Welcome to one more episode of "the round of Europe with a motorcycle".
This is episode 50... Switzerland
First of all I would like to appologize for not uploading videos for the last month
if you follow the trip on Facebook as well you should hear that my laptop was stollen...
And for the time being I borrowed an older laptop, and that means it's going to take some time to edit the vids.
Unfortunately the Youtube channel is a little bit behind, but make sure you are subscribed to the channel,
because I am going to try to upload as much episodes as possible so you guys can catch up.
Let's continue with episode 50 - Switzerland!
So where should I start from...
First I want to say that all of you that are getting bored of the road sections in my vids,
you can skip this video right away. Because in Switzerland everything is the road.
One of the most important sightseeing of the country are the Alps and the Alpine passes...
so for the next 2 videos that are going to be about Switzerland you guys are going to see a lot
of road sections around the country, mountains, corners, bends and much more!
The Swiss Alps are amazingly beautiful because they are not very touristic, and they are still wild!
Once we entered the country with Nektarios we headed right away to Klaussenpass.
There are narrow roads, in some sections the roadsurface is very bad, no coffewhops and museums...
Malaka , look at the size of those cows! Too much food!
So the Alps are authentic, wild and natural!
On some of the passes you can still find a small shop for a coffee on the top of the pass, but thats it!
We left Klaussenpass to Zurich, where Nektarios and his landlord Monika and Taumir hosted me at their place.
And I want to thank them a lot for this! I had the chance to rest for a few days and see Zurich.
and I have to admit that Zurich is not as gorgeous as it's citizens support to be.
The people of Zurich have the impression that they live in the best, and most beautiful city of Europe,
Which is not true in my opinion.
I walked around in Zurich and the fact is that I have seen way better cities...
So take a sample of Zurich to see by yourself...
This slippers cost 90 francs, which means is about €80.
I am in the dark side of Zurich....
Langstrasse.... Sex, drugs and Rock 'n' Roll
I had the chance to make a day trip to Schaffhausen, where I visited the gorgeous fortress of the town.
Schaffhousen is a small beautiful town.
I am at the castle of the town.
This castle looks like an arena.. I walked all the way around to the main gate and now I am in the arena!
Schaffhausen is located right on the border of Switzerland and Germany...
... and river Rhine is passing through the town.
I am about 10km away from Schaffhausen, and here are the Rhine Falls.
What I didn't really like in Switzerland is the people...
Off course not everybody is like this but most of the people give the impression of coldness.
They are not warm people.
Off course as I said not everybody is like that.
Monika and Taumir that hosted me to their place were very good and nice people.
and I was impressed by Monika because she was discusted by the Swiss people and she is Swiss herself..
She was trying to explain to me the mentality of the Swiss people.
In general they don't have any major problems, they do have a lot of money, and they don't have any serious troubles.
For example, the first page of a printed newspaper during the days I was there was
a motorcycle seat that reached 80 degrees.
And that was the first page of a PRINTED newspaper...
Thats a major problem... when is too hot and stuff like that.
Swiss people are always by the book, and they live in their own molds...
I got the impression that they don't have a life...
...they just exist, and they exist only to make money...
whatever you do in that country must be accompanied with a transaction.
Everything has to do with money and if you are in need of something probably you are screwed.
The speeding fines are way too expensive.
They drive very very slow for this reason and that can be too tiring...
what got me tired in Switzerland was not the fact that I couldn't find a place to wild camp, or the prices...
...what got me really tired was the fact that they drive very very slow... Too slow...
you can go 50km for a lot of kilometres... sometimes it jumps to 60 and then 50 again...
and the think is that they still have accidents in the streets..
they do have quite a lot of them, because they fall asleep while driving.
and those that are not getting sleep their eyes are most of the time on the km counter instead of the road...
so they do have accidents, but they are not deadly... because of the slow speeds.
Second time I have trouble with the rectifier... I am not sure if its totally busted...
I noticed that all the cables are getting broken because of electrolysis.
I do have a spear one...
but i will try to change all the connectors and see what will happen...
