Can we trust the New Testament as a reliable document?
Many skeptics say no, and that it is based off of dated copies and filled with errors.
But what does the evidence say?
Christians for centuries have pointed to the evidence that we can trust the new testament is reliable to what it originally said,
So what evidence can we offer?
When it comes to ancient documents the more manuscripts we have the better.
That way there is more to cross check for accuracy and identify changes that may of happened, through the process know as textural criticism.
So we would obviously want more to compare with so we can get back to the original.
So what do we have of the new testament?
Of the original language of the new testament, we have over 5800 Greek manuscripts.
In latin we have over 10000 manuscripts. In varies other early languages we somewhere between 5000 and 10000 manuscripts.
So we have an extremely wide variety of new testament manuscripts from across the ancient world we can study and compare,
and with more manuscripts the more accurate we will be in reconstructing the original through textural criticism.
But even if we didn't have any manuscripts we would still have the entire new testament preserved in the writings of the church fathers.
It is estimated there are over 1 million new testament quotes in the church fathers alone.
If there was large amounts of accidental or intentional corruption of the text it would be easy to trace through comparing manuscripts of different regions
Dr. James White (During his debate with Bart Ehrmant): There was never a time when any one man or group of men had control over the text of the New Testament
there was never a Christian Ummah [Is an Arabic word meaning "community"]
All assertions regarding adding doctrines, changing theology, removing teachings etc are without merit.
the Christian Church was a persecuted minority without power to enforce a uniform textual transmission as in Islam.
This is far more than any other ancient document. The second most widely attested would be Homer's Illiad with only 643 copies
and then Suetonius with around 200 copies.
So if one is still skeptical of the new testament after knowing of how widely attested it is then they should be even more skeptical of other ancient works.
As Scholar Dan Wallace says: They have never thought about this other ancient literature and reflecting on what that would be like
if I'm going to be skeptical about the New Testament and I apply that skepticism to other ancient greco-roman literature. guess what? we immediately go back into the dark ages.
We've eclipsed all knowledge in the last 500 years
But not only do we have a large amount of manuscripts,
but we have very early complete manuscripts and even earlier fragments.
The oldest complete new testament is within 300 years of the original. The closest of any ancient document.
But we even have early witnesses in fragments, like this one,
P52 from 90 AD to 125 AD, and others like these (P46, 66, 67) from approximately 170 AD to 220 AD.
We also have a larger fragment from around this time in P75 which has 102 survived pages from Luke and John.
Comparing this to other ancient documents the earliest copy of the Illiad is far of with 500 years from the original
and Suetonius is 800 years from its original.
As you can see the new testament is by far the closest to its original than any other ancient document.
So if we are to be skeptical of the new testament then we should be even more skeptical of all other ancient literature.
In fact we have about a dozen fragmented manuscripts dating to around the 2nd century, which represent about 40% of the entire new testament,
and we have 120 manuscripts within 300 years of the original. Which is incredible compared to other ancient documents.
But despite this some scholars still argue the new testament copies are too late and full of errors.
The leading critic, Bart Ehrman says, "Not only do we not have the originals, we don't have the first copies of the original.
We don't even have copies of the copies of the original, or copies of copies of copies of originals.
What we have are copies made later–much later… And these copies all differ from one another, in many thousands of places." [Misquoting Jesus. Page 10]
Well this seems like an odd things to say given the evidence we just discussed.
So let divide his objection into two parts and deal with each appropriately.
The first is that our earliest manuscripts are extremely far off from the originals, not even copies of copies of copies of the originals.
Well this doesn't make sense considering our earliest fragment is within 70 years or less of the original.
And several larger fragments are 140 to 160 years of the original. So why would these not be 1st or second generation copies from the original?
A papyrus manuscript in public use will last on average for more than 100 years.
There is also no reason to assume the originals or first generation copies were copied once and thrown away or lost.
In fact Ehrman acknowledges that a manuscript can likely be a direct copy of one from 100 years prior to it [The Text of the New Testament Page 91].
Every time somebody translates the Bible. They don't say: "Well. I've got to take this manuscript that I translate from and destroy that now"
That's stupid. We don't do that. It's never been done in the history of the church
There is no reason to assume the originals were just copied once and forgotten or that scribes only had one copy to pull from.
In fact, early church father Tertullian even seems to suggest the originals where still around when he was writing at the end of the second century,
"Come now, you who would indulge a better curiosity, if you would apply it to the business of your salvation,
run over to the apostolic churches, in which the very thrones of the apostles are still pre-eminent in their places, in which their own authentic writings are read."[Prescription against Heresy. Chapter 36]
The latin word for "authentic" normally refers to original documents.
So it appears Tertullian is saying the originals were still in churches to that day.
