On 31 December, it is a very special day, it is the last day of the year.
Time to make new promises and proposed new challenges ... although some will break
weeks later.
For most, they are always the same: "Travel a lot", "lose weight", "get
a couple "Finally ..
But Fulfill promises or not depends only you and what you do in the first moments
the year and if you are too superstitious certain rituals and if it's your case,
Today we bring you six rituals you must do with your family for the next year you
help meet all your goals ... Do not lose anything to try them not you think?
So if you want which are, I invite that you stay to see the next video,
and thank you very much to all of you for the support this year on behalf of the entire team
of Fun fact I wish you a 2018 filled many success and prosperity!
Now, are you ready?
Let's start!
1.-MONEY RITUAL TO ATTRACT ... One of the typical rituals in culture
Mexico to attract prosperity is sweeping coins.
If you had not heard this ritual we say what you have to do.
First, at midnight on 31 December, opens the front door of your house and
sweeps inside out.
This is to make everything bad and old.
Then place coins outside your house and you bárrelas inward.
2. RITUAL FOR TRAVELING ... They say if you want to increase your luck in
travel, you take a suitcase and run as far as you can.
The theory says that the more kilometers run with your suitcase in hand more kilometers
you do on your next trip.
However, there is also the belief you just have to surround your house while
They are playing the 12 chimes of the year again even advise adding many coins
on your left hand while you travel so that in truth never lack money,
what do you think?
Do you think this will work?
3. RITUAL TO ATTRACT LOVE ... The red color is always associated with love,
and they say that if you wear underwear red color, you will meet the love of your life
in that year, and if they say it's for something is not you think ?, anyway what does it affect us?
You do not lose anything and maybe you can win a lot, so we recommend it if you urges one
boyfriend or girlfriend, gets the new year using This type of underwear ...
4. RITUAL FOR ... get a better job If you're sick of your job or are looking for
one for the first time, pay attention.
Get three bay leaves and put them in your shoe on December 31.
Then, the next day take them out of your shoe and burn them.
They say this will increase your odds to get something better.
But always remember the phrase "choose job you like and not have to work
any day of your life. "
5. RITUAL CLOTHING BRAND ALL YEAR ... Something we all love to be at the
latest fashion throughout the year.
But that may be quite difficult, something that could help you next year
to fulfill this promise is one of these rituals.
And to follow fashion you have to do is to release something on your outfit of the year
They say this will bring good luck premiered round.
6. RITUAL TO ATTRACT GOOD LUCK The first person who enters your home can
bring good fortune or be a sign of bad auguries.
So pay attention to the surprise visits and better make sure that the first person
you visit the first minutes of the year is someone who has good wishes.
Another thing to what you put attention is everything you've borrowed.
Do not pay or let leave anything of value your house, say this can bring bad luck.
Best: flatters objects figure of elephant, pig or sheep and paid off any debt you have.
Only then will you be able to start the year with prosperity.
Comply or not your promises and goals just depends of you.
However, you can do certain things you throw hand, if there is a possibility that these
rituals help more harm then, Why not do it?
I hope you liked the video so much, if It is the first time you see one of my videos,
I invite you to spend see my other content and if you subscribe to your liking, do not forget
campanita activate the notification, which Have a great day and the next
For more infomation >> 6 Rituals You Should Do In New Year To Have Money, Love & More | Curious fact - Duration: 4:03.-------------------------------------------
Monson police searching for house break-in suspects that left items behind - Duration: 0:28.
MINI Countryman 1.6 Cooper S ALL4 - Duration: 1:01.