I cut all the cables and replace the connectors, because the older ones started to melt...
I tried this one as well.... and i think this one is not working..
I bought this from Poland for about €30....
But I will keep it to check it again...
Let's see...
So I can see its charging the battery again..
let's continue on our way!
I think I won't be able to finish the route I was planning for today...
So I will have to reach Sankt Moritz and find a place to camp...
Good morning from Sankt Moritz...
We have rain today....all day long...
Yesterday due to the problem I had with the rectifier I didn't make it to finish the route I planned.
It took me about 1,5 hours to fix the problem.... The cables were broken due to electrolysis...
... and by the time I find some connectors the time had passed...
So I found a camping place and pitched my tent right outside of Sankt Moritz town..
Today I woke up in a rainy situation here..
Well it was raining all night long as well to be honest..
So the plan is to move on today... I don't know the situation up on the Alpine passes..
As far as I know its raining all over the Alps...
So I will start moving and see what happens..
I am on San Bernardino pass.
Which is one of the most beautiful passes of Switzerland and its one of the top 100 roads that
somebody can visit in Europe!
On the top of Oberalp pass there is a lighthouse, which is the highest lighthouse of the world at 2046m
The lighthouse is here because from here is the start of Rhine river...
and the lighthouse is a replica of the one that used to be on the Rhine delta in Holland.
I knocked the door of the restaurant over there...
The restaurant is being owned by Manuel from Portugal and Herman from Argentina...
and I asked them if it was OK to pitch my tent behind the restaurant for tonight.
They said that there is no problem...
...But when I got on the bike to go there they called me and said that I could stay in this shed over here.
This is their warehouse...
So they told me that I could stay here because it is going to be raining tonight....
In Zurch, where the most of the money is you will see amazing cars...
Bucati, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porche...
All this powerful cars that you can hear them roar when they get out of a parking....
and once they are in the street......
they don't even put a second gear....
Until they are out of the city centre...
once they are out then they go 60!
The cars are crying.. I was feeling sorry for the engines...
Whats left to say....
It is a beautiful country but the people are so-so.
I ve seen better before.
In a huge percentage is the coldest nation that I've ever encountered.
Except Monica and Taumir, nobody approached me to be get to know better to be honest..
I was speaking to 1-2 persons per day.. In other countries I was getting to know 10-15
persons per day very easy... As soon as I stop somewhere I start to meet people..
On the next episode you can see the rest of the passes, Bern, Geneva and Basel...
... and the rest of the things I got to see in Switzerland...
You can leave a comment if you want to ask anything about the county...
If you want you can make some general questions regarding the trip and I will try to answer all of them
I will write the answer in the comments or if there are a lot of questions maybe there is going to be a Q&A video.
Subscribe on my channel, Like the Facebook page and Instagram....
Buy T-shirts, write a comment or a question...
and I am going to see you on the next video..
For more infomation >> Ep 50 - Switzerland (part 1) - Around Europe on a Motorcycle - Honda Transalp 700 - Duration: 19:11.-------------------------------------------
YouTube TV Now Available
Charlène et Albert de Monaco vivent s.éparés selon France Dimanche- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:00.
Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Acenta AUTOMAAT! 1e eigenaar! dealer onderhouden! mooi exemplaar! - Duration: 0:59.
Your First App Money is Most Important - Duration: 5:49.
Hey, this is the Daily Overpass! My name is Eric and I make apps. Now today, I want
to talk about why sometimes those first few dollars you make through apps is the
most important.
Alright, so I'm doing this video bit earlier than normal. I came into the
office like at 2:00 o'clock this morning, as opposed to the normal time of 4:30
because I wanted to catch the last few innings of the World Series game 5.
