Duration: 11:54.
BIG aquarium move - Duration: 6:58.
Come on in if you could find a spot
I decided I would drain the tank down as far as I could be
375 gallons with 120 gallon sump this was going to be incredibly difficult to move without draining most of the water however
I didn't want to rip the tank apart move the fish
So I decided let me drain enough water so that the fish can still swim in the aquarium
But I can easily move it with some help, and that's kind of what I did
I got my friend Gary to come over and we slowly inched the
375 gallons
eight feet in that direction
Doing this is extremely dangerous. You could break your tank your stand could collapse. It could catch something on the floor
You could tip it over. There's so many variables that can go wrong, so I highly suggest you do not move aquariums like this
However, you guys know me. I've done this thing several times many times over, and if you're going to move a large aquarium
It's always best to inch it side by side at a time making sure that the ground is flat
And there's no twisting occurring in the stand and of course being acrylic also helps
There's if any twisting of any sort occurs a lot of the times the acrylic and withstand it as opposed to glass which can
fracture and stress under those conditions
This wasn't easy it took us about an hour to move it over
But I got it in place filled the tank back up late last night and got everything sort of running clearly
it's a mess in here, and I have
So much more left to do basically I was able to get the filtration back up and running as well as one light installed some
Pumps going essentially the life support system is now up and going no. I'll spend the rest of the day
Cleaning Up getting all the equipment back up and running and of course fixing the scape because a few of the things tipped over
I probably should have started the video out with this
But why did I move my 375 gallon rainbow fish tank in the first place the answer is quite simple
My office used to be on the other side of that. I realized
I don't really use my office I can edit videos from wherever and ultimately that's all I was doing there when I was in there
I felt claustrophobic
And I couldn't really see anything ideally it would have been a nice little area if I had only had this 375
But there's so many more tanks that I want to look at and be inspired by on a daily basis
Just as much as you guys were however when I got back from that trip in London England
Which was absolutely amazing by the way I came in here, and it just didn't feel welcoming anymore
I didn't feel comfortable in here, and I just like I said just felt kind of claustrophobic. I was tripping over things
I was always kind of trying to get around things
I just really wanted to open it up more so move the tank over to the side put a little desk here
Which I've got to clean up and make it more practical and even then I don't need a desk in here
But sometimes we do things on tables and whatnot and it's nice to have somewheres to sit
Edit and you know observe the aquarium's
so that's exactly what I did it also helps that when I'm thinking about setting up these last four aquariums and the
375 was right here
I was thinking how am I gonna get these out to set them up because I got to pull them out plumb them
I'm actually gonna pull some of the tanks out to scape them
But how am I going to do that with the 375 there?
And you know ultimately all roads lead to move the 375 against the wall all it in the long run it actually looks realy good
Now of course bare with me because the light is not really hooked up. It's not centered where I wanted
It's kind of just dangling there. This is the Ecotech g4 absolutely amazing light by the way the freshwater version never had the salt
Has existential crisis
This tank is going to look absolutely incredible
I made sure I kept it up from the wall by about five or six inches
I did that for two reasons one it adds an illusion of depth with the with the blanked out wall there once
This is all lit up. It's gonna look like the aquarium keeps going two
It made sure that I didn't have to keep moving the tank an additional five or six inches
But really the 375 gallons aquarium being here. There's not a whole lot that's going to change
I will slightly change the scape to be more of a
Favorable side this way
But it's interesting to me because we've already scaped the back of it as well meaning that it's covered in moss on the other side
So it's gonna give it a much fuller look
The only real difference in equipment though is I move the wave makers those Ecotec MP 20s
I believe those are to this side of the aquarium, so we have flow coming in both directions
You'll notice a couple of things the substrate is cleared up considerably as well as there's no algea issues in this tank
Whatsoever the one thing that some people have noticed that have a good eye is
The moss on the wood doesn't look as healthy as it once did and one of the things about moss is is actually a great
particle filter so when the aquarium's
Blowing up all of that debris that we had in the tank from removing that aqua soil in the past a lot of that
Soil got absorbed or caught up in the moss, which is fine because it actually loves it
It's a great nutrient resource for them, but it doesn't look very happy right now. It's still growing
It's still healthy is still doing fine, but within a few weeks
I've actually decided to just leave it on there and let it use it as you know some nutrients but within a few weeks
It'll look back to you know that really lush. Green look. I might trim it up a little bit
I'm actually even considering increasing the intensity of lighting seeing if I can get it to react differently
But we'll see what happens a lot of the rainbows are doing really well
They're growing the Ray right here doing really well. This wasn't really meant to be an update quite frankly
I'm swamped with work right now and
Trying to stay ahead of a lot of things so I didn't really have much else to do so I thought
I'm just gonna show them what I'm doing right now with it being a little bit more organized out here that means
Some things have to change and one of those is
The saltwater aquarium we haven't done an update on this
but there is really nothing to update the fish are eating the coral are growing the tank is doing relatively well, but
That's it. It's not staying there. I'm removing it from here
My daughter is actually getting a saltwater aquarium, and I think a lot of things in there will probably go in it
I don't know when that video will come out or when we'll set that up or when that will happen
I'm tremendously busy lately especially with travel and doing all this and you know family and whatnot so
What will happen is this entire system will be? *click
Shut down and of course we have 120s that will be going to salt water eventualy
got to admit now that the wave makers and pumps are kind of in different directions
The rainbows are certainly you know swimming a lot differently in that tank now more occupying the rest of it as you can see
Interesting stuff, but like I said, I got a busy day ahead of me, so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video
I also like to thank you for watching if you join me in a couple days
I'll probably bring you back up to speed with what I've got going on here
The workshop some people have said I haven't been out there a lot lately
And I'm probably working on something and the truth. There is I am...*suspenseful music
Frere Jacques | Comptines pour Enfants | Dessin Animé Francais | Comptine Little Treehouse - Duration: 30:44.
