Look What You Made Me Do / Believer
How It feels to have a Million Views on YouTube (1 million views celebration) - Duration: 1:44.How It feels to have a Million Views on YouTube
Let"s go and find out how many views I got!
What the f*ck is this sh*t?
*J. Jonah Jameson hysterically laughing over views count*
Let"s see if this work.
*To be continued meme*
*Ken"s theme from Street Fighter V plays to make the rest of this video more badass*
Tapper: Wh Is Trying To Turn The Spotlight On Others - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Conway Confirms Trump Wanted Gag Order Lifted For Fbi Informant - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
ANB - Wywiady - Nathan Holt. Enter the Battlefield - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
Fish Stalker Inflatable SUP-------------------------------------------
Volvo S80 2.4D Momentum 163PK - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Toyota ProAce Worker 2.0 D-4D 122PK Cool Comfort | 2.500kg trekgewicht | Navigatie | Bluetooth | - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Corolla Verso 2.2 D-4D LUNA - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Halloween Makeup! - Duration: 9:09.So, who is doing what?
I have no idea what we're doing.
I think I'm just gonna do the eye thing. Like...
One eye thing on top of the face thing.
Okay. What am I going to do?
And you're gonna do the middle.
Yea and let my nose be like...
Hey, what's up?
Get an operation, bitch.
Punch me.
Trick or treat!
- Maybe like this. - But, can you see?
Something like this?
Can you see?
How are they doing this man?
So you should have that and it should be like flesh and like red and stuff over there...
...and have your cuts like here on the other side.
You know?
- So you don't have a normal face at all. - So it's like...
Yea. No, you do, like...
- It's normal. - Like on your forehead.
It's like you're normal with cuts, but then you can see the inside, your insides.
- You know? - Yea, but I don't have equipment for like doing that inside.
But, just do like red and stuff.
- Red and stuff? - Like red. Just make yourself red.
- Okay, with lipstick. - Yea.
- And then like... - I wish I had a cheaper one.
- Sorry. - Oh, we can use your lipstick... that you gave me.
Oh yea, perfect.
And we're just gonna dab it and stuff. We don't have to do lipstick all over like that.
You know? Just gonna dab around. We're gonna try. We're just tryng right now.
We don't know what we're doing.
What was that? Tr... Trial and error. That's it.
Linguist, bitch.
So, yea, like this?
You can also go up.
As you wish.
So, I'm gonna have my whole neck red.
I hope I don't rip my eyebrows.
How is that supposed to stay?
Halloween Shmalloween.
This is so difficult.
(sings) Da da da da da daaaaa I have a zipper on my face
How normal is that?
Oh nooooo!
Now you see my struggle?
Do we have to stay like this for 2 hours? Because you said it dries in 2 hours.
It takes time.
Well, it's not that bad right now on my face, but look.
You see? Like, I gotta put even more of this.
So that it stays. You know?
No cotton... has to be... out there.
It has to be covered with this.
Look, it's coming out. It shouldn't be coming out.
- You ready? - mhmm
Okay, I'm gonna stay like this. And then I'm not gonna be able to move my finger. It's gonna be stuck to my face.
Did you glue that zipper too?
It has to dry. It HAS to dry.
So that I can use, like, powder makeup on it.
Maybe I can go with this a little.
- They're not sparkly. - You think you can do this one? For the very top part?
Are you sure it has to be light?
No, I mean like, it's gonna be dark over here but like as it goes it can be a little light over here because if it's all purple, it's... like... I don't know.
And if you don't like the light, you can always make it darker.
Yea, okay.
Which one did you say?
- This one? - At the very top, and like, above your eyebrow.
- Isn't it too light? - You can't eve see it, yea.
- How is that now? - Looks better.
- But it's even weird, like... But I like it. - Make sure you don't have any of your skin color here though. And on your eyelid.
- Where? Here? - Your eyelid. Yea, cover it all. - Yea, I'm gonna. I'm gonna do that.
