FOUR NEW CARDS + NEW ARENA! |Clash Royale NEW Update Possibility!
For more infomation >> FOUR NEW CARDS + NEW ARENA! | Clash Royale NEW Update Possibility! - Duration: 8:03.-------------------------------------------
Clave su confesión de fe en la Iglesia Católica Romana (Subtítulos) - Duration: 10:07.
Dragon Ball Super Just revealed a New Warrior from Potara Fusion Episode 114 113 Spoilers Anime Fan! - Duration: 4:40.
Dragon Ball Super Kafla fusion already shown in the opening song Episode Spoilers 114 113 Anime Fan! - Duration: 2:40.
Thor: Ragnarok
Next on Episode 1 | Shameless | Season 8 Only on SHOWTIME - Duration: 0:50.
It came out great, Carl.
Where the hell have you been?
Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother,
and now I'm a new man.
-Sold my meth yet? -I can't move it all at once.
-Where's my meth? -You don't get any.
[man] If you really think she's the one,
tell her you need six months to work the steps.
[Fiona] One bedrooms are going for $1,000.
That dump you just bought? No. $500 tops.
Are you the new slumlord?
Uh, new owner.
You gonna move in here yourself?
YouTube TV Now Available
Vidéo famille - Duration: 4:35.
Benjamin Bratt is Ernesto
FIRST $20k MONTH! - Episode 065 - Duration: 17:23.
This is Millionaire Case Study Episode 65.
Yo today is July 1st, first day of the month. It's Saturday 2017, I just did the
last episode 64 on Monday so this is the first time in a while that I had
Millionaire Case Study in the same week. But yeah I just wanted to pop in really
quick to kind of close out the week so I talked about in 64 that one of the big
things has was launching clients and so I just wanted to come in and announce
that that went super well. Not all of the clients are totally launched. We launched
several of them they're up there live and now it's just getting the last one
or two done and and serving them and providing as much value as we can. So
that was my big focus and I'm feeling a little bit more in control of what's
going on of my life. Getting back on track with my morning routine so that's
feeling good and then I just also want to officially announce now that it's
July 1st that yeah last month in June yesterday I officially hit twenty
thousand dollars in revenue in a single month for the first time in my entire
life. That was a big goal in fact I think we hit closer to 21,000 but at least
cleared the 20 which was my big goal that I had sitting in front of me that I
made for them for the month. The month before that was to make around that in
new business or 10k I can't even remember now.
10k new business or something but the big goal for June was receive actually
received that much in revenue that comes into my bank account and that's what
happened so we actually have contracts that extend 20,000 but actual revenue
received was more than $20,000 for the month of June.
And so I just want to document that right here but I also want to I mean
this is Millionaire Case Study and so we know that's the journey that I'm on
that's what I'm looking to achieve and so the point of this whole journey is to
document not only these benchmarks but how I'm feeling and where my thought
processes in all of this and so how I'm feeling is on one side of this it's like
finally and not just finally it feels normal.
