Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips
For more infomation >> How To Get Clear, Glowing,Fair Skin & Look Younger By Rani G in Urdu / Hindi |Gori or Saaf Jild Krey - Duration: 6:36.
Il misterioso post di Gemma: ha passato il Natale con Giorgio? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:02.
Fiat Punto 1.2 Classic // 2 Eigenaren // - Duration: 0:54.
Cecilia e Ignazio in vacanza con Andrea e Giulia: ecco cos'è successo e le foto | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:48.
포르쉐, 월드 로드쇼 10월 개최 - Duration: 2:00.
O que diverte Carlos Heitor Cony? - Duration: 1:45.
My Hunger Games Collection (made by my son) - Duration: 7:18.
HEY TRIPPSTERS okay you guys remember that I showed you the Garth ring that my son
made for me the other day which was a lantern ring but Darth okay I wanted to
show you some of the stuff that he's made me because he knows me really well
and he knows what I like and what I'm obsessed with okay he knows that I
freaking love the Hunger Games books okay so last Christmas no I don't mean
the one that just was a few days ago I mean the last Christmas in 2016 he made
me this yes by hand and yes it is the Mockingjay okay now this Christmas
he started by giving me this which he made by hand it is what he calls a war
ready Katniss Everdeen arrow okay now I want to make sure you get a good shot of
this into end so here we go yeah you got the Mockingjay
and then of course the barrel and the tip oh my God look at the tip
now he made the Mockingjay on top of that and he knows that my favorite color
is orange so he actually painted it orange for me and he painted as you saw
the tip orange I showed him that one already oh okay go ahead
okay now this is a Hunger Games Lantern ring okay and it is green and blue and
green is for will and blue is for hope and that totally describes Katniss
Everdeen he will and hope so that was perfect the coloring is perfect to me
everything about it is perfect and if you look I'm gonna try and get a shot of
this yes there is a Mockingjay inside the ring
okay now this is the oh my god I don't know what to call it the peace or
resistance I don't even know if I said that robot
this is a masterpiece in itself all of these have been masterpieces but I swear
to God I think this one blew me away now before I show it to you I'm going to
tell you there is a shot in the movie and the story is in the book
Katniss Everdeen when she's doing the oh god what's it called
in front of the judges so that they can see what her special talent is before
they give her a score that scene where she takes the arrow and shoots the Apple
out of the roast pigs mouth and it sticks to the wall okay look at this oh
yeah oh yeah it's even the same angle as the Apple in the movie okay yes he made
this and yes it's got its own little stand that it sits on look at this thing
guys how freaking awesome is this
oh my god it blew me away everything he has made has blown me away but that shot
with that arrow was so perfect that I think it's one of the most famous scenes
in the movie and now I have it but forever that shot that Apple oh my god
and that is just a few of the things that my son has made me the last three
were for Christmas this year the first one was from the previous Christmas but
he has made me many many things over the years and yes I still have them all so
but I just I had to show you guys some of the stuff that my son does I'm blown
away by and that's just the Hunger Games stuff that he's done for me okay he is
talented beyond oh my god there's not even words
to describe how talented he is when it comes to this stuff and he just makes
stuff up off top of his head he can just look at something and tell you oh I
could make that into a fill-in-the-blank okay he could just make stuff okay he
has all kinds of Lantern rings that have their own colors their own specific
person that goes along with them their own what am I looking for superhero that
goes along with them and he makes all this stuff himself so like I said this
is just the Hunger Games stuff that he made me so I had to kind of show it off
and you know that's I'm kind of bragging a little bit because I'm showing off
what my son did but you know he's my son and I'm proud plus I love the Hunger
Games oh my god and look what he did oh my god see this is how my son gives
gifts okay he doesn't just go buy something he actually makes stuff based
on what he knows about you but I had to let you guys see what my son does
especially what my son does for me okay but guys that is going to do it for now
now I did have some help shooting this video you will see this pop-up at the
end of the video it's rabbit Corp they have their own channel here on YouTube
and I think if you're an anime fan or a parent your fan or anything like that I
think you will like the channel check them out it's right here on YouTube it's
rabbit Corp I can lead to it in the description and the channel pops up at
the end of pretty much every video I've got on here
so give them a look and see what you think
so special thank you to rabbit Court for helping me shoot this video and gals
that is gonna do it for now this is Icepets Queen and I am tripping out
GF VIP: Luca e Ivana si sono fidanzati? Ecco cos'è successo dopo il reality | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.
Uomini e donne Trono Over: Giorgio contro la Galgani? | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.
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Quando torna in onda Barbara D'Urso con Pomeriggio 5? Ecco la data | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.
다임러트럭, 관동 강릉 협력 서비스센터 오픈..서비스 강화 - Duration: 1:38.
Costanza Caracciolo ha accolto il fidanzato Bobo Vieri nella sua Sicilia. La coppia ha festeggiato - Duration: 2:29.
Aida Yespica riabbraccia il figlio Aron Ferrari dopo tre mesi. L'ex gieffina vip è volata a Miami - Duration: 2:22.
선롱버스, 킨텍스에 25인승 버스 기증..셔틀버스로 활용 계획 - Duration: 2:23.
현대차 'H350', 유럽 상용차 시장 공략..성공할까? - Duration: 2:57.
볼보트럭, 프로 골프 인비테이셔널 개최..60여명 참가 - Duration: 2:51.
볼보트럭, 여름철 무상점검 서비스 실시..서비스 강화 - Duration: 3:26.
볼보트럭, 제주서 '찾아가는 무상점검 서비스' 실시 - Duration: 3:02.
다임러트럭, 서비스 약정 프로그램 '서비스 컨트랙트' 출시 - Duration: 2:06.
