[ english subtitle by @wonu_me ]
[Starting with self-opening song]
HS : 2017 GOING SEVENTEEN end of the year show!
HS : Year-end!
WW : Hello, I'm today's MC, Wonwoo. DK : I'm Dokyeom. / HS : I'm Hoshi.
VN : Hello, I'm Vernon. WZ : Hello, I'm Woozi.
J : Hello, I'm Jun. MG : Hello, I'm Mingyu.
JS : Hello, I'm Joshua.
T8 : Hello, I'm The8. JH : Hello, I'm Jeonghan.
DN : Hello, I'm the youngest member, Dino. SC : Hello, I'm S.Coups, leader of SEVENTEEN.
SK : I'm Seungkwan, main vocalist of SEVENTEEN.
DK : Let's introduce today's MC. WW : OK.
[Charming voice] DK : Hello, I'm DK, today's MC.
HS : DK.
[Copy and paste Dokyeom's voice] WW : Hello, I'm today's host, Wonwoo.
[Dokyeom 333] SK(?) : He sounded the same. HS : Hello, I'm today's MC, Hoshi.
HS : Do you know what today is? DN : What is it?
HS : It is! / DN : What day is today? HS : December 25, Christmas!
SC : "Blessings on Christmas" WW : So we prepared something special.
WW : What is it, Dokyeom? DK : We prepared a cake for Christmas.
HS : Should I bring the cake? VN : Please do.
[Rudolph Hoshi delivers the cake] HS : All right. Since I'm Rudolph, I'll go like one.
[Automatically singing a Christmas carol]
[Hoshi the Rudolph brings the cake]
DK : Now that we have a cake, let's make a wish. SK : We should make a wish.
DK : Then we blow out the candles. WW : Let's hear a wish of only one member.
SK : After that, let's go around and make a wish.
DN : Our leader should go for it.
SC : I'm the leader only in this kind of situation.
SC : I wish that all the members stay healthy next year.
HS : And? WW : And?
[Panic] [The youngest steps in to help out] DN : Let me pick up where you left. / DK : Youngest.
DN : And I wish that CARATs and SEVENTEEN stay healthy.
DN : I wish that CARATs' and our dreams will come true in 2018.
WW : Great.
HS : Why don't we blow out the candles together?
[It's too far] SC : 3 MCs, please do it on behalf of us. / DK : All right.
[Let's blow out the candles] DK : Even though you're sitting a little far,
DK : Blow out the candles with your nose. HS : Shall we blow out the candles with our nose?
[13 noses on stand by] HS : 13 of us with our nose. 1, 2, 3!
[SEVENTEEN blow out the candles with their nose!]
[They made it]
DK : I prepared some Christmas jokes.
WW : Let's make a 5-syllable poem with Christmas.
DK : Don't ruin the mood. WW : Let's give him each letter. 1, 2, 3!
SVT : Ch. DK : Christmas is here.
SVT : 1, 2, 3! Ri. DK : I guess it has just begun.
SVT : 1, 2, 3! S. DK : Awesome.
[Japanese out of the blue] WZ : Awesome.
SVT : 1, 2, 3! Ma. DK : We've grown a lot.
SVT : 1, 2, 3! S. DK : Awesome!
[Awesome Christmas poem]
WW : That was really funny.
HS : By the time this episode is aired,
HS : there will be about 2 hours left on Christmas.
[Super excited] SK : It's always on 10:10 PM.
[Jeonghan's unforgettable Christmas memory] JH : I have this Christmas memory. / SK : What is it?
JH : It was when I was in elementary school.
JH : I woke up really early in the morning. No one was up.
[Can't believe it] WW : What time did you wake up? / JH : 5:20 AM.
[Full of doubt]
[No way] SC : You?
[Jeonghan woke up early when he was little] JH : I woke up early as I was so excited.
JH : I looked out the window, and it was white Christmas. / HS : It snowed. / SK : How nice.
JH : And it was 5:20 AM. I mean it was around 7 in the morning.
JH : The sun wouldn't rise at 5:20 AM. HS : Right.
JH : The day broke, and everything was white. There was no footprint on the snow.
JH : That image is engraved on my memory.
[Jeonghan's exciting white Christmas] JH : That image always comes to my mind.
SC : So did you go outside? JH : I took a look and I went back to sleep.
[Like always] DK (?) : I figured.
SC : This crossed my mind. DK (?) : What?
[Coups' Christmas memory] SC : Our play on SEVENTEEN TV.
[We remember that] HS : When we were trainees.
[Brings back memories] HS : Weren't you a tree? / DK : Yes.
T8 : That was my first day. SK : Right.
T8 : I turned on SEVENTEEN TV on my first day.
T8 : Because I had to adjust to this new life. JH : Because you have to watch it.
T8 : I turned it off after 5 minutes.
DK : I'm curious how long you believed in Santa Claus.
SK : My family was kind of very realistic. SC : So was mine.
SK : As a child born in my parents' later years,
SK : my parents didn't really tell me about Santa Claus and gifts.
SK : I just had chicken soup in the morning.
SC : I don't remember I ever believed in Santa.
SC : Never.