I'm gonna do the darker shade there like this That's why.
- No. What are you doing man? - I don't know.
Alan Walker - All Falls Down (feat. Noah Cyrus with Digital Farm Animals) {Sub Inglés-Español} - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
13 Strange Animals for Kids || Weird Animals || Scary animals || Spooky Animals - Duration: 8:47.We love animals, but some of them are downright spooky-looking!
Let's dive deep into our planet's oceans, deserts and forests to find and learn about
some of the strangest looking creatures.
Here are 13 spooky animals you may not want to have over for dinner!
1. Tarantula - Blaaaahhh!
Tarantulas are found in the rainforests and jungles in many parts of the world.
The name "Tarantula" comes from "Taranto," a port in Southern Italy.
In ancient times, when a person in Taranto was bit by a tarantula, they would do a frantic
dance to sweat out the venom!
However this wasn't necessary because the venom of tarantulas is too weak
to be harmful to humans.
It's understandable why the people from Ancient Italy would be afraid of these spiders
- tarantulas are one of the largest spiders, with long scary fangs.
They hunt at night and pounce on their prey!
2. Vampire Bats - aaargh!
Vampire bats live in dark caves, mines, hollow trees and abandoned buildings.
You can find them in Central and South America.
They drink the blood of other animals to survive.
Rather than sucking blood like make-believe vampires in scary stories, vampire bats make
a small cut on their victim and lap up their blood.
They especially love to drink blood from cows, horses, pigs, and birds.
3. Goblin shark - uhhuiuhuhhhh
Scientists don't know much about this incredibly spooky-looking fish
because it lives at the bottom of the ocean.
However, we do know that goblin sharks can grow over 10 feet long
and up to about 500 pounds.
They're a slow moving creature that quietly approaches their prey.
When their dinner starts to dart away, that's when the goblin shark strikes!
This is no ordinary shark bite.
Get this: The goblin shark sticks its jaw all the way out of its mouth
and snatches up its victim.
4. Hyena - eeeeeeehhhhh!
Hyenas live in Africa.
They look a little like badly-dressed dogs.
Hyenas are known for eating the leftovers of other predators like lions.
However, hyenas are great hunters, too, and can be found hunting in packs.
They have powerful jaws, perfect for chomping up bones.
Spotted hyenas are known as "laughing hyenas."
They communicate in spine-tingling cackles that can be heard for miles!
5. Black widow spider - yowwwwch!
Black widows are one of the most poisonous and dangerous spiders in North America.
Most black widows are black and can usually be identified by the red hourglass shape
on their abdomen.
Not all black widows have a red hourglass, though, so it's best to
stay away from all black spiders.
A bite from a black widow can be deadly if not treated promptly.
This spider is known as the "Black Widow" because the female spiders often kill and
eat their male partners leaving them without a mate.
They're now a widow!
6. Crows & Ravens - what are all these creepy black birds?
Crows and Ravens live in many parts of the world, but are very common in North America.
Can you tell them apart?
This can be hard, because they are both big black birds.
Here are some ways to tell the difference.
Ravens are larger than crows, and often travel in pairs.
Crows travel in large groups.
Crows give a cawing sound, while ravens give off a lower croaking sound.
Still not sure?
Look at their tails!
Crow's tails look like a fan.
Ravens have longer middle feathers in their tails, so they appear wedge-shaped when open.
Both crows and ravens are known for being very intelligent.
7. Star-nosed mole -- aarrrrhgh what is that!!!
Star nosed moles are native to eastern North America.
They're one of the most distinctive types of mammals, known for having 22 pink, fleshy
tentacles around their nose.
Like other moles, the star nosed mole is found in moist climates burrowing and digging a
network of underground tunnels.
When digging, the tentacles are held over the mole's nostrils preventing dirt from
getting into their nose.
They also cover their nose when eating.
When this creepy looking mole forages, it uses its tentacles to feel its surroundings.
The tentacles move very rapidly.
They can touch as many as 12 objects per second!
