Peak : Sawaddee krub N'Boom!
HBD na jaa! I wish you full of happiness
get more handsome and more money (For dowry?)
Focus on your work to be a good actor
and get entrance into in Chula Faculty fo Accountancy
and.. I wish this year's birthday is the beginning
of the happiness for you throughout the year
See you na, Boom. See you~
Bye bye~ Fighting ♥
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Rhovanion Campaign LP Ep8 battle - Duration: 42:34.
Hello again and welcome to the 8th
episode of the Rhovanion campaign for
Fourth Age Total War: Dominion of Men a
modification for Rome
Total War: Barbarian Invasion. I am "Wombat"
or Wambat, as you please.
Oh my god! Look, I can see the flowers.
Flowers! This is so cool. I have been
playing for so many years on lowest
visual settings just so that my laptop
could play this game at all.
It's so fantastic to be able to see this
game, this mod, as
beautiful is it's supposed to be. Yeah, I
know we got the new, the most recent,
total war games that just blow these
types of graphics out of the water, but
there's an aesthetic element, you know.
The mentality that went into the designs
utilizing what they were capable of. It's
just got a bit of a thoughtfulness to it
that you don't see in the more
commercial releases that are more up to
date. Any rate, this is on ...
is this my approach? I forget how I want
to do ... okay, that's a good approach over
there. So, I'm gonna start on this corner
right here and see if I can get some
some ... maybe this is corners should be
starting for ... I'm
forgetting where the best corners to
start ... Maybe this is where? A good corner
to start is one where the enemy's not
going to have backup and it's going to
have to run a long way to get back home.
And I think this is actually the best
corner right here, so I'm gonna set up my
archers ... gonna stick that here ... with my
cavalry at the end. Okay. With my archers
up front here they can shoot people in
the back as they try to run away. That's
always a nice thing to do if you're an
archer. And these fellows would be
ready to intervene, and then these guys
behind can run forward if anybody
tries to naughty.
Put them to be under my
control; following my orders.
Now what do we have here? Yes. These, uh,
this is the general, I think, no it's not
the general but I still wanna kill
them with my bow and arrows. Okay, any
archers out here? Actually, I don't think
there were any archers in this
settlement, so that shouldn't be an issue.
Okay, let's see if I can ... What I'll do is,
I'll just order these guys to run up
here. I'll have these guys walk, walking's just fine.
And have these guys will run cuz they can run
back away if they need to. Very good!
Everybody has their orders. Let's see
how things develop. There, whose gonna be
moving somewhere first? Ah, these guys.
Very nice. Soon as I can ... look I can already
start shooting at these guys. That's
Now these guys move up and they'll be ready
to intercept.
In fact I'll have them charge. They're not
gonna actually make contact, they're just
there to get these guys attention, like:
"Oh, somebody's charging us! We better stop."
Yeah, you better stop. Look at that:
already gone. Because they're all
zero experienced troops, they've got no defensive
capabilities. Okay, these guys gonna stop
for a moment,
so they don't get shot in the back head,
and now we're gonna move them up and
fire on ... Their general is too far away. Okay,
so these guys can just start walking
away until the infantry turns around and
these horsemen are gonna run over here
and they're gonna finish off these
retreating horsemen, if they can manage
Okay, kill off those guys. You know, these
guys are a lot more determined than I
expected them to be. Alright so we're
going to start separating this up. Take
these two, make them run this way; these two can
continue there; these two can run this
way, and we'll just have these guys sort
of follow the same pattern.
Ah, okay.
You guys run up here.
No! Don't get caught! Don't get caught! Run towards
the Bowman!
Okay, who can start shooting? These guys
can start shooting here: perfect. Okay,
these two guys ... actually all three of
these guys can start running in this
direction, and these guys can start
running there.
Oh, crap! I'm gonna get hit!
I'm gonna get hit! Oh, man!
