today I just want to talk about how I try and make learning more fun and also
how I try and make my own goals more fun the most popular Halloween costume for
this past year for women to be was our little girls today was a cat
it was Wonder Woman so everyone wanted to be Wonder Woman
you know everyone everyone loves Wonder Woman well if a kid wants to be a
superhero let them be a superhero give them
superpowers so I had the kids within like the first week of school they got
to create their own superhero so they did a little drawing like what kind of
superpowers you have like oh you can shoot lasers out his eyes all right I
was like but what if your superhero could get rid of homework and they'd be
like oh like yeah like I don't want to do homework yeah of course you don't
want to do homework but you know what how did your superheroes gonna use this
power like we have to build up his strength so he can use his power
Wow well if you have if you're using materials correctly like today if you
are keeping your hands to yourself if you are showing up to class on time if
you're doing these certain things your superhero will gain strength and then
like let's just say you earn your your superhero gained 50 points today you
know next week you know you can use a superpower or get rid of homework on
Friday you don't have to do that what I like to do is like to think of something
that we need them to do something that they want to do and how if we meet in
the middle for like a learner trying to learn the letters and they enjoy
coloring so you just combine the two they have to color a specific letter and
then as they're calling it a go what letter is that
H all right Co keep on keep on and just go back and forth and you kind of like
cements that love it yeah yeah awesome do you do you kind of purposely
interrupt it make a response and then have them finish I'll just just copy
typically don't stop or if they can respond and keep going at the same time
so if they're calling to like oh my god like oh this is a chore sometimes
they'll stop and just respond I think go right back to it yeah so when you do set
your own goal as an accomplishment or you set goals for someone else like a
learner when they accomplish them you have to quickly figure out what's the
next step so that means the learner I had in the school in Mullica Township
before I had to create a system where he would always get a post reinforcement
pause when he would earn the reinforcer which was walking around the school and
then right when he got back to the classroom after he earned and you were
like all proud he'd flop and not cross the threshold and not come back into the
classroom because he got what he wanted to watch he'd go back to the classroom
so what I had to do was create a second reinforcer so that he had a reason to
come back in the classroom so he would earn and but what I told him is that as
soon as he crosses the threshold after he already earned his walk and comes
back instead of flopping if he crosses the threshold comes back in the
classroom he could pick out of a hat and there was like a 4 out of 5 chance like
4 cards in there and 4 out of 5 said take another walk so he was able to earn
another walk four out of five times that meant about 80% of the time he was
earning a walk so then it got rid of the push reinforcement pause so he was
already in the classroom so if he picked the one card that said no walk he was
already in there he just started working getting ready to earn his next one then
we faded it so he had to cross the threshold and three out of five cards
said take a walk too said no no walk and then we faded that to two out of five
and then soon he no longer had a post reinforcement pause it could be one out
of every five cards that he got a second walk back to back so to avoid a post
reinforcement pause or that letdown after involves accomplished and a
reinforcer has been obtained you have to think of a variable schedule something
right after
For more infomation >> Reinforcing Behavior In 3 Creative Ways: BCBA Self-Help Group - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
4 signes qui indiquent un cycle menstruel irrégulier - Random888 - Duration: 6:50.
Public Royalty : Le père de Meghan Markle "profondément blessé" par Harry ! - Duration: 2:56.
Citroën C5 1.6 THP Ligne Business | NAVIGATIE | LM VELGEN | - Duration: 0:59.
VideoSquadNL Jaaroverzicht 2017! - Duration: 6:16.
VideoSquadNL to Thank you for a beautiful year!
Lots of fun to our annual year review!
Music: Jordan Schor - Home (feat. Harley Bird)
Music: Jordan Schor - Home (feat. Harley Bird)
Music: Jordan Schor - Home (feat. Harley Bird)
Music: Jim Yosef Anna Yvette - Linked [NCS Release]
Growing our connections
Une mère remarque quelque chose d'étrange sur le cou de son bébé. Incroyable mais vrai ! - Duration: 4:13.
Miles & Amber | I'd Come For You [father/daughter] [OC] - Duration: 1:04.
Are you okay?
Fuck you!
No, don't!
Fuck you, get off me!
I'm not gonna leave.
I'm with you until the end.
Volvo V50 2.0D Edition II - Duration: 0:58.
Ce que le mois de naissance d'une femme révèle sur elle - Duration: 4:23.
山崎賢人×赤いバラに「素敵」「カッコよすぎ」の声<トドメの接吻> - JN D - Duration: 2:07.
Comment REMÈDES Guérison du diabète utilisant seulement un ingrédients ? avec Thé vert - c0ns3ils - Duration: 3:40.
Meraviglioso trattamento a base di sale e olio per i dolori articolari - Duration: 6:30.