He specifically refers to the letters of the Corinthians, Philippians, Thessalonians, Ephesians, and Romans and urges readers to visit the places to see the authentic writings for themselves.
Even if Tertullian didn't mean the original scrolls the apostles wrote on,
his testimony still tells us Christians in his days were concerned with having accurate writings and they were not discarding their copies as valueless, as skeptics suggests.
It reasonable to suggest if the manuscripts were read often they were copied often,
and in fact the amount of manuscripts we have today obviously suggest that.
Ehrman's reasoning seems to imply new testament copying was like a game of telephone,
where a 4th century copy is a copy of one from the 3rd century, which in turn is a copy of one from the 2nd century,
which is a copy of one from the first century, which was a copy of the original.
But there is no reason to suggest the originals, or the first copies of the originals were simply lost after they were copied once.
Scribes could always go back to the earliest copies in their day that had survived and simply copy from that.
St Irenaeus even says he had access to early copies of the book of Revelation.
Suggesting early copies were being preserved for accuracy and transmission.
And the testimonies of early church fathers indicate how sacred they considered this documents,
so they were not frivolously being copied, but being held in high regard to preserve the faith past down from the apostles.
In fact, scholars Darrell Bock and Dan Wallce note the earliest manuscripts we have probably go back to the around 100AD.
Two of the oldest manuscripts we have (papyrus 75 or P75 and codex Vaticanus or B) have an exceptionally strong agreement
And they are among the most accurate manuscripts that exist today. P75 is about 125 years older than B,
yet it is not an ancestor of B. Instead, B was copied from an earlier ancestor of P75
(See the detailed work of CL Porter) [Papyrus Bodmer XV and the Text of Codex Vaticanus and An evaluation of the Textural Variation between Pap75 and Codex Vaticanus in the Text of John].
The combination of these two manuscripts in a particular reading must surely go back to the very beginning of the second century."
So the idea that our copies are far too late doesn't stand up to evidence. And textual criticism demonstrates, [that] we are not too far off from the originals.
So what about Ehrman's other claim? That all our manuscripts have much variation and differ from one another in thousands of places?
Ehrman and other skeptics will usually throughout the fact that there 400,000 variants across new testament manuscripts, which is in fact true.
However when you look at the details. This isn't a big deal
For example, the reason we have so many variants is because we have so many manuscripts.
That would be expected which such a high number of manuscripts.
But even with that, remember we have close to 6000 new testament greek manuscripts
which comes to about 2.6 million pages of the new testament. If you do the math that is one variant per 6 and half pages.
Not really that much
Second what kinds variants are there? Well, 75% are simply spelling errors, which do not affect the meaning of the text.
15% are variations in Greek synonyms and transpositions, which cannot even be translated.
Over 9% do affect the meaning of the text, but they are from very late dates and obviously resolved by looking at the earlier manuscripts.
Then less than 1% do actually do affect the meaning of the text and are from early manuscripts.
But None of these variants actually challenge or affect essential Christian doctrines.
As Bart Ehrman even admits, "The position I argue for in 'Misquoting Jesus' does not actually stand at odds with Prof. Metzger's position that the essential Christian beliefs are not affected by textual variants in the manuscript tradition of the New Testament." [Misquoting Jesus. Page 252]
Dan Wallace: This Is the guy on whose works Muslims and atheists are basing their wild claims that the Orthodoxy have been so corrupt of the text that it must not have been Orthodoxy at all originally
They don't know what they're talking about
But they're basing it on Dr. Ehrman's work
He does know what he's talking about
I have happened to disagree with him about a number of things
But I don't disagree with him over this.
In fact in our three debates at the end of each debate I say:
"by the way. I think you agree with me, Bart, the essential Christian beliefs are not affected by texture variance"
And I've put this screen up. He's never disputed it. He said it. It's in print. You can't deny himself
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest Christian doctrines are affected by variants in manuscripts
and there next to zero evidence to suggest we cannot get back to the originals.
In fact, given all the evidence there are only 40 lines of the new testament unresolved by textural criticism giving it an accuracy of 99.5%,
which is by far, the best of any ancient document. [The second best is, yet again, the Illiad with 764 lines of corruption with an accuracy of 95%.]
Now obviously there is still debate over what a handful of passages were originally, and no Christian scholar argues we have exactly word for word what the original authors wrote.
But in light of this evidence we should also avoid radical skepticism, that we can certainly never know anything of what the original authors wrote.
It simply doesn't stand up to evidence.
the overwhelmling amount of scripture isn't even debated, and no textural evidence threatens the origins of any essential Christian doctrines.
So is the new testament reliable? The obvious answer is yes!
And we have barely scratched the surface of evidence.
