Fleeting with my friend MaLoN
Step 1 : Protect our camp
Step 2 : never stay more than 20 sec in this death tunnel !
I opt to try to kill the fixer
Bim Bam :-)
I'll spend half of the game trying to finish this enforcer ...
Stunned, I go back to safe area
Error : I go front, forcing MaLoN to chose between me and others 2
Error : I keep trying to kill far opponents, while mates are in close combat behind me
Wtf !? My Kill !!!
1 versus 3 I go back behind my mine and away from opponents
Defective mine ! I've complained to Rovio :-)
Effective mine :-)
Last second canon shot
Explosive canon shot (exploding !)
I ear the torpedo launch, not seeing it, I decide to dodge backward
Here I know I've won
For more infomation >> My best Pentakill and comeback ? + Analysis (activate subtitles please) - Battle Bay = KlocheTTe = - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Mary Had a Little Lamb - Nursery Rhymes - Kids Songs - Duration: 1:27.
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day, followed her to school one day, which was against the rule.
Lanny, you can't come to school with me it's against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play, made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned him out, turned him out, turned him out, and so the teacher turned him out, but still he lingered near.
Lanny, you must wait outside!
and he waited patiently, patiently, patiently, and he waited patiently, until Mary did appear.
Are you ready to go home Lanny?
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
THIẾT BỊ TRƯNG BÀY ĐIỆN THOẠI B1112 - SD Group - Duration: 2:03.
Puffy Mattress Review
Taiwan's Foreign Minister David Lee Apologizes for Passport Printing Error - Duration: 1:00.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-12-29 17:44:35 I-35, Temple, TX 76501, USA - Duration: 5:01.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-12-29 18:25:59 I-35, Elm Mott, TX 76640, USA - Duration: 5:01.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-12-29 18:05:48 I-35, Lorena, TX 76655, USA - Duration: 5:01.
Suzuki Swift 1.3 Comfort - Duration: 0:59.
Honda CR-V 2.2 CTDi LS - Duration: 0:56.
How I Make Money Online
severe travel and i90 vic id'd - Duration: 1:37.
11 signes que vous souffrez d'un dérèglement hormonal - Duration: 8:04.
What is wrong? (12) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:02.
Hi everyone.
Welcome to ForB's English lesson video.
I'm Rianna and today I'm going to say a sentence and I'd like you to tell me what is wrong in the sentence.
Are you ready?
We go to shopping every weekend.
We go to shopping every weekend.
Did you find the mistake?
I'll say it more slowly this time.
We go to shopping every weekend.
We go to shopping every weekend.
Did you get it?
This time I'll show you the sentence.
We go to shopping every weekend.
Can you find the mistake?
The answer is "We go shopping every weekend."
We do not say "we go to shopping."
When you want to talk about shopping, you say "we go shopping."
So let's practice the correct sentence together.
Please repeat after me.
We go shopping every weekend.
We go shopping every weekend.
Thank you for watching.
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See you.
Hardball with Chris Matthews MSNBC Today 12/29/2017| Chris Matthews December 29, 2017 - Duration: 41:32.
FFXIV Stormblood Dragoon (DRG) AOE Fundamentals - current with patch 4.1+ - Duration: 2:54.
Hey, everyone. This is Thendiel Swansong, author of How to Train Your Dragoon, and
in this video I'm going to go over the fundamentals of the AoE rotation
for Stormblood.
First off, let's go ahead and address
when it's appropriate to AoE. Specifically, our Area of Effect attacks
will be worthwhile in any situation involving three or more tightly-packed
enemies. As this chart of mine illustrates, the potency-per-GCD
advantages are substantial. Naturally, AoE attacks are going to be most commonly
useful for dungeons, although there are some raid encounters in which they're
appropriate. Next, let's go over the AoE GCD rotation, which is exceedingly simple.
Just use Heavy Thrust followed by your Doom Spike-Sonic Thrust combo repeated
six times. As you execute this rotation, be sure to
activate Blood of the Dragon early, burn all of your off-GCD cooldowns as quickly
as you can, and use invigorate once you reach about 500 TP.
While AoEing, be extremely mindful of the exact shapes and ranges of your various
AoE attacks, which are illustrated in this visual of mine. Shift through targets
intelligently to ensure that all opponents are hit by all AoE attacks to
the maximum extent possible. A few final pieces of advice: First, always watch your
Blood of the Dragon timer carefully and make sure that you maintain Blood of the
Dragon between pulls if possible. Second, feel free to use your Chaos Thrust combo
as your tank is in the process of pulling, provided that you don't pull
threat. This enables you to deal a little bit more damage while also maintaining
Blood of the Dragon more smoothly
Third, make an effort to target higher-health enemies. Doing so allows you to
land your off-GCDs and auto attacks on those opponents, causing the encounter to
end more rapidly.
Lastly, if a few enemies are about to die, it's best to let Heavy Thrust fall off
rather than refresh it with a new Heavy Thrust attack. The potency
advantage of sneaking in those final AoE attacks outweighs that of Heavy Thrust's
10% damage boost.
