Monday, October 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 30 2017

Kids don't come with an instruction manual, but with Triple P Parenting there is help.

Good discipline is about being consistent: acting quickly when children misbehave and

just as important, teaching them what is acceptable.

When children behave as asked, be sure to praise them.

"Great job putting your backpack away."

This will encourage them to continue the positive behaviour.

Use simple rules, such as "Hold my hand" with a toddler, "Take turns" with a preschooler

or "Hands to yourself" with school-age children.

Involve older children in a family discussion and decide together on acceptable behaviour

and family rules around issues like screen time, chores, or how to treat each other in the family.

Include in the discussion the consequences for not following through.

There's no magic wand to a happy, healthy family but being consistent and predictable

as a parent can help.

Take your parenting skills to the next level, by visiting or call 1-800-660-5853.

For more infomation >> Assertive Discipline - Triple P Parenting - Duration: 1:16.


Manicura para Halloween Colaboración BPS 14 | CristiNails - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Manicura para Halloween Colaboración BPS 14 | CristiNails - Duration: 3:25.


SUBARU FORESTER 2018試駕 全方位稱職的SUV - Duration: 19:47.

For more infomation >> SUBARU FORESTER 2018試駕 全方位稱職的SUV - Duration: 19:47.


KINGDOM ANIMALIA | อาณาจักรสัตว์บีดับบีดู - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> KINGDOM ANIMALIA | อาณาจักรสัตว์บีดับบีดู - Duration: 4:26.


Inda da las gracias a Puigdemont en nombre de Carlos Herrera y Jiménez Losantos - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Inda da las gracias a Puigdemont en nombre de Carlos Herrera y Jiménez Losantos - Duration: 3:09.


Prinz George: Schockierende Morddrohungen - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Prinz George: Schockierende Morddrohungen - Duration: 4:54.


Adelphi Suites Bangkok, Thailand (Asia). The best of Adelphi Suites Bangkok in Bangkok - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Adelphi Suites Bangkok, Thailand (Asia). The best of Adelphi Suites Bangkok in Bangkok - Duration: 5:37.


Consejos para plantas de marihuana autoflorecientes, automatics plants, советы для автоцветущих - Duration: 10:14.

- Hi welcome again to UndergrowTv, this time we've got a special plant to take a look.

- Let's see a follower's exemplar... He has it on his

- terrace. Let's take a deep look to that... We've brought

- one for that reason... To look at the details of this plant.

- We'll describe it while showing you this garden. Let's watch this.

- Let's talk about automatic plants. It receives its name because of the easy and automatic process

- very reliable if you've aquired feminized seeds. You'll have no problem if you feed it well, nodrish roots,

- growing it in a good pot, and as much hours of light, better. We've visited a follower with a really interesting

- variety. It's a Northern Light Automatic by White Label bank owned by Sensi Seeds to the

- genetic line they're working... Seeds with really good prize so you just know...

- Fruits look excellent... He's a follower with a few details to be careful with so...

- Let's comment his errors to avoid the same problems to others. A 90% indica plant, always with rudelaris,

- it's a compact Northern Lights Automatic plant by Sensi Seeds... High quality seed with medium production.

- We don't like to make false promises... This one has a good production... Medium production.

- Not bad but if you plant other strains like critical you'll get more weight. But here we're looking for this fruity

- flavours typical in Northern Lights... It's very faithful to the original Northern Lights.

- This version comes with this rudelaris genetic making it automatic avoiding problems for light contamination.

- It can be growed in places where a normal plant couldn't. No problem with street lights during night for example

- so you can plant it on a window, on your balcony... We must name a few details about automatics...

