BREAKING NEWS Trump Just Told Everyone In America To Prepare – It's Happening!
Diplomacy is always the first choice when it comes to defusing any situation thought
to be headed to military conflict.
As any preschooler could tell you, it's always best to use your words and not violence.
However, while that's the policy of most of the western world, and any country that
is lead by democracy, it's not the policy of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un
who only seem to be worried about his own glory.
The toddler-like leader has proven he's only interested in spending his time finding
new ways to memorialize himself in the minds of the world.
While it's unclear what he hopes to achieve by threatening to attack the United States,
which he's done on countless occasions, the general idea seems to be what it has been
for many narcissistic leaders before him; the desire to rule the world.
The idea that a tiny dictatorship like North Korea has any chance of winning a world war
on it's won speaks to just how few people are willing to speak the truth to Jong-un.
However after months of President Trump and other world leaders attempting to encourage
Jong-un to give up his nuclear tests, he continues his threats, and the United States has had
The New York Post reports that the President has given the orders, and the United States
is preparing to take back American by force.
While it's obviously that if it came to all out war, America would win, hands down,
the concern that North Korea might do damage to innocent Americans has prompted our military
to nutralize the threat before that happens:
"The US is preparing plans to deliver a 'bloody nose' attack against North Korea
to knock out its nuclear weapons program.
The White House has 'dramatically' ramped up its military plans amid fears that diplomacy
won't thwart North Korean despot Kim Jong Un from making good on his threats, sources
told the UK's Telegraph."
Just hearing that the United States is going to do something about North Korea might see
a little vague, but rest assured, the military forces in the area have a lot of options available
to them.
Because North Korea is such a small country, and because they've been very clear about
what their military force is like, once the word is given to mobilize, it won't take
very long before the threat is completely put down.
"One option is destroying a launch site before the rogue regime uses it for a new
missile test, while another is targeting weapons stockpiles, according to the news outlet.
The Trump administration hopes that pre-emptive action would show the trigger-happy dictator
that the United States is serious about stopping his bellicose pursuits and persuading him
to negotiate.
The Telegraph cited three anonymous sources, one inside the administration and two former
officials familiar with the White House thinking.
'The Pentagon is trying to find options that would allow them to punch the North Koreans
in the nose, get their attention and show that we're serious,' a former US security
official briefed on policy told the Telegraph.
President Trump's decision to launch 59 cruise missiles against a Syrian airfield
in response to the country's chemical weapons attack that killed more than 80 civilians
is considered an indication of his resolve, the paper reported.
The current plans indicate that Trump is more willing to use a military option than previously
Last week, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told the Atlantic he believed there was a
30 percent chance of Trump using a military option, but that if the hermit kingdom tested
another nuclear weapon, that percentage would skyrocket to 70.
One British source who recently attended a briefing with US national security adviser
H.R. McMaster and other officials left feeling alarmed by Trump's mindset, according to
the outlet.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has pushed for negotiations with North Korea — but
has been undercut by Trump, who insulted Kim and described diplomacy as a waste of time.
Last week, Tillerson appeared to soften the US stance on talks with North Korea amid spiking
tension over its nuclear and missile programs.
He said the US was ready to hold exploratory talks without preconditions, but that North
Korea would need to hold off on further weapons testing.
North Korea tested its sixth and most powerful nuclear weapon in September.
It also tested three intercontinental ballistic missiles, including one whose theoretical
range encompassed the entire US mainland."
There have been a lot of theories as to what to do with Kim Jong-un and the roughly 25
million people living under his tyrannical rule.
The stories that have come out of the sad country make one think that there should be
hostage negotiators involved, considering that the people of North Korea are little
more than hostages who've grown up knowing it as their only way of life.
If ever there was a time to free a people from their own government, even if we weren't
at risk, North Korea is the country to free.
They epitomize the huddled masses, yearning to breath free that America specializes in.
Hopefully there will be no loss of life, but the United States military has been sent to
ensure that if there is, it won't be American and that Kim Jong-un be put out of power once
for all.
[H/T: New York Post]
For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Trump Just Told Everyone In America To Prepare – It's Happening! - Duration: 30:50.-------------------------------------------
Ep 0 Drink and Driving: My Summer Car [Not HD] - Duration: 27:43.
Ow no....
Ow Satana... That's going to need allot of polishing.
Nice clipping there....
Broken unrealistic crap!
Milk cures the hangover
And that was all the food gone....
Kilju is done already ;) And I was all out of beer just about now too!
*Kid calling about sewage job for his drunk dad
The sun is almost down
Maby I shoud start with the car...