The onus is on the skeptic. The New Testament sets the standard of providing clear evidence of its trustworthy
If that is not enough. is it possible the skeptic has set a standard that is unreasonable? and if so why?
For more infomation >> 1. La Confiabilidad del Nuevo Testamento (Sub. Español/English) - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
Puffy Mattress Review
小S又喝ㄎㄧㄤ了 王力宏轟趴曝光4億豪宅 - Duration: 1:54.
小S的「3個女兒」被砲轟俗爆了!如今逆襲越長越美,基因真是太強大了! - Duration: 9:59.
Real Housewives star Kyle Richards victim of home burglary - Duration: 1:47.
Real Housewives star Kyle Richards victim of home burglary
TMZ reports that a burglar or several burglars broke into the home of The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills star Kyle Richards and her husband, Mauricio Umansky, on Wednesday, Dec.
27, 2017.
Fortunately, no one was home at the time of the burglary, as the family had traveled to
Aspen, Colo. just one day earlier.
The gossip rag notes that the burglar(s) broke a window and stole many valuable items from
the home, including $150,000 worth of watches and over a million dollars' worth of jewelry.
Police noted that the home had not been ransacked and that it appeared that the burglar(s) knew
where to find all of the jewelry, even Richards' jewelry which had been secured in a lock box.
While Richards and Umansky's home had a security system installed, it was not turned on at
the time of the burglary.
However, a closet censor had reportedly been triggered by the burglar(s) around 1:15 a.m.
The break-in was reportedly later discovered by the family's maid.
Richards and Umansky bought their home in October 2017 for $8.25 million.
They'd reportedly been renovating it since making the purchase, leading police to suspect
that the burglary may have been an inside job, as many people had had access to the
family's possessions.
Richards is one of many celebrities to have had their California homes burglarized.
Other recent victims include Hilary Duff, Rachel Bilson, and Mariah Carey.
Cosplay, carta de amor - Duration: 2:49.
연예대상' 날 밝았다..1인자 유재석vs첫대상 전현무 - Duration: 6:28.
'MBC연예대상' 날 밝았다..1인자 유재석vs첫대상 전현무 - Duration: 5:18.
Emerging threats
OLDCODEX - Where'd They Go? Reaction - Duration: 5:27.
S: OLDCODEX // A: OLDCODEX! What's poppin! What's good?
S: OLDCODEX?! "Where'd They Go"?????
S: Okay bye, I'm out of here....
S: "Peace Out", I'm out of here
S: And "Peace Out" is written in blood I'm assuming, so PEACE OUT
A: That's very scary
A: But that doesn't stop me from enjoying the music
A: Why did that hit me?!
S: When he like shifted his eyes towards the camera?!?!? (Fierce)
S: I feel the pain (emotion) in his voice
S: I love it
A: Can everyone stop shaking my boots?
S: Everything is so messy // A: Yes, spraypaint
S: Yeah, just vandalize up in here--CREATE ART
A: YES! Make art over here!
A: This red light? // S: It just adds to the intensity
S: I know it's paint, but he looks so decayed?
S: He looks rotten! // A: He really does!
S: I love that part
A: Toss toss! Kick!
S: Woah, the way it slowed down
S: The way he's like slowly going with his guitar--
S: Is he gonna like smash the pla--- Oh my gosh
S: Yeah-- Look! I like that image right there with all of them rocking out
S: The passion
A: All that paint
S: Yeah, "Where'd They Go".
A: Why does that look like art? Like?
S: That is art, right there.
S: "Where'd They Go"? Are they referring to the paint because it's all out now?
A: We ran out of paint! // S: Where'd it go????
S: You feel that! // A: Yeah right!!
S: I think cause like, maybe all of them were singing that part --
A: When people do that, I get shook
S: It's like a ROAR?! It is so powerful!
S: It literally blew us away,
S: Out of existence // A: We're gone
S: So Where'd We Go?
A: We're gone!! // S: Out of here!
A: We'll see you guys in the next video!
A: Don't forget to REQUEST down below
A: And we will try to get to your requests
A: Real quick
S: If not, we'll send you a basket with cookies--kidding we won't cause we'll probably eat it
A: We're broke.
関ジャニ∞錦戸亮、ラジオメインパーソナリティ初挑戦 - JN D - Duration: 5:19.
山崎賢人主演ドラマ「トドメの接吻」漫画化決定 - JN D - Duration: 2:26.
Un migrant a parcouru le trajet Belgrade-Zagreb agrippé sous un autobus - Duration: 1:21.
