世界に一つだけの花 Only One Flower in the World by SMAP
1. You don't need to be No.1 since you've always been the special, only one.
2. I looked at the various flowers, lined up at the front of the flower shop.
3. Everyone has their own favorite, but they're all pretty.
4. They don't argue which is the best among them.
5. They're all in their buckets standing tall and proud.
6. Yet I wonder why we humans feel the need to compare ourselves?
7. Even though each of us is all different, why do we want to be number one among them?
8. Yes, each of us is the only one flower in the world,
9. Everyone has a different seed.
10. All we have to do is to try our best to make those flowers bloom.
11. There is someone smiling and hesitating over which flower to choose
12. All the flowers that did their best to bloom are pretty, so it seems there's no choice.
13. That person finally comes out from the shop and carries
14. a bouquet of flowers in various colors; and a happy smile on his face
15. I didn't even know their names, but they gave me a smile to me on that day.
16. Like a flower that bloomed where no one ever noticed.
17. Yes, we are the only one flowers in the world, too.
18. Everyone has different seeds.
19. All we have to is to try our best to make those flowers bloom.
20. Even if the flower is small or big, there is no same one.
21. You don't need to be No.1 since you've always been the special, only one.
See you next year!!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!
For more infomation >> [Eng/한글] 世界に一つだけの花 Only One Flower in the World by SMAP - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
THIẾT BỊ TRƯNG BÀY ĐIỆN THOẠI B1110 - SD Group - Duration: 2:38.
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
Comment elle s'est débarrassée de l'eczéma sévère - Duration: 7:38.
What I Got For Christmas 2017| Aryen Scheyenne - Duration: 6:47.
Hey what's up ma dudes!
My name is Aryen and today I'm gonna be sharing with you guys,
what I got for Christmas 2017
and I'm wearing pajamas in this video because it's the day after Christmas,
and I don't feel like putting actual clothes on
and the lighting is really bad because it's winter
and there's no natural lighting outside,
so I'm using a lamp and it looks really bad
but I hope you enjoy the video if you do leave the thumbs up
And I'll see you in the next one
I got acne for Christmas :(
So today, I'm going to be sharing with you guys what I got for Christmas
Which is not a lot
so the first thing I got was the thing in my stocking and
in my stocking was just chocolate which I
really don't need cuz I'm fat >.<
So I got this Lindor dark chocolate
and just some Toblerone, this is good!
The next thing I got was this little
dream journal which has a little bookmark
because I like to write down my dreams and share them.
I will have a video of me reading
dreams out of my old dream journal to you guys if you
You guys want to see that.
Along with the dream journal came
these pencils it's basically six pencils and
They have these really cool words on it like that one says
Stay in your magic, hopeless romantic,
You make me glow
They're pencils with this cute little dream journal
Next thing I got were some makeup brushes
an eye shadow brush from Wet n Wild
Concealer brush
I have a contour brush
I also got
Three little Beauty Blender sponges
The next thing I got was a book and it's this,
ow >.0
Beauty and the Beast book and other fairy tales
It also comes with a bookmark
and it's not just Beauty and the Beast it's a really big book
But I love the cover. It's beautiful and the back is really pretty too,
it has a whole bunch of different
stories that I'm probably gonna finish in like
let's say March.
And along with the Beauty and the Beast book I also got
a Beauty and the beast shirt
so it says
Tale as old as time, and it has
Beast and beauty and the rose on it, and I think it's really cute like I love it next shirt
I got a dress is
This black and white one, and it has like crop for the shoulders
And it looks like this
It's really cute really simple and that's what I like.
I got some hot topic
It's a NARUTO, Kakashi shirt
Look at him so beautiful,
it's oversized because I like wearing oversized shirts
But it is Kakashi
there's Kakashi
So beautiful I have a lot of
Naruto shirts over there, but I didn't get it for Christmas.