I've never been much of a sports fan but I'm a baseball fan and I always have
been. So the games start like at 1 o'clock in the morning here, so if I want
to catch any of them, I have to get up really, really early. So, last week was
a big week for us in terms of our design services. We've always done the apps, we
have app clients and everything like that. But we've been marketing Overpass
Design too to quite a lot of people. And last week, we sent off our
first few invoices on that and it was a huge thing. I mean, it wasn't a lot of
money. This is the thing, I was talking my designer about it,
we've been working on it for a while, trying to get word out and all this
kind of stuff. But we haven't really been that successful with it. A lot of it's
been because I've been preoccupied with the apps and everything like
that and the other side of things. But we had a first few
invoices going on for for Overpass Design and she said, "It's a shame it's
taken us this long and it's such a small amount of money." And I thought exactly
the opposite. I thought this is working, right? The possibilities of it. And I told
her, this reminds me very much of when I first started making a bit of
money with apps. Like it would - when I first put the apps on
the app market and I saw that little trickle of money coming in. I mean, just a
few dollars, a few pounds a day or whatever. And you know,
everybody said, "Oh, oh, that's cute!" Everybody was saying how much money
you're making, I was still working at a contract and everyone's saying
that's cute and everything like that. I was thinking this is just like - to
them they thought, you know, beer money or whatever, it's cute that
you're doing that little thing. But for me I wanted it to be much more.
The fact that I made even a little bit of money was showing me that it was
possible. Because on a logical level, I know that it's possible. I've seen other
people do it, and all that stuff, but it's not until you do it
yourself that you realize, "Oh, this is it! I thought of it
very much as being - if you were - if you were like drilling, if you're
making a well or whatever and you dig in a hole, then you find a little trickle
of water, you don't stop there and say that's not enough water. You think, I'm
onto something here and that was that first bit of money I made from the apps.
The way I feel, okay, we're onto something here. This is working conceptually,
you know, we got new motivation because we got a little bit of effort
there. Or a little bit of success. Even though it's not the success
that we wanted, I wanted to just - I wanted to hit the home run, straight
going back to baseball here, hit the home run straight, you know, first at-bat but
it rarely ever happens. Sometimes, things are a little bit harder than
we anticipate. But it's great! And for those of you out there who are
making a little bit of money, I hope that you don't get discouraged
because it's such a small amount. Because it's very rare to do that. It's very
rare to be able to to make passive income. In fact, it's funny
because I can remember when I came to England, I just got out of
university and I was looking for a job. And I thought, it's so hard to find a job.
Nobody's hiring, all this kind of stuff. Like if I could just get - if I
could just impress enough people, I can get a job, right? And now, that's like
that's plan B or C or D or whatever. right because that sounds easy. Finding a
job is easy. Making money through passive income, that's a lot more
difficult. It's a lot more challenging and you know, I'm just hammering away
at it. So, and sometimes - okay, let me just tell you this little story
here and you, guys, you can stop watching now if you want. But you may
notice I have a bunch of baseballs around me in the background. Sometimes -
so, this is one of my favorite baseballs here. It's, you know, for years I
was going to - if you go to a major league baseball game and you catch a foul ball,
or a home run or whatever, you get to keep it as a souvenir. Ever
since I was a little boy, we'd go to baseball game, so my mom and dad
bring me to the baseball game. We bring a baseball glove and it never
caught anything. And finally in 1997, I'm 25 years old, all those years of never
catching anything, I caught a foul ball off the third-base
line hit by Jody Reed late in the season. You know, Padres weren't that
good, although they went to the World Series the following year.
And after doing that it was so like I brought a glove with me every time.
My aura - I always watch every - because it gave - like all of a sudden
after all those years, I knew that it was possible to catch a foul ball.
In fact, like two years later, I got another one at the Royals game
in Kansas City. Just because it just showed that it was possible, and
sometimes when you're getting started out, when you're doing the apps, it's just
getting that first little bit of success just to show you that it's possible, is a
huge thing. I'm excited about the design side of things. I'm just - yeah, I'm just
excited about the fact that we're branching out into something else. We got
the app revenue, we got the client revenue, we've got the
passive income as well. But we're starting to do new different things on
the design side of stuff. It's all very, very exciting. Anyway, I
started ramble on again. That's it for today! I hope you, guys, have a great day
today and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #14 - Duration: 7:17.