Best Men's Denim Jacket Reviews 2017 – How to Choose the Best Men's Denim Jacket - Duration: 5:08.
top search top products calm for the best product reviews online
top products presents our pick for the top 5 men's denim jackets for this
review we chose five brands known for quality men's denim jackets showcasing a
variety of options that are available at the number five spot is the camo call
sleeveless denim vest jacket chosen not only for its features but also because
of its budget-friendly price tag camo call is not that prominent a brand but
they make good apparel the brand's very well represented on amazon with all
their products being very well rated a great vest like jacket the men's
sleeveless lapel vest jacket is the definition of cool and loose an awesome
jacket to wear with your favorite t-shirt this jackets best asset is that
it's slim fit for all you gym rats and otherwise handsome people this is the
best jacket to highlight your attributes just don't rely on it to keep out the
cold next on our list at number four is the lis men's denim jacket with button
closure one of the most widely known brands of clothing is Li founded in 1889
the brand's a subsidiary of the VF corporation making it an even more
famous and respected name this men's denim jacket is an incredibly stylish
piece combining contemporary style and vintage fashion making it excellent for
casual wear and incredibly versatile with waist adjustment to match what's
underneath one of its best features is the resilience the jackets resistant to
tearing and should last you a long while once it's in your possession just bear
in mind this jacket is slim fit so consider whether that's right for your
needs the next product on our list was chosen
because it is a great choice for people who are looking for a men's denim jacket
with lots of bells and whistles at number three we have the Calvin Klein
men's denim trucker jacket Calvin Klein may not be as old as Levi Strauss but
it's equally respected the brand's now a subsidiary of PVH and makes excellent
apparel this men's denim trucker jacket is a minimalist but stylish garment with
button closure it blends well with your style being inconspicuous but a vital
piece of clothing one of the best things about the jacket is the slim fit design
for those of you out there looking to promote your sleek figure the Calvin
Klein denim trucker jacket is perfect on the downside the absence of adjustment
tabs means it's only slim fit when choosing the right men's denim jacket
for your needs top products knows that budget can be an important consideration
and our number-two pick the Wrangler rugged wear unlined denim jacket takes
the spot for best value wrangler is a brand owned by VF Corporation previously
owned by Blue Bell this brand was concerned primarily with Cowboys and
rodeo riders the rugged wear denim jacket is a durable piece with button
closure and side access pockets as well as button flap pockets and meat waist
adjustment tabs its ruggedness is the very reason to buy this jacket with
awesome resilience making it a good long-term choice that can always serve
as a work jacket after it goes out of fashion
as with many denim products consider a size larger than usual as there's no
give in the tough fabric and finally the Levi's men's faux shearling trucker
jacket made it to our top choice position because it provides a good
array of features with an affordable price one of the most famous denim
manufacturing companies is Levi Strauss & Co famous for their jeans they produce
a lot of other denim clothing as well the men's faux shearling trucker jacket
is one of the best jackets on the market because of the sturdiness present in all
levi-strauss products a great thing about this jacket is that it has an
adjustable waist this allows it to be almost tailor-made for you and your
particular body type 'button cuffs are also a great addition the only problem
is that the sizes aren't representative when buying this jacket always pick one
that is a size larger as the right size won't fit these are our top five men's
denim jackets we hope you enjoyed watching our review until next time take
care click now to subscribe to our youtube
channel and like this video don't forget to like our Facebook page and visit us
at top products comm for more everyday product reviews
Real Housewives star Kyle Richards victim of home burglary - Duration: 1:47.
Real Housewives star Kyle Richards victim of home burglary
TMZ reports that a burglar or several burglars broke into the home of The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills star Kyle Richards and her husband, Mauricio Umansky, on Wednesday, Dec.
27, 2017.
Fortunately, no one was home at the time of the burglary, as the family had traveled to
Aspen, Colo. just one day earlier.
The gossip rag notes that the burglar(s) broke a window and stole many valuable items from
the home, including $150,000 worth of watches and over a million dollars' worth of jewelry.
Police noted that the home had not been ransacked and that it appeared that the burglar(s) knew
where to find all of the jewelry, even Richards' jewelry which had been secured in a lock box.
While Richards and Umansky's home had a security system installed, it was not turned on at
the time of the burglary.
However, a closet censor had reportedly been triggered by the burglar(s) around 1:15 a.m.
The break-in was reportedly later discovered by the family's maid.
Richards and Umansky bought their home in October 2017 for $8.25 million.
They'd reportedly been renovating it since making the purchase, leading police to suspect
that the burglary may have been an inside job, as many people had had access to the
family's possessions.
Richards is one of many celebrities to have had their California homes burglarized.
Other recent victims include Hilary Duff, Rachel Bilson, and Mariah Carey.
BREAKING NEWS! It's Happening…ARRESTED With BAIL SET AT $6 BILLION!!! - Duration: 25:17.
It's Happening…ARRESTED With BAIL SET AT $6 BILLION!!!
