Friday, October 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 28 2017

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Volvo Grumier TFSG mod pack.

This mod pack incudes Volvo 6X4 Semi Truck Volvo 6X4 Log Truck Semi Log Trailer And Log Trailer

Both Volvo 6X4 Trucks Have 750hp 90Km/h Top Speed

NUMPAD 0 Turn On Strobes

For all trucks NUMPAD 4 KEY Unfold The <<Belts>> NUMPAD 5 KEY Lower/ Raise The Columns

NUMPAD 7 Lower/ Raise Crane Support

Recommended Log Leght Volvo 6X4 Log Truck 4.5m Semi Log Trailer 11m Log Trailer 7m

Stupid crane



wHAT A MESS As you can see the belts did not secure the logs

I want to test if this loader can grab more than on log

Ok it is can grab two :p

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Volvo Forestry Pack - Duration: 21:32.


Motu and Patlu fight white tigers, Motu Patlu in Hindi coloring for Kids - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Motu and Patlu fight white tigers, Motu Patlu in Hindi coloring for Kids - Duration: 3:20.


Farming Simulator 17 Deutz Fahr Series 9 + Disk Harrows + Front Weights - Duration: 14:21.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New mods you can use to cultivate your fields.

Deutz Fahr Series 9 3 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 12 Design Setup 60Km/h Top Speed

BALDAN GTCR 34 4 Design Setup 5m Working Width 15Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 320Hp

GRADE SANTA IZABEL 5.5m Working Width 15Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 300Hp

EASY MASS Weight 2 Design Setup Colorable

Supply troop weight

ta daaaaaaaa

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Deutz Fahr Series 9 + Disk Harrows + Front Weights - Duration: 14:21.


Farming Simulator 17 CLAAS XERION TT + VALTRA FRONTIER CFS - Duration: 12:39.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two New Mods You can use to plant fields.

I will make the setup First VALTRA FRONTIER CFS Seeder With VALTRA Tandem you can connect to seeder and make a 18m Seeder

A collision error after purchase

VALTRA FRONTIER CFS Seeder 4,000l Capacity 9m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 180Hp Direct Seeding

I will use game stock seeds and fertilizer Open Cover N KEY This Seeder Can Plant only Corn And Soubeans

CLAAS XERION TT base Model Cat MT800E 3 Front Attaccher Setup 492Hp 57Km/H Top Speed

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 CLAAS XERION TT + VALTRA FRONTIER CFS - Duration: 12:39.


How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Fast During Pregnancy at Home - Duration: 7:30.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy at Home

Hemorrhoids, or Piles, are varicose blood vessels in the rectum. Piles are a common pregnancy related illness, especially in the third trimester.When suffering from this condition, the blood vessels located in your anus and lower

rectum become inflamed and swollen. The internal ones, found inside your rectum are painless, but can bleed. External hemorrhoids feel like hard lumps around your anus; they can become painful after bowel movements. If this

sounds familiar, treating them at home (along with your doctor's advice) is the best option. Start with Step 1 below to ease the pain.

Part1. Treating Hemorrhoids at Home. 1.Take sitz baths.  A simple procedure as a warm bath for your hips and buttocks can be very

effective against the discomfort associated with the illness. The simple remedy eases symptoms like irritation, itching, and sphincter muscle spasms. Fill your bathtub with 12–13 inches (30.5–33.0 cm) of warm water and simply sit

there for about 20 minutes. Follow the procedure after each bowel movement, and 2 or 3 times in addition to that. After the bath is over, simply pad the anal area dry with a soft towel.

2. Use cold compression.  Ice packs placed on the anal area for a couple of minutes will help soothe the pain and irritation, by reducing the blood flow. Apply ice packs to your anus 3-4

times a day. Application of cold will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the swelling. The dilated veins will also shrink facilitating return into the anus. Do not rub the ice packs against your anus. Instead, hold it steady for about 5

minutes. Rubbing may cause injury and ulceration.

