One is ultimate for oneself
if you say no it's your mistake
Man is ferit (threat) to other
sole cause is money
One is ultimate for oneself
I f you say no it's your mistake
Man is ferit (threat) to other
sole cause is money
You exhaust your life with inadequate income
You a mass everything and save something
Just sleep happily and don't believe anyone
You will become a fool if you believe...,
Speakout what you like to and do whatever you like
If you avoid everything badly(Strongly) finally you get nothing
Speakout what you like to and do whatever you like
If you avoid everything badly(Strongly) finally you get nothing
Cheating others in the name of chits
lending loans exceedingly
Collecting of the taxes, by increasing the prices
Trading secretly, to swallow everything
In complete selfishness...
Damaging the society for
asserts in the name of third party(ies)
Transferring money to foreign banks
transforming it to Black money
Got independence by quitting the white kings (Britishers)
Drowned in poverty by supporting black thieves
One is ultimate for oneself
if you say no it's your mistake
Man is ferit (threat) to other,
sole cause is money
One is ultimate for oneself
if you say no it's your mistake
Man is ferit (threat) to other,
sole cause is money
One is ultimate for oneself
if you say no it's your mistake
Man is ferit (threat) to other,
sole cause is money
One is ultimate for oneself
if you say no it's your mistake
Man is ferit (threat) to other,
sole cause is money
With electrifying thoughts
with soul bitting pains
A fight between good and bad
a search for the truth within yourself
sole cause is money......
For more infomation >> DABBE - Telugu Rapper ARK || MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 3:41.
約3億円のケーニグセグ「レゲーラ」がボッコボコにされるクラッシュテスト動画が公開に - Duration: 4:05.
Channel Update: My Own YouTube Rewind & Thanks [December 2017] - Duration: 8:08.
Hello there guys and girls,
welcome to another monthly channel update of mine. Obviously it's gonna be the last
one for this year. This is why I would like to use the next couple of minutes to look
back at 2017 and to say my thanks to a bunch of people. First of all, I wanna thank all
my subscribers, no matter if you're new to the family or one of the veterans: Thank
you for your trust in this channel. I wanna make a shout out with the warmest thanks to
"GameIn_Deeper" for going as far as donating a dollar a month to support my creative work.
It really helps!
If you can't afford to donate, just share my stuff on Twitter or Reddit or whatever
trendy platforms you kids use today. Make a GIF of memorable scenes you enjoyed and
upload it. I just don't have the time to do all that promotional stuff. I wanna spend
all my dedication and energy on the actual videos.
Also I would like to thank a bunch of subscribers who supported me by simply commenting on my
videos. This goes out to people like Refined Turbo, Captain Madman, ShredderGGG, KeymonZz,
erjun – greetings to Turkey by the way – mattiejas, White Spectre, ZumieFiasco who also made this
amazing car mod for Good Driving Bad Driving episode 13, Bladent GTA, Can The King, The
Glass Citizen, OrBass, J & J gaming, Zose and The Nerfed Gamer. Your positive words
but also the constructive criticism helped me massively in keeping this channel going
and improving it over the course of the past year.
Speaking of improvement: I really need to thank my fellow creator AX System for inviting
me to the Scene Director discord a few months back. I've met so many amazing machinima
makers and modders over there. This community of hyper experienced GTA creators has helped
me on so many occasions I lost count. Without guys like Duggy, Zadrium, Paradoxar, Lolww,
jackob, Jupit, Roscoe Hussein, momobimo, Sir Wumpy Flump, Petrifying Pumpkins Nergal and
of course elsewhat, the creator of Scene Director many of my latest videos wouldn't have been
possible. I've linked all of their channels in the description but you will also find
most of them in my list of featured channels.
Another special thanks goes out to MuzTube who is also very active on that discord server.
He's a true underground hero since he creates exclusive custom mods and thumbnails for many
of the creators in our community. But please, don't bother him with pointless requests
now. That's my job already. He seems to know everything about GTA V and always has
the key info that lets you progress to the next level. Thanks for that!
Last but not least I wanna thank all the modders out there who create these cool player models,
convert cars or write fun scripts. Without you guys none of these videos would have been
possible. Keep up the good work! I think those were all the people I wanted to shout out
in this video. If I forgot anyone please let me know. Let's now have a look back at 2017,
shall we?
On January 1st I had around 3,650 subscribers. Now I'm at around 4,500. That's a gain
of roughly 850 subscribers and a growth of 19 percent. While this might not be much on
the bigger scale of things, it does mean a lot to me, because the content I create is
rather a niche thing. I think I'd grow a lot faster if I made these big stunt compilations
or fake giveaways like Sernandoe and all those other Immanuel Kants.
