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that's how you buy bitcoins so the next time anybody asks me I'm just gonna show
them this video all right guys so until next time peace out
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[FRE] Code Lyoko - S2E29 - Exploration [1440p] [CC] - Duration: 23:55.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
Aelita, hurry!
Yumi's only got 10 life points left!
Get ready, girls.
I'm starting up the devirtualization process.
Activated towers, Lyoko battles, danger.
Aren't you guys startin' to get sick of all this?
No. No.
Well, sometimes I really wish we were done with XANA.
Uh, you missed an episode, Ulrich.
Remember, Aelita's carrying a miserable virus
that links her to her old friend XANA.
Bye-bye XANA means bye-bye Aelita.
And I don't know how to create an anti-virus.
I mean, not just yet.
Hey, I have an idea!
Why don't we explore the new mysterious sector we discovered?
Sector five?
But we don't know what's in it!
Sure we do!
There are monsters, ultra-dangerous traps,
and a scyphozoa, as you call it, that wants to steal Aelita's memory.
You're right, but what if there's something else there?
Like information about XANA?
We have to go back.
Good idea.
All three of us will go.
You mean all four of us.
I want to be part of this expedition.
With that scyphozoa slinking around?
No way.
What if there's a tower to deactivate?
Think about it!
I have to be there.
Come on, Einstein!
With bodyguards like us, she has nothing to worry about!
And I promise to be careful!
Tomorrow night, exploration.
(GASPS) Oh my gosh! It's so late!
My parents must be going bananas!
Bye! See you tomorrow!
And as for us, we missed dinner again.
And when I think it was spaghetti and meatballs!
Yumi, we need to talk.
You come home late every single night.
Tonight is the last straw.
It's past 10 o'clock
and you didn't even bother to telephone us.
And you haven't eaten anything, either.
What's going on, dear?
If you have a problem, you know you can tell us.
No, really. Everything's fine.
I was studying math at Maïtena's house.
I told you already.
Maïtena Lecuyer?
Hmm. That's strange.
When I called her, she was studying.
By herself.
You're lying to us, Yumi. That's not like you.
What's the matter with you?
I worry about you, sweetheart.
Tell me what's bothering you.
I promise you that everything's just fine.
You saw my last report card.
It was great, so why worry about me?
I'm concerned, Takeo.
We're going to have to get a lot more strict.
It's nice of you to come with me,
but I'm big enough to go to school alone. Really, I am.
You are, huh?
If you were, then you'd stop lying to us
and tell us why you come home so late all the time.
Are you gonna watch me 24 hours a day? Is that it?
Am I in prison or something?
We're trying to understand you and to protect you, too.
Oh, wow! The entire Ishiyama family!
I bet that you'll be picking me up as well, huh?
I'll be waiting for you here at 5 o'clock.
I advise you not to be late.
Oh, isn't that adorable!
They're not gonna ease up on me.
Oh, what a mess.
The worst thing is I hate lying to them.
Just explain to them that we're fighting in a virtual universe
against a demonic artificial intelligence.
That ought to reassure them.
You've got to win back their trust in you.
I think maybe you should stay away from Lyoko for a little while.
What about exploring sector five!
It's for tonight, isn't it?
Don't worry. Jeremie will give you a play-by-play update.
Come on, guys.
I know you're all dying to go to Mrs. Hertz's class. Off we go.
Did you study for the marine biology test?
Of course I did! Listen.
Fish are remarkably well adapted to water.
What's more, they can swim.
You are so lame.
Off to the forest sector!
Transfer Ulrich.
Transfer Odd.
Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Ulrich.
Scanner Aelita.
Scanner Odd.
Everything okay?
We're good. The monsters must be sleeping.
They need all the sleep they can get to recover from
all the grief we've been giving them.
You have to get to the other end of the sector
to take the transporter.
I'm going to materialize your rides.
Odd, you promised to be careful!
No problem!
Go straight ahead and hurry up before the monsters get there!
We made it, Jeremie!
Okay. I'm entering the code.
There's the transporter.
Are you there, Jeremie?
Everything okay?
Everything okay?
Yeah, they're in the transporter. All is well.
Tell them I'm thinking about them.
Happy campers?
Yep. I'm beginning to get used to these little trips.
Ugh, not me!
I shouldn't have had that fifth dessert at lunch.
Jeremie, the wall's about to open.
Right. Meaning the countdown's gonna start.
You've got to find a way to deactivate it.
That must be the answer to exploring further.
Watch it, guys!
Everything will be fine.
Odd promised to be careful.
It started!
You know what'll happen if Aelita loses her life points, don't you!
Don't worry.
We have no intention of losing her.
The last time, there was a big room at the end of this hallway.
I've got a feeling the architecture of the core zone
changes each time you go there.
That's a great help for finding our way around.
If we knew everything, we wouldn't be exploring.
Come on. Let's go!
Look out! You've got two creepers on your tail!
Laser arrow!
You've only got three minutes left to stop the countdown! Get going!
That way.
Come on!
Haven't we already been through here?
How should I know?
Everything looks the same in this place!
This way!
Wow, 40 life points in one go!
Those creepers sure are powerful!
They're powerful!
And really ugly, too!
Jeremie, any ideas?
No, but I got news for you.
You're in a labyrinth.
Make a left at each fork, and leave a mark there.
If the way is already marked, then make a right.
This is incredible!
We'll never get out of this thing!
You'd better!
Just two minutes left to find a way to stop the countdown!
We're out, Jeremie! We made it!
Nothing like having a little luck on your side.
Hey, Einstein, why complicate things, huh?
Ah, great. Now what do we do?
Jeremie, can you see anything from your end?
So, you need me again, huh?
Go back to where you were.
I spotted a mechanism on the wall.
Hurry! Time's running out!
Let me at it!
Fourteen! Thirteen! Twelve!
Eleven! Ten! Nine!
Eight! Seven! Six!
Five! Four!
Aelita, the countdown is over.
The room is bound to change now.
You okay?
Well, no more creepers. That's a start.
Don't worry.
I'll rematerialize Odd and Ulrich, and I'll get you out of there.
Come on, come on!
Oh, no!
Aelita, Odd and Ulrich didn't come back!
But that's impossible. Are they lost?
For the moment, they are.
So there's no rematerialization from sector five?
Sure there is.
Once we find the right program.
And do you think you can find it?
It's probably as easy as finding your antivirus.
But don't worry. I'm gonna do the impossible.
Hiroki, could you make some more noise, please?
Sorry, Yumi. The volume's as high as it goes.
Go into the other room, Hiroki. Go on now.
I pass.
Me, too. I pass.
Then the game is over! (LAUGHS)
I have five points more than you!
On the Goban, yes.
Don't forget that I played the whites.
With Komi, I win by half a point.
Well, it's bed time.
Goodnight, my dear.
Jeremie, how's it going?
Badly. Head for the factory.
Can you hear that?
It's the scyphozoa!
It's heading towards you!
Stay calm. Yumi's coming.
Yumi, can I come in?
I want to talk to you for a minute.
Jeremie, I'm in the elevator.
You have to get Aelita in sector five!
The Scyphozoa is there!
What about Odd and Ulrich?
You want the best case scenario?
I'd rather.
I've got about a one in a million chance of finding the right code
to bring them back.
So sorry to bother you at such a late hour, Headmaster Delmas,
but we're very worried.
Yes, yes. I understand. But it's quite possible
that Yumi is somewhere on the campus.
Why, sure!
She's probably hanging out with her little gang of friends.
Come on.
You're on the edge of the territory, Yumi.
Better be careful.
XANA's going to do all that he can to keep you from taking the transporter.
Jeremie! Enter…the code!
Huh. No one's here.
No one's in Stern's room either.
Looking for someone?
Uh, Sissi. Would you know where your friends
Stern, Belpois, and Della Robbia might be?
Probably up to no good. As usual.
But I don't know where.
Although, their little mascot can find them for you.
Mascot? What mascot?
A flea-bitten mangy mutt!
Huh. Well, excuse me, Mr. Delmas.
Ew. Hey, little puppy.
Where's your master, huh?
Go get him!
Let's follow him!
Hang in there, Aelita.
Yumi's on the way.
I hope so.
Yumi? Can you hear me?
Yes. I'm in the arena.
The transporter got to me just in time.
Horrible Kankrelat.
Listen up, now.
You have to get to the corridor and trigger the mechanism
before the countdown runs out, okay?
If I'm right about how the core zone functions,
my plan should work.
Huh. What's the matter with that hound?
Oh, I don't believe it!
This reminds me of when I used to work in the sewers.
You, uh, used to work in the sewers, Jim?
I, uh…I'd rather not talk about it.
Only two minutes left, Yumi!
Down to 10 points, Yumi!
This is not the time to mess up!
Jim, we're wasting time!
Will you let go of that slipper! You flea-bitten--
Come on! Let go of it!
Yumi, this is no time to drag your feet.
I've located the mechanism. It's on your right.
You have ten seconds!
Two seconds!
It works, Jeremie!
The whole zone is being reconfigured!
We did it!
Aelita, take the access behind you!
It's some kind of elevator!
You know what we do with elevators, right?
We ride 'em!
Try to grab Aelita as you go by!
Where are you taking me?
I have no idea.
There's an interface!
I can get in.
It's unbelieveable.
The interface gives access…
to XANA's own data!
Sector five is where XANA lives!
XANA's not a very good housekeeper.