all right light shine your magic down on these awesome pulls that we're about to
have in episode number four a budget battle
what's up pokemon fans it is Thursday I'm super excited because every single
Thursday both myself and fellow Pokemon youtuber leonhart do a series called
budget battle that's where we have a certain dollar amount that we can not
spend over and today's dollar amount is $28 and why $28 you ask hmm because it's
the 28th of December see how creative we're getting there so we can only spend
$28 and then you guys yes you all of you the PokéFam nation and the heart squad
get to decide who had the better pulls guys the power is in your hands let's go
inside and find some good deals hopefully hopefully we can find some
good deals you think we can I think we can let's do it all right so we're gonna
try our luck at Walmart we always know that Walmart has pokemon cards but it's
just a couple days after Christmas so will they have a good stock and they
probably don't have any deals going on so fingers crossed fingers crossed guys
let's uh let's go inside not hit by this car let's do it I say some pokemon cards
so if you take a look this is what I have to choose from there is pretty much
nothing here and it is a pretty big mess as well man this is going to be hard $28
with barely any booster packs there is some burning shadows right down here and
really that's about it I mean they don't have go there's some crimson invasion as
well but I don't think there's anything to be any Guardians rising there's a 10
right there has opened up maybe they'll give that to
me for less than $20 I doubt that oh I doubt that would be happening and then
there's some boxes down there okay guys we got to find something and I think I
know what I'm gonna do so these right here are 12.98 but at walmart.com they
have them for nine dollars and some change so I think I'm gonna get one of
these for about nine dollars and then we're ahead to another store and see if
they have a bigger selection and maybe some Guardians rising try to pull that
secret rare double colorless energy there's just not a whole lot here and I
would rather try not to get a collection box because that's gonna take up a whole
lot of our money we want to try to get as many booster packs as possible and I
feel like I feel like there's a dollar tree a dollar tree trip in our future
let's take a look down here anything oh there's a booster pack right back down
there's a sad Rowlett sad Rowlett let's end the scene with oh no that's an angry
rowlett all right guys there we have it 977 for the three pack
blister with Lucario and crimson invasion we did it we did it it's pretty
empty down on this side but over here it is actually kind of full and what do we
see right here oh my goodness they have it guardians rising 3-pack blister do we
get Turtonator do we get Vikavolt I'm thinking Turtonator so guys I think I
want to get this alright guys let me give you an update 9.77 for the Crimson
invasion 3-pack thirteen ninety nine for the Guardians rising 3-pack that brings
us to 23 76 correct me if I'm wrong will we round that up to twenty four dollars
so that gives us six dollars left and where do you think we're gonna go the
Dollar Tree of course check this out they actually have no Dollar Tree
booster packs they have the box for breakthrough but I looked in here and
there is no breakthrough booster packs or any other sets so we're gonna have to
try to find a different solution here we have six dollars left there is a pokemon
card back there is that a Noibat all right guys let's go try to find
something as I was walking out I saw this box right here so
or in luck we got some burning shadows in here and it looks like it is a box
full of burning shadows Oh and Guardians rising too so here's what I ended up
getting two burning shadows when I bought all the rest of the Guardians
rising and they had which was four booster packs
I'm excited guys let's do it all right PokéFam nation it is time to open up
the booster packs for today's budget battle with none other than fellow
Pokemon youtuber leonhart we do the series every single Thursday on both my
channel as well as this channel and the power is in all of your hands you decide
who had the better pull so after you watch both of our videos make sure you
comment in both of our comment sections who had the better pulls guys the power is
in your hands I will have a link to leonhart's video down in my video
description down below if you have yet to watch his part of today's battle and
guys guys might I say I think we did a great job for $28 why did we do 28
because it's December 28th we're getting creative here we're having fun and for
$28 you know what I think I got a nice little Pokemon card haul we got six
booster packs from the Dollar Tree right here four guardians rising and two burning