Since we're already crunching the numbers here: this year I uploaded a total of 66 public
videos. In comparison: From 2011 to 2016 I uploaded a total of 86 public videos. So this
means I produced almost as much content in one year as I did in the past five and a half
years before. If you take the patreon exclusives like outtakes, behind the scenes and unused
clips compilations into the equation, I have even produced a total of 118 videos this year,
which is a lot more than what I made in the years before. Oftentimes I was working on
five to ten videos in parallel splitting the tasks up into experimentation, scripting,
mod research, music research, recording, camera work, editing, visual effects, photoshopping,
rendering, uploading and writing video descriptions.
Now out of all these videos, which one might be my favorite? Actually, I'm happy with
almost all of my videos because otherwise I wouldn't have uploaded them. Some videos
I even re-rendered and uploaded three times because I had these minor changes that I wanted
to fix at all cost. Still, my very favorites are always gonna be the GTA machinima. A real
turning point for me was my 100th video because this was the time where I discovered the possibilities
of Menyoo and the Smooth Blend of the Rockstar Editor. Ever since I realized this potential
I got so many ideas for videos I can never ever produce all of them because I just lack
the time.
Out of all the GTA V machinima I made I really like "Trevor's Special Treatment" because
it's the ultimate fart joke. But also the montage where I made Trevor play "Seven
Nation Army" with GTA sound effects was a lot of fun to make. Last but not least I'd
like to mention "A Rich Man's Pleasure" because I can't believe I was actually able
to make this wild idea of a cannon for human skeet shooting come true within the game's
Then of course I am happy about my tutorials because they usually perform quite well, meaning
that they actually get a few more views than my machinima. But that's okay for me because
if I can help or inspire anyone out there, that's another mission accomplished.
The only videos I'd say I dislike are the Zombie Hitler thing because this was just
rushed and had no real concept to it. Another candidate is the Tired Tire video from last
year because I made this before there were any helpful mods available for the PC version
known to me and overall it was just boring and bland. At that time I was trying to find
my way back into making videos because I basically was on a one year hiatus with the channel
because nobody gave a fork about GTA IV anymore and GTA V wasn't out for PC then. From the
very old videos it would have to be the Copkiller Trailer which I'm pretty ashamed of. But
for reasons of hilarity I decided not to delete it.
On the battlefield side of things my favorite is definitely "Time" because it's a
cinematic video with a poem that I wrote from the bottom of my heart and in which I tried
to capture the emotions of the tragedy that World War I was. The BF1 montages are fun,
too, because they are a lot easier to edit and allow me to clear my mind from the machinima
from time to time. And I think barely anyone uploaded gameplay without HUD as consistently
as I did. Same thing here: I could very well upload two BF1 montages every damn week but
that would be too easy and there's enough channels for that out there. I like to go
the extra mile and make an effort to create truly original content, which unfortunately
doesn't seem to be worth much these days. Also, I don't stretch out all of my videos
to be ten minutes and 1 second long just so there will be another ad somewhere in the
Now, tell me, what are your favorite videos of 2017 from my channel? I'd really like
to know what you guys and girls prefer seeing and what you would love me to do more of.
If you are willing and able to support me on Patreon, I'm thankful for the smallest
of donations. It will be worth it, as I said there's a ton of bonus content on there.
With the last video of 2017 I will give you a taste of this bonus content because this
sunday there will be an outtake compilation with a couple of select clips for you to enjoy.
Now...what else? I hope you all had a successful year. I hope you overcame any obstacle life
put in your way. And I hope you will achieve your dreams. May you have a transition into
the new year that is as smooth as a baby's butt. Wait? Should I really include that in
the script? I don't think that's advertiser friendly.
Well, whatever. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for 2018, whanowa over!
Valk Power M Unboxing | My Cube Store - Duration: 4:16.
Hey guys, welcome back to a new video.
In this video, I'll be unboxing the new Valk Power M from My Cube Store
Without further ado, let's get straight into it.
[Music and Unboxing]
This is the box..
Let's take a look at the box
[Opening the box]
It actually looks really cool
And the box is magnetic, which is really cool.
Like the snap
Let's take a look at the inside of the box
There's like a cushion here to prevent your cube for damaging.
There's a pamphlet which contains....
Extra magnets....
Hmm...what is this? I'll check it later
And there's Mats Valk, some CARDS and a sticker from Valk
And there are some QR codes
Let's take a look at the cube
The plastic looks really cool like the primary plastics
The shades look a bit different than the Weilong GTS 2M.
The red from Valk is darker. As you can see
Let's go ahead and do some first turns.
[Turning the cube]
Hmm... It actually feels really smooth
And the magnets are a bit stronger than the stock version. Which I like
You can hear the clicky sound
The tension is a's ok
The corner cutting
The reverse corner cut
It's a bit tight for me because you can't really corner cut that much
Let's do some solves on this cube
This cube is a bit fast for me because sometimes I overshoot and undershoot
And you can see the pieces, like white/primary plastics in it
It's just very cool, like an illusion.....?
Overall, I think it is kind of a good cube and the feeling is really smooth
For people who DON'T have this cube, if you already have a Valk 3, I think it is good enough.
But if you really want to try this cube, you can check out the link in the description or try it from your friend.
And that's it for this video. Hope to see you guys in the next video. Peace out!
