[Intro jingle]
This video is supported in part by Storyblocks.
Hello welcome to another Make Thrift Buy episode.
This is the show where you send in suggestions of mass-produced, super-expensive or just plain weird
fashion things that you found on the internet and then I try my best to recreate them.
Today's suggestion was sent in by Emily, who wanted to see me recreate these...
Yeah, we'll go with interesting - sock boots.
By the anti fashion, high fashion, meme-brand Vetements,
these sock boots featuring a unicorn heel, stick it to the man by only costing you a cool
So cheap right?!
Buuut as it turns out, the internet figured out how to recreate these sock boots for even cheaper
basically as soon as they hit the runways last year.
The Man Repeller showed just how Simple it was to DIY these back in April of 2016 -
And when Kanye West also released a line of sock boots,
an instagrammer called thenuvogue made these for a lot cheaper as well.
This DIY is so easy, simple and cost-effective, there is a bunch of people who recreated this look already.
"So Annika, why are you here then?"
"Are you here to tell us how to use Google?"
Well, no i'm not, because there's one thing that hasn't to my knowledge been the subject of any DIYs and that is the particular heel on this boot:
The unicorn heel. I may not be a huge fan of the sock boot look,
but I am pretty fond of that magical unicorn heel.
So let's get started!
Alright let's do the easy part first -
I thrifted this simple pair of black heels for $2, and I also found this pair of sports socks (I think?) for $5 at the thrift store.
The color seemed pretty similar to the original boots - I don't know who the heck AIRDS are?
My guess is that they're a random local sports team that I'll now be repping.
I popped the shoe on and I pulled one sock over the toe of the boot pulling them on all the way.
Then I took them off because it was too hard for me to stretch the sock over the heel while i was wearing them.
So with the shoes off I stretched the socks up over the heel,
and I made sure the sock was pulled up as far as possible
and then I snipped a tiny hole with some scissors right where the heel is.
Note that the hole is much smaller than the actual heel width because socks stretch!
I stretched the sock up as far as possible around the heel
and then I cut small slits at the back and the front to widen the hole slightly
while continuing to pull the sock up, until the hole was wide enough to get to the top of the heel.
This frayed sock looks pretty bad around the edges so to make it look a little bit more schmick
I grabbed some fabric glue - I prefer this kind of glue over hot glue gun or craft glue
because it's specially made to fix fabric both to other fabrics and to basically any other surface as well.
So I painted fabric glue around the hole then I folded the raw frayed edges underneath like this all the way around the hole.
And because these are slippery socks - and combined with high heels is just a faceplant waiting to happen -
I latticed some hot glue across the sole of the shoes and now I won't slip over when I wear them!
Other people have suggested attaching a circle of sandpaper to the bottom of the shoe -
Buut I didn't particularly wanna scratch up the wooden floors in my rental house
and it's also possible to buy these non-slip shoe pads which I think would be the perfect option
because they're specifically meant not to mark floors and stop you from falling over at the same time.
Or if you're feeling thrifty an old non-slip bath mat
or an old yoga mat cut up to the shape of the bottom of the shoe could work as well.
But anyway - now onto the unicorn heel!
So the heels on the original Vetements shoe are not only unicorn-themed but also shaped like a cigarette lighter
and I got these shoes before I realized that I wanted to make this unicorn heel
and there's no way that I'm gonna make these cone-shaped heels look anything like a cigarette lighter
but I can definitely still unicorn them up!
Also: Don't smoke, kids!
So to make this space unicorn heel a reality first I needed to make a space unicorn graphic
so I headed over to my favourite royalty-free graphics website: Storyblocks!
(Storyblocks is sponsoring this episode but all opinions are my own)
Ambitiously first I made a search for just space unicorn buuut that was a long shot -
still, this was surprisingly kind of close?
But I wanted a more active looking unicorn so I continued my search.
Anyway next i found myself a handsome looking unicorn,
some great space-scapes and a lens flare.
And then i got to work composing an image out of these
[Funky music]
Now if you did have shoes with rectangular block heels and you wanted to turn it into a cigarette lighter -
(But remember: Don't smoke, kids!)
You would want to make an image that looks like this -
print out two -
And then wrap it around the heel.
And in case anyone wants to recreate this heel, I have made this image available to download on my website
just resize it to roughly your own heel's measurements.
Buuut I like to make things unnecessarily complicated for myself
and I have this more complicated shaped heel to work with,
so I made a bunch of measurements and calculations With the heel and I ended up with a heel design that looks like this.
This will be the inside of the heel and this the outside.
The unicorns will be visible from the back.
I did leave the lighter part up the top here just to see what it would look like just in case,
but i will be getting rid of that later because nobody owns a lighter that's shaped like this.
(Don't smoke ki - )
Before printing them out i also increase the height and width of the heels by 10%
to make sure that I'd have enough of the print to work with,
and I printed out some extra space scenery too just in case.
I printed these out onto Lesley Riley's Transfer Artist Paper Which is material transfer paper
and then I cut these pieces out.
Next I'm going to transfer them to leftover scraps that I had of this canvas material.
To transfer the images to the fabric I covered them with some silk organza to prevent the fabric burning
and I pressed down on them hard at maximum heat setting
no steam for 20 to 30 seconds, which transferred the design
and then I cut them out.
To apply the design to the shoe, first I covered the inner heel with fabric glue
and I pressed the inner heel design down onto it.
Where the fabric overhung the heel I made small incisions in the fabric
and I pasted them down to the sides of the heel like this.
