Good morning and welcome to this month's episode of the Wake Up Date! Today's
Halloween so I thought I would wear my costum.e I am a wild thing from Where The
Wild Things Are and I made this hood and these little claws. I knew I was gonna
end up being really busy this season so I wasn't sure I would be able to make
every one of my family's costumes, so I decided to buy the Max costume from
Where The Wild Things are for my son and then I made these like, Wild Thing
accessories for me and my husband Matt so we're gonna all match and I'm really
excited. This is the first year we're taking our son out trick-or-treating for
real. Last year we just kind of pushed him around in his stroller, it was really
cold and we didn't go door-to-door, we just kind of looked around the
neighborhood. He wasn't really sure what was going on. I think this year he's
gonna be so much more excited and I can't wait. I love Halloween, I always
have and I am so excited to dress him up and take him around the neighborhood.
Later tonight I'm gonna be posting some pictures so if you want to see us in our
costumes all togethe,r follow me on social media @Laurenfairwx. If you're
curious, the hood came from a tutorial that I found online that I will link in
the video description below and I used the leftover fabric from the hood to
make these and I just kind of improvised on these little mittens.
I think vinyl was probably the right material for these claws because they
look like they're really sharp but they're totally not and they keep their
form and I, yeah. totally happy with the way these came out. I love the idea of
doing family Halloween costumes and I've always been kind of intimidated by the
idea of making costumes but I've been trying to challenge myself to do it even
if it's just like a hat or just some gloves. I want to get better at making
costumes and I think Halloween's a good place to start! So my big news for this
month, just announced, my first wizard rock band, The Moaning Myrtles, will be
reuniting. If you don't know, it's a band that I started with my best friend when
we were in high school and we haven't really been writing music or playing
shows together in a very very long time and Paul DeGeorge from Harry and the
Potters asked us if we wanted to play the Yule Ball this year and the Yule
Ball events that Harry and the Potters put on are some of my favorite shows
ever, of all time. They're so much fun, they're are really good events for people
who are not familiar with Wizard Rock, it's a good like, first foray
into the weirdness that is wizard rock music and this is the first year that I
will be playing at all three of the Yule balls! There's one in Washington DC
on December 15th, there is one in Brooklyn New York on
December 16th, and the last one is gonna be in Boston Massachusetts on December
17th. December 15th, 16th, and 17th, Nina and I are gonna be getting together and
playing our old Moaning Myrtles music, we're also going to be putting a new
spin on some of my solo Lauren Fairweather music and I am really
excited! We have a lot of work ahead of us because i'm not sure i remember all
the words. So if you want to learn more information about those shows, find out
how you can get tickets, read the video description below for more information
on all of those shows. Also, because I've been meaning to do this for a really
long time and these shows kind of reminded me that I needed to get it done,
I made a Bandcamp page for The Moaning Myrtles! So if you want to refresh your
memory before the concert so you know all the words to sing along with us, or
you just missed out on The Moaning Myrtles and want to know what they're
all about, go to themoaning and you can download all of
our music! Including the kind of hard-to-find bathroom acoustics EP. This
is one of the coolest things I think I've ever made; the only sounds that you
hear on that album are voices and the sounds of items that you would find in a
bathroom. And that was kind of a limited release as part of the EP of the Month
Club in 2009, so not a lot of people have that album. I know a lot of people have
said to me over the years that they were kind of late to the wizard rock scene
and they wish that they could have seen a Moaning Myrtles, show so if that's you,
this is your chance. I'm really looking forward to those shows and I think
they're gonna be really really fun. I'm also gonna be performing at Conjuration
in Atlanta which is a Harry Potter conference this weekend, November third
fourth and fifth, and I am looking forward to that! It's gonna be fun! So I'm
gonna end today's episode with a bunch of shoutouts for my patreon supporters.
Whether you want to get one of these shoutouts in a future episode or you
just want to support me and help me keep making these videos, I have a patreon
campaign at and there's all kinds of
stuff on there that might be interesting to you. So this month I wanted to say
thank you to Nicki B. Thank You Lucy black. Thank You Ashley Sousa. thank you
Markslide. Thank You Saxony. Thank You Antonio G.
and a big thank you and welcome to Abby Ritter who is a new patron and I'm
so happy! Thank You Abby! So that I think is everything that I wanted to say this
month. I hope that you're having a happy Halloween if you are celebrating and if
you are celebrating Halloween and dressing up, leave me a comment below
telling me all about your costumes. That's all. Okay. Bye!
For more infomation >> Moaning Myrtles Reunion and Halloween Costumes | Wake Up Date #35 - Duration: 5:06.-------------------------------------------
Lionel Messi and other Barcelona stars are unimpressed with Ernesto Valverde - report - Duration: 2:04.
Lionel Messi and other Barcelona stars are unimpressed with Ernesto Valverde - report
Spanish media outlet Diario Gol say the Argentine superstar misses Barca's free-flowing attacking style. Ernesto Valverde took the reins at the Nou Camp in the summer after leaving Athletic Bilbao.
During his short stint at the club, the 53-year-old chief has impressed. Barca sit top of the pile in La Liga - eight points ahead of arch-rivals Real Madrid who are third behind Valencia.
However, Diario Gol say Messi doesn't want Barca to end up like a Jose Mourinho team. The Manchester United boss has been hugely successful around Europe. But he tends to favour results over panache in his quest for more silverware.
"Barcelona star Lionel Messi is unhappy with Ernesto Valverde" It's suggested Messi's opinion is not unique in the dressing room. Diario Gol add that several other senior figures share his concerns.
Barca defeated Bilbao at the San Mames Stadium on Saturday. Despite the 2-0 win, Barca were far from convincing. Messi opened the scoring in the first-half with a cool finish. Bilbao dominated the second half, though.
A Raul Garcia header hit the bar and Aritz Aduriz drew a tidy save from Marc-Andre ter Stegen. Athletic were caught on the counter late on as Paulinho, who had rattled the bar in the first half, slotted home.
リン・ツイスト「ソウル・オブ・マネー ミニ・ドキュメンタリー」 - Duration: 3:31.
YouTube TV Now Available
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Zcela nový Ford Fiesta – Pohodlí a výbava | Ford Česká republika - Duration: 1:04.
Zcela nový Ford Fiesta – SYNC 3 | Ford Česká republika - Duration: 0:50.
What does cattle prod mean? - Duration: 1:07.
[ French male partial cover ] Time to be awesome ! - Duration: 1:39.
Sometimes times are tough, that's true
Few things were going your way
You feel some wounds within you
You have lost all confidence
But in your soul hope is hiding
Under doubts that you must crush
To realize and show to the world
That you can, oh yeah, can shine
Ah, ah, ah ah, shine
Yes, we can all shine
Ah, ah, ah ah, shine
Yes, we can all shine
We suffered so much
This long routine that carries on forever
Get what has been stolen from you back
It's not too late to shine
And in my soul hope is hiding
Like a tale that is still being told
It's finally time to be free again
And to brave all the obstacles encountered
Yes we can shine
It's the big moment to shine
Yes we can shine
Yes, we can all shine
Our cries were spreading in the cloudy sky
We've elaborated meticulous plans
We saved our treasure to protect it
Throughout the days we were filled with joy
Zcela nový Ford Fiesta – Otevíratelná panoramatická střecha | Ford Česká republika - Duration: 0:27.
Smallest Bluetooth Earbud? - Soul Sound Magic Review - Duration: 4:56.
So you need a good
bluetooth earbud for your phone
This might just be the smallest one around. It's by Sol sound magic and we'll go over it in this video
Hey, I'm Josh burrows from gross tech bringing you useful reviews for useful technology if you enjoyed home technology and
You would like to see product reviews news and some unboxing on those things
Please stick around check out the other videos on this channel, but hit that subscribe button if you will first
I want to say thank you to Sol soundmagic for sending this to us to review
But as always you will get an honest review
No matter what whether we purchase it ourselves, or it is sent to us
I just want to make sure you guys know that this will be an unbiased review. No matter what?
So here is the bluetooth earbud, which may be the smallest earpiece
I've ever seen it comes in a nice little box
Which has a carry case inside the carrying case has a hard top and bottom shell with a zipper opening
Inside we see a total of three ear pieces
One that's already on the earbud and the small and medium in the little bag here
So you don't have to worry about whether it will fit your ear size or not
The instructions, which they may be trying to make a statement about being the smallest ear piece
but also the smallest print on an instruction manual as well and
Here is the actual ear piece along with its
Magnetic USB charger now that your bud comes in at a whopping
1.6. Ounce and
Measure in at only an inch by an inch by a half of an inch in width
This thing is so small and as you can see here
It is smaller or just about the same size as an SD card now
charging time
it's an hour and a half to charge it fully which will give you close to six hours of playing music time or
seven hours of talking time
And if you just want to let it sit and stand by to mode, that's a hundred and sixty hours
So plenty of time
That you get with this tiny little guy
And also if you're in a hurry you can pop it on the charger for 20 minutes and get a full two hours of usage
Like I said if you're in a hurry
Now while having my phone inside and the earbud in my ear
I was able to get 10 meters away from my house
Before losing any kind of connection or having any like the music cutting in and out
so going through brick and
Ten meters away. It was pretty good for Bluetooth signal range
Now when it comes to using your phone for conversations
Which is the primary purpose of this?