Best Of Tchami | Best Of Future House Mix #1 - Duration: 30:35.
Best Of Tchami | Best Of Future House Mix #1
MORNING JOE 10/30/17 Trump continues lies in series of panicked tweets - Duration: 8:28.
La grippe est un vrai calvaire : téléphone jouet (:15) - Duration: 0:16.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:49.
Should NASA Spend Billions To Explore The Sun? - Duration: 3:15.
Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.
Every day, we're learning more and more about space and what's out there.
I'm still hoping we find aliens one day, but until then, maybe we should try and learn
more about what we know is already in our cosmic backyard.
That big, scary thing you humans call the Sun seems like it could be pretty important.
Should we send out a probe and go explore it?
Well first off, just what is the Sun?
It may look like a giant, flaming cheese puff, but it's actually a star that's made of
extremely hot ionized gas called plasma.
It's so warm that the temperature at the Sun's core can be around 15 million degrees
That's almost as hot as my mixtape.
The Sun is not just super hot, but super big too!
It's average diameter is around 1.39 million kilometers.
If you want to feel super small, that's about 109 times the diameter of Earth.
But why should we try and further study the Sun?
Some recent research from the National Academy of Sciences has a pretty compelling reason.
According to their study, they estimated that without advanced warning, a huge solar storm
could cause around 2 trillion dollars in damage across the United States alone, and lead to
widespread power outages for a long period of time.
If learning more about the Sun could potentially give us ways to warn ourselves, I'd say
that's pretty important!
Plus, studying the Sun can help scientists learn more about how stars work and can help
in understanding the rest of the Universe.
So are there plans on exploring the Sun any time soon?
Yes, there are indeed!
With their eyes set on later next year, NASA hopes to launch their Parker Solar Probe,
which goes closer to the Sun's surface than any spacecraft has before.
Its mission will be to come as close as 6.2 million kilometers to the Sun.
That's within the orbit of Mercury!
I bet the other Roman gods will be jealous.
On its journey, this space probe hopes to trace the flow of energy that warms and accelerates
solar winds and the solar corona, explore what accelerates and transports energetic
particles, and find out the structure and dynamics of the magnetic and plasma fields
at the sources of solar wind.
With this information, scientists hope that they will be able to more accurately predict
space weather that could have huge negative effects on Earth.
India also hopes to join in the solar fun by launching their own satellite around 2019.
Called the Aditya-L1 mission, they hope to provide observations of the Sun's Photosphere,
Chromosphere, and corona.
They want to achieve a better understanding of the dynamical processes of the Sun and
address outstanding issues in solar physics.
I wish both the the teams the best of luck on their missions!
So what else do you think we should try and explore further in space?
Let me know down in the comments below!
Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.
As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.
Don't forget to keep on thinking!
TOP 5 Potraviny, které vás mohou zabít - Duration: 10:26.
Karin Viard, ses filles face à leur mère nue au cinéma - Duration: 2:07.
Animals Pictures and Animals Videos at the Zoo-Fun Learn Wild Zoo Animals with Toys for Children - Duration: 11:54.
Animals Pictures and Animals Videos at the Zoo-Fun Learn Wild Zoo Animals with Toys for Children
Cities: Skylines | 2 Minute Guides | How to create a custom road - Duration: 1:59.
Hello there my name is Drufsen and welcome to 2 minute guides. This time
I'm going to show you how you can create your own custom roads in Cities: Skylines
first click on editors then the asset editor and then click on new.
Here you can choose a theme. There's a lot of themes you can choose from and you can
also choose from user themes here for example you can see the realistic
themes these are really great and I really recommend you to check them out
but for this time I'm just going to go with the temperate theme.
Select it and wait for the game to load.
Right, when the game has loaded simply
click on road and then continue. Select the type of road that you want to edit.
change for example I'm going to go to the four-lane road. Click continue and
here you can see the editing screen. We got a lot of categories for the road you
got basic, elevated, bridge, slope and tunnel. You can change their properties lanes segments and nodes.
and there's a lot of settings, down here you can simply drag and place a road.
