It's about something very personal, something subjective, it's about a feeling.
Handcrafted with Soul
Usually trumpet players come to us looking for the sound, they have in their head -
in their ear - and when they pick up one of our instruments, they find exactly this sound.
There was a moment, I will never forget.
We received a great, a really great review from the principal trumpet
of the Chicago Symphony, Chris Martin, and he said back then, after playing our trumpet
that he now hears the sound, he could only hear
in his head before - and that still gives me the goose bumps today,
because it shows how sensible, how sentimental,
how emotional our line of work is.
After hearing this you know, why you have put so many thoughts into it and why you do this with
passion and it inspires you to keep creating new things.
I would recognize the player behind the instrument, but not the instrument.
To me that's a positive thing, because the trumpet is an extension of the musician and not a restraint.
So not only an instrument, but an extension for what I want to do
and I think that's absolutely great.
We want to build great trumpets, that is our highest goal.
Premium, high quality instruments, and in my opinion, it is very important
that we don't work in a row so that every instrument is unique.
What is very important is the consistent quality:
We never start building one or two or three or four instruments at once,
but rather build every instrument for every customer the way
I would build it for myself.
My wife is the soul of our business and, simply said, without her we would
be in big trouble.
I have introduced many things here: I love planning and organizing.
It starts with Wiebke taking the order.
The model is determined, as are the leadpipes, the type of material,
the finish and so on. All of this is written down on a special folder.
My husband and I stand at the work table every night and plan the next day,
who has to do which task and simply what has to be finished.
René is our most senior craftsman,
he builds good instruments. We complete each other well
and we are a really good team.
With Thomas we have received another fine craftsman and he adds perfectly to our team.
We all have great working relationships, and Thomas is
doing a wonderful job.
By now all five of us, who work in this shop, are a little
trumpet-crazy and it's simply our passion. Trumpets are our passion.
Alex is helping us incredibly and
supporting us in every way,
he has new ideas, represents our brand, and meets and advises musicians
all over the world.
Obviously, I want something that allows me to project the sound that I hear in my head,
which is not an easy thing to do.
When we first got these WEIMANNs a couple of the heads in front of us turned around.
The woodwind players, they noticed almost immediately that there was more core, more warmth in the
sound, it blended much better with what they were doing.
Right from the beginning I was feeling that the response, the pitch, everything
was just playing the way I would want a rotary trumpet to play.
I need a horn that's dependable, that I can trust.
In the heat of battle per say. The valves need to work, the slides to work, it needs to
do what I need it to do.
The WEIMANN really gets these three pillars that I'm looking for:
intonation, response, and quality of sound.
When we need to punch through the instrument allows me to do that as well, as we bring
the dynamic up there is a lot more heat in the sound, which is perfect.
Simply said it is an infinite continuing series.
We build something, enjoy doing it, we pass something on, someone is trying it,
starts to smile, enjoys it, is standing on stage, is joyfully playing the instrument
then there is the audience which enjoys it as well.
It is a chain of joy.
For more infomation >> WEIMANN - Handcrafted by Soul (Ger/Eng) - Duration: 9:39.-------------------------------------------
How To Use Crimp Ends To Finish Cords In Your Jewelry-Friday Findings - Duration: 7:24.
If you like to use cording in your jewelry, things such as leather, suede,
silk, hemp, cotton, etc., you may have searched for ways to finish the ends
that are easy to do and look neat and professional. Today I have a finding for
you called crimp ends that will do just that.
Hi there, Sandy here, welcome to the last Friday findings video of 2017. So these
are an interesting finding. I don't use them often enough, they're called crimp
ends. Sometimes they're called crimp end caps, sometimes just crimp ends and if
you do a search on websites that sell these kinds of things like Art Beads,
Fire Mountain Gems, Beadaholique, you'll often find other things will come up
when you do a search of crimp ends, but this is what I think of as crimp ends,
and you'll notice that although these are in different finishes and different
sizes they all have a distinctive look. They all have these three bands, two
wider ones on the end with a more narrow one in the middle, and that is the design,
that is how they work, What's nice about crimp ends is that the only tool you
need to use them to finish your jewelry pieces is a pair of chain nose pliers.
You want a fairly narrow pair, and all you do is squeeze in that area once your
cord is in there. So let's talk about the cord.
I just recently reorganized all of my containers of cording into this set of
three containers. I like it because they kind of fit together and they stack. I
got these at Michaels, I think they were ten dollars or something, just a nice set
for organizing things. So here's a variety of cords: suede and some, I think
that's that's paper or cotton, and some leather. The important thing when
choosing your cap is that you want one that closely fits your cord, so like
these itty-bitty ones, it doesn't even give a size, it just says "tiny," tiny
gold-plated crimp and with loop. You can get these with hooks, you can buy a set
of two, one with a loop and one with a hook, but I do like to have both with
loops because it just gives me more options for using them. So this one would
be perfect for this cord, but of course you wouldn't want to use this one,
it's just out of proportion and it's silly and it probably wouldn't be very
secure. This is a three millimeter antique copper plated brass fancy crimp
end cap with loop, that's the description, and this is one millimeter cord and you
can see that's way too big, unless you were putting a couple of strands in
there, which you can do. You do have to be a little bit wary when you're purchasing
these because things aren't always as they seem.
This is, in fact it's from the same website, three millimeter braided leather
and this is a three and a half millimeter crimp cap. Now most of the time
when you see the dimension on here like three-and-a-half millimeters, that is
telling you the inside diameter, most of the time, not always but most of the time.
So you would think if you have a three-and-a-half millimeter opening and
a three millimeter bit of leather it would work but you can see that this
one would take a bit of doing. Right, it's just too tight, it's like too close. It
would take a bit of doing to get that in there. So sometimes if you, if you're
shopping online and if you bought these together thinking they'd work together
they might not, but actually this one that is a 4 1/2 millimeter antique
copper plated, it's perfect. So what you want to do when you're putting these on
is not push your cord way up like that. Just push it until you can see it and
then back it out so it's just not visible. Now with these, these are a
one-shot deal. Once you're ready to finish your piece of jewelry you need to
be very sure that you have a everything you want on the cord before
you flatten your ends and you need to be sure that it's the length you want
because, or that you have extra ends to waste, because once it's crimped you
could cut off the cord but you're not going to be able to reuse your finding.
Now most of the time you buy these in pairs and I don't know what happened
when I was ordering. I bought this as a single, but looking at that wondering,
Well, what am I gonna do with that? Made me think of all kinds of things you
could do with it. What about putting in multi-strands? See that's too big for
just one but I could probably fit three or four strands in there and make a
little tassel or a fringe or add dangles to the ends. This is waxed linen twine
and sometimes you may have trouble getting things in there, like this is
sort of frayed, it looks like you could probably fit a couple in there, and what
you might want to do is get just a tiny bit of glue on the end and then twirl it.
Even without the glue that might go in, yeah.
So then all you do to finish is you back it out just until you can't see it
anymore, cuz it's pretty hard to get in there to trim that neatly, get as good a
grip on the finding as you can manage with your pliers, choke down as far as
you can, but you really don't want your pliers going past those outer rings, make
sure that's right where you want it, and you want to be crimping so that that
loop, you're looking through the hole of the loop, you don't want to crimp this
way. They're just made to work best, so I just keep checking that I have that just
right, give it a good squeeze, make sure you have a good grip on it. There's one side,
turn it around.
What I like about this instead of using glue is that it's a mechanical fastening.
You don't have to rely on glue failing. Glue is wonderful stuff, but there are
times when it fails. So as far as the problems with the discrepancy with sizes,
what I would suggest you do is if you're shopping and you're not certain if a
particular finding will work for your project, buy a couple sizes different. Buy
the size smaller and by the size larger, they're not ridiculously expensive and
it's always good to have them on hand. And it's a really nice, tidy way to
finish up your jewelry pieces and it's quick and easy. So I hope you found this
helpful. Be sure to subscribe if you haven't already, take a look at my
Patreon page for how you can support these tutorials and keep them coming and
get bonus tutorials for yourself every month. Happy creating, bye bye.
New Dinotrux Rock Slide Revenge Indominus Rex VS Ty Rux Jurassic World Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing - Duration: 24:21.
