Hallo, this is Sarah Schmid again.
The first 14 days after the birth are over.
Here is the little one. Already quite big.
No. At least a little bigger.
What happened the following days after the birth?
The first two nights he was breastfeeding most of the time.
But when the milk came in the 2nd and 3rd day
he started sleeping really well with two or three breastfeeding breaks.
Instead he drank very much in the evening.
So he would breastfeed for two hours in the evening--more or less without a break.
They even have a smart sounding word for it: Cluster feeding.
So it is normal that babies do this.
He also gained some weight.
He has now 3930 gramms on our kitchen scale.
So he already gained 750 gramms in his first two weeks of life.
And if you look at it on the growth curve it looks very good.
Here, this are the curves where you can enter length, weight and head circumference
and see, if the baby is developing well.
And that's what he is doing.
What you fill in on one end partly exits on the other end.
I started to practise elimination communication soon after birth.
I'll show you how I do it.
Most of the time, when babies wake up they need to pee.
When he wakes up or gets fussy I take him
I take the diaper off.
I'm still using disposal diapers.
Potty under, baby on top.
Then I make a cue sound: psh-pshhh!
He understands quite fast.
He knows: Now I can. And if he needs to then he does it.
The practical thing about boys is that you see when they need to go.
With girls it's a black box more or less.
But with boys you can estimate quite well.
And that's how he does the pee and the poop into the potty.
Not always but most of the time.
Especially pooping works reliable.
Pee I catch in about 70 percent I would say.
At night I don't stress much about it.
I notice how he starts squirming. But he does not really wake up. Then I know: He needs to pee, he is peeing now and then continues sleeping.
The disadvantage with boys is that they can spray over quite a distance.
It is not always so easy to direct the jet.
But with a little bit of practise it'll work.
As I said I'm still using disposal diapers.
In the beginning the breastfed baby has quite many stools and they are quite thin.
And I noticed I have to put new elastic bands on my diaper covers.
After having used it on three of my kids they have become stretched.
It's easiest if you start in the first weeks of life.
Babies feel from the beginning when they need to go
and make themselves noticed. They grunt and squirm and even cry.
But if you don't react but let them pee into the diaper then they just let got.
They get used to that this is how it is. And then it is like this.
Isn't it, little one?
Breastfeeding started well, too.
Since I breastfed throughout pregnancy--
only on the backburner because I could not bear more--
but my nipples are in good shape because of it.
So it was no problem to just continue.
He overcame the fall pretty well. I think you see that he looks quite healthy.
Your commentaries on this have been quite diverse.
By the way I did not drop him on purpose
as someone speculated.
And I was not distracted by the camera or something else
and I did not have secret wishes of someone holding my hand.
I didn't do it this way just to be cool
but it was exactly the way that felt right for me.
Although I did not plan on dropping him, of course.
But in that moment I was captured by the birth process so much
that I simply didn't think about it.
I've already given birth to four children while standing up
and also caught them
or I went down to squat in time
so somehow it was not on my screen.
In that moment I was briefly shocked
but I also knew stories where the same had happened
where the baby even dropped in the shower, the cord was torn off and all that.
All these stories went well so I did not worry much.
I was more annoyed that the cord had torn
because usually it is stressed that you should wait until the cord stops pulsating.
Anyway it was like this.
What is interesting to observe on the baby....
The umbilical cord fell off on the 5th day with him.
But he has an umbilical granuloma.
It is like a flesh-colored knob in his navel.
Like a rest of the umbilical cord that did not fall off.
One of our other kids had this, too.
We just put a little bit of salt on it
and then it will quickly dry.
I'll show you, what it looks like now.
It turned dark now.
There you see, that it is dark.
At first it was pink, flesh-colored.
It has dried up now and will fall off quite soon.
The pediatrician (in Germany) will usually use silver nitrate to etch it away.
But this can also etch healthy skin.
Salt works well in most cases, though, and comes without side effects.
In the UK the doctors also advise salt and only if this does not work, they use silver nitrate.
What might be interesting as well....
It is very common, almost all of our newborns had this:
a tear duct stenosis.
You see that the eye is a little sticky.
You can just wipe it clean with a wet cloth. Here you see it a little bit.
It will grow away. In the beginning the tear duct can be so small that the tears don't run off smoothly.