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
brother john brother john
morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing
ding dang dong, ding dang dong
are you dreaming? Are you dreaming?
Brother john, brother john,
morning bells are ringing morning bells are ringing
ding dang dong, ding dang dong
are you playing? are you playing?
brother john, brother john
daddy is waiting, daddy is waiting
its time for school, time for school
are you ready, are you ready?
brother john, brother john,
the school bells are ringing, school bells are ringing
ding dang dong, ding dang dong
The BMW K1600B - your journey is waiting. - Duration: 2:07.
From this hour forth.
Leave home behind. Let the work remain undone. Don't be held back.
The world is before you. Waiting.
Whatever the roads have in store, it'll be marvelous.
The unknown it's waiting, awaiting you, can you hear it calling? "go, ride, feel the goodness that is out there."
It pervades the open air, waiting at every crossroad, round every bend.
It flows towards you, onto you, till you are rightly charged.
Larger, better than you thought, your roads are everywhere,
In the east and in the west, in the north and the south.
Long, majestic, inviting. Ride forth, they're divine things waiting
I swear to you, more beautiful than words can tell.
Towards what seems to be endless with insatiable curiosity and undeniable joy,
always going forward never looking back.
The road, it knows your way.
GEOSTORM: Making-of – with the Mercedes-Benz B-Class Electric Drive & smart fortwo electric drive - Duration: 1:42.
Geostorm is about a worldwide storm.
There are sequences that take place all around the world.
We decided that all the new cars of our movie would be electric cars.
The Mercedes-Benz cars all perform flawlessly.
We had the amazing Mercedes-Benz B-Class self-driving taxi car.
Seriously? We're kidnapping the President in a self-driving cab?
Hold on!
To be able to spin that car at top speed – it really was something.
Hong Kong.
It was a perfect environment
for the electric smart car.
The smart car worked brilliantly
and did so much more than we thought it would.
It's a fully electric car. It has enormous pick-up.
And that's an important thing in our action sequence.
The way he's able to escape is because his car can accelerate so quickly.
If you drive this electric car once, you will never drive any other car.
It's amazing.
Liebescomeback bei Heidi & Seal? Für Elena C. verständlich - Duration: 2:05.
Biểu Hiện Bệnh Trĩ Và Chọn Cách Điều Trị Bệnh Trĩ Tại Nhà Hay Y Khoa - Duration: 12:29.
Erwischt! Hier knutscht Bert Wollersheim eine neue Blondine - Duration: 1:32.
Thor: Ragnarok
পাহাড় জংগলে ও গগন ছোয়া গভীর অরণ্যে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী || Bangladesh Army Camp are in a Jungle - Duration: 2:05.
Our Bangladesh Army
We are proud feel for Bangladesh Army
Bangladesh Army are strength & powerfully
Salute for the bd army
YouTube TV Now Available
PAPA'S HEART ATTACK! - Duration: 10:19.
🌪WORST TORNADO WATCH😳 - Duration: 11:02.
🎃KIDS with KNIVES🔪 - Duration: 11:13.
😳DAMAGE from the STORM⛈ - Duration: 15:26.
🤕WHAT HAPPENED? - Duration: 10:55.
👶🏻SHE DID IT😳 - Duration: 8:43.
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by J.Fla ) - Duration: 3:03.
YouTube:Eddie Studio
She was more like a beauty queen From a movie scene
I said, " Don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round?"
She said I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
She told me her name was Billie Jean as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
People always told me, "Be careful of what you do.
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts."
And mother always told me, "Be careful of who you love,
And be careful of what you do
'Cause the lie becomes the truth."
Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one
But the kid is not my son
For forty days and for forty nights
Law was on her side
But who can stand When she's in demand
Her schemes and plans
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice
Just remember to always think twice
People always told me, "Be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts."
And mother always told me, "Be careful of who you love,
And be careful of what you do
'Cause the lie becomes the truth." (yeeah)
Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one
But the kid is not my son
The Making Of DRAM's "Broccoli" With J Gramm | Deconstructed - Duration: 4:36.
The word "Broccoli" just came from DRAM freestyling.
He was just smoking on that broccoli, you know?
It was all just a really fast thing.
We didn't know we were making a hit.
We were just having fun in the studio, drinking beer, smoking, rolling up.
And that's what kind of inspired the song.
The day I made "Broccoli," I was in studio with DRAM.
We were chilling.
It was like 1 or 2pm.
And DRAM was like, "Yo!"
"Lil Yachty's about to pull up."
When he said that, I got hype.
I was like, "Bet. How long till he gets here?"
And he was like, "Five minutes."
So I was like, "Fuck. I gotta make a beat quick."
So I told the session player to pull up the cheapest piano sound he could find, and play
me the most simple happy chord he could find.
And he played it in F major.
And then from there, we needed another chord.
Once we had the two chords, I told him to play them both in this rhythm and he did and
now we have this.
So I had a FabFilter Volcano with a phaser preset on the piano, just to make it sound
a little bit cheaper.
'Cause I wanted that SoundCloud rap style.
I think it's really good to have session players in the studio at all times.
Unless you're classically trained in piano, you're not gonna be able to express what
you're thinking and get it all out.
So it's good to have that translator there to really be able to do whatever it
is you want to do.
