I really want to go through with you how I would use Google Calendar so let's go
into a day for example January 14th and make an event so let's say this event is
happening at noon I would click 12:00 p.m. or noon and right away you see a
time slot pops up so I would click it again to enter that time slot and I
would write sample event for example now let's pretend this event is a class and
it lasts an hour and a half all I would do is I would say this class goes from
12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at this point I have to decide if that's enough I have a
lot more options to go through and I just want to show you what those options
are so let's say this class is happening at the University and I have an example
here Aitken University Center that's at the University of New Brunswick that I
attended let's say this event is happening here there now the address is
saved of the event on my calendar which can be really useful you can also go
into more options for the event so I would just click more options and you
have a lot of different options here you can select the time zone you can select
whether the event repeats or not and you can even select reminders and how many
there are so I'm going to show you some options
here if you want to change the time zone for example if I live in Ontario and
suddenly I have an event going on in the East Coast in Fredericton where I'm
living right now then I would just select the Atlantic Standard Time or you
can go into the search bar I mean you selected into the search bar select a
different time zone this way you won't have to do the math
in your head of what the event time would be in your current time zone makes
your life a lot easier at this point you can decide whether it repeats or not so
like I said let's pretend this is a class and I would click on does not
repeat and I would go into custom let's say the class is
Sunday Tuesday and Saturday now this class is happening on those three days
for one week let's say this class ends until a date so we can say this class is
ending May 2017 on the 23rd of May there now I have an end date for this class so
now I as you can see there's a lot of customization that can happen here and
since it's a pretty regular event I won't need the reminder the day before
because this is happening three times a week for me so I'm just gonna set a
reminder 30 minutes before so I just remember to go to this class since it's
a class I can customize the color for classes so for me I'm gonna say all
classes are going to be basil green or all school stuff is going to be basil
green now I've even organized the type of event by color so as you can see
there's a ton of customization that you can do here so I'm gonna actually close
this event and discard it just because we don't actually have to make it and I
want to show you some other settings you have on your Google Calendar app so
let's go into the actual settings I'm just going to do that one more time so
you can see what I clicked on it's the three lines that are underneath each
other and then you'd click it and you would scroll down until you find
settings it's the little gear button so i'm gonna click settings and then at
this point you have a bunch of stuff that pops up so I'm gonna go into
general settings general and you have a lot of options here you can choose to
use a device time zone or use a different one for whatever reason you
can make a different default event duration so I'm gonna click on that just
to show you what that is so say I have events that always last 30 minutes I
would click on mine in my email and I would make the default event duration 30
minutes and then I don't need to change it every time I have a new event
I want to quickly clarify what's going on with the default event duration so as
you can see I changed it to 30 minutes so when I have an event at 6 a.m.
there's a 30 minute time window that pops up now watch what happens when I
change it to say 3 hours so I would go into general I would go into default
event duration and I would change it from 30 minutes to ok 3 hours isn't an
option I'm going to change it to 120 minutes so I'm gonna go back back again
back again now you have a two hour event duration as you can see here instead of
a 30 minute event duration which would look more like that filled in so I'm
gonna go back into my settings for the last point I want to make here is your
ability to customize your notifications so I'm gonna go back into general in the
settings menu and I'm gonna go into calendar notifications right here and as
you can see you have a lot of options here the one I really like to focus on
is the importance so depending on how important your notification is or how
important you want all your notifications to be I like to never miss
them so I make mine urgent where if you're someone who doesn't want to be
disturbed by your notifications you would just set it to the low setting
right here so it's completely up to you there's a lot more features here and
feel free to go through them on your own time now I just want to go through a
sample day in my life to show you how I use my calendar let's go back and let's
go to the month feature and let's go to January so this is when I was in school
and my life was a lot busier as you can tell so I'm gonna go to January 14 let's
say actually January 27th so let me go back again just to show you how what I
did I would just click on January 27th so this is my day on January
seven and as you can see I was volunteering in physio I had a class I
was an athletic therapist so I had to get stuff for the med kit
I was also volunteering at the hospital I had a weekly meeting with my honors
thesis professor I was a student athlete so I was on the wrestling team and I had
to do that and then I was on duty as a proctor at my university so as you can
see there's a lot of different events that were happening in my life on that
day and this is how I kept them organized I color-coded volunteering in
yellow so as you can see volunteering physio and at the hospital is both in
yellow I color-coordinated class events like my class and my meeting with my
honors thesis professor in blue wrestling was in light red and so that
would be sport commitments and events that were new I had that in the darker
or the brighter red to be more accurate just so I didn't miss them finally any
Proctor commitments I had in green like I did here so this way I can very easily
coordinate my life and it was very easy to see what kind of events I had that
day so I can better prepare for the day this is just done at a glance now let me
go into my volunteering to show how I set it up I knew I volunteered weekly
and I knew when my volunteering was going to end on 8/18 (month/day) so I set it up so
my volunteering continued and was a weekly repeating event until that day
and I just needed to be reminded 30 minutes before because it's an event
that repeats so often that I shouldn't really forget about it I also had
wrestling so just like volunteered I set it as a repeating event and it
repeated on Monday Wednesday Thursday and Friday and that happened until a
specific date when I knew I'd have a short offseason so as you can see these
events are very customizable and it's very easy to organize your calendar in
this way I'll just give you one more example for my class I had repeating on
the specific days that class repeats and I had a reminder 30 minutes before
because it's a regular event I hope this helps you with how you would use your
Google Calendar
I want to quickly go over the difference between reminders and events I would
make a reminder on my Google Calendar if I have something coming up but it
doesn't have to be done at a set time for example if I have to call the Bell
Aliant people if my internet isn't working that needs to be done but it
doesn't need to be done immediately an event would be something like class which
would happen as an example from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. I would put that right in my
calendar I want to show you the difference between how reminders and
events show up on your calendar so if I go into the most recent times and say I
want to make a reminder on December 12th I would go into December 12th and I
would click Add and as you can see I can add a reminder so I'm gonna click
reminder and I'm gonna say remind me to call Bell Check! and I would click Save
and I'm actually before I make the time I'm gonna say it's an all-day reminder
and this is gonna pop up at the top of my screen so I'm gonna write save and
see the reminder pops up at the top of my screen if I want to make the reminder
pop up at a certain time I would just change it to not all day reminders and
change the time to when I want the reminder to appear every day and it'll
keep appearing every day until I complete it so once again I'm gonna
click Save and I'm gonna go back to my calendar and now as you can see the
reminder pops up at 1:00 p.m.