I had great results my wife was able to hear me clearly and I was able to hear her just perfectly fine
She did say that while I was not speaking it was very
Noisy like staticky going on but once I started to talk again
that would go away so on all it worked really well for her tests and
as for the music site it was very
similar to my iPhone 6 quality, that's not very base II but not high in
Tones either it was a good balance especially for being just one ear and being
specifically more so a earbud for
Conversation than music, but you're not gonna throw away your Beats headphones
But for an earpiece this was great to have
So thanks for watching the video this like I said might be the smallest bluetooth earbud
I've ever seen that has a mic and everything all
Included all on this tiny little thing and it's so nice it fits nicely in there
And I've enjoyed having it being able to listen to music talk on the phone wire in the car
but at the same time still have an open ear to your surroundings hear the baby crying and anything like that so I
enjoyed it if you liked what you saw hit that like button if
You have any comments or anything putting them down there below?
We read every single one of them will respond to them if you liked this product
Specifically by soul soundmagic the link and everything about it is in the description below
Again i'm josh. Gross with gross tech. God bless and have a good week
Future House Mix 2017 Vol. 10 | Future House Radio - Duration: 37:39.
Future House Mix 2017 Vol. 10 | Future House Radio
EAZA Annual Conference (English version)- PWLF aide les perroquets timneh (ST VF) - Duration: 4:18.
Ultimate DIY Custom Music Desk - Setup & Tour - Duration: 9:28.
Oh hey what's going on people? so inside this box I've got the last piece to a little
project I've been working on let me tell you it has been quite the process
so as my home studio has evolved and I've invested in new gear what was once
completely functional has kind of turned completely ****** so I decided that it was time
to make better use of my space starting with probably the most important piece
to the workflow the desk
I started searching through the internet trying to find a solution to pretty much two problems one problem being I needed to
find a solution for my outboard gear I don't have the space in my studio for
the large outboard rack that sits under my desk it's been fine up until now but
it would be nice to be able to sit at a desk and put my legs underneath it
my second issue was that I needed something just a little bit taller a little more
ergonomic I don't want to be hunched over for several hours a day working at
my desk to make a really long story short I spent about a month looking at
everything from music production desks to IKEA desks to IKEA hack desks is that
right anyway I could not find something that suited my needs and fit my space in
fit my budget I feel like that shouldn't be too much to ask so I started playing
around with the idea of building my own desk and to be honest with you kind of
started out as a pipe dream I really didn't think I was gonna go through with it
I just said hmm what would my perfect desk look like so with a little bit of
Pinterest inspiration and some thorough measurements I had designed this perfect
desk not only that I discovered that I could build something that would
perfectly fit my needs but it was gonna be a heck of a lot cheaper than it would
be to just go out and buy something a little disclaimer I had never done
anything like this before so I made sure to consult with a
professional i.e. my stepfather who is a construction contractor he went over my
measurements with me told me that it would work it is so important to make
sure that you are not going too screw yourself royally so that's what I
did never be ashamed to ask for help my stepfather was generous enough to help
me put the top of the desk together and thank God for that because I definitely
would have screwed something up we put the desktop together using entirely oak
plywood and then some one-and-a-half inch oak pieces for the trim the desk
did looked pretty cool natural and unfinished but I did decide to go with a
light stain and a poly finish as I'm sure you can tell this process took about
two days and I was very high off fumes because I did this in my apartment I
don't know if that's being resourceful or just really really dumb but anyway
next I went down to a local hardware store in my neighborhood got some 3/4
inch black plumbing pipe cut the frame is pretty simple it's just four legs on
each corner of the desk with a support bar running across the sides and the
back of the desk I fastened the legs to the desk using pipe flanges and I also
used pipe flanges for the feet as well but enough chatting let's go back to my
studio and check out this new desk
voila guys I'm so pleased to finally be able to show this to you my brand new
studio desk I could not be happier with how this project turned out and I gotta
be honest there were some times where I did not think this was ever going to
come together so let's get right into it let me give you a full rundown of the
entire set up the final dimensions of the desk are 63 and a quarter inches wide 33
inches tall and 23 and a half inches deep the bays on either side of the desk
are 17 and 3/4 of an inch wide by six and a quarter inches tall these bays as
you can see here will be able to hold two to three pieces of outboard gear
this Bay to the right of the desk is full but there is just a little bit of
space at the bottom and I left that at the bottom just so I can have a little
bit of ventilation and a little bit of storage space I can run an XLR cable
through the bottom here that feeds out the front which is really convenient
when I'm recording vocals I can also store things like my iPad or my iPhone
if I want them readily accessible but still out of sight keeping the top of
the desk looking nice and clean this Bay over here on the left side of the desk
is not yet full so I'm using the available space as a place to house my
external hard drives and a USB hub again this is a great way to keep the top of
the desk nice and clean nice and minimal and it also definitely helps with cable
management and speaking of cable management there's a nice long board on
the back of this desk that I was able to fasten a cable raceway to I bought this
on Amazon really cheap I'll link that in the description but most of my cables
were running through this Raceway tucked away nicely out of sight initially I had
also planned to fasten the power strip to the back of the desk but it would
have required me to pull my desk out farther from the wall that I want so I
simply fastened the power strip to the bottom of the desk and as you can see
I'm able to run any necessary cables along the legs of the desk
fastened with this velcro cable ties do not sleep on the velcro I've been using
these for cable management for years and maybe it doesn't look it's perfectly
clean as it could but it's certainly no rat's nest of cables either for me the
most important thing is keeping all of my cables off the floor and as many
cables tucked away out of sight as possible in the past when I've had tons
of cables on the floor dust accumulates it gets really dirty down there and it's
not easy to clean up and keep your space and neat and tidy so do yourself a favor
invest in some velcro cable ties it's gonna make your life so much easier I
promise you now let's get into some of the fun stuff I try to keep the top of
the desk is clean and neat as possible first I have my MacBook Pro sitting on
this aluminum stand from Satechi I just really like this one because it's small
and compact it takes up hardly any space on the laptop and you can hide some
cables underneath it to keep the desk looking as clean as possible
I still use the Gen 1 Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad from Apple hey if it ain't
broke don't fix it right I have this nice desk lamp from Aukey is then they say
lucky Oh okey I hope it's Aukey it's cool it has adjustable brightness for
your white light you can also set it to any color you want and it also has a
color cycle mode as well my desk and monitor are backlit with the Flex LED
strips from Tinkam I don't know I'll link it in the description below but
what I will say is these LED kits are great I tried a few different types of
of LED strips before settling on this one and what I like this kit so much is
because in addition to all of the presets that they give you you can dial
in custom colors and save them as presets now for me as I know I'm
somebody who really cares about white light temperature anybody who shoots
video you know what I'm talking about both of the lamps the overhead light in
my studio are hooked up with the Philips hue white ambience kit it allows you to
dial on the perfect temperature of white light for your preference which I really
like that being said if I've got all of the white lights in the studio set to a
specific temperature but the LEDs are set to a completely different
temperature it's going to look terrible especially when shooting video yes look
for most of you this probably is complete overkill and I probably seem
like a little bit of a psychopath right now again but if you're like me and
dialing in that perfect white light into your LED strips is important to you
get this kit I will link it in the description below you will be totally
happy with it I did have to buy an additional receiver so that I could run
the desk lights independently from the monitor lights but it's totally worth it
it's inexpensive and you can control both lights with the same remote I keep
the remote hidden under my desk on the back I have a little piece of velcro and
it just goes onto the desk like that I also have this aluminum hook mount is
down here to hang my headphones I've got the old tried-and-true KRK Rokit 8s
sitting on acoustic isolation pads from Auralex my apogee duet is sitting over
here on the far side of the desk still trying to figure out if there's a better
place for this I might mount this somewhere but for right now this is
where I'm keeping it last but certainly not least we've got the FETT man standing
nice and tall after all he is the most badass Star Wars character right?
all right guys that's gonna wrap this up I hope you enjoyed this most of all I hope
that this showed you that these DIY projects aren't as impossible as they
seem believe me if I can do something like this you can too if you have any
questions about this project or even a project that you're working on feel free
to leave them in the comments below I am by no means a carpentry expert builder
guy but I'm certainly willing to help any way that I can thanks so much for
sticking around and for liking and commenting and subscribing
your support means a lot to this new and growing channel until next time my name
is Patrick and I'll see you guys soon alright peace
tink am ting Tinkham tin can to tip them tink it
I don't know tink tink tink him
Detroit: Become Human: PGW 2017 Gameplay Trailer PS4 - CZ titulky - Duration: 3:12.
Tech Talks#5 Jio Phone Dead, Razor Phone, Iphone X,Google Tez, More.. - Duration: 4:08.
All the Information Is Available In Description JAI HIND!!VANDE MATARAM!!
BanglaVision Live News 31 octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today Bangla Breaking News all Bangl - Duration: 20:12.
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[Engsub] Run BTS! 2017 - EP.25 (ESP SUB) - Duration: 25:44.
[Run BTS! Game King]
[(-TS)] - R. - U. - N. - B...
My voice is gone.
Run, BTS!
[Where are they?] Where are we now?
- This is... - Nonhyun-dong. - Oh, my.
[Gaming PC cafe?] I can see computers. Isn't it a PC cafe?
- PC studio. - It's not a PC cafe. It's called PC studio.
[What will they do here?] PC studio?
I've never heard of this name, PC studio.
[PC game expert 1] You've seen some game broadcasts on TV.
[Expecting] Do we play a computer game?
[Today's Run BTS! BTS members will show off their gaming skills]
[2 teams will play Crazy Arcade, Bubble Fighter and Kartrider]
[The losing team will be punished and the winning team will enjoy snacks]
[Suga is the MC] Let me be today's MC because
I am not good at playing games.