You can also place down other types of roads, like this. Then if you click here you can take pictures of your creation.
So yeah, good luck!
Easier Changes To Your Will - Duration: 1:00.
Easier changes to your will.
Look, I agree, it's ridiculous
how much it costs and how much effort it takes
to make very simple changes to your will,
so let's brainstorm some ideas of how to make this
a better process and a better experience for you.
So number one, for certain categories of changes,
say, when you're just changing the name of your executor
or the order of your guardians,
those are the types of changes that don't necessarily need
a thorough review from an attorney,
so let's find a simpler way to make those changes.
And how about the signing ceremony?
Maybe one way of reducing the cost of that
would be to do them in groups.
So you lose the privacy and intimacy of having
a one on one private signing ceremony with your attorney,
but instead you sort of crowdsource it or co-op it
with a group of your friends or a large group of clients.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on these
and whether or not you'd be interested.
Let's work together to improve this.
Hope you found this helpful.
Les bienfaits du bicarbonate de soude que vous ignorez… - Random888 - Duration: 6:57.
Halloween Help (ft. Tabbes) - Duration: 4:56.
Hey guys, welcome to my new video!
It feels like it's been forever since I had the spotlight all to myself, but don't fret;
I am back.
And I have something very...
SPOOPY for you all.
We all know that Halloween is fast-approaching, so I've teamed up with my buddy Tabbes to
get you guys in the spirit!
If I were to ask you "what is the most difficult part about Halloween", I know for sure that
the answer would be "fitting in with the children to get candy even though I'm a 54 year old
man and refuse to shave my horrendous butt-fluff of a beard to hide it but I'll attempt trick-or-treating
anyway and later be issued with multiple restraining orders and become a registered sex offender
in the process, losing my wife, having my children taken away from me and being left
with no candy to show for it"...
Luckily I don't know anything about that, so I'll have to settle for the second most
common answer to the question, which is "picking a Halloween costume".
Riiiiiight, so anyway.
Picking the perfect Halloween costume is often a stressful task because it's this very decision
that will be judged by onlookers for the entire evening.
The pressure is overwhelming.
And, let's face it: Regardless of others, we all still want a bomb-ass fucking costume,
Nobody likes this sheet-over-the-head ghost bullshit.
We need something memorable!
And DON'T be this guy: Okay, let's get this
guide started!
I've got these ideas noted down... let me know what you think!
The English The American
The Australian The Japanese
The Italian Pfft, come on man, I thought you were better
than this.
These are EXACTLY the types of costumes you should be advising AGAINST.
This is infant shit.
Oh, you want something that hits a little harder, huh?
You want me to be a little more ruthless, do you?
Rowling's first and second name!
Adam Sandler's best movie!
My Chemical Romance's next album Kim Kardashian's ladder to fame!
The Rick and Morty fanbase!
You're getting there, even if that last one was a bit of a terrible meme.
I'm trying to fit in with the youth, okay?
I know you have more punch in you.
You can swing harder than this.
Okay, okay.
What about these?
The Ricegum disstrack!
The Jake Paul talent!
The Casey Neistat sex appeal!
The Casey Neistat- okay, I'm not going there The Ricky Berwick!
KSI's knowledge, strength and integrity!
Culture's personality!
Jesus man, tone it down a bit.
You might offend someone with comments like those.
You know what?
Screw this shit.
Part of the Halloween joy is coming up with your own costume idea.
Piecing it together into a wearable piece of modern art.
Guys... you don't need my advice with this.
Pick your favorite idea and just... run with it.
Halloween is about being yourself, not being who others want you to be…
Stand up strong, stand with your friends, and most importantly...
Be yourself.
Nobody can be a better you than you...
Uh, Crash?
What do you think you're doing?
Shit, sorry.
I was just testing out my FouseyTube costume.
If I'm completely honest, this year hasn't been a difficult one concerning my costume.
I'm going in my MAY-onnaise costume since it didn't get enough love in the May edition
of This Month in History.