- The first is for novices... It will be really easy to grow so we recommend it. No problem doing it outdoor, but you

- also grow it indoor. Its photoperiod doesn't change between growth and bloom like in regular plants,

- in this case we'll try to keep as much hours as we can... Between 18 and 20 hours. Several growers don't even

- let them rest but i think it's recommendable. Between 18 and 20 hours is optimus. If you can grow them indoor,

- adjust your luminic pattern to those details. If you're going to grow them outdoor, a good place will be

- under a street light for example... A problem if you've got a normal plant, it can cause stress

- or giving you regrowth problems... Automatic will absorv all this light... Awesome. Another detail about

- automatics is that growth periods are really short, keeping growth during bloom so the plant keep growing

- until it starts to mature. It will always follow growing up and creating those fruits while it stretches brotes.

- There are a few really useful tricks to get closer interknots like using Bud Ignitor to accelerate bloom,

- really useful in feminized conventional plants but in automatics too. It makes it produce more compact flowers

- because this Northern Lights is really compact by definition. Pot must be as big as possible. I recommended

- this gardener to get bigger Pro Pots by Garden High Pro... It permits transpiration, really useful for automatics.

- We've already shown it to you a few times in our channel... I arrived late because he asked me about

- transfering it or not... Another theme to debate... When i arrived it was the pot so nothing to do because it's in

- bloom so... Automatics must not be tranfered during all process because it measures it pot at the beginning

- of the process knowing its final size. Really important to use definitive pot from the beginning because

- if not you'll get a medium pot because you can't transfer it. This plant development is not bad

- as we can see... Compact fruits with hard buds but it could be closer. Growth was slowed down

- by little plagues like white fly special at the bottom... Not a mega destroyer parasite

- but it rests strenght and vitality and it reflects on results. Avoiding plagues and with a bigger pot, its development

- could have been better. I've brought the smallest exemplar of the garden. Nice formation because this

- didn't get all necessary light hours...

- Receiving like 8 or 10 hours of light all days... Even more hours depending of the clouds...

- The final result is really nice fruits... It's in the middle of bloom... It will be nice buds at the end as we like

- so you should only follow with this feeding line... I recommend to use Bud Ignitor to get closer interknots...

- All of it is production and it's interesting. This plant could be ready in only 45-50 days in bloom

- with only 2 weeks of growth, depending on the strain.

- The early hairs mark the beginning of bloom... It will follow growing and it

- can follow growing up with a bigger pot. To clear about feeding... All our nutrition is with Advance Nutrients,

- check the link at the video's comments. And take a look to the tables in

- If you use a specific table for automatics or a normal table, be careful with details like photoperiods, growth

- times or bloom times... The effect of this genetic is relaxing and during a long time.

- Novice growers should dose it because an entire joint of this variety could be overwhelming.

- This strain by Sensi Seeds line White Label, is a really powerful, penetrant plant

- that will give you full of glassy resin buds. We want to dedicate this video to Christian21. We were looking for a

- place to do this... Thank you for comment our videos and supporting us. Please subscribe, not only check

- our videos because at the end, you support us with your subscriptions and your likes. We want to dedicate

- this video to Honduras public too... They're going to work really well with automatics. Well partners... I must

- say goodbye... I'm going to smoke a joint out of camera now... Sorry if you can't smell...

- This is feminized indoor Northern Lights... Not automatic but it's what we've harvest... We will have automatic soon

- too but drying it and all the proces... I've got it ready here so... Good smoking.

For more infomation >> Consejos para plantas de marihuana autoflorecientes, automatics plants, советы для автоцветущих - Duration: 10:14.


NOVA – HR Policy: Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy for Adjuncts and P-14 Employees - Duration: 8:39.

Welcome to Alcohol & Other Drugs, Policy #1.05 for Employees.

This training module is designed for all Commonwealth of Virginia employees.

The purpose of this training is to familiarize you with

the Department of Human Resource Management's Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy, #1.05

By the end of the module, you will be able to recognize policy violations

identify employee's responsibilities, and name available resources for help.

It is the Commonwealth's objective to establish and maintain a work environment free from

the adverse effects of alcohol and other drugs.The effects of alcohol and other drugs in the workplace

could undermine the productivity of the workforce, one of Virginia's greatest assets,

and can create a serious threat to the welfare of fellow employees and Virginia citizens.