[No member who believed in Santa?] SK : Dino seemed to believe in him.
[The8 believed in Santa] T8 : I did. / DN :You believed in Santa, The8?
T8 : When I was asleep, my mom hung a sock on my bedside.
T8 : I always woke up to a card and a gift.
WZ : He's a model student.
[Strong belief as a model student] T8 : And I kept believing in Santa.
[The8 realized his mom was Santa] T8 : One Christmas, I saw my mom put stuff in it.
T8 : I felt grateful to her.
WW : I didn't believe in Santa when I was born. HS : You didn't when you were born?
[Wonwoo had a distrust of Santa] VN : You believed before you were born? / WW : Before...
[Wonwoo / Never believed in Santa] WW : When you were in your mother's womb.
WW : I believed in Santa before I was born.
[Wonwoo was extraordinary from birth] DK : It's hard not to believe in him. / WW : Right.
WW : This is the year-end show of GOING SEVENTEEN. DK : Right.
WW : Let's talk about GOING SEVENTEEN. DK-HS : That's right.
WW : Shall we?
[Coups' sharp question] SC : Does anyone watch throughout the episodes,
SC : not just the part you appear ?
[Busted, Dino!] SC : I saw you look for the part you were on! / WZ : Definitely not Dino.
[No one believes Dino, what's Dino's truth?] DN : I also watch the show when you weren't around.
[Nice excuse] J : Dino watches a lot. / DN : Before I go to bed,
[Official Dino's comment] DN : I choose my part as I'm busy,
DN : and I watch throughout the episode when I come home.
DN : Then I think, "This is fun". WW : He's not as fun as I am.
[I wouldn't] DN : Come on. / SK : Now!
[Going SEVENTEEN, to prove Dino's innocence] SK : So right at this moment,
SK : what was the new Monday edition of GOING SEVENTEEN about?
[Serious] DN : Our comeback and fan meeting!
[Can't believe he got that right] VN : First fan signing.
DK : We got our fans' support. / DN : We had snacks. VN : Right. The first fan signing event.
[There's something more important] SK : Before that. / JH : Seungkwan had fruit. / SK : Right.
DN : You had fruits. You said you liked a pineapple!
[Dino really watched everything] SK : Dino, you did watch everything.
[Dino / A big fan of Going SEVENTEEN]
HS : In that sense, Seungkwan and Vernon prepared something.
DN : What is it? / WW : What did you prepare? SK : I prepared magic.
SK : A water bottle comes out of my sleeve.
[SEVENTEEN's great reaction] DK : Magic is the way to go on Christmas.
[Let's check out what Seungkwan & Vernon got] SK : So we got this ready.
SK : 2017 GOING SEVENTEEN end of the year evaluation briefing!
SK : He became witty. He wouldn't have said it in sync before.
VN : I was reading the script to look for the title. And said "briefing". That's what happened.
[Vernon & Seungkwan duo has great chemistry] DN (?) : All right!
SK : We looked into a various survey of CARATs who watched GOING SEVENTEEN.
VN : Let's announce the survey results.
WW : Wow, you guys are not so in sync.
SK : Which is the most-viewed episode?
[Excited] DN : I can't wait!
SK : Can you guess which one? SC : The very first episode.
[Right on!] SK : Correct!
SK : That really took the fun out of this.
SK : That was correct.
[Episode 0 : the most-viewed episode] SK : June 5, 2017.
SK : The first episode. Ep. 0. VN : Ep. 0.
DK : What was it about?
[MV and free time in L.A] SK : We filmed a music video in L.A.
SK : We had a lot of fun. That was Ep. 0 of GOING SEVENTEEN.
DN : Episode 0. SK : Right.
SK : As for the age and gender of viewers, women accounted for the majority.
SK : Female viewers accounted for 92% on average.
SK : Male viewers accounted for as many as 8%.
SC : That's a lot. / JH : Isn't that us? DK :My dad enjoys watching it.
[SEVENTEEN + male CARATs = 8%] SC : That's us. 1, 2, 3... / VN : I think that's us.
SK : The age group of viewers was mostly from 18 to 24.
SK : Here's a fun fact. DK : What is it?
SK : 1% of the viewers
SK : are over age 65.
SK : They watched our show.
DK : My grandpa watches it. SK : Your grandfather?
[Thank you so much for watching] J : Our parents. / SK : Really?
SK : Thank you so much. It's amazing.
SK : We examined the devices you watch GOING SEVENTEEN on.
SK : Most of them watch it on their cellphone.
WZ : We watch it on our cellphone. SVT : Yeah. / HS : It's comfy.
VN : I looked into the places where our viewers are watching.
VN : I mean, countries where our viewers live.
VN : Not only South Korea, but Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, the U.S.,
VN : Malaysia, Vietnam, Brazil, it's hard to list everything.
VN : People from around the world watched it.
I'd like to thank you first.
SVT : Thank you. VN : There's this interesting fact.
VN : There are some nations where there is only one viewer.
VN : Only one viewer. / WZ : Not 1% but 1 person? VN : Just 1 person.
VN : Tajikistan. SVT : Tajikistan.