Buuut with the outside heel I realized that I hadn't accounted for the curvature
of the heel which left a gap in the side here.
So then I figured out the actual shape that it would be when it's laid flat by draping
bits of fabric down onto the heel,
tracing around them with some pen,
adding more pieces of fabric to this template with glue until I had this.
And this is the actual shape of the outside heel when it's laid down flat.
So back in photoshop i made a shape like this:
the reason it's not curvy here is that I just wanted to make sure I had enough space-scape to work with,
and I printed it out again and I used the template from before to cut it to the right shape.
After transferring each design to canvas again
I painted the outside heel with fabric glue and I carefully wrapped
the space unicorn design around the heel.
This was a little bit tricky but with lots of adjusting
and by cutting small slits in the edges of the curves of the fabric
I was able to lay it down onto the heel smoothly.
And then I cut off the excess bits with my tiny pair of embroidery scissors.
While I was doing this I realized that it would have looked a little bit neater
around the top of the design if I had done the heels first and then put the socks on afterwards,
but I think that seeing as I was making this all up on the spot it turned out pretty good.
Lastly, I wanted to seal the design and make it last a bit longer
so I grabbed this water based sealant Mod Podge
and I painted a thin layer over the top of the unicorn heels.
This makes them more weatherproof -
not that sock boots are ever going to be a good idea to wear while splashing around in puddles,
and it also gives the heels a subtly shiny finish.
So that's it! I'm done. Question is: "how did I go?"
[Electro swing music]
Yeah so I'll admit that the shoes still haven't totally won me over.
I was also having a little bit of trouble styling them -
at first I thought I'd try and keep it simple by pairing them with a little black dress...
but that didn't really work for me.
So then I thought, why not go all out and make a matching space unicorn t-shirt
and wear a beret that perfectly matches the color of the socks?
Maybe..? Yeah!
NOW I've got that ironically self-conscious I'm-so-street-fashion don't-care-what-I-wear might-as-well-have-DIY'd-it-I'm-so-anti-establishment-but-I-paid-$1500-for-this Vetements LOOK
- except that we did make these for ourselves. For about ten bucks
So I guess we've come full circle?
Or maybe Vetememes already has that one covered. I don't even know anymore... [sigh]
…All of that is moot anyway because I can't walk in heels for the life of me.
But at the very least, it was all worth it to end up with this unicorn t-shirt
which I AM very fond of and I'm wearing as I record this voice-over.
And as for the shoes… well… I learned a lot from upcycling them?
I can always chalk them up to DIY-experience?
But who knows. Maybe one day I'll be invited to a fashion week
and then I can blow everyone's minds with these babies and how effortlessly ironically anti-fashion I am.
Sooo.... what do you all think about this whole "super-ironic anti-luxury-dress-like-a-poor-person-but-only-if-you-have-thousands-of-dollars" trend?
Is it a clever bite at capitalism and consumerism, OR does it accomplish exactly what it claims to be against?
Is that the point of it? Are they trolling us all?
Do I just not get it? Is there anything to get?
I know you're all smart cookies so I'd really like to see some discussion down in the comments below.
Okay. So apart from sending me into a bit of an existential crisis,
obviously this episode wasn't a super serious Make Thrift Buy recreation,
but I think that I did a pretty good job of recreating these nonetheless, so I'm gonna call this a:
[scissor sound, zipping sound]
Yeah, and if you do wanna make these but you don't want to do an outrageous unicorn heel
then sock boots take literally about 5 minutes to make for yourself, with a pair of socks (sports socks or otherwise),
a pair of high-heels, scissors and some fabric glue.
I actually think if you don't spend thousands of dollars on them they can look pretty cool -
but bonus points for adding a whacky design to the heel as well.
Obviously, there's some things which are done slightly better in the original -
I mean, you'd hope so, for one-and-a-half-thousand dollars -
It has proper soles, for instance, and so it is overall probably a little more weather-proof than mine.
I mean a little... Both are still… socks
But if we're looking at this solely from a cost-effectiveness point of view… I think that my boots win.
And they certainly have that DIY shabby chic appeal... (cause they're actually DIY).
Plus with this green pair being out of stock anyway,
even if you did have a spare couple of thousand to blow,
making them for yourself is probably your best bet to get your hands on them.
This video is sponsored by Storyblocks!
Storyblocks provides high-quality photos, vectors, icons and more that are all royalty and copyright free,
so you can use them in anything that you want!
Seriously, they are a really useful service if you work for or run a business
that has any graphic design component,
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So click on the link in the description box below to start downloading images today!
Thank you so much to Storyblocks for sponsoring this video!
And thank you to all of YOU for supporting the companies that support this channel!
Anyway, that's it for this episode – I'll see you all in my next video! Bye!
Thank you to all of my supporters on Patreon for making this video possible.
To become my supporter go to patreon.com/annikavictoria
[Outro jingle]
For more infomation >> DIY UNICORN SOCK BOOTS | Make Thrift Buy #62 - Duration: 11:36.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING!! He's Running For CONGRESS Now! How Is This Even Possible? STOP HIM! - Duration: 4:32.
He's Running For CONGRESS Now!
How Is This Even Possible?
When it comes to liberals, the hypocrisy and double standard that exists in everything
they do is truly astounding.
For months, liberals demanded that Trump be impeached over baseless sexual allegations
that women have made against him, where his locker room comments he made a decade ago
about grabbing p*ssy was even enough in the minds of liberals to keep Trump from becoming
President of the United States.