The skin keeps peeling off--which is also normal in newborns.
They loose the skin from when they were in the womb pretty fast.
How did things go for me?
The first days with a newborn are not really my thing.
I'm rather pregnant or give birth but after that....
good when it's over.
Hormonal changes, hot flashes....I sweat like a pig
nerves on edge, you are overly sensitive....and if the husband causes stress you get plugged milk ducts.
That's what happened.
So I stayed in bed, slept a lot and eventually everything was sweated out
and slept away.
Now I'm doing better. The hot flashes have decreased to a minimum.
My husband has started working again.
This week my mom is still there, cooking for us.
Next week I'll have to manage everything myself again.
Postpartum bleeding has almost disappeared.
Directly after birth I needed two of these pads.
Then I changed and one was enough.
The next 3-4 days I used these sanitary pads.
These were easily large enough.
Since then panty liners do it.
It's only very little now.
It is a little different for each woman how much it'll bleed and how long.
With the first child it was stronger and lasted longer.
With the other kids it decreased quickly.
But it does not decrease continually,
at least with me on some days it will be clear and almost gone while on other days it gets more and darker again.
It decreases in a wavelike pattern.
In the beginning I thought this was because I overworked
but even if I stay in bed sometimes there comes more and then again less
and one day it is gone.
My belly has almost reached normal size again.
You can also feel the uterus getting smaller again.
You feel for the fundus like you can do in pregnancy.
One day after the birth you feel it right under the navel
and then it goes rather fast. After ten days the uterus disappears behind the symphysis.
So you can follow the involution in real-time, if you like to.
There are various exercises to promote involution.
It's a little difficult for me to participate in a course like this with six kids and to organise it all.
What I like to do and also did in pregnancy
is a kind of belly dancing, swinging my hips
which activates muscles that otherwise get too little attention--is my feeling at least.
Otherwise my daily life holds a quite varied movement program.
Breastfeeding works fine, as I already told you.
I tested nursing pads, as I promised.
I'll start with my favorite disposal nursing pad.
The brand is called Lansinoh.
Each pad is wrapped separately, because they absorb moisture so well.
It's like a diaper for the breast.
These absorb everything. So you can just let it run while breastfeeding--they will catch it all.
The shape is comfortable, not very bulky
but since they absorb milk, the milk stays in there and after a while it smells sour milk.
So you have to change it rather often
and it is a throw away story that comes with quite a lot of waste.
For each its own little bag.
But these are better than others. Others fuzz and.... I've tried several.
With these I am the most satisfied.
Of the cloth nursing pads you can buy I tested these.
Well, at least they are made of cloth.
They are rather bulky
a plain surface--where at the breast you would need something more conic.
Conic....do they call it this? Well, you now what I mean: breast shape.
They don't absorb much, but hold off something
and get out of place easily because of their shape.
They are pleasantly soft, though.
Then I have these crotcheted nursing pads made out of sheep's wool.
I got them from Jasmin who lives close to Dortmund. Thanks a lot, Jasmin!
These are not bad at all.
They have a great fit because they are crotcheted in this form.
They don't absorb much, so you have to put something in here when you brestfeed--a muslin nappy or the like.
Otherwise when the milk ejection reflex sets in, the milk will run down under the pad.
So the clothing stays dry here, but it flows down underneath.
Beside this they are perfect and they smell nicely of sheep's wool not sour milk.
At the moment I use these. They are really good.
What else I find useful when having a new baby....
This is the second baby where I use this practical equipment:
A triangular cushion.
You often breastfeed sitting up and sit or half sit a lot with the baby on your breast.
I got this at the waterbeds supply.
This is really worth a mint especially for the back.
Otherwise you get quite tense in your back after all this breastfeeding.
But this way I can nicely lean back and be comfortable--even in the middle of the night if it needs to be
for burping the baby.
This was my update.
Now he is sleeping.
Until later. Bye!
For more infomation >> 14 days after the birth - Duration: 16:20.-------------------------------------------
【舊作】2016年終Vlog!一起檢視今年的希修 :P - Duration: 5:37.
Happy New Year 2018!!! | Minecraft Animation - Duration: 0:49.
Photoshop Bangla Tutorial Part- 8 (bangla) - Duration: 46:13.
イギリス車 ・ロータス・エキシージ380の見積もり取得。今ならアルファロメオ4C、ポルシェ・ケイマンGT4よりこっちかも - Duration: 6:57.