What? Okay, you guys need to start
charging these guys. No! Don't throw at
my guys! What have we got
over here? These Rangers. I am going to have to
use them. This is getting a lot more
messy than I anticipated. The whole point
of ... I probably should have set up my men
initially farther away from the
periphery so I didn't have nearly
the entire enemy army running at my
guys. I'm going to end up taking some
casualties I wasn't anticipating. When
you expect ...
Okay, these guys, these two guys are here
that can take at least one shot. There. He
can start running this way. He can target
this one. Ah, shoot! There, my guy's taking
taking their hits. Bastards! All
the way from over there. Not fair! Yeah,
okay, well, this guy is going to keep shooting at
these guys.
What's he chasing after?
I think he has to run. And have him over
here. Have him run over there.
Okay, my first attempt of this battle did
not record properly. That's okay, that's why we
save. Alright, so I think I forgot to do ...
Trying again ... Yeah, the first time I
deployed a bit too aggressively. I
deployed a bit too aggressively and
ended up having to fight the entire army
practically all once, which is not smart on
my part, and probably lost about 10 men,
probably half of that to a friendly fire,
or more. But, I really shouldn't have to
lose any men in this fight. I just
need to be a little more intelligent,
less aggressive, and deployment ... deploying
aggressively like that when ...
I mean, by aggressively, putting my men
too close to the city. Could have made
sense if they had ranged units and I needed to
deal with those ranged units quickly. Like the
smart thing to do if, for example,
you have to fight a garrison that has
some long-range artillery, and you just
get in there quickly and eliminate that
threat. But, in this case they don't have
any long-range units. They just have one
unit of foresters, and those can easily be
taken out. I've got ... I've got, really, an
overabundance of ranged units that I can use
to eliminate any of their threats. So,
what I'm gonna do is just figure out
where my attack vector is. Where's my
favorite one? I think this is my
favorite attack vector here, so I'm going
to set up my men in this corner. And I
am going to set them up a good distance away. And
that will make it so that instead of
just charging my men, the enemy should just
start returning to positions in the
interior of the settlement. And that'll
let me take out individual units
Just head over there. Okay. Oh, let's
make sure everybody's off these
automated actions, I like having control over
things when at all possible. Okay, let's see if
anybody's gonna come out. Anybody coming
out? Looks like everybody's going back
in. That's fine. That's perfectly fine.
Okay, so, what I'm going to do then is get my
men to come up over here. Start them well
away ... See ... You know; probably
fast forward this bit.
Okay, let's go ahead and do these guys
squared up a bit better. So, what's gonna
happen here is I'm just gonna, one by one,
target a unit, get them to come out, and
destroy them. Almost as if they were just
in the city center; the town
square, rather; and these cavalry units
on either side. I should be able to get
through this entire endeavor without
losing any men. This is going to take a
while but I don't have a battle timer
on, so I don't have to worry about
hurrying. Although, I could certainly do
this with the battle timer on. I did for
many years. Okay.
All right, so the first concern here is
that I've got to get rid of these
cavalry. I could probably wipe them out with
just, like, one volley of all of these
archers. I need to be able to do it
without getting caught. So, what I am going to do
is; I like this formation; just
going to have everybody come up as a ...
... Why is this formation not
working properly?
Some reason they don't ... like ... I've totally
forgotten most of the controls after
eight months of not really playing
the game. I'll just have to do this the
hard way.
Okay, so have these guys come on here.
And these fellows here. Better. Okay. What was this?
That's ... Okay, yeah, what happened in that ...
One of the things I was
really excited about with the new setup
that I have for recordings is that I've
got the two screens. I got one screen
showing what I'm recording, and the other
showing what I'm doing. The theory
being that as soon as the recording starts
messing up
I will notice that. And I can just pause
it and go back to recording again.
That did not happen last time I tried
this battle. I was too involved
in the battle, and did not pay attention
to the recording to see that it was not
reporting. Ah! Okay, okay, these guys
are already starting trouble.
Okay, let's see what's going to happen here. Oh,
they're not really running. Okay.
So you guys can stop. You guys shoot them.