I'm super excited today we have a brand new dinotrux playset this is the rock
slide revenge under the dinotrux playset this one looks the biggest then you've
New Dinotrux Rock Slide Revenge Indominus Rex VS Ty Rux Jurassic World Dinosaur Trucks Unboxing
says lift elevator escape destruction then it says Revit must escape d-structs
trap and you could also connect it with other dinotrux playsets which so far
I've got all of them so I'm gonna have to go ahead and connect them up and show
them to you but let's go ahead and open this the terminus friend says this gate
from Jurassic Park he's working together with these candid dinotrux
escape and dominance and d-structs go dozer
although these trucks got those or who can save it come sky yeah she saved him
go turn turn can tongue turn make it oh good tunt ah go roll it on who could
save tunt on oh you comes rolled on yay ten tons free
go Garbi oh these trucks got him who can save them go tie rocks
it's time rocks to the rescue oh yeah Garvey's free go rev because rev can he
escape oh I gotta go to tool who's gonna save rev X Tortola breves free yeah all
the dyno trucks have escaped from the terrible dominance rex and ok let's see
what was in here guys super excited you I never knew why they haven't made a 3d
structs they got the big guy rocks they made a big destructor truck so I mean
this is the closest you're gonna come to a big destructor
so here is d-structs head we're gonna have to go ahead and put the stickers on
it and here is all the other pieces and we're gonna have to go ahead and put
these together and have a lot of fun with this set then it also comes with
some stickers that you set up on it okay let's go ahead and put this together and
have some fun Wow guys here is the dinotrux
rock slide revenge put together it is it awesome set let's go ahead and take a
look at some of the options okay to start off with you have an elevator here
which the dinotrux characters take off that locks up into three different
positions and then when you get to the top
see it locks in there securely and then the characters are going to go down the
slide this thing swings around here and throws them here they hit it
well we'll take a look at the other side let's take a look at how they go down
first so first let's take a look from here okay so the goal is to escape from
d-structs once you hit this a certain amount of times his mouth will close see
that and then you're stuck and then if you have one of the characters come and
hit him from top his mouth will open so let's try it
then it also had the door here that opens your characters could come out of
the mountain there and the coolest part is all of these sets join together two
other sets I have reviews of all the other set well let me show you so here
is a combination of three other sets so basically you could have them once they
passed d-structs there you could have them drive up to gather some ore here
you could have them come here and get fixed
and here's another off also like exploding set so if you want to check
out these full sets go to the end of this video there's a trucks toys and
take a closer look at them Wow we have a lot of dinotrux toys here we are gonna
have a lot of fun guys also odd guys I have unboxed all of these Vicki's toys
here and done awesome like Dino battles with Jurassic world and Jurassic Park
dinosaurs so go ahead and check out the dino trucks playlist at the end of this
video Wow we're gonna have a lot of fun let's
get started okay it's great to see you again we're gonna have some all subdued
dinotrux toys to add to our collection and I will show you all these awesome
toys in this huge dino trucks surprise box of toys the four new ones we're
gonna be looking at our dino trucks green ty-rux dino trucks battering rams
Gaia we have shadow ty rocks from dino trucks
and dyno trucks rekha cool so we'll take a look at those four and then we'll go
ahead and take a look at all these awesome dyno trucks toys wow that's
gonna be fun okay so the first one we're gonna start with is the battering rams
Gaea she looks really cool she's got some really heavy armor here on her neck
and her head and of course her head is a battering ram now so that's cool let's
take a look at the back first this is battering ram skaia
class of grayness or opponent will live to regret going into battle with
battering rams skaia cool can bust through walls of metal
Anaka whole packs of scrap ders forged metal armor plates can withstand any
attack pointed helmet perfect for ramming action cool let's go in head and
check her out I like that so this one I think is said yeah to pull the tail so
when you pull the tail actually you just have to move the tail and she lowers her
head for battering ram action and then BAM off she goes she could slam right
through walls or take out big groups of scrap ders that is really cool
and take a look at her here you can see I mean she's really armored except for
her head sticking out the top right there
so she does have tank treads but she really rolls on these four wheels here
so she rolls along really nice and smooth okay let's see who was neck okay
our next one whose shadow time rocks cool let's check out his bio on the back
says shadow tie-rocks class t trucks undercover t trucks custom jet black
paint job created by tor tools sneaks around in the dark of night for daring
rescues mighty wrecking ball tailed transforms into fierce claw cool let's
check him out oh so so shadow ty-rux is really cool I'll show you some other
bigger shadow ty-rux is a half so he has this ball here oops sorry I was way off
target he has this ball here ball chain that moves back and forth but the other
shadow ty-rux actually has the bigger one he actually has like this crane
thing that he could use to pick stuff up ah cool is that so that's the bigger
shadow tie-rocks which I will show you guys in a moment here is a look at the
front at the other side rolls really nice and smooth i has tank treads bought
it rolls on wheels just like the other dino trucks characters cool and then our
next one is this awesome green tie rocks by the way all of these are diecast
metal so they are pretty durable oh they put a sticker right over his bio okay I
got most of it uncovered it says green tie rocks class tie rocks with baby tore
tools on the rampage tie rocks is painted a bright shade of green bright
coloring can draw attention away from other trucks can blend into unusual
environments makes kya and ton ton laughs hysterically haha
that's awesome he does look kind of funny when he's colored green I think if
I was skya and tour tool I will laugh hysterically
- sorry that was skya and tonton I was
historic hysterically - because he does look really funny I mean check him out I
mean his regular color is red that's the color we are all used to seeing ty-rux
be and then he's painted green I mean he looks almost like a clown so this one
his mouth moves up and down he moves up and down the ball here swings back and
forth guys you could buy a lot of these dinotrux
toys still on Amazon I'll put a link below the video where you could go ahead
and check them out so he does move up and down swings the ball you could move
his arms and are the normal price for these is about six bucks but you're
probably gonna pay more because they're hard to find that stores now and once
again four wheels rolls along really nice and smooth
and then our fourth one is reka she looks really cool let's check out her
bio it says rekha class and Cleo dump tuck thrill-seeking in Cleo dumb roams
with crew called the dumps retractable grinding tail for smashing rocks mega
tires for jumping ramps and grinding cliffs with her two daredevil bro bros
drago and scoot awesome songs like ton ton would like kerekes ton ton likes
taking all those risks also so let's check her out
it says move tail okay so if you move oh ok so it says move tail so if you move
her tail she her dump moves back and forth so she does look a lot like Ton
Ton except like a gold color instead of like a
move so she is female dump truck big battering ram tail she is full of this
is probably some type of or and she does have tires she moves along really nice
and smooth so here is the four that we opened today and now let's go ahead and
take a look at the box of these awesome dinotrux toys wow this is a good
addition to a lot of other ones we already have the first toy we have is a
giant talking roll guy so if you push her she lifts her head and makes
different sounds and she also rolls and then the next one is a talking dozer
oh how cool is that and then we have a giant talking Garbi if you are you load
balls into its mouth here and when you pull up the back is shoot the balls off
the backside and then of course their best one a huge time roughs toy when you
push it let's get building names tie-rocks but you can go each eye
and then he has a giant swinging and then we have a giant skaia ah place that
this one I has a working book here that goes up and down her mouth opens and
closes you could lean her former to create a ramp for the Dino truck toys to
go flying down and flying up into the air so this set is a lot of fun and then
we have a talking shadow time raptors
this one has like like a claw on the back you can use to pick stuff up and
then saw this guy's and then we have a giant
d-structs place that if you do it on certain amount of time his mouth will
snap shut
ah we have a talking taco trucks puppet tie-rocks
we got a giant talking rabbit with a spinning bit up here you could change
out two different bit and he has a tape measure ton another talkin tie-rocks boy
we've got a big rolling ton ton if you roll him his back loops of the Don and
his head
also pull back d-structs if you pull him back he'll run and also his mouth will
move up and down I also have reviews of all their story sets and a lot of die
cast figures let's see who we've got okay first we got the die cast Garbi die
cast Ton Ton we've got a big die cast ty-rux
another smaller die cast ty-rux and still another die cast ty-rux
we've got to die cast d-structs and then we have two more die cast ty-rux figures
so we actually have five die cast ty-rux sniggers some are different this one's a
really nice shiny one that came with one of the sets and then we have a die cast
skya we've got a die cast dozer a die cast rolled on a die cast Ton Ton
we've looked like four diecast rabbits
another die cast Ton Ton so we got two of those tore tool we've got three die
cast tore tools the reason I have so many
doubles and triples is some of these come in sets so that is pretty cool and
then a scrap scrap adaptil well actually this is uh I believe this is scarf
dactyl I apologize this is Scarpa dactyl so this guy is
we've got three scrap ters here this one actually rolls and then we have a
diecast Waldo and a couple other miscellaneous diecast ones so you can
see here I got a huge pile these are all my diecast dinotrux figures so I got a
lot of them besides the big coffee at once
so like I said if you go to the end of this video I've got full reviews of all
of these unboxing them and also fun story lines where they have to protect
themselves from huge drastic world dinosaurs and it's a lot of fun ok guys
so this was our awesome dinotrux dinosaur zoo if you enjoyed it make sure
you click like drop the comments what other toys you want to see reviewed
because I do follow I do listen to people's suggestions and many times the
toys they want to see reviewed I end up reviewing guys I love doing this this is
my job I love doing my job and you could help to support my channel to see more
awesome toys simply by viewing and dropping the comments letting me know
what you liked what you didn't like so I know which toys do bye
wow that's a lot of fun guys this is my job I love doing my job and if you do
like dinotrux toys I'll have a link below the video
where you could buy some of them Wow guys you are awesome and I will see you
too click the subscribe button below for a
lot more fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make
a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to
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Paranoid [Half-Life mod for Doom II] - Duration: 18:58.