GF VIP: Aida Yespica si è fidanzata con Gianluca Vacchi? video insieme | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.
Al Bano e Romina Power: La coppia a L'anno che verrà: lei si da allo shopping! | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 11:41.
Comment casser un œuf avec 1 doigt - Duration: 3:23.
Cecilia e Ignazio La coppia è sempre più social ma per gli haters è solo business | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:35.
Apprenez à réaliser de délicieux beurres de fruits secs - Random888 - Duration: 5:48.
小栗旬が後輩役者に贈った楽屋のれん、秘められた"壮大な感動話" - JN D - Duration: 2:50.
How to Fix Acrylic Painting Mistakes - Duration: 0:33.
This is…
The Paint Eraser
Mess up on a painting?
No one has to know.
Get a clean paper towel.
Dip it in fresh water.
Gently wipe up the mistake.
Use a clean part of the towel for each wipe.
Blot with a dry paper towel.
Our little secret!
The best of 2017 at Auckland Zoo - Duration: 6:12.
L'alphabet arabe : La lettre HAMZA [32/32] - Duration: 3:44.
4 signes qui indiquent un cycle menstruel irrégulier - Random888 - Duration: 6:50.
Il Segreto, spoiler gennaio: ecco che fine farà la perfida Lucia - Duration: 4:17.
UNREAL: Anti-Trump Deborah Messing BUSTED… Check Out SICK Photo! - Duration: 3:04.
MY YEAR 2017 - Hamzoni - Duration: 3:42.
2017 has come to an end and for me it has been such a good good year
I did so many things this year
I left my comfort zone so many times
And I recorded all of that with my camera
With this video I want to show you all the things I did in 2017
So let's start from the beginning
I celebrated the New Year's at my friend's house
"Me and Bake have made a new channel about 3-4 months ago
and it's called "Za Svakog Po Nešto" "
Passed 100k subs on the channel with Bake
Fell off a sledge
Tried the disgusting "smoothie challenge"
Went ice skating for the first time in 7 years
It didn't go so well...
I sled down the abandoned bobsled circuit
Explored abandoned military building
Went inside the Sarajevo clock tower in which very few people entered
But the most important thing is the people I surrounded myself with this year
If they weren't present, none of this would be possible
I want you to know that I really love all of you and that I am grateful for making this the best year of my life
I am proud of every single one of you and I wish you more success in 2018
I had a blast this year, and you?
I met the president of our country
Walked the edge of the rooftop
I have seen Sarajevo from every possible angle
Had a ride in 360hp car (Mercedes CLA45 AMG)
Sneaked into a 5 star hotel pool
Had drone shots for the first time in my vlogs
Made a year long wish of visiting Skakavac waterfall come true
Tried to sneak into an abandoned hospital
Took a swim at Kravice waterfall
Sneaked into a 5 star hotel pool
For the second time
Had a flight for the first time in my life
Visited my dream destination
Yea, London was cool, but this thing is the most memorable one in my 2017
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Apprenez à réaliser de délicieux beurres de fruits secs - Nouvelles Santé - Duration: 5:11.
Gingrich Announces Bold 2018 Prediction. Either Newt's A Genius Or He's Lost His Mind. - Duration: 3:32.
Gingrich Announces Bold 2018 Prediction.
Either Newt's A Genius Or He's Lost His Mind.
Liberals were stunned when Donald Trump took the White House in 2016.
They will continue to be stunned come 2018.
This past year the left has done nothing but fight the President.
Despite their opposition, he's achieved win after win.
The left's only hope is to get more liberals into office come 2018.
But will they be able to?
After a year of successes, that's doubtful.
President Trump has made good on his promises.
He's cut regulation.
He appointed more judges than Obama.
He's crippled Obamacare.
And now, he got the GOP to pass massive tax reform.
Yet the liberal media still believes 2018 will be a Democrat year.
Not if Newt Gingrich has anything to say about it.
From Fox News:
The great political surprise of 2018 will be the size of the Republican victory.
After members of the elite media have spent two years savaging President Trump, lying
about Republican legislation, and reassuring themselves that Republican defeat was inevitable,
the size of the GOP victory in 2018 will be an enormous shock…
First, the media lied about the tax bill in an effort to convince most Americans their
taxes would go up.
Then, the media took surveys of people who opposed the GOP bill based on the false information
supplied by the media…
Then, the bill passed, and unsurprisingly, it turned out to be dramatically better for
Americans than the elite media had described…
In fact, the stage is being set for a definitive election.
Do you want higher taxes, bigger bureaucracy, more power in Washington, and a smaller economy
with lower take-home pay and fewer jobs?
If yes, vote Democrat, because that is what they stand for and will continue to vote for
next year.
If you want a bigger economy, more jobs, more take-home pay, less power with Washington
bureaucrats, and lower taxes with more money in your pocket, then vote Republican.