- Really? - Rap Monster was supposed to be the MC.
[Too hard for me to play] I've tried but I can't do this.
[Rap Mon likes to play games] - I'll play. I like games. - So I'll be the MC.
[Great MC skills of Suga] Everyone, I will not engage in
how to divide teams.
[I'm feeling dizzy! Let's start playing games!] I know you well.
Nobody excels in games. You have similar gaming skills.
I think we can divide teams following the order of log-in.
[Dividing teams] - Well, first... - As we logged in, - Yes.
- 3 seats at each side. - V, me and J-Hope.
[Jin, Jimin and Jungkook] And others are on another team.
- Like this. - Does it strike a balance? - I don't know.
[Putting hands around their shoulders] - I think we won. - Balance...
[Will it be a match between Jungkook and V?] Except for Jungkook and V,
- it's hard to say they can play games. - I think it's well balanced between teams.
[Teams are formed well] I think so, too.
May we decide teams like this?
[Teams are divided] - I guess so. - Let's confirm. - All right.
[Staring at each other for nothing] Let's have a staring contest.
1, 2, 3.
[Teasing] Oh! It smells bad.
If you had said it first, you would have won.
[Suga's advice] You should've said it first!
- Right, so I said it first. - I lost.
Let's start playing games. What games will we play?
First game is Crazy Arcade.
- Crazy Arcade. - The classic game!
[Crazy Arcade: Game to lock other players in water bubbles and burst]
[Team match: Crazy Arcade! The team that wins 2 out of 3 rounds will win]
[Characters and the map will be randomly selected]
[Before their debut on January 1 in 2013] In January 2013,
[They played this game] - We played it together. - We did.
- It was January 1 in 2013. - Except for Yoonki.
[Excited by game talks] - Because I don't play games. - We used to say we were at a mine if someone called us while gaming.
- No, I was at my parents'. - You were not in Seoul.
- He was in another region. - Are you confident in playing Crazy Arcade?
[Not confident] [Enthusiastic] I am not. But I'll do my best.
[Enthusiastic] - I think we can win. - I play this game after 4 years and a half.
- I will... - I am so worried about me.
[Good] - I will help you. - Good. - Let's go!
[Staring] Let's start right now.
[Nice enough to play along with J-Hope] You can just explain what happens.
[Prize for the winning team] The winning team can choose a late night snack.
[I love it] [I will have Jokbal] - Late night snack! - Jokbal is the best.
[Already excited about playing games] Let's have fish cake.
[Suga's official comment] There are a lot of good late night snack places in Nonhyun-dong.
The losing team will have a punishment.
[2 members are excited about playing games] Each team will decide a punishment.
[Talking so loud] Go to the food alley wearing these.
[Having a whatever-say-party] What about going home in this?
[Loud] - Then say hi to citizens whenever met. - You know it's raining outside.
"Hello, I'm V of BTS".
Is there anything that we can do with a computer?
[Whispering] Playing Minesweeper till clearing every squares.
[So confident] - It's impossible. - It's easy to find a mine.
[So proud] - I'm good at that. - Really? Then write it down.
Please recommend any punishment.
Organize leftovers after the winning team had snacks.
[Good] That's the best! Clearing things after we eat.
[V is writing on the backside of his script]
[Two teams chose punishments] Done.
- What's yours? - Something funny.
What's yours?
- What late night snack do you want? - What do you want?
- Patbingsu (Red bean ice dessert] - Patbingsu!
[Great] - I want to have something cool. - Great sense!
[Jin became a genius after saying it] - He's a genius. - Patbingsu, amazing.
- We need to give kudos. - Admit that? - Taehyung, please write it.
[Everyone is talking about different subjects]
All right. Are you ready?
- Are you ready? - Ready? - Ready!
Warm up your fingers.
[Everyone is seriously stretching] - Let's go. - Then...
[Go! Go! To play Crazy Arcade] Lets' go to play Crazy Arcade.
It's been a while since I played last time.
[Members are seated to play the game] Are you ready?
Let's choose pink for our team color.
Then, let's choose blue for ours.
[No] - We will choose red. - Is it an individual match? - No.
[We've divided teams...]
[Perplexed] Here we go!
[Everyone, get ready] - Ready? - Get ready!
[Looks like a game master] - Everyone, ready. - Go!
[Game starts!] Let's start playing.
[A water balloon will burst in the shape of a cross!] Where am I?
[Team blue: Talkative even about characters] I don't know his name.
[Team pink: Serious and concentrating] - Guys. - They're breaking blocks.
- I don't know how to play this... - That's my item. Jungkook, don't have it.
[Suga(25): Game commentator who knows nothing about the game] What's this portion? Why do you take it?
[So concentrating]
[Jin was out while answering] [Sad] - Out. Who is that? - V killed me!
[Smiling] [Rap Mon raps while playing a game] He's out.
Oh, he's saved.
V is good at this. Kill him! I killed V!
[Everyone is so concentrating] [Disappointed V] - V is dead. - Dead?
- Jungkook, kill Rap Mon. - What's that ghost?
- It's just a ghost. - Is it? - Yes.
V is so fast.
[Members got blocked inside water balloons] - So close! - Love shot!
[Game expert's jargon] Love shot! It's a love shot!
[Excited] This is a tie.
[The first round ended up with a tie]
[Disappointed] We got a love shot.
[Game layman] - Do you call it a love shot? - First time to have a tie.
[The oldest member helps him understand] Love shot. Because two hit at the same time.
- Love shot. - Love shot.
[Suga, the game commentator who knows nothing] I am a commentator but I know nothing about it.
[Request from V who have played this game] Can you change it to the popularity random mode?
OK, the popularity-based random mode.
[2nd round, start!] Here we go.
[So confident] We will win. Don't worry.
Hey, I got a hidden item.
[Feeling so happy about a hidden item[ - It's Pirate Hook. - It's a hook.
[Hidden? Hook?] - Wow. - Who is the pirate Hook? What's that?
[So concentrating] - There are some items and options. - Hook...
[What's the hook for? Can't understand] - Hook is so annoying. - How do you play this?
[Rap Mon and Jimin are both out]
[Disappointed] Then, 2:2.
[Concentrating] I got ya!
[Jin is locked in a water balloon] - I got him! - There you go!
[So proud] Taehyung is a great player.
[Suga amazed by V's skills] V's great play!
[Amazed 2] - V's amazing. - I was able to save it but couldn't.
[Amazed 3] Taehyung is awesome.
[Concentrating] [Not being swayed by any compliment]
[Happy and sad]
[V sign to celebrate] - He's great. - Why didn't you use the item?
[So happy]
I read this from the web.
"Why didn't you use the item?" means actually
"I used the item but it didn't work".
[Confused with the keys] - He tried to use... - It was Ctrl.
- I thought it was 1. - So, we lost 1 round.
Is it now 1:0?
[Current score: With a tie out of 2 rounds, Rap Mon, V, J-Hope 1:0 Jungkook, Jimin, Jin]
[In fact, the 3rd round] We just began the 2nd round.
[Special quest: Protect V] We need to protect Taehyung, guys.
[Don't take my item] J-Hope, you're trying to my item... Oh, it was close.
[What's this?]
[Today's question king Suga] How did you do that? Leaving water balloons.
[So concentrating] OK!
- You missed it. - How come you have 2 needles? Did you not remove your item?
[Silent master] - It's not a needle. I saved you. - I removed them all.
I saved you.
[Oh?] - Bad players always... - Please help!
[Making a fuss] - Help! - You're saved!
[Locked again in a water balloon] [Let's go!] Jimin, down there!
[No!] Jimin!
[I can't believe this...] It's a clear-cut victory of Team Red.
My character is dead! Why?
[Team Pink gained confidence] [So confident] This is a perfect victory.
You guys are no match for us.
[Please cuts me some slack] - Won't you take it as a practice round? - Boo~
[Rap Mon, J-Hope, V] In the first game, Crazy Arcade,
[Victorious pink] Team pink won.
Everyone, you need to play a game like this.
[Look at me, the game master] - I told you, I'm a game master. - It's not easy to play Crazy Arcade.
- Everyone, the 2nd game is Bubble Fighter. - Bubble Fighter!
Please explain the game, Bubble Fighter.
[Bubble Fighter! Use water guns to attack other players and burst them locked in bubbles]
[Team match: Bubble Fighter The team that wins 2 out of 3 rounds will win]
[Characters and the map will be randomly selected]
Members who have played
[Oh, game expert Rap Mon] This is a type of FPS.
It's the FPS version of Crazy Arcade.
I've never played this but it looks so cute and fun.
- Characters are so cute. - I want to do this.
[Cute] - Let's download it at the dorm. - Did you open a group chat?
[Members are preparing to play it] Please wait. I'll open one.
- Ready. - Everyone, are you ready?
[Ready to play, I'm sniper Hope] - Everyone. - One Sniper, one Rifleman.
[Nice enough to play along with J-Hope] - Who is your team's sniper? - Let's begin.
Let's go!
[Team Blue: Rap Mon, J-Hope, V vs Team Red: Jin, Jimin, Jungkook] This feels nice.
[Confused as he hasn't played before] What's the button to explode?
[Game, start!] - Just come closer and hit it. - Approach the one closely.
Oh, it's so lively.
[He's about to go into the screen]
[Disappointed] It's harder to play a sniper.
[Concentrating] It's the FPS game but not cruel.
Help, help, help!
[Shout for help] - Help me! Behind you! - Behind. Help me!