Now in an unbelievable move steeped in hypocrisy that only flaming liberals can pull off, a
Democrat who was busted in a disturbing sex crime is not only walking free, but has just
announced he's running for office.
When it comes to liberals, they can continue to do whatever the hell they want without
facing any sort of consequences.
They can rape children and send pictures of their junk to underage children, even take
trips to "Pedophile Island" and no one bats an eye.
Now a Philadelphia judge by the name of Willie Singletary who was busted for sexual crimes
against women, lying to the FBI, and caught in a ticket-fixing scandal is not only walking
out of jail a free man, but has now thrown his hat in the race for a Congressional seat.
Breitbart reports:A former Philadelphia judge who was caught up in a ticket-fixing scandal,
resigned over charges of sexual harassment, and was jailed for lying to the FBI, is now
running for Congress as a Democrat with the slogan "A Fresh Start for Pennsylvania."
Willie Singletary, a former Philadelphia Traffic Court judge, has announced his run for the
First District seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Robert Brady, who is also chairman of
Philadelphia's Democratic City Committee, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Singletary, 36, has quite a record to run on.
In 2013, he was caught up in a ticket-fixing scandal that prosecutors at the time said
benefited only Philly's rich and powerful and cost the city and state hundreds of thousands
in unpaid fines….he was convicted of lying to federal authorities during the investigation.
He served 20 months in prison for the conviction, ending his sentence in 2016.
The hypocrisy is truly amazing, isn't it?
This story comes right on the heels of Bill Clinton being caught up in ANOTHER disgusting
crime against women in recent weeks.
Bill Clinton is finding himself at the center of yet another HUGE sex scandal after 4 several
brave women have finally decided to risk it all to take their stories public.
And why Bill's private jet was nicknamed "Air F*ck One" will make you sick to your
The Daily Mail reports:
Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according
to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton
and Obama administrations.
Edward Klein is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine and the author
of numerous bestsellers including his fourth book on the Clintons, Guilty as Sin, in 2016.
His latest book is All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump was released on October 30,
The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president — whose past is littered
with charges of sexual misconduct — stem from the period after he left the White House
in 2001, say the sources.But it wasn't all fun and games for these women once they were
in the air.
These four women, whose identiteis have yet to be revelaed, allege that they were only
in their late teens at the time, and say that they were all sexually assaulted by the former
So far, there's no evidence to suggest that Burkle knew about the sexual assaults, which
is hard to believe considering this all happened on Burkle's private jet.
When "Rapey Bill" was contacted for comment, he stated through his legal team: "Obviously,
I'm aware of [the allegations] but can't talk about them."
It's pretty sick how liberals keep getting away with their crimes yet they want to declare
President Trump unfit for office based on the fake allegations of women being paid to
come out of the closet with accusations against him.
The liberal hypocrisy never ceases to be amazing.
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
Best Beyblade BZK Moments of the Year ! Top Funny Moments of 2017. Beyblade Burst funny videos. - Duration: 19:15.
hi guys welcome back to the beyblade blast zone this video is special to me I
started YouTube on February 9 and I've gone so far. In this video I'm showing
you some awesome highlights that I've had in 2017 in the beginning in year I
just started in the park shooting a video with beyblades and at the end of
the year I collaborated with Zankye that was a really good dream come true and I
also want to thank each and every one of my subscribers thank you so much now I'm
gonna show you some awesome highlights that we have over the year
welcome to the blast zone this is my first video so I hope you really like it today
I'm gonna be talking about why normal beyblades are better than burst
beyblades when you are playing beyblade you want them to last long you don't
want them to be a really short battle you don't really want your beyblade to
burst because if you're winning you will just lose normal feed leads you get to
last a long time and you get to see who really wins like how is it better you
really don't want to play burst beyblades when you're in a small area
with chairs and obstacles because they burst and fly everywhere okay this is my
first video guys I hope you come back to the Blast Zone Kid have a good time
hi guys welcome back to blast zone you won't believe the special guest I have
in my blast on the virtual studio it's Zankye from beyblade world by Zankye
we have an awesome video it's gonna be beyblade battle with me and Zankye let's
get started come on oh that was such a good hit Oh awesome I'm off to good side
dude one to nothing but if I can make it come back
witzy its Stuber looks like I've got this game in the bag sorry blah don't
kid but the Masters about to teach the apprentice
my first finish great job James and Alan's an epic battle they launched it
remember guys these are illegal
actually gonna make a real tornado
I'm gonna run up there with my sword long turns out that rocket boards gonna
be in that same right there
want to start out with thinking the blossom squawk thank you so much red
they destroy my tragic clothes you guys are really awesome thank you for being
in my videos with me now I'm going to show you some awesome highlights of 2017
Beyblades out to one be my last round and I'm down to concur Bay we're gonna
do an epic battle royale in the pool the rules are it's an elimination
bzk I need to be read
graduation hey guys you know so we're in a different location
those were some awesome battles with the blossom squad now I'm going to show you
some different highlights with the unexpected guests Angela hey don't I
know you I don't think so I really want to borrow you again boy versus girls can
do everything better than boys let's look at the instant replay it looks like
girls rule and boys drool this is my last chance and square boys versus girls
what does this mean I win it's okay it's alright before this battle even started
we knew that girls were better than boys silly though congratulations