So I'm not really gonna show you, but if you want to see a little
Naruto haul let me know :)
Another shirt I got is this shirt
From my mom that says don't ever quit do it last one I got
matches with my dad
Sriracha shirt and my dad has a
Tabasco shirt because me and my family,
me and my dad actually cuz my brother and my mom really don't like hot stuff, but
we really like spicy, and this is the
the hot sauces we used
And onto pants I got this pair of joggers
They're green, and they're actually, all the pants I got are guy jeans
because I don't like girl jeans, because they don't have pockets
But yeah, so I got these green ones
And they are tight at the bottom they're lose at the top and ankle
They have deep pockets which I love
next one is this white one. It's not really white. It's just a light beige
Beige? Lite khaki very light, and it's the same style actually has pockets
And the last pair of joggers, I've got
are this color
These are from my aunt and that looks like this
The last item of clothing, I got is this red dress from H&M and
My mom actually wants me to wear it for next Christmas, so that's great
It looks like this, its velvet
Really soft. It's just a regular dress
Next thing I got is this Kipling
pink backpack
and it's really cute like I
Love it so
Much, it has a little
It's like pastel pink I guess or millennial pink next I got
Socks yeah this one for my aunt. It's like a little dog on it I
Got these Vans socks
This one has doughnuts. This one's just pink and gray and this one
Just a lot of colors on it
Last thing here that I got are these red vans. I
Needed some red Vans and these red Vans actually
Match with the last present I got
But it's not here, so I'm gonna insert a picture now
And that's everything I got for Christmas
I'm not trying to brag though
There's really nothing to brag about and if you don't celebrate Christmas
I hope you had a happy whatever you celebrate or I hope you just had a good day in general good week
But yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, and I'll be posting more soon
I said that last time and I didn't but this time I promise and
Yeah, I'll see you guys in next video
Bar Design - How To Design An L-Shaped Bar - Duration: 3:45.
Hey, Rick Uzubell again from Cabaret Design Group, talking today about
'Bar Design - How To Design An L-Shaped Bar,' coming up!
How do you design an L-shaped bar? Design guidelines dictate where to place the bar gate
depends on the handling and cleaning a bar service glassware. Stay tuned!
At any point in this video, please check-out the affiliate links, including
the equipment and gift ideas and if you're new here, definitely subscribe!
In this video, I'll discuss three examples
of how to design a commercial L-shaped, coming up!
Space planning is the first step in commercial bar design, whether the
application is for restaurants, hotels country clubs -- you name it.
How to design an L-shaped bar is more dependent on the available space than any other factor.
The first rule in bar design is that glassware flows from left-to-right,
so that, when standing behind the bar, the bartender will always
have clean glasses immediately to his or her left and soiled glasses to the left of that.
Drink-making, the next step in the process, follows the same clockwise flow.
Therefore, the handling and cleaning of bar service
glassware is the first step in the flow of glassware.
This means that the return leg of the L-shaped bar is
normally placed at the left end, as seen by the bartender, looking outward, with
his or her back to the back bar wall.
In the L-shaped bar shown here, the
bartending process works like this: 1). The soiled glassware is returned by the
wait staff in tubs and accumulated in the underbar glass rack, designated here
as 'R/T' and shown in this photo; 2). As the bartender has time, he or she will
remove each tub and set it in the corner drain board and begin to remove the
individual glasses, where they are emptied into the dump sink, designated
here as 'DS,' rinsed, and then washed, rinsed and sanitized in the 3-bin sink,
shown here; 3). Upon completion, the glasses are placed in
racks and stored in other glass racks, designated here as 'GS,' where they will
be available for making the next batch of drinks.
For L-shaped bars, the bar service gate (or bar opening)
should be located at the end opposite of the bar
from the return leg, as shown here. There are other layout options available
for how to configure the bar equipment on the return leg:
another opening could be placed on the return leg, as
shown in this alternate example, but the bar would
have to be lengthened by 24" and one seat would be lost. A pair of hinged
gates is the only viable option for securing that end of the bar.
The best option for optimal bar design for the return leg is shown in this second example,
where a 45-degree corner creates a unique seating arrangement
that so many patrons love.
In commercial bar design, we normally recommend
automatic glass washers in lieu of 3-bin sinks, as they save at least 3' of
space and are much more efficient and produce cleaner and safer glassware.
« Je pensais qu'il passerait Noël en famille » : la mort de Johnny Hallyday a surpris ... - Duration: 2:41.
Les 4 vertus de la patate douce - Duration: 3:50.
Russia is going to attack our next election The Trump administration may not even try to stop it - Duration: 3:12.
Russia is going to attack our next election the Trump administration may not even try to stop it
The Russians are coming for our elections to disrupt them to discredit them and even to affect their outcome they ll be coming in
2018 and in
2020 the trouble is that even if we figure out what they were up to our own
May be unable or unwilling to stop it
That s the conclusion one has to come to upon reading reports like this new one from a tremendous Ellen
Nakashima and Greg Jaffe which describes how powerless the federal government has been and continues
To be in the face of an ongoing war that Vladimir Putin is waging against us democracy
It was hard enough to resist when the executive branch wanted to resist it
Who knows how hard it will become as president Trump feels more politically threatened by upcoming elections and Robert s Mueller s investigation
into Russian meddling in
2016 this new report shows how the Russian effort last year included not only hacking into
Democratic email systems in the use of an army of social media BOTS, but also the creation of articles pitched to left-leaning websites
Which were used to attack Hillary Clinton and promote WikiLeaks?