It's like yeah $20,000 felt pretty damn normal and I'm not paying all that to
myself obviously, most of its going to other people or getting reinvested back
in my business. In fact I don't plan on spent or paying myself any more than
three to five thousand a month in personal money for a very long time but
the part of part of me is like okay there's 20 now how about fuck are we
gonna get that to 40 to 50 to 60 to 80 to 90 because that's what it has to get
to to be a million dollar business. I need to get it up to 90 thousand dollars
a month and do that for 12 months for it to be a million and my goal has been to
be a millionaire before I'm 30. Well we're now in July, July 1st so that
gives us exactly four months between now and November first to make four million
dollars, well nine one four months so that gives us between now and November
first four months to make a million dollars. Actually if I'm being more
really um more exact I think I've made close to sixty thousand, sixty thousand
dollars since my last birthday so that would give us close to nine
hundred and forty thousand dollars. So how I'm feeling right now is I don't
have any fucking clue how I'm gonna make that happen but and however I make
happen I'm gonna have to pierce through some invisible barrier that I that I
have on myself or whatever and but I just have to believe that it's frickin
possible. It's like it's like it's the last quarter in its the last five
minutes I should say and in the finals at a basketball game that's kind of what
it feels like and of course there's the thoughts of holy shit am I actually
gonna do this but before I even go there I have to be like well shit like if I'm
in it I can't if I have that type of an attitude of like is it possible or maybe
it's not possible if I if I even let that sit on for more than a or more than
a second then I'm setting myself up to lose but I'm just documenting it cuz
that's where I'm at. I don't know how I'm gonna have to make it happen but I have
to believe it's gonna happen and I know that there's something what I feel
intuitively is there's some major breakthrough up here's like or in my
heart some growth I have to make because there's other things that I know that
I'm being sloppy on that I know I need to do better on like my health. I stepped
on the scale yesterday for the first time in over a month because my goal is
to not get a haircut or shave until I lose the weight to get to 140 pounds and
make my first make my first 1 million dollars and
I was around 149 a little over a month ago when I stepped on the scale and I'm
now around 158 so I went the total freaking opposite direction and that
fucking sucks it pisses me off but at the same time something I want to be
open and transparent on is it must not pissed me off enough because for
whatever reason even though I know I'm not where I want to be
I still feel compelled to eat crap and do stuff that aren't that I know is not
gonna get me closer towards my goal and so maybe that is just some clue or some
thing that I have - that's showing that's what's showing up in my life then
I have to break through and fix or turn through or just break through to make
the million dollars happen - because I have to believe that to make it happen I
need to have intense focus and lock on the commitment I'm making to myself and
take the action. It's just crazy but I just wanted to document that's
where I'm at because my hair is getting too freaking long people have been making a
ton of comments about my beard especially family like dude you need to
shave and so I'm feeling the pressure start to build a little bit and I need
to use this pressure as making some some breakthrough some breakthrough that I
don't I don't see it. I mean the thought of I mean I'm trying to think how much
money I probably have made in my entire lifetime and the thought of me surely
more than doubling all the money I've ever made in my entire life just in the
next four months it's like what's gonna have to happen for that to
happen. What do I need to learn or what have I already learned that I now just
need to put into practice. What experience have I gained over the last
twenty nine and a half years that I can put into play right now to make that
happen. That's where my head's at and so as we move here into July what I plan to
do is to get into a quiet space and just let it sit and feel what I can do to get
closer. And I'm gonna go for something big I think in July to try to make to
increase my belief and it's this this just came to me as I was thinking about
what I need to accomplish in July. First of all on the kind of how I've been
structuring my goals is setting a goal that stretches me but I believe is
possible and I kind of have to two goals like one of them is a smaller result
that I just know that I can hit I believe it pretty strongly and then
another one that stretches it what I call like a 10x goal for example this
last month yeah I see it now sorry so in June my goal was to make twenty thousand
dollars in new business that was the smaller tiered goal so that would mean
if I signed a contract even if I only got paid a thousand dollars now but it
was worth like seven thousand then that is considered a seven thousand a new
business so the lower tier was seven thousand in new business. Then twenty
thousand a new business and the higher tier was getting receiving actually
twenty thousand dollars in revenue and I hit that and so kind of what I
have now on the lower tier for July is to do 20,000 again where I actually
received 20,000 I just did it in June I didn't know exactly how and I don't know
how I'm going to I don't even know that how I'm gonna do 20 again exactly in
fact it could be quite less because of I mean there's gonna there's a lot of
there's some clients that their contracts are expiring in July I'll be
honest some of these new clients I got on don't feel very solid I don't think
all of them are going to stick. So it doesn't feel totally solid to get twenty
thousand again in July I'll just be totally straight up if I if I just do
nothing. Now of course I believe it can be done because I just did it but even
though I don't know how exactly it's going to happen I also didn't know
exactly how it was gonna happen when I set the goal last month and it happened
so that's the lower end so I'm I'm like okay this this is possible this can
happen. Now on the high end my goal that I just want to document that I'm going
to be putting a lot of thought on a lot of meditation on a lot of focus
visualization on it and you will get to either watch me go through it or you'll
get to see me have to come on camera and said and do it and just own it but the
the mark I'm looking for for July 2017 is 90 grand making and receiving my
first 90 thousand dollar month now why am I going for ninety because if you are
making 90 thousand dollars a month than in a year that's you're making a million
dollars and I need to hit that to start stretching my belief
that it's possible to hit it before November and so the other reason I'm
setting it now before I'm throwing any Hail Marys on the last three - or one
month - my birthday there's no I want to do it now is I want
to start stretching my brain of what would have to happen for me to hit 90.