So once I had the chords, I went ahead and did the drums.
They're very simple.
I took a simple TR-808 hi-hat.
We got a clap from the TR-808.
And then we got the 808.
What I really think what took the beat to the next level was the 808.
And I wanted to contrast the happy, light piano with something dirty, so I went and
found my most distorted 808 I had.
It's just like, spaced out.
It like fucking shakes the whole room up.
It's just like not what you expect, you know?
And now the kicks.
As I was laying the drums, Yachty came in.
There was some girls in the studio.
They were fanning out which set the vibe.
They were like, "Oh my God, Yachty!"
"You don't know how much we love you!"
And he was there with his chain all shiny and it was just a real superstar moment.
He just sat in the corner and got on his phone and he was quiet.
I didn't know if he was writing.
I didn't know if he was just not feeling the beat or what.
So once I had the main beat laid out, I decided we needed a flute.
So I told the session player find me the cheapest, ugliest sounding flute.
And then DRAM ended up humming this melody for the flute.
So he just replayed that and it turned into this.
I just felt like it's what the song needed.
It was a happy song.
I wanted happy sounds.
When I hear a flute, I picture people spinning in a field of daisies.
It's a flute.
From there, I was just tweaking the beat and formatting it.
I did this little Pharrell-esque transition before the hook.
Once I did that, Yachty stopped me, 'cause he saw that I was just fucking with the beat
at that point.
Like it was there.
He was like, "Bro. I got it! I'm ready."
And he went in the booth and hit us with the, "Hey lil mama would you like to be my sunshine?"
And then from there DRAM went in.
Freestyled the hook.
Did his verse, and the song was done in like 20 minutes.
What I learned from this song is that you don't want to go into the studio aiming
to make a hit, 'cause you'll never get a hit that way.
When I made this beat, I wanted to quit making beats and I was just going to the studio
because I told him I would.
I went and we just fucking made this track and I didn't think anything of it.
I was just doing my job.
Just having fun.
And that's the most important rule.
If you're not having fun, you won't make anything good.
Quebec's Bill 62 discriminates against Muslims | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 4:25.
On October 18th, the Canadian Province of Quebec passed Bill 62, the "religious neutrality law".
It bans people from wearing face coverings when giving or receiving public services.
That applies to anyone who works for the state, as well as anyone who uses public transportation,
goes to a hospital, or goes to school.
It will pretty much exclusively affect Muslim women who wear a niqab or a burqa.
Despite being called the "religious neutrality law", it clearly only targets Muslims.
The language in the bill doesn't explicitly say niqab or burqa, but the intention is clear
-- and the effect is that it only really affects Muslims.
Which is clearly not religiously neutral.
It's singling out people from a specific religion and targeting them.
It's making their clothing a source of public debate.
It's making people fear them.
There's nothing neutral about that.
Plus, all it ends up doing is preventing some Muslim women from accessing Government jobs
or using public services.
If they can't ride a bus, or go to the hospital, or go to school -- where do you expect them to go?
You know, I think that's actually the point.
Laws like these drive Muslim women out of the public eye -- an out of sight, out of
mind kind of thing.
People are irrationally afraid of Muslims, and so they want them to disappear.
Like one of the defensives of this ban I've heard is people saying that it's intended
to protect Muslim women, that they're being forced to wear niqabs and burqas by men.
But even if that were the case, this law wouldn't help them -- it would just make them hide away.
Plus, you can't just disregard women's autonomy.
Women can choose what they wear, and what they don't, and it's not our job to dictate that.
If someone wants to wear a niqab or a burqa, they should be allowed to.
This applies across the board.
If you think the government shouldn't tell women what to wear, then that should include
niqabs and burqas.
Women deserve full independence over how they dress.
I don't think that's a controversial statement, and I really think this discussion should end here.
Let women wear what they want. Period.
But, obviously, there are some more points to address.
For one, proponents of Bill 62 have said that it's necessary to see someone's face when
they're using a bus.
I say that's bullshit.
I've been on a bus in the middle of winter with a scarf wrapped around my face and a
beanie pulled down to my eyes.
I was fine.
Other people were doing a similar thing because it was cold.
There was no national security threat because most of face wasn't visible.
The whole fear of people having their faces covered somehow only applies to Muslim women.
Weird, huh.
What's weirder is that there isn't even like an epidemic of Muslim women in niqabs
or burqas committing crimes.
Like, proponents of Bill 62 made this up to address a threat that doesn't exist.
It's not like groups of burqa-clad women are roaming the streets of Quebec robbing banks.
Women in niqabs aren't constantly attacking people on buses.
And obviously, even if there was an incident with someone wearing a niqab or burqa, that
wouldn't make all other niqab- or burqa-wearing women guilty as well.
But it's just bizarre to me that there isn't even a problem to be addressed here.
Their concerns around safety are founded on the basis of literally nothing.
They're afraid of Muslims. That's it.
But there's no actual threat.
They tried to make a solution without first having a problem.
There were also concerns about how this law would be enforced.
Would women receive a fine for wearing face coverings?
Would they just be denied services?
Would they be arrested?
Who would enforce it?
The police, or the bus drivers and doctors?
Well, about a week after the law passed, Quebec's Justice Minister, Stephanie Vallee, said this:
"No one will be thrown off public transit, denied emergency healthcare or be chased out
of a public library.
We do not have the intention of setting up an uncovered-face police."
In their continued backtracking among criticism, the government said that people wouldn't
have to have their faces uncovered the whole time, just during identification.