While it was going on the government was all but paralyzed the events surrounding the FBI s norther night
Investigation follow a pattern that repeated for years as the Russian threat was building US intelligence and law enforcement
Agencies saw some warning signs of Russian meddling in Europe and later in the United States
But never fully grasped the breath of the Kremlin s ambitions
Top US policymakers didn t appreciate the dangers then scrambled to draw up options to fight back in
the end big plans died of internal
Disagreement a fear of making matters worse or a misguided belief in the resilience of American society and its democratic institutions
When previously unreported order a sweeping presidential finding to combat global cyber threats prompted u.s.
Spy agencies to plan a half dozen specific operations to counter the Russian threat
But when a year after those instructions were given the Trump White House remains divided over whether to act
intelligence officials said as
former acting CIA director Michael Morel and former House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Rogers note in this op-ed
Russian cyber warfare effort - eatin tea stop after
2016 of later covert social media strategies have involved attacking the FBI
going after Republican politicians
Who are critical of President drum and even urging a boycott of Keurig when it pulled its advertising from Sean Hannity s show?
But it s not as simple as promoting President Trump in the GOP
Most experts believe Vladimir Putin s motives are more complex than that and involve sowing discord and confusion
That destabilizes our system the danger becomes
particularly acute during election season
There are three fundamental questions to ask about this threat do we know what they redoing if?
We know what they redoing do we know how to fight it, and if we know how to fight it
Do we have the will to do so at various times the answer to all three has been no
But let us say that sometime in 2018 or even more likely in
2020 intelligence agencies and private analysts conclude that Russia is engaging in an
Booba - Cartoon for kids
Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D Anniversary MMT - Duration: 0:54.
BMW X5 3.0D 235 Pk High Executive Full Option/Navi/Leder/Sportstoelen/7-Pers/Head-Up/138.454 Km!! - Duration: 0:59.
Many analysts predicted that as soon as President Trump scored his first big legislative win
that the gloves would come off and he'd start draining the swamp, and it appears as
if that's exactly the case.Last week, the President quietly signed a powerful executive
order that allows the freezing of assets of a wide range of individuals, ranging from
foreign nationals, to foreign businesses, to U.S. businesses, politicians, and lobbyists,
if any of the aforementioned people were a part of corruption or human rights abuses.
In fact, Zero Hedge reports that the executive order basically applies to anyone in the world
who aided and abetted "serious human rights abusers" or who has been found to engage
in corruption, including "the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private
assets for personal gain, and corruption related to government contracts or the extraction
of natural resources."
Uranium One sound familiar?
What about the Clinton Foundation?Yeah, this is serious.
Zero Hedge reports:The Trump Administration quietly issued an Executive Order (EO) last
Thursday which allows for the freezing of US-housed assets belonging to foreign individuals
or entities deemed "serious human rights abusers," along with government officials
andexecutives of foreign corporations (current or former) found to have engaged in corruption
– which includes the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private
assets for personal gain, and corruption related to government contracts or the extraction
of natural resources.
Furthermore, anyone in the United States who aids or participates in said corruption or
human rights abuses by foreign parties is subject to frozen assets – along with any
U.S. corporation who employs foreigners deemed to have engaged in corruption on behalf of
the company.
In fact, anyone in the world who has "materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial,
material or technological support for, or goods or services" to foreigners targeted
by the Executive Order is subject to frozen assets.
Everyone involved with the Clintons should be shaking in their boots now.
Also included in the order are D.C. lobbyists, many of whom work on behalf of foreign governments
guilty of some of the worst atrocities on the planet.
Last Week's Executive Order could have serious implications for D.C. lobbyists who provide
"goods and services" (e.g. lobbying services) to despots, corrupt foreign politicians or
foreign organizations engaging in the crimes described in the EO.
"Virtually every lobbyist in DC has got to be in a cold sweat over the scope of this
EO," said an attorney consulted in the matter who wishes to remain anonymous.
"Consider, what would happen if Apple, say employed a foreign national who bribed a PRC
official for government approvals?
How about a hypothetical case of a company like Northrop or Boeing where an employee,
or consultant, who is a foreign national bribes a Saudi official to direct government purchases
of airplanes and military equipment?
At least some or all of their assets could be frozen," said the attorney.
As far as Hillary and her cabal are concerned, we turn to Uranium One.
A former FBI informant claims to have video evidence of Russian officials using briefcases
full of cash to bribe those responsible for approving the controversial deal, which allowed
Russia to take control of 20 percent of America's strategic uranium reserves.Let's also not
forget about Tony Podesta, who ran the now-defunct Podesta Group.