There's some weird things hanging around this place.
I've got access to all kinds of data. It's crazy!
Look for the specific devirtualization code for sector five.
If you find it, we can rescue Odd and Ulrich!
Jeremie, I'm gonna need the Overwing.
Uh-oh. Bad news.
When Aelita's working on the interface, I can't do anything from my end.
I think I found it. I'm transmitting it to you.
Okay. I'm taking over again now.
What would a nice girl like Yumi doing here?
Where are we, anyway?
Jeremie, the Overwing! Now!
It's on the way!
How do we get out of here?
There are some tunnels.
They're closed!
Lets see.
What if…
What if they corresponded to those that open onto the arena?
Yippie! It works!
Nice one, Einstein!
Jeremie, I got out through a way tower!
Okay. Now get to a neutral tower. I'll bring you in!
Okay. I'm ready, Aelita.
Code: Earth.
It's okay, Jeremie. I'm here.
But what about the others?
I'm entering the new code!
Materialization Yumi!
Materialization Odd!
Materialization Ulrich!
Now all we can do is hope.
We did it!
How you feel? Say something!
Yumi? What are you doing here?
I believe you all have some explaining to do.
Ah ha!
Trying to outsmart me, huh?
What the…
What is this place?
Nothing rings a bell, Jim?
Funny 'cause you've been here before.
What are you talking about? I don't remember this!
Well, yes and no.
Return to the past now.
So, then. You still refuse to give us an explanation?
Alright, I'll tell you.
I'm in love.
Ah, Yumi, I knew there was a reason.
And would you tell us your boyfriend's name?
No. Sorry, I won't mom.
See you tonight.
Well, that sure seemed to satisfy your parents.
What did you tell them?
The truth.
[ENG] Code Lyoko - S2E29 - Exploration [1440p] [CC] - Duration: 23:55.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
Aelita, hurry!
Yumi's only got 10 life points left!
Get ready, girls.
I'm starting up the devirtualization process.
Activated towers, Lyoko battles, danger.
Aren't you guys startin' to get sick of all this?
No. No.
Well, sometimes I really wish we were done with XANA.
Uh, you missed an episode, Ulrich.
Remember, Aelita's carrying a miserable virus
that links her to her old friend XANA.
Bye-bye XANA means bye-bye Aelita.
And I don't know how to create an anti-virus.
I mean, not just yet.
Hey, I have an idea!
Why don't we explore the new mysterious sector we discovered?
Sector five?
But we don't know what's in it!
Sure we do!
There are monsters, ultra-dangerous traps,
and a scyphozoa, as you call it, that wants to steal Aelita's memory.
You're right, but what if there's something else there?
Like information about XANA?
We have to go back.
Good idea.
All three of us will go.
You mean all four of us.
I want to be part of this expedition.
With that scyphozoa slinking around?
No way.
What if there's a tower to deactivate?
Think about it!
I have to be there.
Come on, Einstein!
With bodyguards like us, she has nothing to worry about!
And I promise to be careful!
Tomorrow night, exploration.
(GASPS) Oh my gosh! It's so late!
My parents must be going bananas!
Bye! See you tomorrow!
And as for us, we missed dinner again.
And when I think it was spaghetti and meatballs!
Yumi, we need to talk.
You come home late every single night.
Tonight is the last straw.
It's past 10 o'clock
and you didn't even bother to telephone us.
And you haven't eaten anything, either.
What's going on, dear?
If you have a problem, you know you can tell us.
No, really. Everything's fine.
I was studying math at Maïtena's house.
I told you already.
Maïtena Lecuyer?
Hmm. That's strange.
When I called her, she was studying.
By herself.
You're lying to us, Yumi. That's not like you.
What's the matter with you?
I worry about you, sweetheart.
Tell me what's bothering you.
I promise you that everything's just fine.
You saw my last report card.
It was great, so why worry about me?
I'm concerned, Takeo.
We're going to have to get a lot more strict.
It's nice of you to come with me,
but I'm big enough to go to school alone. Really, I am.
You are, huh?
If you were, then you'd stop lying to us
and tell us why you come home so late all the time.
Are you gonna watch me 24 hours a day? Is that it?
Am I in prison or something?
We're trying to understand you and to protect you, too.
Oh, wow! The entire Ishiyama family!
I bet that you'll be picking me up as well, huh?
I'll be waiting for you here at 5 o'clock.
I advise you not to be late.
Oh, isn't that adorable!
They're not gonna ease up on me.
Oh, what a mess.
The worst thing is I hate lying to them.
Just explain to them that we're fighting in a virtual universe
against a demonic artificial intelligence.
That ought to reassure them.
You've got to win back their trust in you.
I think maybe you should stay away from Lyoko for a little while.
What about exploring sector five!
It's for tonight, isn't it?
Don't worry. Jeremie will give you a play-by-play update.
Come on, guys.
I know you're all dying to go to Mrs. Hertz's class. Off we go.
Did you study for the marine biology test?
Of course I did! Listen.
Fish are remarkably well adapted to water.
What's more, they can swim.
You are so lame.
Off to the forest sector!
Transfer Ulrich.
Transfer Odd.
Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Ulrich.
Scanner Aelita.
Scanner Odd.
Everything okay?
We're good. The monsters must be sleeping.
They need all the sleep they can get to recover from
all the grief we've been giving them.
You have to get to the other end of the sector
to take the transporter.
I'm going to materialize your rides.
Odd, you promised to be careful!
No problem!
Go straight ahead and hurry up before the monsters get there!
We made it, Jeremie!
Okay. I'm entering the code.
There's the transporter.
Are you there, Jeremie?
Everything okay?
Everything okay?
Yeah, they're in the transporter. All is well.
Tell them I'm thinking about them.
Happy campers?
Yep. I'm beginning to get used to these little trips.
Ugh, not me!
I shouldn't have had that fifth dessert at lunch.
Jeremie, the wall's about to open.
Right. Meaning the countdown's gonna start.
You've got to find a way to deactivate it.
That must be the answer to exploring further.
Watch it, guys!
Everything will be fine.
Odd promised to be careful.
It started!
You know what'll happen if Aelita loses her life points, don't you!
Don't worry.
We have no intention of losing her.
The last time, there was a big room at the end of this hallway.
I've got a feeling the architecture of the core zone
changes each time you go there.
That's a great help for finding our way around.
If we knew everything, we wouldn't be exploring.
Come on. Let's go!
Look out! You've got two creepers on your tail!
Laser arrow!
You've only got three minutes left to stop the countdown! Get going!
That way.
Come on!
Haven't we already been through here?
How should I know?
Everything looks the same in this place!
This way!
Wow, 40 life points in one go!
Those creepers sure are powerful!
They're powerful!
And really ugly, too!
Jeremie, any ideas?
No, but I got news for you.
You're in a labyrinth.
Make a left at each fork, and leave a mark there.
If the way is already marked, then make a right.
This is incredible!
We'll never get out of this thing!
You'd better!
Just two minutes left to find a way to stop the countdown!
We're out, Jeremie! We made it!
Nothing like having a little luck on your side.
Hey, Einstein, why complicate things, huh?
Ah, great. Now what do we do?
Jeremie, can you see anything from your end?
So, you need me again, huh?
Go back to where you were.
I spotted a mechanism on the wall.
Hurry! Time's running out!
Let me at it!
Fourteen! Thirteen! Twelve!
Eleven! Ten! Nine!
Eight! Seven! Six!
Five! Four!
Aelita, the countdown is over.
The room is bound to change now.
You okay?
Well, no more creepers. That's a start.
Don't worry.
I'll rematerialize Odd and Ulrich, and I'll get you out of there.
Come on, come on!
Oh, no!
Aelita, Odd and Ulrich didn't come back!
But that's impossible. Are they lost?
For the moment, they are.
So there's no rematerialization from sector five?
Sure there is.
Once we find the right program.
And do you think you can find it?
It's probably as easy as finding your antivirus.
But don't worry. I'm gonna do the impossible.
Hiroki, could you make some more noise, please?
Sorry, Yumi. The volume's as high as it goes.
Go into the other room, Hiroki. Go on now.
I pass.
Me, too. I pass.
Then the game is over! (LAUGHS)
I have five points more than you!
On the Goban, yes.
Don't forget that I played the whites.
With Komi, I win by half a point.
Well, it's bed time.
Goodnight, my dear.
Jeremie, how's it going?
Badly. Head for the factory.
Can you hear that?
It's the scyphozoa!
It's heading towards you!
Stay calm. Yumi's coming.
Yumi, can I come in?
I want to talk to you for a minute.
Jeremie, I'm in the elevator.
You have to get Aelita in sector five!
The Scyphozoa is there!
What about Odd and Ulrich?
You want the best case scenario?
I'd rather.
I've got about a one in a million chance of finding the right code
to bring them back.
So sorry to bother you at such a late hour, Headmaster Delmas,
but we're very worried.
Yes, yes. I understand. But it's quite possible
that Yumi is somewhere on the campus.
Why, sure!
She's probably hanging out with her little gang of friends.
Come on.
You're on the edge of the territory, Yumi.
Better be careful.
XANA's going to do all that he can to keep you from taking the transporter.
Jeremie! Enter…the code!
Huh. No one's here.
No one's in Stern's room either.
Looking for someone?
Uh, Sissi. Would you know where your friends
Stern, Belpois, and Della Robbia might be?