So you would have to show your face to get on a bus, or rent a library book, or check-in
to the hospital -- but you wouldn't have to remain uncovered for the whole time you're
on the bus or in the library or in the hospital.
Which is weird, because I've definitely gotten on buses and the driver just never
looked at my face.
I'm sure I've been in libraries where nobody ever saw my face.
Everything was fine.
It's like they're making up things to be worried about because it's the only justification
they can think of to discriminate against Muslims without directly saying that's what they're doing.
Plus, the government went on to add that there won't be any fines or sanctions against
those who don't comply.
So it's basically not enforced at all.
Which really just means it's symbolic.
It's way to further "other" Muslim women.
It will make people more distrusting of Muslims, and it will draw attention to them even more now.
They say their intent is safety, but without enforcement, that doesn't seem to be the case.
I highly doubt the intent is to keep people safe.
Rather, it seems like the intent is to further stigmatize Muslims.
This law could be overturned by the courts in the future, but that process could take years.
In the meantime, you need fight back against the anti-Muslim stigma that this law is trying to push.
So yeah, that's the bullshit going on in Quebec right now.
I'd urge all of my Canadian viewers to be speaking up against this loudly.
Make it clear that you won't support this kind of legalized discrimination against a
religious group.
Defend those whose rights are being taken away.
Anyway, that's all for today.
Thanks for watching this video, and I'll see you next time.
🎉BIRTHDAY SURPRISE🎉 - Duration: 14:13.
🎉PARTY INVITATION🎉 - Duration: 12:29.
LE JEU DE MON ENFANCE - Duration: 8:48.
He had 20 stitches due to this game.
His average school mark went down 6 points due to this game.
Today, 9 years later, he makes a video to talk about this game.
First of, I'll explain what is DOFUS. You might have never played it in your life.
DOFUS is a French MMORPG, published in 2000 -laughs-
DOFUS is a French MMORPG, published in 2004
Like in all MMORPG, you start the game by choosing a character, here you can choose between 12.
The objective is then to kick the shit out of a maximum number of monsters
It's round to round fight, in order to gain XP and get to the maximum level 200.
In order to not be a pile of shit, you must manage your equipment
Equipment that you can obtain directly from the monsters, or,
you'll be able to craft the thanks to the ressources you'd have gotten from the monsters
SO, why am I talking about DOFUS now? Well, It's THE game from my childhood
Not long ago they published a "mono-account" server
I shouldn't have played, I am spending my life playing because I feel like I am 12 once again.
I even made a live on my "twicht" channel about DOFUS, in which I've looted a headpiece and a "eat-all cape" in the very same fight
I can tell my I've behaved like a squeezie 2007
Ohohhoh ohho
The objective for this video is to tell to gamer and non-gamer of this game
Amazingly cool anecdotes about this game
About me, I've got 3 stories from this game
The first one, you already know about it. In the DOFUS Area -laughs-
-whisper: it's so stupid
At that time, when you were in a DOFUS fight and you logged out and got back on. You had lost the fight
Anyways, you know what happened. My brother forcefully shut off the computer, because it was it's turn to use it
I fumed, punched a window frame and got 20 stitches
Second story, I used to have a best friend, like everyone has got a best friend when you're 11
To whom you can entrust secrets, tell him about your first love
Usually this best friend, you give him you DOFUS id's, in order for him to take your character with his, when you can't play
One day, at was at my grandma's place, I get back with my beautiful new pair of "TN" sneakers wearing them.
I launch DOFUS, and what am I seeing?
I'm a loser, my equipment disappeared. I don't understand it
I then ask my best friend and he ignores completely
Mathieu, I remember this anecdote
During an hour, I don't understand what is happening. Eventually my friend PM me "It was a joke Ahah"
Real funny joke, which traumatised me
He then gave me back my "abrakaska".Which was a shitty object, but I have happy because I was a noob
And I was the world happiest man
Third story, one day someone was selling, what is called a "gelamu"
I contacted him telling him I was interested
We started the exchange, he put up the gelamu
And that dumbass, instead of waiting for me to put up some kamass
He accepted immediately, I then agreed on the exchange
I received a Free gelamu, and that player received nothing
I've then done what every person does when he duped someone
I changed the map - laughs -
And that player was sending messages, again, and still again
He was so sad without its precious amulet
And I felt guilty and gave him back its amulet
For free - crows cheering -
Thank you everybody, I can tell you it happened a maximum of four times in the entire DOFUS history
Fourth anecdotes, sorry I forgot about it.
That one taught me a valuable lesson from my mother. DOFUS is a free game
however you can pay 5€ per month to get access to all maps
Therefore when your character is starting to get a high level
You must pay the subscribing fee to access the other map which will let you keep on evolving
The problem, is at that time we were all minors. We didn't own a Credit Card
To buy it, we had two solutions.
Either you bought a paysafecard, at a cafe.
Or you took your mothers phone, and called a toll number
Thanks to the given code, you could subscribe up to a week
Obviously we've all done it
I had bought 30 codes, but I didn't know it was a toll number.
We then got a call, and I understood that this month I wasn't gonna be able to play to DOFUS
There is one thing I want all of us to remember, and we need to talk about it a bit
SCAMS, DOFUS is the only game where players spend more time making up scams than playing
It's really stupid
The famous code that let you out package, but gave you one week worth of subscribing
Some players wanted to buy you these codes
They would say "buy audio code, no nood, test before use"
Obviously some players were pretending to sell codes but
they weren't selling. The player would hand you the kamass, but you wouldn't give him the code
What would you do?
You changed maps - laughs -
It was the most known scams, because it was vital for the players
to be the subscribe. Everyone would try to scams anyone.