VN : Zimbabwe. SVT : Zimbabwe.
VN : Suriname. SVT : Suriname.
VN : Swaziland. SVT : Swaziland.
VN : Congo. SVT : Congo.
VN : Saint Kitts and Nevis. WZ : Only 1 person from all these countries.
VN : Andorra, Estonia, Vanuatu.
VN : Only one person watched our show from these countries.
SK : From these unfamiliar countries,
SK : they watched our show. We truly appreciate it.
[Thank you for watching, CARATs] SVT : Thank you.
DK : Thank you. SK : Thank you.
SK : We looked into a variety of survey results about GOING SEVENTEEN.
SK : Thanks to the viewers who support GOING SEVENTEEN,
SK : we can announce these results, right, Vernon? VN : That's right.
SK-VN : This concludes Kwan and Non's survey results announcement.
[Not in sync till the end] WW : Till the end. DN(?) : Thank you. / DK : Thanks, Non and Kwan.
WW : They were a bit off till the end. That was impressive. / DK : It was very fun.
DK : Thank you. Which episode was the most memorable one?
DK : Why don't we talk about it?
[Jeonghan's PICK : Amusement part episode] JH : The amusement part in the USA.
JH : I had so much fun there.
[Side effect of rides] DK : My ribs almost pop out during the rides.
SK : We were so tense during the rides that we had chest pain during a break.
DN : My favorite one was this episode.
[Dino's PICK : Seungkwan's Un Haeng Il Chi] DN : During "Un Haeng Il Chi" rehearsal,
DN : Seungkwan danced. DK : Free style dance.
[How SEVENTEEN hang out] DN : We were having a lot of fun.
DN : And it was included in GOING SEVENTEEN so we can share with CARATs.
DN : I think that was really amazing. DK : Seungkwan danced really well.
[Contrary to the fact] T8 : He looked like a great dancer. / DN : Yes.
[What does Woozi make of Seungkwan's dance?] SK : Please tell us what you think.
WZ : It's actually very funny.
WZ : There are a lot of silly moments.
WZ : We showed a lot of reactionsto make it fun.
WZ : And on TV, he looked really cool with all the lights.
[Pouting] VN : He's really witty.
[Everyone admits that Seungkwan is witty] DN : He's super witty.
DN : I have a story to share.
DK : What? WW : You are a really big fan of the show.
[Dino / A big fan of GOING SEVENTEEN] DN : I think that was episode 25.
[So specific] WW : Episode 25?
DN : It was either episode 25 or 26. Our Comeback Present Show.
[Amazing] DN : Our comeback showcase. / SK : So cool.
DN : It was the behind-the-scenes story, and I still can remember it.
DN : Wonwoo and Woozi had an interview.
[Woozi's computer interview] WZ : It went great. / DN : He was like a computer.
DN : "No". Wonwoo didn't even care to comment.
[Dino, now I can talk about it] DN : Back then...
SK(?) : You guys did that. DN : He didn't give any answer.
[A bit sorry] DN : I thought CARATs want to
[The biggest contributor of the show] DN : hear what each and every member felt.
[Disappointed] DN : I never thought they would go like that.
[Making an excuse] WW : I think I was wearing earphones.
WZ : I made things fun for Dino.
VN : But it was really funny.
[So shocking] DK : It was really funny. / VN : I guess you did.
[Listen, Dino] SC : That was actually funny. / WZ : You know how it is.
WZ : He asks Seungkwan, "How do you feel"? "I'm excited".
WZ : Coups would say, "I'm excited".
[If I give the same answer] WZ : Dino's question might get edited out.
[Dino's interview might get edited out] WZ : As we covered a lot of things.
WZ : I made it fun so what Dino filmed wouldn't get edited out.
[Ah... thank you so much] WW : Thanks for your excuse.
DK : Looks like he still can't move on.
WW : Dino filmed all the members with so much passion.
WW : I thought that was really cool.
[Dino has a special affection for the show] DK : Dino worked really hard on GOING SEVENTEEN.
DK : I think we should appreciate that.
[Coups' favorite scenes] SC : I used the footage from the show to make it.
[Coups' PICK : GOING Camera on stage] SC : That was the most memorable one.
HS(?) : Of CARATs? SC : That's right.
[Brings back memories] SK : GOING Camera from the stage. / DK : Yeah.
SK : People went crazy.
[Wonwoo's PICK : Different chants] WW : Before we stepped on stage,
WW : we always chanted a cheer. JH : Right.
WW : We always did. And it was different each time. DN : Right.
WZ : I loved what Dino came up with. DK(?) : What was it?
JH : Show us! SC : Show us.
DN : I was a little nervous because it was my first time to chant a cheer.
[Ambitious chant novice] DN : You guys went short and sweet.
[His passion was too big to go short] DN : But I lacked that skill.
[Dino / Overly ambitious chant novice] DN : So I went, "OK, we can do this".
[Dino's conversational chant] DN : I ended up babbling.
SC : Ask. DN : Yes, but I had so much fun.
DN : Coming up with a specific chant. JH : Why don't you try now?
[Christmas & year-end chant] JH : It's Christmas. / DN : Suddenly? / WZ : It's the year-end show.