Oh, it's here. Help me!
[Desperately running trying to survive] - Behind! - Help. - Save me. - Where are you?
[What a mess]
[It's so fun] Jimin, what are you doing?
[I think you got confused] This is a team match.
[Concentrating with his mouth open] After playing shortly, Jungkook now plays better.
Keep running. Very good!
[Team Red (Jin, Jimin, Jungkook) is better at this game]
- They are playing good. - Right, they're playing well.
[Not knowing how to load] - How can I load the gun? - R. - R?
[Real way of talking] You started without knowing that?
[Embarrassed] That's why I couldn't shoot.
Here we go!
Run, go forward!
[So much fun] OK.
- It's hard to play a sniper. - I need to play a rifleman.
We're winning ahead.
[Continuous requests for help] - Help! - I'm coming. - Dead.
[Interim score] 11:8.
[Everyone keeps saying the same thing] - Save me. - Help. - All dead.
Turning around! I think you can turn the table!
[15:14, Team blue (Rap Mon, J-Hope, V) are rapidly catching up]
10 seconds are left.
[Finally, Suga starts giving commentary...] He got two when respawned...
[Survive! This round is important] Don't try reckless things. Save your life.
- I got one! - Please help. Back me up!
[Staring] Behind you? OK.
Team Red won by 1 point!
[Two teams understood how to play] - I know how to play now. - OK. - I got it now.
- We can win. - 14:15.
[Explaining rules to others] Even locked in a bubble, they can escape.
Team red won the first round.
[Who am I talking to?]
[So excited] [Fun] This is fun!
[2 round: A new map came up] - What's this map? - What is this?
We need to set up a plan.
- Bang! - I got shot.
[In a hurry] [Communication with one word] Help! Help!
- I saved you. - Jimin, help me!
[2 teams are going well so far] OK.
[Jungkook is locked in a bubble] - Behind you. - Where? - Behind, hurry!
[But the bubble bursts finally]
[Team blue is winning] Team blue scored first.
[Staring so fiercely] Nice, I killed him.
- I died trying to save JK. - Loading.
[Two rappers are rapping] - Go back! - Go back!
[As Suga said, will team blue win?] I have a hunch that team blue will win.
[Watch out] You better go out.
[Serious] I can't shoot.
[Kook locked Hope] [A close match] I got one.
- Go inside. - We got them all.
[The match became a tie again] - We got caught. - I caught them all.
Let's run!
- Where are you going? - Go in there!
Jin is good at this.
[Worried] I think we will lose.
[I'm today's MVP] I'm the MVP.
Please save me. I'm here.
[Got back to life again]
20 seconds are left.
- Help me. - Help!
Behind you!
[Help] Taehyung, help me!
[Team red will win?] Will team red win like this?
- No way. I need to use a rifle. - Watch out!
[Concentrating] [Countdown] 6 seconds.
5, 4,
- One more time. - 3, 2...
[So desperate] - One more time, please! Who will save me? - 1 second.
[Time over] OK!
[2 round: Team red (Jin, Jimin, Jungkook) won] I backed up the sniper so well.
[Disappointed] We lost.
[So proud] [Way to go] I did it an amazing job in backing up.
- Team red won two rounds first... - Awesome! Awesome!
Team red won the 2nd game.
Class E. Who's the player?
[Player with class E] - It's me. - Class E.
He's a Class E player.
- Let's move on to the last game. - What's that?
[Cart Rider] It's Kartrider.
[Kartrider! A racing game where players are ranked by order of arrival]
[Team match Kartrider! The team that wins 2 out of 3 rounds will win]
[Excited] I've played this game a lot.
[A great driver at arcades] Kartrider!
[Serious] [Making a fuss] Kartrider.
[MC Suga] Today's last game is Kartrider. Is there anyone who's good at playing?
[Confession] I'm not a good player.
[Rap Mon selected V as the best player] Taehyung is good at playing this.
[Proud] Really?
[I'm a speedy driver] I am good at the speed match on Kartrider.
All right. Let's play an item match for the 1st round.
Then, a speed match for the 2nd round.
[Love it] Great.
The last one is the item match again.
[Charismatic Suga] - Let's play the random match for the 3rd. - OK.
- Speed and item matches don't have any random version. - No random mode.
[We like the item match] Let's play the item match.
[MC's authority: It will be up to Suga's choice] I will choose the funnier one.
[What you like is what I like]
[Suga says, item matches are based on luck] Because item matches are regardless of skills.
You need to leave it to the luck.
[Nervous] Is it true?
[Playful V] V just typed Yoonki talks for too long on the chat room. Can you see?
[Suga talks for too long]
Let's see who is the best rider.
Please start.
[I hate it] - What's that tone? - Please get ready.
[What are you doing?] Please say ready.
- What's wrong with your way of talking? - Get ready.
[Press F5 and get ready to start!] - If you press F5, it will start. - Let's start.
[Serious] Let's go!
[First round start] The desert. I think I've seen this map.
[Legendary map] This map is really...
[Anyone who played Kartrider knows this] You need to keep running on this map.
[J-Hope got off to a good start] [Excited] J-Hope!
[Game newbie] If you press it harder, will it start faster?
[Hope and V are 1st and 2nd runners] Banana.
[Stepping on the banana] He ran on the banana.
[Team red is concentrating] I got shot.
Water balloon, V!
[Disappointed] [V got shot by a water balloon sent by Jin] He got shot by Jin!
[J-Hope is the first runner] Who's the first runner?
[Locked in the space ship] I locked him.
[A totally unpredictable race] What's that in my way?
It's a traffic accident.
[Ha ha] Can I fill the booster?
[Aiming to be the no.1 - Jin will turn the table?] - J-Hope, I'll catch up with you. - He will come from behind.
[No way]
[Disappointed] A bomb!
I'm at the rock-bottom, as expected.
[Jimin and J-Hope are good at this] J-Hope did a great job.
[J-Hope got an accident with V] Good.
You better call the insurance agent.
[Team red is leading thanks to the accident] Good. No.1 and 2 are our team members.
[Complaining] - Who's the no.1? - I fell to the rock-bottom. - Who's the no.1?
The first one is Jimin.
[What?] Jimin was leading but kidnapped.
[Talking so fast] J-Hope used a booster.
- J-Hope is the fastest runner. - I'm the fastest.
[Warning: You and I are on the same team] Jimin, don't throw bananas like that.
[Sigh] [Jimin was shot by a missile] He got shot!
[#Missile_Runner up_Successful] No.2 is becoming the no.1, J-Hope.
[I hate a missile] My energy is falling rapidly because of it.
[I will win!] [J-Hope is speeding up]
[Jin lost the no.1 spot due to the missile] [Way to go, my team!] J-Hope!
[Wow!] J-Hope, you can just come to the line.
[1 round: Team blue won!]
[Jeong Ho Seok / aged 25 (Professional handler) I won't let others win]
[Disappointed] We lost.
[Taetae feels so excited as his team won]
[Team blue won contrary to expectation] Team blue just won!
It's amazing.
[Excited V] [I see] Jimin, you couldn't finish the race?
[Ranking of the 1st round] [J-Hope, V, Jin, Rap Mon, Jungkook, Jimin] Jimin, "Retire" is you?
[Jimin couldn't finish the race] - Jimin, you haven't finished it? - Really?
[I will just smile] Jimin!
[Match like a scene from a movie] It was so dramatic.
[MC's commentary] [Missile, the key of overtaking] Team blue turned the tide with a missile.
[Appealing] I shot behind them.
Jin's team needs to try harder.
[Discouraged] I guess they still don't get the feel.
As I said, the 2nd round is the speed match.
[Come on in] We need to play a speed match.
[I am so confident] - Let's play that. - Let's have the match.
Jungkook and Jimin said they are confident in the speed match.
[Self-claimed no.2 Team's speed king] I'm the no.2 in the speed match in our team.
Do we change it in the speed match?
[Current score 1:0] As all is ready, let's get started.
[Team red showed confidence in the speed match] - Speedy commentary, good. - Jin's team said
[Serious] - they are confident in the speed match. - It's 1:0 now.
[Not confident] I am not good at this map.
[Speed, aim] [Shoot!] - Do you know this map? - J-Hope!
[Serious mode] [V is running forward] - V is so fast! - V!
[Embarrassed] It's moving.
[Drift skills matter in the speed match]
[V's car bumped into the guardrail] Speed match is... He's going back.
[Amazed] J-Hope is amazing.
[J-Hope, you're good at the speed match, too] [Amazed] J-Hope is good at this, too.
[Perfect cornering] J-Hope!
[This became a fan of J-Hope] Did you see that drift?
[I'm the ace] Because J-Hope is an ace.
[Admit] J-Hope is an ace.
What's that?
[Surprised] [Landscape mode] What's that? My screen turned to the right.
[Dumbfounded] Jungkook, stop hitting me.
[Please pay attention... Jimin's screen flipped 90 degrees]
- J-Hope is coming to the front. - Jimin...
- Why are you with me? - My screen flipped 90 degrees.
[Acting cute] Can't we start it all over again?
[No way] - We never allow that. - No way.
[So unfair] What's wrong with this?
[Struggling... I will play anyways]
[So mean] Jimin, are you even behind me? Awesome.
I will catch up with Rap Mon.
[Staring] - I caught up with Rap Mon. - Hang on.
[While Jimin is struggling with his monitor] J-Hope is moving to the lead!
- Did he turned the game? - What!
[While J-Hope came first] - What? - No.1. Am I the no.1?