Resultados Loteria Nacional de Panama En Vivo Viernes 29 de Diciembre 2017 Que Jugó Gordito Zodiaco - Duration: 1:15.
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
Audi A4 Avant 3.0 TDI V6 204PK AUTOMAAT S-LINE - Duration: 0:50.
Craig Herrera's Weather Forecast (Dec. 31) - Duration: 3:17.
Différence d'âge dans le couple : Helen Mirren salue Emmanuel Macron qui - Duration: 2:11.
Le Haram Et Le Fard, Changent-ils Dans Une Société Non musulmane?-Zakir Naik - Duration: 8:49.
🆕 L'Année du OUI (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 9:00.
PSYTRANCE MIX some nice Tracks from the end of 2017 - Duration: 59:31.
PSYTRANCE MIX some nice Tracks from the end of 2017
谢霆锋带王菲返港见父母?谢贤却邀张柏芝跨年,网友:这是闹哪样 - Duration: 3:28.
Happy new year celebrate karna kaisa he? | Mufti tariq masood latest bayan 31 December 2017 | - Duration: 12:32.
Horst Saiger bei der TT 2018 auf Yamaha | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 1:03.
Prince Charles will be passed over in favor of his elder son, Prince William, as Queen Elizabeth's - Duration: 4:45.
Prince Charles will be passed over in favor of his elder son Prince William as Queen Elizabeth s successor the long-standing
Speculation popped up again this month with headlines claiming that Queen Elizabeth herself has decided to skip over Charles in the line of succession
And named Prince William and Princess Kate the next king and queen however despite. What some Royals fans may
Hope this rumors completely false
Prince Charles will be the British monarch barring any unforeseen
circumstances to start the queendom t have the power to choose her successor on a whim the
1701 Act of Settlement is the act of Parliament that determines the succession to the throne and
Requires that a monitor qussair must be his or her direct successor and a Protestant
That as Charles not William
And as the Queen don't he truly have any political power it has not up to her to change a law instead
It would have to be taken up in Parliament and the Walden T. Be a quick and easy process
Ingrid sword editor-in-chief of majesty magazine tells people the Queen herself don'ti have the power to make those sort of decisions
Cook Charles ever ops to abrogate
highly unlikely
Some may point to King Edward 8 who advocated the throne in
1936 after just 11 months because of his desire to marry a divorced woman Wallis Simpson something the Church of England Eton T
Approve of as both of Simpson as former husbands were still alive the Prime Minister Wasson T thrilled either
Charles himself is divorced as is his second wife Camilla Duchess of Cornwall
And it is public knowledge that he was unfaithful in his first marriage to the late Diana Princess of Wales
With Camilla, why is the situation different short answer it is no longer?
1936 in
2002 the Church of England relaxed their position on remarriage if a former spouse is still alive though this has changed
Charles and Camilla were still not allowed to marry in the Church of England
They instead had a civil ceremony because their relationship played a large role in the breakdown of Charles's marriage to Diana
But even if the church didn t give Charles and Camilla their full blessing at the time of their wedding
Societal attitudes toward divorce have evolved as well
Fact divorce has become relatively commonplace in the royal family three of the Queen s four children have been divorced as was her late
Sister Princess Margaret at this point Charles and Camilla have been married for more than 12 years
Even as the public has been slow to warm to her a recent poll found that only 14 percent of Britons won
Camilla's coin still Charles asked biographer Sally Bedell Smith believes that Charles will make Camilla his queen
Not his princess consort as was originally announced when the couple tied the knot in 2005
There is yet another important factor to keep in mind Prince William likely does not yet want to be king
According to his brother Prince Harry no one wants the throne at least that has what he recently told Newsweek
It is safe to assume yes, also referring to William who up until a few weeks ago
Even had another job as an air ambulance pilot this fall
He ll transition to full-time royal status as he Princess Kate and their children relegate to London though
He knows that the job is his destiny for now his family is his priority as a father
Charles wants his son to have the chance of a family life before he takes up the burden of kingship a king has no family
Life as it is so restricting Seward says and William agrees
She adds William don't you want to be king before his father?