Dr. Bellmer, this breafing will serve to recap your mission objective.
As you know, the consortium I represent seeks to dominate the field of anomalous materials research.
We believe that our supremacy in this field will allow us to pioneer exploration of extra-dimensional space.
For many years now, the United States government has been using the Black Mesa complex to move ahead in these areas.
My employers wish to impose ... roadblocks in the pat of the U.S. government, and to set back their progress.
Your objective is to damage their information system so that data recovery is difficult and time-consuming.
You have been provided with a data device. Use it to introduce a virus into their data systems.
Unfortunately, you do not have adequate security clearance for access the data control operations.
Therefore, you will need to figure out a way to reach it on your own.
However, to assist you, we have planned a little ... 'incident' in the anomalous materials test lab.
This should cause just enough confusion to allow you to reach data control ops.
Periodically, during your mission, you will receive transmissions from me.
These messages will help you to navigate the Black Mesa facility, and identify alternative paths.
Good luck!
If I got it right, this research lab is the hub that connects the other game's maps. There isn't any
combat now. You have to find something, somewhere, and then the mess will begin.
This map's visual is amazing. In fact, the whole mod looks amazing. An unaware person might even
think it's some Half-Life's different version or something else that is not DooM at all.
This attention to details, on the other hand, contributes to one of the WAD's biggest negative features,
IMHO: It leaves the places a bit confusing, with a lot of doors and switches that don't do anything, but
can get you easily lost or without knowing what else to do. I don't get along with this sort of thing.
I tested Paranoid in Zandronum 2.0 and 3.0 and, although is playable, I noticed that the walking NPCs
disappear on this map. I can not tell if something else gets missing with this port, beside these fuckers.
By the way, the NPCs voice acting and stuff are nice. They remind me Might & Magics VI to VIII.
The first step is to get the HEV Suit. Then, some shit happens and you'll be able to collect the first
weapons: a Beretta and a crowbar. Finally the action will start and you will face enemies and stuff.
There are parts that, at least for the moment, are practically useless, like this room where the scientist
is decorating the Periodic Table. But that can change as you progress in the game.
If, at the beginning of the game, you chose Portal C, It will start here, but you will have to wait anyway.
Paranoid also has a cool introduction, by the way, but it is quite long to be shown here.
After this whole drama, the mod will finally release controls again. And there will be news in the map.
Since I hate this kind of map, I'm going to allow myself to cheat my way out. I can even show the whole mod's
arsenal this way. It is kinda small, even though some of the weapons have alternative fire modes.
The combat is another weakness of this PWAD. It needs serious balancing. You will spend a lot of
ammunition to kill these critters, but they will drain your health quickly. The soldiers, then, hit from
afar and you do not even see then. They get kinda camouflaged, depending on where they are.
The altfires of some guns help a lot, but there is the delay to recharge and the lack of options.
It couldn't be shown in this video, but if the character lose a lot of health, he will get slower and will
jump less and, from what I saw, there are some platform parts ahead, on this mod. Things can get tricky.
There are TXT files that come along with Paranoid that contains tips, walkthroughs and more information.
Well, I'll stop when it changes maps. This type of level exhausts me. In fact, this, along with the unbalanced
combat and few weapons options, are the Paranoid's weaknesses. Having said that,
I have to emphasize that the mod has many good points, such as its looks and all that composes it:
detail richness, textures, enemies, sound effects etc. Everything is combining harmoniously.
Another thing that is worthy of mentioning is that Paranoid isn't a Half-Life 1:1 remake. The WAD
has countless unique elements, which is good for fans of this game who want something new.
Also, the PWAD's plot seems to be rich and interesting and gets unraveled as you progress in-game.
I'm off here. The mod's download, as well as more info about it, are in the description, as usual.
Puffy Mattress Review
S-0002.03 - Final Episode in A BiG AdveNtuRe! - cross stitch x-stitch needlepoint tutorial flosstube - Duration: 3:00.
Hello, and welcome to The Stitching Kitchn.
Today, on The Stitching Kitchn, I am so excited.
I have company!
I have Miss Avery.
And Miss Emma.
[wave] Hi.
And we are The Stitching Kitchn Chef and The Kitchn-ettes!
They came to Las Vegas to visit their grandmother.
And they came to Stitcher's Paradise and we had a class in cross stitching.
So, they're going to show you their piece today.
And, I'm going to tell you that, if you want a copy of this pattern, you need to eMail me
So, you can teach your children or grandchildren how to cross stitch.
Are we ready?
Avery, why don't you show us what you did in class.
Very nice!
And, Miss Emma, your turn.
Isn't this wonderful?
I didn't expect them to finish it because they're eight years old and they have other
things to do besides cross stitch.
But, they were done the very next day.
I am so excited.
And, I have made them pumpkins for Halloween and the Fall.
And, they're going to stitch those in the next week or two, while they're still on vacation.
What I want to do is give a shout out to my oldest student, who is Nancy.
She's 85 years old.
And she did one of Waterhouse's cross stitches and it came out beautiful.
So, it doesn't matter how old you are.
If you have good magnifiers or good young eyes, you can cross stitch.
So, this episode is the end of Miss Avery and Emma's Adventure.
I'm so happy to be The Stitching Kitchn Chef.
And I'm so happy that you're watching this channel.
Remember to subscribe, share, and like.
Thank you!
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Snake master Alhaz Abdur Razzak Biswas Snake catching Live Video new Episode- 29 From Patuakhali,Bangladesh
Brigitte Macron en doudoune rouge au ski : élégante même à la montagne | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 1:44.
Net Neutrality is gone... - Duration: 6:31.
What's the time my mom offer you know who we dig although we're not bluffing in the Japanese oh
Come on. Yuge a sec though
Today gum are we doing something to be shorter actually heard something around all over you noted that
the most precious
thing that you see your line now a
Lot of people roaming about it you look about
knick-knack mythology
Look very we feel like Leesburg that too we third thing
The last Thursday, yeah, you like Thursday, so I already reacted with you died that
Issue a Oh?
China sound over now intro looking back for the crap
About what do you do we like when if every K know what hi I'm a gene pie I'm the chairman of the FCC Oh
more like ash
You can still Graham your food
Right right
Yeah, you can still post photos of cute animals like puppies
Even like you
you know like
Dog do you like him do you not?
think it's playing a bag of dogface first because
Bikini in there
Alright you need like me
Alright, let my gosh Turkey my turkey yeah
He do you like him too well
Look at either one
To leave there already look at you see that right
So the daily video because it's all up to backwards at all, I'm sorry
You can still shop for all your Christmas presents online
games both deal and fidgets Phenix oh
My god you get the bad acne, so you can think oh
Yes yes yes yes
Those Eclipse glasses are so cheap
Let Kurt look at it
You think be cool you think it'd be cool away
So moody I'm moving on okay damn it crazy think you can still binge watch your favorite shows
Watch that thing I'm out here you can still stay part of your favorite fan
Deeply there who daddy fit come on out
Yeah, it's doing my European who doubted it bear. I'm out here damn out here
You can still drive knees right into the ground
Hey died
Hey guys
Don't hold them for dusty team you don't and you don't mean which is the heart of insane?