The Commonwealth, therefore, adopts Policy #1.05 to address alcohol and other drugs problems in the place.

Let's look at the policy in a little more detail.

The use of alcohol and other drugs by employees interferes with the productivity of the whole work unit.

Therefore, the policy attempts to eliminate the negative affects of alcohol

and other drugs in the workplace by prohibiting certain behaviors:

Unlawful or unauthorized manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol or other drugs in the workplace,

Impairment in the workplace from alcohol or other drugs, except from the use of drugs for legitimate medical purposes;

Criminal conviction for a violation of any criminal drug law, based upon conduct occurring either on or off the workplace,

or violation of any alcohol beverage control law or law that governs driving while intoxicated,

based upon conduct occurring in the workplace; and, an employee's failure to report to his or her supervisor

the employee's conviction for any offense required to be reported by the policy.

Any employee who commits any violation, as described in the previous slide, shall be subject to the full range of

disciplinary actions, including counseling, written notices, or even discharge from employment,

based on appropriate disciplinary policies, such as the Standards of Conduct, Policy 1.60.

How harsh or severe the disciplinary action is for violations of this policy shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Mitigating circumstances are conditions that may reduce the level of the corrective action.

Such circumstances that may be considered in determining the appropriate discipline include whether

the employee voluntarily admits to, and seeks assistance for, an alcohol or other drug problem.

It is the employee's responsibility to abide by the Commonwealth of Virginia's Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs, and related disciplinary policies.

It is also the employee's responsibility to notify his/her supervisor of any conviction of a criminal drug law,

based on conduct occurring in or outside of the workplace;

or an alcohol beverage control law or law that governs driving while intoxicated, based on conduct occurring in the workplace.

Notification of a conviction must by made in writing and delivered no later than five calendar days after such a conviction.

An employee's appeal of a conviction does not affect the employee's obligation to report the conviction.

The Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, is a confidential assessment, referral,

and short-term problem solving service available to eligible employees and family members.

Enrollment in the EAP is automatic as part of the health plan coverage.

The EAP helps participants deal with problems affecting personal and work life

such as conflicts within the family and workplace, personal and emotional concerns,

alcohol and substance abuse, financial and legal problems, elder and child care,

career concerns and other challenges.

Employees with problems related to the use of alcohol or other drugs are encouraged to seek counseling or other treatment.

Management is encouraged to assist employees and should consult with the Employee Assistance Program

before referring an eligible employee to a rehabilitation program.

Eligible employees are encouraged to consult with the EAP to determine appropriate rehabilitation programs.

The EAP can provide information regarding health insurance coverage for rehabilitation programs.

Not all programs are licensed, accredited, or covered under the employees' health insurance coverage.

Employees may contact other agencies for assistance, such as the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services;

the Department of Health; the Department of Rehabilitative Services; and/or Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy.

At the discretion of management, employees may be granted leave from work

to participate in treatment programs for alcohol and/or other drug use problems.

Employees participating in the Traditional Sick Leave Program can use their leave,

including sick leave, for attendance in a requested or required rehabilitation program.

At the discretion of management, a conditional or unconditional leave without pay can be authorized if in-patient treatment is needed.

Employees enrolled in the Virginia Sickness & Disability Program, or VSDP,

must coordinate their attendance in a requested or required rehabilitation program

with the third party administrator, according to program guidelines.

Covered under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA,

are employees who are recovering alcoholics and those who have completed a drug rehabilitation program.

All information related to convictions for drug or alcohol violations, disciplinary actions taken and/or participation

in rehabilitation programs, or the employee's progress during rehabilitation must be maintained confidential.

This information should not be discussed with others, except those who must know,

such as Human Resources, in order to appropriately address the situation.

In summary, it is the Commonwealth's objective to establish and maintain a work environment free

from the adverse effects of alcohol and other drugs.