now I'm preparing the ultimate rematch boy versus girl can I help you
the machines are only for the customers now I'm gonna find Angela and get
revenge then the boy versus girl battle I need a revenger yes why some kid I
beat you last time get out like I'm using regular victory valtrex tip she's
using scallions
I'm making a comeback and I'm coming back
under proof is really bought those battles with Angela so cool don't forget
to stay tuned Angela's coming back for more soon now we're moving on to Mariano
with George hi guys welcome back to the glass--oh today I'm going to show you
five tips on how to become a better beyblade Ripper I have to do a really
good white stats for your rip hold your launcher really firm again let it rip
you have to have a stiff arm when you rip so when you rip it doesn't go flying
off the stadium player do it yeah she has a very stiff arm yes exactly like
that so you have to use your biceps and your back muscles see I'm using both of
those muscles at the same time when I rip like this yeah her arm is very stiff
and she's using her biceps and her back muscle that is really good for launching
now go ahead and let it rip just straight do not throw it in or else it
actually you lose rotation cuz you could hit the side
makes you lose rotation we're gonna see if she got all the five tips down okay
she got a really good stiff arm very good grip on that launcher and she's
using all her muscles and she gots a really good firm stance let's see how he
does three two one you become a strong Ripper make sure no one is behind you
let me show you what it looks like when someone gets hit in the head you always
have to look out when you're ripping in the battle make sure no one is behind
you so you don't eat them in the head
Wow you ripped pretty hard on him I'm impressed you're gonna become a really
great Ripper thank you
listen man I'm serious no fights in it don't make me smack you
around monkey a few moments later put down the pie I'm dead serious
put it down those were some highlights of Mariana thank you so much Mariana but
I really want to thank each and every one of my subscribers thank you so much
you guys made it me the bottom to the high thank you so
much guys and we still have some awesome videos coming soon so stay tuned and
awesome giveaways this is my last word for you guys for 2017 bye guys have fun
and get ready for 2018
ARCTURIANS - Everything you ever wanted to know 2018 (Alien Breeds) - Duration: 5:37.
Arcturus .. one of the brightest stars located in the constellation Bootes.
Is 36 light years from Earth, but is visible Northern hemisphere from March to November.
There exist one of the civilizations advanced our galaxy.
The Arcturians.
An alien race from the fifth dimension, a kind of prototype of Earth's future.
His energy is so strong that it is used as both emotional, mental and spiritual therapy
for Humanity.
Sometimes it is understood as a portal for where humans pass during
death and rebirth.
One evidence of this part of the portal Book of Enoch prophet of Knowledge: The
Keys of Enoch describes as a kind programming center used by fraternity
physics of the universe, in order to govern the various types of experiments.
The Arcturians are focused on the achievement the way of God, so say
key ingredients to live on the farm dimension is LOVE.
This alien race would be in connection directly with so-called Ascended Masters,
next to the Galactic Command.
Use modern spacecraft to travel the universe.
His great technology would be the reason for which the land has not yet been invaded.
One of these powerful ships called Athena named after the Greek goddess.
Their starships are the most beautiful the whole universe.
They are driven by crystals which have not discovered by scientists on Earth.
Such crystals conduct light energy from the Great Central Sun.
Inside the ship there is a sector expands vibration entering enabling travel through time
through the energy transfer points and grids on Earth.
They are governed by Elders carriers great wisdom and vibrational frequencies
extremely high.
They are physically small but slender, measuring just over meter high.
According to reports are all very similar, almost twins to avoid physical comparison
among them, so prevalent on planet earth.
They have very large eyes, almond-shaped, has only three fingers and are totally telepathic.
They feed on an effervescent liquid revitalize the whole being.
His sensory capability occurs behind their heads and can live 350 to 400 years
of vida.Vivem much because of its nature highly developed spiritual which would prevent
For this reason there are no Arcturus diseases, because they were eliminated centuries ago.
The functions and jobs are determined the vibrational frequency and colors of the aura.
For example: The beings who have auras emanating violet colors are allowed to take care of
To procreate need authorization after pass a test and approval of the Ancients.
Candidates are a high frequency the seventh dimension, to ensure that
born children, are beings with souls highly evolved.
The reproductive act is done through a mental connection.
The energy of the male and female are perfectly balanced generating a replica of that union.
All in Arcturus is perfectly planned, no competitions.
Everything is done on the basis of thoughts and acts to raise the vibration closer
The Arthurian help humans in cases depression using a technology called
Chamber of Love and Joy.
There is also the Information Exchange Chamber in which the contacted receiving information
personal improvement and can even participate courses with these beings.
Another method used is called Technology Wind Prana purification.
This device would eliminate all impurities of our etheric meridians, chakras,
nadis, veins, arteries and capillaries etheric.
The Arcturians are masters in the art of meditation, can generate twelve strands of DNA and transfer them
the etheric vehicle influencing the physical body human nature and spirit.
They would be on the ground since you started life on the planet and many of its bases are
in the mountains.
These beings can manifest physically or spiritually, but mostly
It is through dreams.
Never interfere with free will, but do what they can to humans from entering the
fourth and fifth dimensions.
Trustees are alien and when not They can use the machines so it would be
impossible for any being on earth not be cured.
These beings communicate with humans by Letters teleported through telepathy
or plumbing.
The Arcturians are called aliens curators and can be found in various
philosophical lines in Brazil.
But you and what do you think?
Like if you like, share this video to strengthen our friendship, strong hug
See you.
make money for bitcoin from free bitcoin web(Malayalam) - Duration: 7:05.
