Stir Fried Bean Sprouts with Fish Tofu
Oil 1 tbsp
Garlic 1 tbsp
Fish tofu 200 g
Bean sprout 100 g
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Spring onion ¼ cup
For more infomation >> Stir Fried Bean Sprouts with Fish Tofu | Thai Food | Pad Tua Ngok | ผัดถั่วงอกใส่เต้าหู้ปลา - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
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for whatever reason people come to me they say hey listen I'm going on
vacation going on this wicked nice cruise cuz I got a lot of money at
don't worry about it make six figures for vacation and listen I don't want to get
fat I don't want to lose all my strength I don't want to lose on my progress cuz
he's the deal like listen it's no big deal I I count my calories like pretty
strictly except for at night after dinner and then during the weekends and
then I really don't track them at all but occasionally one day out of every
month I'll track it pretty loosely oh I go to the gym all the time like at least
two times a month so basically a month at what should i do what should I I
don't want to lose it all can you give me some insight and let me tell you
something I mean I'll tell you what I tell these people I say listen if you
are willing to sacrifice all your gains if I go on a vacation fine that's on you
but basically no no one has ever built a great body no one has ever been happy
with how they look and gone on vacation mind you're out of your mind you go on
vacation and have a great body but listen I'll tell you what you want to go
on vacation fine just make sure you bring your tape measure bring your scale
with all your food where you go to the where the buffet way every bring it back
there with you and put your measurements around bring your gym bring your shake weight
your Zumba instructor bring everything with you because you can't go
on vacation without all this stuff basically you gotta make your vacation not a
vacation okay I don't know a funny voice aside let's actually talk about what to
do when you go on vacation with your nutrition with your strength training
because this is a very common question and a lot of people are very nervous
they actually don't want to gain extra body fat they don't want to lose all
their progress they don't want to ruin everything that they've worked so hard
for and really it's a very simple fix and the reality is this but the way that
I phrase this goes think about one week of perfect dieting one week of perfect
exercise you do everything right not one calorie out of place not one
workout miss maybe even hit an extra workout did you completely change your
body in that week did you lose tons of body fat did you gain tons of muscles
was your life like actually changed in any meaningful way from that week yes
there's no of course not and you know that logically right now what's going on
is vacations coming up you're getting
nervous because you see that possibility of not being able to stay on track and
just thinking about it you get emotional it's normal it's a human normal human
reaction you get emotional you get worried
when you don't say something out loud it's an emotional thought it's easy to
take over what I want you to do is you stay out loud logically okay I'm going
away for a week does that mean I'm gonna ruin all my progress no it's not because
when you say it out loud it sounds fucking stupid and you know it relax
you're going on vacation let vacation be vacation if you want to work out by all
means do it I work out on vacation because I feel better for it I like it
but no way in hell am I going to worry or be concerned or get pissed at my
family or my friends the people that I'm with if I don't get a workout in no way
am I going to go out to dinner and not enjoy myself because they don't have the
calories or because I think maybe I ate a little bit too much so I don't want to
have dessert it's fucking vacation I'm gonna relax
and enjoy myself you know why I'll tell you even more importantly because when
you get back to your regular routine you're going to regret not having it
you're gonna regret not indulging over vacation because before you know it
you're going to be wanting and craving and being like dammit I wish I had the
fucking french toast because that looks really delicious and Jill had it and
look she still looks fantastic right come on it's vacation go out have fun
you don't need a binge you don't need to go all out balls out you don't need to
do anything that is crazy but have fun enjoy yourself you're gonna
get back on track as soon as you're back home doing your regular routine and just
like you didn't make all of your progress in one week
you're not going to lose all of it either
Spencer Sutherland "Who You Are" (Jessie J) [Live Shows] - X Factor UK 2017 Legendado - Duration: 7:43.
La consigna de Rajoy a sus huestes ante el parto del 155: Todos calladitos - Duration: 4:17.
Watch the Coco Trailer
전소미 NEWS: (예기치 않게)박근혜 (朴 槿 惠) 대통령은 K 스포츠 재단에 700 억 달러 - Duration: 20:42.
U.S. military options on North Korea designed to keep peace: Mattis - Duration: 1:34.
Washington's defense chief has admitted that while the United States carries a big stick,...
its ultimate goal with North Korea is for the regime to fall in line without the need
for military action.