Renault Laguna grand tour 1.9dci-TECH-LINE-ROETF-96 KW AUTOM-BJ 2006 - Duration: 0:54.
メルセデスAMG/マイバッハも装備充実のため値上げ。その幅は約1%、金額にして最大34万円 - Duration: 7:54.
[FOREX UNI] - 3 Dạng Phân Tích Trong Thị Trường Đầu Tư Forex - Hoàng Ngọc Sơn - Duration: 4:20.
Fiat 500 TWINAIR 105 S AIRCO / LMV / SPORT UITV. - Duration: 0:56.
How this military explosive is poisoning American soil - Duration: 6:52.
It was a secret World War II project with an urgent mission.
Develop a powerful new bomb to fend off the Germans, who were threatening the European continent.
British scientists tried to perfect a chemical bond they referred to as "research department explosive" or RDX -- nearly twice as powerful as TNT.
RDX, most powerful explosive in existence. It's so dangerous in the raw state, thatit must be stored underwater.
But they needed thousands of tons to win the war, and they couldn't make it fast enough.
That is, until American chemists figured out a way to mass produce it.
A team of scientists secretly assembled by the government invented a new process to manufacture
these "super-explosives," churning out hundreds of tons in a day.
RDX transformed weapons overnight.
It enabled the world's first handheld rocket launcher to pierce armor.
It was packed into a 10,000-pound underwater bomb.
And it was disguised as pancake mix in an operation called the Aunt Jemima project.
RDX spawned the greatest period of military manufacturing in history.
But half a century later, the ingenious chemicals that boosted the US military,
are inflicting aftershocks in our own backyards.
RDX is a dangerous pollutant that's found its way into our soils and drinking water supplies.
And the Environmental Protection Agency has been tasked with figuring out exactly
how much of a health risk it poses to us -- and how much of the mess the government needs to clean up.
Here's what we know about the unique environmental that is RDX:
The first series of long-term experiments was conducted by the Pentagon in the 1980s.
They fed high doses of RDX to rats and mice, and watched them for two years.
As the dosage increased, the RDX made them agitated.
Their hearts became enlarged, their eyes grew discolored, then opaque.
Of the hundreds of animals they experimented on with the highest doses, about half died.
Of these mice with moderate to heavy doses, one in six females grew rare tumors on their liver or lungs, roughly half of which were malignant.
Liver cancer was also noted in the male rats.
So it all added up to a statistically significant and alarming sign that RDX could cause cancer in people.
But the studies were never peer reviewed or published.
After the military shared its final reports with the EPA, the agency classified RDX as a "possible human carcinogen" in 1990...a warning that it was potentially dangerous and deserved more study.
It came at a time when RDX contamination was cropping up at sites across the country.
At bomb-making plants and testing ranges, it spread into the soil and water supplies.
Take the case of Mapleton, Utah, with quaint homes and gardens where residents grew their own food.
At least until 1997, when residents got a letter from the nearby Trojan plant, which was contracted by the military to manufacture and recycle bomb materials.
The letter said, "Don't be alarmed…" but if "you use the water from your well for culinary purposes, we ask that you contact us immediately."
For at least 20 years, the Trojan plant discarded waste, including pure RDX, into ponds and an unlined irrigation ditch.
Six neighbors, all living within a quarter mile of that ditch, had developed cancer since living there.
And they found out the Trojan plant was well aware of the groundwater RDX pollution years before they told the residents.
But to hold the company accountable for their cancers -- the residents needed to prove the dangers of RDX itself.
A professor they hired linked two of the compounds found in RDX with the type of cancer that
several of the Mapleton residents had.
He calculated Mapleton had twice as many cases of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and three times as
many cases of Leukemia than would have been expected in the area.
His team concluded that residents got their cancer by eating food grown with RDX-contaminated water.
Vegetables seemed to concentrate the chemicals and amplify their exposure.
Calculations suggested eating a carrot from one of their gardens was 286 times worse than simply drinking the RDX contaminated water.
But the Mapleton case never made it to trial.
In 2002, the plant settled with the families for an undisclosed amount of money, without admitting guilt.
And several of the plaintiffs have died.
Today the Pentagon continues to manufacture RDX, and uses it widely.
And the number of communities that face environmental threats from it has continued to grow.
RDX has been found everywhere from wells near Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina,
to the drinking water near Kingsport, Tennessee...
and the groundwater across an old missile factory near Los Angeles.
In fact, for the first time we know the extent of the US military's role as a polluter.
ProPublica got data pinpointing thousands of sites across the country where the government has identified pollution on defense properties.
There are more than 150 cases with RDX contamination.
For decades, as these cases were documented, the US military claimed immunity from EPA oversight and tried to evade environmental regulations which would force them to clean it up.
But in 2012, the EPA decided it would re-assess the risk the chemical posed to people, and so they began a new review on everything we know about RDX.
If the EPA decided to regulate RDX as a chemical contaminant, that would mean an enormous increase
for the Pentagon's environmental cleanup bill, which is already at around 70 billion dollars.
