what's up everybody Posido here with Inspire Bass helping you to advance and
inspire on the bass so you want to learn some base runs well in this video I'm
gonna show you how to play the exact bass were and you just heard now this
was inspired by a video I saw of a bass player named Marc Manhertz definitely
check him out because he is crushing it on the bass if you want to hear the
original source at any point in the video check out the links I'll put in
the description below let's get on with the video okay so this is a long bass
room but it's a fun one to play now all the notes of this space run actually
comes from a single scale and it's just an E major 6th diminished scale now it
sounds complicated but really all in E major six diminished scale is just an E
major scale but I'm gonna put in a flat 6 ok which is a C natural so you have
this chromatic between the 5th and the 6th okay so your notes are E F sharp
G sharp A the C natural C sharp D sharp E so those are all the notes that this
entire bass run is derived off of okay so let's get on with this bass run so
four bars we're gonna start with the first bar the first measure and it goes
like this 1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a 4 e and a
okay those notes are one-e-and and then we got B G sharp a G sharp F sharp G
sharp E C sharp F sharp B okay so hold the A
and then the G sharp A G sharp F sharp G sharp E C sharp F sharp B okay so the
timing goes like this 1 e and a 2 e and a
okay the second part of this or the second
bar of this bass run goes like this and we have these notes E C natural D sharp
B C sharp D sharp B G sharp C sharp F sharp B E
G sharp B D sharp okay the rhythm of this one goes like this
1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a rest okay so rest and a
so 1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a 4 e and a third part of this bass run
goes like this and this one's gonna be just straight sixteenth notes for this
third bar okay so we have E C natural again D sharp E F sharp G sharp F sharp
G sharp A B E we C sharp D sharp C sharp B okay now play that is try to play that
as legato and you can let each note run into each other next
and the last bar the fourth bar goes like this
this one there's also predominantly 16th notes but I throw in a muted note in
there and it goes like this and we have these
notes A C-sharp A F sharp B E A muted G sharp A G sharp F sharp G sharp E C
sharp B and that leads nicely to whatever resolving chord we can end it
on an A
you could end it on an E okay okay thanks for watching this video let me
know in the comments section below if you found this helpful until next time
keep advancing and inspiring on the bass see you soon
For more infomation >> Bass Runs - Sick 4 Bar Bass Run Inspired By Marc Manhertz - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
"So Goodbye" When Jonghyun 's song came true - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:35.
So Goodbye is being shared by the fans saying goodbye to Jonghyun (SHINee).
Sister Jonghyun (SHINee) confesses to suicide, leaving the suicide note: I have been suffering so long now.
On the evening of December 18, the Kpop fan community was shocked to hear that Jonghyun (SHINee) committed suicide in his office.
His departure reminded many people of the OST So Goodbye that he showed for the movie City Hunter.
The song from the song talks about the boys goodbye to the girl, as well as leaving his loneliness to go to a faraway place.
Goodbye, do not cry and ask me to smile.
Those days my heart froze.
I would leave behind everything.
Goodbye…. You alone lurk in my darkness.
Suzuki S-Cross Exclusive 1.0 Boosterjet 112pk - Duration: 0:54.
Volvo V50 1.6 D2 S/S LIMITED EDITION, BJ`2012, Leder, Navigatie, Schuifdak ! - Duration: 1:01.
대만의 PAVE PAWS, 중국의 SU-35,S-400도입으로 관심이 집중 - 성 스캔들 - Duration: 6:11.
BOEF, JOSYLVIO, MAAN & meer showen hun beste DANCE MOVES | Vluggertje #48 - Duration: 3:17.
This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean - Duration: 4:34.
This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean
First, check your face for any moles, and then look at the diagram above to identify
the number(s) that are the closest match to the moles on your face.
Usually, the moles only hold meaning for you if they are prominent and they are the only
If your face if full of spots, acne or �little� moles, they do not count.
When you�ve ascertained which position corresponds to the mole on your face, look up the meanings
listed by numbers below.
POSITION 1 TO 3 As a child, you are somewhat rebellious and
a free spirit.
You have an innate creativity and work best when you are given a free hand.
Generally, your superiors like your avante garde approach to life.
If you have a mole here, you are far better off in business and being your own boss rather
than working for somebody.
What is promising is that you have the luck to be your own boss.
POSITION 4 You are an impulsive person, often acting
with a flamboyance that gives you charisma and a sparkling personality, but you can be
difficult when there are too many opinions.