[Oh, I guess we won] Winner!
[It ain't over till it's over] We won!
[If team red finishes 2nd and 3rd. team red will win] We can win, if we finish 2nd and 3rd.
What are you doing?
[So proud] - I was reversing. - Why?
[Reversing is the easiest (Feat. No.1 player is my friend)] I thought you would win.
[Dumbfounded... speechless] Jimin and Rap Mon haven't finished the race.
Look at Jimin's monitor.
[My back is hurting...] I played like this.
[Team blue wins!] We won!
[Winners' relaxed attitude - It was a good match] Everyone.
[Jimin wants to say] [Asking for another round] We need to play this round again.
I played like this.
[Jimin played with flipped screen] It's not a lie.
- Jimin, you should've done this. - I have played like this!
[I played like this! Like this!] This posture.
[Recognizing his passion] We need to play one more round.
I'm so confident.
[They decided to play the 2nd round of speed match again] The 2nd round, a speed match.
[Excited] Everyone, ready?
[J-Hope started a bit late] He failed.
[Smooth cornering] J-Hope failed.
[Serious mode] Nice move, the character with hair buns.
[My team members] They're playing well.
Hang on. I'm going backward now.
[P, please don't go backward] You can't go backward.
[I am sorry, bae] I am so sorry but you 2 need to play to win.
[He's so silly]
[Jungkook stopped V] - Don't do that. - He blocked V's way!
[J-Hope and V follow on so fast]
[Brother! Come with me!] No, bro!
[Amazed] I guess Hope has played this.
[J-Hope and Jungkook are fighting to win] - J-Hope... - He's a dark horse.
[Why me?] He tries to keep blocking me!
[The world of competition is cold-blooded] I don't know who it is.
[Commentary 1] Jungkook is so mad at this.
[Commentary 2] You better say sorry to Jungkook at the dorm.
Right, say sorry at the dorm.
[J-Hope is defending well] He's great at defense.
[Hope is winning!] You need to confess your sins for him today.
I think J-Hope got the feel of this map.
[Team red is making a fuss] - Screwed! - We lost.
[No way] We just lost.
[Embarrassed] - What's happening? - No.1 and 2 are from team blue.
No.3, 4, 5 are us.
[Cold-headed commentary] [Team red is...] They were confident but lacked skills.
[Admitting] Right, it's the best to feel confident.
Jimin, are you really coming the 5th?
[Jungkook is not doing well, too] Hang on. I screwed up.
[Cool-headed commentary] Even if the monitor mishap didn't happen,
I guess Jimin would finish 5th.
[I will just laugh...]
[Disappointed] Because of Hope!
[No.1! J-Hope, do whatever you want] You're an amazing player.
[Giving up] Let's buy snacks.
- Let's play the last round for fun. - Then, let's do something.
[I want it] We'd like to play it with carts.
[Rap Mon wants] Let's play an item match.
[Speed or item?] Please decided.
- Item! Let's play an item match. - It's up to you.
[Jimin wants to change his cart] [Busy changing his] - May I change my cart? - Let's change it.
What's that fish?
Jimin's new car: Fish car] - Item, team match. - What's this fish?
We've got a general. You can see a general.
[Jungkook plays a general]
[BTS are showing off their fancy carts] - Items are so fancy. - I haven't joined.
[Pissed off] Do you really want to do this?
[Then, I will...] - Do you want to do this? - I'll put on all items.
[BTS members are carefully choosing carts] - I changed. - Me, too.
[What's that?] The character is in the air.
- What's that? - It's a broom. Awesome, huh?
[Surprised] Isn't it Rolls-Royce?
[V's car is huge] A jeep car came up.
[Love it] [It's fun to spend items]
[The last game!] Hang on. We need to make a bet.
[Serious] What will you say?
[Massage] If we lose, we will give a massage to the winning team members.
[Not much] - I don't like it. [Surprised] - Who are you?
[Kidding, MC Suga] I'm a game commentator.
[Jimin's suggestion] We will go to the dorm after finishing...
[What about a shower?] [Shaking his head] No, you have to change your clothes.
[Sounds funny] - Let's do something fun... - Shower? - What about that?
[Appealing] We will go home, anyways.
[They are falling into Jimin's suggestion] - Let's do that. - 1 out of 3!
- OK, a bottle-water shower. - Go!
[Sounds fun] Then, play individually.
[Sounds better] - Individual match? - Good! - The last one will get the punishment.
- Let's do this! - Individual match!
[Extra round: Kartrider - item-based match] [Individual members will compete]
[And the one who comes last will dance to "Blood, Sweat & Tears" while getting drenched in water]
[Members are ready] - Ready? - Ready!
Let's go!
[So nervous] [A lot of tension]
[Sweeping his hair up to renew commitment]
[Excited] [Those excited to see the punishment] Someone will be get drenched!
[I don't care only if it's not me] I hope it's not me.
[Sad Jin because of the pet] Hang on. I don't have a pet.
[Ignoring] Let's start!
Here we go, everyone!
[Commentary] They're wearing the 13th anniversary item and running.
[Jungkook jumped into the water] What? Death from a fall?
[Jin followed the suit of Jungkook] Oh, my. Because of you, Jungkook!
[Pied Piper Jungkook, follow me] Sorry, my bad.
[Smiling] - J-Hope is the last one. - What's this?
[Surprised] - What? - What's this?
[Making a fuss] [Surprised] - What's this? - I'm the 6th.
No way!
[What's happening?] - Oh, I screwed it up. - What's this?
- I am in a trouble. - What?
[Suga is laughing but members are perplexed] - What! - Big trouble!
What's this?
[What's happening now?]
[Members are struggling with a cleaning robot] - A big trouble. - What's this?
- What's this? - What?
[This map is the best!] We should've chosen this map.
[Surprised] - Hey! [LOL] - It's blocking us. - I'm in a trouble.
[Nervous Rap Mon] - Hang on. - What's this burger?
[More fierce individual match] An individual match is funnier than a team match.
Please, I don't want to be the last one!
[Self-apology] I think I can't make it. I'm the 6th. Sorry, guys]
[No way, it's an individual match] You don't need to be sorry to them. You need to be sorry to you.
[Rap Mon apologizing to himself in the future] Sorry to myself. I'm the 6th.
[J-Hope and Jungkook are no.1 and no.2]
[Jungkook pushed J-Hope to the water] [No!] Jungkook!
[So relaxed] - He tricked me into this. - I ruined it. - Jeon Jungkook!
J-Hope and Rap Mon...
[Please, I don't want to get showered] No way. I will not be the last one.
[The last one is currently J-Hope] - J-Hope is coming the 6th. - Here I go.
[Rap Mon plays a game by talking] - Here I go! - But it got you.
[Screaming from here and there] No!
- Please! - No!
[Rap Mon] [Cleaning robot time!] It got you.
[You're in the congested section] It got you.
[Jimin is left behind because of the robot] - No! - Help!
[Screaming] No!
[Screaming] No!
[Bye, friend] [Announcement] - Jimin is the last one! - No!
[Shouting] What's this ghost?
I don't want to get drenched with water.
[Thank god] I am so thankful to be the 4th.
[I did it! I'm no.1!] I'm the winner!
[Feeling like riding a rollercoaster]
[J-Hope came in second] [What a mess]
[Please, the 3rd!] No.3!
[No. 3, 4, 5- Rap Mon, V, Jungkook are excluded from being punishment]
[This is a desperate scream from Jimi who failed to finish the race] Nooooo!
[Failed to finish the race]
[Festive mood] I told you so, it would be you.
[Is it true? Am I the last one?] At the end...
[Shouting] What's that ghost?
[I am not a ghost... I'm the cleaning robot]
What was the ghost, at the end?
[Jimin was the no.1] - What's the ghost? - Jimin, you were the no.1.
Right, I tried to this way but
[Reproducing the scene] - he pressed me like this. - All right.
[The one who proposed the punishment] So, Jimin will get doused with water.
[His back that looks so sad]
[Jin, Jimin, Jungkook choose a punishment for the team match] Please pick one.
[Oh] - The losing team... - Is this for the team match?
- We need to choose a punishment for the team match. - Let's pick any.
[What's Jimin's punishment?] Jimin, please open it.
[Throwing it to the floor] Organizing after eating...
- Jimin, you need to clear things up after getting showered. - Oh, poor thing.
[Teasing Jimin 1] I will drop food everywhere.
[Teasing Jimin 2] [Cant' hear you now] Let's drop some food on the floor.
[Prize for the winning team, Patbingsu!] Bad one. It looks so yum.
[Approaching like being bewitched] It looks so delicious!
[Punishment] What music do you want?
[Right after the producer says] "Blood, Sweat & Tears". A sexy one.
[Innocent] Jimin, please show something hot.
[Commentary] How did you enjoy today's game? As we won,
we will enjoy this snack and talk about how we felt.
Right, Jin's team always loses. (Pun in Korean)
[Sad] - Right. - Jin's team always loses.
- Great, Kim Seokjin. - I laugh so much when appearing on "Run BTS".
[Satisfied] - It's so much fun. - There were a lot of funny situations.
- If you're on Jin's team, you will win. - Actually, it's been a while since
[Yum yum yum yum] we played a game together. Although Suga was the MC.
I think that's why it was fun.
[Punishment time that Jimin can't escape] Jimin, please say bye to fans.
And wrap this up with your punishment.
Everyone, I enjoyed today's game.
- I got a great lesson. - Let's not poke your nose into anything.
[Today's lessons learned: Stay still] Everyone, stay still.