No way Charles on the other hand is
Consistently one of the family s most active members every year he and his sister
princess M are always neck-and-neck for undertaking the most
Engagements annually he has been first in land to the throne since he was four years old and has been
Prepping for the job ever since working as a full-time royal for decades and as Queen Elizabeth gets older
She ll celebrated her 92nd birthday next year Charles is taking on more and more of her
responsibilities if anyone in the world is prepared to be king it has Charles and
Yes, while William, and Kate are more popular than Charles and Camilla the throne is not a popularity contest
To the Queen this a duty that has been given to her by God for the rest of her life
Whether it be longer short as she said in her now famous 21st birthday speech in
And it s when that jll hand down to her son it s not a job like being a truck driver
Seward says we have an inherited monarchy
And it passes from generation to generation and you have no choice in the matter it
Passes down through the generations only stalled by death it is the natural order of things
Artificial General Intelligence is in Prague [UPDATED A] - Duration: 1:07.
De Voitures Nouvelles BMW X4 - Duration: 1:15.
De Voitures Nouvelles Les BMW M2 et X4 M40i 2016 dévoilés au Salon de Montréal - Duration: 3:13.
The future of shipping
Différence d'âge dans le couple : Helen Mirren salue Emmanuel Macron qui - Duration: 2:11.
Jamel Debbouze arnaqué par son assistante : des milliers d'euros ont disparu - Duration: 2:44.
🆕 L'Année du OUI (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 9:00.
ليستر سيتي يفاجىء سليماني و يمنعه من الانتقال الى سبورتينغ لشبونة - Duration: 0:48.
Leicester City prevents Soleimani from departure to Sporting Lisbon
Is the possibilities Soleimani fell in the club to English ??
CJ Goes Home Special End of the Year Loquendo - Duration: 17:01.
Laeticia Hallyday : Le jour où Johnny avait provoqu.é sa colè.r.e - Duration: 3:16.
Val d'Isère : une statue de Johnny Hallyday installée en bas des pistes - Duration: 2:10.
AM Joy 11:00 AM December 31, 2017| AM Joy MSNBC Live Today 12/31/2017 - Duration: 39:08.
Simontive 6 Episode 7 - Duration: 1:46.
Title: Simontive 6 Episode 7 A New Pet?
Simon: Hello they are being impounded for doing illegal activities such as escaping from cops or causing fights.
Mr. Dinosaur: Wait a second. There has been news that the incident at Napvile was fake, and people are reacting too much to it.
Kimon: That makes no sense what so ever since they can be nice to Doglanders if they want leave.
Penguin Jr.: I am here. I think that some cats need adoption in Attic City.
Mr. Dinosaur: We will wait for the cat to come to us.
Title: Napvile, Budland
Erik Wamboldt: Oh no! The trains have not been arriving.
Yi: We are waiting on the train to prank Simon.
Green Pig: Yes, he will laugh.
Meghan Markle And Prince Harry's Marriage Won't Last, Says TV Psychic - Duration: 1:40.
Meghan Markle And Prince Harry's Marriage Won't Last, Says TV Psychic
What's all this about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?
Apparently they're getting married or something.
No, I've not heard anything about it either.
Well, looks like we may as well not bother with any of it, if the words of one Australian
psychic are anything to go by.
Kerrie Erwin appeared on breakfast show Sunrise to talk about the royals, and she didn't seem
to think the outlook was good for the engaged couple.
"I do get [feelings of] a pregnancy for her next year," she told presenters Angela Cox
and Michael Usher.
"But actually I don't think it's going to last.
"I'd probably give it five years.
I feel there is a lot of personal things going on between them because they're two very strong
"Which is a sad thing.
I wish them all the best.
But it doesn't look good."
You'd imagine Meghan wouldn't be too impressed with this prediction - well, if she's bothered
at all - having quit her role on legal drama Suits and left her pet dog back home in the
US, in order to fulfil her upcoming royal duties.
The wedding's not likely to be a cheap either.
Still, there was good news for Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, with Erwin proclaiming
them to be 'soulmates' and offering her predictions as to the gender of their next child.
"I feel it's a girl.
I feel really happy for them because I've always loved Diana, she's absolutely gorgeous,"
she said.
"I feel like they're a very good couple.
They're soulmates."
欅坂46×内村光良コラボ実現 平手友梨奈とWセンターで「不協和音」<紅白本番> - JN D - Duration: 5:31.