3. Use witch hazel wipes to reduce inflammation.  Witch hazel is an astringent, meaning it will reduce inflammation and itching. Soak some baby wipes in witch hazel and wipe the affected area. Use the same

motion as when using toilet paper. The remedy should be used after every bowel movement, until the symptoms disappear. You may also leave the pad on the area for 10 minutes or so and allow it to soak

in. Then be sure to discard of the wipe.

4. Reduce the protruded hemorrhoid.  If the hemorrhoidal mass does not return into the anus spontaneously you can gently push it back with fingers. Apply some lubricant such as lignocaine jelly on

your index finger and gently push the mass from its side.

5. If you're still experiencing pain, visit your doctor for a prescription.  He or she will provide you with one of two options: Hydrocortisone suppositories. Hydrocortisone is a steroid hormone, which helps

you get rid of the anus or rectum swelling and itching associated with Piles. Use the medication following the doctor's directions. Usually, hydrocortisone suppositories are administered 2 or 3 times per day, for 7 to 10 days.

Local anesthetics. Drugs like Pramoxine will relieve pain and itching. Apply the medication directly on the area after each bowel movement up to 4 times per day. The medication should not be used inside the rectum. Use the treatment for

about 7 days.

Part2. Making Lifestyle Changes. 1. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces.  Continuous stress on the damaged area will only make the symptoms worse. Sit

on a rubber cushion or a pillow, for more comfort. This will prevent the formation of new hemorrhoids and help reduce the size of the existing ones. Avoid standing or sitting for prolonged periods. Prolonged standing or sitting will

pull down the blood to lower parts of the body and increase venous pressure. Change your position regularly to avoid this.

2. When talking about exercise helping you with your hemorrhoid problems, don't think big. A simple 20-30 minute jog will stimulate a bowel movement, thus reducing

additional pressure on the affected area. However, avoid weightlifting or other strenuous exercises because they can aggravate the problem by increasing abdominal pressure.

3, Have good bowel habits.  When you feel the need to defecate, do not wait, just go to the bathroom as soon as possible. Postponing a bowel movement can cause he fecal matter to

back up inside the rectum, creating even more pressure to the affected area, increasing discomfort and inflammation. Avoid constipation. Each time you strain, the anal veins dilate a bit. If you can

avoid constipation the veins will get adequate time to shrink and go back to a normal state. Drink plenty of water (2-3 liters daily). It will keep you hydrated and prevent constipation.

4. Eat more fiber.  A diet rich in fiber will soften your stool, making it easy to pass, thus reducing inflammation and preventing constipation. Fiber will also reduce bleeding and

the size of the hemorrhoids. You need to introduce fiber in your diet at a slow rate, starting gradually, and increasing the amount up to 25-30 grams per day. Fiber is found in vegetables like beans, broccoli, oat bran and wheat, as well as

fresh fruit. You can also introduce food supplements to your diet, such as Citrucel or Metamucil. Use these supplements by mixing one or two tablespoons in a glass

of water and drink it up to three times per day.

5. Lie on your left side most of the time.  The main vein (inferior vena cava) draining blood from lower parts of the body lies on the right side of the abdomen. Your uterus will compress it if you lie on

your right side. Veins will be congested with blood aggravating the situation.

6. Keep your anal area clean.  It is important to prevent any kind of infection. An infected hemorrhoid easily gets thrombosed and leads to bleeding and unbearable pain. It is best to use

pre-moistened wipes to clean the anal area after using the toilet. Dry toilet papers are rough and rubbing with them may cause ulceration or bleeding.

Do not use colored or perfumed wipes. Chemicals used in them are frequently irritant substances that may lead to itching and discomfort.

Tips. Other symptoms include bloody stool, burning sensation and itchiness around the anus, mucus discharge, and a bulge around the anus.

There are several procedures your doctor can do. Consider stapled hemorrhoidopexy, hemorrhoidectomy, or rubber band ligation.

Warnings Visit your doctor, - don't just rely on home remedies. This goes double if you experience any symptoms like severe bleeding.

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Fast During Pregnancy at Home - Duration: 7:30.