Hey bitches walking back to my channel, and I'm super excited to sit down for you guys right now
And I'm box something that was sent to me
This is not a sponsored video because I am not getting paid
So it's just something was sent to me if I wanted to talk about it
I could talk about it
and they were kind enough to actually send me - and this is the
Glossy box this one is their December box and this one is the limited edition and this box is so like
Pretty you guys pick up my Julie on limited edition one
unlimited edition the limited edition one first
Because I feel like everyone is gonna want to know what goodies are inside of here and when I opened it
I was shook. I was like fuck man like this is like a genius box and everything on it is so detailed. There's like
Little embossed snowflakes all over this it is really really pretty
Normally this would be on top of the box when you open it, but I already undid it
And I also took off
I feel like I should this one didn't come with the
Ribbon over tiny and all this this is what it looks like when you first open it
And a few of these products. I have been using so they are not actually in the box right now
But the first thing that I smell upon opening this box is this nest candle right here
This is in the scent sugar cookie so everything in this box is full size and limited edition except for this candle
I think it does come in a bigger size, but I'm saving this literally for when I'm cooking on Christmas
Just to light and have like around somewhere because it smells honest-to-god
Amazing and before I go further actually I do want to show you guys
What the inside of this little thing is that you receive in every box?
It shows you what the products are how much they are what the full-size is worth
And then you can look at the ounces or whatever to see if yours is actually full size are not 2015
I enjoy that and the next thing that I am going to pull out is this in CLA Los Angeles treatment
It's the so rich vitamin E. Infused cuticle oil now
Y'all know that it is important to be taking care of your cuticles come on focus
It's trying to focus on my face once again, so this is cool
I will be using that I don't like going to a nail salon and getting my cuticles done you guys a little secret because of
One time a lady cut me it got infected and she left basically when she did it so
Poop who weren't her the next thing that I'm pulling out as a DHC liquid eyeliner perfect Pro makeup e^x and this is
Just the brand THC, so this is in the shade black
I will open this box and show you as you guys know on my channel anything that I receive in a box
Makeup wise I always set it to the side and sometimes. I'll do a giveaway with it but sometimes
I'm putting it into a bag so at the end of the year
I can donate to a women's shelter for abuse or anything of that nature
This is what the packaging looks like on this. I think this is a very. Chic packaging it feels nice
It feels almost just like a pin to be honest man real light
It looks like a pin, too
So this will definitely be going into the bag to donate in a few weeks the next thing that I am pulling out is
This skin by Dmitry James smokey treatment eyes shadow palette
Are you here is the you know carton?
Which is pretty and let me try to open the box without ruining it. I always mess these boxes up
Which is just not cool. Here is the packaging for this eyeshadow palette, and I will show you the shades, right?
Now it does come with one of these things that I know so many beauty gurus hate on YouTube
But here are your colors right there? I?
Think it's a very pretty palette to be honest
I'm not even gonna lie
I think it's a very pretty palette
And I think anyone that gets it is
Extremely lucky the next thing is this glam glow pout mud wet lip balm treatment. This is in the color
starlet I did try this myself, so I'm not going to be donating this but I
thought it was gonna actually make my lips look a little bit bigger people that were on the camera because I was like streaming when
I did it. We're like
Your lips are growing
This is what the package looks like I love the look of this reminds me of a pinball
And here is the inside and as you can see that is a bright
bright red but
It smells nice - it smells almost like minty to me, so I'm keeping this for myself as I already
Literally stuck my finger into it because I thought it was gonna be a hard like texture
It is not and the next thing I pulling out is from buxom. This is the big tease plumping mascara
This is what the package looks like on the back. It does say buxom. I actually really enjoy the look of their packaging as well
And let's see if we can get this one open for you guys because
I never did first tried tickets. I've had like the hardest time because this thing is so big
How many ladies out there I've been saying that for I know so here is the packaging for it. I think it's very
Chic it almost reminds me of uh remember the old school like sharpies like the big ones
But they were all black and had kind of like that octagon lid
That's what this reminds me of and I fucking love those. I actually have one in the kitchen so here is
The wand for you
There you are the last thing that is in this box watch
Shocked me first of all I didn't know that I was gonna be receiving a limited edition box
So I was totally surprised
and I am so thankful so thank you glossy box for sending me this because
Sunday Riley is a brand that I have always loved when she first came out. I bought every product. I loved it and now
I get to tried the CEO rapid flash brightening serum, and this is actually in my bathroom right now
I forgot to bring it out here
But I love the look of her boxes and her packaging is always amazing
And I will tell you this stuff actually works and does brighten your skin
Dramatically so it's definitely worth it you didn't go into Sephora and get um
What's it called a sample on any Sunday Riley product?
I would definitely try this one out, and I would try out her Luna oil and
there's another oil that I'll try to remember and put down in the description for you guys because I you guys would not be as
Upset with Sunday Riley. I'll do a full video on Sunday Riley actually because there's an eye cream from her that I swear by and
You won't regret it moving on to the December box right here that says Cheers
It is in this cute pink box and honestly you know what?