shadows I bought all the guardians rising they had left
we got three three crimson invasion of booster packs with the Lucario promo
that we're going to give away to you guys and we have the three pack of
guardians rising with the Turtonator that we are going to give away to you
guys as well turtonatore that sounds hmm that sounds like when you say that
really fast that does not sound like the Pokemon that it is and just to show you
I got it for the price of what I said I got it for here is the receipt from
Walmart right here as you can see it was originally twelve ninety eight and nine
seventy seven is what we got it for nine dollars and seventy seven cents i price
matched it from walmart calm so here's a screenshot from the price match that I
did it with here is from Meijer $13.99 for the Guardians rising three pack and
then boom right there six Dollar Tree booster packs Oh Dollar Tree booster
packs I actually love Dollar Tree booster packs I'm going to let's go
ahead and open up open up all this stuff right here so we can have all the
booster packs ready to go alright fast-forward okay girls and guys
have everything out of the package the booster packs are ready to go we have
the turtonator promo as well as the lucario promo I'm going to give these
cards away to you guys because you're awesome
all you have to do is obviously be a subscriber so go ahead and smash that subscribe
button and then in the comment section down below just let me know who won
between Leonhart and RealBreakingNate it's okay if you choose Leonhart it's a
friendly budget battle between Leonhart and myself so whatever you
think is the honest winner go ahead and put it down the comment section down
below then tune into next Monday's video that should be January 1st to see if you
won this January 1st of 2018 that's crazy 2017 is almost over and of course
as always whenever you enter a giveaway or you try to claim a prize please make
sure you have your Guardians permission before you do so alright guys and then
let's give away the code cards to you because you deserve them because you're
awesome we always give away the code cards in every single video and then
there is both of the coins that we got right to there
I like that Shaymin coin and I liked it has kind of got like a little green tint
to it and if you couldn't tell greens my favorite color alright should we open up
Guardians rising crimson invasion or the Dollar Tree booster packs first I think
I think that I'm going to this may sound weird but I would say the Dollar Tree
booster packs for last maybe we can redeem ourselves if we're
having some bad luck let's go ahead and start off with crimson invasion right
here so technically we have a total of 6 12 booster packs all together I mean
technically technically 12 all together alright guys here we go here we go throw
trash on the ground world tour 2017 here's the code card right there alright
1 2 3 4 1 2 and then we have already starting off with a bird and what do
birds do birds can fly fly away birds fly away we have a skiddo
a Weedle and alolan Geodude and aron and energy let me file that away my energy
filing cabinet right back there we have a grumpig that's minccino a
Haunter haunt haunt haunt reverse holo fighting memory and then we
have an escavalier as are rare so we're not starting off
with the greatest of pulls but we're only one booster
and and the excitement is just starting we got back from our adventure of
hunting for pokemon cards now we get to open them all up another code card right
there now how has your crimson invasion pulls been my actually haven't been too
bad to be honest with you all right misdreavus Chimecho a skiddo a Karablast
a swablu an energy file that away a counter catcher a Haunter a
sea of nothingness sad sad card we have a reverse holo Salazzle all right there and
then our rare is going to and octillery okay moving on to our very last crimson
invasion booster packs we have yet to pull a holo rare so that's not a good
sign that's not a good sign to win guys all right here we go coupe card right
there claim it pull something amazing let me get that straight for you so you
can see it one two three or one two three four one two all right here we go
we have a pumpkaboo it's not Halloween but we'll still take it and Exeggute a
Weedle a Shellos a Bunnelby here we go for my Bunnelby impression Bunnelby Bunnelby
I'll be there right I know you can laugh it's okay
it's okay we're just having fun here energy file that away oh oh yeah
oh oh yeah oh oh yeah reversal Jigglypuff and then our rare Oh our rare
is going to a holo holoo Milotic right there such a gorgeous pokemon and it
evolves from such a not so gorgeous Pokemon I know don't hate me Feebas but
you know you know you don't got the best of looks but we still love you we still
love you nonetheless all right going on to guardians rising I'm looking forward