You tend to be rather argumentative, but never to the point of holding grudges.
This mole tends to give you an explosive temper and should you decide to remove it, you will
find yourself becoming calmer and more at peace with the world.
POSITION 5 A mole above the eyebrow indicates that there
is wealth luck in your life, but you will need to earn it and work harder than most
All the income you make must be carefully kept as there are people who are jealous of
you who might attempt to sweet talk you into parting with your wealth.
Be wary of those who try to interest you in get-rich-quick schemes.
If you have a mole here, it is advisable not to be too trusting of others.
Follow your instincts and be cautious.
And never allow other people to control your finances.
POSITION 6 A mole here indicates intelligence, creativity,
and skill as an artist.
Your artistic talent can bring you wealth, fame, and success.
It also indicates wealth luck, but this can only be fully realized if you follow your
heart rather than stick to conventional means of making a living.
Success will come if you are brave.
POSITION 7 Moles under the eyebrows indicate arguments
within the extended family that cause you grief and unhappiness.
This will affect your work and livelihood.
It is advisable to settle any differences you have with your relatives if you want peace
of mind to move ahead.
POSITION 8 This is not a very good position for a mole.
Your financial position will constantly be under strain because of a tendency to overspend.
You also have a penchant for gambling.
The only thing is you must know when to stop.
Meanwhile, someone with a mole here has a tendency to flirt with members of the opposite
sex as well as with the same sex.
Better be a little discerning where you exert your charms, or you might get into trouble.
POSITION 9 This mole position suggests sexual and other
It is an unfortunate mole and you are well advised to get rid of it.
It brings a litany of woes and a parade of problems.
POSITION 10 A mole here just under the nose indicates
excellent descendants luck.
You are surrounded by family at all times and will have many children and grandchildren.
You have the support of those close to you and will be both materially and emotionally
POSITION 11 Moles here suggest a tendency to succumb to
It is a good idea to have this mole removed especially if it is a large, dark-coloured
Otherwise, use lots of foundation
to cover it.
Post-Holiday Detox in 30 Minutes - Duration: 7:46.
Hello this is Chloe from Veggie Magnifique, and it being just
after Christmas maybe you're feeling a little bit groggy, a little bit overfed, a
little bit 'bleh', so today I'm going to share my six things I do in the morning
after a big party to press the reset button.
So top tip number one - as soon as you get up, to wipe away those cobwebs, use one of these - it's a tongue scraper
and it helps to detoxify the mouth and get rid of all that horrid gunky fur
that will have collected up during the night and for bonus points you can top
that off with an oil pulling session, which consists of whooshing coconut oil
or sesame oil in your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes. You can add peppermint essential
oil in there as well to give you a little zing.
That is going to totally
revolutionise your mouth.
Step 2 - body brushing. Now this may look
like something you'd groom your horse with, but no I groom myself with it in the
morning. It's a special body brush that you use to gently brush your skin from
head to toe, or from toe to head more like because the movements you use are
always towards the heart so starting with your feet and moving up, and you can just
add to it a couple of drops of essential oil I've got geranium here which smells
amazing and is really good for cellulite apparently as well. And the practice of
body brushing gets your lymph system flowing which is gonna really help your
body to detox after all of that Christmas excess.
Step number three - hydrate! Get yourself a litre of pure water to flush out your system after a heavy day
and night. And I find it quite weird that the day after a big day of feasting you
often wake up really hungry with a really weird kind of empty tummy hunger
'I must eat now' feeling that you wouldn't get any other
morning. But actually this hunger is chronic dehydration, so rather than
running to the kitchen and making yourself a fry up or something drink a
litre of water and you'll find that that raging hunger is going to disappear
because your body will have actually got what it needs which is water. And for
bonus detox points here don't eat anything until lunchtime, because that is
gonna give your digestive system the break it needs and it's gonna allow the
water to flush you out and help you to feel nice and light again.
