Whats going on guys its Wyatt with Marin Outdoors
For more infomation >> Running into friends while Kayak Fishing - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記 No.333【aware】 - Duration: 0:39.
Puffy Mattress Review
Laeticia Hallyday : Le jour où Johnny avait provoqué sa colère - Duration: 1:27.
【Shadowverse】巫師-馬納歷亞 法術法【無限制】 - Duration: 10:35.
Laeticia Hallyday ne laissera à personne le soin de s'occuper de l'album posthume de Johnny - Duration: 2:56.
Navigating tomorrow
WEIRD DREAM - Duration: 2:03.
Back in the day... Like 30 days ago, I was dreaming some serious sh*t.
It was like an LSD dream or something like that. I was at the football yard
The sky was red and there were a huge party with a bunch of people. I never ever saw in my entire life
It was night 3 AM and the sun's already begun to come up.
On the football yard
Everybody was dancing and some music was playing in the background
11-inch fondants were randomly dropped on the ground
and people used it as a... drugs maybe? I guess.
It was like drug.
Next to the yard, there was a huge white house.
Not the actual White House, but house painted white
It had huge pillars, on the side with a greeksih style, on the left
There was a totally normal flat, I did nothing with it at all.
The interesting thing was inside the white painted house.
I went into the house, and it was full of wasted people lying on the floor and sleeping.
There was a kid.
Let's call hime Jake, this time.
So Jake was a wierdo.
He didn't even know how to use the toilet, and he never did it in his entire life
So he crapped one of the corner and the walls and the pillars with his own stuff.
I went to the kid and said: "Jake that's pretty disgusting."
And then Jake just
Jumped out of the window I was like what the hell is happening here
I didn't know where should I go I wanted to call for help
But when I leaned out of the window Jake had no injuries at all
he just crawled back to the party and I was just staring out of the window
Didn't even know what to say. I just sat down and then my phone ranged and it woke me up
So that's it guys. It was one of my very, very wierd dreams
I hope you liked it, and if you did leave a like have a nice day guys.
Bye :)
Meu Primeiro MV De Phantom Forces. - Duration: 1:38.
Sky Chasers App Gameplay with Commentary - Duration: 9:47.
Hi everybody, this is anAboutThat and today
We are playing Sky Chasers on the iPad we're gonna go ahead and click to start and we are going to begin in world 1
Because why would we begin in world 2 or 3 or 4 when we could begin in world 1?
We are going to get started here!
All right, we have this group here. They're all talking about the finish something there's something in there. They're all happy about it
What could be happening? Oh my gosh! It's a box and the friends are all like oh my gosh that's so cool!
Okay, so they're gonna be the first in this box.
So, I'm gonna hold this screen-looking square thing in front of my face just like that.
All right. Now I'm gonna sit in this box. You know, boxes are pretty amazing
You could do a lot with a box. Like... oh look at this one this one flies.
Just tap my screen a little bit, and I am on the move.
This is why my friends were so excited everybody look at this. I got a box and the box flies
I mean that makes me the coolest on the block, right?
Oh, I'm gonna escape my house. I am out. I am out. I am soaring into the sky
Like Sonic the Hedgehog I am collecting all the coins
Not flying at the speed of sound, but I am flying and look at me go oh my gosh
I'm gonna keep it up, but I better not run out of battery cuz that'd be bad!
My battery goes up when I'm not touching the screen so good to know
Just let myself, hover. Oh, is that a recharging platform? Oh hold on... no.
That's a saving point, so I'll just subtract 25 and now I have a save point. That wasn't too bad.
I think we're good! Okay, now
it's getting intense. We got flying pumpkin things and water which don't seem good because if I fell into the water
I have a feeling I'm screwed, and if I hit those pumpkin things. I also think I am screwed
I don't want to find out what happens. I probably will find out what happens eventually but not now
Nothing like a
Cardboard box flying
Just keep it up.
Just gonna, yeah, land for a little bit. Do I want to save my progress? Sure, why not? All right.
Oh, look it. I got some more. Cool! And now I can resume. I'm all charged up. I'm gonna keep a flyin'
Where exactly am I going? I don't know, but this looks dangerous folks we got thorns and
spiders oh my gosh
and pumpkins!
I mean, I don't know what's worse, the spiders or the pumpkins.
Oh a hit and run. I got hit by the enemy. Apparently it's the pumpkins guys. Pumpkins. You can't trust them
Flying pumpkins no away
Spiders too. Spiders are crazy. Ugh, well these spiders at least. Oh man that was close. Do I want to get--
I'll do it. Okay, ooh the loot!
Glad I did that actually.
That was so worth it!
Okay, this is really tight.
Oh man this is not good. I'm dropping money!
Okay, oooh!
No, you didn't just explode!
Okay, so I resumed back at my saving point. I'm just gonna keep going here
Apparently if you get hit too hard... okay, yeah, there was that. Oh the pumpkins, the pumpkins!
It's all right. We'll make it. We'll make it.
Okay, maybe we won't or maybe we will we're just gonna-- you didn't go this route last time. We're just gonna, like, fall gracefully.