Navigating tomorrow
H - Duration: 0:06.
'족저근막염' 통증을 줄여주는 5가지 스트레칭 - Duration: 3:45.
下牙掉了扔屋頂?別傻了,乳牙能救孩子的命,還是留著吧 - Duration: 5:49.
Creating Wealth with Investment Property & The Power of Other People's Money - Duration: 11:41.
Hi I'm Bob Woolverton your Northwest Realty Advisor. Today we're going to
talk about building wealth with real estate investments. We're going to compare
what your stock portfolio has been doing in the stock market compared to what it
could be doing in this appreciating market in this greater Seattle area.
That's our episode today on Northwest Realty Advisor. Stick around, find out more.
Normally when we talk about investments most people are talking about their
stock portfolio. And one of the things we need to look at in your stock portfolio
is that bottom line. How much are you earning every year? What percentage rate
of return are you getting? Now, what I'm going to show you today is that we can
look at the stock market over the last four years, see what the rate of growth
has been there, versus what it could have been if you had invested in real estate -
and what it potentially could be moving forward. We're going to use a real life
example of a condominium as an investment property.
Now hopefully, you already saw my video on the Bothell homeowner that's earning
37.4 % return on his cash investment. The difference
there is that's his primary residence so on his cash flow every year there were
red numbers because he's paying his own debt service. With income property you've
got a tenant that's paying the debt service so every year in our example
you're gonna have a positive cashflow.
And we're gonna see what sort of rate of
return you can get with that investment property compared to what you've been
getting in a stock market. So the first question I've got for you today is how
is your stock portfolio doing? So when you look at that bottom line in your
stock portfolio, over the last four years what rate of return have you
actually been earning? With real estate I'm going to show you how in this
particular real life investment even with a conservative estimate of
appreciation we're looking at a 28.8% return on your
money. That's pre-tax sales proceeds. If we go
up even a mildly aggressive estimate, well then we jump up to 39.8%
annual percentage rate return on your investment. And if we
mirror what the market has done in this particular example, condominiums in that
zip code have appreciated 16.9% over the last four years
and if we use that which I feel is very aggressive, you get a 43.7%
return on your money. I'm not recommending being that aggressive
but we'll use some conservative numbers and I'll show you exactly how I
calculate those returns. So now we look at this Totem Lake condo and this
actually came up because a friend of mine had this condo listed and in her
marketing remarks she mentioned that this was a great rental opportunity.
That rents in this area were going for as high as $1,800 a month, there
was no rental cap and for the low purchase price this could be great
income opportunity. So, I thought well let me run the numbers on it and look at it.
So that's what I'm going to do for you today we're going to look
this particular example. So this Totem Lake condo is a two-bed one-bath 860 square
feet it's in the 98034 zip code so it's right by Totem Lake mall. As the
listing agent said rents go in there for about $1,800 a month, and the list price
on this condo was $268,000. Now in that zip
code when we look at the last four years of appreciation for condominiums they
have appreciated by 16.9% per year. Okay... however we're not
going to use that number in our particular calculations.
Now, since what we're going to do is we're going to flip over to the spreadsheet I'm going to
show you how we calculate the return on this property. So here we have the
proposed sales price of $268,000, we anticipate we're
going to hold this property as an investment for four years. Much like you
might do with your stocks you might say I'm gonna buy this stock at $50 a share
when it hits $60 I'm going to sell it. In this case we're gonna plan an an exit
strategy in four years. We're gonna hold this property for four years and then
turn around and sell it. We could do any period of time that you want but in this
example it's just simple and easy to do four years so that's what we're going to
use today. We're going to calculate a rate of appreciation of only 10%.
Now, like I said in this area for the last four years it's been 16.9%
per year per year but let's be conservative let's just say they're only
going to appreciate at ten percent that would make the future sales price of
this house in four years $392,379.
We anticipate we're gonna have a sales cost of 8%,
basically 6% for real estate commissions, 1.78 Washington State excise
tax. Now, with being an income property our loan-to-value is going to be seventy
five percent so we're gonna need a twenty five percent down payment so our
loan's going to be $201,000, our down payments going to be $67,000.
We anticipate we're going to get a loan at
four percent and that's going to be a 30-year loan with twelve annual payments.
Now, based off of that we go over to the next tab and we calculate the loan
amortization on this how much we're paying in interest how much we're paying
in principle but we're really interested at this point in time is at the end of
the forty eight months what's going to be our payoff balance because that's how
we're going to get to our Pre-Tax Sales Proceeds. Now, the next thing we look at
is what are our income and expenses going to be? Our Annual Property
Operating Data? So now, you remember the listing agent said rents are going in
there for $1,800 a month so again I said let's be
conservative let's calculate $1,700 a month. That would give us $20,400
in annual income. But also let's calculate a vacancy rate so I
anticipated say every twenty four months you're going to have a tenant that's
going to give you notice it's going to take you a month to turn that over
so I basically calculated every twenty four months we'll have one month of
vacancy so there is $850 of lost income there due to the vacancy rate so that
modifies our annual income. Then, we've got our real estate taxes we've got our
property insurance we've got our HOA fees, we go on down the line so we've got
our total operating expenses of sixty eight forty eight against our net
operating income then we've got our annual debt service again that's our
mortgage payment $11,515 per year.
Gives us a pre-tax cash flow on that first year of a $1,187.
So this is our annual property operating data. This is
for the first year. Now what we're going to do is we're going to be looking at a
four year hold on this so we're going to calculate our expenses over the four
year period. Now you'll see here in year three I anticipated a five percent rent,
a rent increase. So we go from $1,700 merely an $85 a month.