8. Camel spider - nooooo!
Camel spiders are found in desert regions of every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
They are not actually spiders like tarantulas.
They are a different kind of arachnid.
Camel spiders can run up to 16 kilometers per hour - about the speed of a squirrel.
If that isn't scary enough for you, their jaws make up a third of their body! {horrified
interjection} Luckily they don't eat humans - they prefer something
more bite-sized like mice.
Run little mousies!
9. Lamprey Eel - shudder
The Lamprey Eel is a long, narrow fish that
can spend part of its life in the salty sea and part of its life in freshwater.
They can be found in most oceans.
Lamprey eels are jawless fish.
They are recognized by their large mouth filled with circular rows of teeth!
They capture other fish and suck their blood and other bodily fluids!
When they're tired, they can also use suction to stick to rocks to take a break from swimming.
They often do this when migrating from the ocean to freshwater.
10. Vultures - yechhhh
Vultures live in every part of the world
except Antarctica and Australia.
They're known as nature's garbage cleaner because they eat dead animals!
When predators are finished with their meals, the vulture cleans up the leftovers!
They have long, strong wings that let them fly for hours searching for food.
When vultures eat, they gobble up as much as they can, because they never know where
their next meal is coming from.
Vultures have a special creepy trick to get away from predators.
They'll vomit on the animal that's bothering it!
This also makes the vultures lighter so it's easier to fly away.
11. Mata mata turtle -- ehhhh?
The Mata Mata turtle has a very rough flat shell.
It looks like a large, rocky oval.
The Mata Mata has an unusual head!
Like its shell, the Mata Mata's head is rough and flat.
This turtle's head is triangular-shaped with a long pointy nose.
Their snorkel-like nose allows a Mata Mata to lie fully submerged in water
while still able to breathe.
Mata Mata turtles have excellent hearing and sense of touch.
However, they have very poor eyesight.
12. Scorpion - AAGGHHH!
Scorpions can be found everywhere in the world, except the South Pole.
These predators are closely related to other Arachnids, like tarantulas and camel spiders.
Scorpions have eight legs, a pair of pincers and a narrow tail that curves over their back.
On the end of their tail is a venomous stinger!
There are over 1000 species of scorpions.
But don't worry, only a few dozen kinds of scorpions can kill a human.
Still with pincers, and a stingy tail, they all look terrifying!
13. Aye aye lemur - huhhh...
Aye aye lemurs can only be found in the forests of Madagascar, an island
off the coast of Africa.
These are nocturnal creatures.
During the day, they sleep in trees, and hunt for food at night.
Aye aye lemurs like to eat nuts, fruits and grubs.
They have very distinct bony fingers, big yellow eyes and a bushy tail.
Scientists originally thought the aye aye lemur was a rodent like a squirrel,
but they are actually primates!
That's right, primates include monkeys, gibbons and even humans along with
these strange looking creatures.
They're like a distant cousin to us.
Those were a few of our favorite spooky animals!
Which one did you think was the spookiest?
Did we talk about your favorite spooky critter?
Maybe favourite isn't the right word.
What kinds of creepy animals should we talk about next?
Let us know in the comments.
We want to know what you think!
Now it's time to watch another video about ANIMALS.
Pick which group of animals you want to learn about next!
Thanks for watching!:)
MOVA Cycling - Great News From The Factory - Duration: 1:01.Look what we have!
The yellow/black Jackets for mens are now ready!
Before shipping,
We need to do a quality check!
We checked every light
4 minutes to check one jacket,
and well,
it's about looking for every single detail
Especially stitches and,
Overall quality details.
And the good news is that it already looks very good
But we're checking the jacket up to the last detail
and this takes time.
After the quality check,
we put the jacket into a plastic bag
in order to protect them
and then we're going to take all the jackets
to our Headquarter...
well... our office (laughts)
So we will start shipping the jackets tomorrow
◄ANNIHILATION!?!? || Lycaon's #LLRC || Gota.io► - Duration: 15:01.hi
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