Everything all of this all of it
Die Rippey
No really man
Me mad prints
I won anything right now
Nobody making one because I bet I want to make it feel order to react it to you
Did get Darvish work that everyday Pro
Our pirate of disdain you need me don't wait for me
Entirety Nicky eyetality shaking head a kerosene him. I don't anything right here
I'm Nicky dog on my bed, and then I cry and pillow all right I
Don't wanna see his face anymore. I don't wanna see his mouth operate and be like she's pretty
Alright, she's a
Good thing with that so I hired to you
know Athena ever ever ever ever again
so anyway, Oh
Shopping already because you've all been in my lifetime or anything on my phone
or the camera
You know I like you, but they don't report for me, so I know right. Thank you guys
We wanted to do real egg didn't you punch alike?
But it and to try to be the part today one swap you thing up there so
Did you we will watch more kinda like this to
My church is your shrine all right
Pete you make this blind oh shoot right the always chew it up all the way I would see you
Do that feel?
(Outro Song playing)
🎵You think you know me🎵
🎵Because you saw me growing since I was young🎵
🎵You think you know me🎵
Carla Bruni, trop gentille, évite de multiplier les « relations sociales » - Duration: 2:29.
The County Seat 2017 Review - Duration: 28:51.
Hi everybody welcome to our year end wrap up
with The County Seat I'm your host Chad Booth.
Joining us later in the show will be Lincoln
Shurtz and Adam Trupp from the Utah Assoc. of
Counties. Rather than do a lot of philosophizing
about the great stories of the year or the most
important ones we are just going to recap them
quickly and point towards next year. Let's start
with the most recent, Medicaid Expansion.
through what was entailed in this waiver and
what it said it would cover I was surprised there
were a lot of things that I would not have
anticipated being a coverable Medicaid
expense. How broad is this Dr. Shiozawa?
It's broad in the sense that it is directed to
specific population. When we think of Medicaid
in one circumstance we can say well it's going
to help those people that are poor say a women
who is pregnant or someone who has children
and they can just get general coverage. But
what this waiver does is specifically focus on a
specific population those people in the
homeless situation who have drug and mental
health problems and who have problems with
the justice system. So when they are involved
in that whether it's through the judiciary system
the mental health courts or how they find their
way into that particular category then these
dollars are then focused specific treatments to
help them. Let's say they are like substance
abuse maybe putting the into either outpatient
or inpatient treatment programs. The
residential treatment program I'll just see how
other groups are going to get funding for many
many beds they did not have before to bring
these patients ins they don't go directly from
the jail back onto the street. Or from mental
health courts out into some hotel with an ankle
bracelet but rather into a treatment program
that can give them not only treatment whether
physical or medical assisted treatment
counseling and then also getting them back into
better health and maybe even into a job so
really stabilizing here.
treatment beds and jail beds and making sure
they are expanded or capable facilities with the
jail and I noticed even some kind of elements of
police training. How that fix into the mix does
are they all crucial to make work?
It's going to be hard to have this program
succeed first of all until we know how it is going
to work but without enforcement downtown in
the Rio Grande area to protect not only those
people that are homeless but those citizens
around them and to prevent that vulnerable
population from being preyed upon by the drug
dealers. We are going to have to have more
police and then for those people who really are
drug abusers or violating the law then they have
to to into jail and we have to have under the JRI
for example the Justice Reinvestment Initiative
we have to have funding for that which we did
not get before because we never expanded
Medicaid. And then to get them from there
into residential treatment or outpatient
treatment into programs all three of these
various factors are important. So when you
look at ate judicial system what's it supposed to
accomplish. Well public safety right,
accountability and rehabilitation and if you take
away one of those three aspects you are going
to have a failure in that system and we have to
have that rehabilitation we have been pretty
good with accountability and we are pretty
good with public safety now let's get into the
rehabilitation portion.
So there you have our first topic Medicaid
expansion so to talk about the importance and
relevance of the counties we have Adam Trupp
who is the CEO of the Utah Assoc. of Counties
and their legislative director of affairs Lincoln
Shurtz. All right why was Medicaid expansion
such a big deal this year?
Well it was a long fought effort a very complex
effort of trying to get a state proposal through
the federal government to try and address
specific needs that are identified in our state to
deal with people who have substance abuse
disorders mental health issues who are involved
in the criminal justice system or who are trying
to avoid involvement in the criminal justice
system and by making the expansion possible
that was made and approved by the federal
government we have created the opportunity
for many more people to get the treatment
and medical care that they do need.
And trying to contextualize the politics of all this
right at the same time we are trying to get
expansion through the state of Utah to cover
this JRI population you have the Trump
administration who is trying to pull back the
affordable care act and so navigating those
politics has been not easy for the speaker and
for Representative Dunnigan who did an
amazing job in getting the Trump
administration to approve this waiver which
many thought was going to be accomplishable
with the current political dynamic about ACA.
And yet just a year ago you had an
administration that was very willing and a state
legislature that was going wait and hold on.
And then the administration 18 months ago
who took 18 months and did nothing with the
waiver so pretty interesting times.
Correct and it gave the state of Utah the
opportunity to say this is what we would like to
have in our state and now the administration is
able to say okay show us if it works we will give
your that leeway and let's see if that works and
meets the needs in your state.
Yes, a great win for states' rights if you are of
that ilk.
There you go that is a good way to end the first
segment we will be back and our next question
and topic for importance opioids and lawsuits.
Back with The County Seat in just a minute.
Welcome back to The County Seat this is our
yearend review. You know of the things that
caught most attention there are several
problems that are all tied into one base
problem and that is the explosion of opioid
abuse. In all forms. We decided that was one
of our top stories of the year and we are going
to talk about a recent phenomenon of taking on
the drug companies that started this problem.
Yes, it is completely different. The paradigm
has completely changed. You know people
think of drugs they think of the dirty side of
town. What we are seeing is it is not
necessarily the case anymore. It used to be
drugs come in a baggy what about the drugs
that come in a bottle you cannot divorce the
two. We are literally seeing soccer moms,
clergy, business men, and high school kids,
grade school kids getting hooked on opioids,
quietly at home and not talking about it
because they do not want to deal with the
stigma of shame that may come with that
quietly dying at home. Something I have never
seen before. That is how pervasive this is. That
is the difference now we are no longer dealing
with the seedy side of town. We are dealing
with the home.
Commissioner Lee talk to me for a minute
about what Utah County has done as you have
been a headline maker as far as what is
happening with this and I was very surprised
but gratified when I read the headline.
Yes, in looking at this, this is not something that
is behind the scenes as mentioned here. These
are faces that we see we all know them it's in
our neighborhoods it's in our families it's there
all the time and we cannot just duck away from
this. As elected officials we have taken an
sworn oath to protect and defend and that
means to the citizens of our counties as well as
we look at that in a realistic manner we have to
stand up to some of these issues and say here
we are we are going to make a stand on it is not
something we are just going to hide behind and
say maybe some other day. That is a big point.
want to jump to that quickly. They are saying
out there that opioids are safe and effective
that they treat chronic and non-cancer pain.
They also say that the existence of scientific
evidence that opioids are affective for long term
use. It is a narrative that is not correct and as
elected officials and as we are looking at this it
does not just affect the people we have it
within our sheriff's department where we are
looking at the jails we deal with it on a regular
basis. Our Wasatch mental health issues the
drug and alcohol abuse all of the substance that
we are trying to alleviate they are their
constantly. It affects the county on its bottom
line with the budgeting because we have to go
after and deal with these issues. There are in
our emergency rooms we have every day more
than 1000 people treated in the emergency
rooms for misuse of prescription drugs. Not for
the proper use but misuse of prescription drugs.
These need to be addressed we are not
necessarily going out there and saying we want
to have everybody always feel pain all the time
but it's the misuse and then the leading as it
gets into the drug abuses and the drug
overdoses that are a big concern for us and we
have that standing in the county where we are
directly affected by that and we are leading out
and we are saying we need to pursue legal
actions to turn the tide of this or to at least
address it.