I'm gonna be putting gifts in this and wrapping them cuz you know sometimes you get like a little shirt a little scarf or something
And you don't want to stick it in the back. I'm not really too big on bags during the holidays
I have to be honest, but these boxes you can always reach if tin and they are
starting so
Let's open this up as I said before you get the card right here on top well pamphlet
Whatever you want to call it, and this one is untied because I did peek into it
But this will come in a bow and then this will be taped down now as I showed you in the last one
This is what the inside looks like again. You could look at the ounce you can tell if you're just full size and
From this box. I think there's only one
two three four
There's five full sizes. They're all full size
I think yeah
They're all full sizes when I did check it out and by the way
I am gonna put the prices of these boxes down below. I think the limited edition is sold out so
I'm sorry if it is but it is definitely worth it and it actually has me interested in more limited edition from classy box that
I will be purchasing some as gifts for people in the future now that I know that
This is how they roll the first thing that I'm pulling out is this laura geller
Ez illuminating stick right here, and I've had some laura geller products before I love them. I think her baked eyeshadows are amazing
And this packaging is so cute
You guys so here is the color that it is
Little faux goes
Very pretty I'm not going to swatch it though because you guys know as this whole video has said I'm donating
At the end of the year the next thing that I am going to pull out is the Krylon professional makeup eyeshadow
Primer here is the box with I've always wanted to try krylon. I want to try their foundation
I mean, I learned how to like block on my brows
It's just something that I want to try I've been around enough drag queens to be like I could probably do that
So I am going to try it eventually on this channel you guys will probably laugh at me, but it is what it is
So here is the packaging for this very simple it reminds me of like an old-school like lip balm that you would get and this
Is being donated somebody put down in the comments? How many times? I said, this is being donated and
I'm gonna send you a prize because
It's a lot the next thing that I'm pulling out is this beauty for real
Eyeline 24/7 eyeliner, and this is in the shade is it sober
Platinum blonde so here is the packaging for it just a basic pencil and the shade is very
Stop focusing on my face
I don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see that because it doesn't want to stop focusing
But it is kind of like a more
Looks like a very light gold type of color
And I'm not gonna suit those two it's gonna be to use the next thing that I am going to pull out is invisible
White-box are here, but you actually have to push the box out
It is one of those makeup sponges that are just like silicone, and I have never used one
I have been curious about it
But I really do just like putting the it cosmetics on with just a little brush
And this is the makeup drop don't waste a drop silicone makeup applicator. It's cruelty free non-toxic and paraben free
so here is what this looks like right there totally cute packaging um I
Don't know that my joining this one
You know what I'm gonna put this into a giveaway for you guys because I know a lot of people have wanted to try this
But they did not want to get the one that everybody was talking about so if you're interested in
Actually winning this then comment down below and look at that son to you
I don't know what the giveaways gonna be but we're gonna try it out in the most
Chic packaging that I have ever seen in my life
I uh
I really wish I had curly hair because this packaging is like everything right now to me
This is the show Couture curl enhancing lotion and this box it has little I don't know if you can see it
But there's like almost little checkers on it, and it's it's in rose gold. It's so pretty and
Let's take it out of the box
Oops, I don't want to rip the box cuz news and this is
What the packaging looks like right here?
This is very pretty
This is actually very pretty if you have curly hair comment down below. I'm gonna put this aside into a giveaway as well
just because I do want to get back to you guys during the holidays and I
Just love that you guys are here with me so that is everything from
Home, that's everything from this box. I hope that you guys enjoyed this video
I am gonna put the prices of these boxes down below, and I hope you guys enjoyed this if you've enjoyed this video
Please thumbs it up and let me know in the comments if you have curly hair if you ever want to tried one of those
Makeup things and what good you're doing during the holidays this year
And if you're donating anything to the women shelters or any shelter or any charity organization
I love you guys, and I will see you guys all in my next video. Bye
🐶KAMILEO LED DOG COLLAR Flashing Lights (Night Safety) BEST PET COLLAR Review 👈 - Duration: 4:01.
hey guys today my dog Trixie is very happy she got a new led dog collar and
it lights up in the dark for night safety
this is the Kamileo LED dog collar it is a USB rechargeable light-up dog
collar with three flashing modes which I'll demonstrate later it's designed for
night safety and is soft and adjustable it comes in small medium and large
I ordered the medium one for Trixie because she's not small and she's also
not big either all right so this collar charges with a
USB charging port and you get up to seven hours of battery life for each one
hour charge now this core collar does come with the USB charging cord you
insert this and not the USB port this is where you charge it you insert this port
right here along the slide a little flap and there you go you charge it now like
I said earlier they're fleet there are three flashing modes you just push the
on button and you get a rapid light changing fast blip and you get a slow or
blinking and then you have a steady stream now I think I would prefer the
steady stream over anything since then I can see where the dog is at night and
pinpoint where she is you just click it once on the smartheart cheap button and
that's how you change it it's made of a hundred percent nylon
webbing and is made to withstand strong tension now it's water resistant as well
it can be used on rainy days but don't soak the collar directly like don't give
them a bath in it and stuff like that here are lower delight so you can see
what the flashing lights look like so here's the first one
quick blinking
then you have the slower blinking it's a nice bright red to really have the dog
noticed then you have the steady stream
so the small collar ranges from eleven to fifteen point seven inches the medium
goes from thirteen to nineteen point six and the large goes from fifteen to
twenty three point six inches as well most dog collars can't be seen in the
dark and that can present a safety hazard if you're walking your dog at
night or your dog even gets out so Trixie's an older dog and she doesn't
see well as she used to but it's good that shouldn't be seen by others so who
under eyesight fails she'll be seen I sometimes let her out in the fenced yard
in our back yard at night before we go to bed and I kind of worry when I can't
see her because she likes to wander away without being too close we really
appreciate your likes and comments so be sure to subscribe so you know what our
next review is out also make sure you follow us on Instagram at YouTube views
underscore channel so you also know one another review is out thanks for
Funny Ice Cream Shop Play, chocolate, melon,learn color,toy, RIWORLD - Duration: 5:03.