Well what I need to do different what would need to be done differently for me
to make $90,000 this month. Right now I don't know but that's my goal
I just want to document it here I'm Millionaire Case Study it could be a
fucking bad month and I could end up with only ten but I'm gonna set that as
the target and then ask myself what actions are in my control that if I did
them it would be really hard not to hit 90 or at the very least it would
dramatically increase my chances of 90,000 happening. So that's where I'm at
this is the journey I hope this has given you a sense of of where I'm at the
beautiful thing about all this is I know one day when I hit the million one thing
that just came to me that I was just so excited about is there's gonna be
somebody else at least one other person I'd it would be my aim just one person
to be inspired to go after it because you're seeing how human this process is
there's nothing flashy or special
and yet last month 20,000 it's a good start but just a regular human being a
year ago just getting started in my business by myself by the way that's
what today is today is my one-year anniversary let me
see if I can where is it
today's my one-year anniversary of some major stuff it's my one-year anniversary
that this launched which is awesome and last year this time was when I went got
out of solar it was my last day doing solar and I've been so yeah I've been in
my own businesses for a solid year and a year ago this time I was making like 500
bucks in my own business and now I just hit 20 so it's a good improvement so now
it's time to just get focused and see what we can create here in the month of
July. So I'm Calvin Wayman. Thank you so much
for watching if this is useful to you please share with another entrepreneur
what you're seeing is the first story documenting an entrepreneur going from
zero to his first million as it's happening thank you so much for watching
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.22 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.10.27] - Duration: 33:16.
Let's go with that. It looks good on you.
I have a lot of similar clothes at home.
I don't need it.
Is this the same Jaeuk who lived for fashion?
It's kind of disturbing...
That I was such a pathetic brat.
He'll wear it out.
No. I'll pay.
Just use that.
I'll be right back.
I told you. It's a return-to-work gift.
It's dad's orders.
Thanks for this.
Tell Assemblyman Jin that I appreciate it.
What is this awkward feeling?
What do you mean?
I told you. I like the new you.
But I don't know about this right now.
You seem to be unfamiliar with places like this.
As if you feel uncomfortable.
Other changes are fine but I hope
you regain your attitude as Gangin Group's grandson.
My gosh.
Are these for a person or a doll?
Haesol, aren't these cute?
- Aren't they adorable? / - Yes.
They are but do you have money?
Why are these tiny shoes
so expensive?
They cost much more than mine.
I saw prettier but cheaper ones at the local market.
Let's go there.
We should, right?
Uncle, don't be too disappointed.
Once you get a job, you'll make lots of money.
You can buy the baby shoes then.
Okay. I'll buy you princess shoes as well.
I like that!
Uncle, I need to use the bathroom.
The bathroom?
- Thank you. / - Sure.
Hi, dad.
I'm still at the department store.
Of course. Jaeuk loved it.
He asked me to thank you.
Where did it go?
I spoke with his mother.
We'll have his family over soon.
Let's have dinner together and announce your wedding.
That's my daddy.
That soon?
Dad, you should think about Jaeuk's position.
Hey, lady! My picture!
Hey, lady!
Dad. I understand...
But Jaeuk needs more time.
- Hey, lady! My picture! / - Give us more time, dad.
- Dad. / - Hey, lady! Hey, lady!
Please move, lady!
What's wrong with you?
Give me my picture!
My daddy's picture!
What are you doing?
Kid, you shouldn't push people.
You could've just asked.
You weren't listening to me!