Val d'Isère : une statue de Johnny Hallyday installée en bas des pistes - Duration: 2:30.
5 Swim Toys To Help Improve Your Technique | Swimming Tips For Beginners - Duration: 3:39.
- We all know swimming can get a bit tedious
from time to time.
Trawling up and down that black line.
- Yeah, as triathletes, we are often quite guilty
of just sticking to front crawl
and not really changing it up much,
but there's still other ways in which
you can spice up your training
and using toys is one of them.
(bright music)
You're probably wondering what on earth we're talking about,
but I'm afraid we don't actually mean
jumping in the pool with a large inflatable
and messing about.
These are actually toys and tools
that can help you improve your swimming technique.
- Now there's a wide selection of different toys
that you can get,
so we've just picked a selection
that you can add into your training
to make it a bit more interesting.
(upbeat music)
So this is quite a common pull toy
and it's called a pull buoy
and basically, you put this between your legs
and it raises your hips slightly out of the water.
- Yeah, it's great if you are a swimmer
who struggles with sinking hips.
It basically does a similar action
to what a wetsuit would do in open water,
but it also helps to single out your arms,
so you're really working just on your upper body.
You can't really use your legs when you've got that.
If you're just stuck and you can't find a pull buoy
in your local pool, then a kick-board
can work as an improvisation,
it's just a little bit less comfortable.
- So you might have heard people refer
to the pull paddle combo.
And so using a pull buoy and a set of paddles,
you're basically gonna isolate the front end of your stroke.
- Yeah, if you're using large paddles like Mark and I,
then it's very much about power, working on your strength
and if you wanna feel fast,
you can just take the pull buoy out,
keep the paddles on, and use your legs
and it'll give you a great feel of the water.
But if you wanna work more on technique,
there are actually other paddles available on the market.
Slightly smaller ones that'll just really
reiterate getting that perfect stroke.
Now I know we've already mentioned the kick-board,
but as its name says, it's specifically designed for kick.
If you're got a board like this,
you can just place your fingers through the holes
and the whole idea is to be comfortable and relaxed,
resting your forearms on top
so you can concentrate purely on your kick.
- And you don't have to bury
your face into the water either.
Keep your head up so that you can breaths,
most importantly, and then it's social as well,
you can chat to the person next to ya.
But really you're doing it
so you can isolate your leg kick.
- Now another toy, slightly less usual is the snorkel
and if you look closely, you'll notice
that it's different to the snorkel you'd use on holiday.
This one goes down the centre of your face.
So you can concentrate on keeping your head
completely still when you're swimming.
Now a lot of swimmers struggle with the breathing.
It's the movement of the head that upsets the stroke.
But if you've got this, you can breathe
as much as you want and consistently
and then you're purely focusing
on what your arm and legs are doing.
- As you can see, I've got a set of fins on.
And what fins do is basically gonna propel
you out of the water slightly
and make you travel a lot quicker.
And it also improves your ankle flexibility
and I guess it's similar, it's a bit like
an outboard motor does on a boat.
And it's the closest you're gonna come
to feeling like Michael Phelps.
(upbeat music)
- Now we covered five toys in this video
and it might be a little bit daunting.
So if you wanna try before you buy,
quite a few pools will have a pull buoy
or a kick-board at least that you can borrow first.
- Yeah, so you don't have to get all those,
maybe just select a couple that are gonna help you
on some of the areas of the swim stroke
that you're focusing on.
If you like this video, give it a thumbs up.
To subscribe to GTM, click on the globe.
And to see an open water swim video, click here.
- And if you want to see a video
on essential swim workouts, then click down here.
Between Trampoline Gymnastics and a Career as a Doctor | Day Jobs - Duration: 7:55.
It's not worth doing something in life unless you enjoy it.
If we do things that we like
then we can be motivated to get better.
My name is Ana Rente, I live in Lisbon.
I'm a family doctor and I'm an Olympic trampoline gymnast.
Usually my day starts at 08:00 in the health centre.
And then there is a rush to see the patients.
All right, you've already got a little bump.
Don't be scared, it's going to make some noise.
- Did you hear the heartbeat? - I did.
My medical career wasn't an immediate choice,
it wasn't a childhood dream of mine.
It came naturally with doing more sport
and a curiosity to know
a little more about the human body.
Like all children, I tried out many sports
to find out which I liked the most.