JH : And Christmas. We have lots of special occasions.
[Dino / Master of conversational cheer] DN : Today is December 25, Christmas.
DN : Let's pay back CARATs' love.
DN : Let's have a wonderful Christmas together.
DN : Fighting, Christmas! SVT : Fighting!
[Can't miss Hoshi's chant] WW : Hoshi is the master.
WZ : Hi, chant.
DK : Hi, Mr. Chant. HS : Hi, I'm Chant.
[Hoshi's chant lesson] DK : Hoshi, show us how you do it.
[His chant is almost like roaring of a lion]
[Can't understand anything] HS : You know, right?
[No one knows what he's saying] DK : Random chant.
HS : I don't even know what I was saying.
DK : But it really rile ourselves up.
[SEVENTEEN's great reaction] SC : And we reacted.
[So hilarious]
[Mingyu's chant] MG : SEVENTEEN! Why are you laughing?
MG : There are so many meanings in those three letters.
[Clap! Clap! (Meaningful claps)] MG : SEVENTEEN!
MG : Good work this year.
[Clap! Clap! (Meaningful claps 22)] SC(?) : What is that?
[Mingyu's unique chant causes a commotion] MG : 2018! / DK : Nanta show?
MG : Fighting!
[Jun's PICK : Jun, Ice prince] J : Thanks for great editing. Ice Prince.
[Jun's icy moments] SK : What was it? / DN : Right!
DN : When Jun makes jokes, it's so cheesy that we froze.
[Jun's limited icy moments] DN : The production team sampled "Crazy in Love" and used it.
DN : I really liked it.
SK : It made me realize that it's our own variety show.
DN : It really looked like our own reality show. SK : I really loved it.
[Coups' PICK : Album production] SC : I loved the album production episode.
SC : We got to show our fans how we work and how we make our album.
DK : We showed our practice studio a lot. SC : Right.
DN : When we recorded "Campfire". HS : Right.
[Woozi is born to be a producer] DN : I realized how talented Woozi is as a producer.
HS : That happened to be my turn. And I pulled it off.
WW : Right.
HS : Woozi's directing was so amazing.
HS : There were lots of great moments.
HS : Why don't we pick Top 3?
[First one] MG : Our different aspects
MG : and our more laid-back moments were nice. DK : Right.
DK : That was charming.
[Second] SC : We shared the moments in our world tour so that people who couldn't come
SC : can watch how it went as if they were here.
SC : That was very nice.
[The last one] HS : The last one! Master of variety shows!
HS : The member who showed up on variety shows the most among us!
HS : He's beloved by Tak Jaehoon, entertainer.
[Filled with mixed feelings] HS : Kim Gura thinks he's great!
[The proud name!] HS : He is Boo Seungkwan!
[The third] SK : Our memories with CARATs?
DK : Memories.
SK : This program wasn't designed to entertain us.
SK : It's to share fun moments with CARATs
SK : to share happy and sad moments together.
SC : And CARATs are in it. DK : Right.
SK : That's how GOING SEVENTEEN came into being.
[CARATs and SEVENTEEN go hand in hand] SK : There are parentheses. CARATs are in it.
[GOING SEVENTEEN (& CARAT)] HS(?) : Nice. / SK : I'd like to point that out.
SK : The memories we have built together. I think that's the beauty of this program.
DK : Great. WW : Great.
WW : Let me summarize Top 3. SC(?) : In a word?
WW : Privacy, indirect experience, memories.
SK : Privacy, indirect experience, memories. Good.
DK : It's weird to read it without a pause. Privacy indirect experience.
SK : Privacy indirect experience.
HS : During the year of 2017,
HS : we had our world tour and for CARATs,
HS : this show was on at 10:10 PM every Monday. WW-DK : Right.
DK : We filmed whenever we had a chance during promotions,
DK : and we thought hard about how to make it fun for CARATs.
DK : We tried to show CARATs many different sides of us.
DK : It's a bummer. SK(?) : Right.
HS : Why? SK : Why is that?
HS : It's because! GOING SEVENTEEN is going to take a little break.
DN : Come on! HS : But, everyone!
[No way] WZ : Come on! / J : Come on!
DN : What's happening! I quit! I won't do this then.
WW : OK. You can leave, Dino.
[Coups is correcting his bad habits (kidding)] SC : That's rude! / JH : We're all older than you!
SC : You threw the hairband to the ground in front of us!
[Come on...] DN : It's because I'm sad.
WW : But GOING SEVENTEEN isn't ending here. HS : Right.
WW : It goes on in 2018. DN : Really?
[A bit in panic] DK : Just a short break.
[Loud] WW : After some improvements... / WZ : What is this?
[Noisy] WW : What is this? After some improvements...
[Wonwoo can't proceed] JH : He can't. / SK-SC : Wonwoo...
WW : Hey! Be quiet!
[Cracking up]
[Wonwoo flips out] VN : I've been waiting for this.
[Let's give Wonwoo some time to pull himself together]
[He's ready now] DK : Go ahead, Wonwoo.
WW : We'll be back with new and fun contents.