Or shoud I prep the van for the rally?
No... That's not right
Petrol. Almost empty
And the car has sparkplugs = *petrol powered
And stay there!
Really. Racing with a front wheel drive shit bucket? Dad come on!
Shitty FWD car
Shitty FWD car
Shitty FWD car
Shitty FWD car
No.. Just no...
Fainal Helvete!
You're causing the lag aren't you!
Get out of here! SATANA
* Don't get that excited young Finn..
What is this sound suppost to be.. Music?
Fuck that shit!
This is some spooky magic crap right here...
Going to try and ignore it..... Never happend
It Feels Wrong......
Like what is the point in this.....
No Beer. No Sauna Fun.
Dam sunlight being away. No shops open thanks to you!
This is pointless. I'm out of here.
Not even the sauna know wtf is going on without the beer....
Look at this nightmare
We do not talk about this... We just move on like nothing happend...
Let's hope the beer god's don't notice my sin of running out of beer building my engine.
God's have mercy.
There we go!
Woops! Forgot this
Almost day
*Singing in the shower or what Finns now do?
It's day at last!
Thanks beer gods! I hear your wishes loud and clear!
Let's do this Van!
Is that "Running in the 90s" I hear?
Crank the volume up!
Did not plan for this song now but hey.
No car inoming, full speed ahead!
Have to try and drift this turn coming up!
If only the handbrake workt on this van, trying to do that by droping a gear and releasing the clutch is hard...
Fucking buss
*Wizard Train to Hogwarts confirmed
Running out of battery for my headset.. :/
Fainal Helvete!
Better fuel up the van......
Hello Temio!
Now this is beer!
So your going to be like that Temio???
No respect for your customers Temio.....
Let's have some music
Stop ghosting bag that I'm 99% sure to not fit all the groceries i bought..... Never mind.
Temio you don't know how....
awful it has been.......
without beer or food for.....
A hole 9h! It's like living.....
In hell!
You like to have one Temio?
Don't be shy
Aw my hunger for beer is under control now atleast! That was close tho!
You take care of this yes? Good
Ow... Out of the way fridge!
*Temio has to be really be judgmental right about now....
Have one!
OWSHIT! Can't hold back!
He he He hE he he he he
It's all good Temio!
* Giving him thumbs up was a bad ide XD
*laughing so hard right now, did not mean to do that.
He hE he he he he he he he he h e he he
Woops. Did not grab it did I....
Good music on the radio for ones!
Have to hurry my ass away now Temio! "Running in the 90s" are running away from me!
The van has now turnd into a 240hp monstar!!
Still some beer left in the empty beer case.. Have to correct that! XD
*Trying to find a gear
Some may say it's about time to stop drinking when you can't even find the right gear.....
But no! Not with Eurobeat playing!
I still can see the road. That means I still can drive! Logic!
I can't see anything......
O shit!
Ep -0 Here we go: My Summer car [Not HD] - Duration: 11:36.
Hello Temio!
I got to have all the beer my pockets can afford!
But taking it to the boat is to mutch work...
I have to take the van next time......
Temio! You don't mind getting some extra beer cases for me do you?
I took the boat here today and can't be askt to walk all of it down there...
I take the van next time if you get 6-8 or more beer cases ready for me to bu...........
Hello? Temio.
Can you get your hands on some extra beer for me?.....
Temio hello???
[*Temio daydreaming*]
*Totally the way to get his attention*
Totaly just going to " koka saft " with this suger Temio!
Play stupid Temio.......
Goodbye Temio!
When did the sun go?
at least it's not raining
Holy shit!
Fucking maniac and ½!
Are you not going to stop him? Drive after him!
You cool with this?? Okay then....
Fuck public transport
Taste like shit!
Many Hours Later...........
This is how life should be like.
Slaking in the tractor going down the dirt road in the Finnish woods
And the view is perfect!
Can't reach any of the pedals from here.....
Here it is!
Hello Wood Guy!
Yell when all the wood is out of the trailer!
Don't you wawe a liquor bottle infront of my eyes!
You askt for it!
*Neck Snapp
He he he he he
You fucking pillock!
Drive around!
Drive around you fuck!
He fucking is asking for IT!
Come here you fucking twat!
Going to fuck you up!
Dum fuck that's a tracktor!
Have IT! You morron!
You still think you can do it?
Let me help you!
*wrong key
You stupid fuck!
*He is aqualy moving the tracktor
Go around!
I don't have energy to watch your face anymore!
Fuck off!
Ow no......