to these Guardians rising if such a great set has a lot of great cards from
it and a lot of playable cards as well there's the code card right there it's
been it's been been kind of hard to find some Guardians rising in stores lately
at least in my area let me know what's it has been hard for you let me know in
the comment section down below what's it has been hard for you to find
vanillite a gligar a Litwick a Clefairy a tentacool and energy
sudowoodo a rescue stretcher Hakamo-o reverse holo nosepass and
then are rare l know oh no guys oh no not an Oricorio anything but the
Oricorios you know you know those Oricorios haunt me we pull way too
many of those if you're coming over from Leonharts channels may be their first
time that you're seeing my channel we we have a i want to say a love-hate
relationship with Oricorios but it's more on the latter side then I just it
just baffles me every time we pull an Oricorio and then you know what you
know what the hashtag is down with Oricorio down with Oricorio we do not
like the Oricorios I'm sorry I'm sorry they haunt me birds flying
around everywhere I know I'm crazy alright guys move it on to the next one
here we go code card claim it and we just we just don't like Oricorios here
I'm sorry okay here we go here we go we have an Alolan Sandshrew a Machop a
chansey maybe you can tell me what pokemon you don't like down below chansey
a snorunt a Pancham an energy an aqua patch enhanced hammer Glalie reverse
holo Delibird which is a great card to pull around this time of year and then
we have oh look at that we have a full art Hau with that Alolan Raichu
right there how how you doing how all right
yes yes so now we're doing good we're doing good now we got a nice ultra rare
pull a full art card right there look at that how look at that beauty how are you
doing you got to make that pun every time that you pull this card you have to
it's almost like it's almost like a rule okay and we have one Guardians rising
booster pack left can we pull another ultra rare from that 3-pack blister
I'd be pretty cool there we go code card all right
four and two all right Leonhart I hope your hope you're shivering in your
boots we got ourselves a full art over here Alolan Vulpix a slowpoke a
Machop showing those muscles all right here we go
Helioptile a murkrow an energy a watchhog a weepinbell
multi switch a reverse Lilligant and then are are you serious are you
serious I guess if we have to take two Oricorios to get a full art I guess
we'll do it but I cannot believe we pulled two of the same or Oricorio in the
exact same three pack it part see I tell it I told you they haunt me they haunt me
guys I'm not lying when I when I say that they haunt me that's the one downfall
for guardians rising for me okay all right let's move on to the dollar tree
booster packs let's go ahead and open up let's actually open up our burning
shadows first we have two burning shadows and then we have four Guardians
rising if you never bought a dollar tree booster pack they are one dollar
and you can pull anything from the set but you're not guaranteed a rare a
reverse holo or anything like that we have a Vulpix a Ralts and Whirlipede
a right there that don't forget this is $28 before tax we do not include tax
because tax is different in every state you go to alright another burning
shadows ooh a Charizard are you in this one Charizard we have a duskull an
Espurr a Seviper so we did not pull any rares from either of those burning
shadows Dollar Tree booster packs but we not we have four booster packs left can
we do it guys can we do it we have a Castform oh look at that a holo
Drampa from a Dollar Tree booster pack guardians rising and then an energy that
will just file right back there look at that holo Drampa right there
it always reminds me of I cannot think of his name but it's from a Never Ending
Story if you've ever seen Falcor that's at Falcor Falcor from Never Ending
Story that's what Drampa always reminds me of and I feel like maybe maybe it's
kind of based off of it I'm just saying I'm just saying
alright guardians rising up next we have three booster packs left can we do
it guys can we do it we have a Chansey a Delibird
and then an Aether Paradise conservation area of such a long title
for a card alright too packs left come on one more ultra rare
one more ultra rare we have a trubbish a reversal holo Rockruff
and then another energy there we go we'll file that away right back there
I'll put that right there okay our last booster pack last booster pack of
guardians rising shine your magic down guys hit that like button show some
support for this last booster pack see if we can get some awesomeness in this
last booster pack Machop doing the dab I know you guys want me to do it so I'll
do it here we go here we go okay I did it I did it all right here we go we have