Again, I feel that's pretty conservative rents may go up more than that during
that period of time but it's a conservative estimate we anticipate that
increase. We don't anticipate doing any capital improvements to this project in
four years so we look at our potential gross income you see in year three jumps
to $21,420. We still have our vacancy rate broken out over the
annual periods there, our expenses stay the same, net operating income changes
because of the income, we still owe annual debt service so there's our
positive our pre-tax cash flow for each one of those four years. Now, we look at
our pre-tax sales proceeds, so we know we had our proposed sales price because we
did 10% increase on the purchase price over a four year period. The cost of the
sale was the eight percent pay off the mortgage balance there's our pre-tax
sales proceeds $175,036. Now, we come over to our sub calculations and what
we're interested in here again as you saw in the Bothell homeowner that made
34.7% return on his investment, in our contracts we
count days as the day that you get signed-around on contract is day zero,
and then day one, day two, day three. Same thing here, so the very first day
you make the down payment in essence when you buy the property that's Cash
Flow Year Zero. So you see the $67,000 down payment that's a negative number
and then cash flow for year one, cash flow for year two, three, and four. Now we
already calculated the cash flow for years one, two, and three. Cash flow for
year four is the balance of the sales proceeds plus the income we had for that
particular year so we had a total of $177,243. That gives us an internal rate of
return of 28.84% on our investment. In essence
what we did is we took a $67,000 investment, four
years later turned it into $177,000 pre-tax
sales proceeds. Now that was a pretty conservative estimate because we
calculated only ten percent so let's jump back to the general information tab
and let's say we changed that ten percent and let's make it 15 percent. So
what we now if we everything else stays the same but if we jump over to those
sub calcs we'll see that obviously our sales price will excuse I'm going to go
back to general tab so our sales price jumped up to $468,734.
Because we anticipate it's going, the property's
going to increase by 15%. Still far below the sixteen point nine that it's been
doing well that's it a bit more aggressive but just to show you the
differences here in the numbers. So now if we go over to the sub-calcs now your
internal rate of return on your original $67,000 is now
39.83%. How does that compare to your stock
portfolio? Substantially better. Now, if we wanted to be super super aggressive
which I don't recommend this... the annual rate of return in this area over the
last four years has been sixteen nine point sixteen point nine percent so
let's plug in the sixteen point nine percent just to see the difference so
that would make our proposed future sales price $500,487.
All of our expenses and our debt payment is the same so we come over
to our sub calcs we see our original sixty seven thousand dollar down payment
now our pre-tax sales proceeds at $276,703. For an
internal rate of return for 43.7%. How does that
compare to your investment portfolio on the stock market? Substantially better.
Now, let's be a little more reasonable let's go back and plug in the ten percent.
Come back here to sub-calcs. Now, if this is your expectation a 28.8% which I'm
sure is far better than what you're doing in the stock market
that's an excellent rate of return. If, the property happens to appreciate more
than that, we'll exceed your expectations.
But, these are pretty, pretty conservative numbers we used a lower rental number, we
used a lower appreciation rate so we're being very conservative about the
potential growth in return on your investment in this particular property.
That's exactly how people create wealth in real estate, by leveraging debt
because what you're doing is you're borrowing 75% of the value at 4% and yet
the property is appreciating and what we're estimating to be 10%. So you're
making money on that debt. The power of using other people's money. So here in
that example, in four years we turned your $67,000 investment
with that conservative estimate into $177,000
or a 28.8% return. If we went mildly aggressive or we achieved
that number potentially 39.8% turn that $67,000 in $247,000
after four years. And we did the market rate just to show what
it's really done in the last four years, we can't guarantee it's going to
continue to do that just like your stockbroker doesn't make any guarantees
about the future performance of stocks. These are all estimates, shows what the
market has done historically, potentially what you could do moving forward in your
real estate investments. But, we get back to that question is, How's your stock
portfolio doing? We know building wealth in America is
done through investing in real estate. That's an example of how you can
calculate the return on your investment and go in knowingly into an investment
so that you're making a very wise investment. If you'd like to know more
give me a call. I'm Bob Woolverton, your Northwest Realty Advisor. My phone number
is down in the comments below give me a call send me an email I answer any
question, we can analyze any property that you like for its investment potential.
We have new videos here every week please click that subscribe button
that gives me feedback that you are finding value in what I'm offering in
this YouTube channel and click that share button, copy the link that pops up
and send it to a friend so they can see the video too.
I'm Bob Woolverton, your Norhtwest Realty Advisor. We've got new videos every week ,
come on back next week.
Beauty Edu: Ceramides In Skincare - Duration: 5:16.
Hi everybody, so today's video come by way of Facebook.
I got a question from Christopher Ok and I'm like, okay Christopher!
That is the BEST NAME EVER!!!
I wish my name was Trina Alright!
Woah, er, I don't know where that came from.
He asked a question about tallow CLA and ceramides. Because I didn't know a lot about ceramides
and I wanted to learn more, I said…
I will make that a topic of a video.
What is a ceramide?
They are a family!
A family of waxy lipid molecules.
Lipids are fats and oils that are found in the body.
They look a little something like this…
They consist of a fatty acid linked to a sphingoid base.
I LOVE that word!
And they are connected by an amide bond.
There are at least nine major ceramides present within the stratum corneum.
That is the outer most layer of skin.
They have conveniently named them ceramides 1-9.
Imagine if you had a family and you just named your kids one through nine.
This reminds me of when I was a kid and my dad wanted to name my twin sisters Alpha
and Beta.
My mom was like, "Yeah, NO."
These ceramides differ by their head group, the length of their chain, by the hydroxylation,
which is the amount of OH groups they have, and whether they're saturated or not, so that
is the number of double bonds.