How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - Duration: 10:02.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are one of pregnancy's most unpleasant side effects. And what's worse - it's not even socially acceptable to complain about them, unlike with nausea or swollen feet! Thankfully, there are some simple and efficient ways to

treat them, or even prevent them from occurring in the first place. Just start with Step 1 below to find out how.

Part1. Understanding Pregnancy Hemorrhoids. 1. Recognize the symptoms of hemorrhoids.  Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area, which cause itchiness,

discomfort or pain. If you're brave enough to venture a look, you'll see that they look like a bunch of grapes or small marbles protruding from the anus. Hemorrhoids usually form during the first trimester of pregnancy or after child

birth. Symptoms include: Anal itching. Anal pain, especially while sitting.

Bright red blood on the stool. Pain during bowel movements, hard painful lumps in the anus.

Bright red blood on the stool. Pain during bowel movements, hard painful lumps in the anus.

Hemorrhoids are caused by increased blood pressure in the veins in the lower half of your body. Too much pressure in these veins can lead to swollen or dilated blood vessels, which manifest as hemorrhoids. Pregnant women are

more susceptible to hemorrhoids for a variety of reasons: As you progress through your pregnancy, your growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the pelvic veins and the inferior vena cava (a large vein which

receives blood from the lower body). This slows blood flow from these veins, leading to increased pressure, and therefore hemorrhoids. Pregnant women are also more like to experience constipation. When you strain

to pass a hard bowel movement, you put excess pressure on your rectal area. This can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids or exacerbate existing ones. Pregnant women also have a higher level of a hormone known as progesterone

in their systems. This hormone causes the walls of you veins to relax, making them more likely to swell and develop hemorrhoids as a result. Progesterone also has an impact on your digestive system, making constipation more likely.

If you're still unsure about whether you have hemorrhoids, or you have any concerns about how they'll affect your pregnancy, it's a good idea to see your doctor. A doctor can diagnose hemorrhoids by a simple rectal exam.

If you're still unsure about whether you have hemorrhoids, or you have any concerns about how they'll affect your pregnancy, it's a good idea to see your doctor. A doctor can diagnose hemorrhoids by a simple rectal exam.

However, other tests may be performed to rule out other diagnoses. These may include a stool-guiac-test (which indicates the presence of fresh blood in the stool), or either a sigmoidoscopy or an anoscopy - both of which use a scope to

check for the presence of obstructions or malignancies which can mimic the signs of hemorrhoids.

check for the presence of obstructions or malignancies which can mimic the signs of hemorrhoids.

Part2. Treating Pregnancy Hemorrhoids 1. Use over-the-counter medications.  There are many over-the-counter creams available for hemorrhoids. These

creams help to ease the pain and itchiness associated with hemorrhoids, but don't cure the underlying problem. Use hemorrhoid creams according to the instructions on the packaging, and

never use for more than a week as they can make inflammation worse. Ask your healthcare provider for a recommendation on the best hemorrhoid cream for you. Two of the most common hemorrhoid creams are corticosteroids,

which will help reduce inflammation and pain, and hemorrhoid creams containing lidocaine, an anesthetic which will help to numb the pain.

which will help reduce inflammation and pain, and hemorrhoid creams containing lidocaine, an anesthetic which will help to numb the pain.

A sitz bath is a small plastic basin which you can fill with water and attach to the seat of your toilet. This allows you to submerge your anal region in warm water, which can help

soothe any pain or discomfort caused by the hemorrhoids. Try sitting for 10-15 minutes, once or twice a day. You can achieve the same results simply by sitting in a bathtub filled with hot

water, but many pregnant women prefer the ease and convenience of the sitz bath.

If you want relief from constipation, you should ask your doctor about getting a prescription for stool softeners. Since hemorrhoids come from increased pressure on the veins near the anus, a

softer stool can help decrease the pressure on these veins, thus causing less pain. Stool softeners come in tablet, capsule, liquid and syrup form and are usually

taken at night.