The Alcohol & Other Drug Policy # 1.05 addresses alcohol and drug related problems and what to do about them.

Policy violations could be: the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of these substances

in the workplace; impairment from these substances in the workplace; criminal convictions

and failure to report convictions related to alcohol and drugs.

Employees are responsible for abiding by the policy and reporting any convictions to their supervisor within 5 days.

There is an Employee Assistance Program that can help with all kinds of problems

and that can suggest rehabilitation programs for employees dealing with alcohol or drug-related issues.

Supervisors and employees may contact other agencies for assistance, such as the Department of Mental Health,

Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services; the Department of Health; the Department of

Rehabilitative Services; and/or the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy.

There is no audio on this slide.

For more infomation >> NOVA – HR Policy: Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy for Adjuncts and P-14 Employees - Duration: 8:39.


남보라 동생 사망원인 13남매 동생들 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 남보라 동생 사망원인 13남매 동생들 - Duration: 3:48.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Kevin Spacey, accusé d'avoir fait des avances à un mineur, s'excuse et - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Kevin Spacey, accusé d'avoir fait des avances à un mineur, s'excuse et - Duration: 3:31.


46xx 42nd Ave S - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> 46xx 42nd Ave S - Duration: 3:32.


How to Inspire and Enable Young People to Lead Long-Term Programs (From Tanzania) - Duration: 6:47.

Young people have been involved in every stage of designing and developing this project,

because we believe that we cannot move forward, or we cannot reach the need of young people without listening to them.

or we cannot reach the need of young people without listening to them.

We get young people involved by working very closely with young local leaders,

who help us to get to these girls from their areas and recruit them according to their age and living standards.

The community volunteers are also out-of-school girls who have been trained to become peers,

and so our strategy is from grassroots level to national level.

We consult with these young people and they tell us what to do.

and that's how we develop and implement our project.

So, when we society accepting these girls, who have been not noticed before, that first is good impact,

and second, that these girls are taking leadership in their society, and they are accepted as leaders,

and they're contributing actually in development activities.

Girls are really inspired to stay in this project for a long time

because first, we have created an environment that makes them feel that the project is theirs,

and also we establish entrepreneurship training, and also give them means on how they can achieve in life,

or increase their income which was a huge problem they had before.

It would have been difficult for this to have been achieved without involving young people,

because we are working for them and we are working with them to be empowered

and change their lives, and be the ambassadors of other young people.

For more infomation >> How to Inspire and Enable Young People to Lead Long-Term Programs (From Tanzania) - Duration: 6:47.


Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir Pop - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir Pop - Duration: 0:59.


Budoucnost je úžasná: Přidejte se k nám - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Budoucnost je úžasná: Přidejte se k nám - Duration: 1:12.


Watch a Sneak Peek of New Series 'Top Wing' 🐤 Right Now! | Nick Jr. - Duration: 0:42.

This November

get ready to plunge with Penny.


Board with Brody.


Soar with Swift.


And race with Rod.

I'm a rooster, not a chicken.

These rescue birds in training

are preparing for takeoff.

- Yeah! - Yeah!

Top Wing, the brand new series.

Premiering Monday, November 6

on Nickelodeon.

You can watch more Top Wing in the free Nick Junior app.

For more infomation >> Watch a Sneak Peek of New Series 'Top Wing' 🐤 Right Now! | Nick Jr. - Duration: 0:42.


Audi A6 Avant Lease Edition 2.0 TDI 140kW / 190pk 7 versn. S-tronic - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant Lease Edition 2.0 TDI 140kW / 190pk 7 versn. S-tronic - Duration: 0:54.


Anémone et le harcè­le­ment sexuel : « Ça m'est arrivé, j'ai­mais coucher avec l - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Anémone et le harcè­le­ment sexuel : « Ça m'est arrivé, j'ai­mais coucher avec l - Duration: 2:11.


