Let's get started ..
30 g dried red chillies
Dry roast all the spices on the medium flame until the raw color changes in to brown .
30 g cumin seeds
30 g fennel seeds
30 g coriander seeds
10 g cloves and cardamom , 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
30 g black peppercorns
10 g cinnamon
Add 3 tsp turmeric powder and grind it for few seconds
now this spice blends is ready to use for all types of biriyani and other cooking such as meat ,fish ,eggs and canned fish
For more infomation >> Biriyani Masala Recipe (1 )බිරියානි ඇතුළු තවත් ආහාර රස කරන බිරියානි මසාල රෙසිපි අංක 1 - Duration: 2:24.
The Perfect Razor for Every Day Shaving! - Duration: 0:59.
The Feather All Stainless Razor. Feather blade - perfect combination. Locks in place precisely.
Excellent for everyday shaving for men or women!
Auguri di buon anno 2018:immagini,gif animate,frasi originali,cartoline | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:05.
Gorgeous Elmwood Double Wide Home Model has 3 Beds and 2 Baths - Duration: 1:57.
Gorgeous Elmwood Double Wide Home Model has 3 Beds and 2 Baths
너목보 더크로스 김경현 감동 근황|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 6:02.
Auguri di buon anno 2018:frasi,aforismi,cartoline,immagini,video | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:09.
풀사이즈 픽업트럭 포드 F150·랩터 판매개시 - Duration: 4:38.
SHANIA 1993 Music City Tonight What Made You Say That - Duration: 1:57.
HEY TRIPPSTERS Shania Twain on Music City tonight back in 1993 oh my god okay this
was a show I used to watch and it was on a channel known as TN in the Nashville
Network which no longer exists but this show was one of the biggest country
music shows as far as interviewing country music stars and yes they did
perform live on the show and oh my god Shania Twain performed in 1993 and the
full episode of that show is online the link to that is in the description yes
it is right here on youtube and i have to thank elsa be 83-79 you are
unbelievable oh my god I did not know that there was even still copies of this
show around okay so thank you so much for sharing this
link with me and guys if you want to see Shania Twain perform what made you say
that live on 10 ends Music City tonight back in 1993 the link is in the
description and Elsa says that she will keep me updated on whether or not she
finds any more episodes of this show was she's not trying on it
so if she does I will let you guys know but Elsa thank you so much for letting
me know about this one oh my god talk about a step back into the past I loved
it I absolutely loved it so thank you so much for sharing this with me guys if
you want to see the show and yes it is the full episode in its entirety the
link is in the description Shania Twain performs right there at the beginning
okay so if you want to see Shania Twain perform back in 1993 what made you say
that link is in the description that is going
to do it for now this is Icepets Queen and I am tripping out
현대차, 상용차 대상 부품 · 공임 할인 실시..최대 34% 할인 - Duration: 2:09.
다임러트럭, 벤츠 뉴 유니목 유로 6 출시..판매 가격은? - Duration: 5:46.
'수입차 호시절'에 포드 등 판매량 감소한 까닭은? - Duration: 6:30.
다임러트럭, 무상점검 서비스 '나의 오랜 영웅 악트로스' 실시 - Duration: 1:42.
캐딜락 에스컬레이드, 美 컨슈머가이드 선정 '2018 베스트 바이' 수상 - Duration: 2:42.
한국타이어, '벤투스 S2 AS' 굿디자인 어워드 우수상 수상 - Duration: 2:05.
다임러트럭, 울산 야음동에 서비스센터 오픈..10% 할인 제공 - Duration: 1:34.
Al Bano e Romina Power : Padre e figlio insieme, la foto di famiglia sui social | K.N.B.T - Duration: 5:34.
[단독] 신형 프라이드·엑센트, 해외에서만 판다…현대·기아차, 판매 부진 소형차 '비중 축소' 원문보기 - Duration: 7:54.
볼보트럭코리아, 고객 자녀 대상 여름 어린이 영어 캠프 실시 - Duration: 3:08.
볼보트럭, FL시리즈 출고 기념식 개최..중형트럭 시장 공략 - Duration: 3:29.
The road to progress
Happy New Year 2018, what we accomplish during 2017 in Mexico Airsoft Community - Duration: 4:14.
I want to make a recount of the great achievements we had in Mexican
Airsoft; so stay with me to see this count down
HeyTactical YouTuber! Welcome to 350 FPS. 2017 is already finished
I wish you a happy new year and that this year
is even better than the one we finished
before starting. On behalf of
all Tactivloguers, Airsoft52, Bullet Proof Studios, Reno Airsoft Milsim,
Integral Airsoft and of course, YoLoL. Many thanks. I want to tell you
that we won a prize in the contest "Your Greatest Glory" G & G.
Our short "Adapt & Overcome" won a prize!
Thank you for that!!!
Something that I found very relevant is that this for the first time we had a
Mexican team that participated in the G&G World Cup CQB Shooting Competition
held in Tai Pei. Thank you very much Raul, many
thanks Gustavo. Thank you both for putting name of our country on the map
Airsoft World Map
from my point of view, a great achievement is "Operation Eagle
Claw " for the first time we completed a game of 16 hours
of continuous play, that is the exactl amount of hours
that were planned. Personally it gives me great pleasure to say that Played 13 of these 16 hours.
the experience was fantastic!
something worth mentioning
It was the play that was organized to support our brothers in Mexico
affected by earthquakes that occurred this year
well done Airsoft Players of Guadalajara!
It was a great experience, an excellent Big Game and has sincerely
put the bar very high for following Big Games that will bemade in this
country. don't worry, I do not mean that we all have to include an helicopter
but certainly the organization is something that we must emulate
The following is an accomplishment achieved by US; Yes! Tactical YouTuber, You and I
to participate in #YouTubeSpaceMx, it was something great
That was my quick count of what happened this year but I'm
sure I forgot something so please let's chat in comment area
below. Let's get the conversation started.
To you who already play Airsoft, I invite you to continue growing Airsoft in Mexico
Let's have less infallibles, less immortals, less unpunctual people
Let's visit more Airsoft Clubs. And for you that still do not play Airsoft, go for it!
Never forget that we are building the Mexican Airsoft, each and every one of us
with each our actions, all of them count, there is no small one
Before I leave, I want to invite you to support me using Patreon
click on this link. There is no small contribution
I thank you very much, thank to those already participating
and big THANKS to my first Patreon: Carlos,
Thank you for supporting this program and you that are watching
this video, go ahead! Together we can make more
far this channel. But above all thanks for being here
happy new year and we continue to see in 2018, and as always: See you on the field!
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