a Machop and another Machop wah wah - two machop's and then Alolan Graveler
alright Machop in everywhere alright so let's take a look at everything that we
ended up getting all our reverse holos right here we got Rockruff Lilligant
Delibird Nosepass Jigglypuff Salazzle and then a fighting memory and then
all of our rare stuff goes to and do I even want to say their names but I have
- we have a halo Drampa an Oricorio an Oricorio holo
Milotic and octillery and Escavalier and then the best card that we pulled
from this entire video is this full art Hau with the adorable Alolan Raichu
I actually really love this full art that is a cool-looking full art I
always say this every time but I love the flowery HawaiianAlolan pattern
in the background alright guys like I said the the power
is in your hands who had the better pulls make sure you let us know in the
comments section down below was that Leonhart the hartsquad or was it
RealBreakingNate and the PokéFam nation guys I always love doing this video with
Leonhart every single Thursday it is so much fun and I'm so glad that both of
our positive fun Pokemon communities can come together have some fun together it
just were a great time and enjoy pokemon together is just it's unbelievable and I
just absolutely love doing this every single Thursday for that reason and
Pokemon fans don't forget we are giving away this Volcanion mythical
collection box so every time I upload a new video all you have to do is leave a
fun and positive comment in the comment section down below or answer one of the
questions that I asked in that videos that day and then obviously be a
subscriber on January 1st is the last day to enter to win this and then on
January 2nd we will announce who won the volcanion mythical mythical mythical
collection box all right PokéFam nation that is it
for today's video I had a blast hanging out with all of you awesome
people so make sure you come back for tomorrow's video so we can hang out some
more and in the meantime check out some of the previous Pokemon videos that you
see on the side your screen right over here we got this one or if you want to
catch up on the hidden Pokemon card series that we do every single Friday
here on the channel here is the playlist it is so much fun the new one is
tomorrow so catch up right here or rewatch them or there's many many many
more fun Pokemon videos here on this channel guys I hope you have a
phenomenal day and I will see all of you all of you awesome people in tomorrow's
video peace love and a high-five
Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDi 110 pk S tronic Ambition / LED / 18" - Duration: 0:58.
[PUBG] 仕事納め![TPS] - Duration: 3:12:31.
小S的「3個女兒」被砲轟俗爆了!如今逆襲越長越美,基因真是太強大了! - Duration: 9:59.
小S喝ㄎㄧㄤ狂撞黃明志 力宏轟趴曝光4億豪宅 - Duration: 5:19.
Me Mover FIT 2 0 Basic Worlds Best in Outdoor Fitness - Duration: 2:42.
Want This Amazing Gadget Click Link in Video Description: http://amzn.to/2loaWIr
Lady Christy - One more chance - Duration: 3:25.
Comment bien choisir son jean en fonction de sa morphologie ? - Duration: 18:43.
Booba - Cartoon for kids
Meant To Be, Wings of Fire Animatic - Duration: 1:37.
oh no its that intro again
hey fun fact:
guess what
i made this in artstudio pro
turns out gradient is super hard to find but its there
oh also you can import stuff
uh oh moonie's having a vision
oh its a happy one yay
so yeah (f)artstudio pro has infinite layers
so i didnt delete any and i had like 74 at the end of making this
but using text is annoying now
but they get really laggy if theyre too big and thicc
CHUN CHUN!!! vs the BRY BRY!!!
so yeah artstudio pro is lit but also weird but still pretty lit
its like
um yeah i hope u had fun looking at my weird captions
the videos almost over
black screeeeeeeen
i only have one patron, so he's extra special :>
why are you still reading these
boi go outside and do something
or sit inside and do something
like read a book
or play a game with people and be social
also stop asking me for requests its getting kinda annoying
anyways why are you watching the end screen no one does that
dude what r u doing with your life
k well you made it to the end congradulations XD
FIRST VIDEO IN SPANISH: 25 FACTS - Duration: 7:31.
Les traitements médicaux du diabète de type 2 - c0ns3ils - Duration: 8:18.
CBC NL Here & Now Thursday December 28 2017 - Duration: 33:24.
WHO IS THE MOST HARASSER? - Most Likely To TAG - Who is more prone to - Duration: 10:55.
Domenica In: lite tra le sorelle Parodi? - Duration: 3:55.
Spotlight - 2015 Ford F350, 8" Lift, 24x12 -44's, and 38's - Duration: 4:25.
Hey, guys, Fuller again with Custom Offsets.
Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.
I've got another vehicle spotlight for ya.
This is a 2015 Ford F-350, so finally not a Chevy.
It's got some 24 inch wheels and like eight inches of lift.
Let's go.