Let's take a shot at the opioids and the lawsuit
on first blush this looks like suing opioid
companies seems like I want to blame
somebody but I guess there is a rationale to
There definitely is and again I am not going to
try and go into the proof of all the legal cases
right now but the fact is that there are facts and
there are theories by the counties across the
country that have brought these lawsuits that
are essentially akin to the tobacco lawsuits from
years ago and based on many of the same kinds
of claims and that is a manufacturer of a
product mislead the public and mislead
individual to believe that this was a good thing
to use and that it was not addictive and that
there were not significant health problems that
you would face and as the result of that many
people followed the advice from the makers
and from their doctors and that is how we end
up in a situation we are in now. Now in the
long run does that play out so that counties can
recover money for the costs of service that they
provided as a result of those situations? We do
not know but there is certainly a claim that is
justified so we will see what happens and I am
hopeful that counties will join in to figure out
whether or not they do have an interest in
Does that open up a flood gate for individuals to
pursue the same line as some kind of class
I think there is likelihood there will be a class
action lawsuit. The question is jurisdiction. Is
this going to be handled in state court or is this
going to be handled in federal court? And by
Utah counties coming forward and putting
forward claims the hope is it will be handled in
state court vs. a federal class action case. So
that is part of the reason and the logic behind
doing something locally as you can have more
control from the state court process than you
would otherwise have through a federal court
And again this is an issue of local government,
local interests and let's find out what the facts
show. Let's find out as we move forward
whether there is a claim or people are just
trying to find someone to blame.
And now question this epidemic has plagued
the budgets of counties as we provide services
to try and remedy what is going on.
I.E. Medicaid expansion.
Okay we will take a break and back with The
County Seat with our next topic.
Welcome back to The County Seat we are
continuing our review of the most important
stories of the year perhaps the one that has
gotten the most air time and editorial time the
most coverage time was the declaration of the
Bears Ears National Monument. Now from the
time the year started to the time that it ended
there were many things that have happened
and it's happened in an incredibly short period
of time. Now over our course of conversation is
focused on reduction of monuments but let's
look back and remember what the conflict was
before the monument.
Now that Bears Ears National
Monument is a reality, there are
many questions San Juan County
residents have about what to
expect in the years to come.
While no one knows exactly, there
is a 20 year case study we can
examine: the Grand Staircase
Escalante National Monument.20
years ago, Clare Ramsay was a
Garfield County Commissioner. We
asked him what they promised the
day after the declaration.
Well that everything would remain
the same that we wouldn't lose
any rights or privileges that we
had at that time, of course
everything changed immediately.
The way of life, the culture has
changed, access has changed. The
things that we were building and
the things that we were
preserving have been taken away
or starting to be destroyed
because of the monument.
Four main areas of local
community impact came into play
with the creation of Grand
Staircase: Transportation,
grazing, water, and use of
resources, all have changed.
The roads were a big issue, we
began immediately fighting over
them. In fact, it was from the
pressure from Garfield County
Commissioners that forced
the Monument people to even put
roads into the monument
management plan.
To date Garfield County reports
they have lost nearly 50 percent
of the county road miles within
the monument. For Kane the loss
is worse.
I actually did a count in the
beginning and we have actually
lost 80% of our roads that we
claim as county roads.
For decades people have relied on
resources in the surrounding
hills for things they need.
Those resources are now off
limits as well.
As I remember, there is about two
areas on the Monument where you
can still gather wood. So that
was affected directly and
immediately. There is areas there
that people mined just decorative
rocks, flat rocks for patios and
such and those things were shut
Kane County is no longer allowed
to use gravel from inside the
monument to maintain roads, and
Escalante City had to abandon a
nearby source for clay to line
their landfill.
It was determined no material
could be taken off the monument,
so Escalante had to find another
clay source. It cost Escalante
City a significant amount of
money to haul that clay to
Escalante city.
Perhaps the biggest impact is in
grazing, the one thing that was
specifically promised to remain.
They will tell you that our AUMs
have not been cut, and that is
true, but can we run the same
number of acres of AUMs on our
allotments? No we can't because
of the infestation of pinion
juniper, of weeds.
The physical conditions on the
monument are deteriorating due to
Residents in Garfield and Kane
County feel that the promises to
work in conjunction with the
communities failed to materialize
and that the special concessions
listed in the proclamation have
been circumvented. It is their
fear that the same awaits their
neighbors to the east.
From the County Seat, Im Malia
Okay, Bears Ears probably as far as headlines go
that biggest headline grabber of the entire year
here in the State of Utah and in the region as
well. So why does this whole controversy end
up being so important to rural counties?
It's important to rural counties because there
has been a feeling from leadership in those
counties from the citizens in those counties that
they were not heard in the past by the
administration for years and in fact that they
felt that now they were as a result of Interior
Secretary Zinke coming down to the area and
talking to people about Bears Ears and Grand
Staircase that they were now being heard and
they had a voice with their federal government
and with the leadership. I think that is the
biggest reason that it is important to rural
counties. The reality is the change and impact
on the land that is there from the change is not
that significant despite the claims that the land
is being sold or given away to the highest bidder
which is dishonest. The Fact is that what we
still have is protective federal lands with more
access provided. So those two reason I think
are important but the biggest one is the feeling
that people in small communities and
populations are heard by the administration.
Is there really a big philosophical difference of
the protection stance of a monument vs.
multiple use of regular BLM land? Does that
really pay out in day to day life?
Not in day to day life. There is a philosophical
difference like monument status vs. multiple
use status it is much more controlled and more
limited as a monument. But the reality is if you
look at how we are able to access public lands
for multiple uses especially for any resource
extraction there is no question it is still
extremely burdensome still extremely difficult.
Heavily regulated the fear mongering out there
that this was all of the sudden going to become
private land for development is just a fallacy
just to gin up the opposition vs. recognizing still
public land still highly regulated and still going
to be there for the public use.
But isn't it going to improve like grazing
problems and restrictions and some
transportation issues that will have an impact
Certainly I think it will I think that is the hope
for many people that live in those rural
communities no question about it. That would
be a positive on many levels. On the flip side of
that the fact that there was monument
protection did not mean that the federal
government was putting a lot more time and
money and staff in making sure the land was
properly taken care of it simply meant it had a
different designation and peoples uses were
limited more that is not going to change the
lack of staffing change does not change no
matter what the status is.
Great, very good we will be on to our final topic
right after this commercial break.
Welcome back to The County Seat. We have
been going through the half hour looking at the
most important issues of the year and we are
going to take a look at the last one which we
already know is going to be an issue again this
year. Its medical marijuana this has gone
through a lot of iterations and has been a
dialogue that probably has no end in Utah until
we come to a final sentiment of how to deal
with it lets check this out.
The marijuana plant is made up of over 100
individual components called Cannabinoids.
The primary ones are Cannabidiols {CBD} and
Tetrahydrocannabinols or {THC} [This is the one
that has psychotropic qualities.
According to the National Institute of Health,
the human body also produces and uses its own
cannabinoid chemicals.
Currently there is medical interest in THC and
CBD. THC has proven to increase appetite and
reduce nausea. The FDA-approved THC-based
medications are used for these purposes. THC
may also decrease pain, inflammation, and
muscle control problems. But it does have
potentially harmful side effects
CBD is a cannabinoid that does not affect the
mind or behavior. But preliminary research
indicates that it may be useful in reducing pain
and inflammation, controlling epileptic seizures,
and possibly even treating mental illness and
Other areas that show promise are in
attacking certain cancer and tumors including
brain tumors, combating autoimmune
diseases, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's
We have come quite a distance on medical
marijuana it's been discussed every year for
years and what is changing how year ended up
different this year and the year before on this
I think you have to look at public sentiment as
the main driver of why things have changed. In
Utah I do not know if I would thought 5 years
ago that it would be polling at 60-70% approval
rating in terms of medical marijuana and that is
where things are at today. So when you see
public sentiment change you have seen literally
every surrounding state adopt either
recreational or medical marijuana I think the
dynamics around the entire issue have begun
the change. The citizens' initiative that is going
to likely make its way to the ballot certainly
changes the dynamics of the discussion it will
be fascinating to see how the legislature
responds to that recognizing you got this
initiative hanging out there that is polling at
70% public is going to vote for it unless they do
something. How much preemption can the
state legislature do to really keep control of this
issue, vs how much is going to be done by
initiative will be the issue du jour for much of
the legislature.
Do you think the legislature will be as motivated
by this as they were by count my vote? They
are going to be motivated what is also
interesting is that you have Senator Shiozawa
who the leader of much of this conversation
about how do we handle this how do we handle
it in a scientific and medically appropriate way
has now resigned from the legislature to take a
position with HHS. Health and Human services
federally so with his absence who is going to fill
the vacuum in terms of the policy discussion.