I want to quickly go over how I would create reminders and events on my
Android phone I own a Google pixel and all I would do
is I would squeeze my phone for Google assistant to come up when I squeeze my
phone Google assistant comes up I can't reach
Google at the moment because I'm recording this video but all I would do
is I would say create your reminders or create event and I would continue on by
saying what it is and what time it would be at Google will immediately create
this event or reminder that would sync to my Google Calendar this is incredibly
useful fast and easy and I can make reminders and events on the go so I
never forget what I have to do
For more infomation >> Google Calendar on android - Duration: 11:54.-------------------------------------------
Dolce Natale per Nicoletta Romanoff: "Aspetto il quarto figlio" - Duration: 1:37.
Farming Simulator 17 CLAAS LEXION 580 / 580TT - Duration: 10:28.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The CLAAS LEXION 580 / 580TT Combine harvester.
CLAAS LEXION 580 / 580TT Mod Includes CLAAS LEXION 580 / 580TT Combine harvester 2 Wheel Setup 10,500l Capacity 500Hp 35Km/h Top Speed
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BREAKING NEWS From White House! He Just Tried To DESTROY Trump's Entire Family! MK Today - Duration: 4:39.
BREAKING NEWS From White House!
He Just Tried To DESTROY Trump's Entire Family!
While we had all hoped Obama would drive his golf cart into the sunset, he's now making
trouble more than ever before.
His talons since the election have been fully embedded into Washington D.C. as his shadow
government's "spies" keep infiltrating Trump's administration to do his dirty bidding.
As Obama and his Iranian Muslim Brotherhood agent operates their shadow government from
the headquarters of Obama's D.C. mansion that's conveniently just 3 miles from the
White House, there's still believed to be around 30 "leakers" who have infiltrated
Trump's administration, where they continue to take classified government intelligence
back to the liberal media.
While Trump is no doubt watching his back now more than ever, he was never prepared
for one of his top military generals and trusted advisors to also be one of Obama's spies.
Trump just learned through a CIA official what this Obama spy has illegally been doing
for months through an illegal covert operation, and now all hell has broken loose at the White
Obama has been relentless in his pursuits to take down President Trump ever since our
new President took office, where he even managed to get one of his Muslim operatives a job
in Trump's Homeland Security for a brief period of time.
Trump's Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell was discovered to not only
be a Muslim, but good buddies with Hillary Clinton and Obama's former Iranian Muslim
Brotherhood advisor Valerie Jarrett as well, who was reporting everything she knew back
to the liberal media.
Trump promptly fired Powell after discovering she the one behind Obama's coup, and the
series of leaks coming from the White House.
President Trump has been careful in recent months to properly vet members of his inner
circle after being repeatedly stabbed in the back, but he had no idea that his very own
National Security Advisor and top military General, H.R. McMaster has been an Obama plant
this entire time.
McMaster has been working secretly with Obama for months, even authorizing illegal surveillance
on President Trump.
This latest scandal that's ripping through Washington D.C. was just unearthed by CIA
officer John R. Maguire, who revealed during a recent intelligence-gathering operation
that McMaster was the individual this entire time authorizing illegal surveillance on President
Trump, including Trump's entire family and also Steve Bannon.
Maguire revealed that McMaster was one of the members of Obama's inner circle for
eight years, saying that the military general has been using a burner phone to send information
of his unlawful surveillance to an outside source.
What's even more chilling is that this intelligence that was gathered by McMaster was then sent
straight to a surveillance facility in Cyprus that is owned by George Soros.
The Intercept reports:
Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination
with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven
Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.
Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence
H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance
to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.
President Trump has finally had enough of the treachery, and is launching a spy network
of his own to combat Obama and the spies who keep infiltrating his administration.