The final results are still to come.
But as the EPA conducts its review, there's one thing that's still missing: credible science.
If the government wants evidence of whether RDX is connected to cancer, the best way is to replicate the earlier controlled experiments with live mice and rats.
But that has never been done.
Instead, the Department of Defense has conducted dozens of studies that cast doubt on RDX' effects,
and support the Pentagon's position that it poses little public threat.
These studies were funded by the military, an agency with a stake in the outcome of the EPA's decision.
So there's skepticism about the objectivity, but, that doesn't automatically mean their research isn't good science.
Some were even validated through peer review.
Even though the EPA appeared ready, in 2013, to label RDX a likely carcinogen, it is now
poised to downplay its risk with a tag that says it's merely "suggestive" of cancer.
The agency is set to decide the fate of RDX next year.
Now under the Trump administration, there are concerns that the sole agency responsible
for informing the American public about environmental health risks is bowing under pressure from the Department of Defense and the chemical industry.
Mazda 2 1.3 S 1e Eigenaar auto - Duration: 0:53.
Jaguar S-Type 4.0 V8 (277pk!) Autom./ Navi/ Leer/ Elek.Stoel + Memory/ Schuif-kantel dak/ Cruise/ El - Duration: 0:59.
Ford S-Max 1.6 16V Ecoboost 160pk Platinum - Duration: 0:59.
Audi Q2 Sport Pro Line S 1.4TFSI 150pk S-tronic | Privacy glass | 19" - Duration: 0:58.
MINI 1.6 COOPER S Chili ECC 1/2 LEDER XENON 17'' - Duration: 1:00.
[ENG SUB] Naree Rissaya 29.1 - Duration: 8:51.
Did someone came and did something?
I really don't know. At that time, everyone was outside.
You think that you are smarter and better than another.
But in the end you got abandoned by everyone.
You're no different from the dogs from the street.
It's not true.
I was not abandoned.
It's true.
You're abandoned.
Look around your surroundings, is there anyone here with you? Look!
Do you see, in the end, there's none.
Right now everyone is with Saiparn and her baby.
You are abandoned, Nida!
I'm not abandoned. It's not true!
Why are you lying to me, Sirikarnya?! Why are you lying?!
You crazy girl!
Khun Nida.
Khun, Nida, what's wrong?
No, I won't allow it.
I won't allow it.
I will never allow it. No.
-Nida. -I won't allow it.
Nida, calm down.
Nida, I'm right here.
-Nida -I won't allow it.
Nida, calm down.
Khun Nida.
-There's no one in this room.
-Liar! If there is no one then why are you blocking the way? Move away.
- There is no one. -Saiparn, come out right now. Saiparn
There is no one in there.
I don't believe you. Move away.
-Nang Saiparn! Where are you? - Khun Nida.
- I told you that there was no one. - Tell me right now, where is Saiparn?
-Saiparn. I don't know. -Tell me right now where is Saiparn?
-I don't know -Tell me right now.
I'm not your servant if you do anything to me, I'll fight you back.
You crazy!
You're crazy so I'll be crazy back.
It's a good thing that no one is here.
Did Nida see Saiparn?
Yes, Napat
I'll come get her.
P'Narin, tell me right now, where did you put Saiparn? Tell me right now.
I won't follow anyone's commands.
Tell me where is Saiparn?
Are you crazy?! Do you have any sense?
I'm not craxy, P'Narin. I'm not crazy, understand?! I'm not crazy.
-Nida -I'm not crazy.
P' Narin. I'm not crazy.
I'm not crazy.
I'm not crazy.
Look and see, I'll make you
Are you okay?
Drink some water.
I don't know who it pity.
There's Khun Saiparn and Khun Nida.
What kind of karma is this, I don't know.
How come Khun Nida became like this?
This is a good thing that Khun Nida didn't see Khun Saiparn and her baby.
If she saw them, I wouldn't want to know what happened.
And where is Khun Saiparn staying at? Do you know?
This isn't it. This also.What are these? Go get another right now. Right now! Hurry.
What is it?
What was that for?
It's these stupid people, they can't do anything. There's only stupid people.
There's nothing that'll make us happy always.
I think that you should stop.
You can go
I'm not going.
Even if I go, I won't have the mood.
But you don't have to worry, Dad.
Because I have to be the winner.
But, I'm still a father. And fathers have the duty to
And a father that has to help his child right?
This is the most suspicious.
-------------------------------------------, la plataforma de participació ciutadana - Duration: 2:10.
Can you imagine if you could directly decide
about the issues that affect us all?
Or propose measures to your council, organisation
or collective through a social network?
And if you could debate them and vote for them with the whole community?
That's Decidim, the free software platform
for participatory democracy for cities and organisations.
Decidim makes it possible for you to organise proposals
open debates and make collective decisions.
Just open an account
and then you can make your proposal,
check other proposals, debate them with the community and vote!