Scratching can aggravate the hemorrhoids, making the swelling worse, or even causing them to bleed. To reduce itchiness: Wear cotton garments. These are less likely to irritate the hemorrhoids and also

allow your skin to breathe, which can speed up healing. Do not use scented tissues. Avoided using perfumed or colored toilet paper, as these contain ore chemicals and can irritate the hemorrhoids. Plain white, two-

ply toilet paper is best. Keep the area clean. Wiping carefully after a bowel movement can help to reduce issues - just be gently, as wiping too hard can cause irritation. Some

women find that dampening the toilet paper with a little warm water helps. You can also buy medicated wipes (containing witch hazel) designed specifically for use on hemorrhoids.

An ice pack or cold compress applied directly to the hemorrhoids can help to soothe discomfort and reduce swelling. Apply a new, clean ice pack several times a day, as needed.

6. Know when to call a medical practitioner.  Consult a doctor when your hemorrhoids don't improve with home treatment. Dizziness and continuous bleeding is a sign of blood loss. Call for help

An ice pack or cold compress applied directly to the hemorrhoids can help to soothe discomfort and reduce swelling. Apply a new, clean ice pack several times a day, as needed.

6. Know when to call a medical practitioner.  Consult a doctor when your hemorrhoids don't improve with home treatment. Dizziness and continuous bleeding is a sign of blood loss. Call for help



Part3. Preventing Pregnancy Hemorrhoids 1. Prevent constipation.  Constipation is the number one culprit behind hemorrhoids. Therefore by

avoiding constipation you can significantly reduce the chance of hemorrhoids developing. To avoid constipation: Drink plenty of fluids. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, but herbal

teas, juices and smoothies will also be beneficial Eat a high fiber diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. According to http:\\MedicineNet, the top five foods for reducing constipation are prunes, beans,

kiwi, rye bread and pears, Meanwhile, foods to avoid or cut back on include chocolate, dairy, bananas, red meat and caffeine.

2. Don't strain when you use the bathroom. Straining on the toilet can lead to the development of hemorrhoids, so try to avoid it when possible.

If you can't pass a bowel movement easily, leave the toilet and try again later instead. On the other hand, if you really need to go you shouldn't wait to relieve your

bowels, as holding it in can also cause strain.

bowels, as holding it in can also cause strain.

3. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods.  Sitting and standing both put pressure on your lower veins, so try to avoid doing either for long periods of time.

If you work sitting down, make sure to take regular breaks where you stand up and walk around. The opposite goes if you work standing up. While watching TV, reading or sleeping, you should lie on your left side, as this

helps to increase blood flow in the lower half of your body.

4. Do Kegel exercises.  Kegel exercises (which are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles) also help to increase blood flow to the rectal area and strengthen the muscles around

4. Do Kegel exercises.  Kegel exercises (which are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles) also help to increase blood flow to the rectal area and strengthen the muscles around

the anus, making hemorrhoids much less likely.

Remember that hemorrhoids are caused by straining, which is typically caused by dehydration. During pregnancy and the post-partum period, the fluids you drink are crucial to your hydration level, because your body needs a mixture of

vitamins and minerals IN the fluids to stay hydrated. Orange juice, lemonade, and coconut water (sold in the natural foods section of your grocery store) are the best bets; if they aren't available, add a squirt of lemon or lime juice to your

water or other juices. Use Gatorade only as a last resort; it does NOT have the right kind of electrolytes for pregnant women, and is high in sugar. If you are still having a lot of discomfort after following this routine consistently

for a week, then try soaking cotton rounds in chilled witch hazel (available as an astringent at your local pharmacy) and applying them for 5-minutes at a time after you wipe following each bowel movement. These are also commercially

available as Tucks, but it's a lot less expensive to make them yourself. Then repeat the steps above.

available as Tucks, but it's a lot less expensive to make them yourself. Then repeat the steps above.

Warnings. As always, if you have an adverse reaction to any of these steps, consult your doctor.

If there is no improvement after following all of these steps and tips for a week, consult your doctor. Your hemorrhoids may require more extensive treatment, such as suppositories, but only your physician can tell you which ones are best

during pregnancy.