Even the swamp in Saudi Arabia is being drained.
Authorities in Saudi Arabia want at least $6 billion dollars from the jailed Saudi Prince
al-Waleed bin Talal to secure his freedom after he was arrested in a nationwide anti-corruption
purge which mysteriously started to happen after President Donald Trump visited the Islamic
This is actually the highest sum of money ever demanded by authorities in the Gulf state
and it could involve handing over a large part of his fortune and cooperation, Kingdom
Holding Company.
Which is estimated to have a market value of just over $9 billion dollars.
The 63-year-old Al-Waleed is the 57th richest person in the world according to the Wall
Street Journal, with an estimated net worth of $18 billion.
This character has profited from the oil-rich nation of Saudi Arabia and has thought political
influence here in the US.
He has donated to various extreme left-wing charities, including The Clinton Foundation.
Along with funding multiple organizations to spread Islam in the world and mainly in
the US.
ExtraNewsFeed Reports:
Saudi Royalty Arrests Rock Clinton-Obama Regime The unprecedented sweep of corrupt Saudi elites
implicates Clinton, Obama, Wall Street, and beyond.
In a shocking development Saturday, the Saudi Arabian government arrested prominent billionaire
Waleed bin Talal, a member of the royal Saudi family with deep ties to Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton.
Arrests were carried out by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's recently-formed anti-corruption
committee and included bin Talal, ten senior princes, and dozens of ministers for corruption
and money laundering charges.
Bin Talal, a primary shareholder of Citigroup, News Corp., and Twitter, was arrested along
with dozens of other princes and ministers on Saturday.
Bin Talal's arrest was part of a massive sweep of Saudi elites charged with corruption
and money laundering by a newly formed anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed
bin Salman.
Meanwhile, Royal princes' private planes have been grounded.
Known as "The Warren Buffet of the Gulf", bin Talal — one of the world's richest
people — is a notorious figure in American politics with deep ties to both Obama and
Americans privy to bin Talal and Saudi Arabia's corrupt hand in American politics may recall
a 2015 tweet from then-candidate Donald Trump that foreshadowed his arrest:
As the story of the massive Saudi royalty purge develops, Americans should anticipate
these arrests and the subsequent investigations will implicate Obama and Clinton in major
Investigations into Obama-Clinton impropriety by special counsel Robert Mueller encompass
Obama and Clinton's financial ties and dubious political alliances with both Saudi Arabia
and Russia alike.
Those following Trump's efforts to police Obama and Clinton's extensive criminality
are aware Mueller's probe implicates Clinton crony and lobbying giant Tony Podesta, brother
of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.
Wikileaks releases of John Podesta's emails opened a Pandora's box of Democratic Party
corruption when released last fall, but Tony Podesta's nefarious and longtime lobbying
efforts with both Russia and Saudi Arabia are only now beginning to be broadly exposed
to the American public.
In August 2016, Medea Benjamin sounded the alarm as to the perils of Clinton and the
Podestas' crooked Saudi dealings, with emphasis:
If I told you that Democratic Party lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta chairs
Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, is a registered foreign agent on the Saudi
government's payroll, you'd probably think I was a Trump-thumping, conspiratorial nutcase.
But it's true.
The lobby firm created by both Tony and John Podesta in 1988 receives $140,000 a month
from the Saudi government, a government that beheads nonviolent dissidents, uses torture
to extract forced confessions, doesn't allow women to drive, and bombs schools, hospitals
and residential neighborhoods in neighboring Yemen.
The Podesta Group's March 2016 filing, required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act
of 1938, shows that Tony Podesta himself oversees the Saudi account.
At the same time, Tony Podesta is also a top campaign contributor and bundler for Hillary
So while one brother runs the campaign, the other brother funds it with earnings that
come, in part, from the Saudis.
Those familiar with the Citibank cabal that assigned Obama's cabinet prior to his election
would also recognize bin Talal's name, for his and Citibank's instrumental role the
Obama administration's decimation of the middle class.
Pam Martens warned us back in 2012, additional emphasis added:
Citigroup was showing serious strains in 2007 but the meltdown came the week of November
17, 2008.
On Monday, the firm called a Town Hall meeting with employees and announced the sacking of
52,000 workers.
On Tuesday, November 18, Citigroup announced it had lost 53 per cent of an internal hedge
fund's money in a month's time and that it was bringing $17 billion of off-balance
sheet assets back onto its balance sheet.
The next day brought the unwelcome tidings that a law firm was alleging that Citigroup
peddled the MAT Five Fund as "safe" and "secure" then watched it lose 80 per cent
of its value.
On Thursday, Saudi Prince Walid bin Talal, a major shareholder, stepped forward to reassure
the public that Citigroup was "undervalued" and he was buying more shares.