WW : We can't tell you yet,
WW : but please look forward to it. DK : Right.
DK : Please wait a little longer, CARATs. We'll be back with more various and fun stuff.
WW : That's right. DK : On GOING SEVENTEEN,
DK : we showed plenty of our natural sides.
DK : We'll show you more comfy and fun sides of us in 2018.
DK : We will get more organized and fun contents ready.
DK : You can look forward to it, CARATs.
HS : Good. DK : Please look forward to it.
HS : Christmas and this year is coming to an end.
HS : Why don't we share some good advice? VN : I don't have good advice specifically but...
[Vernon to Woozi] VN : I love you, Woozi.
WW : No need for words. I love you.
[Woozi to Jun] WZ : I hope he will be more funny next year.
WZ : Yeah. J : Yeah.
[Jun to Mingyu] J : You were perfect in 2017. Let's be even more perfect.
HS : Be perfect in 2018. MG : Fighting.
[Mingyu to Shua] MG : Good work this year. Keep up the good work next year.
MG : Let's step it up even further together.
MG : Let's work hard to become a better team. Fighting!
[Shua to The8] JS : You worked so hard this year. That was so cool.
JS : Though you're a bit sick, get enough rest next year
JS : so you can fully recover.
T8 : Thank you.
[The8 to Jeonghan] T8 : Thank you for being so warm to us.
T8 : Let's stick together.
SC(?) : Let's stick together.
[Jeonghan to Dino] JH : Even if we mess with you,
JH : I hope you'll be open-minded and generous.
[Dino to Coups] DN : I guess Coups is having a hard time as the leader. / SC : No.
DN : You said you are tired.
[The team leader doesn't complain] SK : You're lying. / DN : You put up with it.
[The youngest's sincere message] DN : You're really cool.
DN : I want to follow in your footsteps.
DN : Cheer up, next year.
SK : That was very sincere.
SC : I'd like to give a little advice as an elder member.
[Coups to Seungkwan] SC : I hope he'll love and care for himself more.
SK : That was great advice. WW : Love and care.
[Coups' advice is taken to heart] SK : I sometimes thought so.
SK : Why can't I love myself?
SK : I had that thought. Wow. Great.
SK : Hoshi!
SK : Hoshi! Let me hold your hand.
SK : Hoshi was so... this year. HS : It feels like my father is talking.
WW : Father? SK : I'm really glad you're on our team.
[Seungkwan to Hoshi] SK : I hope you'll keep showing your passion.
[Hoshi to Wonwoo] HS : I want to learn from you next year.
HS : I hope you'll become someone I can learn from.
[Don't make me do things. I want blessings] WW : I want words of blessings.
[Hoshi to Wonwoo] [Here's my blessings] HS : Be healthy and happy. / WW : Thank you.
[Wonwoo to Dokyeom] WW : I hope you'll be healthy, happy, and rich.
DK : More more. WW : That's enough.
[Dokyeom asks for more blessings] WW : He's asking for more blessings. / DK : More.
[The last member. Dokyeom to Vernon] DK : You've worked so hard this year.
DK : As I watch you grow,
DK : I feel really strange.
DK : I've seen him since he was little. WZ(?) : Don't cry.
[To think about how Vernon grew] SK : He's getting teary-eyed again!
[Dokyeom is tearing up again] SVT : Don't cry! Don't cry!
DK : When Vernon was so little as a trainee,
DK : he became so mature and cool.
DK : I'm very proud of him.
DK : I feel like you're my son, you know what I mean?
DK : I hope next year will be the year when Vernon can do whatever he wants.
[Choking] DK : So... / SC : Don't cry!
SVT : Don't cry!
SC : Why are you crying?
DK : I hope it will be a wonderful year for him.
[Heart-warming blessing time is over]
DK : So we shared words of blessings.
DK : As we wrap up the year-end GOING SEVENTEEN show,
DK : why don't we share how we feel?
MG : It gave us a chance to look at
MG : what happened in 2017, and we can look back 5 or 10 years from now.
MG : This show is gave us that chance. So I'm proud of it.
MG : Quality contents, great performances, our new aspects,
MG : I hope this program will show all of them.
MG : I'm so glad to share this moment with all of you guys on Christmas.
DK : I look forward to your nice performance.
T8 : GOING SEVENTEEN shows how we've grown.
T8 : When we watch it later, it will warm our hearts.
T8 : It gives me a chance to realize that we've grown with CARATs.
T8 : I'll try to become a better artist in 2018.
HS : Last but not least, Wonwoo!
WW : We will show a lot of contents in 2018.
WW : It was an amazing opportunity.
WW : We will prepare more stuff for the future.
DK : The year of 2017 was very meaningful for us.
DK : We will keep working hard to improve ourselves. Please continue to cheering on us.
WW : We'll be back.
DK : This concludes 2017 GOING SEVENTEEN end of the year show.
DK : I'm MC Dokyeom. WW : I'm Wonwoo. / HS : And I'm Hoshi.
HS : GOING SEVENTEEN will continue!
SC : We're SEVENTEEN. SVT : Say the name, SEVENTEEN! Thank you.
T8 : Hoshi, wrap it up! HS : Oh, right!