Podesta was basically an agent of the Clinton Foundation, and his brother pushed strongly
to have David Adams, Hillary's chief adviser while she was Secretary of State, hired by
the Podesta Group so that there would be a "direct liaison" between the State Department
and the Russians attempting to purchase our Uranium.
And of course, there's also the hundreds of millions of dollars that flowed into the
Clinton Foundation as the deal was in the works.
To any objective observer, the money appeared to be used to bribe Hillary and her minions
to approve the sale.
A Zero Hedge noted:
Hypothetically, if the Uranium One deal is deemed corrupt by the Trump administration,
and "Russian nuclear officials" indeed routed millions of dollars to the Clinton
Foundation, and Tony Podesta lobbied on behalf of the deal for the Clinton Foundation – it
stands to reason that this Executive Order could freeze the US-housed assets of quite
a few individuals.
Of note, assets can be frozen with no prior warning, as trump has declared a national
emergency due to the "scope and gravity" of the threat posed by said individuals.
Meanwhile, the Justice Department has just ordered a review of Uranium One after mounting
evidence seemingly proved the deal was made under suspicious circumstances, we previously
According to a bombshell report from NBC News, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered
the career prosecutors at the Justice Department to take another look at the original investigation
into the deal.
The report states that Justice Department officials have been interviewing the FBI agents
who conducted the criminal probe into the matter to see if there's a need for a special
A senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the initial FBI investigation told
NBC News there were allegations of corruption surrounding the process under which the U.S.
government approved the sale.
But no charges were filed.
As the New York Times reported in April 2015, some of the people associated with the deal
contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
And Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a Moscow speech by a Russian investment bank with links
to the transaction.
Hillary Clinton has denied playing any role in the decision by the State Department to
approve the sale, and the State Department official who approved it has said Clinton
did not intervene in the matter.
That hasn't stopped some Republicans, including President Trump, from calling the arrangement
corrupt — and urging that Clinton be investigated.
In a letter to Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,
Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd said Justice Department
lawyers would make recommendations to Sessions about whether an investigation should be opened
or expanded, or whether a special counsel should be appointed to probe a number of issues
of concern to Republicans.
So basically, it appears as if the Trump administration is setting the stage to go to war with the
swamp, and they're using the full weight of the government to do so.
Over the summer, Attorney General Sessions ended Obama-era restrictions on asset forfeiture,
making it easier for the government to take over the ill-gotten gains of criminals.
Now, President Trump just signed an executive order singling out anybody who's engaged
in corrupt activities, regardless if they're government officials or not.
Between the two, it looks as if the gloves have finally come off.
Ashley Benson's estate files lawsuit against - Duration: 2:05.
Burning the Past - Duration: 1:50.
This is an 'old year'...
..this is a little tradition that we have, here in Ecuador.
We call them 'old year' or 'monigotes'.
They represent the year that comes to an end.
We create them in order to burn them at New Year's Eve.
Burning them means that everything is finished...
..we leave behind all that has happened in the past year.
What I am going to burn is irresponsibility, laziness, and letting go of some vices.
Because now we have this huge internet vice.
And we don't see the beauty of this world.
We light them on fire.
And we jump over it three times.
All that is ethically bad...
..when you jump over the monigote, all will be burned.
An entire week of work, just to burn it.
It seems a bit stupid.
But it is about losing yourself in happiness. Jumping, dancing around the fire...
..what ever comes to your mind in that moment of happiness.
Channel Update #4: The Hiatus is Over!!! - Duration: 2:30.
Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the unexplained hiatus on my channel and today
I'm going explain to you guys why I was gone for so long. In this channel update
we'll go over why I took a break. What series' I will be continuing and what to expect this upcoming year on the channel.
First, let's talk about why I left. I left because high school had started taking time away from YouTube,
I got busy with school and friends, and I wanted to break from the stress of making videos.
I was also trying to make money to afford all my components for my gaming PC.
Luckily I was able to build my PC before the year ended and thanks to some Black Friday deals was able to obtain all my
I spent a week and a half building the PC and getting all the correct programs on the PC so that I could record and edit
properly. If you'd like to know the specs, I'll put them down below in the description of the video.
But anyway, that was why I decided to take a break from YouTube.
Now, let's go over what series' I'm going to put on hold for now.
Sadly, the Cave Story Lets Play series will have to be put on hold. The next episode was going to be uploaded
but after I looked over it I realized that it just didn't seem like the series was going in the direction that I wanted it
to. I know that I've started this serious like twice now, (laughs)
but will bring it back for sure. Either in let's play or review form.