Probably up to no good. As usual.
But I don't know where.
Although, their little mascot can find them for you.
Mascot? What mascot?
A flea-bitten mangy mutt!
Huh. Well, excuse me, Mr. Delmas.
Ew. Hey, little puppy.
Where's your master, huh?
Go get him!
Let's follow him!
Hang in there, Aelita.
Yumi's on the way.
I hope so.
Yumi? Can you hear me?
Yes. I'm in the arena.
The transporter got to me just in time.
Horrible Kankrelat.
Listen up, now.
You have to get to the corridor and trigger the mechanism
before the countdown runs out, okay?
If I'm right about how the core zone functions,
my plan should work.
Huh. What's the matter with that hound?
Oh, I don't believe it!
This reminds me of when I used to work in the sewers.
You, uh, used to work in the sewers, Jim?
I, uh…I'd rather not talk about it.
Only two minutes left, Yumi!
Down to 10 points, Yumi!
This is not the time to mess up!
Jim, we're wasting time!
Will you let go of that slipper! You flea-bitten--
Come on! Let go of it!
Yumi, this is no time to drag your feet.
I've located the mechanism. It's on your right.
You have ten seconds!
Two seconds!
It works, Jeremie!
The whole zone is being reconfigured!
We did it!
Aelita, take the access behind you!
It's some kind of elevator!
You know what we do with elevators, right?
We ride 'em!
Try to grab Aelita as you go by!
Where are you taking me?
I have no idea.
There's an interface!
I can get in.
It's unbelieveable.
The interface gives access…
to XANA's own data!
Sector five is where XANA lives!
XANA's not a very good housekeeper.
There's some weird things hanging around this place.
I've got access to all kinds of data. It's crazy!
Look for the specific devirtualization code for sector five.
If you find it, we can rescue Odd and Ulrich!
Jeremie, I'm gonna need the Overwing.
Uh-oh. Bad news.
When Aelita's working on the interface, I can't do anything from my end.
I think I found it. I'm transmitting it to you.
Okay. I'm taking over again now.
What would a nice girl like Yumi doing here?
Where are we, anyway?
Jeremie, the Overwing! Now!
It's on the way!
How do we get out of here?
There are some tunnels.
They're closed!
Lets see.
What if…
What if they corresponded to those that open onto the arena?
Yippie! It works!
Nice one, Einstein!
Jeremie, I got out through a way tower!
Okay. Now get to a neutral tower. I'll bring you in!
Okay. I'm ready, Aelita.
Code: Earth.
It's okay, Jeremie. I'm here.
But what about the others?
I'm entering the new code!
Materialization Yumi!
Materialization Odd!
Materialization Ulrich!
Now all we can do is hope.
We did it!
How you feel? Say something!
Yumi? What are you doing here?
I believe you all have some explaining to do.
Ah ha!
Trying to outsmart me, huh?
What the…
What is this place?
Nothing rings a bell, Jim?
Funny 'cause you've been here before.
What are you talking about? I don't remember this!
Well, yes and no.
Return to the past now.
So, then. You still refuse to give us an explanation?
Alright, I'll tell you.
I'm in love.
Ah, Yumi, I knew there was a reason.
And would you tell us your boyfriend's name?
No. Sorry, I won't mom.
See you tonight.
Well, that sure seemed to satisfy your parents.
What did you tell them?
The truth.
Bad Kids & Giant Candy Stea...
D´Colores Band. Me entrego, mi Dios. - Duration: 4:57.
Wynonna Earp CRACK S2E07 - Duration: 3:27.
[gun shot] (I told that devil to take you back)
[glass shattering]
[motorcycle revving]
[door being kicked in]
Thank God you came
That's personal
But what's important is I'm here
[motorcycle revving]
Because it's like
Drinking Christmas
Ho ho ho ho ho
What did you call me?
[motorcycle revving]
I'm trying to see if I'm a witch
Am I floating?
[motorcycle revving]
(my posse's on Broadway)
[motorcycle revving]
Alas, poor Yorick
Check out skull head
I knew him, Horatio
A fellow of infinite jest
Of most excellent fancy
He was funny
He hath borne me on his back a thousand times
He gave me piggyback rides
[motorcycle revving]
If you've got your crew and Miller Lite
You've got Miller time
[motorcycle revving]
How do you get crackin'?
I just bend
And crack
Wonderful pistachios
Get crackin'
[motorcycle revving]
On the rabbit
Dog pile on the rabbit
Dog pile on the rabbit
[motorcycle revving]
[music] (whoa, you must have been a beautiful baby)
(cause baby)
(look at you now)
[motorcycle revving]
I'm a wizard
Shall not
[motorcycle revving]
[banging sounds] Quiet!
Shut up!
Shut up!
[motorcycle revving]
[girls screaming/laughing]
[motorcycle revving]
My name is Carmen and I'm calling from the Mexican Wake Up Call Service
I am your Mexican alarm clock
[vocalizing an alarm sound, followed by a laugh]
[motorcycle revving]
[music] [car revving]
[motorcycle revving]
No idea what you're talking about
Your sure you're not just hormonal?
[music] Mazel tov
[motorcycle revving]
[music] (she was an acrobat's daughter)
(she swung by her teeth from a noose)
(but one matinee)
(her bridgework gave way)
(and she flew through the air like a goose)
[motorcycle revving]
(a mint julep)
(a mint julep)
(one mint julep)
(was the cause of it all)
Oh, God. I think I just hit hangover
[motorcycle revving]
[heart beating]
[barely audible] Well, the heartbeat is strong
[motorcycle revving]
Can you pick me up?
This is not what I meant!
[motorcycle revving]
We need to work fast
Keep Wynonna and that gun away until we find the last seal
[fire crackling] [gasp]
[ragged exhale]
[motorcycle revving]
I'm drunk! What's up, bitches?!
[motorcycle revving]
You already know
[slamming into door impact]
Girl down
[motorcycle revving]
[Wynonna Earp theme]
(cause I gave you all I've got to give)
(and no, that ain't no way to live)
(I told that devil to take you back)
[gun shot] (I told that devil to take you back)
All Known Members From Gol D. Roger's Crew - Duration: 7:02.
All Known Members From Gol D. Roger's Crew
Roger Pirates remains the only Pirate crew who has conquered the Grand Line. We dont have any idea of their strength and we have very limited information about them.
So, today I have made a list of all the known members of this crew. Rayleigh-.
Rayleigh is one of the strongest known characters in the series. He can use all three types of Haki. He was the right-hand man of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Despite being old, his strong is almost unmatched.
Shanks was just cabin boy on Rogers crew. He grew up to become one of the four Yonkō. He has a devastating Conquerors haki. Shanks isnt afraid of battling anyone. Buggy-.
Buggy was an apprentice just like Shanks. He acquired his devil fruit powers by mistake when Shanks caught him planning on the ship. Buggy has the power of the Bara Bara no Mi. Crocus-.
Crocus was the doctor of the Roger Pirates. He was able to prevent Rogers death for an extended period of time, which makes him an exemplary doctor. However, after conquering the Grand Line, he docked at Twin Cape.
Scopper Gaban is a member of the Roger Pirates, who was seen in the flashback of Buggy. We dont know how powerful Scopper Gaban really is, but considering he was a member of the Roger Pirates, he must have been powerful.
Seagull is mysterious character, who we are yet to see properly in the series. He was shown in the flashback when Roger fought Shiki in the Edd War. So far we dont know anything about his abilities.
Kozuki Oden was from the Wano Country. He joined Gol D. Roger on his journey to conquer the Grand Line. Oden was able to read the Poneglyphs and he could also hear the voice of all things. He was killed by Kaidō.
Inuarashi is one of the two Dukes of Zou. He wields a sword and can also use electro like the rest of the Minks. Inuarashi was able to stand up to one of the three disasters of Kaidō, namely, Jack The Drought.
Nekomamushi is the second Duke of Zou. He is also known as Cat Viper. Nekomamushi is very quick despite his size. He was labelled as a monster by Capone Bege, who is a member of the Worst Generation.
Roger was the leader of the Roger Pirates. During his lifetime, he did the unthinkably. He conquered the Grand Line. Roger was able to find the last island, Raftel.
After finding Raftel, he also found the greatest treasure in the world, the One Piece. He is considered to be the strongest person during his lifetime. Thats it from me. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave your comments below.
The Power And Bounties of the Three Right Hand Men Of Shanks – Explained.
Shanks is one of the Four Yonko in One Piece, and he is easily one of the strongest characters to ever exist in the series. Shanks, being a Yonko, has a powerful crew, known as the Red Hair Pirates.
The Red Hair Pirates have several powerful members, as seen at the War of Marineford, when Shanks entered the war, and successfully ended it as well.
Shanks crew was fully revealed there. But, even among all those members, I think there are three who stand out the most.
These are the three who I think will be Shanks three strongest Commanders. Basically, it is a Yonko pattern to have three strong commanders.
When you look at Whitebeard, he had Marco, Jozu, and Vista at Marineford (Ace was Captured). Kaido has the Three Disasters. Big Mom had 4 Sweet Commanders, but now she has only 3 Sweet Commanders.
So, I think the pattern is same with every Yonko, and Shanks too has three strong Commanders, who I think will be Ben Beckman (strongest), Lucky Roo (2nd Strongest), and Yasopp (Third Strongest).
They will make up the power trio of the Red Hair Pirates. Weve seen many commanders and some of their bounties are known as well.