It was the game were they was the least trust between player in the whole world
In the beginning of DOFUS, there wasn't the exchange system
You couldn't exchange any objects between players.
Thus player found a way to exchange
They'd go to the same map, they'd get to the opposite sides. And each would put the wanted objects on the ground
Then they would run to get the wanted object on the ground
It was without thinking about the cunning inherent of all of these dumbass DOFUS players
Some dishonest player, would get a friend and
told him to hide behind a tree of a bush on the map
And when the other player would put the object on the ground, your friend would go grab it at once
In order, to get through that problem, there was a see-through mode in DOFUS
Which allowed to see-through all decors
Thus you could see if an asshole was hiding, with the attention if stealing your object
But the new gamer wouldn't know and would switch the mode on, they weren't aware it existed
Dudes were so ready to try anything in order to get rich. That they even got mentalist
They would say in the town place "give you 10% of your kamass, launch exchange"
And you'd tell "ow this dude is giving 10% of my kamass, it's so nice"
You wanted to earn these 10% so hard, that you forgot to take away the amount you had in your pocket
In reality, instead of getting 10% more, you had 10% of your kamass. That's it
Which were in your inventory
To explain the next scam, let me give you a small 'recall'
In DOFUS you loot objects against monsters
Within these objects is the Gelaneau
It's a ring which gives you one action point
One action point it's amazing.
In DOFUS you can magicraft objects
It means, to increase their stats, or to make up new stats
Therefore you could craftmagic the gelaneau
In order for it to give you one movement point, with the one action point
But when it wouldn't work, the gelaneau gave you nothing.
It'd lose all of its value, but some players found a way to still sell it
They'd tell in the commerce chat, which is a chat that all see
"Sell gelaneau 50 000kamass". Which normal value is 1 million
Everybody would say "Ow there is some good money to make here"
Many would go to the seller maps
He'd say "no no no I don't way to choose someone like that, it ain't fair"
I am gonna go in seller mode and the first to buy it will get it
It'd get in the seller mode, and you would buy it as fast as possible
And then in your inventory you'd see that it wouldn't give you any action point
What smart inventiveness
But if those guys would get their brains together and serve science instead of scams on DOFUS
Dude, today we'd drive flying car, for sure
Another scam, the first one I've seen
It's really the first one, that makes you stop being naive, and start distrust everyone
But not your best friend which is gonna steal you abrakaska
It was a rainy morning
I was on DOFUS, Well to tell you the truth, I was on DOFUS even when it was sunny
I was just chilling, when someone in the commercial chat said "sells cape bouftou 15 000kamass PM me"
I sent him a PM, saying "dude I am so interested
I get to him, and get the exchange going. And I hadn't the 15 000 kamass
I only had 8000, I then put 8000
I've put up ressources, while telling him "dude you can sells these and you'd have 15000 total"
He agreed. Wow he's nice
But in DOFUS, it's like all RPG
You don't have an unlimited inventory, sometime it's full and you need to empty it a bit in order to receive objects
And this dude told me "wait I need to give you 2-3 things, my inventory is full"
Then he put up 2-3-6-9 things. I was happy
Wow a cheap cape bouftou, plus some ressources. It really is a nice dude
I told myself
But then the cape went down to the very bottom of the exchange frame. And I hadn't had the reflex to get down, to check if the cape was there
I clicked on accepted. he clicked on accepted. I smiled
then opening my inventory to wear the cape, I discovered...
it wasn't there
He had taken it down, without me seeing it
I looked his character thinking "no he won't..."
- crying - the cape bouftou for godsake
I hope this video made you nostalgic if you use to be a DOFUS player
That it gave you the intention to play right now, in order that in 10 years
to replay that game and feel throughout your body
an incredible feeling
If feels good to be able to finally tell you about all these stories
I hope you loved it as well and I tell you "SEE YOU LATER"
I open a seller chat and sell a gelaneau 50 000, the first to biy gets it
Nicki Minaj & Cardi B's References On Migos' "Motor Sport" | Genius News - Duration: 2:53.
Letty Martinez: Migos have released their first official single "Motor Sport."
from their upcoming sophomore album 'Culture II'
The trio previewed the track on stage at Powerhouse, a concert put on by New York's Power 105.1
radio station, featuring two of the hottest women in the game, Nicki Minaj and Cardi B.
Cardi's flow is often compared to which rapper she sounds like on a track,
think Kodak Black comparisons on "Bodak Yellow" and Plies comparisons for "Foreva"
But during her "Motor Sport" verse it's now Cardi drawing comparisons of her own,
to late tejano singer Selena Quintanilla.
Letty: Those bars also hold interpolations of the
1971 Chi-Lites track "Have You Seen Her"
And Daddy Yankee's 2005 hit "Gasolina"
Yes, ALL that in 4 bars.
Nicki Minaj, cursed to be compared to practically every female rapper on the scene, comes in
on the track with her own parallels.
And these references pack some pretty powerful punches, literally.
Here Nicki links her status to the likes of boxing superstar Mike Tyson,
who reigned as the undisputed world heavyweight champion until 1990.
She also states that she's as real as martial arts actor Jackie Chan, who's known to skip
a body double and perform his own scenes.
Letty: And when it comes to the Barb's personal
life, Nicki's out for that 'I Love Lucy' kinda romance.
Nicki Minaj rounds out her verse with a sweet 'Back To The Future' reference
And pegs herself as much a winner as the NFL's
legendary Vince Lombardi who led the Green Bay Packers to 3 straight, and 5 total, NFL
championships in the 1960s as head coach.