The amount of love and care that went into that thing is like nothing I thought I possessed.
and maybe that's the point.
Maybe the holiday is all about love and how grateful we are for the-
I regret coming on this show.
This guide probably helped nobody.
Anyway, what do you think?
Someone's not going to have much candy this year, I'm afraid.
Hey Culture, need any help with costume ideas?
Tabbes and I have just compiled a list that you may or may not find useful.
I appreciate the assistance, but aren't we a bit too old for trick-or-treating?
I'm staying home this year Crash, after a certain point it just becomes creepy.
I had a feeling you would be like this…
Now THAT is what I call scary!
A huge thank-you goes out to Tabbes for being in today's episode – please check out
her channel via the links below!
Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone!
Mazda 6 2.2D 150 Skylease GT Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:59.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 200 d Business Solution Style Automaat - Duration: 0:54.
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT NAVIGATOR PLUS PACK - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo XC60 2.4D AWD AUT6 Momentum/Navigatie/Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.
Fiat Scudo 1.9D LANG DC Praktische 6 PERS. NIEUWSTAAT ... NL auto - Duration: 0:54.
Volvo XC60 2.4D MOMENTUM 2.4D Leer, Cruise, PDC, ECC, Navi - Duration: 0:54.
J'ai coupé un citron et je l'ai placé dans ma chambre à coucher – ça a transformé ma vie - Duration: 4:03.
Como hacer un banco de plaza comodo para el jardin - Duration: 6:22.
海賊王里實力牛叉的幾大人物 - Duration: 2:34.
Moriah Wins Football Title - Duration: 1:13.
Comment faire un avion en papier. Tête de dragon. Mouches très bien! Avion #5 - Duration: 10:46.
Sewer Line Inspection San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Inspection San Juan Capistrano CA - Duration: 1:08.
Sewer Line Inspection San Juan Capistrano CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Unusual Airbnb in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Duration: 6:43.
Hello! Guess where we are...
Back in Vancouver!
We're going to this amazing place... there's a show tonight.
Maybe you remember it, we went there 2 years ago...
East is East.
There's a Chinese music performance.
And it's "all you can eat".
Oriental food like Indian, Afghan, Lebanese...
Several vegan options!
Indian saag
Soup: coconut milk infused with lemongrass, basil, green curry, with mushrooms.
Salad with creamy hemp seed pesto dressing.
Eggplant in a savoury afghan sauce
Rice and afghan boulanis.
Hello everyone.
Our first night in Vancouver has just passed.
We got woken up by the chickens.
But it's okay... It reminded me of Colombia and Guatemala.
At the moment, we're in the backyard because...
The way this Airbnb works is you have access to the guy's house.
But you have your own trailer as well.
You see, we have a large bed, a little couch area, lots of closets...
It's just perfect.
It's really comfortable too.
And honestly, it's like a sanctuary here.
I'm so cozy!
We have 6 nights in total in Vancouver.
We'll be leaving October 2nd.
So... See ya later.
Lebanese food at Saj & Co
This is the "Super Green".
Yeah... It looks so tasty.
Totally vegan, totally delicious!
This morning, we decided we'd go to Stanley Park.
It feels good, even though we can still here urban noises...
Right, Gab?
Yep, I agree.
I think this is my favorite spot.
It kind of looks like Tofino... But like 10%.
Just found some blackberries!
The famous BC blackberries, does that remind you of anything?
Free snack on the side of the ocean...
Thank you Mother Earth.
We're going to take the water taxi to go to Granville Island.
We're meeting up with our friend Richard. (he teaches yoga while traveling)
We met him 2 years ago in Puerto Varas, Chile. (follow his instagram @nomadyogarich)
Going to Granville Market.
Breakfast at "The Wallflower"
A little stop at the church to listen to this organist.
There's a fig tree right in the backyard.
Let's pick one.
So this is a fig?
It's a fig.
Check it out.
Oh it's not very ripe.
A fruit.
Recommendation for those coming to BC for the first time.