When you look at the top Commanders, none of them have a bounty lower than 800 Million Berris.
So Shanks commanders will be the same. Benn Beckman will be the strongest commander, with a bounty of over a Billion berries.
If I had to guess, I would say 1.2 Billion berries. After Benn, it could be either Lucky Roo, or Yasopp. Continue reading the post.
[FRE] Code Lyoko - S2E29 - Exploration [1440p] [CC] - Duration: 23:55.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
Aelita, hurry!
Yumi's only got 10 life points left!
Get ready, girls.
I'm starting up the devirtualization process.
Activated towers, Lyoko battles, danger.
Aren't you guys startin' to get sick of all this?
No. No.
Well, sometimes I really wish we were done with XANA.
Uh, you missed an episode, Ulrich.
Remember, Aelita's carrying a miserable virus
that links her to her old friend XANA.
Bye-bye XANA means bye-bye Aelita.
And I don't know how to create an anti-virus.
I mean, not just yet.
Hey, I have an idea!
Why don't we explore the new mysterious sector we discovered?
Sector five?
But we don't know what's in it!
Sure we do!
There are monsters, ultra-dangerous traps,
and a scyphozoa, as you call it, that wants to steal Aelita's memory.
You're right, but what if there's something else there?
Like information about XANA?
We have to go back.
Good idea.
All three of us will go.
You mean all four of us.
I want to be part of this expedition.
With that scyphozoa slinking around?
No way.
What if there's a tower to deactivate?
Think about it!
I have to be there.
Come on, Einstein!
With bodyguards like us, she has nothing to worry about!
And I promise to be careful!
Tomorrow night, exploration.
(GASPS) Oh my gosh! It's so late!
My parents must be going bananas!
Bye! See you tomorrow!
And as for us, we missed dinner again.
And when I think it was spaghetti and meatballs!
Yumi, we need to talk.
You come home late every single night.
Tonight is the last straw.
It's past 10 o'clock
and you didn't even bother to telephone us.
And you haven't eaten anything, either.
What's going on, dear?
If you have a problem, you know you can tell us.
No, really. Everything's fine.
I was studying math at Maïtena's house.
I told you already.
Maïtena Lecuyer?
Hmm. That's strange.
When I called her, she was studying.
By herself.
You're lying to us, Yumi. That's not like you.
What's the matter with you?
I worry about you, sweetheart.
Tell me what's bothering you.
I promise you that everything's just fine.
You saw my last report card.
It was great, so why worry about me?
I'm concerned, Takeo.
We're going to have to get a lot more strict.
It's nice of you to come with me,
but I'm big enough to go to school alone. Really, I am.
You are, huh?
If you were, then you'd stop lying to us
and tell us why you come home so late all the time.
Are you gonna watch me 24 hours a day? Is that it?
Am I in prison or something?
We're trying to understand you and to protect you, too.
Oh, wow! The entire Ishiyama family!
I bet that you'll be picking me up as well, huh?
I'll be waiting for you here at 5 o'clock.
I advise you not to be late.
Oh, isn't that adorable!
They're not gonna ease up on me.
Oh, what a mess.
The worst thing is I hate lying to them.
Just explain to them that we're fighting in a virtual universe
against a demonic artificial intelligence.
That ought to reassure them.
You've got to win back their trust in you.
I think maybe you should stay away from Lyoko for a little while.
What about exploring sector five!
It's for tonight, isn't it?
Don't worry. Jeremie will give you a play-by-play update.
Come on, guys.
I know you're all dying to go to Mrs. Hertz's class. Off we go.
Did you study for the marine biology test?
Of course I did! Listen.
Fish are remarkably well adapted to water.
What's more, they can swim.
You are so lame.
Off to the forest sector!
Transfer Ulrich.
Transfer Odd.
Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Ulrich.
Scanner Aelita.
Scanner Odd.
Everything okay?
We're good. The monsters must be sleeping.
They need all the sleep they can get to recover from
all the grief we've been giving them.
You have to get to the other end of the sector
to take the transporter.
I'm going to materialize your rides.
Odd, you promised to be careful!
No problem!
Go straight ahead and hurry up before the monsters get there!
We made it, Jeremie!
Okay. I'm entering the code.
There's the transporter.
Are you there, Jeremie?
Everything okay?
Everything okay?
Yeah, they're in the transporter. All is well.
Tell them I'm thinking about them.
Happy campers?
Yep. I'm beginning to get used to these little trips.
Ugh, not me!
I shouldn't have had that fifth dessert at lunch.
Jeremie, the wall's about to open.
Right. Meaning the countdown's gonna start.
You've got to find a way to deactivate it.
That must be the answer to exploring further.
Watch it, guys!
Everything will be fine.
Odd promised to be careful.
It started!
You know what'll happen if Aelita loses her life points, don't you!
Don't worry.
We have no intention of losing her.
The last time, there was a big room at the end of this hallway.
I've got a feeling the architecture of the core zone
changes each time you go there.
That's a great help for finding our way around.
If we knew everything, we wouldn't be exploring.
Come on. Let's go!
Look out! You've got two creepers on your tail!
Laser arrow!
You've only got three minutes left to stop the countdown! Get going!
That way.
Come on!
Haven't we already been through here?
How should I know?
Everything looks the same in this place!
This way!
Wow, 40 life points in one go!
Those creepers sure are powerful!
They're powerful!
And really ugly, too!
Jeremie, any ideas?
No, but I got news for you.
You're in a labyrinth.
Make a left at each fork, and leave a mark there.
If the way is already marked, then make a right.
This is incredible!
We'll never get out of this thing!
You'd better!
Just two minutes left to find a way to stop the countdown!
We're out, Jeremie! We made it!
Nothing like having a little luck on your side.
Hey, Einstein, why complicate things, huh?
Ah, great. Now what do we do?
Jeremie, can you see anything from your end?
So, you need me again, huh?
Go back to where you were.
I spotted a mechanism on the wall.
Hurry! Time's running out!
Let me at it!
Fourteen! Thirteen! Twelve!
Eleven! Ten! Nine!
Eight! Seven! Six!
Five! Four!
Aelita, the countdown is over.
The room is bound to change now.
You okay?
Well, no more creepers. That's a start.
Don't worry.
I'll rematerialize Odd and Ulrich, and I'll get you out of there.
Come on, come on!
Oh, no!
Aelita, Odd and Ulrich didn't come back!
But that's impossible. Are they lost?
For the moment, they are.
So there's no rematerialization from sector five?
Sure there is.
Once we find the right program.
And do you think you can find it?
It's probably as easy as finding your antivirus.
But don't worry. I'm gonna do the impossible.
Hiroki, could you make some more noise, please?
Sorry, Yumi. The volume's as high as it goes.
Go into the other room, Hiroki. Go on now.
I pass.
Me, too. I pass.
Then the game is over! (LAUGHS)
I have five points more than you!
On the Goban, yes.
Don't forget that I played the whites.
With Komi, I win by half a point.
Well, it's bed time.
Goodnight, my dear.
Jeremie, how's it going?
Badly. Head for the factory.
Can you hear that?
It's the scyphozoa!
It's heading towards you!
Stay calm. Yumi's coming.
Yumi, can I come in?
I want to talk to you for a minute.
Jeremie, I'm in the elevator.
You have to get Aelita in sector five!
The Scyphozoa is there!
What about Odd and Ulrich?
You want the best case scenario?
I'd rather.
I've got about a one in a million chance of finding the right code
to bring them back.
So sorry to bother you at such a late hour, Headmaster Delmas,
but we're very worried.
Yes, yes. I understand. But it's quite possible
that Yumi is somewhere on the campus.
Why, sure!
She's probably hanging out with her little gang of friends.
Come on.
You're on the edge of the territory, Yumi.
Better be careful.
XANA's going to do all that he can to keep you from taking the transporter.
Jeremie! Enter…the code!
Huh. No one's here.
No one's in Stern's room either.
Looking for someone?
Uh, Sissi. Would you know where your friends
Stern, Belpois, and Della Robbia might be?
Probably up to no good. As usual.
But I don't know where.
Although, their little mascot can find them for you.
Mascot? What mascot?
A flea-bitten mangy mutt!
Huh. Well, excuse me, Mr. Delmas.
Ew. Hey, little puppy.
Where's your master, huh?
Go get him!
Let's follow him!
Hang in there, Aelita.
Yumi's on the way.
I hope so.
Yumi? Can you hear me?
Yes. I'm in the arena.
The transporter got to me just in time.
Horrible Kankrelat.
Listen up, now.
You have to get to the corridor and trigger the mechanism
before the countdown runs out, okay?
If I'm right about how the core zone functions,
my plan should work.
Huh. What's the matter with that hound?
Oh, I don't believe it!
This reminds me of when I used to work in the sewers.
You, uh, used to work in the sewers, Jim?
I, uh…I'd rather not talk about it.
Only two minutes left, Yumi!
Down to 10 points, Yumi!
This is not the time to mess up!
Jim, we're wasting time!
Will you let go of that slipper! You flea-bitten--
Come on! Let go of it!
Yumi, this is no time to drag your feet.
I've located the mechanism. It's on your right.
You have ten seconds!
Two seconds!
It works, Jeremie!
The whole zone is being reconfigured!
We did it!
Aelita, take the access behind you!
It's some kind of elevator!
You know what we do with elevators, right?
