Steamed Chicken with Soy Sauce
Chicken 400 g
Ground pepper 1 tsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Water 1 tbsp
Soy sauce 2 tbsp
Ginger 3 tbsp
Shitake 3 tbsp
Steam 10-15 min
Chinese celery 1 tbsp
1-2 serve
For more infomation >> ไก่นึ่งซีอิ๊ว - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
Gigi D'Alessio e Anna Tatangelo, è ormai addio? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:54.
Kachcha Chor (1977) (HD) - Randhir Kapoor | Rekha | Ranjeet - Hit Bollywood Movie with Eng Subtitles - Duration: 2:03:02.
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Learn Colors and Numbers Colored Cartoon about Cars Cartoon song for Kids and Toddlers - Duration: 11:42.
381818 - Duration: 2:45.
Growing our connections
Rosyjski ciągnik Kirowiec K-424 w ofercie firmy Agromilka - Duration: 5:54.
Khajoor Ke fawaid | Date Benefits In Urdu | 1 Glass Garam Pani Ke Sath 3 Khajoor Khane Ke Fawaid - Duration: 3:39.
Khajoor Ke fawaid | Date Benefits In Urdu | 1 Glass Garam Pani Ke Sath 3 Khajoor Khane Ke Fawaid
UN Security Council bans 4 North Korean ships from accessing international ports - Duration: 0:48.
Belly Fat Burning HIIT Workout - Abs Workout At Home - Duration: 9:34.
what's going on guys Carlo Macapinlac here from
and in this video we're going to be doing a belly fat burning hiit workout
Remember we post awesome workout videos like this every week and you
don't want to miss it so go ahead and like the video hit that subscribe button
below and prepare to get sweaty
alright guys welcome to our belly fat burning pit workouts and as we pointed
out stay strong on this one so we're only gonna be doing one thing
here and we're gonna do it really really well so we are gonna do a plank and
we're gonna do this as a 1 to 1 worth the rest ratio workout which means that
you know we're gonna do a 1 minute hold and then we're gonna getting a rest for
1 minute and then we're gonna go 45 seconds on 45 off 30 on 30 off 15 on 15
off and then we're gonna go right back up the ladder until we're done first
minute of this workout here you guys should still be really fresh so
this should be no problem and hey if you can't hold the entire minute that's okay
you can take mini breaks just make sure that you establish that position again
right away nice little one-minute break here
you can walk around you know I have this workout written down and yeah I'm just
gonna erase as I go here and you can even walk with your hands in between
each round if you want just kidding we're just having some fun here all
right guys we're gonna go 45 on 45 off in five seconds all right three two one
go ahead and establish that plank position with me
and you know what think happy thoughts when you're doing this try not to look
at the clock too much I mean obviously be aware of where you're at but yeah try
not to focus on it all right that was an easy 45 seconds nice little 45 second
break you earned it
alright guys 30 seconds on 30 seconds off coming right up
ten seconds left all right great job all right so we're coming down to the bottom
of this ladder and then we're gonna start making our way back up after this
round so 15 on 15 off that's gonna go by real fast
here we go and dine alright guys quick little 15-second break here and
then let's start making our way back up
here we go five seconds stand by so just a couple of tips here for the plank
right just make sure that you keep your midline nice and tight when you guys do
this right so think about flexing your abs and squeezing your glutes
last couple around here
not really sure what I'm looking at over there I'm clearly distracted here
all right guys 45 on 45 off we're almost done last 10 seconds
nice little 45 second break and then we're gonna finish off this workout with
a one-minute hole so straight strong on this last one you've got this all right
guys last minute right now so quick reminder guys if you guys need a you
know awesome warm up and cool down videos there is a free cheat sheet that
we have prepared just below this video just scroll down it's called the
ultimate body late movement cheat sheet and just click on the link and we'll
send it to you right away
last 30 seconds of work almost there hold that position all right guys last
five seconds come on you got this three two one and great job
all right guys hope you in an awesome workout and I'd love to know how you did
so go ahead and tell me in the comments down below now if you want to know how
to properly warm up and cool down and if you want safe and proper scaling options
and modifications for any of the movements and workouts that we do you
can download our free ultimate body wave movement cheat sheet just flow this
video I know sunny - right away alright I'll see you in the next workout
The Greatest Treasure : Learn Kannada with subtitles - Story for Children & Adults "" - Duration: 5:41.
The Greatest Treasure
By Amit Garg
One day Peter found a treasure map.
One day Peter found a treasure map.
I'm going to find this treasure,
and have some adventure!"
he exclaimed.
Peter set off.
He walked a long way
and finally reached a forest.
and finally reached a forest.
There he met Lion.
"You are strong and courageous,"
said Peter to Lion.
"Will you come with me
on a treasure hunt?"
on a treasure hunt?"
Lion agreed
and joined Peter.
The forest was dense and dark.
Peter was afraid
but with Lion by his side,
he made it through.
When the two finally
reached the mountain,
they met Eagle.
"You have excellent vision,
and can alert us to dangers,"
and can alert us to dangers,"
"will you come with us?
We are looking for a treasure!"
We are looking for a treasure!"
said Peter to Eagle.
Eagle agreed
and joined Peter and Lion.
The mountains were tall and craggy.
The mountains were tall and craggy.
Lion slipped,
but Peter was swift enough
to give him a hand and pull him up.
Eagle, with his sharp vision,
watched every step
they took.
they reached the valley below,
where they met Sheep.
"Will you join us
in our search for treasure?"
Peter asked Sheep,
"and keep us warm
when its cold?"
Sheep agreed
and joined Peter,
Lion and Eagle.
A cold wind swept across
the endless meadow.
They all huddled against Sheep
who kept them
warm and cosy.
The four finally reached the desert
The four finally reached the desert
where they met Camel.
"You are called
the ship of the desert,
will you help us
get across
and join the treasure hunt too?"
said Peter to Camel.
Camel agreed.
Peter, Lion and Sheep
mounted the camel
and happily set off
across the vast desert
with eagle enjoying the spectacle
from above.
Camel began galloping
and everybody cheered
with excitement.
Traversing the desert on Camel's back
was quite thrilling.
The five finally reached
the ocean
where they met Turtle.
"Can you help us
cross the water?"
Peter asked Turtle.
"We are on a treasure hunt."
"We are on a treasure hunt."
Turtle agreed
and joined Peter, Lion, Eagle,
Sheep and Camel.
The rough waves
almost drowned the party,
but Turtle skillfully
steered them across.
They met Owl
on the other side.
Owl spoke from his ancient wisdom.
Owl spoke from his ancient wisdom.
you have found the treasure."
you have found the treasure."
"Where is it?" they all exclaimed
in surprise.
"Together you have
passed the forest,
climbed the mountains,
dared the valley,
braved the desert,
and crossed the ocean.
You would never have done it
without one another."
without one another."
They all looked at each other
They all looked at each other
and realised that
Owl was right!
They had found friendship!
Indeed, they had found
the greatest treasure ever!
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