♪ Big trucks, decked out ♪
♪ Rollin' through the wood and they flexed out ♪
♪ Rims so big and the windows black ♪
♪ Got the light all lit up ♪
♪ Double chromed out stacks ♪
♪ Yeah, we let it get 'em dirty ♪
♪ But still they so clean ♪
♪ Custom Offsets team stands to achieve ♪
♪ They on top of it now ♪
♪ We ain't never gon' fade ♪
♪ So you better get ready ♪
♪ We're taking over the game ♪
(hip-hop music)
Alright, so this truck's got a lot going on.
So, I'm gonna do my best to try to explain it
and kinda touch on a majority of what's done to it.
So, first thing's first,
it has these giant dirt lodging coilovers
which you can see here.
So, the dirt lodging coilovers are an eight inch coilover,
but this truck already has a six inch rough country on it.
It's a six inch four link kit
and so, you have to buy that kit first
and then you can upgrade your coilovers.
So, these coilovers are sold separately.
They're about 3,600 bucks, so it's a pretty costly upgrade
but I gotta say, we just took it down the highway
and the ride quality is definitely better than what
you'd expect to get out of your standard eight inch lift.
So, for wheels and tires on this one,
he's runnin' the two piece fuel cleaver.
This one's the gloss black with the milling around the edges
as well as the rivet style on the face.
We'll do a bill test for ya.
This is a 24 by 12 negative 44.
So, if you go all the way back,
you know, to the back where these spokes are on a 12 wide,
you're just shy of that six inch slip.
Just shy.
And then in front of 'em, probably about five,
five and a half.
So, plenty of lip these for a 12 wide.
Again, negative 44 offset.
And for tires, he's runnin' 38s on this.
So, 38 tall and then 13 and a half wide.
So, usually you're seeing 12 and a half,
this is 13 and a half wide.
And again on that 24 inch wheels.
So, you can see he's got a pretty decent stance there.
He does have aftermarket front and rear bumpers.
We'll show you the back one in a bit.
LEDs all over the place, behind the grill,
iron cross bumper like I said.
He's got the light bars here, tow hooks, spider headlights,
he's got a aftermarket cowl hood as well.
These lights on this side are pretty cool.
These are from Go RECON, they light up red.
And then you've got your corner lights on the mirrors,
these are smoked out, color matched top there.
So, out back he's got PMF track bars, you can see there.
And then, also has the block kit.
Fitment on the back, obviously no problems.
He's got the mud flaps here.
Again, the iron cross rear bumper as well.
And I believe these are spider tail lights also.
He's also runnin' the MHI aftermarket tip
on the exhaust here, kind of a cool hexagonal shape.
And then as well with the rear suspension
he also an airbag kit.
Now, we didn't install this,
but it's kind of just like a helper bag system.
So, when you're halin' heavy loads,
you've got the bed loaded up,
you can pump up the airbags there so you don't have to worry
about squatting too much.
Initially, we just installed the coilovers in the front
and this thing sat like this, but you can see now,
if you back up a lil bit, she sits pretty level.
But I think that's about it, so that's your 2015 F-350
on some 24s and 38s, peace.
(hip-hop music)
3 solutions naturelles pour soulager les maux de gorge - Nouvelles Santé - Duration: 6:33.
Wonderful Life - Duration: 4:05.
You don't have to sing if you're not in the mood
It's so hard to sing when you just don't want to
I'll sing it for me and I'll sing it for you
Oooh, oooh, oooh
I'll sing it for me, and I'll sing it for you
Oooh, oooh, oooh
It's a wonderful life
You don't have to sing, if you don't believe
It's so hard to sing when you just disagree
I'll sing it for you, and I'll sing it for me
Oooh, oooh, oooh
I'll sing it for me, I'll sing it for you
Oooh, oooh, oooh
It's a wonderful life
Sometimes it feels like your gonna lose
All of the love that's inside of you
But try to believe with tears in your eyes
That even when you cry
It's a wonderful life
Oooh, oooh, oooh
I'll sing it for me, I'll sing it for you
Oooh, oooh, oooh
To turn hope into faith, and faith into truth
Oooh, oooh, oooh
That there'll be a day, when you'll sing along too
Oooh, oooh, oooh
It's a wonderful life
But you don't have to sing if you're not in the mood
I'll sing it for me, I'll sing it for you
Oooh, oooh, even when you cry Oooh, oooh, it's a wonderful life
Oooh, oooh, through tears in your eyes Oooh, oooh, it's still a wonderful life
Oooh, oooh, through tears in your eyes Oooh, oooh, it's still a wonderful life
Oooh, oooh, even when you cry Oooh, oooh, oooh, ... it's a wonderful life
Réduction de plus de 25 % du risque de cancer avec deux tasses de café par jour - Duration: 7:04.