Put them on "do not pursue". Should be able to get one
volley off at these Scouts. I didn't realize
they had two units of Scouts here I
thought they just had one. I should
be able to finish off these Scouts
before they can get near me with all the
arrow fire I have. Okay, I don't even think
they're gonna ultimately get that ... Oh!
Forgot about not shooting anymore after
I first pressed "do not pursue". I think I
may be just far enough out of the boarder
of the town that are not really going
to come that close. Of course now that I'll
be proved false. Okay, so these fellows
back behind the line. Okay, that's not necessary.
Shoot at them.
Have one of these guys shoot these fellows,
When you have
units clustered on top of each other it
can get in the way of all of your
archers firing at once. Some of them act
as though they're obstructed, so it's
it's good not to have them all pilled
on top of each other. Back in the, ah ...
They still have the snaga archers in this
version of the mod. In the
previous version, "The New Shadow" I
believe it was called, these snagas that
you could recruit as Dunland or
Adunabar we're actually zero turn
production units, so you could produce,
I think, eight or nine of those every turn.
So, as Adunabar, you would just ... you
had the option of just pumping out endless
stacks of snagas. You know, I did 20 snaga
units in a stack and go attack some city. And my
first inclination was to just has put
them all in one spot as a blob and
fire away at whatever I wanted to destroy.
And I found out pretty quickly that
really deteriorates their ability; they
weren't even doing as much damage as a
single snaga unit sitting in that one
spot would have been doing, because they were all
in each other's way. Lets go a bit faster.
Anybody shoot yet? Yeah, here we go. That's
close enough. Okay, so we'll have these
guys stop right here.
These fellas just behind. These horsemen
stop right there.
I'll have these ones stop just inside.
This should encourage them to come out;
try to mess with my horsemen ...
Who's coming out? The Scouts!
The Scouts are going to die. Die Scouts!
... Still be careful though. Okay. Lets see. Bring my
horsemen close up in case I need to
intercept. Oh, nobody's running. Okay, we
can stop then.
So, with this much firepower I can probably
eliminate this unit of Scouts before
they can be a threat. And that's very nice.
See? This is totally under control. Okay.
Lets start having these guys walk up here.
Oh! There's the general. Okay, get ready to shoot this
guy when he gets close enough. Go! Lets put these guys
down here; they'll be safe here. I'll just
have one unit finish him off so I'm not
wasting too many arrows. I have, probably,
one more than enough. I was really hoping
I could record a couple of episodes this
weekend, but I think my throat is getting
too sore for that. But, one of the things
I want to do is get closed captioning
for all of the episodes thus far. One
thing I hadn't realized when I started
recording these is that if you upload
your video with music the automatic
captioning doesn't work. So, what I would
have to do is upload them again without
the music, generate some automatic
captions and import them over to the
proper video. So, that's just going to
take some time. Okay, where you get
going? ...
Why don't you like? ... Send these guys over
here. I don't know where these guys are going.
Let's get this up a little bit. Come on.
Come down.
Okay, they're finally coming out. There ...
Run. Now, perfect. Now destroy. Beautiful!
Let's see. Not gonna my ... well, maybe I will
No, 'cuz they'll probably just get
caught up. I'll let them get finished off.
And use my Scouts to lure out the
foresters because they might get a
volley off at me and that would suck.
Definitely don't want them to get a volley off at me if I
can help. I'm going to move this horsemen, what I'm going
to do is stick him right there. No ...
This is too close. I want this ... Now! @%#^&!
See? They loosed a volley. I am lucky I did not lose
any men there. How am I gonna deal with this? I
gonna have to ... Who's over here? Ax-men. Somehow
we need to make this work. I might be
able to get an angle going from over
Between that house on that tree. Trees
will block my ammunition, but I think I
can sort of get in between here. There we
go. Okay, if I can just get one volley off then
he'll start coming out. Or he'll
just run away.
You're being a little pain in the butt, man!
Okay. Insanity has been born here. It's
because they're a ranged unit that
they're being so difficult.