Now that's a track worth a Lambeau leap
Is Eminem Teasing His New Album With This "Revival" Drug? | Genius News - Duration: 3:35.
[JACQUES] The clues for Eminem's new album may have been right under our noses.
On October 25th, Eminem's manager Paul Rosenberg posted a photo of Yelawolf's
upcoming album, 'Trial By Fire.'
Sharp Reddit users noticed a drug ad in the background for a product called "Revival."
It contains a reversed "e" similar to the vowel found in Eminem's logo.
The website is registered to Eminem's label,
Interscope Records and contains even more clues.
The tag line is "Seize The Moment" - a possible reference to Em's song,
"Sing For The Moment."
A quick scroll reveals a commercial.
When you're experiencing moderate to severe
Atrox Rithimus, the unpredictability of a reaction is always on your mind,
where to go, how to avoid it, it's easy to lose yourself.
Change the way you approach your day.
And ask someone you trust if Revival is right for you.
With Revival I won't waste my one shot.
The actor could be referencing "Lose Yourself," one of Em's biggest hits.
Atrox Rithimus, what Revival is
supposed to treat, isn't an actual health condition.
The rough Latin translation is "a fierce dance" or "a bitter rhyme."
And "Canticum Remedium" below the Revival logo could mean "song cure."
[JACQUES] The phone number on the page leads to a call center where the hold music is Eminem,
Dr. Dre and Skylar Grey's "I Need A Doctor"
And if you stay on hold long enough it eventually says.
[JACQUES] A few symptoms on the site also refer
to lesser known Eminem songs, like "highly combustible head"
which is a bar from "Any Man."
The "Ask About Revival" website states that the "drug" is manufactured
by "Popsomp Industries."
In 2009 ahead of "Relapse," the rapper uploaded a photo of himself outside of a fictional
rehab clinic called, Popsomp Hills, which if read quickly enough sounds like
"Pop Some Pills."
[JACQUES] And while it's become a comical narrative, Eminem's serious prescription drug struggles
began during his childhood when he says his mother mixed pills into his meals.
Eminem was hospitalized in December 2007 after a drug overdose.
That scare led him to rehab in early 2008 which Eminem credits for his sobriety
and ending of 4 years of writer's block.
[JACQUES] "Relapse" was recorded soon after.
And while we can't confirm any album features, we might get some 2 Chainz.
The Atlanta rapper spoke to DJ Drama in July.
Eminem came and said "how the hell you rhyme tabernacle with adam's apple"
Drama: What is it for?
2 Chainz: He got a project coming out
We don't know what's next in this possible album rollout, but Em's fans are ready for more.
I'm Jacques Morel with Genius News, bringing you the meaning and the knowledge behind the music.
A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie "Say A" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 5:27.
We was in Miami in the strip club one day.
I was throwing dubs out.
And everybody looking at me.
And I'm like, "Yo, what's going on?"
At first I didn't even realize I was throwing dubs.
I'm throwing 20's like this and niggas was looking at me.
I see some niggas picking up money.
Throwing 20's.
I'm looking at my hand I'm like, "Oh!"
I said, "Fuck it."
I kept on throwing it.
I was like, "Fuck it man."
"I'll be aight."
I came up with this one with Ness.
We was cooking up for days trying to figure out which one
'cause he didn't have really tracks on the album.
So I was like, "Yo, you need the best hit on the album."
And he just played a whole bunch of beats for me.
It was a lot of good beats in it, but I needed something specific and when I heard that beat
it was like, "That's it right there. Thank you. Thank you, bro."
I told him so many times, "Thank you, bro."
"This is it right here."
I got pulled over on my block.
This my first time getting pulled over on my block too.
I pulled over in a good car for the first time.
I usually go black truck, but this time I pulled up in a Beamer.
Tints and everything.
So they come they pulled me over like, "Yo, who's in the car?"
And my daughter was in the back too at the time.
I was heated.
So I went home later on that day and I just laid that track down, right away.
Everybody be coking it right now with that big body, little face thing.
Some people think I'm talking a big body.
I don't know why.
I'm talking about a car though.
And a little face I'm talking about the watch.
You got a little bezel. You got a little bezel.
I got a big bezel.
41 bezel.
You probably got a 20 bezel.
I feel like my energy is too positive for anybody to feel a type of way about me.
I feel like if you feel a type of way about me, that means you really gotta be hating.
'Cause I don't go texting this nigga, this nigga, this nigga.
Throwing subs at me and all that.
Just come holla at me.
Tell me why you don't fuck with me right now.
Tell me what's going on.
And if you don't wanna tell me what's going on. Alright nigga, treat it like that then.
It's not like I'ma beat you up if you talk.
I could do something that's really gon' hurt you.
Niggas be getting their bitches taken, man.
I'm a UFC fan.
Shout out Jon Jones, too.
Type it in YouTube, but a leglock is some crazy shit.
It ain't... when it comes to UFC it's a submission hold.
But when it come to your girl?
It's a different type of hold.
"Wasteman." I get that lingo from Canada.
So shoutout to y'all.
I just came back from a little tour out there.
They lingo is crazy, so I had to shout them out one time with that.
It be sometimes when I'm on my way to a meeting or something and I run into somebody
and they want to talk to me.
Or somebody want to call me and talk to me, but I really gotta go do something.
I was late to this shit 'cause it wasn't on my calendar.
I was just fuckin' up today.
I spoke to them on the phone while they was locked up and everything.
They was one of the first people to bring New York back.
Remember that drought?
It was a crazy drought and they came back with the "Hot Nigga."
So shout out to them on that.
