Hi, my name is Andrew Torch and today, I'm going to talk about Myers-Briggs Types Indicator.
What is that?
Basically, that's a test a bunch of questions that help you define your personality type out of
sixteen already made personality types
Made basically by Carl Jung...is based on Carl Jung's theories
Now why, would you do those tests?
well those tests explain how you and basically all the other people make decisions and
perceive the world
Because you may not realize it yet, but people in the same situations may have totally different priorities
one person wants to
know something like get some information and the other person for example wants to
Make someone feel good while doing that
or not upset someone while doing that so there are different priorities for different people and this is why
this test is helpful
To help you see the differences and help you understand yourself more
now I've done two tests today
and I will show both sources because they are totally free tests
and both my results in a minute, but before I want to quickly explain
What is Myers and Briggs test. How basically those sixteen personality types look like? So you would know
Where is it...where this is going*
Basically there are eight factors. There are four pairs
Pairs are opposite to each other so there are introverts and extroverts
people who prefer deciding based on rational thinking and their own feelings
Well since I started I just explain
Quickly all those eight factors. You're either
extroverted person or introverted so you either feel relaxed and
Unstressed, you're basically relaxed in the crowds, with people, with friends, or you're relaxed alone at home reading a book
That's the simplest explanation
the second is
intuition or being sensual
It basically means do you prefer to act with
Your inner beliefs like your intuition what your guts
Tell you or do you prefer to get the information from around and act based all those informations?
now the third one is thinking versus feeling
and it's basically that. Do you decide based on rational thinking or your feelings
and the last one is perceiving versus judging
Perceiving is basically being a spontaneous person
free spirit and
judging is
Being a planner an organized planner. Now, you are never 100% of one or the other
So the line is somewhere in between
but you have
preferences towards one of those
and the tests will show you
Basically, where are you with those preferences and there are also
Explanations about behaviors of people with your personality types, so I think I will just jump into
Tests so the first test
All right, so first test is from humanmetrics.com
It's called...called the young typology test its trademark even. Now the difference between these tests,
this page actually and other pages is that... it focuses on
jobs, so you will discover careers and occupations most suitable for personality type
and I've done this test before I think
It's sure you have
Professions listed for your personality type. Of course you can click whatever you want and get right to* it
but I'm going to do a test quickly and
I will show you how it looks
Alright, so I just, I just finished the test
Again, I'm introvert intuitive thinking and judging
But the percentages are different than the last time because I was about
74 thinking and about 50 intuitive and only nine percent introvert so basically if you answer a little
your personality does not change. I was actually curious if my
results will be the same, well, personality type is the same, but I'm more moderate.
On the other hand I'm studying psychology, so I've been constantly improving myself so maybe that has
a small influence over this. Now here, you can see
your type description,
business use, careers
and some more testing. Let's see.
Here you have your entire
profile. All the other 16 types.
Here you have stuff development and team-building so basically you can
check this out. There are some products here also.
here you have
careers to explore.
Well I'm here.
And I kind...and I actually sell Kindle books, so I'm almost a librarian.
So, well,
it kind of works.
All right, so that's it for this test. I will see you in the next one.
Alright, this is the next test. It's on 16personalities.com. Now, what's fun about this test is that
after completing it you will basically have
kind of a different name for you that explains you a little better like
Protagonist or Campaigner or Architect I am the Architect
but I haven't done this test before so I'm going to do this right now, and see how it goes.
All right so first things first. This test has seven answers
per question, not five. And I I've actually managed to become extroverted in the process.
And here you also have assertive and turbulent...
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
So basically by this test I am pretty much
in the middle.
With big...being big on my intuition and judging.
So basically I'm a planner and that's obvious to me that I'm a planner. I don't agree actually with this
because, well, first it's all about the questions.
And maybe those questions just put me as extroverted but to be honest. I am totally introverted
I got my whole...I get my whole energy from being alone
and I just have a lot of extroverted skills that I've developed.
I've learned to talk in groups, I've learned to
interact. It wasn't like my...I wasn't born with it. I just
found that I lack the social skills and I tried to learn them.
So I think this is why I am extroverted and that's actually funny for me - commander.
Honestly, I still believe that I'm the architect because I've done...this is my fourth test
on Myers and Briggs, and this is the only one that shows different results and the results are different only by
So yeah, so that's the second test I wanted to show you. It's actually much less...
There is less pressure when you do it because it looks colorful, beautiful, and it's fun. So 16personalities.com.
Okay, so we have just seen both tests. One is on humanmetrics.com.
The other is on 16personalities.com. You can check them out by yourself and see
what is your personality type basically. If you enjoyed this video
share it! Subscribe! And I thank you for watching!
See you and remember to stay awesome and stay fearless!
Alright, so this is the second test it's on 1664 alright, so this is the next test sick
For more infomation >> Myers Briggs Types Indicator - Which One of 16 Personalities Are You? - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
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