We ride 'em!
Try to grab Aelita as you go by!
Where are you taking me?
I have no idea.
There's an interface!
I can get in.
It's unbelieveable.
The interface gives access…
to XANA's own data!
Sector five is where XANA lives!
XANA's not a very good housekeeper.
There's some weird things hanging around this place.
I've got access to all kinds of data. It's crazy!
Look for the specific devirtualization code for sector five.
If you find it, we can rescue Odd and Ulrich!
Jeremie, I'm gonna need the Overwing.
Uh-oh. Bad news.
When Aelita's working on the interface, I can't do anything from my end.
I think I found it. I'm transmitting it to you.
Okay. I'm taking over again now.
What would a nice girl like Yumi doing here?
Where are we, anyway?
Jeremie, the Overwing! Now!
It's on the way!
How do we get out of here?
There are some tunnels.
They're closed!
Lets see.
What if…
What if they corresponded to those that open onto the arena?
Yippie! It works!
Nice one, Einstein!
Jeremie, I got out through a way tower!
Okay. Now get to a neutral tower. I'll bring you in!
Okay. I'm ready, Aelita.
Code: Earth.
It's okay, Jeremie. I'm here.
But what about the others?
I'm entering the new code!
Materialization Yumi!
Materialization Odd!
Materialization Ulrich!
Now all we can do is hope.
We did it!
How you feel? Say something!
Yumi? What are you doing here?
I believe you all have some explaining to do.
Ah ha!
Trying to outsmart me, huh?
What the…
What is this place?
Nothing rings a bell, Jim?
Funny 'cause you've been here before.
What are you talking about? I don't remember this!
Well, yes and no.
Return to the past now.
So, then. You still refuse to give us an explanation?
Alright, I'll tell you.
I'm in love.
Ah, Yumi, I knew there was a reason.
And would you tell us your boyfriend's name?
No. Sorry, I won't mom.
See you tonight.
Well, that sure seemed to satisfy your parents.
What did you tell them?
The truth.
[ENG] Code Lyoko - S2E30 - A Great Day [1440p] [CC] - Duration: 23:55.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
What about the mantas? How are we doing?
Looks like they're gonna hatch real soon.
And judging by the size of the nest,
We're gonna have some big bouncing babies!
Okay. That's it for now, Aelita.
Just a little longer, Jeremie.
We've never been able to access this much data!
Let me take over now, okay?
Aelita, listen, I don't want to rush you, but uh…
Jeremie, they're here.
Okay. I've got things under control.
Three vehicles coming right up!
Still just babies and check 'em out!
What do you think they are?
Male or female?
Considering their tempers, they've got to be girls, right?
Just watch.
I'll show 'em what is it to be a guy.
Jeremie, tell me, do I really need to hear this?
Uh, sorry, Yumi, but you can't always choose your friends!
Anyway, the tunnel will be open soon.
Just in time!
Okay. The tunnels are open.
The mantas shouldn't follow you inside.
And there you go.
The data analysis program is running.
And what does that mean exactly?
With all the data that we've been able to recover,
I've got a good chance of finding the antivirus.
You mean that pretty soon we'll be able
to shut down the super calculator?
And if it works,
Aelita will no longer be tied to XANA by that horrible virus.
Oh, shoot.
What are we gonna do with our free time?
I mean, if we can't save the world anymore…
You might study a little more.
And learn something for once.
3 AM? Wow.
We'd better head for our rooms if we don't want to get caught.
Well, good night.
You mean what's left of it.
Jeremie, do you really think
that your calculations will lead to something?
We can't be 100 percent sure, but I think so.
I can't believe that soon I'll be really real.
Well, to me, you already are.
Very real. I mean it.
And to everyone else, you're Aelita Stones.
Odd's cousin.
You know very well that isn't true.
But a lie that everyone believes isn't really a lie anymore.
Hey, don't worry, Aelita.
Tomorrow's gonna be a great day.
Believe me.
Good night.
Good night, Jeremie.
This time, I've got 'em.
It's Tuesday already!
No, you're not dreaming!
Or, rather, you're not dreaming anymore!
It's already 7 o'clock in the morning on Sky Radio.
Look out your window!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing,
and me, I'm talking, talking, talking!
To keep you from falling back to sleep!
You bunch of lazy bones!
It's a great day that's gonna start off great
Thanks to Sky Radio
with the Subsonics' latest hit! Here it comes--
Hmph. I can't help but wonder what a girl your age
could possibly be doing out at such a late hour.
There's a boy behind this, isn't there!
I couldn't exactly tell them that there were three friends involved
and all of them boys, could I?
That would've really freaked them out.
Why don't you just make up a story?
I do it all the time with my parents.
I'm sick of lying.
I-I'd love to be able to tell them everything.
Like I used to.
Don't worry, Yumi!
Soon, you won't have to lie any more.
Come on! Cheer up!
It's gonna be a great day!
They said so on the radio!
Don't you think Jeremie looks happy this morning?
Not for long.
Jeremie, would you listen to something for me?
You'll see. There's not a lot of music,
But the words are really interesting.
She taped the whole conversation.
But what does she want exactly?
She wants to be a part of our group.
And that we explain everything to her from A to Z.
If not, she'll tell her father everything.
She's even worse than I thought.
Excuse me, you three,
but do you mind if I teach a class here?
Not at all, mam. After all, it is your job.
Yes, and my job is also to ask questions, isn't it, Odd?
So, would you be kind enough to tell me
the mass and moles of two oxygen atoms?
32 grams per mole.
And the principle of photosynthesis?
Uh…you mean…
The synthesis of oxygen for plants
possessing chlorophyll placed in light.
Alright, here's an easy one now.
Which student in this graduating class
is the biggest failure in science
who nevertheless takes the liberty
of not listening to my lessons?
Um…me, Misses Hertz?
Bravo. Well done, Odd.
You see what you can do when you apply yourself?
Whatever happens, we can't let Sissi tell her father.
Don't worry, Jeremie.
I've got an idea.
I'm so happy that you finally decided
to give me a lesson in Pen-sharve Key-lot.
Pencak Silat.
Whatever. Well, I wonder what could've made you
change your mind all of a sudden!
Is it this one?
Maybe this is what you're looking for.
This is a basic lanka.
You ought to be able to manage it.
You were right, Sissi. As usual.
They were after the minidisc!
Oh, wow! Gentlemen,
did you think you were smarter than me?
You don't know me very well.
So, now it's time to spill the beans.
Tell me everything you've been up to for long as I can remember!
What's the big conspiracy!
Oh, you won't tell me a thing? Is that it?
Okay, then. You asked for it.
I'm gonna play this recording for my father. Hmph.
It's Tuesday already!
No, you're not dreaming!
Or, rather, you're not dreaming anymore!
It's already 7 o'clock in the morning on Sky Radio.
Look out your window!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing…
…Thanks to Sky Radio
with the Subsonics' latest hit! Here it--
Hi, dad.
Yumi, I have to talk to you.
Papa, I know what you're gonna tell me.
You're totally right.
Okay! I'm sorry!
But I didn't program going back in time.
Then how do you explain the fact that Tuesday is starting again?
It's weird.
Let's go to over to the factory after science class to check it out.
At least we've got a second chance to get Sissi off our backs.
Sissi? Oh, I'm so glad to see you.
What? You are? B-But you see, I…
I wanted to talk to Jeremie.
Aw, that can wait.
There's something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time.
But I just can't bring myself to do it.
You…uh…y-you can't…
Would you like to learn Penchak Silat with me?
Well, uh, yes!
So, would you be kind enough to tell me
the mass and moles of two oxygen atoms?
32 grams per mole, mam.
Uh, oh. Yes, that's right.
Uh, very well, Odd. Now, please,
would you explain to me the principle of photosynthesis?
Of course, mam.
That would be the synthesis of oxygen
from plants possessing chlorophyll placed in light.
Odd, is it really you?
You haven't been replaced by a clone?
No, mam, why?
Is something wrong?
No…uh, no.
Let's go on with our lesson.
Wow. Hey, being a good student is so cool!
Very good. You learn really fast.
You think so? That's great!
Uh, Sissi, could…could I talk to you as a friend?
Sorry? As a what?
As a friend.
You see…I'm worried about Jeremie and Aelita.
I know you're gonna laugh, but…
Laugh? But why?
Well, um…
You see, they've kind of lost it.
For some strange reason, they think they're virtual people.
What's that?
Do you think we're going to live the same day
over and over again?
First, I have to isolate the program that jumps back in time
to see what's going on.
Maybe it's XANA's doing.
We'll know in a minute.
Odd, you mind telling us what you're doing over there?
I'm studying.
That's what you wanted me to do, wasn't it?
Look at that!
XANA's managed to take control over going back in time!
But how?
In my opinion, by using the data we recovered from sector five.
Booby-trapped data!
But why would he do that?
He must have a good reason.
I don't know.
In any event, it's starting up again.
We're gonna go directly back in time in a few minutes.
I'm launching a scan to see if a tower has been activated.
I can't believe that soon I'll be really real.
It's even worse than I thought.
They've gone right off the deep end.
But…that's crazy.
It's much worse. They're totally out of it.
Tower activated! XANA's launched an attack!
But what kind?
I don't know yet, but we can expect the worst.
He didn't take control of jumping back in time for the fun of it.
Get ready! It's starting again!
It's Tues--
…with the Subsonics' latest hit--
Hi, dad!