That's why I had to show that New York love on that one.
Man I was being sarcastic.
Febreze, it covers the weed for a little while and then it's over after that.
That shit don't work man.
They asked me, "What's going on?"
"Why you carrying this amount of money?"
But they gotta understand, that's a rapper's lifestyle.
Especially in the beginning.
I usually was carrying probably even 50 in my bookbag.
That's why I always had a bookbag with me.
You probably seen me before with the bookbag all the time.
That was that bag, for real.
That's what "Bag On Me" was. Deadass.
Kris Wu "Deserve" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 3:05.
I always wanted to be a pioneer on the things that I do.
I never want to be second.
That's just me.
I've been always trying to think about how I can bridge the East and the West.
If kids back home, they see me doing this, hopefully that encourages them too.
They'll be like, "Yeah we can do it too."
Yeah the thing with Travis is that he brings such a raw energy to the table.
It's so special.
Big shout out to Travis Scott.
He definitely came in and killed it.
Nailed it.
Imagine we're in front of a club and I see this girl in the line.
Eye contact.
You know something's about to go down.
I'm Kris Wu.
I come here.
I got the money.
I'm at the top of my game.
I'm good.
I see this girl.
She right there and I know that she might think I'm just a stuck-up artist, but she's
probably interested.
She's on the low.
She's keeping it low-key, but she knows.
And I know that too.
Yeah so I'm in the club, you know.
I be drinking champagne.
Henny sometimes.
You know.
We should just kick it.
I'm like a ambassador for Bvlgari and they have men's watches.
So, I've been on that recently.
I be going to clubs in sweatpants and hoodies and shit.
Trying to stay lowkey.
I don't need to try hard.
I'll make sure she gets whatever she needs.
I'll take care of her.
I'll be always be on top of my game.
I'ma take care of you.
If the girl's not with me I feel like she's missing out on everything.
She doesn't get a chance to know who I am.
Like, know what I'm all about.
It's kinda sad.
She's missing out.
She's gonna be the one slipping.
The whole concept and the vibe of the hook is almost like, I'm teasing her.
Like taunting her almost.
I know that you're a freak right? But let me get you in your zone.
Let's take it on from there and you know what?
I'ma sing a song for you.
'Cause you deserve one.
Quavo and Drake Apparently Have a Collab on the Way and It Sounds FIRE - Duration: 2:11.
What's up everybody, Frazier here for Complex News.
It feels like every other day I'm doing a video theorizing about something Quavo's
up to, but the man literally is kind of everywhere right now.
One day we're speculating about when his joint album with Travis is gonna drop.
Then he drops a solo track.
Then he pops up in the studio with Yachty, Chance and Gambino working on God Knows what.
Frankly, all the anticipation is driving me crazy.
The latest update is this snippet of a song featuring what appears to be Quavo rapping
alongside Drake.
Take a listen for yourself here
Once again, as per the way the hype train seems to be moving right now, we're going
to assume this is from Migos' upcoming album Culture II.
The signs are all there: there was apparently a listening party for the album earlier this
week, which could be where the snippet originated from.
Moreover, the Migos already specifically dropped Drake's name when listing off collaborators
who they've been in the lab with recently.
Not to mention, despite all the irons he has in the fire, the new Migos album is what Quavo's
been going hard for as of late.
He teased not only the impending first single but also the identity of the album's executive
producer on Twitter recently.
Which is probably Kanye.
If all of these recent teases add up to one album, then Migos are about to put the game
in a headlock.
I, for one, cannot wait.
Literally I'm tired of waiting.
Quavo, drop something, anything, now, please and thank you.
That's the news for now but when any or all of this stuff does drop you're going
to wanna be locked into Complex News on YouTube for all the latest info.
And don't forget coming Nov 4th and 5th is the Second Annual Complex Con, where we
bring all things Complex to life.
Catch live performances, take in informative panels, cop exclusive fits and eat delicious
Get your tickets right now at
XXXTentacion Is Terminating His $6 Million Deal With Capitol - Duration: 2:06.
What's up, guys?
Beija here for Complex News.
XXXTentacion doesn't seem to be happy with the music industry, though as a new artist
he hasn't spent much time in it.
The controversial Florida rapper took to his Instagram to post a short statement to his
"Stories" feed.
In the message, XXX says he's in the process of getting out of a recently inked deal with
Capitol Music Group.
The distribution deal between his own Bad Vibes Forever label and Capitol Music Group's
indie distributor Caroline reportedly got the 19-year-old rapper $6 million.
The rapper also said that it will be a while before he releases any new music.
"Terminating my deal with "capitol records."
I am not a signed artist, and I will not be releasing music for a very long time, I'm
tired of this shit."
The news of XXX attempting to terminate the contract comes days after reports of the deal
began to filter in.
The deal between Capitol Music Group was reached despite X's precarious legal situation.
X was arrested back in October of 2016 after domestic violence charges were filed by his
The rapper was charged with domestic battery by strangulation, aggravated battery of a
pregnant women, false imprisonment, and witness tampering.
He is set to go to trial on Dec. 11.
Excerpts of a 142 page testimony from the alleged victim detailing the disturbing allegations
were released.
XXXTentacion, who was born Jahseh Onfroy, has denied the charges.
2017 has seen the 19-year-old rapper getting into multiple violent confrontations.
While performing at Rolling Loud in the Bay Area, the rapper got into a fight with an
attendee, punching the person multiple times with his microphone after he claimed he was
hit first.
Following the incident, X took his Instagram "Stories" feed to write "I'm just
letting everyone know ahead of time that I punched someone in their face today because
I was assaulted while I was performing."