Trump is now planning to hire Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire who will then
"provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network
that would go around the U.S.'s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies," The
Gateway Pundit reported.
This plan would be a massive blow to Obama's shadow government.
Trump's own private spy network would be able to circumvent the FBI and CIA; both agencies
that have become corrupt and politicized under Obama with the appointment of ardently anti-Trump
judges and directors.
This would allow Trump to oust these infiltrators without the interference of any crooked members
of these agencies working to bring him down.
It's awesome to see that President Trump has a plan of his own when it comes to combating
Obama's shadow government.
What Obama and his team of morons don't realize is their antics are a serious federal
crime, as subversion of a sitting president is a direct violation of federal law.
General McMaster needs to answer for his crimes, but this is just the tip of the iceberg as
more information about this treasonous scandal comes to light.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Meet the best rescue team in ...
How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Immediately Without Taking Any Medicine - Duration: 1:27.
if your blood pressure is abnormally high you will need to lower it as " How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Immediately Without Taking Any Medicine "
quickly as possible there are ways to do this using nothing but diet and
lifestyle but if you are already facing hypertension your best bet might be to
get your doctor to prescribe a medication in this video I am going to
show some ways to lower blood pressure quickly before I start please subscribe
to more videos maintain a balanced diet skip the salt limit or eliminate your
intake of alcohol drink milk drink hibiscus tea for a glass of cranberry
juice eat fruits and vegetables that lower blood pressure consider drinking
coconut water consume more tofu and soy products indulge in a bit of dark
chocolate spice things up with chili peppers set aside 30 minutes for
moderate level exercise take a deep breath reduce the number of hours you
spend working listen to music quit smoking "How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Immediately Without Taking Any Medicine"
BREAKING NEWS From White House! He Just Tried To DESTROY Trump's Entire Family! MK Today - Duration: 4:39.
BREAKING NEWS From White House!
He Just Tried To DESTROY Trump's Entire Family!
While we had all hoped Obama would drive his golf cart into the sunset, he's now making
trouble more than ever before.
His talons since the election have been fully embedded into Washington D.C. as his shadow
government's "spies" keep infiltrating Trump's administration to do his dirty bidding.
As Obama and his Iranian Muslim Brotherhood agent operates their shadow government from
the headquarters of Obama's D.C. mansion that's conveniently just 3 miles from the
White House, there's still believed to be around 30 "leakers" who have infiltrated
Trump's administration, where they continue to take classified government intelligence
back to the liberal media.
While Trump is no doubt watching his back now more than ever, he was never prepared
for one of his top military generals and trusted advisors to also be one of Obama's spies.
Trump just learned through a CIA official what this Obama spy has illegally been doing
for months through an illegal covert operation, and now all hell has broken loose at the White
Obama has been relentless in his pursuits to take down President Trump ever since our
new President took office, where he even managed to get one of his Muslim operatives a job
in Trump's Homeland Security for a brief period of time.
Trump's Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell was discovered to not only
be a Muslim, but good buddies with Hillary Clinton and Obama's former Iranian Muslim
Brotherhood advisor Valerie Jarrett as well, who was reporting everything she knew back
to the liberal media.
Trump promptly fired Powell after discovering she the one behind Obama's coup, and the
series of leaks coming from the White House.
President Trump has been careful in recent months to properly vet members of his inner
circle after being repeatedly stabbed in the back, but he had no idea that his very own
National Security Advisor and top military General, H.R. McMaster has been an Obama plant
this entire time.
McMaster has been working secretly with Obama for months, even authorizing illegal surveillance
on President Trump.
This latest scandal that's ripping through Washington D.C. was just unearthed by CIA
officer John R. Maguire, who revealed during a recent intelligence-gathering operation
that McMaster was the individual this entire time authorizing illegal surveillance on President
Trump, including Trump's entire family and also Steve Bannon.
Maguire revealed that McMaster was one of the members of Obama's inner circle for
eight years, saying that the military general has been using a burner phone to send information
of his unlawful surveillance to an outside source.
What's even more chilling is that this intelligence that was gathered by McMaster was then sent
straight to a surveillance facility in Cyprus that is owned by George Soros.
The Intercept reports:
Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination
with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven
Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.
Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence
H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance
to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.
President Trump has finally had enough of the treachery, and is launching a spy network
of his own to combat Obama and the spies who keep infiltrating his administration.
Trump is now planning to hire Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire who will then
"provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network
that would go around the U.S.'s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies," The
Gateway Pundit reported.
This plan would be a massive blow to Obama's shadow government.
Trump's own private spy network would be able to circumvent the FBI and CIA; both agencies
that have become corrupt and politicized under Obama with the appointment of ardently anti-Trump
judges and directors.
This would allow Trump to oust these infiltrators without the interference of any crooked members
of these agencies working to bring him down.
It's awesome to see that President Trump has a plan of his own when it comes to combating
Obama's shadow government.
What Obama and his team of morons don't realize is their antics are a serious federal
crime, as subversion of a sitting president is a direct violation of federal law.
General McMaster needs to answer for his crimes, but this is just the tip of the iceberg as
more information about this treasonous scandal comes to light.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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