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G'pa With Dementia Can't Remember Her Name, Breaks Down In Tears When He Starts
To Sing
There are a handful of sicknesses that can really interfere with the usual practices
of our loved ones.
For example, someone with Parkinson's disease may no longer be able to play catch with their
children or go running with their friends.
Others with Alzheimer's will have extreme difficulty remembering their anniversary plans
or their family members' favorite gifts.
People who are, unfortunately, battling cancer may be too weak to go and enjoy a night out
on the town or even a nice dinner.
This sad truth is one that families all over, including my own, have had to come to terms
with, but deep down inside we are all hoping and praying for a time when those setbacks
are no longer an issue.
Mallory Headings grew up singing old hymns alongside her grandfather.
It was a special pastime between the two of them that has been greatly affected now that
he has dementia.
These days, he doesn't really remember much, and some days the list of things forgotten
even includes his family's names.
His sickness became so intense that his wife, Mallory's grandmother, was no longer able
to care for him on her own to the extent he needed.
As a result, the family collectively decided to move him into a nursing home.
Not too long ago, while the family was visiting, something happened that left them speechless…in
a good way!
Mallory began singing an old, familiar tune called "It Is Well."
This hymn was one that she and her grandfather harmonized to regularly.
During this visit, when he heard the song escape her lips, he immediately began singing
along with her.
He even remembered his harmony.
The family was taken by complete surprise because they did not expect his memory to
kick in the way it did.
It is heartwarming to know that despite his sickness, through the Lord, they have been
able to relive and enjoy an unforgettable pastime.
Thank you for giving us hope, Mallory!
We are praying the best for your family.
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For more infomation >> G'pa With Dementia Can't Remember Her Name, Breaks Down In Tears When He Starts To Sing - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
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All these videos are focussing on kitchen life hacks, life hacks for kids, cooking life hacks as well as funny life hacks.
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Nobody Can Actually Believe What Neymar Has Done To His Hair
I remember my first Halloween.
I dyed my hair green, threw a tub of hair gel on my skull and picked up two bags of sweets at the end of the night.
I proceeded to throw up after eating 12 Refresher Bars and several Drumstick Lollys.
On the subject of hair and Halloween, just weeks into his Paris Saint-Germain career, Neymar has picked up his first piece of silverware this season.
Already you ask.
Well, in a moment that can only be described as bold, Neymar has dyed his hair green.
Even he looks shocked by his decision.
Image: Neymar/Instagram Thats right - the Brazil and PSG forward has officially scooped the Worst Hairstyle In 2017 award after revealing his new style on social media.
Someone suggested that Neymar is ready to pursue a professional career as a clown.
Others believe his hair has naturally turned the same colour as the grass because of the amount of time he spends on the ground.
All we know is, the hairstyle has gone down a treat on Twitter: #Neymar why???? Look like football grass instead of hair.
:joy::skull:#PSG - Ney5H (@daddyneymarjr) October 30, 2017.
Omg Neymar.
what did you do to your fucking hair?! - Elisa:hearts: (@CrazyDogLover5) October 30, 2017.
@ Neymars tragic hair colour pic.
com/uQli3Jtzp0 - jay (@businiesta) October 30, 2017.
Has Neymar got some hair seeds ? pic.
com/ukkR303RLh - Jonty (@jontyedmondson1) October 30, 2017.
Neymars new hair whY WHY WHY W H Y SWEETIE - maja (@spoiledbiebers) October 30, 2017.
Neymars halloween hair is something else pic.
com/1SMGJEIVFM - ShotOnGoal (@shotongoal247) October 30, 2017.
Am I the only one who likes it :joy: - Paris SG (@K10araimi) October 30, 2017.
Thoughts on Neymars new hairstyle? Any funny suggestions as to why he dyed it?.
Let us know in the comments.
YouTube TV Now Available
Another One Bites The Dust - Duration: 22:08.
Cyber Futuristic Makeup HALLOWEEN 2017 | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 5:43.
Hi everyone I hope you're doing well
today is the last look of my Halloween series
I wanted to do a simple makeup
like a last minute one because tonight is the party
so if you want to do this look
you will have nothing to buy
Here we go!
I covered my brows, put my foundation and my contacts on
I take my flash color palette to create
the pastel lilac color for my contouring
I wanted it very light to keep it subtle
I first applied it with my brush and then blended it with my sponge
I put the silver color as highlighter
I apply it and then blend it as previously
I set with powder
I use Frostine from Sugarpill to intensify the contouring
To make my highlight pop I use Silver Star
Powder from Mufe (948)
And I apply another Star Powder
in white (941)
I do my eyes quickly with the same products
I start my lines by doing my eyeliner
And I start my lines job
I didn't draw this makeup before so I build
it little by little
I apply C172 from Eldora
I put white lines beside the black ones
I use white pro artist liner
from LASplash
I do some shadows with Poison Plum
from Sugarpill here and there
I apply a grey lipstick from KVD but
this step is useless as I changed my lips to blue
but couldn''t record the scene i'm sorry
I put those Led lashes found on Amazon
I received some but they didn't work so
I had to buy another ones
The scene didn't record here too so
I wear a wig from Starlite Hair
and switched my lips to blue
I hope you enjoyed watching this video
thank you so much ! As a conclusion
I can say that the LED lashes are a bad idea
one of them is broken even if it's new
I received another one that was purple and wanted to put it
but didn't want to turn on lol. It's very annoying to glue on
and very uncomfortable to wear
I'm sorry that some scenes didn't recorded, I have
troubles to record lately and don't know why
I hope you understood everything anyways
because it's actually a very easy makeup look
The Halloween series is now over
Thank you to everyone that watched it since the beginning
some of you commented everyday
and watched every single video
Thank you so much for that it really makes me happy
I put all my energy in this serie so I hope you enjoyed it so far
I'm sorry that I have been missing on other social medias
but I really enjoyed creating every single looks for you guys
See you on sunday for a new video !
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Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
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