You were just talking on the phone!
Fine. Sorry about that.
It's daddy's face.
It's my daddy's face.
I'm sorry. Use this
and take a new picture. Okay?
I'm not a beggar!
I get it, so use that money to take a new picture.
I can't take a new picture!
My daddy isn't around now!
Sorry. He must've passed away.
He did not! He went to the U.S. to make money!
Okay. I'll take the money back.
Are you satisfied?
Where did he go?
Did he go to the car?
Where did Uncle go?
Uncle! Uncle!
Where did he go? How could he leave her alone?
Uncle! Uncle!
Uncle! Uncle!
Stay right there, Haesol.
Don't go anywhere. Stay there.
I'm sorry. I suddenly had to pee really badly too.
Sorry, Haesol.
I'm so sorry.
You came back, so it's okay.
I'm sorry, Haesol.
Daddy's sorry.
At the department store?
I see.
It's fine if he went with Haerim.
Did he do anything weird?
What on earth happened?
You should've told me if you were going somewhere.
I'm sorry.
It felt stuffy inside so I needed some air.
Couldn't you answer the phone?
I'm sorry.
I'm hungry.
We skipped lunch, so how's salmon steak?
You like salmon.
I don't feel like eating.
Why not? Did your food preference change too?
I just want to go home.
Seora! I bought you stuffed pancake!
It's still hot...
Where did she go?
I don't think she went out.
Seora, are you in here?
She's burning up.
Hold on. Ambulance.
I'm okay.
I'm sorry, dad.
Stop being pigheaded.
Let's go to the hospital.
I feel much better than before.
But then again,
after what you've been through,
it would be weird if you didn't get sick.
Okay, let yourself be very sick
and shake it all off.
I'm hungry.
I want some of your plain rice porridge.
You're hungry?
Okay. I'll make it nice and tasty.
Thank you, dad.
Don't thank me.
I'd be the one thankful if you eat it well.
I need to wash the rice and soak it,
so it'll take some time.
Take a nap for a while.
Let's go home.
Someone call an ambulance.
Is her guardian here?
What happened?
Be careful.
Luckily, it's just a few scratches and bruises.
There's nothing serious.
That hurt a lot, didn't it?
Where do you live?
Where are your parents?
What's your name? Your name.
You don't know your name?
I'm hungry.
We should've taken her to a neurologist...
And tried to get her treatment to get her memory back.
If she got her memory back,
we would've been able to find out
who she was with when she got lost.
Where's mom?
She went to a department store with the nurse.
A department store? With the nurse?
Why did she go shopping
with her nurse instead of her pretty daughter?
About that nurse...
What about her?
Isn't she a bit odd?
She's always next to madam, whispering things to her.
Do you think she's after madam's money?
My mom isn't that careless.
I know that. I was just worried, that's all.
Hi, mom. Where are you?
I'm at a department store.
You should've told me. I would've taken you.
I'm with my nurse, so don't worry.
I'll be home soon.
Okay. Be careful.
She didn't go to find Miryeong, did she?
I don't think she's back yet.
What are the police doing?
They can't even find a missing person.
They probably aren't sure if she's missing or a runaway.
Ring the bell again.
She may not have heard it.
Let's go for today and come back again.
Ring it again!
Who are you?
And who are you?
I'm friends with the person who lives here.
This looks old.
How old is it?
What's this? It's medicine.
My gosh. She hasn't been taking her meds?
Was she really acting in front of me and dad?
But why?
I really wanted to get along with you, mom.
Why did you stab me in the back like this? Why?
I wonder if that punk is okay.
Even if he is good at martial arts,
they outnumbered him by a lot.
(That punk)
That crazy jerk.
You're screening my calls now?
Do you think you'll be safe after using me twice?
You're dead.
Where have you been all this time that you want
spicy noodles now? Eat quickly and do the dishes.
Mom, this is four times spicier, right?
I threw in crazy spices and boiled it,
as you requested, ma'am.
What's going on?
You usually hate spicy foods.
The spices will remind me
of how much I despise
this jerk that I plan to beat up.