[Teasing him] If you had stayed quiet, you'd not get drenched with water.
[Do not open your mouth, by Jimin] Let's not say anything.
That's my lessons learned today.
[Please show the punishment] Then, the last punishment.
[Jimin in the posture] - Music, go. - They don't give me a bite.
[Oh?] - Will you play music? - Will you?
- What? - Starting from the beginning.
[Tension, being so nervous] I am so nervous now.
[For him] Please play it out loud.
[We're looking forward to seeing your punishment, Jimin]
[Blood, Sweat & Tears]
[Satisfied audience]
[Dancing machine] - Oh, my. - Jimin!
[1, 2, 1, 2]
[Laughing out so loud] You need to dance.
[Jimin, show us what you got!] The highlight part will come out soon!
[Dancing machine, I'm Jimin of BTS!] So hot!
[Jimin who looks awesome even after getting showered] Be careful, it's slippery.
It looks cool. Like a scene of the mv.
[I'm no more cute] It's like a scene from the mv.
- Jimin. - Oh.
[Pouts] - Only Jimin can do this. - Cool.
[Applause] - If I did this, it would be ugly. - Right.
Everyone, Run BTS will continue.
[Pouts] Water gets in my eyes.
[Team red cleans up the studio] - Everyone, enjoy. - It was delicious.
[Jungkook was eating Patbingsu] Why did you eat this?
- You are on the losing team. - Because Suga told me to eat.
[Jim-derella] I'm not on this team.
[Winners leaves first] Please clean this place up. You may eat the leftover.
- Make sure it's clean. - Thanks.
[Taking a bite] I am good at cleaning.
[So sad]
[Working so hard]
[See you in the next episode of Run BTS!]
[Run BTS, Game King]
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Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Overview Trailer - Duration: 3:27.
Welcome to Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's battle arena
where we will be delivering the definitive overview of the new team-based brawler from Square Enix.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is coming to PlayStation®4, as a 3 vs 3 team based brawler,
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and summons from the past 30 years of the historic FINAL FANTASY series.
With a vast roster of legendary characters, each battle is a diverse and distinctive experience.
Playing as part of a three-man squad, the team who scores three knockouts first, wins…
In Combat, characters can perform two kinds of attacks. Bravery and HP attacks.
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and receiving bravery attack will, in turn, reduce your bravery.
These attacks are important because the higher your bravery rises
the more powerful your HP attacks become.
When your bravery is higher than your opponent's HP,
they can be incapacitated with an HP attack.
You can choose from over 20 playable characters that belong to one of four battle types
to complete your unique combat line-up.
While the effectiveness of Specialist characters will vary drastically based on the situation,
the other three types adhere to this general rule:
Assassins are strong against Marksmen…
Marksmen are strong against Vanguards…
and Vanguards are strong against Assassins.
Players can equip themselves with EX Skills with numerous unique abilities.
For example, the ability to share one's Bravery Points with the team,
the ability to heal or to use Mighty Strikes that increase the attack power of nearby allies.
Each character also has a unique EX skill that only they possess…
Summons are available to enhance your team's power.
You can choose a summon ahead of battle and call on them when the summoning gauge is full.
Attacking summoning cores that appear on the battlefield will speed up this process.
…and of course the summon will fight alongside you!
With over 20 renowned characters in the game -
each possessing unique abilities and one of four battle types
the combination of 3v3 teams you can create is practically endless.
This variety gives DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT a depth that rivals any multi-player arena fighting game.
Combine this with unparalleled visuals, strategic and action packed gameplay
and you and your team will have all the armoury you need to wage an epic battle and reign triumphant!
🌴1.8 PvP auf der Ps3 !!! /Minecraft Ps3 Ps4 News 04🌴 - Duration: 8:23.
Dog-o-ween 2017 in Venice, California - Duration: 5:39.
Vanessa Paradis entourée de son clan. Une photo inédit.e dévoilé.e - Duration: 1:39.
VENICE PLAGUE DOCTOR - "Mask" - INKTOBER 31# - INKunst Tattoo - Duration: 2:53.
Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel and a
Happy Halloween to all of you!!
Inktober has finally come to an end with today's prompt "Mask" and I cannot
believe that a whole month has passed already!
Also, this was the last page of my moleskine sketchbook,
so if you guys are interested in a sketchbook tour just let me know in the comments down
Back to this piece, the subject is a Plague Doctor,
with a beautiful sight of Venice piazza San Marco
in the background behind.
Back in the Plague's times, Doctors wore this creepy costumes to prevent contracting the
disease while working amongst infected and it has
only recently become a common mask in the Carnival of Venice,
as a symbol of "memento mori".
I live near Venice and find this concept perfect for the "Mask" prompt,
and also as a creepy perfect ending to Inktober and to my sketchbook!
Can't wait to bring you guys more content on this channel,
so subscribe if you haven't already and hit the like button
to let me know you enjoyed!
I'll have a couple of days to relax from this exhausting drawing challenge...I succeded,
so I think I deserve it, rght?
In the meantime, I wish you all a Very spooky Halloween, stay safe,
and I'll see you in my next one.
Bye bye!
CLAUDIO CAPEO - DIS-LE MOI (PIANO TUTO FACILE + Partition) - Duration: 11:26.
France Gall en couple avec Bruck Dawit depuis 20 ans- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:27.
EAZA Annual Conference (English version)- PWLF aide les perroquets timneh (ST VF) - Duration: 4:18.
Revisiting Ghosts: The Endnotes - Duration: 5:46.
Welcome to the Endnotes, where I put all the fun facts I can't fit into the main videos!
Today, some extra bits of information from my video about the word Ghost — and if you
haven't seen those yet, click on the card.
In the main video we identify the ultimate etymon of ghost as the Proto-Indo-European
root *gheis- used to refer to the emotions of fear or amazement.
We should be careful not to confuse this root with Proto-Indo-European *ghosti meaning "guest
and host".
You might think it odd to have the same root meaning both host and guest, but it in fact
reflects an ancient cultural value, the importance of the reciprocal relationship between guest
and host, almost a quasi-family tie, a concept which in Ancient Greek is expressed with the
word xenia, one of the key themes of Homer's Odyssey.
In Anglo-England texts often punned on these similar sounding roots.
When Old English gast was used to refer to a disembodied spirit, it was often in a pun
with the word gyst meaning "visitor, stranger", from which we get the word guest.
Another similar string of letters that we should be careful not to confuse here is g-h-o-t-i.
In this case it's not an Indo-European root, but a demonstration that English needed spelling
reform, because this string of letters could be said to spell the word fish.
The "gh" makes an "f" sound in tough, the "o" makes an "i" in women, and
the "ti" makes an "sh" sound in "nation".
Silly English!
This demonstration of spelling irregularity has often been attributed to George Bernard
Shaw, who was certainly an outspoken supporter of spelling reform, but it doesn't actually
seem to appear in any of his writings.
Speaking of Shaw, in addition to his early ghostwriting, he continued his music criticism
work in his own name after his literary fame grew, and also made witty use of Hamlet in
a satire of the more academic style of his fellow music critics by describing the famous
"To be or not to be" speech thusly: "Shakespeare, dispensing with the customary exordium, announces
his subject at once in the infinitive, in which mood it is presently repeated after
a short connecting passage in which, brief as it is, we recognize the alternative and
negative forms on which so much of the significance of repetition depends.
Here we reach a colon; and a pointed pository phrase, in which the accent falls decisively
on the relative pronoun, brings us to the first full stop."
Well, that is indeed the question.
I think.
And this brings us back to Hamlet.
Not only does this same basic plot of son pretending to be insane while avenging his
father on his murderous uncle who married his mother and took over the kingdom appear
in the Latin Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus, but there are also other Old Norse versions
of the story, including a close parallel in Hrólfs saga kraka or the Saga of King Hrolf
In this analogue of the story, the role of the Hamlet character is actually divided between
two brothers named Helgi and Hroar, who by the way appear as Halga and Hroðgar in the
Old English poem Beowulf.
The basic storyline of Helgi and Hroar follows that familiar plot in Hamlet: avenge the father
on the uncle who married the mother while pretending to be mad.
In another part of the saga is the story of a monster who attacks the hall, much like
Grendel in Beowulf, but it's specified that the attacks always come at Yule, in other
words Christmas.
And the Yule time visit is a common pattern in many sagas and indeed ghost stories (think
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens).
You might think that Halloween would be the time of year when reports of ghost sightings
was highest, but in fact this isn't necessarily so.
In the Norse sagas we also find a parallel for zombies, the aptrgangr literally "again-walker"
or draugr, a word which can be traced back to a root which means "to harm or deceive"
and is thereby cognate with English dream.
The stuff of nightmares I suppose!
The draugar often appear in Norse stories, such as Grettis Saga, which also by the way,
like Hrólfs saga kraka, contains a close parallel to the Beowulf story.
The more general European tradition that this falls under is the revenant from Latin reveniens
literally "returning or coming back", referring to the dead come back to life in
physical form to haunt the living.
Usually the revenants were wrongdoers in life, and were thought to spread disease.
The only way to stop them would be to exhume the body during the day when they rested and
either decapitate them or remove and burn the heart.
And perhaps most famously there's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, in which the living dead is
reanimated not through necromancy but through science.
Well, even the living dead have to keep up with the times!
And speaking of the word reanimated, it comes from Latin anima meaning "spirit or ghost"
or "breath or air", which can be traced back to a root meaning "to breathe".
So literally Victor Frankenstein gives his monster the breath of life…that's some
creepy CPR!