Senator Mark Madsen is no longer in the
legislature so a lot of space to fill.
I guess Senator Vickers is all that is left.
Senator Vickers who is a pharmacist by trade is
there and certainly has a perspective on this
issue as a licensed pharmacist in the state and
like I said there is a lot of space to fill in terms of
politics it will be fascinating to watch this one
play out during the session.
You think people really understand what the
initiative is about or do you think it is just
popular sentiment?
Heavens no, it's largely based on the Madsen
bill what was that 2 or 3 years ago. I would
argue that very few people have actually read
the initiative to see what it contains.
Well okay that is the top four stories and
gentlemen thank you for joining us and Happy
New Year to you.
You too.
Will you come back in a couple of weeks and
talk about the legislature?
We will look a little more tired but we will be
back after the legislature concludes.
Thank you so much and thank you for joining us
happy new year everybody and we will see you
next year on The County Seat.
29.12.17 9:33 ПП (ул. Хатаевича 29, Гомель,) - Duration: 1:47.
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Immigration debate looms ahead of Congress in 2018 - Duration: 4:38.
In Defense of Fanbabies: Why It's Okay To Love "Bad" Games - Duration: 6:26.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
2017 has been a polarizing year for video games in general.
On the one hand, we've seen the release of some of the defining games of this generation,
as players have fallen in love with new characters and settings, as well as gaining a greater
appreciation of old favourites who've been given a new lease of life.
On the other hand, this year has been peppered with some of the biggest disappointments in
recent years.
We've seen games released that, while not necessarily completely terrible, have certainly
fallen short of players' expectations, to the point that they've become memes, bad
jokes, and parodies.
Probably the most famous example of this was Mass Effect: Andromeda, which saw one of gaming's
most beloved franchises die a painful death, thanks to an unfinished, buggy game.
Aside from the "My Face is Tired" meme, not much of this entire experience has permanently
resonated with gamers.
Then there are titles like Sonic Forces.
Not irredeemable per se, but certainly not as universally beloved as the far more popular
Sonic Mania that released just a few months earlier.
Perhaps it was the fact that Mania was such a wonderfully fresh yet nostalgic experience
that made Forces look so unimpressive by comparison.
Whatever the reason, it's safe to say that a lot of people who'd had high hopes for
a second Sonic title this year were ultimately disappointed when Forces proved to be such
a hollow experience.
It's not uncommon for games to end up failing to connect with a widespread audience, and
gamers have become accustomed to ridiculing broken, unfinished, or otherwise unfulfilling
That said, inevitably, some gamers do find joy from games that are, by and large, written
off as being bad experiences.
Titles like Mass Effect Andromeda and Sonic Forces have an earnest, eager fanbase who
accept that the games have flaws, but still get joy from them nonetheless.
These gamers are often dismissed by the wider gaming community, labelled as fanbabies for
their decision to actively choose to enjoy a so-called "bad game".
But is there really anything wrong with being a fanbaby, if you're enjoying yourself?
Here's a story.
A few months ago now we took our little daughter to play at a new park that she hadn't been
to before.
She was thrilled, and headed straight for the park's slide, eager to climb up to the
top, and whoosh down the other side.
There was just one problem: her rubber shoes stopped her from actually being able to slide
After pushing herself a bit, she learned that the best way to get down the slide was to
scoot along, little by little, in a slow, squeaky journey to the ground.
This was far from a perfect slide experience, but she was having tremendous fun.
"Wheeeeee!" she called out, and she slowly inched her way down the slide.
The moment she got to the bottom, she ran back around to climb up again and have another
Sometimes, modern games can be a lot like this slide.
Slow, imperfect, failing in their intended purpose.
Many people will try them once, recognize their flaws, and move on to something else.
When a game isn't very well made, this is the most sensible thing to do, as the companies
behind these games don't deserve any kind of brand loyalty.
That said, this doesn't mean that a person can't have a fun time with a broken game.
Fun is fun, and we probably all have guilty pleasures; games that aren't particularly
beloved that we hold a certain fondness for.
In truth, these pleasures shouldn't feel guilty at all.
Whether you're enjoying a game ironically, or choosing to overlook its flaws, you don't
need to prove a game's worth to anyone else.
If you're having fun, that's all that matters.
As such, we shouldn't attack or belittle each other if someone else is having a good
time with an objectively poor game.
Rather than rolling our eyes or throwing insults at the fanbabies who embrace unpopular games,
we should appreciate that they've found a way to have fun with something that we are
unable to see in a good light.
This isn't to say that these games should be let off the hook when they fail.
If anything, games companies who take advantage of their fans should be held in low regard
in spite of the popularity a buggy or unfinished title receives.
The old adage proves true: don't hate the player, hate the game.
Even if this phrase means something else in its traditional context.
This cuts both ways.
Just as gamers shouldn't belittle each other for choosing to enjoy unpopular games, we
shouldn't be making fun of people who don't like games that we enjoy.
Everyone has their own tastes, and if you find that someone else isn't fond of a particular
game that you enjoy, it's not enough to simply state that they should "get good",
or claim any kind of superiority over others.
Gaming is a wonderful hobby, and communities that form around various digital experiences
can be wonderful and enjoyable.
It's more fun for everyone if we try to be inclusive, and avoid calling each other
names or throwing insults.
The good news is that when we all do work together, games can become even more enjoyable.
It's fantastic when people get to share games that they enjoy with each other.
When we're willing to see things from someone else's perspective, we might be able to
see something enjoyable in a title that's otherwise escaped our interest.
This is particularly true of smaller, indie titles that might not otherwise get the attention
they deserve, so it's worth letting people know when you enjoy something, and listening
earnestly to others to see what they've found that might provide an experience that
you'd enjoy.
All the while, we can work on putting pressure on game studios to produce the best possible
There's nothing wrong with being fanbabies, and liking games that other people think are
If you're having a good time, that's what matters most.
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Hi everybody welcome to our year end wrap up
with The County Seat I'm your host Chad Booth.
Joining us later in the show will be Lincoln
Shurtz and Adam Trupp from the Utah Assoc. of
Counties. Rather than do a lot of philosophizing
about the great stories of the year or the most
important ones we are just going to recap them
quickly and point towards next year. Let's start
with the most recent, Medicaid Expansion.
through what was entailed in this waiver and
what it said it would cover I was surprised there
were a lot of things that I would not have
anticipated being a coverable Medicaid
expense. How broad is this Dr. Shiozawa?
It's broad in the sense that it is directed to
specific population. When we think of Medicaid
in one circumstance we can say well it's going
to help those people that are poor say a women
who is pregnant or someone who has children
and they can just get general coverage. But
what this waiver does is specifically focus on a
specific population those people in the
homeless situation who have drug and mental
health problems and who have problems with
the justice system. So when they are involved
in that whether it's through the judiciary system
the mental health courts or how they find their
way into that particular category then these
dollars are then focused specific treatments to
help them. Let's say they are like substance
abuse maybe putting the into either outpatient
or inpatient treatment programs. The
residential treatment program I'll just see how
other groups are going to get funding for many
many beds they did not have before to bring
these patients ins they don't go directly from
the jail back onto the street. Or from mental
health courts out into some hotel with an ankle
bracelet but rather into a treatment program
that can give them not only treatment whether
physical or medical assisted treatment
counseling and then also getting them back into
better health and maybe even into a job so
really stabilizing here.
treatment beds and jail beds and making sure
they are expanded or capable facilities with the
jail and I noticed even some kind of elements of
police training. How that fix into the mix does
are they all crucial to make work?
It's going to be hard to have this program
succeed first of all until we know how it is going
to work but without enforcement downtown in
the Rio Grande area to protect not only those
people that are homeless but those citizens
around them and to prevent that vulnerable
population from being preyed upon by the drug
dealers. We are going to have to have more
police and then for those people who really are
drug abusers or violating the law then they have
to to into jail and we have to have under the JRI
for example the Justice Reinvestment Initiative
we have to have funding for that which we did
not get before because we never expanded
Medicaid. And then to get them from there
into residential treatment or outpatient
treatment into programs all three of these
various factors are important. So when you
look at ate judicial system what's it supposed to
accomplish. Well public safety right,
accountability and rehabilitation and if you take
away one of those three aspects you are going
to have a failure in that system and we have to
have that rehabilitation we have been pretty
good with accountability and we are pretty
good with public safety now let's get into the
rehabilitation portion.