Great going.
You go around fighting all the time
instead of studying as you're told.
If you don't get into college again,
we're putting you into that
Spartan dorm test prep school.
What's the big deal if I don't go to college?
You only graduated junior high!
That's why I'm doing this! Because I'm not educated!
Look at Seora. She didn't go to college
but she met a guy from a top university...
My bad.
It's because I'm still bitter about
not sending Seora to college.
If I had insisted and sent her to college,
she may not have married Jiseop.
Then she may not have had this happen to her.
She never would've met that evil mother-in-law.
Okay, okay. I'll go to college! Seriously.
Wash the dishes well. Don't make me redo them.
Anyway, why hasn't Mihong come back
or called after running out barefoot?
I'm nervous about her.
That's $97,000.
Here's the $3,000 in cash.
How long has it been since I smelled this fragrance?
You have the best scent in the world.
A wad of cash?
Where would she get that cash?
I don't know. Anyway,
she had this many $50 bills
and was counting them like this.
What is this woman up to now?
What's the porridge for?
It couldn't be for me.
Seora is sick.
I think she must have the flu. She's a total wreck.
You were home all day.
How did you not know your sister passed out?
I'm sick too.
You only see Seora being sick
but not me, right?
Where does it hurt?
My heart is rotting away and crumbling.
Be honest.
You adopted me, right? And Seora's your secret child.
Stop being a brat.
If you're bored, help your mom at the restaurant.
She must be struggling all alone.
Did you forget already?
Do I even exist in your world?
I'm pregnant! Pregnant!
Then just go in and take a nap.
See? If I ever say anything,
you and mom jump down my throat.
You care only about Seora!
Seriously. Keep it down. You'll wake her.
If you keep this up,
I can't keep her secret.
No matter how hard you try,
no secret lasts forever
even if I keep quiet.
You and mom treat me like garbage.
How long do you expect me to keep quiet?
Daera, why you...
Tell her.
Run your mouth.
I mean it!
I'll tell her everything!
Go ahead. That's fine with me. I don't care.
Tell Seora and everyone in town!
The moment you do, you and I are through.
- You're off our family registry. / - Mom!
Are you saying you'll abandon me, your real daughter?
That's right. Rather than live in fear
with your threats,
I'd rather tell everyone and live in peace.
Go and run your mouth.
Dad, what is mom saying?
Your mom didn't say anything wrong.
- I agree with her. / - Dad!
But you'd better be very prepared.
The moment you tell Seora,
you're out of our family.
You'll be kicked out with nothing.
What? You're threatening me!
What's this all about?
What is it? What's this about Seora and threats?
Are you hiding something from her?
What is it? What?
Mihong. I'm glad you're here.
Did you find a pot of gold or something?
What? What nonsense is that?
How dare you play dumb?
Someone saw you counting a wad of cash at the bank.
What? Where would I get the money?
Would I have come back here if I had money?
Hey, you. Give me your bag.
Give me your bag.
Why do you want my bag?
- Let me see it and you'll know! / - You're crazy.
- What are you doing? / - Let go.
I'd better not catch you with anything.
What's this?
There's nothing that remotely resembles money.
Why do I bother living?
Look at how I'm treated
now that Jiseop is dead.
Jiseop! Take me with you.
I don't want to live like this. Let me join you.
Haerim's father called.
He seemed happy.
You got rid of the protesters at the company
instead of Inuk?
I'm glad he was pleased.
Haerim's family invited us over for dinner this weekend.
I think he wants to announce
your marriage during dinner.
Must I...
Go through with the wedding?
As you know,
I'll be going back soon.
If I finish what I need to within the next 3 years...
I'll leave this place.
What happens to Haerim then?
I don't want to hurt Haerim.
You can't escape my grasp
with such a weak attitude.
You can't return to your family.
What do you mean?
Without Assemblyman Jin's help,
you can't take over Gangin Group in 30 years,
let alone 3.
Do you think Chairman Kang Junchae
will give you the company instead of Inuk?