Okay we're onto step number four, so after cleaning your tongue, cleaning out your mouth
hydrating, move into some gentle exercise. And you can find all manner of really
really really good exercise programs online on YouTube. Ann and I's favourite thing
at the moment is Boho Beautiful. If you watched my video from two weeks ago
about how to lose the baby weight you'll know that I've been doing the Boho
Beautiful 10-day Programme for the last month or so which comprises of 20
minutes of fitness which is bodyweight exercises and then 20 minutes of yoga
and I feel amazing after these sessions because they're
just right - they're challenging but they're not so challenging that you
actually dread them. So I really recommend the Boho Beautiful 10 day
Programme which is a paid download but if you want to dip into what they already
have online for free there are hundreds of yoga classes on YouTube on their
YouTube channel. And also on our YouTube channel you'll find there's a
playlist called Magnifique Yoga Breaks and we have four or five
different yoga classes on there with some incredible teachers from here in
France and they are tip-top they come highly recommended of course. Some other
YouTube channels you can look at are Steffy
White useful yoga, or Yoga with
So onto number five - after my exercise I love to meditate and I don't know about you but after a busy festive time I can feel a little bit overwhelmed and
overstimulated by all of that socialising and having to pretend to be
normal. And also just being continually around people for an extended
period of time is kind of taxing I find. Maybe I'm terribly antisocial but I do find
that the day after the big events or any big gathering I need to create a clean
slate on my mind and the best way to do that is meditation. And you can find a
plethora of guided meditations online. And I just find meditation to be a
really powerful daily practice for emotional and psychological health. It's
just such a yummy feeling to let go of everything and even let go of the
feelings of being in your own body and have that sort of weightless, timeless,
egoless, open experience of pure existence. It's super groovy, and it feels
like a wonderful indulgence actually to engage with it on a daily basis. So
you'll be doing yourself so much good after all of that over stimulation just
by wiping the slate clean with some mindfulness, deep breathing and tuning out.
Ok we're on to step number six which is the last step and after this you will
have officially detoxed your body from all of the craziness of Christmas and you'll
be feeling tip-top. This is my green drink - I shake it up in a little jam jar
here. So the liquid is rice milk and I add into that a tablespoon of this
wheatgrass powder which is super detoxifying and oxygenating for the
blood and I do also a little teaspoon of klamath, which is very rare blue green
algae from pristine lake Klamath in Oregon or Canada - somewhere! It's a potent
protent superfood, as is the powdered wheatgrass. And so this is actually the
lazy person's version of a green drink because you could also make yourself
a fresh green juice from green veggies like kale, celery, cucumber and
add in lemon, ginger and apple. And it's the most delicious thing and your body
will thank you for it. This is a great one to do in a pinch. You don't need to use these
exact products but some sort of green powder which is gonna just pack your
body with chlorophyll and help your blood to detoxify and give you that zing.
Because these green drinks have so many micronutrients in there, and vitamins and
minerals and it's just a powerhouse of nutrition. So there you have it, there are
my six top tips for detoxifying after a busy festive period. So as I say these
tips are great to do the day after overindulgence when you're feeling a
little bit woozy but they're actually amazing to do on a daily basis as well
to bring your health up to the next level. And consistency is key here so if
you do do these things every day you'll see your general health and energy go
through the roof. And actually my secret is that I do do these six things every
single morning and they really really helped me to feel on top of the world
every single day and also help me to continue to make healthy choices for the
rest of the day because I've got the day off to such a positive start. So I really
hope this video has been useful for you. Please let us know in the comments below
which of these tips you'll be implementing, if not all six, to wipe that
slate clean after Christmas, bring your energy right back up again and detoxify
your blood, your lymph system, and your digestive system. So as always, join us over on
social media, we love connecting with you over there, and give this video a thumbs
up. And share it with those in your entourage who might have overdone it too
this Christmas and we will see you next week on Veggie Magnifique TV!
Belle année sur laVieDesChats - Duration: 3:23.
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The Best Chinese Music Without Words (Beautiful Chinese Music) Vl 2 - Duration: 57:34.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
Andrea Tonoli PF 2018 - Duration: 2:06.
日本深夜節目:正妹嗑激辛料理...畫面讓人全想歪!! - Duration: 4:12.
가수 박기영 이혼 후 우울증을 극복케한 불후의 명곡이 맺어준 인연이란? - Duration: 6:17.
How I Make Money Online
Polémique Maison à vendre : la prod' défend la famille accusée d'avoir - Duration: 3:43.
Volvo S80 2.4D Momentum 163PK - Duration: 0:58.
Volvo S40 1.9 D Europa - Duration: 0:51.
Laeticia Hallyday : ça se corse avec Sylvie Vartan - Duration: 2:24.
Le coup monté d'Emmanuel Macron et Cyril Hanouna pour Touche Pas à Mon Poste - Duration: 3:07.
Quanto ci VEDI bene? Fai il test - Parodia Scienziati MAI - Duration: 1:29.