Decidim also helps you to organise
and discuss proposals in person
by participating in face-to-face meetings.
Once your proposal is approved
you can evaluate the result
and track its implementation.
It also allows you to directly decide how to spend
public budget funds and monitor the results.
Decidim also allows you to organise and manage
participatory processes and assemblies,
submit citizen initiatives or hold consultations.
And all this with a code of democratic guarantees
so that it continues to be a free, transparent,
traceable, improvable software by the community.
Log in to
Suggest, participate and decide
50歲的孟廣美近照變化太大嚇壞一眾網友!大S甩60斤肉妝容卻像鬼!重新復出女星怎麼都崩了! - Duration: 5:07.
Channel Update: My Own YouTube Rewind & Thanks [December 2017] - Duration: 8:08.
Hello there guys and girls,
welcome to another monthly channel update of mine. Obviously it's gonna be the last
one for this year. This is why I would like to use the next couple of minutes to look
back at 2017 and to say my thanks to a bunch of people. First of all, I wanna thank all
my subscribers, no matter if you're new to the family or one of the veterans: Thank
you for your trust in this channel. I wanna make a shout out with the warmest thanks to
"GameIn_Deeper" for going as far as donating a dollar a month to support my creative work.
It really helps!
If you can't afford to donate, just share my stuff on Twitter or Reddit or whatever
trendy platforms you kids use today. Make a GIF of memorable scenes you enjoyed and
upload it. I just don't have the time to do all that promotional stuff. I wanna spend
all my dedication and energy on the actual videos.
Also I would like to thank a bunch of subscribers who supported me by simply commenting on my
videos. This goes out to people like Refined Turbo, Captain Madman, ShredderGGG, KeymonZz,
erjun – greetings to Turkey by the way – mattiejas, White Spectre, ZumieFiasco who also made this
amazing car mod for Good Driving Bad Driving episode 13, Bladent GTA, Can The King, The
Glass Citizen, OrBass, J & J gaming, Zose and The Nerfed Gamer. Your positive words
but also the constructive criticism helped me massively in keeping this channel going
and improving it over the course of the past year.
Speaking of improvement: I really need to thank my fellow creator AX System for inviting
me to the Scene Director discord a few months back. I've met so many amazing machinima
makers and modders over there. This community of hyper experienced GTA creators has helped
me on so many occasions I lost count. Without guys like Duggy, Zadrium, Paradoxar, Lolww,
jackob, Jupit, Roscoe Hussein, momobimo, Sir Wumpy Flump, Petrifying Pumpkins Nergal and
of course elsewhat, the creator of Scene Director many of my latest videos wouldn't have been
possible. I've linked all of their channels in the description but you will also find
most of them in my list of featured channels.
Another special thanks goes out to MuzTube who is also very active on that discord server.
He's a true underground hero since he creates exclusive custom mods and thumbnails for many
of the creators in our community. But please, don't bother him with pointless requests
now. That's my job already. He seems to know everything about GTA V and always has
the key info that lets you progress to the next level. Thanks for that!
Last but not least I wanna thank all the modders out there who create these cool player models,
convert cars or write fun scripts. Without you guys none of these videos would have been
possible. Keep up the good work! I think those were all the people I wanted to shout out
in this video. If I forgot anyone please let me know. Let's now have a look back at 2017,
shall we?
On January 1st I had around 3,650 subscribers. Now I'm at around 4,500. That's a gain
of roughly 850 subscribers and a growth of 19 percent. While this might not be much on
the bigger scale of things, it does mean a lot to me, because the content I create is
rather a niche thing. I think I'd grow a lot faster if I made these big stunt compilations
or fake giveaways like Sernandoe and all those other Immanuel Kants.
Since we're already crunching the numbers here: this year I uploaded a total of 66 public
videos. In comparison: From 2011 to 2016 I uploaded a total of 86 public videos. So this
means I produced almost as much content in one year as I did in the past five and a half
years before. If you take the patreon exclusives like outtakes, behind the scenes and unused
clips compilations into the equation, I have even produced a total of 118 videos this year,
which is a lot more than what I made in the years before. Oftentimes I was working on
five to ten videos in parallel splitting the tasks up into experimentation, scripting,
mod research, music research, recording, camera work, editing, visual effects, photoshopping,
rendering, uploading and writing video descriptions.
Now out of all these videos, which one might be my favorite? Actually, I'm happy with
almost all of my videos because otherwise I wouldn't have uploaded them. Some videos
I even re-rendered and uploaded three times because I had these minor changes that I wanted
to fix at all cost. Still, my very favorites are always gonna be the GTA machinima. A real
turning point for me was my 100th video because this was the time where I discovered the possibilities
of Menyoo and the Smooth Blend of the Rockstar Editor. Ever since I realized this potential
I got so many ideas for videos I can never ever produce all of them because I just lack
the time.