As always, you can hear even more etymology and history, as well as interviews with a
wide range of fascinating people, on the Endless Knot Podcast, available on all the major podcast
platforms as well as our other YouTube channel.
Thanks for watching!
AHHH!! Taking a risk in my YouTube business! - Duration: 10:30.
- Today is the big day, guys.
People are flying in from all over the world.
It's going to be an amazing two days
of working with these creators,
helping them to grow and develop their channels
and reach their goals.
I can't believe this is actually happening.
I loaded up the rental van with all like the TVs
and stuff that we need.
And so can you guys fit back there?
- We got it.
- (Tim) Kathryn, did you find a spot?
- Yeah.
- (Tim) Okay.
Hopefully everyone lives.
I've been doing the online version of Video Labs
for about three years now,
and a lot of creators have gone through it.
It's helped a lot of them really grow
and develop their channels.
It's been fun to see.
I wanted to see like what would happen
if I took that 10 week experience to do online
and cram it into two days here in Cincinnati, Ohio?
I am surprised.
Not really,
but still blown away that it sold out.
Like completely sold out.
Every ticket gone.
If you don't Jeremy,
he's one of the trainers, instructors.
What are we calling these people?
Now see, that's Kathryn.
She's my business manager and works for me,
so she's super awesome.
So is Jeremy.
And this is Kristen.
She just came in from Dallas also, right?
- Hi, yes.
- (Tim) And you have a fun YouTube channel?
- Yes, Six Sisters Stuff.
- Yeah.
And if you research why I'm really excited about this event,
one is when you are YouTube creator,
it can feel very lonely.
You have like problems,
you have issues,
you have questions,
you have things you want to talk to.
Like this is a community of people
that now we're together physically in the same spot
where we can just hang out.
Let show you guys around a little bit
where we are having this event and setting up.
This is the Westin Hotel in downtown Cincinnati.
We're here setting up,
got like TV screens, TV stands.
I got to open up TV boxes,
set it all up.
You're setting up easels.
We got a lot of work to do.
Out here's where the like meals
and snacks are going to be,
like so you can kind of come out in the natural light,
hang out in this area.
And then we also have this room over here
for one of the breakout sessions in here.
(techno music)
I hope that when people leave this event
in a few days from now,
they leave feeling like they didn't just learn something
and they didn't just walk away with a notebook full
of new ideas and inspirations.
But mostly I want to them to walk away feeling like
I felt like I deeply connected with people who care.
It's definitely about knowledge and information,
that's a huge part of this,
but it's also about the human connection
and helping them accomplish their goals and their dreams.
It's coming along pretty nicely.
What do you guys think?
One of the things that I appreciate when I go to events
that no one ever does
is like I fidget a lot,
like I like to have things in my hand.
I think like creative type people
are just typically like that.
I got fidget spinners.
I got Play-Doh.
We've got one of these guys
where you can just like spin, flip, flick,
so people have something to do with their hands
like get Play-Doh stuck in their keyboard keys.
We're out getting some dinner.
We're going to eat at this burger joint right here.
(techno music)
When I first thought about doing this Video Labs event
here in Cincinnati a few years ago,
I thought I could never pull something like that off.
It's too big for someone like me.
Here we are and it's happening.
Good morning guys.
I'm teaching all the sessions today.
Other people are teaching the next few days,
doing channel reviews with creators.
It's going to be awesome.
I smell breakfast and it sounds great.
So you know when you like this dream
and it's a big risk to take it?
I am learning right now
that the risk is sometimes worth taking.
Risk doesn't always necessarily equal disaster.
Maybe that's how I kind of think of it sometimes.
Sometimes risk means success.
Like there was an application process
to be here at this event,
and we had over 300 some applicants.
We accepted 20 of them,
and they were all handpicked with the idea of like
I can tell you have a mission
behind what you're trying to do on YouTube.
Like you might not know what it is,
you might be still trying to figure that out,
but I can tell the heart is there.
One of the things I like about doing events like this
is you get to meet cool people like this guy.
- Hi.
- He has a blogging channel he's starting.
And then like these guys.
Yeah you have fun blogging channel?
- I do. - (Tim)There you go.
- Yes.
- So it's been a lot fun just like meeting people
and hearing stories and stuff.
I love seeing like the light bulb moments
that some of these people are getting
when they're like,
you know I came in with this idea for my channel,
it's going this way.
It's not really working.
And then we sit down
and we work though like content strategy.
And we work though like the target audience
and the value preposition.
And we start like getting like practical.
And like oh, I get it,
and they start developing this bigger picture
and this vision for their channel
than they even thought of in the first place.
Like that's the type of thing
that I don't think can just happen
if it's just experts on the stage.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
There's a lot of value to that for sure, you know?
We're getting ready to go out for dinner.
We had a great day together.
How's going so far for you, Derral?
- It's good, but it's going to be a lot better
after I get some food.
- (Tim) How's it going for you guys?
- Good! Doing great!
- It's going awesome.
(upbeat music)
- The people are connecting well with each other.
I see new friendships being made.
There's way more collective wisdom
in the group of the people who are here
than there is in just Derral, me, and Jeremy.
And I wanted people to tap into that.
Like I wanted people to be like,
hey, I know some things about YouTube,
but this person has experiences on YouTube
I've never had before.
Everyone just feels like
so far that they're getting what they need from each other.
- (Tim) You need a bib?
That's called a rib bib.
Oh yeah, everybody's getting one tonight.
(upbeat music)
Today is the last day of Video Labs.
I am feeling really tired,
staying up late,
getting ready for the next day with sessions and notes.
My voice is starting to leave.
I gotta be careful I don't lose it completely today
because I really need this
so I can finish serving people talking
and really helping them out the best that I can.
Day two is starting with Derral.
- Anything outside of PBS.
- He's going to talk about fitting SCO
for like the next two hours.
It's going to be cool.
- Well I love YouTube because you can...
(thoughtful music)
- Wooo, we had a great morning of teaching
and training from Derral and Jeremy.
We're about to hit lunch,
but before we do that,
we are going to go outside,
go over to Fountain Square,
and take a big group picture together
and plus it's really good to get out of that room
and just stretch our legs a little bit, seriously.
Taking pictures.
- Don't push me Tim.
We're all going to fall in the water.
- No pushing and shoving around here.
All right, here we go.
I think I'm distracting them.
We're getting ready to do my favorite part of this event,
which is I get to hang out with these people.
We get to just dig into their YouTube channels together.
We can pull them up on the screen like that.
So right now, that's Jessica.
- Hi. - Right there.
And we're going to talk about her channel.
And it's fun because like everyone's
like sharing insights together
and we just get to hang out and talk
and you know that someone else has like an insight
then just kind of the conversation rolls
and I'm even learning lot just by listening to them.
So it's been fun.
So all right let's dig into Jessica Stansberry.
I think the main difference
that I'm seeing between doing this event online
versus doing it in person
is that online you kind
of dial into the call we do every week.
You get the information.
You meet some people, it's cool,
but then you hang up and that's it.
In person, you get the information
and then you continue to talk about it
and interact and think
and hear different perspectives and stories
and you continue to gage
and deepen the relationships with the people
that you're engaging with.
Like and everything like just doesn't stop
when the phone call ends like it does online.
Instead here like you are emersed into it
for two solid, completely full days.
(thoughtful music)
I would love for this to be the experience
that happens regularly for creators.
This is the type of thing that can really help creators
not just reach people,
but impact their lives
and you guys know here
that that's what me and my wife and my family,
that's what we're all about.
Time for me to leave.
Time to go.
The event's over.
Thank you guys so much for being a part of it.
- Yeah.
- Those of you guys who are still here,
thank you so much.
Safe travels back to London,
to Florida, to Florida,
to Nashville, to.. - Minnasota.
- Minnasota, that's right, and Pennsylvania.
And me, about 20 minutes away.
(techno music)
KROSMASTER Saison 5 !! [ OUVERTURE ] - Duration: 10:17.
American Accent #3: Bahasa Inggris dengan Logat Amerika [SUBS] - Duration: 5:12.
Hi, okay, so in this video I'm going to speak English
so if you want to
use Indonesian subtitle, just click right here
press the 3 dots if you're on mobile
MCC for money and pocket with four disciplines
Hey everybody okay before I go on with the video
I would like to apologize for keeping some of you guys waiting for this one because
Thing is I had just moved back to the Netherlands
So I kind of want to take it a little easy and I kind of wanted to settle down a little bit
That's why I haven't been to wait for quite some time, but here. I am back again
So in this video I'm going to be talking about one thing about American accent, which is the th cluster?