What's fascinating is that plants use the sun's energy
to change water and carbon dioxide into glucose,
and in exchange, give off oxygen!
Odd, if you keep this up,
you'll be teaching the class instead of me.
Oh, I certainly don't know as much as you, Misses Hertz.
I'm beginning to wonder.
Just think. Now I'll have to start all over again with Sissi.
Don't even bother, Ulrich.
I need you too much on Lyoko to help the others deactivate the tower.
But what about Sissi?
We'll find another way.
Fair enough.
I really don't think I could be as clever as yesterday.
Not like Odd.
Transfer Yumi.
Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Yumi.
Scanner Aelita.
Welcome to Lyoko, ladies.
The activated tower is on the second plateau to the north.
Sorry, but you're gonna have to go without vehicles
because I don't have enough machine resources to bring them up.
No sweat. It'll be just like the good old days.
Come on. Let's go.
Good luck.
I'm gonna try and regain control of jumping back in time.
It's kind of quiet.
Too quiet if you ask me.
You can never really enjoy the present moment, can you, Ulrich?
Oh, yes I can.
Jeremie, XANA is sending us monsters.
So I see.
Separate their flight pattern.
That ought to weaken them.
Odd, take Aelita to the tower.
Ulrich and I will take care of the monsters.
Dive! On your right!
It should be a path that leads to the tower!
With a platform to land on?
Well, logically, yes.
That's encouraging!
They're here. Ready?
Super sprint!
You know very well that isn't true.
Hmm…these little machines work very well!
Daddy! That's not the point!
You heard what they said!
Yes, it's, uh, strange, indeed.
I'll call Della Robbia's parents to get to the bottom of this.
Nice jump. But it just cost you each 20 life points.
It was worth it. We can see the tower.
Jeremie. The hornets are attacking Aelita and Odd.
Got it. Odd, get ready for guests.
Three hornets are heading for you.
Shh. Odd, listen.
You hide. I'll take care of it.
Odd! Time's running out!
XANA's starting another jump back in time!
Ulrich, go and give Odd a hand.
I'm on it!
Laser arrow!
Super sprint!
Odd! Yours!
Ha ha ha!
If only I had more time to find a solution!
Cheer up, Jeremie. You're about to get another day.
So then, madam, you have never heard
this young girl who is supposedly your son's cousin?
No, I assure you.
Sorry to have disturbed you.
It's Tuesda--
No, you're not dreaming!
Or, rather, you're not dreaming anymore!
It's already 7 o'clock in the mor--
Oh, no! I don't believe it!
Aelita is still on Lyoko!
We've got to get back to the factory. Pronto.
Go ahead. I'll meet you there.
Sissi, I already know what you're gonna say,
but I don't have time.
Don't you move.
But what are you doing?
I need you over here.
We're waiting for Jeremie.
Without him, we can't do anything.
Leave your message. I'll call you back.
Still no answer.
Okay. We'll find him.
Sissi, you're not yourself.
XANA has possessed you.
You must not obey him!
I've never felt so good!
Ah, there you are!
Help me to transport this simpleton to a safer place.
Yumi. They saw me.
They'll never think of looking for him here.
But, Sissi, what's going on?
You! Be quiet!
Odd! Ulrich! Look out. Sissi is possessed by XANA!
Can you see anything?
Absolutely nothing!
But I think we'd better get out of here!
Go on. I'll handle her.
Are you sure?
Get going, will ya?
Good luck.
How did XANA learn to possess people?
It looks like he's increased his powers.
Brilliant, Einstein! But how!
With…the jumps back in time!
You think so?
I sure do.
The super calculator is a quantum computer
that uses the properties of qubytes.
Every time you add qubytes, its power theoretically doubles.
I think the po--
Jeremie, do you mind saying that in English?
Well, the super calculator is so powerful that it can undoubtedly do it.
Oh, no! The Scyphozoa!
Oh, there you are at last! Aelita's in trouble!
Laser arrow!
XANA's started another jump back in time.
We might have to start all over again!
I'd really rather not, Jeremie!
Aelita, are you alright?
We just have to make it to that darn tower!
And we're not there yet.
This may be the code that I need!
We won't get a second chance.
No sweat. I'll cover you.
It's gotta work!
I can't believe it! I actually did it!
I've stopped the jump back in time!
Sissi! No!
Tower deactivated.
W-What's going on?
What am I doing here?
Oh, no! My walkman!
My minidisc!
Sissi doesn't remember a thing.
It's as if nothing ever happened.
Lucky for us.
Misses Hertz already gave each of us
four hours of detention for skipping her class.
You know, if our homework is on photosynthesis,
I just might get the only good grade of my entire career
as a scholastic washout!
Anyway, we now know that XANA can control people.
We also know that jumping back in time increases his power.
We're going to have to be very careful.
The next round is gonna be tougher than ever.
[ENG] Code Lyoko - S2E29 - Exploration [1440p] [CC] - Duration: 23:55.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
Aelita, hurry!
Yumi's only got 10 life points left!
Get ready, girls.
I'm starting up the devirtualization process.
Activated towers, Lyoko battles, danger.
Aren't you guys startin' to get sick of all this?
No. No.
Well, sometimes I really wish we were done with XANA.
Uh, you missed an episode, Ulrich.
Remember, Aelita's carrying a miserable virus
that links her to her old friend XANA.
Bye-bye XANA means bye-bye Aelita.
And I don't know how to create an anti-virus.
I mean, not just yet.
Hey, I have an idea!
Why don't we explore the new mysterious sector we discovered?
Sector five?
But we don't know what's in it!
Sure we do!
There are monsters, ultra-dangerous traps,
and a scyphozoa, as you call it, that wants to steal Aelita's memory.
You're right, but what if there's something else there?
Like information about XANA?
We have to go back.
Good idea.
All three of us will go.
You mean all four of us.
I want to be part of this expedition.
With that scyphozoa slinking around?
No way.
What if there's a tower to deactivate?
Think about it!
I have to be there.
Come on, Einstein!
With bodyguards like us, she has nothing to worry about!
And I promise to be careful!
Tomorrow night, exploration.
(GASPS) Oh my gosh! It's so late!
My parents must be going bananas!
Bye! See you tomorrow!
And as for us, we missed dinner again.
And when I think it was spaghetti and meatballs!
Yumi, we need to talk.
You come home late every single night.
Tonight is the last straw.
It's past 10 o'clock
and you didn't even bother to telephone us.
And you haven't eaten anything, either.
What's going on, dear?
If you have a problem, you know you can tell us.
No, really. Everything's fine.
I was studying math at Maïtena's house.
I told you already.
Maïtena Lecuyer?
Hmm. That's strange.
When I called her, she was studying.
By herself.
You're lying to us, Yumi. That's not like you.
What's the matter with you?
I worry about you, sweetheart.
Tell me what's bothering you.
I promise you that everything's just fine.
You saw my last report card.
It was great, so why worry about me?
I'm concerned, Takeo.
We're going to have to get a lot more strict.
It's nice of you to come with me,
but I'm big enough to go to school alone. Really, I am.
You are, huh?
If you were, then you'd stop lying to us
and tell us why you come home so late all the time.
Are you gonna watch me 24 hours a day? Is that it?
Am I in prison or something?
We're trying to understand you and to protect you, too.
Oh, wow! The entire Ishiyama family!
I bet that you'll be picking me up as well, huh?
I'll be waiting for you here at 5 o'clock.
I advise you not to be late.
Oh, isn't that adorable!
They're not gonna ease up on me.
Oh, what a mess.
The worst thing is I hate lying to them.
Just explain to them that we're fighting in a virtual universe
against a demonic artificial intelligence.
That ought to reassure them.
You've got to win back their trust in you.
I think maybe you should stay away from Lyoko for a little while.
What about exploring sector five!
It's for tonight, isn't it?
Don't worry. Jeremie will give you a play-by-play update.
Come on, guys.
I know you're all dying to go to Mrs. Hertz's class. Off we go.
Did you study for the marine biology test?
Of course I did! Listen.
Fish are remarkably well adapted to water.
What's more, they can swim.
You are so lame.
Off to the forest sector!
Transfer Ulrich.
Transfer Odd.
Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Ulrich.
Scanner Aelita.
Scanner Odd.
Everything okay?
We're good. The monsters must be sleeping.
They need all the sleep they can get to recover from
all the grief we've been giving them.
You have to get to the other end of the sector
to take the transporter.
I'm going to materialize your rides.
Odd, you promised to be careful!
No problem!
Go straight ahead and hurry up before the monsters get there!
We made it, Jeremie!
Okay. I'm entering the code.
There's the transporter.
Are you there, Jeremie?
Everything okay?
Everything okay?
Yeah, they're in the transporter. All is well.
Tell them I'm thinking about them.
Happy campers?
Yep. I'm beginning to get used to these little trips.
Ugh, not me!
I shouldn't have had that fifth dessert at lunch.
Jeremie, the wall's about to open.
Right. Meaning the countdown's gonna start.
You've got to find a way to deactivate it.
That must be the answer to exploring further.
Watch it, guys!
Everything will be fine.
Odd promised to be careful.
It started!
You know what'll happen if Aelita loses her life points, don't you!
Don't worry.
We have no intention of losing her.
The last time, there was a big room at the end of this hallway.
I've got a feeling the architecture of the core zone
changes each time you go there.