You must become Assemblyman Jin's son-in-law.
That is the only way...
You'll win over Gangin and Assemblyman Jin's support.
Your first step toward returning home is...
Getting married to Haerim.
You must make it happen.
That's the only way you'll live.
Drink this. It's herbal tea.
I'm shameless, aren't I?
Dropping by unannounced.
What is it at this hour?
I don't think I can do it.
No matter how hard I try...
I can't be my mom's daughter.
Has she still not given up on Yeorim?
I'm just an adoptee to mom.
No matter how hard I try...
I can't win her love.
She pretends to be a warm, loving mom...
But she's as cold as ice when she turns around.
I see the hatred in her eyes as she looks at me.
It's frightening and horrible.
You know she isn't like that.
You're overly sensitive.
What do you know?
If she finds Yeorim, she'll cancel my adoption.
I don't know why...
I cling so hard onto her when she always betrays me.
I just want her love.
Why is that so hard for her?
If my adoption is canceled,
Ms. Wi will dump me as well.
She's obsessed with having me
marry Jaeuk because of what my dad has to offer.
But if I lose that...
She wouldn't give me a second look.
The same goes for Jaeuk.
I don't think you would.
How do you know that?
Your eyes tell me that.
You see that in my eyes?
That's not good.
I should wear sunglasses from now on.
Don't do that.
Don't hide those kind eyes.
Do you feel better now?
Yes. I feel like I can breathe now.
I feel much better
after venting to you.
Your first step toward returning home
is marrying Haerim.
You must make it happen.
That's the only way you'll live.
Jin Haerim.
Ms. Ki, you need to come to the kindergarten.
- Oh, no. / - Haesol.
What happened to your face? Did you fight?
Haesol hit me, pinched me and
scratched me first!
Haesol. Did you really hit Bongcheol?
He doesn't know anything,
but he said daddy died.
He said only dead people have niches in a columbarium.
Liar! Haesol is a complete liar.
I am not. I'm not a liar.
I'm not a liar!
You are a liar!
Your dad's dead but you lie that he went to the U.S.
Mommy, that's not true, right? Daddy didn't die, did he?
You said daddy went to the U.S.
You said he went there to make money.
When my grandpa passed away,
he went to a columbarium!
That's what my mommy said.
She said Haesol's dad died and went to a columbarium.
That means Haesol is a liar!
That's not true. My daddy did not die!
I'm not a liar!
Sorry, Haesol.
Mommy lied.
Please forgive me.
Then did my daddy really die?
Daddy was too tired and got sick in the heart.
He was too sick and went ahead before us.
Daddy asked mommy to protect you
and make sure you don't get sick.
He made me promise.
You know how much daddy loved you, right?
Daddy may not be next to you,
but he'll always be watching you from above.
So it's not that you don't have a daddy.
Wherever it is that you may go...
Daddy will always
be by your side.
Daddy said before...
That he'd always be by my side.
That's right.
So stop crying
and eat now.
You eat too.
Okay, let's eat.
What's wrong, mommy?
Are you sick?
No, I'm fine. Eat up.
I'm sorry, sir.
We should've gone to you
but we made you come all the way.
Thank you for inviting this old man as well.
You made me feel younger.
It's been a very long time, Chairman Kang.
My apologies. I should've gone to see you first.
- I'm so sorry. / - Not at all.
The good thing about living long
is that I get to see people I haven't in a while.
I'm in a great mood today.
My apologies for coming so late.
Thanks, Jaeuk.
It must've been so hard.
I'm glad you're here.
Thank you.
How is it that you look younger every time I see you?
When I heard Jaeuk woke up,
I started to have hope as well.
You're right. Jaeuk is proof that you should have hope.
I'm here too. Hello.
Hi, there.
You must be stressed.
Not at all.
I'm glad you came.
I really wanted to see you, Inuk.
What is Haerim doing? Why isn't she down here?
I'm coming.
The dinner was excellent.
I'm so happy you thought so.
Thank you. I'm very happy I came back from the dead,
since I could come and have such a delicious dinner.