I know that in my last two a
Accents video. I only brought up three points about the American accent in each video, but in this one video
I've only gotta do something about this one thing because I feel like it's kind of worth talking in further detail
I would say that this is one of the harder sounds to achieve in the English language for a non-native English speaker
So I learned English ever since I was six
And I was only able to pronounce this th sound correctly like two years ago
And I was 21 even the th sounds actually quite common in English and you can easily find these
letters in words like the are there or that or this or thought or think or
Therapy and the nation's usually assume that the th sound is
pronounced like a D like like instead of this that or the
Indonesian is pronounce it like this that
The so in words where the th is pronounced more like a tea like, thank you or three or
therapy or
things or think so Indonesia to pronounce it by simply dropping the H like think or thank or three or
therapy or
Think so let's say the correct pronunciation of thank you
It's thank you or like thank in the nation simply pronounce it, thank
They can't really they don't really know the difference you didn't sign or thank you know so that is a common problem
actually, it's not only in the nation's but
Non-native English speakers often make this mistake because the pH is really really hard to pronounce
There are some words like brother where a th is
Located in the middle of the word like
Brother, and you also bring up an image
it's all pronounce it with the deep brother right, but I did it's a little hard because
There's no such sound an Indonesian
So how do you achieve the th sound so here's a trick it has something to do with the top?
the so if I zoom in its a
thuh and you go so you can see that my tongue is in between my
upper and my lower teeth like the and then I would draw it as I print on to the pH like the
Let's see if I pronounced it with an Indonesian accent like I think I
Think the tongue doesn't really come out as much as if I were to pronounce it the correct way like think
Think this is having the nation's wood for announcing this oh
this is
Like this is or that is here. I will give you some examples on how
Indonesia's usually pronounce it three
See how she miss th when she was pronouncing these words like 13 30
when the correct pronunciation should be 30 or
13 of course when he said fast enough you can't really hear the difference, but let me show you another example I
Hope you understand my point by now, and this is how native speakers would usually pronounce it in just three simple steps
That's it my name is Richard Thaler in the men's bathrooms at the airport
Bro happy Thursday make something planet Earth themed see how she Bruno's earth
You know like like air comes out of her mouth after she pronounces perfect
You know like Earth or growth so now. It's time for a tongue twister. Let's see if you can pronounce this sentence
I had thought some things through when we were at the theater
Three months ago. It's even a little tricky for me. I even mispronounced some things to sound
I trying to say out loud when you're in your own or in front of the mirror and see the
Position of your tongue, and yeah battle it for this week. I hope you guys like my video, and if you do like it
give it a thumbs up and also share this video to your friends or family who are
learning English maybe this could be helpful and
Subscribe if you like my content until then I will see you next time
Pork & Egg Onigiri (Okinawan-Style Rice Sandwiches) - Duration: 7:53.
Vicente consegue tirar Helena do cativeiro em 'Tempo de Amar' - Duration: 0:56.
ESPECIAL PUBLICITÁRIO Livros ajudam as crianças a entender o mundo - Duration: 1:10.
Lokführerin und Lokführer bei der SBB. - Duration: 1:32.
Up to 200.
Responsibility for people...
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Continuous training
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Clearly organised working hours
and leisure time.
Every day is different and brings something new.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
F. González - SAUDADE - Duration: 4:01.
구은수 프로필▼구속|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 9:27.
Ultimate DIY Custom Music Desk - Setup & Tour - Duration: 9:28.
Oh hey what's going on people? so inside this box I've got the last piece to a little
project I've been working on let me tell you it has been quite the process
so as my home studio has evolved and I've invested in new gear what was once
completely functional has kind of turned completely ****** so I decided that it was time
to make better use of my space starting with probably the most important piece
to the workflow the desk
I started searching through the internet trying to find a solution to pretty much two problems one problem being I needed to
find a solution for my outboard gear I don't have the space in my studio for
the large outboard rack that sits under my desk it's been fine up until now but
it would be nice to be able to sit at a desk and put my legs underneath it
my second issue was that I needed something just a little bit taller a little more
ergonomic I don't want to be hunched over for several hours a day working at
my desk to make a really long story short I spent about a month looking at
everything from music production desks to IKEA desks to IKEA hack desks is that
right anyway I could not find something that suited my needs and fit my space in
fit my budget I feel like that shouldn't be too much to ask so I started playing
around with the idea of building my own desk and to be honest with you kind of
started out as a pipe dream I really didn't think I was gonna go through with it
I just said hmm what would my perfect desk look like so with a little bit of
Pinterest inspiration and some thorough measurements I had designed this perfect
desk not only that I discovered that I could build something that would
perfectly fit my needs but it was gonna be a heck of a lot cheaper than it would
be to just go out and buy something a little disclaimer I had never done
anything like this before so I made sure to consult with a
professional i.e. my stepfather who is a construction contractor he went over my
measurements with me told me that it would work it is so important to make
sure that you are not going too screw yourself royally so that's what I
did never be ashamed to ask for help my stepfather was generous enough to help
me put the top of the desk together and thank God for that because I definitely
would have screwed something up we put the desktop together using entirely oak
plywood and then some one-and-a-half inch oak pieces for the trim the desk
did looked pretty cool natural and unfinished but I did decide to go with a
light stain and a poly finish as I'm sure you can tell this process took about
two days and I was very high off fumes because I did this in my apartment I
don't know if that's being resourceful or just really really dumb but anyway
next I went down to a local hardware store in my neighborhood got some 3/4
inch black plumbing pipe cut the frame is pretty simple it's just four legs on
each corner of the desk with a support bar running across the sides and the
back of the desk I fastened the legs to the desk using pipe flanges and I also
used pipe flanges for the feet as well but enough chatting let's go back to my
studio and check out this new desk
voila guys I'm so pleased to finally be able to show this to you my brand new
studio desk I could not be happier with how this project turned out and I gotta
be honest there were some times where I did not think this was ever going to
come together so let's get right into it let me give you a full rundown of the
entire set up the final dimensions of the desk are 63 and a quarter inches wide 33
inches tall and 23 and a half inches deep the bays on either side of the desk
are 17 and 3/4 of an inch wide by six and a quarter inches tall these bays as
you can see here will be able to hold two to three pieces of outboard gear
this Bay to the right of the desk is full but there is just a little bit of
space at the bottom and I left that at the bottom just so I can have a little
bit of ventilation and a little bit of storage space I can run an XLR cable
through the bottom here that feeds out the front which is really convenient
when I'm recording vocals I can also store things like my iPad or my iPhone
if I want them readily accessible but still out of sight keeping the top of
the desk looking nice and clean this Bay over here on the left side of the desk
is not yet full so I'm using the available space as a place to house my
external hard drives and a USB hub again this is a great way to keep the top of
the desk nice and clean nice and minimal and it also definitely helps with cable
management and speaking of cable management there's a nice long board on
the back of this desk that I was able to fasten a cable raceway to I bought this
on Amazon really cheap I'll link that in the description but most of my cables
were running through this Raceway tucked away nicely out of sight initially I had
also planned to fasten the power strip to the back of the desk but it would
have required me to pull my desk out farther from the wall that I want so I
simply fastened the power strip to the bottom of the desk and as you can see
I'm able to run any necessary cables along the legs of the desk
fastened with this velcro cable ties do not sleep on the velcro I've been using
these for cable management for years and maybe it doesn't look it's perfectly
clean as it could but it's certainly no rat's nest of cables either for me the
most important thing is keeping all of my cables off the floor and as many
cables tucked away out of sight as possible in the past when I've had tons
of cables on the floor dust accumulates it gets really dirty down there and it's
not easy to clean up and keep your space and neat and tidy so do yourself a favor
invest in some velcro cable ties it's gonna make your life so much easier I
promise you now let's get into some of the fun stuff I try to keep the top of
the desk is clean and neat as possible first I have my MacBook Pro sitting on
this aluminum stand from Satechi I just really like this one because it's small
and compact it takes up hardly any space on the laptop and you can hide some
cables underneath it to keep the desk looking as clean as possible
I still use the Gen 1 Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad from Apple hey if it ain't
broke don't fix it right I have this nice desk lamp from Aukey is then they say
lucky Oh okey I hope it's Aukey it's cool it has adjustable brightness for
your white light you can also set it to any color you want and it also has a
color cycle mode as well my desk and monitor are backlit with the Flex LED
strips from Tinkam I don't know I'll link it in the description below but
what I will say is these LED kits are great I tried a few different types of
of LED strips before settling on this one and what I like this kit so much is
because in addition to all of the presets that they give you you can dial
in custom colors and save them as presets now for me as I know I'm
somebody who really cares about white light temperature anybody who shoots
video you know what I'm talking about both of the lamps the overhead light in
my studio are hooked up with the Philips hue white ambience kit it allows you to
dial on the perfect temperature of white light for your preference which I really
like that being said if I've got all of the white lights in the studio set to a
specific temperature but the LEDs are set to a completely different
temperature it's going to look terrible especially when shooting video yes look
for most of you this probably is complete overkill and I probably seem
like a little bit of a psychopath right now again but if you're like me and
dialing in that perfect white light into your LED strips is important to you
get this kit I will link it in the description below you will be totally
happy with it I did have to buy an additional receiver so that I could run
the desk lights independently from the monitor lights but it's totally worth it
it's inexpensive and you can control both lights with the same remote I keep
the remote hidden under my desk on the back I have a little piece of velcro and
it just goes onto the desk like that I also have this aluminum hook mount is
down here to hang my headphones I've got the old tried-and-true KRK Rokit 8s
sitting on acoustic isolation pads from Auralex my apogee duet is sitting over
here on the far side of the desk still trying to figure out if there's a better
place for this I might mount this somewhere but for right now this is
where I'm keeping it last but certainly not least we've got the FETT man standing
nice and tall after all he is the most badass Star Wars character right?
all right guys that's gonna wrap this up I hope you enjoyed this most of all I hope
that this showed you that these DIY projects aren't as impossible as they
seem believe me if I can do something like this you can too if you have any
questions about this project or even a project that you're working on feel free
to leave them in the comments below I am by no means a carpentry expert builder
guy but I'm certainly willing to help any way that I can thanks so much for
sticking around and for liking and commenting and subscribing
your support means a lot to this new and growing channel until next time my name
is Patrick and I'll see you guys soon alright peace
tink am ting Tinkham tin can to tip them tink it
I don't know tink tink tink him
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