You're probably wondering, where can I find these ceramides.
I was certainly wondering that.
You can find ceramides in the stratum corneum.
Inside there are these layers of dead skin cells, and sandwiched in between them is this
glue, and this glue holds the skin cells together.
It is called the interstitial lipid matrix or intercellular cement.
These lipids form these ordered structures called lamellar sheets and they alternate
between water and lipids.
And that lipid layer is composed of ceramides, cholesterols, and fatty acids.
These waxy lipids help us regulate our water holding capacity, allowing a barrier that
doesn't easily let fluid pass through it….
and this is important because we want to maintain optimal water levels in our skin.
We also want to make sure we keep disease causing microorganisms out, or for example
if we come in contact with harmful chemicals, we dont want to get them into our body.
Ceramide levels increase as we get older, so as we age we start to struggle with dry
The outer layer of the stratum corneum starts to decrease, it gets a lot thinner and we
start to notice fine lines.
Also, people who struggle with skin disorders like atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.
Those folks seem to have a decreased level of ceramides present in their skin.
The idea behind ceramides in skincare, is that if we're missing ceramides in our skin,
maybe we can just replenish them, by adding them into products that we use.
And so cosmetic companies have taken this idea and they've run with it.
They've put ceramides into hundreds of skincare products, that make claims like increases
skin hydration, improves the cutaneous barrier, prevents moisture loss, and reduces dry and
flaking skin.
In our body their produced in the stratum granulosum.
That is below the stratum corneum.
They originally appear as phospholipids, and as they work there way up to the stratum corneum,
There are these enzymes in the stratum corneum that convert them into ceramides.
But nobody is harvesting human bodies to get these ceramides.
Instead we are getting them from other natural and synthetic sources.
Synthetics obviously come from a lab.
For natural sources, They either come from animal sources such as cows, but they are
mostly extracted from plant sources like sweet potatoes, wheat, and brown rice.
What I also learned is that ceramides are expensive, which is why we often seem them
in high end skincare.
Natural ceramides are very unstable substances, and because they are costly to obtain, synthetic
ceramides are frequently used.
Unfortunately synthetic ceramides do not penetrate the skin as well, so companies are looking
into technologies like liposomes to help them penetrate the skin.
But I don't know, what do you guys think?
Do you think it works?
Do you think it doesn't?
Tell me in the comments!
From the studies I've seen, so far, it looks like ceramides do moisturize, but I haven't
seen any evidence that they moisturize better than some of the inexpensive ingredients that
are already out on the market.
In some of these studies they're comparing ceramides to untreated skin -- and that hardly
seems fair.
They're also using higher concentrations of ceramides, then you'd expect to see
In a normal cosmetic product.
Christopher, I hope I did an okay job with this video.
If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up,
If you want to see more like it, consider subscribing, and lastly, don't forget to
click that notification bell, especially if you want to leave a comment right when that
video drops.
I will see you soon.
Have a great day.
BREAKING: Stunning Impeachment Announcement ROCKS D.C. Over Christmas Break… It's BAD|MK Today - Duration: 3:25.
BREAKING: Stunning Impeachment Announcement ROCKS D.C.
Over Christmas Break…
It's BAD.
A stunning announcement regarding President Trump's impeachment is sending shockwaves
across Washington, D.C.
Billionaire Tom Steyer has for months been trying to build momentum to get the President
impeached, and his investment may just be paying dividends, according to a report from
Steyer has long been a major Democratic donor, and it's believed that in the 2018 and 2020
elections, he'll be playing a role with Democrats similar to that of Steve Bannon
for Republicans, only Steyer's litmus test will be whether or not candidates will be
willing to impeach 45.
In fact, Steyer has said that he'll refuse to fund the candidacies of any Democrat that's
unwilling to go to Washington and attempt to remove the President.
Worse yet, he appears to have a lot of momentum on his side, according to TheBlaze.
In order to apply pressure on Democrats to change their mind, Steyer announced earlier
this year that he would not donate to any Democrat in 2018 who did not support impeaching
While his television campaign and donor money hasn't yet moved the needle with elected
Democrats, Politico reports that his efforts have allowed him to assemble an army of digital
activists that rivals the size and influence of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders', which is
widely considered to be the gold standard among liberal activists.
According to Politico, Steyer has built a list of almost 4 million activists through
impeachment petition signatures on his site,
Steyer has announced a goal of 5 million signatures, and he appears ready to spend any amount of
money that is necessary to achieve that goal.
If he is ultimately successful, the size of his email list will rival Sanders', which
is estimated at just over 5 million names.
The amount of money Steyer has poured into the effort, combined with the influence that
an active email list of this size can generate, promises to make Steyer a player in the 2018
Steyer may end up playing a similar role on the Democratic side to Steve Bannon on the
Republican side: threatening credible primary challenges against any Democrat who does not
support his agenda.
Of course, while Bannon's primary litmus test promises to be loyalty to President Trump,
Steyer's litmus test for Democrats will be their willingness to vote to impeach Trump.
Again, this is not a good thing.
While Republicans currently hold majorities in both the House and the Senate, Democrats
have a strong ally in the media and could very well tilt the balance of power next election,
which could very well lead to impeachment proceedings.
As far as Steyer?
Many analysts predict that he's personally going to enter the political fray and run
for either the Senate, or possibly even the White House, himself.
Apparently like every other leftist out there, he believes he knows better than the rest
of the country what's best for us, and he'll stop at absolutely nothing to impose his will,
including spending tens of millions of dollars of his own money to force his ideas down our
Hopefully, by the time the next election rolls around, the Democrat Party is nothing more
than a shell of itself after their years of corruption, lies, and deceit have been exposed.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Navigating tomorrow
송혜교, 강모연 에로버젼, 도넘은 중국|K-News - Duration: 7:02.