Ranged units are a pain in the ass to tease
out. Okay. Stop there. Fire. Probably it's
going to take more ammunition than
taking out any other unit. Unless I keep
getting shots off on them on the back. We
can only hope. These Foresters suck man!
Okay, there we go.
Okay, I might just have to bring forward all of my
archers. Now in place: good. Now, destroy that. It's
going to take a lot of my animation
they're hiding behind this tree. Half my volleys
are you gonna be towards their front. But,
this is how I am going to win without
losing men, potentially.
Am I hitting anybody? Super
inefficient. Okay, and I'll finish them
off. Oh my god! Look how much ammunition
I've used up. I still have one cavalry
unit to take out. Thought I would have
plenty of ammunition for this. I was
Probably still make it, it's just it's
going to be a lot closer than I would
want it to be.
I'm going to have these guys just sort of pivot a
little bit so they have a better shot at
him. Come on. No. See where that little
wall would have been is messing me up.
Maybe if I can do this? Okay, that's how
we have to do it.
Oh! I've gotta play this game. Okay, you two
go over there. You go over there.
That's better.
Everybody stop, and all these archers
kill that. What? Oh, he's out of
ammunition. So, he's just gonna go over
there. Everybody else go shoot at him.
He'll probably retreat as soon as he
gets hit in the back by all those
volleys. And then I can run him down.
No! He's turning around. Argh! Stop. He
turned around just in time to catch all
the volleys in the face. This is stupid.
So, full volley from five of my ... Is he
gonna do this thing where he just keeps
turning back and forth? Okay, that's
Okay. Stop. Stop. Kill. Kill. I'll take the rest
of these guys out without using
ammunition. Just do it quickly.
Yay! Okay. What to do now? What I can do here
is just sort of set up in such a way
here so that when the enemy comes
forward they'll just be
annihilated. So ... There ... And there ...
These five fellows can go in between. And
this guy will be back here. Okay, that's
gonna work. Oh, I guess I'll put my horsemen
up here.
Okay, with this setup I shouldn't get
any friendly fire.
Maybe I'll just adjust these guys a
little bit, just to make sure. There we go. I'm
gonna have these guys on "fire at Will", in
case Will shows up. All right. Go ahead
and take out ... All of their backs to us:
that's beautiful. These guys are going
down. Very nice. Come on! Okay. You guys
go down here, and you guys right up here.
Oh, they're gonna hit my guys! Bastards!
Why aren't you running? Because I didn't tell you to
run, that's why. Run! And run! Enemy general
has fleas. Why are you guys not firing at
Will like I told you to? Stop. Oh, I should
have had them on "do not pursue". Ok.
Go back.
Don't mess around. Go back. Go back!
Are you close enough to hit? Hit
them. Go over here dude!
Well, that was a waste of a couple volleys. Okay, that
was a bit sloppy. Next volley should take
them out completely. Here we go.
Look at that: two left.
Oh, man! Everybody's out of ammo. This is
We got one archery unit left that has
ammo. Okay, you guys run up here.
Now, I should be able to finish off ...
What are these guys doing? Go back there. You're
just gonna stand there?
Damn it, man! This can be frustrating. I
was trying not to lose men. "Look
everybody, I can not lose men".
Anyway ... Oh, they got two units in here.
I thought there was just one. Shoot!
Ah! This will be difficult.
Okay, these guys can stop firing a will.
Oh, nice! Can my horseman get them? Probably not,
but we're gonna give it a shot. Yeah,
that's not gonna happen.
Let's do this: Send our horsemen
around. I'm gonna have my horsemen hanging out
here in these bushes so that the next
time, when these guys decide to flee,
I'll be able to run them down. Right here.
That'd be nice. Where are you going? Right,
there should be good.
Okay, who's got their backs to me?
We can conserve our ammunition; make sure
every shot counts. Let's go right back
here. Run! You know to run? Jiminy Christmas, man!
Really? You're about to fire-at-will, and
fire-at-will, and fire-at-will. Will's gonna get it.