For more information on how to optimize dragoon in Stormblood, please check out
my other Stormblood YouTube videos and check out my written guide, How to Train
Your Dragoon. Thanks for watching; I hope that you
found this video helpful.
FFXIV: Stormblood Dragoon (DRG) Principles of LotD - current with patch 4.1+ - Duration: 3:33.
Hey, everyone. This is Thendiel Swansong, author of How to Train Your Dragoon, and
in this video, I'm going to go over some of the basic principles that enable us
to maximize damage output under Life of the Dragon. You may have discovered
some of these principles on your own already since they follow fairly
logically from a basic understanding of how Life of the Dragon and Nastrond work.
Others, however, are more complex in their mathematical justifications. Let's begin
with three main principles of Life of the Dragon. First of all, since firing off
all three Nastronds that are possible under an individual Life of the Dragon
cycle is an extreme priority, you should try not to activate Life of the Dragon
with any fewer than 24 seconds on your Blood of the Dragon timer. Any less than
that and things get dicey. Second of all, never waste or miss a Mirage Dive if
possible. To achieve this, never use Spineshatter Dive immediately after Jump or
vice versa. It's vital that you first expend the Mirage Dive of the obtained
from the first of the two jump attacks.
Additionally, never waste a Mirage Dive when you have three Eyes of the Dragon
if that same Mirage Dive can be preserved for after the activation of
Life of the Dragon.
Finally, you should heavily prioritize the rapid use of Jump, Spineshatter Dive,
and Geirskogul. The faster we use these skills, the more frequently we'll be able
to enter Life of the Dragon. There is one small exception to this third rule,
however: if Geirskogul comes off cooldown within 21 seconds or less of
your acquiring a third Eye of the Dragon, then you should save that Geirskogul to
speed up Life of the Dragon activation. This is statistically likely to be a DPS
gain for any phase or encounter whose length we can't precisely predict in
advance. I'll conclude by going over a couple of other, lesser principles of
Life of the Dragon optimization. For one, try to avoid double weaving a Geirskogul
into the first and Nastrond of a Life of the Dragon cycle. Doing so tends
to eat into your GCD timer by a fraction of a second. Next, keep in mind that
Mirage Dive and Nastrond often have flexible timing. This means that you
might, for instance, save a Nastrond for a Blood for Blood window or save Mirage
Dive so that you can prioritize other, more urgent cooldowns. Next, if there are
multiple targets on the battleground when you have Geirskogul or Nastrond
available, try to make sure you hit as many of those targets as possible. This
can be accomplished by tab-targeting, attacking the distant enemy, and then
tab-targeting back to your main target. Last of all, feel free to double-weave
Geirskogul with Mirage dive in either order when it's appropriate. Just be very
careful that you don't mess up the ordering, as doing so will definitely
result in a large DPS loss.
For more information on how to optimize dragoon in Stormblood, please check out my
other Stormblood YouTube videos and check out my written guide, How to Train
Your Dragoon. Thanks for watching; I hope that you found this video helpful.
FFXIV Stormblood Dragoon (DRG) Openers - current with patch 4.1+ - Duration: 3:24.
Hey, everyone. This is Thendiel Swansong, author of How to Train Your Dragoon, and
in this video I'm going to discuss Stormblood Dragoon openers. These openers vary
based on whether they require an HQ Infusion of Strength and whether they
require double-weaving. I typically use Diversion then Elusive Jump before
starting my opener, and I recommend that you do the same.
Diversion is especially important. Let's look at the Optimal Opener first. This
goes: Blood of the Dragon and Battle Litany; Dragon Sight and Blood for Blood; HQ
Infusion of Strength; Jump; Geirskogul and Mirage Dive; Spineshatter Dive;
Dragonfire Dive; Life Surge; then, Mirage Dive.
Next up, we have an opener that doesn't use an Infusion of Strength, in
case you want to save on gil. This goes: Blood of the Dragon; Dragon
Sight and Blood for Blood; Battle Litany; Jump; Geirskogul and Mirage Dive;
Spineshatter Dive; Dragonfire Dive; Life Surge; and, finally,
Mirage Dive.
This next opener is for people who are unable to double-weave, but can afford HQ
Infusions of Strength. It goes: precast Blood of the Dragon;
Battle Litany; Blood for Blood; Dragon Sight; HQ Infusion of Strength; Jump; Mirage Dive;
Geirskogul; Life Surge; Spineshatter Dive; Dragonfire
Dive; and Mirage Dive again.
Finally, we have an Infusion-free Single-Weaving opener. This goes: precast Blood
of the Dragon; Battle Litany; Blood for Blood; Dragon Sight;
Jump; Geirskogul; Mirage Dive;
Spineshatter Dive; Life Surge; Dragonfire Dive; and Mirage Dive.
Keep in mind that many encounters will require you to adjust your opener in
order to account for early phase transitions or early AoE attacks. Try to
think creatively and intelligently about how you can adjust your opener to adapt
to cases like these. For more information on how to optimize dragoon in Stormblood,
please check out my other Stormblood YouTube videos and check out my written
guide, How to Train Your Dragoon. Thanks for watching; I hope that you found this
video helpful.
