hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G
and this incredibly silent right now game
is Echoed World
let's get into it and play, I have no idea what this game is other than it was free
and it's supposed to be a shorter game?
and I think it was made by like a class or something
the space
that was misspelled
God, I guess
if you believe in that
that said and the universe changed with him, I don't know why there wasn't a subtitle
ok, there's Earth!
ok, a perfectionist
his, his name is an anagram for try
I wonder if that was on purpose
oh he looks cute!
is that him in the corner?
this is a lot of build up, this is a lot of build up
let's get to the game play, ok?
I mean
ok, now we're in game play
now listen, I love a build up and that kind of stuff, but this is a lot
where's the game?
ok it works
oh I'm Algiz, oh my god it's so adorable!
(squealing) oh my god, it's so cute!
(laughing) look at me jump
this is the cutest thing ever, I'm sorry
I slept too much
it happens, you know, I like to sleep, what can I say?
I was supposed to actually like jump there
ok (laughing)
I'm gonna probably cut out that chunk of me just being a stupid head
oh that's so pretty
this game is so pretty
oh my god
why did the music stop?
it is frikin' adorable though
I will give it that
(gasp) I can build trees!
oh no
I have to find my crystal then
ok, I get it, I get it
ok for serious, stop talking, like
I got it like two seconds in
got it
oh sorry you had to die, thank you for your noble sacrifice
oh, I don't think I need to-
oh can I climb?
I can climb
ok, I needed to do that
and then push you DOWN
thank you for your noble sacrifice
but I think I need you
I jumped too far
um, where does it start me back at? ok
I still jumped too far, this is a hard, like, jump mechanic here because how far is too far?
that far
um, thank you for your noble sacrifice, plant
I had to kill you, it made me
no, no, no, no, no!
(high pitched) can I fight him somehow?
I did it!
quickly what?
where am I?
oh I went into another world, ok
I don't know why my computer decided to spaz out, but
ya know
I don't have-
I don't have any energy
ok how can I go down but I can't go back up? Like that's stupid, I'm sorry
oh shit
this is not a rage game, Amanda, this is not
a rage game
this is
a frikin' platformer game and it's adorable
there we go
that was for a collectible?!
fuck you
for fucking serious, fuck you
well, I died
and I'm sure other people playing this are like, I don't know what you're talking about cause this is totally
normal controls, totally fine, but Amanda just sucks balls
oh he slides
he totally slides
can I-?
let me jump you
let me JUMP over you
can I go faster?
thank you for your sacrifice, plant
did not necessarily mean to take that back but I don't know if I need it, so
oh my god, and you have to do it all again?
I'm so happy that I had to do that much just to get here
(sigh) please don't be another thing that kills me
ok, going through the darkness
ok, ok
and I get you
so I can come get-
and get that
and then come back here and kill you, thank you for your sacrifice
(laughing) it said labanith (laughing)
labyrinth, labanith
thith plath ith a labanith
I mean I get it, I get it
sorry, sorry I'm being so particular, I know this was made like
in a short time
by a class and this is like the first- oh god
it's like the first game that a lot of them have made, so I get it
I know what I'm gonna do
ok, now we're back to here
and now we're gonna push this guy over
ok, good, that takes me with it
so now we're back
after a broken game, it's alright
I fixed it
well I really didn't fix it, I fixed it by restarting it
sure, fixed
wait, where's the other one?
oh I have to come back
it's a little cheeky butt grab, I love it
that's how I wanna grab everything from now on, cheeky butt grabs
come on
oh fucking A
I know what I have to do
I have to get over there, run back, and kill the guy
and it-
how did that kill me?!
cheeky butt throws
so this is what we're gonna do
we're gonna come across here
we're gonna wake up whatever dude it is over there
we're gonna come back across
and we're gonna hit the X, and we're gonna kill this guy
you're dead, bitch
cheeky butt throw
bring that back
ok I can't go there yet
oh let's come down here
I can't
and again, we're doing this
we're breaking the game
every time I get one of these guys it breaks the game
oooh what's up here?
this is a little Ori and the Blind Forest-esque in that there's like a lot of
oh, collectible, fuck you, I don't want a collectible, IDGAF about collectibles right now
it's Ori and the Blind Forest-esque in that like there's a lot of lights
and a lot of, um
labyrinth-y type things
oh come on
ok this is really irritating, I have to like push it into the corner before I can jump over it
come on
there we go
and I gotta push you onto this thing
there you go
if I-
if I got stuck here, I'm gonna be so mad
no I don't-
ok well I guess I'm climbing up
that does not do what I wanted it to
ok, yeah, I get it, I get it, that put that back
I get it
that gives me this guy
and then we push you over to here
oh no, that's back where I was
so there's a lot of labyrinth-y type things
stop giving me collectibles, I really don't care about them
well I gotta get down there, I'm sure
but the problem is, like
do I have to-?
where is there another block?
all that was up here was the collectible
like come on
I thought that would be, like, a cooler way of getting over here, and it wasn't
so I guess I need to go back and get that other thing
and bring it all the way down
well, I can't
oh I was so close
I do need to do that
I was gonna keep playing this game, and I was just gonna go through the whole rest of it
it's pissing me off right now
so maybe I'll come back to it later
let me know what you thought about this game and if you want me to finish it in the comments down below
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thank you guys so much for watching
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