For more infomation >> [ENGSUB] SEVENTEEN - GOING SEVENTEEN EP 29 - Duration: 24:42.-------------------------------------------
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AI、安室奈美恵に熱いメッセージ 過去にコラボも<紅白リハ1日目> - JN D - Duration: 3:07.
TAKARA 44 Magnum [Micro Change 11] + GUN ROBO collection - Review FR - Duration: 6:40.
Hands up, no one moves !
Here comes a new piece in my vintage Gun Robo toys collection
The beautiful and the rarest 44 Magnum
TRASFORMER you read correctly
it was created by Takara and distributed in Italy by GIG
and indeed this is the Italian packaging
Trasformer mean Transformer in Italian
Nice artwork on the side of the box
This is a 1983 toy
Made in japan...of course
It is part of the micro change line this is the 11th of this superb series
we will seen it in more detail later
But now, i can't wait no longer
i have to see if it really a big shot
This is a 44 Magnum the most powerful handgun in the world
and would blow your head clean off
I'm going to unsheathe and pull it out of his polystyrene holster
this superb replicas but first let's check the leaflet
written in Italian but clear enough with the pictures
I just realized that there are bullets and cardbord targets
that i don't have unfortunately. Too bad
On the back, all the happy Micro Change family
Here is the RoboColt
Browning replica that was distributed in France by Joustra in the Diaclone line.
I also dedicated a review to this beauty
Here is the Walther P 38 MC 13, which is none other
MEGATRON the bad guy in Transformers
before being bought by Hasbro
is also accompanied by his homie :
P 38 which is the same without some gun accessories in Black version.
At the same time BANDAI launch this S&M Model 469 replica Robot Gunmajin
Nice pistol mode but not so good in robot mode
I've made a review on this one too
Here the holy grail
the untouchable, the rarest 357 Magnum Robo
by Sunmajor
This is my christmas gift
i will review it next if you're nice enough
(and if somebody cares)
Let's go ! so of course a gun needs to have a gun
a silver blaster laser
is the forearm which allows projecting the first
Hand games are bad man games.
this one fits inside here and
BOOM it is not dazzling dare I say
here the red cap is for protection E.U saftey
easy to remove with an hair dryer.
Diecast metal on the rear stock of the gun
Nice weight feeling when you hold it in your hands
We have the registrations here : Takara Made in japan
There is a small Smith & Wesson logo and also on this silver sticker here
Here : S&W 44 Magnum
In case you forgot it...Smith & Wesson here too
Even if it's a toy it can shoot bullets
plastic bullets of course !
To release the barrel just pull this little ergo
load it, just pull it foward and see the rotating six rooms
I have some bullets from another gun that fit perfectly
So now i will ask you to cover your ears
because the blast will be impressive and powerful
Just kidding, this is a toy
I think we're done with the gun mode
Let's transfom !
Done with the transformation
Just put him his blaster so it don't feel naked
Articulation points :
near Mr Bean than Jean Claude Van Damme is extremely rigid
just for fun ...
I couldn't resist !
here 360° on the shoulder
the head can go left-right to be safe when crossing the highway
crush when crossing and then the legs my faith it
has deviated little whore you
will understand well that's clearly
80s toys are part of gun mode and then came to
do what we could with words robots in there I find it anyway
look nice with his brown bell-bottoms.
I collect them because I find them so cool
robot guns we do not see more really now in any case
heavy metal parts with a circulation these little buddies this is the same
the RoboColt Gunmajin Megatron and the 357 magnum
Each Specialty his little delirious
I hope you enjoyed this video
If you do please like and share
See you next time !
松井玲奈"彼女感"溢れる動画にキュン「付き合いたい」「可愛すぎる」と反響殺到 - JN D - Duration: 1:56.
Maëva Coucke se livre sur son couple «Je suis quelqu'un de très fidèle » - Duration: 1:21.
패딩턴 2 PADDINGTON 2 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:31.
(ENG SUB)[Stray Cuts(스트레이 컷츠)] EP.01 - Showcase BTS and Chan falling of at the stage. - Duration: 7:58.
[Fansubs by steffyzef]
Showcase JYP Trainee we will start soon.
staff: Let's start soon
[Chan giving due concern to microphones]
staff: Okay let's get started
1, 2, 3... Hello
Hello, I'm Kim Seungmin.
-Hello, I'm Yang Jeongin -Yes, next.
staff: Okay, next
Hello, I'm Lee Minho.
[Carefully checking the positions]
[It's hot]
[He's sweating]
Jisung-ah Where have you been?
-I just met the others. oh Chan
-Are you done with the beat? -Uhm.. Just this much.
Ahhh like this... i don't know..
-Do you guys want to hear it?
-Of course. -Okay then.
[Changbin singing his part]
Wow, it's good. Is it good?
-Wow this is good. -Very good.
-So, this one?
Okay, let's go.
[Runner's High Uniform Version]
[Stray Kids waiting room]
*Jisung slightly judging with 2 mini pinky fans LOL
Tonight is unusual, Changbin.
-Changbin.. -Yes?
-Just calling.
Woojin hyuuuunnngggg~
Who is hungry?