That's a great help for finding our way around.
If we knew everything, we wouldn't be exploring.
Come on. Let's go!
Look out! You've got two creepers on your tail!
Laser arrow!
You've only got three minutes left to stop the countdown! Get going!
That way.
Come on!
Haven't we already been through here?
How should I know?
Everything looks the same in this place!
This way!
Wow, 40 life points in one go!
Those creepers sure are powerful!
They're powerful!
And really ugly, too!
Jeremie, any ideas?
No, but I got news for you.
You're in a labyrinth.
Make a left at each fork, and leave a mark there.
If the way is already marked, then make a right.
This is incredible!
We'll never get out of this thing!
You'd better!
Just two minutes left to find a way to stop the countdown!
We're out, Jeremie! We made it!
Nothing like having a little luck on your side.
Hey, Einstein, why complicate things, huh?
Ah, great. Now what do we do?
Jeremie, can you see anything from your end?
So, you need me again, huh?
Go back to where you were.
I spotted a mechanism on the wall.
Hurry! Time's running out!
Let me at it!
Fourteen! Thirteen! Twelve!
Eleven! Ten! Nine!
Eight! Seven! Six!
Five! Four!
Aelita, the countdown is over.
The room is bound to change now.
You okay?
Well, no more creepers. That's a start.
Don't worry.
I'll rematerialize Odd and Ulrich, and I'll get you out of there.
Come on, come on!
Oh, no!
Aelita, Odd and Ulrich didn't come back!
But that's impossible. Are they lost?
For the moment, they are.
So there's no rematerialization from sector five?
Sure there is.
Once we find the right program.
And do you think you can find it?
It's probably as easy as finding your antivirus.
But don't worry. I'm gonna do the impossible.
Hiroki, could you make some more noise, please?
Sorry, Yumi. The volume's as high as it goes.
Go into the other room, Hiroki. Go on now.
I pass.
Me, too. I pass.
Then the game is over! (LAUGHS)
I have five points more than you!
On the Goban, yes.
Don't forget that I played the whites.
With Komi, I win by half a point.
Well, it's bed time.
Goodnight, my dear.
Jeremie, how's it going?
Badly. Head for the factory.
Can you hear that?
It's the scyphozoa!
It's heading towards you!
Stay calm. Yumi's coming.
Yumi, can I come in?
I want to talk to you for a minute.
Jeremie, I'm in the elevator.
You have to get Aelita in sector five!
The Scyphozoa is there!
What about Odd and Ulrich?
You want the best case scenario?
I'd rather.
I've got about a one in a million chance of finding the right code
to bring them back.
So sorry to bother you at such a late hour, Headmaster Delmas,
but we're very worried.
Yes, yes. I understand. But it's quite possible
that Yumi is somewhere on the campus.
Why, sure!
She's probably hanging out with her little gang of friends.
Come on.
You're on the edge of the territory, Yumi.
Better be careful.
XANA's going to do all that he can to keep you from taking the transporter.
Jeremie! Enter…the code!
Huh. No one's here.
No one's in Stern's room either.
Looking for someone?
Uh, Sissi. Would you know where your friends
Stern, Belpois, and Della Robbia might be?
Probably up to no good. As usual.
But I don't know where.
Although, their little mascot can find them for you.
Mascot? What mascot?
A flea-bitten mangy mutt!
Huh. Well, excuse me, Mr. Delmas.
Ew. Hey, little puppy.
Where's your master, huh?
Go get him!
Let's follow him!
Hang in there, Aelita.
Yumi's on the way.
I hope so.
Yumi? Can you hear me?
Yes. I'm in the arena.
The transporter got to me just in time.
Horrible Kankrelat.
Listen up, now.
You have to get to the corridor and trigger the mechanism
before the countdown runs out, okay?
If I'm right about how the core zone functions,
my plan should work.
Huh. What's the matter with that hound?
Oh, I don't believe it!
This reminds me of when I used to work in the sewers.
You, uh, used to work in the sewers, Jim?
I, uh…I'd rather not talk about it.
Only two minutes left, Yumi!
Down to 10 points, Yumi!
This is not the time to mess up!
Jim, we're wasting time!
Will you let go of that slipper! You flea-bitten--
Come on! Let go of it!
Yumi, this is no time to drag your feet.
I've located the mechanism. It's on your right.
You have ten seconds!
Two seconds!
It works, Jeremie!
The whole zone is being reconfigured!
We did it!
Aelita, take the access behind you!
It's some kind of elevator!
You know what we do with elevators, right?
We ride 'em!
Try to grab Aelita as you go by!
Where are you taking me?
I have no idea.
There's an interface!
I can get in.
It's unbelieveable.
The interface gives access…
to XANA's own data!
Sector five is where XANA lives!
XANA's not a very good housekeeper.
There's some weird things hanging around this place.
I've got access to all kinds of data. It's crazy!
Look for the specific devirtualization code for sector five.
If you find it, we can rescue Odd and Ulrich!
Jeremie, I'm gonna need the Overwing.
Uh-oh. Bad news.
When Aelita's working on the interface, I can't do anything from my end.
I think I found it. I'm transmitting it to you.
Okay. I'm taking over again now.
What would a nice girl like Yumi doing here?
Where are we, anyway?
Jeremie, the Overwing! Now!
It's on the way!
How do we get out of here?
There are some tunnels.
They're closed!
Lets see.
What if…
What if they corresponded to those that open onto the arena?
Yippie! It works!
Nice one, Einstein!
Jeremie, I got out through a way tower!
Okay. Now get to a neutral tower. I'll bring you in!
Okay. I'm ready, Aelita.
Code: Earth.
It's okay, Jeremie. I'm here.
But what about the others?
I'm entering the new code!
Materialization Yumi!
Materialization Odd!
Materialization Ulrich!
Now all we can do is hope.
We did it!
How you feel? Say something!
Yumi? What are you doing here?
I believe you all have some explaining to do.
Ah ha!
Trying to outsmart me, huh?
What the…
What is this place?
Nothing rings a bell, Jim?
Funny 'cause you've been here before.
What are you talking about? I don't remember this!
Well, yes and no.
Return to the past now.
So, then. You still refuse to give us an explanation?
Alright, I'll tell you.
I'm in love.
Ah, Yumi, I knew there was a reason.
And would you tell us your boyfriend's name?
No. Sorry, I won't mom.
See you tonight.
Well, that sure seemed to satisfy your parents.
What did you tell them?
The truth.
Bière, Johnny Hallyday et karaoké : Gaspard Gantzer raconte ses soirées - Duration: 3:01.
[FRE] Code Lyoko - S2E30 - A Great Day [1440p] [CC] - Duration: 23:55.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
What about the mantas? How are we doing?
Looks like they're gonna hatch real soon.
And judging by the size of the nest,
We're gonna have some big bouncing babies!
Okay. That's it for now, Aelita.
Just a little longer, Jeremie.
We've never been able to access this much data!
Let me take over now, okay?
Aelita, listen, I don't want to rush you, but uh…
Jeremie, they're here.
Okay. I've got things under control.
Three vehicles coming right up!
Still just babies and check 'em out!
What do you think they are?
Male or female?
Considering their tempers, they've got to be girls, right?
Just watch.
I'll show 'em what is it to be a guy.
Jeremie, tell me, do I really need to hear this?
Uh, sorry, Yumi, but you can't always choose your friends!
Anyway, the tunnel will be open soon.
Just in time!
Okay. The tunnels are open.
The mantas shouldn't follow you inside.
And there you go.
The data analysis program is running.
And what does that mean exactly?
With all the data that we've been able to recover,
I've got a good chance of finding the antivirus.
You mean that pretty soon we'll be able
to shut down the super calculator?
And if it works,
Aelita will no longer be tied to XANA by that horrible virus.
Oh, shoot.
What are we gonna do with our free time?
I mean, if we can't save the world anymore…
You might study a little more.
And learn something for once.
3 AM? Wow.
We'd better head for our rooms if we don't want to get caught.
Well, good night.
You mean what's left of it.
Jeremie, do you really think
that your calculations will lead to something?
We can't be 100 percent sure, but I think so.
I can't believe that soon I'll be really real.
Well, to me, you already are.
Very real. I mean it.
And to everyone else, you're Aelita Stones.
Odd's cousin.
You know very well that isn't true.
But a lie that everyone believes isn't really a lie anymore.
Hey, don't worry, Aelita.
Tomorrow's gonna be a great day.
Believe me.
Good night.
Good night, Jeremie.
This time, I've got 'em.
It's Tuesday already!
No, you're not dreaming!
Or, rather, you're not dreaming anymore!
It's already 7 o'clock in the morning on Sky Radio.
Look out your window!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing,
and me, I'm talking, talking, talking!
To keep you from falling back to sleep!
You bunch of lazy bones!
It's a great day that's gonna start off great
Thanks to Sky Radio
with the Subsonics' latest hit! Here it comes--
Hmph. I can't help but wonder what a girl your age
could possibly be doing out at such a late hour.
There's a boy behind this, isn't there!
I couldn't exactly tell them that there were three friends involved
and all of them boys, could I?
That would've really freaked them out.
Why don't you just make up a story?
I do it all the time with my parents.
I'm sick of lying.
I-I'd love to be able to tell them everything.
Like I used to.
Don't worry, Yumi!
Soon, you won't have to lie any more.
Come on! Cheer up!
It's gonna be a great day!