If the guest of honor feels this way,
I succeeded, didn't I, Mr. Chairman?
It tasted delicious to this sidekick
who is not the guest of honor as well.
Thank you.
To be honest, Haerim
worked very hard on it.
Good work, Haerim.
No, I only helped a little.
Everyone here knows I can't cook.
Leave me out of it, please.
Oh, no.
I was just about to talk about you as well.
About me?
That's right.
Did you know what this dinner was about?
Dad will announce Jaeuk and my wedding after dinner.
He already talked to Ms. Wi.
Then I'm the only one
who didn't know.
I knew it wouldn't be easy for you to oppose your dad,
but this is cruel.
Why didn't you tell me?
You didn't have to make me hear
about your wedding in your house!
Because I didn't have to.
What do you mean?
It's for the best.
It's hard to get both families together.
I'll drop the bomb first,
that I can't marry him.
I'm dying to hear what you have to say.
Go ahead.
We're all waiting with bated breath.
It's about Haerim and Jaeuk.
But first, I need to tell you something.
I'm sorry
for interrupting.
I can't...
If it's about us, please let me go first.
Really? Sure.
It's probably better for the guest of honor
to speak first.
Haerim, let him go first.
We're going to call off the wedding.
What do you mean, Jaeuk?
I will not...
Marry Haerim.
(The Secret of My Love)
Who paid off that huge debt?
Oh, that?
Are you giving up on Haerim completely?
It's between my woman and me.
It's not like you like me.
How dare you insult me?
Jiseop, you big fat jerk.
I won't forgive you.
No matter how cold it is, I have to stay right here.
Haesol is what?
How dare you ruin things after it was all set up?
I'll do it my way, not Jaeuk's.
That's the only way I can escape as soon as possible.
How are you...
Japanese PM Abe to support Trump's military options on North Korea's nuclear threats: Kyodo - Duration: 0:51.
Our starting point this morning,... on U.S. President Donald Trump's scheduled visit to
the Asia that begins this week-- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe -- soon
to greet President Trump in Tokyo when he visits the country-- says the highly-anticipated
visit will allow the two leaders to cement their positions on their strong deterrence
against North Korea.
Japan's Kyodo News Agency says Abe is looking to give his full backing to President Trump's
will to use force if necessary,... following indications Washington has devised military
options to deal with North Korea,... without putting the Korean Peninsula at risk.
Abe is also reportedly looking to press the importance of expanding the U.S. nuclear umbrella
over Asian countries-- an attempt seen as cementing the strong alliance between the
two sides.
North Korea hosts series of international events possibly aimed at securing foreign exchange - Duration: 1:57.
North Korea has held its first October international marathon,... while holding a number of other
international events in recent weeks.
Watchers see the events as a way to attract tourists... and secure much-needed foreign
cash in the wake of intensified sanctions against the regime.
Our Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.
North Korea held its first fall season international marathon this year,... in addition to its
annual event in April.
Foreigners also took part in the event,... where runners pass by Pyongyang's major landmarks,...
including the Kim Il-sung Stadium.
While the regime aimed to attract a large group of foreign participants,... there were
only about two dozen foreigners out of the 230 participants.
(ENGLISH) "It's really nice to run around the streets
of Pyongyang.
There was a wonderful crowd cheering for you, and that was the best."
This isn't the only international event the North has been hosting amid intensified sanctions.
Earlier this month,... it held a furniture expo targeting Russian and Chinese vendors,...
while a fashion show showcasing Korea's traditional attire, hanbok, and a clothing expo were also
held in Pyongyang in September.
The capital's annual International Trade Fair was also bigger than usual this year.
(KOREAN) "Despite isolation and uncivilized sanctions
imposed by the U.S. and others, the 13th Pyongyang International Trade Fair was a success."
Watchers say these international events can be interpreted as the regime's attempt to
attract foreign tourists and secure foreign currency while the international community
continues to impose tougher sanctions on the country.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
IT tycoons to appear before parliamentary audit session to talk about reversing problematic... - Duration: 0:51.