I tried judo, then swimming
and then gymnastics.
There were also trampolines at the club
and we used them to learn jumps for our acrobatics.
I really enjoyed that feeling of being on the trampoline,
of being able to fly a little.
I had a passion for the trampoline.
It was the logical progression in my sporting career.
And please welcome to the trampoline,
representing Portugal, Ana Rente.
Entering the Olympics Stadium in Beijing,
I felt immense joy.
I was very young, barely 20 years old
and we were being watched by millions of people.
The huge audience distracted me and it didn't allow me
to perform at my best.
My competition in London was easier.
I felt my previous experience in Beijing helped.
(LONDON 2012, RANKED: 11)
I really enjoyed London,
being able to compete again
in a stadium full of people.
I really enjoyed the competition,
it was a very beautiful moment.
My performance at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
was positive.
It didn't work out quite as I hoped.
The goal was to be a finalist,
to be in the top eight.
This didn't happen
in any of the three Olympics.
But when we cannot achieve our goals,
it gives us strength to improve in the future.
The Olympic Games
in Rio de Janeiro were special.
After the competition, under the Olympic rings...
...my boyfriend Gustavo proposed to me.
It was a beautiful moment.
It makes life much easier,
with Ana being a great athlete and student.
She's chosen a difficult career
and often she is the one
pushing me in my studies because that will be my future.
At around 13:00, I break for lunch
for about an hour
and then I return to the health centre.
I stay there for the afternoon and see more patients.
It's always a tight schedule which is very tiring.
Diana is responsible for my medical residency.
She is a very special person to me.
She gives me support with my absence
due to my competitions and training.
She is always available to help and advise me.
Being a doctor is very hard.
I think Ana has a tremendous ability
to balance working 40 hours a week
and completing her studies.
I think you need unimaginable strength,
but she is a force of nature.
I feel that by the end of the day,
when I have to go to training, I'm very tired.
I feel that sometimes I don't make the most of training
because I'm having to combine my work and sports careers.
Before the Olympic Games in Rio,
I decided to stop my medical career for two months
to focus on my sporting career.
I felt that I was near physical and psychological exhaustion
and to do everything would be too much.
It's not just physical fatigue, it's also psychological,
knowing that every day is the same.
We work many hours every day
and then afterwards we have to train.
We have to be prepared physically and psychologically
to be able to improve and get better
during the training sessions.
That jump was spectacular!
Of course it's a dream to be able to compete
at the Olympic Games.
Right now I'm already training and I'm already competing,
knowing that it's going to be complicated,
and I'm living my life one day at a time.
Le Haram Et Le Fard, Changent-ils Dans Une Société Non musulmane?-Zakir Naik - Duration: 8:49.
[Nightcore] Radja - Bulan - Duration: 3:36.
At the New Year's party First time we met
You smile at me Vibrate my heart
A month now passed You belong to me
How happy my heart is Make love to you
January I met you February I got your love
March april may june We are getting together
July august september We try to be faithful to each other
The most beautiful times We passed by both of us
Hopefully this will be the One wholeness of love
(Guitar Solo)
But on October, november We fight each other
End of December We split up
January I met you February I got your love
March april may june We are getting together
July august september We try to be faithful to each other
January I met you February I got your love
March april may june We are getting together
July august september We try to be faithful to each other
January I met you February I got your love
March april may june We are getting together
July august september We try to be faithful to each other
be faithful
be faithful
be faithful
Sylvester Kurzfilm [PS4] - Duration: 1:57.
Welcome to my Mini Movie!
Once upon a time there was a normal New Year's Eve on the lake ...
New Year's Eve at the lake 1 Euro/Normal was celebrated ...
Until a bad guy came ..
Hah !, these idiots. I will light the forest, then nobody will enjoy it anymore! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH!
Everything was destroyed!
But luckily there is Dr. I'm missing a name and his practice!
And so he looks after his vacation!
And he has a surgery!
The Walking Dead ( 2018 ) | A Whole New Level Of Gaming | 3D Binaural Audio || KNX47 || - Duration: 2:30.
Wear Headphones For The Best Experience
Watch it you....
Ohhh man
What the hell?
That ain't good
Let's do it...
Take this...
Qu'est-ce qu'une espèce ? - Duration: 2:55.