Okay, and then I'll send the cavalry back here. I'll have this guy
taken care of in short-order. He's
gonna break immediately. Oh, crap!
See that? That, right there, that was
friendly-fire; I guarantee it. These guys
can come back up here.
Okay, well, I'm not concerned that
that I might run out of ammunition now. You guys get
back here. Oh, he already broke.
Won the battle already, but it's worth
it to get as many kills in as you can.
That gives your units experience
after a while. But, the enemy only
actually killed one, and that was
probably when their leader did that
charge. All of the rest of my casualties
were from friendly-fire. Five deaths
from friendly-fire, which is actually
about how many deaths I had the previous
time I tried to do this battle. But, the
independent peoples had a few
more kills to their credit on that
occasion. Okay. Bravo! Good fun! This will
conclude episode eight of the Rhovanion
campaign. Thank you very much for
watching. please remember to Like
subscribe and comment; more than happy to
respond to any comments; and, also, don't
forget to check out the forum link below
for the mod: Fourth Age Total War:
Dominion of Men. Download that and play
to your heart's content. It's a wonderful
mod. Thank you for watching.
Bata Mujko Sanam Mere | Divya Shakti | Ajay Devgan, Raveena | Kumar Sanu, Alka Yagnik | - Duration: 6:45.
"Tell me my love; how do I look to you?"
"Tell me my love; how do I look to you?"
"You're the No. 1 among all"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Tell me my love; how do I look to you?"
"Tell me my love; how do I look to you?"
"You're the No. 1 among all"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Before you, no one came in my life"
"I swear to God that, before you, no one touched my heart"
"Before you, no one came in my life"
"I swear to God that, before you, no one touched my heart"
"I'll announce to the world that I can't live without you"
"You're the No. 1 among all"
"Do you love me?"
"Yes! I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"I did't see beautiful/charming lady, like you anywhere"
"You're my heart, Beloved, I dreamed just about you"
"I did't see beautiful/charming lady, like you anywhere"
"You're my heart, Beloved, I dreamed just about you"
"I say to People that I always lost in your memory"
"You're the No. 1 among all"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"Hmmmm, I Love You"
"Tell me my love; how do I look to you?"
"Tell me my love; how do I look to you?"
"You're the No. 1 among all"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"Oh! I Love You"
"Do you love me?"
"I Love You"
Learn Colors with ChuChu T...
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François Hollande épanoui grâce à Julie Gayet, elle est « tout le contraire des autres » - Duration: 2:06.
COLD WAR - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 1:51:08.
HIDDEN (2015 film) - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 7:59.
L&T तीन राज्यों में 500 करोड़ रुपये के मिसाइल सिस्टम्स संयंत्र की स्थापना के लिए विकल्प तलाश रहा है - Duration: 2:14.
We are looking at Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and even Gujarat to set up the missile and
missile systems plant, which would involve an outlay of around Rs 500 crore, said Jayat
D Patil, member of the Board and Whole Time Director (Defence Business) L&T.
India's engineering conglomerate Larsen and Toubro Ltd, which has formed a Joint venture
(JV) with Frances MBDA to develop and supply missiles and missile systems to the Indian
armed forces, is looking at Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat to set up the plant, a senior
official said here on Friday.
He also said the company would be setting up a battle tank plant at Hazira in Gujarat.
"We are looking at Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and even Gujarat to set up the missile and
missile systems plant, which would involve an outlay of around Rs 500 crore.
The location of the plant depends on the incentives these state governments would offer," Jayat
D. Patil, member of the Board and Whole Time Director (Defence Business) L&T, told reporters.
Patil was here to participate in the launch function of the Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV)
built by L&T Shipbuilding Ltd at the shipyard at Kattupalli near here.
According to Patil, the engineering conglomerate has been supplying a major portion of the
missile systems and it was a natural extension for the company to get into manufacturing
the entire systems.
L&T and the French major MDBA had earlier in the year announced the 51:49 joint venture
for the missile and missile systems business.
They also announced the name of the joint venture company as L&T MBDA Missile Systems
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