This is my favorite cider.
It's 8$ for 2 litres of pear cider.
I really want to stress that it's...
I really want to stress the fact that this cider is amazing, maybe the best I've had my entire life.
And it's a 2L too!
Pear cider...
What did I say?
No just repeat "pear cider"
This pear cider!
(Last evening in Vancouver) These are my beautiful hens.
I called this one Gertrude.
And this one, erm... Diane.
And this one over there is the "little grey one".
Oh the Little Grey One she's the one that eats everything.
Okay, chickens, come here!
Now the hens are fighting for the piece of fig.
The poor hens...
It's sad to think they will finish in an oven.
We're leaving Vancouver, heading towards Victoria.
From there, we'll take another ferry to the USA.
Today we're crossing over to the United States!
Last day in Canada.
So we just arrived in Victoria.
It took so much time!
The ferry let us off in Sidney which is the first place you get to in Vancouver Island.
And we still need to take one last ferry for Port Angeles, Washington, USA.
(Singing Joe Dassin's "L'Amérique")
Here are the States. We've arrived to Port Angeles.
It's fantastic...
We're finally disembarking!
We're in a new country...
Canada is now behind us...
First impression is that it looks a lot like British Columbia.
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Shattered Glass Makeup for Halloween | FX Transfers - Duration: 3:52.
Mick Jagger : Sa nouvelle compagne est à peine majeure ! - Duration: 2:05.
#Unboxing #Nailmail 💌 from WhatsUp Nails - Duration: 2:17.
hey guys welcome back to our Kbeauty channel this KBEAUTY by Fama
and today we are a little bit another and different set up as you can hear it's not
so quiet we are in TWOSOME PLACE, which is one of the popular korean coffee shops
so it's pretty much it so let's get started
so since a lot of you actually
asked me to show more about the Korean skincare routine starting this week I'm
gonna start showing you the different steps of the routine today it's gonna be
double cleansing Step 1 and 2
Welcome to my bathroom.
so let's get started with step number 1
so I have makeup on so it's gonna be a good way to show you how to remove your
makeup. I have some blush some mascara, foundation, so let's remove all these
for the first step I'm gonna use this oil that has apricot oil, grapeseed oil ,and olive oil.
You want to make sure that when you buy your cleansing oil you buy one
that is really oil based and not oil mixed with some thing.
So let's get started so you want to apply the oil on dry face
do not wet your face and then we wanna massage your face
just massage gently.
So the good thing that's gonna happen
when you're gonna use the cleansing oil
like I mentioned before you're gonna remove like all the makeup
also the pollution of the day the dead skin and then the sweat that happened
overall today; so double cleansing it's actually not an expensesive step.
You can buy Neutrogena they have N.7
cocoa butter has one ...oh hey hello there pimple.
You don't need to break the bank which is a good thing
So now let's rinse . So you want to make sure
you use lukewarm water no hot water no cold water either.
just lukewarm water and then actually just from the cleansing oil you already
took off most of their most of everything from like your face.
The oil is really doing a deep cleansing of the skin
butl the second step that we
gonna start is the one that uses either the foam cleanser or the gel
cleanser or the powder cleanser and then this is the one that's gonna improve
your skin texture so when you pick your foam cleanser or any cleanser you want
to make sure that it's according to your skin type because somebody that has dry
or sensitive skin is not going to use the same cleanser as somebody that has an oily or acne prone skin.
I cannot stress enough that this is the one step you don't want to skip.
Double cleansing is the one step that's gonna like make
your skin care routin perfect. People who benefit the most out of the double
cleansing are people with acne prone skin you know some people believe that
if they have like this type of skin the double cleansing will do them more harm
than anything else it is actually not the case... so you should really give it a try.
You can start doing double cleansing every night if you have very sensitive
skin and you believe that's gonna harm you more than anything you can do it
every other night you know but really it's really a step that you should
incorporate into your skincare routine .
And tada.....we're done.
And I'm gonna move on to step 3.
For you that's gonna be next week ...See you bye!!
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