Baekhyuns comments about depression are making both Korean and international netizens angry.
During a fansigning on the 30th, Baekhyun said, Weve talked a lot, right? A lot of people say theyre depressed.
To be honest, if Im speaking my thoughts, I dont know why people get depressed or have insomnia.
Im not criticizing it.
I know you cant force yourself to only think good thoughts, but there are good people around you.
You have friends, and you have me and the members..
While he explained himself, many are disappointed that he seems to be brushing aside a serious condition such as depression.
The comment also comes at a bad timing as SM Entertainment has recently undergone a tragedy with Jonghyun, who was suffering from depression.
You can listen to his comments below.
What do you think?.
For more infomation >> Baekhyun's comments about depression are making people get depressed, angry. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
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ปีใหม่นี้จะเล่นอะไรดีนะ - Duration: 1:01:20.
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Singalong With The Strong H...
THE START OF COACH K - Duration: 11:26.
hey what's up guys Coach K coming at you just want to
give you a shout out today and tell you my story and my life story that of a
place that I used to work at back at the beginning of this year man I'll tell you
what it's been a life changing this is actually exactly where I parked every
morning when I showed up I had to be here like 8 o'clock every single day I'd
have to show up at this job at this car lot every single day back at the
beginning of this year 2017 guys it's almost 2018 so I'm doing this video for
you out there to let you know that there is actually hope and faith that you can
actually wake up every day and not have to go to work not have to do that J.O.B.
so check it out this is the door that I walked into every single day I had to
literally come right here walk into this door every single day and get on the
phones do a meeting with the managers talk they tell you what to do how to do
it they tell you when you can go to lunch when you have to take a break or
when you can go outside and you know get some fresh air you know so I I got tired
of all of that guys and and basically you know started just wanted to live my
own life not having to work for somebody I wanted to be my own boss I was tired of
somebody always down my throat if I messed up or if I came in late or when
to take a vacation or or when not to so here it is guys this is where I worked
at right here as you guys can see all the cars here on this lot
do I miss it no I don't miss it at all but I will tell you this I have found an
opportunity I was struggling in life and back at January 21st this year as I walk
around this building I'm gonna share with you some memories because there
were some actually spots that I were standing at with this car lot that
actually will bring back some memories so I used to sneak out my desk was right
here in the corner inside this building I used to come out this door right here
every single day and literally walk outside and my manager saying what are
you doing I say well I'm talking to a customer and I really wasn't even
talking to a customer about any cars on this lot I was talking to people about
wanting to live the same lifestyle that I wanted to live so I started talking to
people I started telling my managers you know different things and and it all
caught up to me at the end but for a good cause because I was just burned out
I was tired of living this J.O.B. just over broke job and so I was on the phone
with customers but like I said not customers from this place it was
customers about building my team about building my organization about learning
the skill set of what we have to teach in the forex industry now so this was
the front front side of the building here that that basically had a lot of
memories you know coming out here talking on my cell phone every single
day as we go around this building I want to share with you a couple of spots just
here that this building and remember guys this was left literally less than
12 months ago less than 12 months ago and now I'm out here coaching people to
financial freedom I'm out here actually coaching people to success I'm out here
breaking financial bondage in families homes I want to take ten families with
me on my journey this year so guys one day at this location I'm not gonna say
any names or anything up the car lot but actually came out this side door right
here and I actually walked down to this curve right here and one of my good
friends that was an assistant manager was standing right here literally he was
standing right here at this tree and he was smoking a cigarette and we were just
talking and you know everybody else is inside doing the grind thing so we were
just talking but here's the crazy part guys is we were talking about
we both had something in common we both were good with people talking to people
his name is Michael Stanko I really appreciate
you know him and the opportunity that he gave me at the time that I needed to
really come in here and try to make some extra quick cash because I had child
support I was behind on I had court fines that I needed to pay I was going
in and out of you know situations and trials and tribulations that that I
could not control myself but I had to do him because it is what it is so he was
standing him one day and we were talking me and Michael Stanko and he and he said
to me said man he said why are you here why are you even here man you know all
these people you know you've had a great pass and stuff I say you know what my I
guess my ego got in the way of living life guys at a young age I'm 31 years
old now at a young age I lived the high life style you know it was all about
flashy and classy and all this stuff and it caught up to me so I found myself
working here at this car lot you know back in at the beginning of this year
and and here we were out here talking so let alone you know I really impacted
somebody else's life while I was here at the car lot and I was able to share the
same opportunity with the gentleman there was my assistant managers that
gave me the opportunity for this job so I joined a company called
I Markets Live IML in January 21st a good friend of mine called me and when
he called me guys I was literally if you want to follow me around I was literally
back here behind this building when he called me and his name is Jason Brown
and Jason called me up he's like, yo you ready to run you got another run in
you you know you're good with people Kevin this and that so he sends me all
this information and I'm like looking at all these charts and graphs and
everything and I'm like man this is just too much for me then you know I barely
finished high school I finished but barely I don't have a college degree or
anything I just know the everyday grind I know the job grind I know
having my own businesses side businesses being in the dump truck business being
in different businesses so anyway I snuck out the side door that we just
walked from and I came back here to the back and I was I was just fed up with
everything man cuz I knew inside wasn't act the right things started to get a
little twisted and people started going sideways a little bit and so we sit here
and I'm back here on the phone I'm like Jay man I need a I need to change my
life this ain't cutting it I can't even get out of debt I'm I'm so broke right
now I'm having to pay my bills and and I can't even keep up with my debt and my
bills at the same time and so I'm sitting here talking to Jason and he's
like bro you got to give it to God you got to give it to to higher power and
you got to believe in us so guys we all have friends and family that doubt us
but we also have them in friends that believe in us and and it means a lot to
us because the friend at one that believed in me actually calls me you
know I'm back here behind this building talking to him my manager is inside where's
Kevin, Kevin you got a customer on line one this and that but I knew that I knew
what I had on this phone call was more powerful than what I had in this thought
so I had to change my situation to a better destination and I knew guys I
didn't care at this point I was making about $8000 a month here I
didn't even care at this point guys I wanted to get out of this job I wanted
to get away from bosses I wanted to get away from people telling me what to do
how to do it when to leave when they go to lunch and this and that and I wanted
to connect to the right people I wanted to become a copycat I actually wanted to
copy what other people were doing that was having the success that I was not
having at that time so you know guys listen long story short I
joined IML it's been a blessing Brandon Boyd has been a super blessing
we've grinded on the phone three-way caused this and that he's taught me he's
trained me through the process Jason Brown and guys listening what we have
here is really the real deal for 2018 and you should be a part of this and
remember Coach K always says never let someone use your pen to write the story
of your life guys because what we have out here there's so much bigger and
better than we are and we can participate in the largest
financial market in the world god bless each and every one of you guys and we'll
see you in 2018 hey guys real quick I want to share with you the opportunities
that this is why I'm not at this job anymore check this out right here I can
trade all the cryptocurrencies and all the money that is being traded live
right now all around the world you can see these numbers changing these red and
blue numbers this is means you're making money on your phones and when you can
show people guys that you making money on your phone while you're sleeping that
is incredible that is incredible it did not take no college degree to learn this
it didn't take a high school diploma to learn this it took learning and earning
with friends that have learned this skill all around the world and you can
learn it on your phone this is the easiest process that I've ever done in
my life and I'll never have to work a job again in my whole life