Is a 401k a Good Investment? What About an IRA? - Duration: 12:19.
Man, you caught me on one of those days where I'm going to be talking about one of
my most passionate financial topics which is the do's and don'ts and
problems with 401k's and IRA's. Kris Krohn here with Limitless Wealth TV bring it
all to you right now.
Problems with 401k's and IRA's, this is a dangerous topic for me to be talking
about because you know that if I ever talk about this whatsoever, I get so
fired up with the fact that people are behaving and showing up like sheeple
instead of taking control over their financial future. He's already started,
I'm calming down which is why I brought Steven Michael Miller today as our
resident expert on the matter, he's just going to sit here and help calm you down
and provide commentary on how he feels about 401k's and IRA's, isn't that right,
Steven? Excellent. So let's just get started with this concept of where did
401k's come from in the first place. If we go back pre-revolution, if we go back
before the Industrial Revolution, we had Americans in this country working on
farms. We were pretty much in charge of our livelihood, we would have children,
our children would then take over the farm, they would help take care of us and
we all had a really great built-in retirement plan and we were 100%
self-sufficient, that's what life was like back then wasn't it, Steven? Exactly.
But then comes the Industrial Revolution and all of a sudden, all these factories
emerge and people realize, oh my gosh, I need to find a good way to entice people
off of their farms and they decided to come up with this concept called the
pension and the pension was where the company was going to take care of you
for life when you were done working. Give us 30 or 40 years working of you
life and we're going to take care of you and your widow and your family after you
die and that was a really strong enough allurement that people that were done
with the whole farming gig, they said, I'm going to go into the cities, I'm going to start
working in these factories and that's existed for a very long
period of time until the 70's. In the 1970's, it got to the point where
companies started shrugging and saying, it's way too expensive, it has caught up
with us, it is not sustainable for me to pay someone for 40 years of working and
then pay them another 30 or 40 years after they die and so what they ended up
doing was doing away with pensions and the government felt the need. Right,
Steven? To absolutely step in and what they did is, they instituted this thing
called the 401k. Now the 401k was this idea that will actually put a much lower
burden on the company's backs and will let them do this match
like on the first 3% or 5% and pension was a really big deal but by the
time it came to 401k, the world basically said, go fund your
own financial future. Friends, our real estate took care of us for the
rest of our lives and now we've evolved over the last 200 years into jobs where
if you're contributing aggressively to a 401k for 40 years, guess what,
it's not enough money to pay for retirement and the free money, the match
that the company is giving you, the enticement to stay there with them, guess
what, it's also not going to be enough. So take your free money, and the bottom line
is if you do the math, and you get to the very end of the road and it's not enough
money, you just call that a broken system. Isn't that right, Steven? Alright,
Steven, you got to say something on this video to contribute. Social Security has
followed very much the same kind of pattern. Has it did? - It has. - So the deal
security.. - Yeah, I'm going to do this right now and I've got stuff on my teeth,
I'm sure but you just come to deal with that because this is one thing where I
get super passionate about. Social Security is one of those things that we
have been relying on for years and years and years and if you don't know it now
then start reading a little bit about this. Understand that your Social
Security payments, things that you're paying right now into your Social
Security check, we're supposed to be funding your retirement. - Oh whoa whoa
whoa this sounds like a conspiracy theory for someone that's on the
borderline millennial, Steven. Aren't you just part of the conspiracy theorists
claiming right now that Social Security is going away? - Yes. I mean no, no.
Look, and I want to say this carefully. Most things that go around there, there
is oftentimes a small bit of truth, even some of those conspiracy theories, those
crazy wild out there things, sometimes there's a little bit of truth in there,
something small, right? I just want you to pay attention. Look, follow the money, look
at where Social Security is. Right now we are funding people that are in their 60's,
70s and 80s. My check where I'm putting money into it and I'm earning on and I'm
paying Social Security right now, is not funding my retirement, it's funding
theirs. This is why people say that the system
is broken because it is. My money was supposed to
support my retirement but it's not going to be there for me. - It's actually breaking
pyramid law. So pyramiding law says that you're not
allowed to take money and and use it to pay for another individual, robbing Peter
to pay Paul and it's this idea that Social Security was to fund my
retirement, it was the money that the government was setting aside to make
sure that they could help take care of me in my old age and then the reality
is, is that all of my money is where? It's actually funding somebody else and the
question is how long will that last? Is it really self sustainable? And
today's conversation on 401k's and IRA's and the problems with them is that we've
got to get back to our basics, we came from real estate, our Constitution was
written around property ownership and real estate and real estate used to
completely and entirely take care of us. Real estate entirely takes care of those
who build their fortune and their wealth around it which guess what, part of
Limitless Wealth TV is teaching you how to go back to your roots, it's teaching
you how to go back to what worked and the reality is, there's been a great
retirement plan that was instituted from the beginning and it was called property.
Why? Because property has the ability to take care of you whether you're using it
for growing livestock and plants and farming or whether you're using it
as a real estate investor today, it's the same exact thing. Look at how Donald
Trump made his first billion dollars, borrowed a million dollars from dad, went out,
bought a skyscraper downtown New York City, flipped it and sold it for mega
profits and he's only ever played in the massive real estate arena so even though
he lost all his billions and had to start over, how did he make it right back?
Real estate. Friends, real estate is the conversation not 401k and not IRA.