Grande Fratello Vip: Cecilia e Ignazio a Trento con altri due vip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.
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Live with Stephanie Ruhle December 29, 2017 | Stephanie Ruhle MSNBC 12/29/17 - Duration: 42:00.
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Gossip Stefano De Martino: vacanza sulla neve con Gilda Ambrosio e Santiago | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:37.
Her First Week of Life! - Duration: 12:39.
- Good morning, guys.
I am hanging out with Livia and Toby.
Hi Toby, good morning.
Today, we thought we'd give you a little update
about how she's doing and what it's like
having baby number seven,
Livia Hope, out in our family now.
Can you say hi, Livia?
- [Toby] Hi Livia.
- [Dad] Toby, you can say hi Livia, huh?
(upbeat music)
- Sleep last night was rough.
I don't think I even got an hour of sleep
until I woke Tim up at eight in the morning
and just had to say, "I can't do this anymore.
"You've gotta take Livia.
"I need like, at least give me half an hour
"so I can have some kinda sleep."
- It wasn't just Livia, it was the other kids too.
Hannah was up a few times.
Hallie was up.
Ya know, just was coughing and stuffy noses
and sore throats and just kinda sickness.
- I try to take care of them one of those times
whenever I was already up anyways and was like,
"Well, I'm awake so I might as well
"take care of them while Tim sleeps still,"
so we can balance each other out a little bit.
I got a good solid hour of sleep in from eight to nine
in the morning.
- Yay! (laughing)
- Awe, you're talking.
(baby sneezing)
- Little sneeze.
Those are little baby sneezes.
The other kids have loved having Livia around.
Have you loved having Livia around?
But it's kinda disappointing for them that
most of the family is sick except for me, Livia and Dana
and with runny noses and coughs and things.
So, we're trying to keep our distance a little bit
'cause we do not want Livia to get sick.
That makes you sad, doesn't it?
'Cause everybody really wants to hold her,
really wants to take care of her.
Nice that you have such a loving family around you
who really just wants to be with you.
Hopefully soon, Zeke, if you feel better.
Keep washing your hands, get some rest.
- Thank you so much for taking her.
- Yep.
- And letting me have some rest.
- I didn't mind getting up.
I kinda like having some time with her because
Dana gets most of the time, like all of the time.
I'm kinda glad I finally get a turn
just me and her for a little bit.
- She is fun to hold and cuddle.
I just wanna get some sleep too.
After such a rough night, I was actually looking forward
to getting to see some people today.
I mean, it's been a few days.
I feel like I've been cooped up which has been good
'cause I need to recover and I want a good recovery
before making it worse 'cause I have a record of--
- [Jim] Trying to work too quickly too fast and then,
it taking twice as long to recover.
- Being in here having such a cute little baby
helps a lot to, I mean, all my babies have been cute but,
you've been especially good at helping me recover
and stay in here and stay put.
- I thought you were gonna say I was
especially good at being cute.
- That too.
- I thought that's where you were going.
- That too, you've been especially good at being cute.
- Thank you, you're awesome.
Dana's doula just arrived this morning to check up
on Dana and the baby and do some other things.
So, that's what's happening now.
Kara's just put a big poopy in the toilet
for the first time.
Yay! All by yourself.
She wanted to.
- Did you go potty?
- [Dad] Yes, first time I haven't had to change a diaper
from her.
- My doula and my midwife both has said like
how well I did and it was a fast one.
So, it was just fun to get to see my doula,
visit for a little bit and then my midwife came over
and I got to visit with her, do some paperwork,
but just fun to see them.
I mean, they were at a huge part of our life,
of our family, a huge family event that they were at.
So, it was cool to get to see them.
- You're doing really well.
You couldn't wish for any better recovery, honestly.
- No, no.
I've been shocked by how well recovery's going.
- [Woman] Yeah, when I walked in, I was not expecting you to
just be even doing this well.
- Oh really?
- I mean, just being up and moving around.
- Functional?
I got one hour of sleep.
Thanks to Tim this morning.
- [Tim] She worth it?
- Oh yeah, she's definitely worth it.
It was lots of hard work but she was worth it.
- [Tim] Hi, you opening your eyes?
(baby crying)
The common question we get about having a home birth is
what about their birth certificate
and their, all the legal stuff that goes along.
Well that's what we're working on right now.
We're getting all that paperwork done
for her name.
Be officially Livia Hope Schmoyer.
- She's officially gonna be a person.