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like strawberry
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it?
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
It is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet!
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream!
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like melon
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it!
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
Oh, it is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
Thank you
So sweet!
Ice cream !
Ice cream !
So sweet Ice cream
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like chocolate
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it?
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
it is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream!
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like water melon
Here you are
Thank you
It is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet
So sweet
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Combien d'exercices faut-il faire pour éliminer ce que vous avez mangé - Duration: 4:42.
Carla Bruni et sa sœur Valeria méconnaissables sur un cliché d'enfance - Duration: 2:28.
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Icy plunge still on for New Year's Day despite cold - Duration: 1:57.
Tensio.n.s entre la famille de Meghan Markle et Harry : le frère et le père de l'actrice... - Duration: 4:53.
Johnny Hallyday: « toujours un doute sur les gens qui gravitaient autour de lui », mais... - Duration: 3:21.
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Gossip Uomini e donne: Paolo Crivellin lascia il programma senza scegliere? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:52.
Uomini e donne: la fine del trono di Paolo e l'arrivo di Mariano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.
🐶KAMILEO LED DOG COLLAR Flashing Lights (Night Safety) BEST PET COLLAR Review 👈 - Duration: 4:01.
hey guys today my dog Trixie is very happy she got a new led dog collar and
it lights up in the dark for night safety
this is the Kamileo LED dog collar it is a USB rechargeable light-up dog
collar with three flashing modes which I'll demonstrate later it's designed for
night safety and is soft and adjustable it comes in small medium and large
I ordered the medium one for Trixie because she's not small and she's also
not big either all right so this collar charges with a
USB charging port and you get up to seven hours of battery life for each one
hour charge now this core collar does come with the USB charging cord you
insert this and not the USB port this is where you charge it you insert this port
right here along the slide a little flap and there you go you charge it now like
I said earlier they're fleet there are three flashing modes you just push the
on button and you get a rapid light changing fast blip and you get a slow or
blinking and then you have a steady stream now I think I would prefer the
steady stream over anything since then I can see where the dog is at night and
pinpoint where she is you just click it once on the smartheart cheap button and
that's how you change it it's made of a hundred percent nylon
webbing and is made to withstand strong tension now it's water resistant as well
it can be used on rainy days but don't soak the collar directly like don't give
them a bath in it and stuff like that here are lower delight so you can see
what the flashing lights look like so here's the first one
quick blinking
then you have the slower blinking it's a nice bright red to really have the dog
noticed then you have the steady stream
so the small collar ranges from eleven to fifteen point seven inches the medium
goes from thirteen to nineteen point six and the large goes from fifteen to
twenty three point six inches as well most dog collars can't be seen in the
dark and that can present a safety hazard if you're walking your dog at
night or your dog even gets out so Trixie's an older dog and she doesn't
see well as she used to but it's good that shouldn't be seen by others so who
under eyesight fails she'll be seen I sometimes let her out in the fenced yard
in our back yard at night before we go to bed and I kind of worry when I can't
see her because she likes to wander away without being too close we really
appreciate your likes and comments so be sure to subscribe so you know what our
next review is out also make sure you follow us on Instagram at YouTube views
underscore channel so you also know one another review is out thanks for
Funny Ice Cream Shop Play, chocolate, melon,learn color,toy, RIWORLD - Duration: 5:03.
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like strawberry
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it?
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
It is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet!
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream!
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like melon
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it!
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
Oh, it is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
Thank you
So sweet!
Ice cream !
Ice cream !
So sweet Ice cream
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like chocolate
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it?
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
it is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream!
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like water melon
Here you are
Thank you
It is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet
So sweet
#Telema - Duration: 2:12.
Stéphane Plaza arnaqué par une famille ? La séquence qui fait scandale ! - Duration: 2:45.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
As cannabis prohibition slowly winds down in North America, millions of people are able
to access many forms of recreational and medicinal marijuana.
In September, Canada announced plans to open hundreds or recreational stores, offering
its citizens a chance to indulge risk-free in the consumption of a plant.
In 2015, �the Mexican Supreme Court ruled by 4 to 1 that banning the consumption and
cultivation of cannabis for personal use violates the human right to free development of one�s
personality.� Following this in late 2016, the Mexican Senate voted on a policy change
that would make medical cannabis available to those who needed/wanted it, although with
the caveat that only products with one percent or less THC would be permitted on the market.
�The historic policy change began last December, when the bill received great support in the
Mexican Senate, passing on a 98-7 vote.
On April 28, Mexico�s lower house of parliament overwhelmingly approved the bill with an incredible
374-7 vote.
At that point, it was up to the President to officially sign it and turn it into law,
which has now happened.� [Source]
Now, the Mexican government has announced that it will allow the sale of cannabis certain
cannabis products within the next month.
Mexico is set to legalize the sale of marijuana-based products early next year, despite the country�s
struggles with the illicit drug trade.
On Wednesday, Mexico�s health regulator announced plans to permit the sale of cannabis-based
foods, drinks, medicines and cosmetics in the market.