See where it gets us.
There's a lot of spiders here. I don't like this. Why are there so many spiders? They're edging up. I need to go down.
Go down!
Get out of the way spiders!
Free of that! There's more pumpkins.
Oh man! Oh man. Phew!
Okay, we're good here. We're all good here!
Nothing to see, nothing to see, I'm just floating by on my cardboard box. How did I get here?
You know, my friends put me up to it. Wait, this is where I started. What in the world just happened?
I went the wrong way didn't I?
And I just got hurt again in the same spot I got hurt last time.
We're flying and I'm gonna-- okay, back from the beginning!
Well not the beginning, but the midpoint, the save point.
There's gonna be the two spiders, and of course I'm gonna get hit again because I didn't learn the first time!
Okay, pumpkins!
I can't believe it.
It's like their one goal is to just attack.
Get all these coins from out of my cardboard box.
I'm surprised they just don't spill out on their own. Oh look at that. Look at that ruby thing. Oh, I just want the money! Nooo!
No! No! Give me the ruby!
Nooo! it was worth the try!
Three, two, one. Three two one! Let's go!
Perfect, I got the rubies. It's all I wanted.
That means I could continue this game. Successfully!
All right, we're gonna save here because it was a mess. That's good.
Gonna keep it up. Keep it up!
Watch out for t he crazy slime stuff. Oh right. Yeah, gonna get that diamond. Cool.
Diamond sapphire thing.
All right
Timed that good.
Sure, why not? All right, so we've saved. We got some more fuel.
Oh my gosh I see flappy bird up ahead. Do you guys? Yeah, I see flappy bird.
Why? Ooh.
Do I want to risk it? Should I risk it? I don't know if I want to risk this. It seems like a bad idea.
Seems like a very bad idea. I'm just gonna like edge along.
That was a horrible idea!
That was horrible.
And I don't want to get this cardboard box wet cuz then it'll just be soggy wet box and we all know how that is.
See how much easier that was? And I didn't have to get crushed.
More spiders, of course. Wait, I can go in the water?
All right, so apparently it isn't a big deal. Oh I see a key.
I want a key.
How do I get this key? I want to open this door.
How do I open this door? Do I land on it? Do I land on the box? No. I don't know what to do.
Oh man, oh, man, this is intense.
Apparently they didn't want me to go that way, so I'm gonna go this way. And I'm gonna save.
All right, is that a giant robot of doom that's going to attack? I really hope not... or is that my friend? That's a friend!
Hi friend!
Oh, he built some weird contraption. Aw, but it needs fuel. What are we gonna do?
Hmm. Where can I get fuel? Don't I have the option to buy that somewhere?
Um not at this rate.
I'm like completely empty. I'm broke. Oh never mind. I found the fuel.
Now I'm really weighed down, aren't I?
Gonna make it back!
Gonna help my friend! No!
No, you did not just drop the fuel! Get back there.
All right, cool.
Okay, I am running so low on fuel it hurts.
I'm stuck!
Guys it never ends. I just need to get past this level, just this level please! I gotta help out my friend!
He needs fuel and these spiders are in the way.
Gotta get out of the way! Gotta get out of the way!
All right, got the fuel.
Gotta avoid the spiders. Avoid the pumpkins. Avoid the spiders. Nope!
Oh, I think we did it! Yes! Awesome! And now he dropped the key, but I'm out of fuel.
No! No!
Okay three, two, one, commence! I am going to get to this key.
Happy friend! Got a key. Everyone's happy.
You enjoy that Iron Man suit friend!
I wish you well in your endeavors.
All right, this is some serious... serious stuff here.
This could turn bad very quick.
Oh gosh.
Well everyone, this has been anAboutThat and I have been playing Sky Chasers on the iPad. If you enjoyed the video,
please click that like button,
subscribe, and I will see you next time!
Laeticia Hallyday : Le jour où Johnny avait provoqué sa colère - Duration: 1:27.
#05 Blue Lagoon [ENG SUB] - Duration: 7:29.
Weekend has come...
Hello Guys !
Eh, No, That's (opening) belong to youtuber who already famous
Halo Everyone,
May peace be upon you
this fine Saturday....
We are riding to a beach for snorkeling
According to a friend, who already been there 5 times....
The place is beautfiul
Last time I snorkeling was at Redang Island - Malaysia
this trip will take about one and half minutes from our meeting point
We have been ride like 30 minutes or so,
and I just turn on the GoPro
Is that ?!!
Yes it is, I think it's mount Agung, which is still erupt
Can you see it?
Once we arrived....,
rent a life vest and then go into the water
Want to find Nemo,
or ............. Dory
After snorkeling happily
We are went to a restaurant which located at Pesinggahan
It's about 30 minutes from Blue Lagoon Beach
"The food came already, so fast"
"Of course, here it is, tasty"
This is one of the "Must try food in Bali"
So.., if you visit Bali, don't forget to come here.
Lunch is done, full stomach, time to go home
OK Guys, that's all for this video,
Thanks for watching
See you on next videos
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