Steven, the problems with 401k's and IRA's are.. - Okay, the 401k was never meant
to retire you. I just want you to get clear on this for just a moment. It is a
glorified savings bucket and the glory is very small. - You can't touch, you can't
access. Oh my gosh. - If you're watching this video
right now, then what I want you to do is something a little different cause usually,
I want you to keep your eyes open while you're watching this video but for just
a moment, I want you to close your eyes, just keep the sound rolling here for a
second. I want to ask you some questions and I want you to determine right now if
this investment is a good investment or a bad investment so just listen to me
for just a second, close your eyes and just listen.
I want you to give me your money and I'm not going to give you access to it for 30
to 40 years, number one. Number two, I want you to give me your money and I'm going
to charge you for me to have your money, I'm going to charge you fees for me to have
and be, quote unquote, managing your money, is this a good investment or a bad
investment? Number three, you're going to give me your money and if you want to
take some of it back at any time, I'm going to penalize you, I'm going to smack
you on the hand, give you this big penalty, okay. In order for you to get
your own money, is this a good investment? Number four, you're going to give
me your money and I'm not going to pay you anything. - Every month? Every month
- I'm going to pay you - I'm going to you jell-o pudding. I'm going to give you nothing.
- I'm going to pay you nothing on a monthly basis, no residual income. - That's not called an
investment. - Is this a good investment or a bad investment? Just think about this for a
second. - Number five. - Is there number five? - Yeah dude, it goes into the stock market
and it's like, yeah, it's money, yeah we lost money, doesn't matter, I don't get to
touch it, I don't get to.. - There's no control. Okay,
eyes now, okay. Most of you don't understand that
you are going to pay, if you have a significant other and both of you
are contributing to your 401k's over a lifetime, you will probably spend
somewhere in the realm of one hundred two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
in fees. Yeah, that's right. A hundred two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
fees over the life of both of your retirement accounts, both of your
401k's. - Is that true? - Oh yeah. - I've never heard that. - Well I've heard it. What does that mean?
What that means is, you're putting your money with somebody who doesn't really
care about you, they care about their bottom line and their dollar, you're
putting your money with somebody who wants to control and keep and maintain
and and take that money and do something with it they're not even telling
you to do. By the way, when you put your money into a 401k or an IRA, do they
take all that money, they wrap it all up, you know, all this money. All this
money, right, they wrap it all up and then they put it in there 401k right? No,
they don't put your money in another 401k, they're doing something
with your money that they're not telling you to do with it. Why? Because they're
making a whole lot more money putting it into real estate and proper insurance
vehicles and other investments that are earning them a whole lot more
money while you get a pittance. They convince you, No, I know you
want to go. Look, they convince you that they're going to
earn you a whole lot of money. Why? They tell you, well I'll give you the match.
The match is the biggest like crapload, right? I'm going to match your money, you put
a dollar and I'll put a dollar in or I'll match up to 10% or whatever when
you put in. The reality for most people is they will never see their match. Why
does this happen? Think about it for just a moment. When the market crashes, what
happens to your money? If it's tied to the market, what happens your money? -You lose
it. - You lose it. Your money crashes along with it so if it if your money goes down
50% and then it comes back up 50%, are you even? - No, you're down 25%. - You're
down 25%. If you have a dollar it goes down 50%, you're at 50 cents. If it goes
back up 50%, you're up to 75 cents. Yet the people that are managing your money
will tell you, "Oh yeah, the market fluctuates and that's just part of it
right. You'll go down a little bit but then you'll gain it back, oh good a 50%,
then you'll gain 50%, go back to normal." - Well this is the thing that people don't
understand around about the math, is that if you actually go and check out
misfortune 101, it's a fantastic book and it will reveal the math and it's just
what Steven said, the reality is is that your bank account, when it goes up, it
feels good, when it goes down and you lose money, it feels bad but when it all
averages itself felt, like right now I got some people in the last four months
like, "Dude, I'm trucking in the mark and I'm making money." I'm like, "You still
haven't recuperated the original money that you lost seven years ago." And so the
reality is, who cares if it goes up and down because it all comes down to one
thing, what's it doing for you today? - Well, cash is king. - If it is not paying you,
it is not doing anything for you. We call that a speculative investment. In real
estate, speculation means I'm going to put money in something and someday I
hope to get something back. An investment is something you put money in and it
gives you money when? Right now. So friends, we're inviting you as you're
considering the concept of 401k's and IRA's to invest your money where you know
that you're going to get paid back. Invest your money where you know you're
going to get a return and be in charge of that, take ownership, get back to the
family farm, get back to proving concepts at work. Click the link up here in this
corner and Steven and I will share with you exactly
how we will take you to the best markets, help you invest in real estate
and we're going to let you own 100% of it, we're not going to take it over,
we're not going to take a piece of the pie, it's a hundred percent yours because we
are here to empower you and get Americans back to what has worked from
the very beginning, get yourself back in real estate. If you're looking for more
information on your alternatives with 401k's, click the link up here and let me
give you a free copy and audio copy of my book the straight path to real estate
wealth. I'm going to talk about 401k's and IRA's and how those can actually be
hidden assets to actually launch you in the world of real estate making way more
money and having way more financial control over your life. Click the link
and get more.
How Can I Get Faster? | Ask GCN Anything About Cycling - Duration: 8:43.
(soft pop music)
- As we inch ever closer
to the chequered flag of 2017, we're here, yet again,
for another edition of Ask GCN Anything,
so let's get the party started.
It's actually one of my all-time favourite questions
here on Ask GCN, and it comes from Karthik Sharama,
who asks, how to cycle very fast?
Well first off, thanks for getting in contact,
but here is my very simple answer.
One, get your bike.