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - Duration: 10:02.


Thor: Ragnarok

For more infomation >> Thor: Ragnarok


Tillerson Talks for F 16 & F 18S Jets to India - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Tillerson Talks for F 16 & F 18S Jets to India - Duration: 2:18.


Why you don't mess with a maxed scar H (no blood turn on captions) - Duration: 12:46.

Hello and welcome back to another video!

today i'm going to show you what a full upgraded guns look like

and why you want to stay away from them

For this, i'm using the Scar H one of my favorite guns

So lets get started!

This is a rifle, but it has a sniper scope and a close up scope

and this grip where if your not aiming it can shoot any where in your cross hair making it not have to aim into the direct center and does more damage too

if your not scoping it just takes like 4 shots because of how much damage it does, that's really good considering its a rifle with 32 bullets!

It also looks like a really big gun and with nothing on it it looks like a mid size gun

Wait, i'm not using my pistol LOL

the reason i point so often is because if i do it towards an enemy even if i can't see it my self it will put a red marker on them until they hide

So useful..

Get wrecked mate

if you want to join me in game comment down below your username and send me a friend request to my name "Gamerobotjimmy"

I once got 5 kills in a row it was just yesterday or 2 days ago

I forgot what its called its like a cottrel kill or something

I know i'm suppose to use scar H but i love this gun and i don't even own it!

It's a rifle that does a lot of damage and can travel very far

Not so for you


The BFG i have one of those they do 97+ damage usually 100+

We can say we wrecked them with 425-0 see why you don't mess with these?

Any ways guys thanks for watching and i will see you in the next one!

Bye Guys have a good day or night!

For more infomation >> Why you don't mess with a maxed scar H (no blood turn on captions) - Duration: 12:46.


Paranormal Borderline: "abduction" video footage (5/14/96) - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Paranormal Borderline: "abduction" video footage (5/14/96) - Duration: 5:25.


From White to Acun: Why did not you invite me to your wedding ?! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> From White to Acun: Why did not you invite me to your wedding ?! - Duration: 1:03.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


BLU J - Golden Dreams - Duration: 4:34.

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

BLU J - Golden Dreams

For more infomation >> BLU J - Golden Dreams - Duration: 4:34.


Reciprocal Roof Frame Construction Complete! | Shae's Earthbag Bedroom Ep16 | Weekly Peek - Duration: 15:47.

in the last episode we finished the stucco on the lower level and completed

the reciprocal roof fascia on Shae's earthbag bedroom


it's time to install

the jack rafters

these go in between the main rafters to complete our framing


we're not really here

we're actually aliens

tin foil hats

I'm putting in our cross bracing now

beginning to run some more rafters down


I got it


shovel you can help so what's gonna help you put the have nice oh we have a

winner my dad dropped fall yeah how about one of the studio size buildings

for my shot the circle makes so much more sense you think about it to the

working area would be the same distance away from the car left no matter which

way you go two doors here could be a garage door

and then the roof is tall enough to lift in the center for a car I mean if you

didn't want a lot of shop your tables in the center or something

you know be real nice yeah definitely

yeah little something on your face there diesel all right we're just bagging up

to this so it's flat trying to make this flat so that our sheen will go up to it

this is how to be level across here when we get the bags

stamped and ready and then that will kind of act like the birds block that

you typically put in a house

that only took us a half hour to do this guy's all right I'm just cutting the

tops of these jacks off so that we can finish up the roof and put some more

Jack's in between I'm finishing up the bard rafter here and a couple little

fillings on the on the roof there to hold up those like I can fall and get

back up again can I fall on you body caps even he can

get back up he can get back up again I'll just take him up a lot waters

I thought your video was broken

was a bad idea now I have to I have to walk back

now and then those three bays need between errs that we're doing do it

right one right here that up there and you want to notch these and that's those

yeah this is all kind of as you go kind of a deal because this so he can stick

frame it I'm filming and I'm trying to get diesel to look at me so I can get a

fun shot and I cannot get him to do it he is so focused on Garen people diesel

hey Dean so diesel diesel you just saw a loyal to Garrett know the food all right