Gingrich mentions a list of predictions about Trump, from so-called experts, that was completely
Everything critics said about Trump's first year were wildly wrong.
Now these same experts predict a victory for liberals in 2018.
What do you think will really happen?
With the success of the tax bill, the Democrats' chances are all but ruined.
That's why they opposed it so much.
When people see how much they'll save, why would they support the Democrats?
President Trump and the GOP just gave them back thousands of their own dollars.
They'd be idiots not to support them next year.
But be certain the left will continue to lie.
Democrats have no platform.
Their agenda is built around emotional pleas and slander.
They cannot win in a fair fight, so they play dirty.
I believe, though, that most Americans are smarter than that.
They are seeing Trump fight for them.
They see the successes and incredible economic growth.
All the Republicans need to do to win, is back the President.
Case closed.
We'll see how things shake out in the coming year.
It will be a crucial time for the country.
The left will pull out all their tricks to steal America.
We have to fight to save it.
What do you think about this?
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BREAKING NEWS From Alabama Election! They're Going To PRISON! - Duration: 4:40.
BREAKING NEWS From Alabama Election!
They're Going To PRISON!
If there's one thing we learned about the presidential election last year, it's that
liberals will do whatever it takes to win.
We constantly heard incidents of voter fraud taking place, where Hillary's minions were
voting multiple times, and buses of people were being be transported into key swing counties
in order to throw the vote.
As Roy Moore still refuses to concede and has now filed a lawsuit into fraud that was
uncovered, now investigation into an Alabama state official has revealed something incredibly
disturbing, and now someone is on their way to prison.
Each election cycle we constantly see evidence of liberals cheating to win, and during the
Alabama State Senate race, all the signs were there.
In a shocking eleventh-hour order, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that counties in Alabama
could destroy voting records in the Roy Moore-Doug Jones race, going against the longstanding
rule that these counties preserve the records and the integrity of the race.
Another sign of voter fraud came after the election, when several liberal morons bragged
that they had "come from all over the country to vote for Doug Jones.
But shockingly, that was only the beginning.
Alabama Secretary of State Nancy Worley turned herself in at the Montgomery County Jail Thursday
after a grand jury indicted her on election fraud, where she is now being charged with
5 felonies and 5 misdemeanors that will no doubt put her behind bars for a quite a long
So 4 long years of stacking the deck against Republicans, which explains how a red state
like Alabama suddenly "turned blue" during the Jones-Moore race.
WSFA reports:
The indictment charges that Worley broke that law when she wrote a letter to her employees
with the words underlined saying, "I want to ask for your support and your vote in the
June 2006 Democratic Primary Election."
She went on to say she had always requested them not to discriminate against anyone because
of his or her politics, race, religion, social status, thus she says, "If you choose to
support another candidate you have every right to make that decision without any problems
from me."
Worley's attorney says that last statement means employees were not pressured into contributing
to her campaign but Packard sees it differently.
"Aside from it being illegal it just seems wrong for an elected official to request money
or other kinds of campaign support from their subordinates because of that employer – employee
relationship that could be coercive just by its very nature," he said.
He points to other items Worley sent the employees like a bumper sticker and an envelope to volunteer
or request a yard sign.
Packard says his complaint represents a number of workers who were reluctant to do anything
about it.
"I didn't have any reluctance to file a complaint because I believe it takes people
standing up and doing the right thing if we expect the right things to happen," he said.
The rules are blatantly clear.
But liberals don't care, as each election cycle they continue to break these rules in
order to keep themselves in power.
Worley is in currently in hiding, refusing to go on camera after being caught breaking
federal law.
She is facing a whopping 5 felony charges, and 5 misdemeanor charges.
Moore still is still refusing to concede the race, and is now in litigation to fight the
blatant voter fraud that cost him the election.
Amanda Shea from Freedom Daily previously reported:
It's now gone on for two weeks since the Republican candidate Roy Moore found himself
on the receiving end of dirty politics.
This was brought on by his Democrat competitor and has flat-out refused to concede because
of it.
His determination to expose all that has been wrongfully done to him, including allegations
of sexual impropriety, seems to have paid off.
The special election to replace newly appointed Trump cabinet member Jeff Sessions took another
dark turn which could make Moore the winner once and for all.
Turnabout is fair play and Moore has just brought it on now at the end of his relentless
pursuit to exonerate himself from all the fraud and allegations used against him the
most controversial Senatorial election of our time.
It's pretty disturbing how liberals will not stop in their conquest to destroy this
country with their shady and illegal antics, and the Alabama State Senate race was a enormous
hit to the Republican Party.
Jones' victory will have significant consequences for Republicans on the national level, where
Democrats are now working towards capturing the last Senate seat up for grabs next year
in order to gain the majority in the Senate.
what do you think about this?
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