The next day the stock dropped another 20 percent to close at $3.77.
All told, Citigroup lost 60 per cent of its market value that week and 87 percent for
the year to date.
Now here is where you need to pay close attention.
Just one month prior to the stock meltdown, the U.S. government through its Troubled Asset
Relief Program (TARP) had injected $25 billion into Citigroup on October 28, 2008.
With a market cap of $20.5 billion on Friday, November 21, 2008, the U.S. taxpayer effectively
owned this company lock, stock and barrel.
The Treasury and the Fed knew exactly whose interests they were protecting.
Just 11 months earlier, Citigroup had publicized a capital raising of $12.5 billion in convertible
preferred stock in a private placement — meaning the full details were not released to the
The press release said the investors included Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and Sandy
Weill and the Weill Family Foundation.
Bin Talal also owns the Four Seasons, the four highest floors of Mandalay Bay hotel
in Las Vegas.
He is one of many within the atrociously corrupt elements of the Saudi regime and other gulf
tyrannies that has raised eyebrows with their recent multi-million dollar donations to the
Clinton Foundation.
What's Happening
Given the media moguls arrested in the Saudi sting and the American media's allegiance
to the Clinton-Obama regime, little is being reported on the implications the arrests have
on current events in American politics.
Orders for the arrests came from the new anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed
bin Salman.
Bin Salman, 31, is seen by some as a principled young leader troubled by the convoluted international
corruption he inherited within his government.
Given his struggle with the corrupt and commingled opposition causing strife in his and our respective
countries, Trump may have sought common ground on a recent visit.
Bin Salaman's rise may allow Saudi to accelerate a recent plan to reduce the kingdom's reliance
on oil, which includes the partial privatization of state oil company Aramco.
Trump has recently pitched for Aramco to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, a move
that would boost the Saudi Arabian economy.
This may also be a sign bin Salaman is involved a coordinated effort to confront the corrupt
individuals with the Saudi government who participated in pay-to-play schemes with American
foundations tied directly to high-level U.S. politicians, including Obama and Clinton.
Given the high profile nature of the Saudi royalty arrests, pressure increases on American
law enforcement in Trump's administration to follow through with indictments and arrests
of the Obama-Clinton regime officials involved.
As speculation bubbles around looming indictments of Tony Podesta, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton,
and others, charges against bin Talal and other Saudi royalty may well be related to
money laundering and bribery schemes that implicate the Uranium One parties and transactions
within the Obama-Clinton regime already being investigated.
We have more natural gas in our nation than Saudi Arabia has oil.
We could singlehandedly be as rich as Saudi Arabia.
But the likes of hacks such as Al Gore, who profit out of the ignorance and sheer stupidity
of others have made it so we can't even touch our reserves.
All because of the myth that is "Global Warming" or as it's called now, "Climate
I have always believed that interests from abroad have paid off our politicians so well
that they serve as voice pieces for asinine myths in order to keep The United States of
America in debt and at the mercy of nations such as China and Saudi Arabia.
It's how they come into a job making 150k a year and come out 20 years later with a
net worth of over 100 million.
Please share if you think it's time the US had a purge
of its own….
Liberal Media Interrupts Trump While Thanking Firefighters, But He Gets ULTIMATE Revenge - Duration: 3:27.
Liberal Media Interrupts Trump While Thanking Firefighters, But He Gets ULTIMATE Revenge
A shocking clip is spreading across social media after President Donald Trump decided
to stop and thank some local firefighters.
As it turns out, a few members of the liberal media thought it would be a good time to interrupt,
but their attempt would blow up in their face as Trump got the last word � and the ultimate
Donald Trump is currently in Florida enjoying his Christmas holiday in Florida, but it�s
not all fun and games.
In fact, the President has been doing quite a bit of work and has even taken time out
of his schedule to show Americans what he really finds important.
With just that in mind, he went to a West Palm Beach fire hall for a meet and greet
with firefighters, but things didn�t exactly go according to plan.
At first, things seemed to be going off without a hitch, but it wasn�t long before things
started to take a turn.
During an impromptu speech, President Trump ensured the firefighters that he knows the
struggle it has been to be a public servant and that he is dedicated to getting both firemen
and police the budgets they need in the future to do their jobs correctly.
�We want to give these people credit for the great job that they do, so thank you all
very much.
We appreciate it,� President Trump said before he then answered questions from the
firefighters for about 10 minutes and discussed the passage of the tax bill and how he is
fighting for their retirement accounts every day he is in office.
Although Trump simply hoped to spend time with the brave men and women who serve the
public and show his appreciation, it wasn�t long before the liberal media tried to mess
things up.