-Chanbin 2x -Woojin Hyung....
Woojin hyuunngggg~
Woo Jiiin Niiiii
Wooo Jiiinn-ah
-Woojinaaaa.... -Yeah?
Woojin-ah hyung..
[Without giving any attention]
~ my blood, sweat and Changbin ~
[Changbin song] [A song in which all lyrics are things that Changbin says]
[Changbin song] [Title: Bin Day (adapted from Spring Day) ~ Changbinnie is falling ~
[They're singing BTS-Spring Day]
I want to eat~
I want some meat~
-I want to eat meat, i want to eat~ [Changbin song transformed into Meat Song.]
[Changbin song transformed into Meat Song]
I want to eat meat~
I want to eat meat~
Who wants to eat?
~ pork, chicken, beef duck, I want to eat them all, I really I want to eat them ~
[Do not so sorry]
~I want to eat~
~ I really want to eat ~
After we finished the showcase, we went chosen by PD-nim as the group for debut
So we're living together in a dormitory now
Thank you for the hard working.
But my heart ... the feeling that we finished the showcase ...
Especially for those who participated in the first time...
-Aren't you sad? -Yes, we too have prepared a lot time
When we left the stage,
I was sad because i had already finished. I wanted to do it again
Every time a showcase ends
I feel like.. ohh..
-Are you feel relieved? -Yes.
-And how did you feel that time? -That time I was very nervous
because it was the first time we showed our group
so I was under a lot of pressure
so this time i got even
-OHHH -So that's why you got it wrong?
[Chan fell in the presentation]
[And immediately got up to sing his part]
[Act like nothing happened]
So i was like "Ahh no my friends..."
-Are you realized that? -No, I really not realized that. -Glad you did not realized it.
Besides that,
someone dropped the microphone We do not blame him but ...
The moment when you dropped the microphone, your face was like..
I freaked out.
-Really freaked out. -It was really surprised me.
Then I thought, "I screwed up"
Michelle Was Just CAUGHT! The Queen Of England Is FURIOUS! - Duration: 24:35.
Michelle Was Just CAUGHT!
The Queen Of England Is FURIOUS!
For eight years, Michelle Obama genuinely thought she was a queen and expected to be
treated like one.
Now that she's a regular citizen, she's having a hard time of letting go of her former
status as the (failed) first lady and keeps trying to push her way into every major social
scene where she doesn't belong and is apparently not invited.
When she heard the news that Prince Harry was marrying a black American girl, she assumed
it was her place to be on that guest list, which has to be approved by the Queen of England
Michelle made a desperation move to sneak a spot on that exclusive guest list and as
soon as the real queen found out what the wannabe royalty did, she delivered a brutal
beatdown that was definitely deserved.
As soon as the big news about the royal engagement of Prince Harry and an American actress Meghan
Markle was announced, the Obamas saw an opportunity to edge their way into the elites, like a
couple of desperate kids trying to hang with the popular crowd at school.
Barack immediately got on social media to beat President Trump to the congratulatory
He has a lot more time on his hands than the Commander-in-Chief who is busy cleaning up
his mess.
Barack practically stalked the prince on Twitter and made a post within seconds of the news
coming out, which perhaps had an undertone of letting the royals know that he and Michelle
were available that day to attend.
The Obamas know what they are doing when it comes to getting attention on themselves and
this post was no exception.
It garnered a whopping 1 million "likes" on it which both he and Michelle were likely
elated about since the royal family was likely sure to see it.
The exposure of this post sparked rumors that the Obamas would likely be added to the guest
list in the current president and first lady's place, the Independent reported.
While Barack was making desperate tweets to secretly get on the guestlist, Michelle was
doing something worse to shove the Trumps aside and ensure her spot, even though the
honor is typically reserved for the current president and first lady.
Michelle has been making the speaking engagement rounds lately to rack in hundreds of thousands
of dollars to trash Trump.
Her recent trip to Canada was no exception as she combined it with a hidden mission of
getting to the royal wedding.
The former first lady had been invited as the keynote speaker in addressing the "Economic
Club of Toronto," when she deviated from her planned remarks to double down on her
and Barack's desperate attempt to kiss up to the Queen of England.
According to Page Six, Michelle took the opportunity to make fun of President Trump then immediately
gushed over the queen.
Both conversation deviations had no place in an event like this, but for calculated
Michelle, it has a passive-aggressive purpose of saying that Trump wasn't fit for her
guest list, but since she loves the queen so much, she should get a spot.
"After being introduced by Canada's first lady, Sophie Trudeau, Obama told the crowd
that it is 'never a good idea' to put your first thought in the morning on social
media, and never a good idea to 'tweet from bed,' which appears to be one of the president's
favorite pastimes, presuming that he is actually in bed when he tweets at 3 a.m," Page Six
"Going on about effective communication, and the importance of doing drafts, Obama
went on, 'Then you need to edit and spell-check it.'
The 45-minute conversation, hosted by the Economic Club of Toronto, flowed into a bunch
of amusing side stories, including her memories of being awestruck when meeting Queen Elizabeth
of England."
"'What do you do with the queen?