Two, make sure it's in tip-top shape,
so clean, mechanically sound,
with the tyres pumped up,
and three, get out and ride your bike.
Four, enjoy.
Five, do that as often as you can and you'll get
fitter and fitter, and faster and faster.
And six, watch this video, which you could think
we made just for you.
- If you're not a particularly strong climber,
you don't have to go hard up the hills.
Instead, why not play to your strengths and go hard
over the top of climbs and on descents as well.
It's easy to focus on fitness as the key
to increasing your speed,
but don't fall into the trap of neglecting your skills.
It's almost irrelevant how fast you can go up a hill
if you can't go around corners and get yourself down
the other side quickly.
Practising these skills, like cornering and descending,
can really pay dividends.
Especially if you're lacking in confidence.
- It's time for the rapid fire round.
I'm gonna rattle these of as quickly as I can.
First up is this from Casey.
Do I have to worry about bike light mounts,
mainly the rear one, scratching my bike.
I'm worried the grit will get under
the rubber light mount clamp and the vibrations
from the road will scratch the seatpost or frame.
My advice, Casey, every time you've been for a ride,
clean it, replace it, job done.
Next up is this from Trevor Holmes.
Hi chaps, great content as ever
and heart warming vids from Dan.
Thanks very much.
My question is, is there a release date
for the cook book from the chef
that Si has been with recently.
Yes there is, it's out now.
You can get Hayden Groves' three tour cookbook
by heading to and you can buy it there.
And it's three, with a number three, not a written three.
Next up is this from Charles Farrell,
Hey guys, how come the riders
in the pro peloton use paper race numbers?
The teams spend so much on R and D for aerodynamic gains,
yet put paper numbers on the back of the jerseys.
Would it be more aero to use iron-on transfers like those
that are used to put team names on leaders jerseys?
Charles, I could not agree more.
You are right on the money.
Next up is this from Gareth Willox.
If you're heading out for a winter ride, not race,
about 100 K, is it a good or bad idea to warm up
on the trainer first, cheers.
Well Gareth, it's not a bad idea to warm up on the trainer,
there's no harm in doing it at all.
Or you could just warm up gradually out on the road,
but basically, do it if you feel
it's gonna be a little bit better for you.
Next up is this from L L.
We need another presenter challenge if you agree.
There's one coming up very very soon so watch this space.
Rod GU asks what's the usual weight gain
in kilogrammes during the offseason?
E G from the pros to you guys.
Some guys put on as much as five or six kilogrammes,
other guys don't put on much at all.
Generally speaking in the winter I used to put on
about two, two and a half kilogrammes but not much more.
But again, it depends on the physiology of the pro and also
how determined they are to keep the weight the same.
If you put too much weight on,
it can make it very difficult in the early part
of the season to get back to race weight.
But me, about two and a half kilos, no more than that.
And finally this from Olivier Picard.
How long should I wait before training again after a cold
to avoid getting sick again.
Best thing you can do is to listen to your heart
and also be honest about how you feel.
So if your heart rate is above 10 or 15 beats above
its usual rate then that's a pretty good warning signal
from the body to back things off.
So listen to your body, make sure you feel right,
and just for safety's sake, add another day on
as a bit of a buffer and start training nice and gradual.
Well let's slow things down just a little bit
with this question from fo-ad at-ah,
I hope I pronounced your name right there.
Hello GCN, now we all know that the flatter the terrain,
the more important the absolute power becomes,
and the hillier the terrain, the more important
power-to-weight ratio becomes.
Now since I live in a flat city
with maximum category four climbs,
should I hit the gym and get big strong legs
for me to generate more power?
Or should I be happy with my 61 kilos
and 4.5 watts per kilo cat four climbing skills.
Well Fouad, if you're pretty confident you're not
gonna be climbing anything bigger than a cat four,
then you are exactly right, absolute power
is the be all end all in essentially flat terrain.
Just make sure you don't become muscle bound
and put on so much weight that you actually
become pretty inefficient on even the smallest of climbs.
But yeah, get to the gym, work on your power,
work on your absolute power very much like lots
of the professional riders do these days.
Many many pros, especially sprinters who need to generate
those big amounts of power, they do get to the gym
and push some pretty heavy weights.
Or, if you're not really a big fan of the gym,
you wanna do something slightly different,
we've got some body weight workouts here that Simon
is very ably demonstrating in this video.
- Getting better at cycling isn't just always
about riding your bike.
Paul here, our resident fitness expert, is gonna take us
through a six minute workout that's gonna make us
fitter, stronger, and faster.
And Lord knows, Paul, I certainly need plenty
of that middle one.
- [Paul] Exercise number one is gonna be mountain climbers.
Exercise number two is gonna be squat lunge lunge.
Exercise number three is a core exercise
which is a ninety degree ab crunch.
Exercise number four is going to be five jumping jacks,
and then five floor jacks.
Exercise five is squat jumps,
and exercise number six is a straight arm plank,
with a little twist.
Finally on this weeks show, we have this question
from a jolly giant who asks,
I'm wanting to improve my FTP this winter.
FTP, remember, is functional threshold power,
how much power you can produce for an hour.
Now I've been cycling for six years doing 6,000 miles
a year or seven to eight hours per week.
And currently I have an FTP of just under 400 watts.
What percentage improvement should I
be looking at to achieve?
Thank you in advance.
Well first up jolly giant, thanks for getting in contact,
but also that is a mightily impressive
functional threshold power if your numbers are correct.
Now, if you're a heavier person, then an FTP
of around 400 isn't quite as unsurprising,
but by any stretch that is quality, so well done.
Now, if you're looking at making some improvements,
it's very difficult for me to put a percentage on it.