Out of all the GTA V machinima I made I really like "Trevor's Special Treatment" because
it's the ultimate fart joke. But also the montage where I made Trevor play "Seven
Nation Army" with GTA sound effects was a lot of fun to make. Last but not least I'd
like to mention "A Rich Man's Pleasure" because I can't believe I was actually able
to make this wild idea of a cannon for human skeet shooting come true within the game's
Then of course I am happy about my tutorials because they usually perform quite well, meaning
that they actually get a few more views than my machinima. But that's okay for me because
if I can help or inspire anyone out there, that's another mission accomplished.
The only videos I'd say I dislike are the Zombie Hitler thing because this was just
rushed and had no real concept to it. Another candidate is the Tired Tire video from last
year because I made this before there were any helpful mods available for the PC version
known to me and overall it was just boring and bland. At that time I was trying to find
my way back into making videos because I basically was on a one year hiatus with the channel
because nobody gave a fork about GTA IV anymore and GTA V wasn't out for PC then. From the
very old videos it would have to be the Copkiller Trailer which I'm pretty ashamed of. But
for reasons of hilarity I decided not to delete it.
On the battlefield side of things my favorite is definitely "Time" because it's a
cinematic video with a poem that I wrote from the bottom of my heart and in which I tried
to capture the emotions of the tragedy that World War I was. The BF1 montages are fun,
too, because they are a lot easier to edit and allow me to clear my mind from the machinima
from time to time. And I think barely anyone uploaded gameplay without HUD as consistently
as I did. Same thing here: I could very well upload two BF1 montages every damn week but
that would be too easy and there's enough channels for that out there. I like to go
the extra mile and make an effort to create truly original content, which unfortunately
doesn't seem to be worth much these days. Also, I don't stretch out all of my videos
to be ten minutes and 1 second long just so there will be another ad somewhere in the
Now, tell me, what are your favorite videos of 2017 from my channel? I'd really like
to know what you guys and girls prefer seeing and what you would love me to do more of.
If you are willing and able to support me on Patreon, I'm thankful for the smallest
of donations. It will be worth it, as I said there's a ton of bonus content on there.
With the last video of 2017 I will give you a taste of this bonus content because this
sunday there will be an outtake compilation with a couple of select clips for you to enjoy.
Now...what else? I hope you all had a successful year. I hope you overcame any obstacle life
put in your way. And I hope you will achieve your dreams. May you have a transition into
the new year that is as smooth as a baby's butt. Wait? Should I really include that in
the script? I don't think that's advertiser friendly.
Well, whatever. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for 2018, whanowa over!
王菲女儿李嫣在自己的社交主页晒出了一张自拍,大S留言引来李亚鹏怒怼 - Duration: 3:57.
Le prince Harry, prêt à avoir des enfants avec Meghan Markle "dans un futur proche" - Duration: 2:17.
Trump declara falsamente haber batido el récord de Harry Truman (SUBTITULADO) - Duration: 0:48.
Best Relaxing Meditation Music by Marcos Ubeda from "Focused Path" album - Duration: 1:01:12.
Singing by the River
Repica el grito
Ate Wakan Tanka
Snow in the Steppe
New Monk´s Journey
Wakan tanka Tunkashila
Wind between the Trees
Wini Wini He Wini
Indian Wisdom
Makeing a Choice will give You the Path
Best Relaxing Meditation Music by Marcos Ubeda from "Focused Path" album
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V - Duration: 0:57.
France Gall, hospitalisée : sa vie en danger ? - Duration: 1:28.
THE JURISDON - Duration: 27:53.
Some difficult words that you pronounce incorrectly | 46 problematic mispronounced words - Duration: 10:48.
Some difficult words that you pronounce incorrectly | 46 problematic mispronounced words
謝霆鋒與王菲只談戀愛卻不結婚,不是因為張柏芝,劉嘉玲道出真相 - Duration: 3:07.
Booba - Cartoon for kids
Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D RL 55 - Duration: 0:48.
Kia Picanto 1.0 D-light,5Drs,Airco,NAP,Stuurbekr.APK - Duration: 0:57.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Exclusive | Ambition | Technology - Duration: 0:59.
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6 BUSINESS EDITION, NAVI, ECC, CRUISE, Half LEER ... BEURT GEHAD - Duration: 0:58.
Carla Bruni partage un tendre cliché d'elle enfant avec sa sœur Valeria - Duration: 1:36.
Louane refuse d'évoquer ses parents disparus . - Duration: 1:36.
[PRANK] Les farces du Sac EP 04 - Nicolas piégé! - Duration: 7:37.
Uomini e Donne: Sonia ed Emanuele, la fine della loro favola | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:57.
Le prince Harry, prêt à avoir des enfants avec Meghan Markle "dans un futur proche" - Duration: 2:17.
斉藤由貴"不倫騒動"からの復帰で、桐谷美玲が大助かり!? 現場には不気味な静けさも…… - JN D - Duration: 4:14.
How this military explosive is poisoning American soil - Duration: 6:52.
It was a secret World War II project with an urgent mission.
Develop a powerful new bomb to fend off the Germans, who were threatening the European continent.