They said so on the radio!
Don't you think Jeremie looks happy this morning?
Not for long.
Jeremie, would you listen to something for me?
You'll see. There's not a lot of music,
But the words are really interesting.
She taped the whole conversation.
But what does she want exactly?
She wants to be a part of our group.
And that we explain everything to her from A to Z.
If not, she'll tell her father everything.
She's even worse than I thought.
Excuse me, you three,
but do you mind if I teach a class here?
Not at all, mam. After all, it is your job.
Yes, and my job is also to ask questions, isn't it, Odd?
So, would you be kind enough to tell me
the mass and moles of two oxygen atoms?
32 grams per mole.
And the principle of photosynthesis?
Uh…you mean…
The synthesis of oxygen for plants
possessing chlorophyll placed in light.
Alright, here's an easy one now.
Which student in this graduating class
is the biggest failure in science
who nevertheless takes the liberty
of not listening to my lessons?
Um…me, Misses Hertz?
Bravo. Well done, Odd.
You see what you can do when you apply yourself?
Whatever happens, we can't let Sissi tell her father.
Don't worry, Jeremie.
I've got an idea.
I'm so happy that you finally decided
to give me a lesson in Pen-sharve Key-lot.
Pencak Silat.
Whatever. Well, I wonder what could've made you
change your mind all of a sudden!
Is it this one?
Maybe this is what you're looking for.
This is a basic lanka.
You ought to be able to manage it.
You were right, Sissi. As usual.
They were after the minidisc!
Oh, wow! Gentlemen,
did you think you were smarter than me?
You don't know me very well.
So, now it's time to spill the beans.
Tell me everything you've been up to for long as I can remember!
What's the big conspiracy!
Oh, you won't tell me a thing? Is that it?
Okay, then. You asked for it.
I'm gonna play this recording for my father. Hmph.
It's Tuesday already!
No, you're not dreaming!
Or, rather, you're not dreaming anymore!
It's already 7 o'clock in the morning on Sky Radio.
Look out your window!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing…
…Thanks to Sky Radio
with the Subsonics' latest hit! Here it--
Hi, dad.
Yumi, I have to talk to you.
Papa, I know what you're gonna tell me.
You're totally right.
Okay! I'm sorry!
But I didn't program going back in time.
Then how do you explain the fact that Tuesday is starting again?
It's weird.
Let's go to over to the factory after science class to check it out.
At least we've got a second chance to get Sissi off our backs.
Sissi? Oh, I'm so glad to see you.
What? You are? B-But you see, I…
I wanted to talk to Jeremie.
Aw, that can wait.
There's something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time.
But I just can't bring myself to do it.
You…uh…y-you can't…
Would you like to learn Penchak Silat with me?
Well, uh, yes!
So, would you be kind enough to tell me
the mass and moles of two oxygen atoms?
32 grams per mole, mam.
Uh, oh. Yes, that's right.
Uh, very well, Odd. Now, please,
would you explain to me the principle of photosynthesis?
Of course, mam.
That would be the synthesis of oxygen
from plants possessing chlorophyll placed in light.
Odd, is it really you?
You haven't been replaced by a clone?
No, mam, why?
Is something wrong?
No…uh, no.
Let's go on with our lesson.
Wow. Hey, being a good student is so cool!
Very good. You learn really fast.
You think so? That's great!
Uh, Sissi, could…could I talk to you as a friend?
Sorry? As a what?
As a friend.
You see…I'm worried about Jeremie and Aelita.
I know you're gonna laugh, but…
Laugh? But why?
Well, um…
You see, they've kind of lost it.
For some strange reason, they think they're virtual people.
What's that?
Do you think we're going to live the same day
over and over again?
First, I have to isolate the program that jumps back in time
to see what's going on.
Maybe it's XANA's doing.
We'll know in a minute.
Odd, you mind telling us what you're doing over there?
I'm studying.
That's what you wanted me to do, wasn't it?
Look at that!
XANA's managed to take control over going back in time!
But how?
In my opinion, by using the data we recovered from sector five.
Booby-trapped data!
But why would he do that?
He must have a good reason.
I don't know.
In any event, it's starting up again.
We're gonna go directly back in time in a few minutes.
I'm launching a scan to see if a tower has been activated.
I can't believe that soon I'll be really real.
It's even worse than I thought.
They've gone right off the deep end.
But…that's crazy.
It's much worse. They're totally out of it.
Tower activated! XANA's launched an attack!
But what kind?
I don't know yet, but we can expect the worst.
He didn't take control of jumping back in time for the fun of it.
Get ready! It's starting again!
It's Tues--
…with the Subsonics' latest hit--
Hi, dad!
What's fascinating is that plants use the sun's energy
to change water and carbon dioxide into glucose,
and in exchange, give off oxygen!
Odd, if you keep this up,
you'll be teaching the class instead of me.
Oh, I certainly don't know as much as you, Misses Hertz.
I'm beginning to wonder.
Just think. Now I'll have to start all over again with Sissi.
Don't even bother, Ulrich.
I need you too much on Lyoko to help the others deactivate the tower.
But what about Sissi?
We'll find another way.
Fair enough.
I really don't think I could be as clever as yesterday.
Not like Odd.
Transfer Yumi.
Transfer Aelita.
Scanner Yumi.
Scanner Aelita.
Welcome to Lyoko, ladies.
The activated tower is on the second plateau to the north.
Sorry, but you're gonna have to go without vehicles
because I don't have enough machine resources to bring them up.
No sweat. It'll be just like the good old days.
Come on. Let's go.
Good luck.
I'm gonna try and regain control of jumping back in time.
It's kind of quiet.
Too quiet if you ask me.
You can never really enjoy the present moment, can you, Ulrich?
Oh, yes I can.
Jeremie, XANA is sending us monsters.
So I see.
Separate their flight pattern.
That ought to weaken them.
Odd, take Aelita to the tower.
Ulrich and I will take care of the monsters.
Dive! On your right!
It should be a path that leads to the tower!
With a platform to land on?
Well, logically, yes.
That's encouraging!
They're here. Ready?
Super sprint!
You know very well that isn't true.
Hmm…these little machines work very well!
Daddy! That's not the point!
You heard what they said!
Yes, it's, uh, strange, indeed.
I'll call Della Robbia's parents to get to the bottom of this.
Nice jump. But it just cost you each 20 life points.
It was worth it. We can see the tower.
Jeremie. The hornets are attacking Aelita and Odd.
Got it. Odd, get ready for guests.
Three hornets are heading for you.
Shh. Odd, listen.
You hide. I'll take care of it.
Odd! Time's running out!
XANA's starting another jump back in time!
Ulrich, go and give Odd a hand.
I'm on it!
Laser arrow!
Super sprint!
Odd! Yours!
Ha ha ha!
If only I had more time to find a solution!
Cheer up, Jeremie. You're about to get another day.
So then, madam, you have never heard
this young girl who is supposedly your son's cousin?
No, I assure you.
Sorry to have disturbed you.
It's Tuesda--
No, you're not dreaming!
Or, rather, you're not dreaming anymore!
It's already 7 o'clock in the mor--
Oh, no! I don't believe it!
Aelita is still on Lyoko!
We've got to get back to the factory. Pronto.
Go ahead. I'll meet you there.
Sissi, I already know what you're gonna say,
but I don't have time.
Don't you move.
But what are you doing?
I need you over here.
We're waiting for Jeremie.
Without him, we can't do anything.
Leave your message. I'll call you back.
Still no answer.
Okay. We'll find him.
Sissi, you're not yourself.
XANA has possessed you.
You must not obey him!
I've never felt so good!
Ah, there you are!
Help me to transport this simpleton to a safer place.
Yumi. They saw me.
They'll never think of looking for him here.
But, Sissi, what's going on?
You! Be quiet!
Odd! Ulrich! Look out. Sissi is possessed by XANA!
Can you see anything?
Absolutely nothing!
But I think we'd better get out of here!
Go on. I'll handle her.
Are you sure?
Get going, will ya?
Good luck.
How did XANA learn to possess people?
It looks like he's increased his powers.
Brilliant, Einstein! But how!
With…the jumps back in time!
You think so?
I sure do.
The super calculator is a quantum computer
that uses the properties of qubytes.
Every time you add qubytes, its power theoretically doubles.
I think the po--
Jeremie, do you mind saying that in English?
Well, the super calculator is so powerful that it can undoubtedly do it.
Oh, no! The Scyphozoa!
Oh, there you are at last! Aelita's in trouble!
Laser arrow!
XANA's started another jump back in time.
We might have to start all over again!
I'd really rather not, Jeremie!
Aelita, are you alright?
We just have to make it to that darn tower!
And we're not there yet.
This may be the code that I need!
We won't get a second chance.
No sweat. I'll cover you.
It's gotta work!
I can't believe it! I actually did it!
I've stopped the jump back in time!
Sissi! No!
Tower deactivated.
W-What's going on?
What am I doing here?
Oh, no! My walkman!
My minidisc!
Sissi doesn't remember a thing.
It's as if nothing ever happened.
Lucky for us.
Misses Hertz already gave each of us
four hours of detention for skipping her class.
You know, if our homework is on photosynthesis,
I just might get the only good grade of my entire career
as a scholastic washout!
Anyway, we now know that XANA can control people.
We also know that jumping back in time increases his power.
We're going to have to be very careful.
The next round is gonna be tougher than ever.
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