Use a torx №T30
Using a special wrench, unscrew the oil filter housing cover
Use a socket №13
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Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
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LENNYWOOD - The Walking Dead (Saison 1) - Duration: 8:47.-------------------------------------------
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Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.Hey everyone. Jason Schappert here and in this video, I'm showing you an IFR
clearance and an IFR departure. I've
grabbed information kilo at the Ocala Airport. We don't have clearance
delivery here. So how we pick that up is we pick up our IFR clearance
on ground. Now I already have a good idea of what I'm going to be getting because I received an email.
I also do FlightAware alerts. I'll explain that here in just a bit to you so you have it. But
anyways, first things first, before I even call them up, I want to write down
and I use ForeFlight. Nice little CRAFT, they already give me there, but I use our CRAFT acronym.
Clearance, Route, Altitude, Frequency, and Transponder squawk code. What can I
fill in already? Cleared to Lakeland and I put that in there, because I know where
I'm going to. Don't mind my handwriting. It's hard to write on the old iPad.
I also know my next frequency because I fly out of Ocala a lot. You can look at the US Chart Supplement
and make it the same information of 118.6.
I'm just filling in as much as I can
ahead of time. That's what I'm really looking to do in this case.
So, now let's go ahead now and let's call up ground. I'm going to cold call first because
yes it's a slow day, but oftentimes they work ground and they work tower. And they're
also doubling as clearance. So let's give them a call.
Afternoon, Ocala Tower, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu.
23 Mike Zulu Ocala Ground. Afternoon ground 23 Mike Zulu,
North T hangars, information kilo and we're going to copy IFR down to Lakeland.
23 Mike Zulu, you've cleared the Lakeland Airport via
radar vectors to join victor 157 direct. Maintain
2,000. Expect 5,000 1-0 minutes after departure.
Departure frequency will be 118.6 squawk
3231. 23 Mike Zulu
is clear to Lakeland via radar vectors. Victor
157 then direct. 2,000 then 5,000 in ten.
118.6 and 3231.
23 Mike Zulu read back correct. Taxi to runway 36 via taxiway
Alpha. Taxi of 36 via Alpha. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.
Alright, let's go. Let's get my stuff ready here.
3231 getting that in there. Everything else is set and I can get everything else
kind of as we go and after run up. So I've written down my clearance. Again,
you saw how I thought ahead of what I have there.
I thought, I know I'm cleared. Where am I cleared to?
I know I'm clear to the Lakeland Airport or whatever it may be. I have all that written down.
I have that taken care of ahead of time, so I get all that down
and I have it there. So anyways, I'm going to go ahead and taxi.
And another thing I want to add to this by the way. I
knew my route ahead of time. I knew it was going to be something victor 157 because I check
on FlightAware. I go ahead I check on ForeFlight. Get the email. You can see
the email, you can see the FlightAware screen shot there where it kind of shows my route. So I have a good idea
of what I'm doing already. So, anyways, I have all that
filled in. All that's ready to go. So listen, I've got a very long taxi ahead of me. I'll meet you
after run up when we are getting ready to do that IFR departure here.
Alright, so I am run up and before
takeoff checklist is complete with everything, I
get thinking ahead. I've got my squawk code in. I've tower next. I have
approach as my next frequency. I've got my route ready on the iPad. I've got the route ready
in the GPS. Everything is programed. Everything is ready to go
and now it's time to call up tower and let them know I'm awaiting IFR release.
So I'm going to kind of inch my way up to the hold short line and as I do that, I'm going to give them a call.
Afternoon Ocala Tower, 23 Mike Zulu, Alpha 11,
36 waiting IFR release. 23 Mike Zulu Ocala Tower, roger, hold short
runway 36. Hold short 36 23 Mike Zulu. So what he's
doing right now is literally picking up the phone, calling Jacksonville approach, and saying hey I've got 23 Mike Zulu
he's ready to go. Do you have a heading for him? What's going to make your life easier? How do you
want to coordinate this in? So we'll be quiet while he does that work and he'll come back to us
here with what he needs us to do and we're just going to sit here and hold short.
And as he talks to...Ocala
Tower proceed on course. Maintain 5,000 from runway 36 clear for takeoff.
On course, 5,000
clear to take off runway 36. 23 Mike Zulu. Alright.
Doors closed.
(Radio Chatter)
Looking good.
You can hear he's working both frequencies like we were talking about.
Airspeeds alive.
Engine gauge is all green my side.
Nice and light today and we are up and out of here.
Next thing I want to hear from him
is to contact Jacksonville Approach.
Still looking great. And we'll see when he passes me on to
Nice day to fly.
And alright, up and through my 700 feet.
And continuing on course.
Pretty day for a
IFR flight I guess huh?
Just waiting on that hand off to Jax Approach and
I have Jax Approach ready to go.
23 Mike Zulu contact departure. Over to departure have a great day
3 Mike Zulu. He called me 3 Mike Zulu so that allows me to call myself
3 Mike Zulu back. I'm not going to call myself that to Jax. I'm 23 Mike Zulu to Jax.
He abbreviated it, I can abbreviate it back. Alright, let's go ahead, let's contact
Jax. I flip flop over to 118.6 and what do they need to know? I was told
on course 5,000. I'm just about 2,000
afternoon Jax, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu. 1,900 for
5,000 on course. 23 Mike Zulu welcome aboard Ident.
Ident 23 Mike Zulu. 3606 Juliet
contact 124.9 Aloha.
23 Mike Zulu
radar contact south of Ocala. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.
Pretty cool stuff. Excited to hear more about your IFR
flying and your IFR journeys. So, listen guys, enjoy the rest
of your day and most importantly remember, a good pilot is always
learning. Have a great day guys. We'll see ya. Pass your checkride or I'll pay
for it. Join our #1 rated online ground school and participate in
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