I could have screamed out if he still would not have looked away from Garrett

you're gonna wait it's row

have you gotten rid of your nemesis my head's caved in my wife would let me cut

that branch off Halloween is just around the corner so last Wednesday's podcast

we carve some pumpkins for the holiday we just finished our weekly podcast we

carved these magnificent pumpkins really long teeth in the front kind of the

things I really like that look and then there's brain kind of poking out of the

side of it and then I saw someone build the pumpkin eyes where they had the

eyeball inside of there and I thought oh that's really cool so I decided to do

something like that to I really wanted to win it wasn't really a contest at the

time and I was gonna draw another eye but Shea said oh is that a cyclops all

right I should make it a cyclops so it was kind of spur the moment kind of

thing vote for mine because it has one eyes

that's my only vote just vote just do it wine and cheese

I was looking at different types of pumpkins and other things that people

had done and I found I found one I really liked so I used that as a

reference a hungry pumpkin it's a hungry pumpkin

why would they be cocky when my pumpkin is clearly superior I wouldn't ask you

to vote for me I'll tell you to go I'm kidding but I'm not kidding

but I'm kidding but I'm not an hour or two before the stream started Garin

started going into serious you know expert gonna research a good design and

I felt like I had to compete so I also did a little bit of digging you couldn't

really tell that it was a tongue at the bottom I cut its tongue up but I

slightly regret my decision it's kind of mean but it's Halloween so we're good

you can vote for one of the for pumpkins down below we'll be announcing the

winner on Halloween via our Twitter Instagram Facebook and patreon page if

you have a pumpkin carving you'd like to show us please tag us on one of our

social sites we'd love to see it happy Halloween and yes I wore this hat

specifically for that last line Maine Raptors hold most of the weight and then

the jack rafters take their support from the Maine Raptors in the south but they

just take some time to cut them all in and gonna have cross pieces and pieces

to come down to them

okay take this back up the hill make it easier for both again then give me a top

here and a bottom the segments are talking about where I should put what in

my room thinking about talking that's right up your alley

that was a really good comeback except it was a teeny bit late it was oh wow

geez every time we try to talk there's complex to get the main Raptors

in as far as the angles it's even more complex to do the jack rafters because

you're dealing with lots of compound everything's are compounding everything

is a individual custom cut they'll tap in tap in just Shay's roof shake and

have a few weeks question exactly yeah it was too short dad but about

doing a lot of Inez is everything is so complicated on bevels and angles and

links I was I was constantly off had cut this thing like two maybe three times to

to get it to fit correctly two inches awesome never make it two inch mistake

twice it was still too short what are you doing I was teasing dad because he

kept making the wrong cuts that it was exactly an inch and a half short every

time he caught it keep going I think it's because we just throw it to

before it show

alright anyway we get messed up because it's not normally in these their top

measurements longer than your body measurements yeah in this case we're not

looking good in your mind's eye I'm trying to figure out what what I want

where that it's starting to take a lot of shape perfect we got we're running

out of bags getting down to the bottom of the barrel and bad bottom of the

barrel on the dirt this didn't come out just perfect just the amount of

resources we need I don't know

thanks for being here stay tuned for next Friday as we continue building on

cheese earthbag bedroom we do a live stream podcast every Wednesday at 6 p.m.

Pacific you're invited and we hope to see you there please consider supporting

us on patreon

my skintone in his fur like this same you know slightly Murphy but yeah

breathe mama I'm an inner pug good night yes he's eating the puppies head jeez

Burt are you down there good Burt gisbert are you under there hi it's

pretty epic are you gonna eat it one that you like the most

unless of course that's not me then don't vote at all our family moved from

the city to the country thanks for taking part in our adventure we have new

videos every Friday evening if you would like to help us out you can like this

video share it subscribe or support us on patreon see the links in the

description I never mind I can't acknowledge this so

this really isn't on tape really not

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