With the first parliamentary audit under the fledging Moon administration coming to a close
this week,... the leaders of Korea's IT giants will gather before lawmakers assessing the
sector on this Monday.
Executives from the country's most popular internet portal Naver, Facebook, Apple, Google
Korea and Samsung Electronics' Wireless Business Division will likely raise the issues surrounding
what they see as problematic government regulations that hinder their business operations.
But with the main opposition Liberty Korea Party's boycotting all parliamentary activity,...
it looks like the audits will not have their perspective.
The party will deliver its final say on whether or not their lawmakers will attend the audit
sessions after holding a general meeting later this morning.
Japan renews territorial claim to Korea's Dokdo on government website - Duration: 0:53.
We start with yet more false claims from Japan-- Tokyo has once again renewed its territorial
claim to Korea's easternmost Dokdo Island.
The claim is made on a government website-- also used as teaching materials for students.
The latest move looks sure to spark a fierce protest from Seoul.
The materials posted online falsely show Dokdo is Japanese territory and that Korea's occupation
is illegal,... referring to a Korean police detachment that has been on Dokdo since the
This follows Japan's revised education guidelines back in March that called for teaching elementary
and middle school students that Dokdo belongs to Japan.
We are still awaiting a reaction from Korea's foreign ministry regarding the latest false
claims,... but the issue has long been a driver of diplomatic friction between the two neighbors.
Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani to step down - Duration: 0:36.
The president of Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government, Masoud Barzani, has announced
he will be stepping down after his term ends on Wednesday.
His request has been accepted by the regional parliament and came amid an escalating row
with Baghdad over Kurdish independence.
Barzani has reportedly redistributed his powers between the Kurdish prime minister, parliament,
and the judiciary.
In a live televised address on Sunday, Barzani said nobody had stood up for the Kurds after
their vote on independence last month, which he said could never be erased.
Disneyland® | Lobster Mac & Cheese Hot Dog Review! 🌭🧀 - Duration: 2:54.
peep this out guys it's Ian K back again with another one for ya here at disneyland
today on a super crispy day outside of the haunted mansion at a little spot
called the harbour galley and you guys are gonna want to see this right now
take a look at what we are about to get into lobster mac and cheese inside of a
French roll but guys look what it's sitting on a hotdog that's right
lots of cheesy mac and cheesy goodness here with some Lobster mixed in on top
of a hot dog inside of a nice crispy French roll looking really nice a little
on the pricey side for $14.99 but guys it is Disneyland we're about to give this a
shot right now let's just get into it here I am very excited to see how bomb
sexy that's gonna be and man that just looks ridiculous as it is falling let's
do it
oh...mmmmm...cheesy very very cheesy here as I'm reaching for a napkin because I'm gonna
need it hmm it's not a super grilled hotdog as
you guys can see right over here little bit more of the boiled side but man
creamy creamy mac and cheese hints of lobster a little bit of the chopped
onion on the top there but man that has got some flavor it's going for one more
bite real fast oh my god noodles falling everywhere
that is delicious man that is really really delicious I can already see Carol
JuJu filming this right now salivating at the idea of getting into
this right now guys really really tasty bomb sexy for your face scale of 1 to 10
I'm gonna go with solid
8 on this I think the price is a little high for
what it is I'm not really tasting a lot of lobster but the creaminess of that
mac and cheese is coming through with little hints of lobster on the end I do
like the nice crunchiness of the french roll as well but again guys $14.99 is
a little pricey for this if you like mac and cheese I think you'll like it but
again I think it is just a little price prohibitive that's about it but the
flavor is pretty tasty guys absolutely delicious so quick look at the lobster
mac and cheese hot dog inside of a crispy french roll here at the Harbour
galley outside of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland
and like always it's Ian K closing out another episode of peep this out and
like I always say I've got brand new content every single week here on my
channel so while you stay tuned for that next review coming real soon in the
meantime stay frosty alright so I've got the Familia going in on the lobster mac
and cheese hot dog inside of a French roll thumbs up thumbs up not bad alright
guys we'll talk to you soon see ya
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