I'm also going to stop uploading Overwatch Play of the Game (POTG) Craziness videos. However, thanks to this new PCs graphics
I will start uploading other types of Overwatch
content, such as me and my friends goofing off and things like that. If people want to bring back play the game craziness though
I'll be glad to.
Now, on to the good stuff
I'm planning for 2018 to be a very productive year.
I have some scripts planned for future videos and a lot of new Let's Plays to be uploaded during the year.
Some examples of the games that I'll be playing are: Cuphead, Overwatch Super Meat Boy, Alan Wake, and plenty more.
I also have some review type videos planned for the future such as Super Mario Galaxy, Cuphead, Super Paper Mario, and many other games.
Along with those reviews, I have some secret projects going on that I'll reveal as the year goes on.
I'm also hoping to start streaming on Twitch during the year, so be looking forward to that.
Well, I hope you guys have a great day, and enjoyed these last few days of 2017. I'll see you guys in 2018.
Uomini e Donne, Gemma rischia di essere cacciata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.
DEVINETTE Qui est cette adorable petite fille qui pose avec le Père Noël ? - Duration: 1:59.
U&D: Paolo Crivellin e la scelta che fa discutere - Duration: 4:07.
Défier la magie Jean Thomas Jobin - Duration: 22:07.
Trump administration set to unveil $1 trillion infrastructure proposal in 2018 - Duration: 4:24.
Trump administration set to unveil one trillion dollars infrastructure proposal in
2018 the Trump administration is expected to unveil an
infrastructure package in the new year after putting the issue on the sidelines amid other GOP priorities in
2017 the White House is working to release a roughly seventy page
infrastructure proposal sometime in January for members of Congress to use as a cornerstone for drafting the legislation in
2018 in
December President Trump met with senior administration
officials and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster
ARPA to discuss the proposal the meeting with the president was encouraging and very productive Shuster said in a statement
He has to builder he gets the importance of infrastructure, and why it matters for jobs in the economy
addressing our nation s infrastructure in a bipartisan manner is going to take strong presidential leadership
And I believe we have a president who can provide the necessary leadership, and who wants to rebuild our infrastructure to strengthen our economy
During the 2016 campaign Trump first promised to deliver a one trillion dollars
Infrastructure plan to improve the condition of u.s.. Roads bridges airports and other public works
Although the administration is working to address the nation s infrastructure
Several major question marks hangover the plan such as funding
The cost is going to be an issue that is going to be a large topic of debate a senior committee aide told The Washington
This spring the administration calls for using two hundred billion dollars in direct federal spending over the next ten years
This was intended to spur eight hundred billion dollars in spending by states
Localities and private investors. I think the biggest sticking point will be funding paying for the plan said Michael Sargent
Transportation and Infrastructure policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation
Where does this 200 billion dollars come from?
Shuster is open to hearing solutions from Republicans and Democrats on how to build the best fiscally responsible plan according to senior committee aides
The other area in question is whether an infrastructure proposal could accumulate bipartisan support
Frederick Hale a spokesperson for the Senate
Science and Transportation Committee said infrastructures typically or bipartisan issue because it affects everyone
The White House is going to have to try to compose a way to meet various needs. He said initially
Democrats appeared to back an infrastructure plan House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi D
California and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer D - NY
Expressed interest early on to work with the administration on an infrastructure package
but now it has less certain if
Democrats will get on board especially as members of Congress have engaged in partisan fights over issues such as health care and tax reform in
2017 experts also point to Democrats recent concerns that the GOP
Astonishes of potential recent Democrats would be less inclined to get behind an expensive infrastructure plan as
We saw from this tax reform effort now that the Democrats are opposing the Republicans in a lot of these policy battles
They now all of a sudden care about the deficit as well
Sergeant's said they might voice that as a concern or use that as leverage to perhaps get things they want
even so the mutter of the
Problem-solvers caucus in the house is compiling a report to identify some bipartisan solutions that could be used in the package
additionally Shuster does not expect a large infrastructure plan to progress without bipartisan support and wants to include Democrats
according to senior committee aides
Another major piece of legislation that is expected to cost some debate in
2018 as the Federal Aviation
Administration reauthorization bill known as the 21st century aviation innovation reform and
reauthorization Act
Included in the measure championed by Shuster is a controversial provision
That would remove air traffic control from the FAA and instead establish an independent nonprofit to oversee the function as
the expiration of the FAA s legal authority approached the end of
September the bill did not gain enough support which led to a six-month extension that will expire in March the House Committee
Emphasized that Shuster will continue working to push for air traffic control reform, and that it remains another
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