As the meet and greet came to an end, the firefighters lined up to shake hands with
the president, and that�s just about the time the liberal media sprang their trap.
Just like that, a few reporters began shouting questions at Trump in an attempt to make him
look foolish � but the exact opposite happened.
Although the full video is below, the good part, in which Trump handles the rude reporters
like a champ, starts just after the 4:30 mark.
Without hesitation, Trump led everyone in a round of applause, prompting the firefighters
to interrupt the shouting reporters and drown them out by loudly clapping their hands so
that the rude interruption could no longer be heard.
A few moments later, Trump exited to the sound of applause as everyone continued to clap
around him.
Although he turned around to give one last wave at the end, Trump was able to walk out
happily, knowing that the liberal media couldn�t ask any more of their desperate questions.
By the time the applause had died down enough to hear voices, the president was already
long gone, well on his way out of the building.
Although the left doesn�t want you to know it, many people in this country love and support
President Donald Trump.
In fact, these firefighters proved just that by helping to silence the yapping hounds in
the liberal media who are always looking for a way to attack our president.
One could only hope that the mainstream media would give Trump a fair shake, but seeing
how he continues to shatter the narratives that they�ve been feeding the American people,
well, it�s clear why they don�t like him.
Too bad for them, no one really cares about their feelings or opinions, and they�d do
themselves a favor by simply reporting the truth.
Only time will tell if the idiots learn that lesson for themselves, though.
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With a minor tweak, F-35s could shoot down North Korean missiles — but there's a catch - Duration: 7:32.
With a minor tweak, F-35s could shoot down North Korean missiles — but there's a catch
The F-35 could become capable of intercepting ballistic missiles over North Korea with a small tweak to its firmware, but theres a catch.
The F-35 would have to be right next to the launching missile, which would put it in danger.
Instead, the F-35 could also use the US Navys network to guide a ship-launched missile to hit a launched missile.
According to reports, North Korea is planning to launch a satellite, and the US is planning to give Kim Jong Un a bloody nose, possibly by stopping one of its launches.
As the US military begins deploying the F-35, which brings with it the promise of revolutionizing aerial combat, it may also be deploying a ballistic-missile defense asset.
US jet fighters have spent decades trying to master the air-to-air kill.
In the days of Top Gun and the F-14 Tomcat, that meant turning dogfights, with a mix of guns and missiles to outfox the other pilot.
But today a new threat has taken aim at the US, and its more dangerous than any fighter jet.
As North Korea works toward building out its missile technology to put the US mainland in range of its nuclear arsenal, the F-35s new air target may be a missile, not a fighter.
According to Justin Bronk, an expert on aerial combat at the Royal United Services Institute, the missiles already aboard the F-35 just need a slight tweak to start taking on missiles.
By changing the firmware a bit, tweaking it a bit, you could gain a theoretical capability to engage ballistic missiles, Bronk told Business Insider.
A source involved in ballistic-missile defense at the Pentagon confirmed Bronks statement.
Basically, the F-35 and its AIM-120 air-to-air missile stand a few wires away from potentially being able to disrupt North Koreas next missile test, but theres a catch.
Perhaps the reason the F-35 doesnt already come equipped to shoot down ballistic missiles is that doing so still presents a logistical nightmare.
North Korea often launches from unexpected locations, at strange times, and from mobile launchers.
This all adds up to a very unpredictable launch, which an F-35 would have limited time to position itself against.
Youd have to be impractically close to their launch area, Bronk said.
The problem then comes down to the missile itself.
Given that an AIM-120 burns for seven to nine seconds and then coasts, and a ballistic missile does the opposite, all while climbing, Bronk explained, the F-35 would have to engage the missile from very close.
As a ballistic missile blasts upward, quickly gaining speed, the AIM-120s short burn time means the missile has only precious few seconds to catch its target before slowing down.
During those seconds, the ballistic missile only gets higher and faster.
A more likely ballistic-missile defense situation spearheaded by the F-35 could capitalize on what the US military does best: networking complicated systems and getting support from linked assets.
The F-35s AIM-120 is just 12 feet long, undersize for this role.
But the US Navys Arleigh-Burke guided-missile destroyers carry several 21-foot-long interceptor missiles.
The F-35s designers built it to integrate easily with the Navys targeting system, so the F-35 can find, track, and provide targeting info to missiles fired from ships or even other jets.
If you had F-35 loitering as close as possible but not in the airspace, with its sensor package is tuned to pick up a ballistic missiles infrared signature, Bronk said, it could function as a forward part of the warning chain.
This approach would allow the F-35 to stay out of North Korean airspace, which could be seen as an act of war.
Instead, the F-35 simply tracks the ballistic missile, and a US Navy destroyer shoots it down.