X dropped his debut album 17 back in August.
The album debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, moving 87,000 equivalent album units.
X has yet to elaborate as to exactly why he wants out of the Capitol deal.
Maybe it just comes down to creative differences.
At this point we aren't even sure if he can actually get out of it.
Either way we'll figure out in due time.
For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez and coming November 4th and 5th is the Second Annual
Complex Con, where we bring all things Complex to life.
Catch live performances, score some exclusive fits, take in informative panels and crush
some delicious grub.
Cop your tickets over at now.
VIP Treatment for Your Bottom? - Duration: 0:47.
They almost got it right.
Cuz if you look, it's right in front of them.
If you look at the ad, it says VIP [LAUGH] Black.
So to me, when I see VIP Black, I think of the Black Amex card, right?
You think of the black car service.
All they had to say was black toilet paper, right,
is VIP treatment for your ass.
>> [LAUGH] >> That's all they had to do!
>> [APPLAUSE] Boom, boom I did it!
VIP treatment!
>> Hired!
>> I was wondering what I needed black toilet paper for.
You just sold me!
Now I want my toilet paper!
The Kardashians Inspire a Baby Pact on 'The Real' - Duration: 2:14.
It turns out that the Kardashians are one fertile family, y'all.
>> My God.
>> It was already a fertile family.
>> I swear to god.
Just five days after TMZ broke the news that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with
boyfriend Travis Scott's baby girl,
they are now also reporting that her half sister Khloe is now pregnant too.
Sources claim, [NOISE] sources claim the Kardashian is expecting her
first child with boyfriend of a year and NBA star Tristan Thompson and
that the couple is thrilled.
If true, this makes Khloe the third member of the family expecting at the same time.
>> Damn.
>> Kim and Kanye reportedly are expecting their third baby by surrogate as well.
So they just keep going and going and going.
>> You get a baby, and you get a baby, and you get a baby, and
you get a baby, and you.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> So, ladies, do you think that this is
some type of Kardashian pregnancy pact or is it just naturally happening?
>> Well, we talked about it before when it happened, I think it was a year or
two ago where the girls in highschool did a pregnancy pact.
If you don't know what a pregnancy pact is, it's when a group of friends get
together, in this case sisters, and say, we promise we're all gonna get pregnant at
the same time so we can have our babies at the same time.
>> People do that?
That's crazy.
>> Those little girls in high school did it, that was even crazier.
But this is sisters, I would totally do this.
>> You would? >> You would?
>> Yes, I'm trying to convince all you guys to have babies.
>> You sure did.
>> I'm not doing that.
>> I'm really trying to convince Tam.
I'm like, come on, Tam.
>> No. >> We could get pregnant together cuz, no,
I'm not pregnant.
But, if we're planning, I'm like, my God, that'd be so awesome,
we could all have babies together.
>> No, that's something you handle on your own, baby love.
>> And our babies can play together.
You can set up play dates.
>> No.
>> You know what Adrian's plot is?
No, Adrian's plot is,
the reason why she would wanna do that is because she would lose a drinking partner.
Think about it, if you get pregnant.
So she wants to loop that drinking partner into the nine months of sobriety with her.
>> Yeah, because then everybody is gonna be drinking and you're not and
that's not fun.
>> If I'm gonna suffer let's all suffer together.
Benjamin Bratt is Ernesto
har murad hajat puri karne ka wazifa | murad puri hone ki dua by kamran sultan - Duration: 3:44.
har murad hajat puri karne ka wazifa | murad puri hone ki dua by kamran sultan
South Korea sees narrowest growth gap with China in nearly 15 years: Bloomberg - Duration: 0:51.
With an unexpectedly high GDP growth rate in the third quarter, South Korea has marked
its narrowest growth gap with China in nearly 15 years.
South Korea posted on-quarter GDP growth of one-point-four percent in the June to September
However, on-year, the figure represented a three-point-six percent jump.
Bloomberg reports that China saw its Q3 economic growth rise six-point-eight percent on-year.
This reduces the gap between the two countries to three-point-two percentage points,.. the
slimmest difference since the fourth quarter of 2002.
By way of contrast,... the gap hit nine-point-seven percentage points back in 2009.
This narrowing comes as South Korea's economy was helped by robust exports and the government's
supplementary budget,... while China's growth slowed due to regulations on the property
Electromagnetic pulse attack by N. Korea could paralyze S. Korea's communication system - Duration: 0:56.
South Korea's military has raised concerns that an electromagnetic pulse attack by North
Korea could paralyze the nation's communication system.
According to a report by the Agency for Defense Development, North Korea's use of an EMP bomb
could paralyze South Korea's communication system, including the key military command
centers at Gyeryongdae, 150 kilometers south of Seoul.
The report is based on a simulated EMP attack centered on Seoul with a 250 kilometer blast
radius and ten kilovolts-per-meter of high-intensity electromagnetic force.
In mid-September, President Moon Jae-in ordered the military to fully prepare against new
types of threats from North Korea, but the South's domestic military facilities and its
military preparations are still considered insufficient.
శుక్రవారం నాడు ఈ శివలింగాన్నీ అభిషేకం చేస్తే కనుక వర్షంకాయం | Shiva Lingam | Shiva Lingam Abhishekam - Duration: 2:58.
পাহাড় জংগলে ও গগন ছোয়া গভীর অরণ্যে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী || Bangladesh Army Camp are in a Jungle - Duration: 2:05.
Our Bangladesh Army
We are proud feel for Bangladesh Army
Bangladesh Army are strength & powerfully
Salute for the bd army
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