So there you have our first topic Medicaid
expansion so to talk about the importance and
relevance of the counties we have Adam Trupp
who is the CEO of the Utah Assoc. of Counties
and their legislative director of affairs Lincoln
Shurtz. All right why was Medicaid expansion
such a big deal this year?
Well it was a long fought effort a very complex
effort of trying to get a state proposal through
the federal government to try and address
specific needs that are identified in our state to
deal with people who have substance abuse
disorders mental health issues who are involved
in the criminal justice system or who are trying
to avoid involvement in the criminal justice
system and by making the expansion possible
that was made and approved by the federal
government we have created the opportunity
for many more people to get the treatment
and medical care that they do need.
And trying to contextualize the politics of all this
right at the same time we are trying to get
expansion through the state of Utah to cover
this JRI population you have the Trump
administration who is trying to pull back the
affordable care act and so navigating those
politics has been not easy for the speaker and
for Representative Dunnigan who did an
amazing job in getting the Trump
administration to approve this waiver which
many thought was going to be accomplishable
with the current political dynamic about ACA.
And yet just a year ago you had an
administration that was very willing and a state
legislature that was going wait and hold on.
And then the administration 18 months ago
who took 18 months and did nothing with the
waiver so pretty interesting times.
Correct and it gave the state of Utah the
opportunity to say this is what we would like to
have in our state and now the administration is
able to say okay show us if it works we will give
your that leeway and let's see if that works and
meets the needs in your state.
Yes, a great win for states' rights if you are of
that ilk.
There you go that is a good way to end the first
segment we will be back and our next question
and topic for importance opioids and lawsuits.
Back with The County Seat in just a minute.
Welcome back to The County Seat this is our
yearend review. You know of the things that
caught most attention there are several
problems that are all tied into one base
problem and that is the explosion of opioid
abuse. In all forms. We decided that was one
of our top stories of the year and we are going
to talk about a recent phenomenon of taking on
the drug companies that started this problem.
Yes, it is completely different. The paradigm
has completely changed. You know people
think of drugs they think of the dirty side of
town. What we are seeing is it is not
necessarily the case anymore. It used to be
drugs come in a baggy what about the drugs
that come in a bottle you cannot divorce the
two. We are literally seeing soccer moms,
clergy, business men, and high school kids,
grade school kids getting hooked on opioids,
quietly at home and not talking about it
because they do not want to deal with the
stigma of shame that may come with that
quietly dying at home. Something I have never
seen before. That is how pervasive this is. That
is the difference now we are no longer dealing
with the seedy side of town. We are dealing
with the home.
Commissioner Lee talk to me for a minute
about what Utah County has done as you have
been a headline maker as far as what is
happening with this and I was very surprised
but gratified when I read the headline.
Yes, in looking at this, this is not something that
is behind the scenes as mentioned here. These
are faces that we see we all know them it's in
our neighborhoods it's in our families it's there
all the time and we cannot just duck away from
this. As elected officials we have taken an
sworn oath to protect and defend and that
means to the citizens of our counties as well as
we look at that in a realistic manner we have to
stand up to some of these issues and say here
we are we are going to make a stand on it is not
something we are just going to hide behind and
say maybe some other day. That is a big point.
want to jump to that quickly. They are saying
out there that opioids are safe and effective
that they treat chronic and non-cancer pain.
They also say that the existence of scientific
evidence that opioids are affective for long term
use. It is a narrative that is not correct and as
elected officials and as we are looking at this it
does not just affect the people we have it
within our sheriff's department where we are
looking at the jails we deal with it on a regular
basis. Our Wasatch mental health issues the
drug and alcohol abuse all of the substance that
we are trying to alleviate they are their
constantly. It affects the county on its bottom
line with the budgeting because we have to go
after and deal with these issues. There are in
our emergency rooms we have every day more
than 1000 people treated in the emergency
rooms for misuse of prescription drugs. Not for
the proper use but misuse of prescription drugs.
These need to be addressed we are not
necessarily going out there and saying we want
to have everybody always feel pain all the time
but it's the misuse and then the leading as it
gets into the drug abuses and the drug
overdoses that are a big concern for us and we
have that standing in the county where we are
directly affected by that and we are leading out
and we are saying we need to pursue legal
actions to turn the tide of this or to at least
address it.
Let's take a shot at the opioids and the lawsuit
on first blush this looks like suing opioid
companies seems like I want to blame
somebody but I guess there is a rationale to
There definitely is and again I am not going to
try and go into the proof of all the legal cases
right now but the fact is that there are facts and
there are theories by the counties across the
country that have brought these lawsuits that
are essentially akin to the tobacco lawsuits from
years ago and based on many of the same kinds
of claims and that is a manufacturer of a
product mislead the public and mislead
individual to believe that this was a good thing
to use and that it was not addictive and that
there were not significant health problems that
you would face and as the result of that many
people followed the advice from the makers
and from their doctors and that is how we end
up in a situation we are in now. Now in the
long run does that play out so that counties can
recover money for the costs of service that they
provided as a result of those situations? We do
not know but there is certainly a claim that is
justified so we will see what happens and I am
hopeful that counties will join in to figure out
whether or not they do have an interest in
Does that open up a flood gate for individuals to
pursue the same line as some kind of class
I think there is likelihood there will be a class
action lawsuit. The question is jurisdiction. Is
this going to be handled in state court or is this
going to be handled in federal court? And by
Utah counties coming forward and putting
forward claims the hope is it will be handled in
state court vs. a federal class action case. So
that is part of the reason and the logic behind
doing something locally as you can have more
control from the state court process than you
would otherwise have through a federal court
And again this is an issue of local government,
local interests and let's find out what the facts
show. Let's find out as we move forward
whether there is a claim or people are just
trying to find someone to blame.
And now question this epidemic has plagued
the budgets of counties as we provide services
to try and remedy what is going on.
I.E. Medicaid expansion.
Okay we will take a break and back with The
County Seat with our next topic.
Welcome back to The County Seat we are
continuing our review of the most important
stories of the year perhaps the one that has
gotten the most air time and editorial time the
most coverage time was the declaration of the
Bears Ears National Monument. Now from the
time the year started to the time that it ended
there were many things that have happened
and it's happened in an incredibly short period
of time. Now over our course of conversation is
focused on reduction of monuments but let's
look back and remember what the conflict was
before the monument.
Now that Bears Ears National
Monument is a reality, there are
many questions San Juan County
residents have about what to
expect in the years to come.
While no one knows exactly, there
is a 20 year case study we can
examine: the Grand Staircase
Escalante National Monument.20
years ago, Clare Ramsay was a
Garfield County Commissioner. We
asked him what they promised the
day after the declaration.
Well that everything would remain
the same that we wouldn't lose
any rights or privileges that we
had at that time, of course
everything changed immediately.
The way of life, the culture has
changed, access has changed. The
things that we were building and
the things that we were
preserving have been taken away
or starting to be destroyed
because of the monument.
Four main areas of local
community impact came into play
with the creation of Grand
Staircase: Transportation,
grazing, water, and use of
resources, all have changed.
The roads were a big issue, we
began immediately fighting over
them. In fact, it was from the
pressure from Garfield County
Commissioners that forced
the Monument people to even put
roads into the monument
management plan.
To date Garfield County reports
they have lost nearly 50 percent
of the county road miles within
the monument. For Kane the loss
is worse.
I actually did a count in the
beginning and we have actually
lost 80% of our roads that we
claim as county roads.
For decades people have relied on
resources in the surrounding
hills for things they need.
Those resources are now off
limits as well.
As I remember, there is about two
areas on the Monument where you
can still gather wood. So that
was affected directly and
immediately. There is areas there
that people mined just decorative
rocks, flat rocks for patios and
such and those things were shut
Kane County is no longer allowed
to use gravel from inside the
monument to maintain roads, and
Escalante City had to abandon a
nearby source for clay to line
their landfill.
It was determined no material
could be taken off the monument,
so Escalante had to find another
clay source. It cost Escalante
City a significant amount of
money to haul that clay to
Escalante city.
Perhaps the biggest impact is in
grazing, the one thing that was
specifically promised to remain.
They will tell you that our AUMs
have not been cut, and that is
true, but can we run the same
number of acres of AUMs on our
allotments? No we can't because
of the infestation of pinion
juniper, of weeds.