The F-35s deployment to Japan and its involvement in the ballistic-missile-defense discussion comes at a time of extreme tensions between the US and North Korea, with both sides reportedly announcing intentions to escalate further.
Last week, sources from President Donald Trumps administration reportedly said they were planning a bloody nose attack to damage North Koreas missile program and humiliate the country.
South Korean media reported on Thursday that North Korea may be planning a satellite launch, which looks very much like a missile launch but instead deposits a satellite in space.
In North Korea, missile launches are key propaganda events and vital to the militarys research and development.
For the US, the F-35 is the most expensive weapons system ever made and one that has yet to deliver on its promise of changing the game in aerial warfare.
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BREAKING NEWS! The ROYAL Wedding IN JEOPARDY!!! - Duration: 4:48.
For the past month, American actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been making the
rounds on the talk show circuit gushing about their love for each other and planning their
spring nuptials.
These two smitten kittens have been seen all over London professing their love for each
other, but while on the surface it looks lovely there is trouble brewing below the surface.
Markle has struck a wrong chord with the royal family, and if she does not shape up soon,
the fairy-tale wedding she was hoping for may end before she knows it.
The majority of people enjoy following the Royals since they captivate the imagination
of what it must be like to live as real-life royalty.
Some little girls grow up wishing that they will have the chance to meet a prince, marry
him and live in a far off castle being waited on hand and foot, which is why when Prince
Harry asked for Meghan Markle's hand in marriage women around the world swooned.
However, as it turns out the impending nuptials between Prince Harry and Markle seemed doom
by his betrothed's present and past actions, and if she does not get her act together she
will be back in Hollywood.
It appears that Queen Elizabeth is not a huge fan of Ms. Markle and has made no bones about
it to her grandson.
Over the Christmas holiday, Markle made a public spectacle of herself when she created
a "fake racism" scandal when Princess Michael of Kent wore a "Blackmoor" brooch
that the B-rated actress found "horrendously racist."
The fake story was published on Page Six, the Hollywood gossip rag stating that she
wore this pin on purpose to offend the biracial actress.
That disgusting display of disrespect rubbed the Queen the wrong way as well as the fact
that Markle has not removed from her Twitter page she is an activist and outspoken with
hatred of President Trump, In fact, Markle's hatred for President Trump is so immense that
she has forbidden that Trump be invited to her nuptials but had the audacity to ask if
Barack and Michelle Obama could attend.
Thankfully, the Queen put the kibosh on the Obama's attending the royal affair, but
that has not stopped many in the inner circle wondering if Markle is worth all the trouble.
The Royals as everyone knows have an image to uphold, and there are strict rules for
anyone who enters this world.
In fact, one rule of being a royal is that you cannot voice your opinion politically
no matter what your personal feelings are.
So when you have Markle who happens to be a vocal Trump hater that does not sit well
with the monarchy plus, there is the issue with Markle's family life, and the many
divorces her family has had.
In light of these issues, the Queen has stepped in and has told Prince Harry to get a prenup
before walking down the aisle, and that did not sit well with soon to be spoiled princess.
OK! magazine reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had a massive fight after the
Queen demanded the prenup which made the American actress livid.
According to the alleged inside source, the engaged couple is moving ahead with wedding
planning, but they hit a significant hurdle concerning the prenup.
According to the report in OK!, MSN followed up stating that, "The magazine reports that
Queen Elizabeth has seen 'too many royal marriages end in divorce' and doesn't
want her grandson to 'take any chances with his reported $40 million fortune.'
That's led to tension between the spouses-to-be, with a source sharing, 'Meghan can see where
the queen is coming from, but at the same time, she's insulted that it would even
cross the queen's mind that Meghan would have an ulterior motive for marrying Harry.'"
According to the publication, the insider claims that the actress "loves Harry, and
money is the last thing on her mind."
However, it also adds that "Queen Elizabeth is nonetheless pressuring her heir to make
sure the family's money is protected," and consequently, "that means Prince Harry,
and Markle are clashing over the situation."
Markle appears to be in it only for the notoriety and does not seem to be willing to comply
with the Royal demands.
Not only is Markle smug and arrogant, but her entire family is one scandal after another
starting with her very own father who abandoned his daughter to live in Mexico and has a long
history of addiction.
Then her half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. was taken into custody after allegedly holding
a gun to his girlfriend's head.
That doesn't sound like royal material, right?
Markle Jr. was eventually charged with unlawful use of a dangerous weapon, menacing, and domestic
Now, don't get me wrong everyone has a past, but when you are marrying into royalty, you
better be squeaky clean.
Regardless if Markle loves Prince Harry or not this entire relationship spells bad news
for the whole royal family, and if Harry were smart, he would get out of it now.
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