I touched her.
She touched me first,' she said, adding that her dream dinner guest would be Jesus,
whom she'd serve pizza."
It's well known that the respect, proper etiquette, and holding a high-level of decorum
is important to the royal family and by painting a picture that Trump can't control himself,
Michelle thought she was making him look like a bad person to have at the wedding.
However, the bigger motive in her comments was to cover up her actual faux-pas with the
Queen when, not surprisingly, brash Michelle showed a complete lack of respect and protocol
when she got a little too touchy with her bullying her way into a hug and pushing her
toward a chair, The Guardian previously reported.
The Queen felt so grossly disrespected by Michelle that she royally snubbed the former
first lady after the touchy-feely offense.
When she flew into London with her mother and daughters in tow, expecting an audience
with Queen Elizabeth only, she received a big slap-in-the-face instead, the Globe reported.
Instead of spending the day with Michelle and her family who flew in to meet with her,
the Queen ditched her and went off the horse race instead.
Michelle may think she's royalty and even try to act like it, but she's got nothing
on the actual Queen of England who's the real deal and put her in her place when she
changed plans.
The Queen does what she wants which hopefully means that she kicks her off the coveted guest
list too.
2047 VIRTUAL REVOLUTION Official Trailer (2018) Sci Fi Action Movie HD - Duration: 1:20.
The year is 2047, a century of technological revolution, the revolution
did happen just not really the way people thought it would
Revenue Case, players from the Westland verse were killed.
The virus was traced back to an IP address.
Find who the necromancers are and eliminate them.
You are a bit of a mystery to be honest Mr. Trenton. I'll try not to disappoint
Everyone wants freedom
Le tamarin pour le traitement du foie gras (stéatose hépatique) - Duration: 2:37.
Si vous souffrez de troubles de sommeil, d'ongles cassants ou de chute de cheveux... - Duration: 4:40.
BREAKING: McCain Prepares To Flee D.C. To Avoid 20-Years In Prison After Subpoenas Are Issued Overn… - Duration: 4:23.
BREAKING: McCain Prepares To Flee D.C.
To Avoid 20-Years In Prison After Subpoenas Are Issued Overnight.
John McCain has been embroiled in the constant anti-Trump rhetoric and impeachments since
the beginning, and the most recent scandal has McCain front and center in the fake Trump
dossier situation.
John McCain will never be anything but a traitor to this country, but to add insult to injury
be possibly helping procure a fake and rather disgusting dossier on the man that is the
President whether they like it or not is an affront the likes of which McCain will never
come back from.
Now McCain has just been busted in committing an enormous felony that carries a 20-year
prison sentence and will soon be dragged into a courtroom to testify about what he did.
Having been the man who personally handed the now infamous dossier over to the Feds
on top of being the ONLY one to have had the entire document prior to it reaching the liberal
media is quite telling, and it appears that the dots are finally being connected within
the system as well.
A former State Department official and current senior director at the nonprofit McCain Institute,
David Kramer, has just been subpoenaed to testify about his visit to the dossiers author
in London in 2016.
And soon McCain will also be forced to testify in court about working with a British spy
to undermine our government and subvert our President.
Working with foreign governments to overthrow the President of the Untied States as McCain
has done is a serious federal crime as spelled out in 18 U.S. Code 2385 that could land him
20 years in behind bars.
Working with foreign governments is additionally a violation of the Logan Act, as citizens
are prohibited from negotiating with foreign governments in order to undermine our government.
Freedom Daily reported :
According to court documents in the British lawsuit, lawyers for Steele reveal that McCain
was one of the only people in Washington D.C. who had copies of the full document before
it was circulated among liberal journalists and then published by BuzzFeed.
McCain will now be forced to leave D.C. in order to testify under oath about what he
knew, and why he decided to spread fake news about Trump, as he was obsessive in his pursuits
to get his grubby hands on the 35-page dossier.
The Guardian reported:
Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication
of the now-infamous dossier that alleged Donald Trump's campaign had connections to Russian
operatives, McClatchy has learned.
The dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and his London firm, Orbis
Business Intelligence Ltd., amounted to a collection of uncorroborated reports of collusion
gathered as political research for sale to Trump's opponents.
It proved explosive when published by online news site BuzzFeed on Jan. 10.
Now, two lawsuits — one in the United States and a second in the U.K. — are being brought
by lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Cyprus-based Internet entrepreneur whom Steele's Russian
sources accused of cyber spying against the Democratic Party leadership.
According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and
Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department
official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before
it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed.
From The Hill:
The House Intelligence Committee has issued a subpoena to an associate of Sen. John McCain
(R-Ariz.) over his connection with the controversial dossier containing unverified allegations
about President Trump and his ties to Russia, The Hill confirmed on Wednesday.
From Breitbart:
Sen. John McCain may find himself facing serious questions following the disclosure that the
Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research utilized
in the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump.
If this doesn't stick to his bones then nothing will.
McCain has been shown to be a criminal of the highest order for years, and nothing seems
to take him down.
This is definitely one RINO that needs to be permanently removed from any form of office,
and preferably slammed into a cell for the remainder of his life.
what do you think about this?
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