Das NEUE Clash Royale UPDATE! (leak!) - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Das NEUE Clash Royale UPDATE! (leak!) - Duration: 5:16.


Au cœur du plan économique - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Au cœur du plan économique - Duration: 0:16.


CFMOTO X8 - Kvadrocikls / Квадроцикл | Видео Обзор | KVADRIK.LV - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> CFMOTO X8 - Kvadrocikls / Квадроцикл | Видео Обзор | KVADRIK.LV - Duration: 3:36.


Benet Salellas i Vilar intervé al Debat sobre l'aplicació de l'article 155 a Catalunya - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Benet Salellas i Vilar intervé al Debat sobre l'aplicació de l'article 155 a Catalunya - Duration: 12:42.


Secret Story 11 – La guerre des clans est déclarée |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 – La guerre des clans est déclarée |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 4:13.


Tiger Zinda Hai Full Movie In Hindi | Salman Khan And Katrina Kaif - Duration: 2:37:51.

Tiger Zinda Hai Full Movie In Hindi | Salman Khan And Katrina Kaif

Yash Raj Films

For more infomation >> Tiger Zinda Hai Full Movie In Hindi | Salman Khan And Katrina Kaif - Duration: 2:37:51.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 D STYLE Business Solution - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 D STYLE Business Solution - Duration: 0:52.


Cecilia e Ignazio si sono innamorati: ecco la dichiarazione d'amore - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Cecilia e Ignazio si sono innamorati: ecco la dichiarazione d'amore - Duration: 3:34.


Au cœur du plan économique - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Au cœur du plan économique - Duration: 0:16.


Un chewing-gum au cannabis pour soulager les douleurs de la fibromyalgie. Voudriez-vous ? - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Un chewing-gum au cannabis pour soulager les douleurs de la fibromyalgie. Voudriez-vous ? - Duration: 4:42.


How to Hire a Realtor - 5 Tips - Duration: 4:17.

I'm gonna teach you how to hire a Realtor - the top five things to do before

you even pick up the phone and call them. And we are starting right now.

Hey everyone, Karin Carr here with Keller Williams in Savannah, Georgia. If you're

interested in buying or selling real estate be sure to the subscribe button. I

post new videos every Monday and you don't want to miss one. Today we're

talking about how to hire a Realtor. If you're thinking of selling your house

who you hire is very important. Here are 5 tips to help you hire a real estate

agent. Number one: read their reviews online. There is no shortage of places

where people can review real estate agents online. You can go to Zillow,, Google, Facebook, Yelp... all kinds of different platforms. Go read a

bunch of their reviews and see what other people had to say about how they

did. Number two: stalk them on social media. Are they professional, or are they talking