British scientists tried to perfect a chemical bond they referred to as "research department explosive" or RDX -- nearly twice as powerful as TNT.
RDX, most powerful explosive in existence. It's so dangerous in the raw state, thatit must be stored underwater.
But they needed thousands of tons to win the war, and they couldn't make it fast enough.
That is, until American chemists figured out a way to mass produce it.
A team of scientists secretly assembled by the government invented a new process to manufacture
these "super-explosives," churning out hundreds of tons in a day.
RDX transformed weapons overnight.
It enabled the world's first handheld rocket launcher to pierce armor.
It was packed into a 10,000-pound underwater bomb.
And it was disguised as pancake mix in an operation called the Aunt Jemima project.
RDX spawned the greatest period of military manufacturing in history.
But half a century later, the ingenious chemicals that boosted the US military,
are inflicting aftershocks in our own backyards.
RDX is a dangerous pollutant that's found its way into our soils and drinking water supplies.
And the Environmental Protection Agency has been tasked with figuring out exactly
how much of a health risk it poses to us -- and how much of the mess the government needs to clean up.
Here's what we know about the unique environmental that is RDX:
The first series of long-term experiments was conducted by the Pentagon in the 1980s.
They fed high doses of RDX to rats and mice, and watched them for two years.
As the dosage increased, the RDX made them agitated.
Their hearts became enlarged, their eyes grew discolored, then opaque.
Of the hundreds of animals they experimented on with the highest doses, about half died.
Of these mice with moderate to heavy doses, one in six females grew rare tumors on their liver or lungs, roughly half of which were malignant.
Liver cancer was also noted in the male rats.
So it all added up to a statistically significant and alarming sign that RDX could cause cancer in people.
But the studies were never peer reviewed or published.
After the military shared its final reports with the EPA, the agency classified RDX as a "possible human carcinogen" in 1990...a warning that it was potentially dangerous and deserved more study.
It came at a time when RDX contamination was cropping up at sites across the country.
At bomb-making plants and testing ranges, it spread into the soil and water supplies.
Take the case of Mapleton, Utah, with quaint homes and gardens where residents grew their own food.
At least until 1997, when residents got a letter from the nearby Trojan plant, which was contracted by the military to manufacture and recycle bomb materials.
The letter said, "Don't be alarmed…" but if "you use the water from your well for culinary purposes, we ask that you contact us immediately."
For at least 20 years, the Trojan plant discarded waste, including pure RDX, into ponds and an unlined irrigation ditch.
Six neighbors, all living within a quarter mile of that ditch, had developed cancer since living there.
And they found out the Trojan plant was well aware of the groundwater RDX pollution years before they told the residents.
But to hold the company accountable for their cancers -- the residents needed to prove the dangers of RDX itself.
A professor they hired linked two of the compounds found in RDX with the type of cancer that
several of the Mapleton residents had.
He calculated Mapleton had twice as many cases of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and three times as
many cases of Leukemia than would have been expected in the area.
His team concluded that residents got their cancer by eating food grown with RDX-contaminated water.
Vegetables seemed to concentrate the chemicals and amplify their exposure.
Calculations suggested eating a carrot from one of their gardens was 286 times worse than simply drinking the RDX contaminated water.
But the Mapleton case never made it to trial.
In 2002, the plant settled with the families for an undisclosed amount of money, without admitting guilt.
And several of the plaintiffs have died.
Today the Pentagon continues to manufacture RDX, and uses it widely.
And the number of communities that face environmental threats from it has continued to grow.
RDX has been found everywhere from wells near Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina,
to the drinking water near Kingsport, Tennessee...
and the groundwater across an old missile factory near Los Angeles.
In fact, for the first time we know the extent of the US military's role as a polluter.
ProPublica got data pinpointing thousands of sites across the country where the government has identified pollution on defense properties.
There are more than 150 cases with RDX contamination.
For decades, as these cases were documented, the US military claimed immunity from EPA oversight and tried to evade environmental regulations which would force them to clean it up.
But in 2012, the EPA decided it would re-assess the risk the chemical posed to people, and so they began a new review on everything we know about RDX.
If the EPA decided to regulate RDX as a chemical contaminant, that would mean an enormous increase
for the Pentagon's environmental cleanup bill, which is already at around 70 billion dollars.
The final results are still to come.
But as the EPA conducts its review, there's one thing that's still missing: credible science.
If the government wants evidence of whether RDX is connected to cancer, the best way is to replicate the earlier controlled experiments with live mice and rats.
But that has never been done.
Instead, the Department of Defense has conducted dozens of studies that cast doubt on RDX' effects,
and support the Pentagon's position that it poses little public threat.
These studies were funded by the military, an agency with a stake in the outcome of the EPA's decision.
So there's skepticism about the objectivity, but, that doesn't automatically mean their research isn't good science.
Some were even validated through peer review.
Even though the EPA appeared ready, in 2013, to label RDX a likely carcinogen, it is now
poised to downplay its risk with a tag that says it's merely "suggestive" of cancer.