With Pyongyang staying relatively quiet for well over a month now,... it looks as though
tensions between the two sides are subsiding, at least for the time being.
Lee Unshin has more.
U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis says North Korea has accelerated the threat it
poses to its neighbors.
Following their annual Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul over the weekend, standing
side-by-side with South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo,... Mattis added that Washington
will never accept a nuclear North Korea, and regardless of what Pyongyang might try, it
is overmatched by the firepower and cohesiveness of the decades-old South Korea-U.S. alliance.
However, during his stay in Seoul, Mattis also stressed that military options are designed
to keep the peace, and Washington's goal is not war.
(Korean- ) "While President Trump has raised tensions
with his remarks,... it seems his Secretaries of State and Defense are seeking diplomacy,...
to ultimately find a solution to this problem with North Korea."
In September, when tensions were at their peak,... North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear
test and fired a ballistic missile over Japan.
However, more than 40 days have passed without provocation,... and experts say Pyongyang's
current strategy could be focused on peace ahead of President Trump's trip to Seoul next
Lee Unshin, Arirang News.
MOM HELPS ME BREAKUP! - Duration: 2:13.
Siva, you are so annoying. Can you leave me alone?
Who is it?
One minute.
Its Siva. we broke up last week.
He is irritating me now.
Put it on speaker.
I will put it on speaker but you can't say anything.
I won't say anything. Put it on speaker.
Yeah, you were shouting something...?
yeah, i was saying...
In your hard times, i have always been beside you.
I was with you when you failed your final year exam.
I was with you when you were searching for a job for 1 year.
When you lost your job in 20 days, i was just next to you.
When there was a fight in Orchard,even then i was right beside you.
He is being correct.
Yeah, its me, K.K's mom.
When you got sick and was admitted to the hospital, he was right next to you.
yes, aunty, you are amazing!
Yes i am.
When you had an accident with the taxi, he was also there beside you.
Yes, K.K, listen to your mother.
What we know from this information is...
Whenever something bad happens to you, siva was right beside you.
Omg, yes aunty, you tell her.
What is the meaning of this?
He is your bad luck.
He is your devil.
If after this, you both get back together and something happens to K.K, i'll come after you.
Are you ready to take that chance?
Mother, priya is on the line. she wants to talk to you.
Her ex-boyfriend is torturing her.
So help her the same way you helped me.
And also, i have 6 girlfriends who have the same problem.
You can totally help them!
Okay, give me your phone.
Hello, priya?
yes, she told me.
I have a question.
Does your mother know about your boyfriend?
She doesn't know? Give the phone to your mother.
Japan renews territorial claim to Korea's Dokdo on government website - Duration: 0:48.
Yet more false claims from Japan-- Tokyo has once again renewed its territorial
claim to Korea's easternmost Dokdo Island.
The claim is made on a government website-- also used as teaching materials for students.
The latest move looks sure to spark a fierce protest from Seoul.
The materials posted online falsely show Dokdo is Japanese territory and that Korea's occupation
is illegal,... referring to a Korean police detachment that has been on Dokdo since the
This follows Japan's revised education guidelines back in March that called for teaching elementary
and middle school students that Dokdo belongs to Japan.
We are still awaiting a reaction from Korea's foreign ministry regarding the latest false
claims,... but the issue has long been a driver of diplomatic friction between the two neighbors.
North Korea pledges regime will pursue 'self-rehabilitation' in face of sanctions - Duration: 0:42.
North Korea remains defiant in the face of the international community's sanctions on
the regime, and has pledged to continue pursuing what it calls its "revolution of self-rehabilitation."
In a column said to be written by a professor in Monday's edition of the state-run newspaper
Rodong Sinmun, it describes the sanctions as useless as waiting for the oceans to dry
It adds that scientific advances are its greatest weapon to undercut the sanctions and that
the North Korean army and people will show the world their determination.
The latest UN sanctions were passed in September, and the U.S. followed up with its own unilateral
sanctions since.
Korean stocks open with new record high - Duration: 0:29.
Korean stocks reached another all-time high this morning.
The benchmark KOSPI jumped to a high of two-thousand-five-hundred-13 just after opening at 9 a.m.
Monday morning.
It's a new record, beating the previous high set last Monday when the KOSPI broke the two-thousand-500
Experts say that continued record highs on Wall Street last week,... fueled by good performances
by technology stocks, are helping push up the Korean stock market.
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