about drinking every Friday night? The things that they post on their personal

page may influence your decision on whether or not that's somebody that you

would want to work with professionally. Number three: go check out their YouTube

channel and their blog if they have one. So I like to put new videos up every

week on my youtube channel. I have a blog where I'm constantly writing articles

about general real estate related tips or things that are going on in our

community. But honestly most agents don't do that. There are a ton of old-school

agents out there who simply rely on the name of their company for their

visibility. They don't share information except about the houses that they're

selling. So do you want somebody that uses social media to their advantage? Do

you want somebody that understands the power that social media can bring, that a

YouTube channel can bring, that blogging will bring to your property? Or do you

want somebody that's just going to put that house on the MLS and wait for other

agents to show it for them? Number four: go look at some of the properties they

currently have for sale read the description and see what they write. Do

they write about the house in a way that makes you, the reader interested in the

house and want to come see it? Is the information

accurate? I've seen a lot of listings on the MLS where the zip code is wrong or

the area where it's located is wrong, the HOA fees are wrong. If they can't be

bothered to get the information right when they're putting it out there for

all the world to see they're probably not very detail-oriented. Number five: how

do they advertise the house? Quite honestly putting it on the MLS is the

easiest part of our job. When I enter the property into the MLS it goes out to

Zillow and and all of those big web sites automatically. I don't have

to do anything extra. If you go to do they have a

single property website? It doesn't have to be the street address, it could be

something like It could be

It should be a specific URL for that property where they've got details

about your house, they've got video, they've got a 360 degree virtual tour,

they've got a video walkthrough, they've got information about the schools that

the house is assigned to... all of that information that's not necessarily just

available on the MLS and therefore Zillow. So what other things do they do

to market that property? If you're paying them that commission you want to know

that they're spending that money wisely to get your house in front of as many

potential buyers as possible. So there you have it - five things to do

to interview your Realtor before you ever even pick up the phone and call

them for an actual face-to-face interview. Have you ever tried any of

these tips? Did it help you feel like you were more confident in this person's

abilities when it came time to make a decision? Leave a comment down below. I'd

love to hear if it helped. Thank you so much for watching! If you like this video

be sure to hit the thumbs up button, leave a comment down below, share it with

a friend, and subscribe to my channel. I post new videos every Monday about all

things real estate. Thanks again for watching and I'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> How to Hire a Realtor - 5 Tips - Duration: 4:17.


Élections municipales 2017 - Duration: 25:57.

For more infomation >> Élections municipales 2017 - Duration: 25:57.


ONCE - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> ONCE - Duration: 7:37.


Hydro Jetting San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jetting San Juan Capistrano CA - Duration: 1:10.

Hydro Jetting San Juan Capistrano CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Hydro Jetting San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jetting San Juan Capistrano CA - Duration: 1:10.


Top 3 Ways to Show Love to Websites & Blogs - How Blogs Make Money - Duration: 4:17.

There are a lot of amazing blogs and websites on the internet today!

In this video, you'll learn the top 3 ways to show some love to your favorite websites!

I'm Andy, and you're watching Learn How.

We create video lessons and tutorials to help people learn how to use technology to improve

their lifestyle.

If you like what you see in this video, please consider subscribing!

Bloggers and websites live and breathe by traffic.

And no we aren't talking about that kind of traffic.

We're talking about website traffic or page views.

It's kind of like a brick and mortar store.

The more people that come in and take a look around, the better chance the store has of

making some money!

Most of the time, you probably aren't reading online articles or visiting your favorite

blogs to buy something, but there are ways you can show some love to your favorite websites

that will help increase traffic or help them earn some money!

The 3rd best way to show some love is to SHARE the content!

You can share an article, video, or post in a variety of ways.

Copy and paste the link on your Facebook or Twitter post, click a social share button

found on the article, email the article to a friend, or simply tell someone about the


Any of these methods are a great way to help your favorite website get a little more traffic!

It's true, sharing is caring!

The 2nd best way to show some love is to CLICK AN AD!

I know...I know…

You hate ads.

Most of us do find them annoying.

However, many blogs and websites that provide valuable free content need to put these ads

on their sites to try to earn some extra money.

Hopefully there aren't too many ads on the site, otherwise it gets a little cluttered,

but no blogger does this to try and annoy their readers.

They are just trying to find a way to earn some money for their work.

If you enjoyed an article or video and you want to say thanks to the writer, look for

an interesting ad on the page and click on it!

If you're on a reputable website and the ad isn't for inappropriate material, you

shouldn't need to worry about anything bad happening.

Clicking an ad will probably earn the website owner a couple cents.

Nothing too crazy... but it's a way of saying, "I enjoyed your article, here's $0.05

courtesy of Geico!"

The #1 best way to show some love to your favorite website is to BUY SOMETHING!

Some of your favorite websites might sell products, e-books, T-Shirts, or other merchandise.

This is how blogs and websites survive!

Buying their products is the best way to show your love and support for what they are doing.

Some websites may not sell things directly on their page, but they might recommend or

promote products through articles, images, or links!

These are called affiliate links.