The agency is set to decide the fate of RDX next year.
Now under the Trump administration, there are concerns that the sole agency responsible
for informing the American public about environmental health risks is bowing under pressure from the Department of Defense and the chemical industry.
Uomini e donne, bebè in arrivo in casa di Maria De Filippi: ecco l'annuncio ufficiale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.
松田龍平&太田莉菜が離婚発表「話し合いを重ね、離婚することに」 - JN D - Duration: 2:08.
Uomini e donne: Paolo Crivellin e la scelta che fa discutere | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.
Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, ecco quando ritorna in onda in tv | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V - Duration: 0:57.
A perfect ROAD TRIP in NOTHERN IRELAND - Duration: 6:18.
How many times have you flew in your life? "2 times"
Ok 7:55 p.m.. We are at Roissy Charles de Gaulle. I'm with Charles, who is my best friend and we're going together
towards the northern ireland. We stay four nights there. we will meet another friend
The opportunity for me to shoot videos. I have all my stuff with me.
I just want to continu my work about vlogs
We leave Paris towards Northern Ireland
And here we are in belfast and said that belfast
the whether was not so good. It was raining all the time. I stand in front of one of
the big attractions
here in belfast: the titanic museum. If you do not know what to do at the beginning of your journey, just do it!
We finished the museum. it was really nice. in 1911 the Titanic was launched here in belfast before going to new york
Museum is done, and we're going to "Sixt"
we're renting the car and we'll head to the west.
Ok Charles, we arrived in Derry, first impression?
"I am happy"
Do you have any idea where we're going today? "We go to the Giant's Causeway"
We arrived at the Giant's Causeway
The famous Giant's Causeway. it's impressive. there are 40 000 basalt blocks
the longest is 12 meters long and about legend
Filipino friends, I know you are much to look at my channel and I also know you'll like it
legend has it that it would be a giant that would have built it to go up to Scotland on the other side and this giant called Finn!
And this is on carrick a reed bridge
it is very impressive, especially because of the void!
I think it is 30 40 meters high
I do not know if we mean well with the microphone because of the wind.
Then of course northern ireland is also game of thrones. this country has hosted a lot of scenes
from the movie and it's also an opportunity for us to realize belfast
a little of everything that has happened since the beginning of the series. here behind me, there is a large fresco depicting
all events game of thrones
This episode of Northern Ireland is complete. We expect our plane.
What better way to finish is Vlog, drinking a Guiness Beer ?
THE JURISDON - Duration: 27:53.
12 Days of Christmas: 4 Colly Birds {cc} - Duration: 2:28.
On the 4th day of Christmas my true gave to me, 4 Colly birds.........
Colly Birds or Calling Birds? let's find out
Hi Guys, I'm Shelly and welcome to day 4. of the 12 Days of Christmas.
We are now on 4 Calling Birds or 4 Collie Birds.
There is some confusion about this, apparently. In the 1780s version of the 12 days of Christmas.
It was Collie Birds not Calling Birds that we sang on the 4th day,
Collie being a regional English expression for black I guess that's
something to do with the Cole, and it's a Cole black bird.
Then Fredrick Austin decided to change it to Calling Birds in 1909,
As the word Collie was more regional word,
and wasn't known around the rest of the land.
And so Calling Birds it became. Calling and Collie aren't the only versions though,
there have been many versions of these birds along the years.
Including Curley, Corley and Colored. But basically, a Collie bird is a Black Bird.
Why you would have 4 Collie Birds, I don't know.
Are you making a Black Bird pie?
Are you trying to feed the Queen? Are we going down that nursery rhyme? Who Knows?
Price wise, nowadays. You can't buy them so, I can't put
a price on these guys. Whether you could buy them back then? I would imagine you could catch them.
Maybe you poached them, who knows? But nowadays I suppose they're
priceless unless they just hang around your garden. Which by the way they do, at the moment.
Put plenty of feed in your back garden in the UK,
and I would imagine black birds will turn up sooner or later.
You can't miss them, they have little yellow beaks. They're very cute actually.
In the Bible, they're supposed to stand for the 4 Gospels which is Mark, Luke
Matthew and John. So who knows where the Collie Birds, Calling Birds, whatever you
want to call them, came from. Why you would give your love 4 Calling Birds?
4 Collie Birds? Or for any birds for that matter, is a bit strange.
Are they for decoration? Do they hang around the garden? Are they standing on a scarecrow?
What is the meaning of this? And why are you giving them to your True Love?
Who knows? It's a mystery! But anyway that is your little bit of history for today.
For the 4 Calling Birds Collie Birds or whatever? I'm gonna call them Colly Birds,
Because why wouldn't I! Anyway, I hope you guys are good.
I will see you guys tomorrow, with or inane random interesting things.
Five In The Bed Penguin | Song For Children | Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:08:29.
There were five in the bed And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were four in the bed And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were three in the bed And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There were two in the bed And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over and one fell out
There was one in the bed And the little one said,
Good Night!
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