But just looking at how many hours you spend
on a bike per week and how many miles you do a year,
it's not out of the ordinary to expect you could do
a little bit more in terms of volume,
but more importantly, look at improving how smart you train.
So use that time wisely and I'm sure that you can find
some percentage gains there.
But what I think is vitally important here,
don't just focus on your FTP,
focus on other areas of your cycling.
So your endurance, your explosive power,
and also your top end speed as well.
And also your power-to-weight ratio.
If you keep your FTP the same, but drop a little weight,
basically you'll become far more efficient as a bike rider.
So, as I said before, very difficult to put
an actual percentage on this, it's just gonna depend
on how determined you are and how hard that you train.
But if it is your FTP you're particularly looking
at to improve, watch this video, I think it will help.
- Doing two 20 minute intervals or two 30 minute intervals
a couple times a week will do you a world of good.
- We've said it before but we'll say it again,
consistency is absolutely key
to making improvements in cycling.
So that means regular shorter workouts are more effective
than one massive ride per week.
- That's it for another edition of Ask GCN.
Please do keep those questions coming using
the #torqueback down in the comments section
and across on social media as well.
And we'll do our very best to answer
as many questions as we can.
Now, if you haven't already subscribed
to the Global Cycling Network you can do so for free
by clicking on the globe.
That way, you will not miss another video.
Now for a couple of other videos I think you will enjoy,
how about clicking just down here.
When Dan went to Zambia to basically look
at how much difference a buffalo bite makes.
Now that is an absolutely amazing video,
please cast your eyes and donate, watch that one.
And if you want something a little bit different,
how about clicking just down here for four more bits
of weird and wonderful retro tech.
How To PRONOUNCE Britain's Favourite CAR BRANDS | Vauxhall, Tesla, Volkswagen, and Many More - Duration: 5:31.
Do you enjoy a little drive? Or are you using a car for work? Or would you say
you're a petrol head. A petrol head is someone who is crazy about cars, they
love cars so much they're fanatical. Well if you fall into one of those categories
then this little series covering motoring vocabulary and pronunciation is
going to be of benefit for you. We're going to be looking at vocabulary to
describe the exterior of a car, the interior of a car, and the mechanical
aspects under the bonnet. But in this little lesson we are going to be looking
at Britain's most popular car brands and how to pronounce them.
Sso you might have noticed that I drive a Fiat and in fact I drive a fiat
Panda. I love it and I would love to know what kind of car you drive, so do let me
know in the comments box below. Don't forget that we're going to be looking at
all aspects of car vocabulary so join me again very soon for another motoring
session if you enjoyed it please give it a thumb up otherwise take care and goodbye.
오늘자 베스트 커플상 수상한 기안84·박나래(ft.결혼공약) - Duration: 2:40.
kiwi fruit benefits for weight loss//Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit - Duration: 1:29.
MBC '연예대상'에서 故 종현 언급한 배철수 - Duration: 2:26.
BREAKING: Stunning Impeachment Announcement ROCKS D.C. Over Christmas Break… It's BAD|MK Today - Duration: 3:25.
BREAKING: Stunning Impeachment Announcement ROCKS D.C.
Over Christmas Break…
It's BAD.
A stunning announcement regarding President Trump's impeachment is sending shockwaves
across Washington, D.C.
Billionaire Tom Steyer has for months been trying to build momentum to get the President
impeached, and his investment may just be paying dividends, according to a report from
Steyer has long been a major Democratic donor, and it's believed that in the 2018 and 2020
elections, he'll be playing a role with Democrats similar to that of Steve Bannon
for Republicans, only Steyer's litmus test will be whether or not candidates will be
willing to impeach 45.
In fact, Steyer has said that he'll refuse to fund the candidacies of any Democrat that's
unwilling to go to Washington and attempt to remove the President.
Worse yet, he appears to have a lot of momentum on his side, according to TheBlaze.
In order to apply pressure on Democrats to change their mind, Steyer announced earlier
this year that he would not donate to any Democrat in 2018 who did not support impeaching
While his television campaign and donor money hasn't yet moved the needle with elected
Democrats, Politico reports that his efforts have allowed him to assemble an army of digital
activists that rivals the size and influence of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders', which is
widely considered to be the gold standard among liberal activists.
According to Politico, Steyer has built a list of almost 4 million activists through
impeachment petition signatures on his site,
Steyer has announced a goal of 5 million signatures, and he appears ready to spend any amount of
money that is necessary to achieve that goal.
If he is ultimately successful, the size of his email list will rival Sanders', which
is estimated at just over 5 million names.
The amount of money Steyer has poured into the effort, combined with the influence that
an active email list of this size can generate, promises to make Steyer a player in the 2018
Steyer may end up playing a similar role on the Democratic side to Steve Bannon on the
Republican side: threatening credible primary challenges against any Democrat who does not
support his agenda.
Of course, while Bannon's primary litmus test promises to be loyalty to President Trump,
Steyer's litmus test for Democrats will be their willingness to vote to impeach Trump.
Again, this is not a good thing.
While Republicans currently hold majorities in both the House and the Senate, Democrats
have a strong ally in the media and could very well tilt the balance of power next election,
which could very well lead to impeachment proceedings.
As far as Steyer?
Many analysts predict that he's personally going to enter the political fray and run
for either the Senate, or possibly even the White House, himself.
Apparently like every other leftist out there, he believes he knows better than the rest
of the country what's best for us, and he'll stop at absolutely nothing to impose his will,
including spending tens of millions of dollars of his own money to force his ideas down our
Hopefully, by the time the next election rolls around, the Democrat Party is nothing more
than a shell of itself after their years of corruption, lies, and deceit have been exposed.
what do you think about this?
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