For example, if someone writes a blog article about a camera, they might include a link

to the product on Amazon.

If you click the link on their article to go to Amazon and you buy the camera, the blogger

earns a small commission percentage of the sale!

Next time you're reading an article on your favorite website, think of one of these 3

ways that you can show some love!

Share the content, click an ad, or buy something!

Even the small things make a big difference.

Now go share this video with a friend who has a blog or website!

I'm sure you'll be able to make them smile!

If you're new to Learn How hit that subscribe button on our YouTube channel for more awesome


As a fellow content creator and website owner, thank you for your support and thanks

for watching!

For more infomation >> Top 3 Ways to Show Love to Websites & Blogs - How Blogs Make Money - Duration: 4:17.


Ingrid Guimarães mostra rebolado com personagem em 'Chapa' - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Ingrid Guimarães mostra rebolado com personagem em 'Chapa' - Duration: 1:22.


Kevin Spacey, accusé d'avoir fait des avances à un mineur, s'excuse et - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Kevin Spacey, accusé d'avoir fait des avances à un mineur, s'excuse et - Duration: 3:31.


GLOW Pratunam in Bangkok, Thailand (Asia). The best of GLOW Pratunam in Bangkok - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> GLOW Pratunam in Bangkok, Thailand (Asia). The best of GLOW Pratunam in Bangkok - Duration: 5:02.


Charlène et Albert de Monaco vivent séparés selon France Dimanche. - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Charlène et Albert de Monaco vivent séparés selon France Dimanche. - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 1:21.


Crazy Rollover Crashes - BeamNG Drive Crashes - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Crazy Rollover Crashes - BeamNG Drive Crashes - Duration: 11:31.


Benet Salellas i Vilar intervé al Debat sobre l'aplicació de l'article 155 a Catalunya - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Benet Salellas i Vilar intervé al Debat sobre l'aplicació de l'article 155 a Catalunya - Duration: 12:42.


Secret Story 11 – Charlène et Benoît prêts à tout risquer pour protéger leur secret ? - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 – Charlène et Benoît prêts à tout risquer pour protéger leur secret ? - Duration: 3:42.


이채영 나이, 비행소녀 이채영 키 양세찬 무슨 관계? 그리고 언니 서승아 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 이채영 나이, 비행소녀 이채영 키 양세찬 무슨 관계? 그리고 언니 서승아 - Duration: 5:22.


マツダの世界生産、1.3%増の76万7804台で2年ぶりのプラス…CX-4 など貢献 2017年度上半期-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> マツダの世界生産、1.3%増の76万7804台で2年ぶりのプラス…CX-4 など貢献 2017年度上半期-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 2:50.


Tiger Zinda Hai Full Movie In Hindi | Salman Khan And Katrina Kaif - Duration: 2:37:51.

Tiger Zinda Hai Full Movie In Hindi | Salman Khan And Katrina Kaif

Yash Raj Films

For more infomation >> Tiger Zinda Hai Full Movie In Hindi | Salman Khan And Katrina Kaif - Duration: 2:37:51.


The FMs

For more infomation >> The FMs


The Miz Cuts SCATHING PROMO And Drops F-Bomb On Baron Corbin - Duration: 1:59.

Baron Corbin!

I just got your message.

I've been really busy this week.

But I've gotta say - it's the best promo I've ever seen you cut.

It's amazing because when I cut my best promos?

It's in front of thousands in attendance and millions watching at home on a big camera

in a WWE ring.

While your best promo is on an iPhone on social media.

So listen up, Twitter tough guy.

This isn't about Raw and SmackDown supremacy for me.

This is about making the Intercontinental championship the most prestigious and honorable

title in all the WWE.

I bust my a**, day-in and day-out to make that title relevant.

While the United States championship is working overtime to make its holder relevant.

See, I've heard all about you in the WWE ring, how talented you are.

But to me?

You're just another generic big man who will be gone in two years while I'm carrying

this show for the next ten.