Aloe vera: proprietà, benefici e consigli d'uso - Duration: 6:11.
Lady Christy - One more chance - Duration: 3:25.
Iceta carga contra Ciudadanos por su "falta de iniciativa" pese a la victoria del 21-D - Duration: 2:40.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
BREAKING! TRUMP Just Took $285 MILLION From Them!! THEY WON'T MESS WITH HIM AGAIN!!! - Duration: 4:53.
TRUMP Just Took $285 MILLION From Them!!
During Barack Obama's presidency, he did all that he could to compromise America's
sovereignty and weaken our country with disgusting policies that favored our enemies around the
Obama also allowed floods of refugees and illegal immigrants to swarm over our borders
in an attempt to fundamentally transform the country into a socialist nightmare.
Obama then alienated our allies such as Israel and in turn, buddied up to Muslim nations
that pledged to do America harm.
To add insult to injury, Obama then handed the United Nations more power in our countries
affairs than ever before to pursue a one world government.
Everything was going along swimmingly for the global elite in their attempt to destroy
America until Donald Trump was elected.
Those plans to destroy the last beacon of freedom and hope in the world has been dashed,
and the left is beside themselves with anger.
Now, Trump just issued another blow to these anti-Americans which will show them not to
mess with the United States again.
Earlier this month, the left and the majority of Muslim world lost their minds when President
Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and pledged he would move
the United States embassy to that location.
Predictably, the left went into a meltdown, not to mention the Muslim world, promising
more bloodshed and attacks on the small nation.
Soon after the announcement, the United Nations, who has a long history of animosity toward
Israel, voted overwhelming to reject Trump's recognition of Israel's capital.
So Trump did what Trump does best, and has cut the United Nations budget by 285 million
dollars, the most significant budget cut in UN history.
The following is the statement that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley put out about this stunning budget
Today, the United Nations agreed on a budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
Among a host of other successes, the United States negotiated a reduction of over $285
million off the 2016-2017 final budget.
In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced the UN's bloated management and
support functions, bolstered support for key U.S. priorities throughout the world, and
instilled more discipline and accountability throughout the UN system.
"The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known.
We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain
This historic reduction in spending – in addition to many other moves toward a more
efficient and accountable UN – is a big step in the right direction.
While we are pleased with the results of this year's budget negotiations, you can be sure
we'll continue to look at ways to increase the UN's efficiency while protecting
our interests," said Ambassador Haley.
What makes this budget cut so interesting is that it comes right after the UN General
Assembly voted 128 to 9 against Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital
of Israel.
Even though the two are not related, this budget cut sends a strong message to the United
Nations that America will not be swayed and we will decide what is best for our country.
Even further, this budget reduction is a clear warning shot to other countries around the
world that are against Israel that receive funding from the United States.
Trump has publically warned other countries that voted against recognizing Jerusalem as
Israel's capital could witness their financial aid reduced too.
According to Reuters:
U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that
vote in favor of a draft United Nations resolution calling for the United States to withdraw
its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
"They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars, and then they
vote against us.
Well, we're watching those votes.
Let them vote against us.
We'll save a lot.
We don't care," Trump told reporters at the White House.
Our country is in tremendous debt and cutting aid to nations that despise us and our greatest
ally and friend is one way for us to save a few bucks.
For years under the Obama administration, our country was stripped of our countries
sovereignty and it is the time we take that back.
The decisions we make as a nation should not be based on what is best for the "global
community" but what is best for our country, and if they don't like it, they don't
have to be involved.
The United Nations was given way too much power by the Obama administration and President
Trump is just taking it back and handing it back to the people of the United States.
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