- [Tim] Yay, on record.
- I think she's gotten more beautiful.
- Thank you.
- Sweet girl.
- I love catching her dimple that she has.
- She does have a pretty cute one, doesn't she?
I wondered if you'd see it right away.
- And then I was really looking forward to you
taking Livia out of the house
so I could get another nap in today.
- It was her first time in a car seat,
first time in a car ride, first time out of the house.
- With most of our kids, we have taken them to the
chiropractor just shortly after being born and so,
Livia's gonna go see the chiropractor for her first time.
She's all dressed up in her first little outfit.
Leaving the house.
So she's gonna go get a little adjustment.
(soft music)
All tucked in, ready to go.
- [Tim] Say bye bye, Mommy.
- [Dana] Bye.
(baby crying)
First time to be separate.
I'm gonna nap.
- We do need to get a swing.
(soft music)
She's not liking that.
Turns out that Livia really does not like her car seat,
but she really does like cars in motion.
So, whenever we come to a stop light or stop sign,
she would start crying and then, as soon as we got like,
started driving again--
- She would calm back down?
- She would calm down again yeah,
so she really likes motion.
This is the chiropractor that we've been using, Dr. Heather.
Gonna adjust her, make her all aligned so she poops
and burps and eats and sleeps and everything.
- Zeke, our second kid was the first one
that went to a chiropractor as a newborn
because he was having some digestive issues
and I just wanted to get some kinks worked out,
figured he probably needed to get a little bit
of an adjustment to make sure things were flowing well
'cause they weren't before.
- They started flowing really well after that adjustment.
- At the appointment.
And so after that, all of our kids have gone in
for newborn adjustments and so, I just wanted
Livia to have an adjustment too just to make sure
that things were aligned correctly and that first day,
when she was drinking colostrum, she seemed to have
a little bit of a reflux issue and so, I figured,
eh, kinda like Zeke.
We'll go ahead and just call and set an appointment,
see when we can get her in.
(soft music)
- It can help a lot with digestive system
and getting things flowing through them.
It can help with-- - Which did work.
- Livia had her first dirty diaper since having,
as soon as my milk came in, she hadn't had a dirty diaper
in about a day and a half.
- [Tim] After being adjusted?
- [Dana] So, after she was adjusted,
things got flowing again.
- Helps with a whole range of things,
so that's why we thought it was a good idea to do it
and our chiropractor takes good care of us
and does a good job.
- While Tim was gone, I got a couple of text messages
from friends that had gifts to bring over of food,
which is like the best gift ever.
- That's like the season of life.
When I'm doing all the cooking 'cause Dana's up here.
- So that helps you out a whole lot and I enjoyed
the good food.
I'm sure you're a good cook but it's just a lot
easier when you have help with it.
- [Woman] Lasagna.
- Lasagna. - And bread.
- I saw some bread in there.
- All the carbs for the Schmoyers.
- Woo hoo!
Yeah, this is not, after like Dana gets back
her energy and stuff, her and I are both gonna start
losing some weight but right now, just time to celebrate
that we have baby Livia.
I think it's fun when other people are as excited
as you are about your baby.
That's what makes you get like ah, even more excited.
People bring things over and whether it's just like
cookies or meals or even just on Instagram
or something, ya know, when you have all the comments
of like, "Oh, she's so cute."
You're like, honestly, she probably just looks like
another newborn baby to you 'cause all newborn babies
tend to look the same.
But I think it makes a difference when you feel like
other people are sharing in your joy and your celebration
and excitement.
(upbeat music)
- I was really glad that you showed up after,
like right after she got here.
That way, she was able to see Livia and hold Livia
before I got to see Livia because I figured,
as soon as Livia knows Mom's around, then--
- She's gonna want to eat again?
- Yeah.
- She got to have some time.
- So she got some time with her before I was around.
(upbeat music)
- Another friend of ours came by and dropped off
some cookies that she made.
Has Livia Hope's name and initials on it.
There you go.
- Such a cute job, wow.
- [Tim] Good lookin' cookies.
They taste as good as they look?
- Mmhmm.
- Been fun that you guys have shared in that excitement
with us as well, including a little gift we got
from a subscriber of ours in New Zealand.
- It's adorable.
- Dear Schmoyer's, as soon as I saw your baby girl's name,
I just knew I had to get her something monogrammed.
Congratulations on your seventh edition, Livia Hope.
I wish you all the best as a family of nine.