The physical conditions on the
monument are deteriorating due to
Residents in Garfield and Kane
County feel that the promises to
work in conjunction with the
communities failed to materialize
and that the special concessions
listed in the proclamation have
been circumvented. It is their
fear that the same awaits their
neighbors to the east.
From the County Seat, Im Malia
Okay, Bears Ears probably as far as headlines go
that biggest headline grabber of the entire year
here in the State of Utah and in the region as
well. So why does this whole controversy end
up being so important to rural counties?
It's important to rural counties because there
has been a feeling from leadership in those
counties from the citizens in those counties that
they were not heard in the past by the
administration for years and in fact that they
felt that now they were as a result of Interior
Secretary Zinke coming down to the area and
talking to people about Bears Ears and Grand
Staircase that they were now being heard and
they had a voice with their federal government
and with the leadership. I think that is the
biggest reason that it is important to rural
counties. The reality is the change and impact
on the land that is there from the change is not
that significant despite the claims that the land
is being sold or given away to the highest bidder
which is dishonest. The Fact is that what we
still have is protective federal lands with more
access provided. So those two reason I think
are important but the biggest one is the feeling
that people in small communities and
populations are heard by the administration.
Is there really a big philosophical difference of
the protection stance of a monument vs.
multiple use of regular BLM land? Does that
really pay out in day to day life?
Not in day to day life. There is a philosophical
difference like monument status vs. multiple
use status it is much more controlled and more
limited as a monument. But the reality is if you
look at how we are able to access public lands
for multiple uses especially for any resource
extraction there is no question it is still
extremely burdensome still extremely difficult.
Heavily regulated the fear mongering out there
that this was all of the sudden going to become
private land for development is just a fallacy
just to gin up the opposition vs. recognizing still
public land still highly regulated and still going
to be there for the public use.
But isn't it going to improve like grazing
problems and restrictions and some
transportation issues that will have an impact
Certainly I think it will I think that is the hope
for many people that live in those rural
communities no question about it. That would
be a positive on many levels. On the flip side of
that the fact that there was monument
protection did not mean that the federal
government was putting a lot more time and
money and staff in making sure the land was
properly taken care of it simply meant it had a
different designation and peoples uses were
limited more that is not going to change the
lack of staffing change does not change no
matter what the status is.
Great, very good we will be on to our final topic
right after this commercial break.
Welcome back to The County Seat. We have
been going through the half hour looking at the
most important issues of the year and we are
going to take a look at the last one which we
already know is going to be an issue again this
year. Its medical marijuana this has gone
through a lot of iterations and has been a
dialogue that probably has no end in Utah until
we come to a final sentiment of how to deal
with it lets check this out.
The marijuana plant is made up of over 100
individual components called Cannabinoids.
The primary ones are Cannabidiols {CBD} and
Tetrahydrocannabinols or {THC} [This is the one
that has psychotropic qualities.
According to the National Institute of Health,
the human body also produces and uses its own
cannabinoid chemicals.
Currently there is medical interest in THC and
CBD. THC has proven to increase appetite and
reduce nausea. The FDA-approved THC-based
medications are used for these purposes. THC
may also decrease pain, inflammation, and
muscle control problems. But it does have
potentially harmful side effects
CBD is a cannabinoid that does not affect the
mind or behavior. But preliminary research
indicates that it may be useful in reducing pain
and inflammation, controlling epileptic seizures,
and possibly even treating mental illness and
Other areas that show promise are in
attacking certain cancer and tumors including
brain tumors, combating autoimmune
diseases, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's
We have come quite a distance on medical
marijuana it's been discussed every year for
years and what is changing how year ended up
different this year and the year before on this
I think you have to look at public sentiment as
the main driver of why things have changed. In
Utah I do not know if I would thought 5 years
ago that it would be polling at 60-70% approval
rating in terms of medical marijuana and that is
where things are at today. So when you see
public sentiment change you have seen literally
every surrounding state adopt either
recreational or medical marijuana I think the
dynamics around the entire issue have begun
the change. The citizens' initiative that is going
to likely make its way to the ballot certainly
changes the dynamics of the discussion it will
be fascinating to see how the legislature
responds to that recognizing you got this
initiative hanging out there that is polling at
70% public is going to vote for it unless they do
something. How much preemption can the
state legislature do to really keep control of this
issue, vs how much is going to be done by
initiative will be the issue du jour for much of
the legislature.
Do you think the legislature will be as motivated
by this as they were by count my vote? They
are going to be motivated what is also
interesting is that you have Senator Shiozawa
who the leader of much of this conversation
about how do we handle this how do we handle
it in a scientific and medically appropriate way
has now resigned from the legislature to take a
position with HHS. Health and Human services
federally so with his absence who is going to fill
the vacuum in terms of the policy discussion.
Senator Mark Madsen is no longer in the
legislature so a lot of space to fill.
I guess Senator Vickers is all that is left.
Senator Vickers who is a pharmacist by trade is
there and certainly has a perspective on this
issue as a licensed pharmacist in the state and
like I said there is a lot of space to fill in terms of
politics it will be fascinating to watch this one
play out during the session.
You think people really understand what the
initiative is about or do you think it is just
popular sentiment?
Heavens no, it's largely based on the Madsen
bill what was that 2 or 3 years ago. I would
argue that very few people have actually read
the initiative to see what it contains.
Well okay that is the top four stories and
gentlemen thank you for joining us and Happy
New Year to you.
You too.
Will you come back in a couple of weeks and
talk about the legislature?
We will look a little more tired but we will be
back after the legislature concludes.
Thank you so much and thank you for joining us
happy new year everybody and we will see you
next year on The County Seat.
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BREAKING: Stunning Impeachment Announcement ROCKS D.C. Over Christmas Break… It's BAD. - Duration: 3:29.
BREAKING: Stunning Impeachment Announcement ROCKS D.C.
Over Christmas Break…
It's BAD.
A stunning announcement regarding President Trump's impeachment is sending shockwaves
across Washington, D.C.
Billionaire Tom Steyer has for months been trying to build momentum to get the President
impeached, and his investment may just be paying dividends, according to a report from
Steyer has long been a major Democratic donor, and it's believed that in the 2018 and 2020
elections, he'll be playing a role with Democrats similar to that of Steve Bannon
for Republicans, only Steyer's litmus test will be whether or not candidates will be
willing to impeach 45.
In fact, Steyer has said that he'll refuse to fund the candidacies of any Democrat that's
unwilling to go to Washington and attempt to remove the President.
Worse yet, he appears to have a lot of momentum on his side, according to TheBlaze.
In order to apply pressure on Democrats to change their mind, Steyer announced earlier
this year that he would not donate to any Democrat in 2018 who did not support impeaching
While his television campaign and donor money hasn't yet moved the needle with elected
Democrats, Politico reports that his efforts have allowed him to assemble an army of digital
activists that rivals the size and influence of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders', which is
widely considered to be the gold standard among liberal activists.
According to Politico, Steyer has built a list of almost 4 million activists through
impeachment petition signatures on his site,
Steyer has announced a goal of 5 million signatures, and he appears ready to spend any amount of
money that is necessary to achieve that goal.
If he is ultimately successful, the size of his email list will rival Sanders', which
is estimated at just over 5 million names.
The amount of money Steyer has poured into the effort, combined with the influence that
an active email list of this size can generate, promises to make Steyer a player in the 2018
Steyer may end up playing a similar role on the Democratic side to Steve Bannon on the
Republican side: threatening credible primary challenges against any Democrat who does not
support his agenda.
Of course, while Bannon's primary litmus test promises to be loyalty to President Trump,
Steyer's litmus test for Democrats will be their willingness to vote to impeach Trump.
Again, this is not a good thing.
While Republicans currently hold majorities in both the House and the Senate, Democrats
have a strong ally in the media and could very well tilt the balance of power next election,
which could very well lead to impeachment proceedings.
As far as Steyer?
Many analysts predict that he's personally going to enter the political fray and run
for either the Senate, or possibly even the White House, himself.
Apparently like every other leftist out there, he believes he knows better than the rest
of the country what's best for us, and he'll stop at absolutely nothing to impose his will,
including spending tens of millions of dollars of his own money to force his ideas down our
Hopefully, by the time the next election rolls around, the Democrat Party is nothing more
than a shell of itself after their years of corruption, lies, and deceit have been exposed.
what do you think about this?
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