And if you ever talk about my pregnant wife again, I'll knock your f***ing teeth down

your throat!

For more infomation >> The Miz Cuts SCATHING PROMO And Drops F-Bomb On Baron Corbin - Duration: 1:59.


How to Make The Most Decadent Caramelized Cinnamon Hot Chocolate | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 3:28.

Today on The Stay At Home Chef I'm showing you

how to make Caramelized Cinnamon Hot Chocolate.

When it's cold outside I love to indulge by

curling up with a cup of hot chocolate.

And of course, I love the good stuff which means

it's homemade.

Today's hot chocolate recipe is super indulgent,

easy to make, and totally delicious.

It'll chase away any winter blues that you have.

It starts with a cinnamon infused homemade caramel

that's absolutely amazing.

We're going to start over here on the stove.

I'm using this wide saucepan so that it is easier

for you to see, but you can just use a regular one.

I'm going to put in 2/3 cup of sugar

and turn the heat to medium

and I'm going to place in 2 sticks of cinnamon.

We'll remove the sticks of cinnamon later.

Having them in the pan will infuse the cinnamon

flavor into the sugar as it caramelizes.

Next you'll take a rubber spatula

and gently stir the sugar around

and as the sugar heats up it will begin to melt and caramelize.

This process is slow so be patient.

Don't try and speed up the process by increasing the heat

or your sugar might burn.

Before you know it your sugar will start melting.

You can see how it is shimmering on the bottom of the pan

so just keep scraping it up and moving it around

so nothing catches and burns.

You can see that it is getting all clumpy,

but that the clumps are starting to re-melt.

That's exactly what you are looking for

and it's starting to turn a golden color.

After a few minutes it will reach a nice deep caramel color

and that's exactly what you are looking for.

Then you'll remove the cinnamon sticks

and you can already smell them

so you can smell that infused flavor

and we're going to pour in about 1/2 cup of whole milk

You see how that bubbles and sizzles

We'll stir it in and it's going to seize our caramel

just a little bit.

We're going to use 4 cups total of the milk

and you just want to slowly stir this in.

As the milk heats up the caramel will dissolve into the milk

with that nice delicious caramelized cinnamon flavor.

Once again patience here is the key.

Once the caramel has dissolved and the milk has heated up

we're going to add in

8 ounces of chopped bittersweet chocolate.

And then we'll stir this in until it's melted.

I wish they would hurry up and invent smell-o-vision so you could smell this.

It smells incredible in here!

Once the chocolate has melted we're going to

transfer this all to a blender.

Be sure to allow the blender to vent

and then blend it until it's smooth.

60 seconds should be enough to give it a nice smooth finish

and then you are ready for a drink.

This recipe will have you indulging all winter long.

You can find the full written recipe in the video description.

Be sure to subscribe and check out

the rest of my channel where you can find hundreds of

restaurant quality recipes just like this one

that you can easily make at home.

See you later!

For more infomation >> How to Make The Most Decadent Caramelized Cinnamon Hot Chocolate | The Stay At Home Chef - Duration: 3:28.


SMART HEALTHY WARTEG - long version - Duration: 2:15.

The top three causes of death by disease in Indonesia are stroke, heart attack, and diabetes.

I got the inspiration from the experience that i have had.

My dad had diabetes

The diabetes got worse and had made his leg had to be amputated

These diseases are not unpreventable

These diseases can be prevented by doing the most simple thing that is changing the diet.

Why not make a device that can control what we eat and the calories in it.

The problems in Indonesian people is that they are not aware

that they consume a too much of salt, too much of rice that affects in high carbohydrate consumption

This device has three features

Pay as the weight of the food you took

And then you can check the nutrition at the Smart Healthy Warteg's application.

You can share the healthy food that you eat to encourage your friends to change their diet into more healthy one

This project can still grow, you can help us by clicking like button below

also leave criticism and suggestion at the comment box below.

Thank you.

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