That was not what I had in plan....
I wanted his liquor bottle....
Dun't run away from me!
The green car meet his doom. R.I.H.
This will do just fine...
Nächste BsF-Hochzeit: Gottfried & Martina trauen sich! - Duration: 1:54.
[VOSTFR] Les voeux des BTS pour 2018 ! - Duration: 9:07.
🌞 Hoşgeldin 2018!!!! 🌞 - Duration: 2:15.
Agathe Auproux divine : Elle dévoile sa silhouette en maillot de bain échancré - Duration: 1:26.
Ayem Nour amincie : Retour sur son avant/après totalement bluffant - Duration: 1:36.
Emerging threats
Channel Update: My First Year in Review & Happy New Year! - Duration: 2:53.
What's up everybody this is Master Ian Gamer.
Now that 2017 has come to a close, it marks almost exactly one year since I started making
Overwatch videos.
I'd done various kinds of videos before that, but this past year was the first time
I really buckled down to try and make a name for myself.
And boy, has it been amazing.
First and foremost, I cannot go without immediately giving all of you guys a tremendous thank
you for subscribing to my channel and supporting me along the way.
As much as I love simply making videos, it's been the positive feedback from all of you
that has really made this worth it.
Honestly, I'm not sure that I'd still be doing this if it wasn't for that.
My goal for 2017 was to end the year with 3,000 subscribers, and to my own amazement
I've managed to handsomely surpass that.
So regardless of whether you've been subscribed since last January or last night, thank you
again and I really hope you'll continue to help make my channel great through 2018
and beyond!
Speaking of which, I've already got a number of videos planned out for the next couple
of weeks, so be sure to look forward to those.
I also want to try experimenting with some other kinds of videos as well, so don't
be surprised if I upload something a bit different from normal.
For example, I might try dabbling a bit with games other than Overwatch, but don't worry,
Overwatch will still be the main thing I do.
I've been playing it constantly for over a year and a half at this point, so I don't
think I'm going to get sick of it anytime soon!
Also, as should be expected, I will constantly be trying to find ways to improve both the
quality and frequency of my videos.
In a lot of ways making videos is an art, so the more I practice the better I'll get.
Looking back at my videos from even just one month ago I can already see immense improvement,
so hopefully going forward my content will continue to just get better and better.
And that's really all I have to say then I guess.
I haven't done a dedicated channel update video in a while, and I thought it would be
fitting to do one now that both 2017 and my first year as a YouTuber have ended.
This experience has been so amazing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
I've just got my fingers crossed that YouTube itself will won't turn on me like it has
many others.
Anyways thank you all again so much, I appreciate every single one of you, and I look forward
to continue seeing all of you on my channel.
This is Master Ian Gamer signing off, and until next time have a great day and a happy
new year!
DANCING 2017 KPOP SONGS IN PUBLIC (feat. Lorena Farias) - Duration: 12:04.
Hi guys, this is Minzyah!
As I promised,
I decided to do a DANCING KPOP IN PUBLIC with the best 2017 kpop songs
Obviously I can't put all the best songs in this video, because had too much good songs
So I selected close of 20 songs
And I hope you like it, ok? <3
Today I decided to do this in a more different and special way
I decided to bring a Youtube's friend, I think you know her
To participate in this video with me
I'll call her now:
Hello guys, how are you?
I'm Lorena Farias, and I have a kpop cover channel on Youtube too
And today we're here recording this very cool video to you
And in my channel, we're recording too the second part of this video
So after watching this video, go check it on my channel!
Subscribe, like our videos for help us!
PS: the songs that not appear in this video, will appear in my video
So, will not have (almost) anything repeated
So it's important to you watch both of videos
because some musics that don't be here, will be heree
Now we're representating videos HAHAH
So, I hope you like it
Comment what you think about this collab, if you like that we do more videos together,
Don't forget to subscribe in both channels!
So, that's all! Happy New Year! Let's go to the video
*camera-girl hand*
*looking this craziest thing*
so focused
Girl, are they artist?
No, i think they're crazy.
get out the way!
what a fright!
Are you crazy spinning around here?
*still shocked*
*frustrated try to ignore*
*admiring the courage of this girl*
Beyond brave, is crazy
What kind of ritual is this?
i think she losed a bet
*recording this crazy*
traditional brazilian family is shocked
i can't listen
*wrong side*
Guys, that's it! I hope you liked the video!
Our chokers is selling in my store on Instagram
Ymagine Store (at now, i only can send for Brazil)
So that's all! Again, happy new year and see you in the next video!!!
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