Lots of love, a long time viewer,
Laura from New Zealand.
It's a little dress. - A little monogram.
- [Dana] Oh my goodness, how adorable.
- [Tim] Yeah, isn't that cute?
- Wow.
That is so adorable.
I love the back of it too.
- [Tim] This big bow and then the front that has
her initials.
- That's so cute.
- We're really looking forward to showing you guys
more about how the twins and the rest of our kids
have been interacting with Livia, how they've been
sick so we've been kinda separating them a little bit
right now but hopefully, next vlog you see,
they will be together having fun.
Can't wait to show you guys that.
So follow along our family story
and we will see you guys again on Monday, bye.
- Bye, think we both need some sleep.
- Yes.
Belle année sur laVieDesChats - Duration: 3:23.
成龍父子輪流玩弄的3個女星,章子怡形象毀了,第2位至今無人敢娶! - Duration: 3:15.
Hyundai ix35 2.0i CVVT 163pk - Duration: 0:54.
Hotel La Zubia, Spain (Europe). The best of Hotel La Zubia in La Zubia - Duration: 5:12.
Technique anti-âge : une seconde peau qui efface les rides - Duration: 4:50.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Hotel La Zubia, Spain (Europe). The best of Hotel La Zubia in La Zubia - Duration: 5:12.
Months Before Royal Wedding, Shocking Find Made At Meghan's Toronto 'Bachelorette Pad'. - Duration: 3:55.
Months Before Royal Wedding, Shocking Find Made At Meghan's Toronto 'Bachelorette
Prince Harry's finacée Meghan Markle was one of the many celebrities who threatened
to move to Canada if Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016, citing "misogyny"
and "divisiveness" as reasons to leave the country.
Well, he won alright, and now, a shocking find has been spotted at Markle's "bachelorette
pad" in Toronto.
Calling Donald Trump a "misogynist," Meghan Markle said she would move to Canada if he
were to win the 2016 presidential election, as it would be an easy transition for her
because she already spends a great deal of time there filming "Suits."
"It's really the moment that I go, we film suits in Toronto and I might just stay
in Canada," Markle said while appearing on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on
May 4.
"I mean come on, if that's the reality we are talking about, come on, that is a game
changer in terms of how we move in the world here."
"Yes, of course, Trump is divisive," added the actress.
"Think about just female voters alone.
I think it was in 2012, the Republican Party lost the female vote by 12 points.
That's a huge number and with as misogynistic as Trump is and so vocal about it, that's
a huge chunk of it."
"You're not just voting for a woman if it's Hillary because she's a woman, but
certainly because Trump has made it easy to see that you don't really want that kind
of world that he's painting," Markle went on.
Prince Harry's new love interest slammed Donald Trump as 'misogynistic' during
a TV interview and threatened to leave America if he becomes president.
Meghan Markle, 35, who stars in legal drama Suits, voiced her strong opposition to the
Republican nominee while appearing on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on May 4.
Protocol dictates that members of the British Royal family must remain politically impartial.
But the actress – who is not quite in the royal fold yet – tore into Trump, branding
him a divisive misogynist.
[Source: The Daily Mail]
Markle wasn't the only one who threatened to leave the U.S. if Trump were to become
Indeed, there was no shortage of liberal celebrities who promised to do the same.
Rosie O'Donnell, Miley Cyrus, and George Lopez also said they would flee the country,
just to name a few.
However, Markle has been the only one to make good on her word.
She is now living at Kensington Palace with the rest of the Royal family as she and Prince
Harry prepare for their March 2018 wedding.
That's not to say she wasn't fully prepared to move to Canada if her relationship with
Harry didn't work out, though.
Markle kept a bachelorette pad in Toronto, where she would stay during the filming of
For sale signs have since been spotted at the residence, indicating that the owners
who rented it to the actress are looking to cash in on the notoriety she had created for
the place, instead of renting it to someone else.
With the upcoming royal wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle definitely doesn't
need to rent out her Toronto home anymore.
She'll be living in a cottage at Kensington Palace after all!
However her former rental is now on the market for $1.395 million, according to Realtor.
The three-bedroom home was the soon-to-be royal's crash pad while filming Suits.
With a lovely backyard for kicking back during the summer and a cute little kitchen, we have
a feeling that the actress had quite a fun time in her Canadian home.
[Source: Lonny]
Truth be told, we're certainly not missing out here in America with Meghan Markle having
ditched the states for Britain.
She's Harry's problem now.
Good riddance!
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