Reprise spectaculaire de l'éruption du volcan Sinabung, à Sumatra - Duration: 2:27.
Stefano De Martino e la fidanzata Gilda insieme in montagna - Duration: 3:30.
選一張【愛情塔羅牌!】喜歡的他有注意到你嗎? - Duration: 1:48.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Ford Ka Cool & Sound start/stop, AIRCO - Duration: 0:59.
MAJOR NEWS Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To Prison! - Duration: 3:51.
MAJOR NEWS Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To Prison!
Over the past few weeks, multiple members of White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller's
investigation into President Donald Trump's supposed collusion with Russia, in last year's
election have been exposed as top Democrat operatives with a clear anti-Trump bias.
Now, it's been confirmed that this was all part of Barack Obama's plan to remove Trump
from power, as the former president has been engaging in a massive coup against Trump over
the past few months.
"The FBI blocked all information on its website about a top counter-terrorism official,
who was kicked off of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation for sending
politically-biased text messages to an FBI lawyer," reports the Daily Caller began.
"It was revealed on Saturday that Strzok was removed from Mueller's team in August,
after the Department of Justice's inspector general discovered, that he exchanged anti-Trump
and pro-Hillary Clinton text messages with his mistress, an FBI lawyer named Lisa Page
who also worked on the Mueller team."
Via Daily Caller:
The revelation of Strzok's biased texts is significant because of his central role
in both the Russia investigation and the Clinton email probe.
As the FBI's Number 2 counter-terrorism official, Strzok helped start both of the
He also conducted interviews with former national security adviser Michael Flynn in the Russia
investigation, and with Clinton and several of her top aides in the email inquiry.
Now Mueller and his team of swine are in serious trouble, as Fox News is now exposing that,
the FBI is facing contempt charges from Congress for conspiring to keep evidence proving that
Stzok was a crooked anti-Trump official, that had been placed onto Mueller's team to ensnare
Trump at all costs, proving that President Trump never stood a chance at a fair investigation.
"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-California, had demanded the text
messages between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer
with whom Strzok was romantically involved," reports Fox News.
"House investigators have long regarded him as a key figure in the chain of events
when the bureau, in 2016, received the infamous anti-Trump 'dossier', and launched a counterintelligence
investigation into Russian meddling in the election, that ultimately came to encompass
FISA surveillance of a Trump campaign associate."
"Today [Robert Mueller] leads the most corrupt, criminal and treasonous Coup D'état in
American history," warns The Gateway Pundit.
"Today the FBI that Mueller ran is in shambles.
No one with an ounce of common sense believes that the FBI exhibits integrity and this is
in large part because of the actions of Robert Mueller and his close allies who recently
led the FBI."
"President Donald Trump ripped the 'double standard' in how 2016 Democratic presidential
nominee Hillary Clinton was treated and how Michael Flynn, his former national security
adviser, was treated," reports Corruption.news.
"So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton,
on that now famous FBI holiday 'interrogation' with no swearing in and no recording, lies
many times … and nothing happens to her?
Rigged system, or just a double standard?" Trump tweeted.
This all shows just how out of control the FBI has become since it became Obama's secret
It's time for Trump to step in and do something about this before Obama and his minions succeed
in getting him removed from the White House for good.
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Nasty Surprise: Obama To Americans – Your Freedom Is Over And New World Government Is Taking Over!!! - Duration: 3:18.
Nasty Surprise: Obama To Americans – Your Freedom Is Over And New World Government Is
Taking Over!!!
He finally did it!
He went to UN and from the speaking stand he looked us in our eyes and told us that
our freedom is over and some new world government is taking over the world and US!
This is epic treason!
According to Washington Free Beacon:
Only by submitting to a one-world-style government can the countries of the world effectively
fight terror, Barack Obama warned during a speech to the United Nations General Assembly.
In what will likely be his last speech before the body, Obama told the audience that he
believes global security can only be achieved with the help of international institutions
like the UN.
Not only that, but that only by acquiescing our rights – our "freedom of action,"
as he puts it – will we truly "enhance our security."
Obama said "powerful nations" like the United States will have to accept constraints
and give up some of their freedoms.
The president acknowledged that he has been criticized by his own citizens for this belief
but he remains convinced he is right.
Obama also stated that while countries will have to accept some limits on their freedom,
they should not give up autonomous rights like the freedom to defend themselves.
"We have to put our money where our mouths are.
And we can only realize the promise of this institution's founding to replace the ravages
of war with cooperation if powerful nations like my own accept constraints.
Sometimes I'm criticized in my own country for professing a belief in international norms
and multilateral institutions, but I'm convinced in the long run giving up some freedom of
action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests but
binding ourselves to international rules, over the long-term, enhances our security."
Make no mistake – calling for the transfer of America's sovereign rights – in trade,
diplomacy, military allocation – anything to a one-world body is beyond dangerous.
If America is to allow Russia, China, EU and India, Iran etc. to tell it when and how it
should act in the world to protect its interests, god help us!
When is November, come on, we could not wait any more!
This country is falling apart!
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