Arturo Tornel, spokesman for health regulator Cofepris (The Federal Commission for the Protection
Against Sanitary Risk), said that the agency plans to formally publish the regulation for
marijuana-based goods within the next few days, allowing those items to enter the Mexico
market in about a month.� [Source]
The law still does not permit the sale and consumption of raw cannabis and flowers for
recreational use, however, in an environment like Mexico which is practically ruled by
drug cartels, one has to wonder when this will change.
�Recreational marijuana is still broadly prohibited in Mexico, but in 2015 the Supreme
Court granted four people the right to grow their own marijuana for personal consumption,
opening the door to legalization.
Peugeot 107 1.0 68PK 5D Active - Duration: 1:01.
Lina Statkute (Klavier-Solo) - JugendMusik Förderpreis Allgäu/Schwaben 2018 - Duration: 10:15.
Dan Backer just pieced together an epic takedown of Hillary Clinton that's based on FEC reports,
memos by Clinton's campaign manager, and public statements from people like Donna Brazile
and many others who chose to speak out openly.
Could this information be the final stake in the heart of Hillary Clinton's alleged
Let's analyze the information and see where it takes us.
The information dates back to 2014 when Shaun McCutcheon won favor from the Supreme Court.
As reported by Investors: "In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled in favor
of my client, Alabama engineer Shaun McCutcheon, in his challenge to the Federal Election Commission's
(FEC) outdated "aggregate limits," which effectively limited how many candidates any
one donor could support.
Anti-speech liberals railed against McCutcheon's win, arguing it would create supersized "Joint
Fundraising Committees" (JFCs).
In court, they claimed these JFCs would allow a single donor to cut a multimillion-dollar
check, and the JFC would then route funds through dozens of participating state parties,
who would then funnel it back to the final recipient.
Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer claimed the Supreme Court's McCutcheon v Federal
Election Commission ruling would lead, to "the system of legalized bribery recreated
that existed prior to Watergate."
The Supreme Court, in ruling for us, flatly stated such a scheme would still be illegal."
Then comes the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) which involves $500 million that was funneled
in such a way that the Supreme Court had recently said was illegal.
Cutting a big check, sending money to various places, then funneling it all back to the
place it was initially determined to go after hopping the money over a million hurdles.
Trump's team has rightfully filed an FEC complaint to investigate the matters with
the $500 million.
The Committee to Defend the President has filed an FEC complaint against Hillary Clinton's
campaign, Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic state parties and Democratic mega-donors.
As Fox News reported, we documented the Democratic establishment "using state chapters as straw
men to circumvent campaign donation limits, and laundering the money back to her campaign."
The 101-page complaint focused on the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) — the $500 million joint
fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign, DNC and dozens of state parties
— which did exactly that the Supreme Court declared would still be illegal.
It's reported that HVF was taking, or asking for, significant six-figure donations from
well-known entities such as clothing companies and celebrities like Seth MacFarlane.
If they were given a donation, then the money was taken through different parties, and it
seems like the cash eventually made it back to Clinton's hands.
The smaller number we're working within this is about $84 million, and that could
make it the most massive campaign scandal involving finance in American history.
Backer continues his report: "Here's what we know.
Campaign finance law is incredibly complex and infamous for its lack of clarity.
As I've explained before, its complexity is a feature, not a bug.
Major political players with the resources to hire the very few attorneys, who practice
campaign finance law benefit from the complexity that keeps others out.
Perhaps HVF's architects thought so too, and assumed that if no one understands what's
happening, no one would complain.
Here's what you can do, legally.
Per election, an individual donor can contribute $2,700 to any candidate, $10,000 to any state
party committee, and (during the 2016 cycle) $33,400 to a national party's main account.
These groups can all get together and take a single check from a donor for the sum of
those contribution limits — it's legal because the donor cannot exceed the base limit
for any one recipient.
And state parties can make unlimited transfers to their national party.
Here's what you can't do, which the Clinton machine appeared to do anyway.
As the Supreme Court made clear in McCutcheon v FEC, the JFC may not solicit or accept contributions
to circumvent base limits, through "earmarks" and "straw men" that are ultimately excessive
— there are five separate prohibitions here.
On top of that, six-figure donations either never actually passed through state party
accounts or were never actually under state party control, which adds false FEC reporting
by HVF, state parties, and the DNC to the laundry list.
Finally, as Donna Brazile and others admitted, the DNC placed the funds under the Clinton
campaign's direct control, a massive breach of campaign finance law that ties the conspiracy
Democratic donors, knowing the funds would end up with Clinton's campaign, wrote six-figure
checks to influence the election — 100 times larger than allowed."
HVF had some shady business going on with significant donations that were mixed up in
false FEC reports by multiple entities.
Was money being reported as being sent to one place, but indeed appearing in another?
Was the cash being reportedly tossed in various locations to make it harder to track?
Did any of these transfers actually happen?
Or were they just paper entries to mask direct transfers to the DNC?
This sounds like something that everyday Americans only see in well thought out movies, but those
movies always seem to end with the perpetrator finally getting caught by an intelligent investigator,
who finally pieces that puzzle together and solves the crime unmasking someone no one
Is Hillary Clinton guilty of crimes or is she just the name that will be thrown under
the bus by a much bigger force?
Is there more to this than just the money being pushed around in ways that the Supreme
Court might find illegal?
If anyone goes down for this, that won't be the end of it.
Under every major crime, there are tons of little mysterious odds and ends, but there
could also be a more prominent king of the hill.
Is Hillary the king of the mountain in this investigation or is there someone above her
calling the shots?
what do you think about this?
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