Why Princess Diana Feared She'd Lose prince William and Harry to the Royal 'Establishment' Amid Sp - Duration: 1:48.
Why, princess diana, feared she'd lose, prince william and harry to the royal establishment
Amid split from charles in the years just before and after her separation, from prince charles princess diana
Was weighing a?
Tough, decision the royal, who had been privately struggling with
Bulimia depression and her husband s longtime affair with his eventual wife camilla then parker
Bowles now the duchess of cornwall, wanted to open up, about the mistreatment she felt she t been subject to throughout her
Marriage and as it became clear that her marriage, was unraveling she grew concerned about losing everything
Her friend james cole thirst
Tells people in this week us cover story that she feared that her children prince william and prince harry, would be cut, away?
From her post-divorce if she opened up she
Wanted to tell the world how ghastly things had been in how. Appalling cold thirst says but she saw that there could be consequences
She, was worried she would be blamed and then sidelines and then would lose her position as mum cold thirst is among the friends family
confidants remembering the late princess in people s cover story and on a to night television event from people in
Abc the story of diana of course, diana
Did eventually open up in secret she spoke to author andrew
Morton supplying him with the material for a tell-all
Book, diana, her true story, which, was published in 1992 the year she and charles separated then in a famous
1995 interview of the bbc s panorama she spoke out further stating that there were three people in her merits to charles
Despite her fears she did not lose her children
Prince harry recently said in a new itv
Hbo documentary that after his parents has separation he never saw enough of either of them he
And prince william continued to split their time between their
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Trap Mix | R3HAB Trap City Mix 2017 - 2018 - Duration: 1:00:16.
Happy New Year!
Start 2018 with this amazing mix made by R3HAB!
Like and share this with all your friends! Enjoy! <3
♪ Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning ♪
♪ blackbear - do re mi (Tarro Remix) ♪
♪ Pyrodox - Never Let Me Go (ft. Ina) ♪
♪ Marshmello ft. Khalid - Silence (Slushii Remix) ♪
♪ Marshmello - Silence ft. Khalid (Facade & Varun Remix) ♪
♪ San Holo - Light (Crankdat Remix) ♪
♪ Raiden - Heart Of Steel (ft. Bright Lights) ♪
♪ R3HAB & Waysons - Shanghai ♪
♪ it's different & Taptone - Peace Of Mind (ft. Josh Rubin) ♪
♪ Aero Chord - Drop It ♪
♪ Dread Pitt & Yung Fusion - The Mission ♪
♪ Flosstradamus & Dillon Francis - Tern It Up ♪
♪ Zomboy - Young & Dangerous ft. Kato (PARTY THIEVES & Tre Sera Remix) ♪
♪ Skan & Krale - No Glory (ft. M.I.M.E & Drama B) ♪
♪ R3hab & Skytech - Everything (VIP Remix) ♪
♪ Blackbear - 4U (Renzyx Remix) ♪
♪ Joel Adams - Please Don't Go (Afterfab Remix) ♪
♪ QUIX - Riot Call ft. Nevve (BassBears & Monkid Remix) ♪
♪ Ella Vos - White Noise (R3HAB Remix) ♪
♪ Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs David Guetta - Complicated (R3HAB Remix) ♪
♪ Clean Bandit - Rockabye Ft. Sean Paul & Anne - Marie (SHAKED Remix) ♪
♪ Bassnectar - Speakerbox ft. Lafa Taylor [F8] ♪
♪ Krewella & Yellow Claw - New World (feat. Taylor Bennett) ♪
♪ R3HAB & Quintino - I Just Can't (Fabian Mazur Remix) ♪
♪ PRISMO - In My Mind ♪
♪ Blackbear - IDFC (Crankdat Remix) ♪
♪ Ella Vos - You Don't Know About Me (R3HAB Remix) ♪
♪ R3HAB & Khrebto - You Could Be ♪
♪ R3HAB & Krewella - Ain't That Why ♪
♪ Julian Calor - Freedom ♪
♪ Sofi Tukker - F*ck They (Jinco Remix) ♪
♪ Element - Resurrection ♪
♪ Rita Ora - Anywhere (R3HAB Remix) ♪
♪ Sia ft. Kendrick Lamar - The Greatest (KALM Remix) ♪
♪ Matoma - Slow ft. Noah Cyrus (R3hab Remix) ♪
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