this is such a nice dream and Rainbow Dash should I follow you
Oh Pinkie Pie oh my gosh she's so cute why aren't you playing you really should
be happy in a place like this let's eat some cake okay what hi everybody I'm
Paula and I am in creepypasta land this has been the most fun game to play you
have got to try it seriously so let's see what happens this
time I was happy to be able to come back and go to bed in my house seriously
because there was so much weirdness going on with Sonic CXC and we had the
tails doll and oh my gosh the girl I can't remember her name from The
Exorcist popped up on me and that was super creepy because that movie scared
me to death okay so let's see what am I supposed to do
where am I suppose oh the cabin in the woods was that Sally said to meet her
there I can't remember who said that but let's go see if we can find the cabin in
the woods and I think that's my mom let's see if she's got something to say
because she is not always there so that must mean she's gonna tell me something
I worked all day long and you were playing in the cold rain you really like
to do what you want when I am out I really care for you honey aww that's so
sweet go to your bed honey wait what I won't
let you sleep here this week this is your punishment I just went to bed I
just got up what for playing in the cold rain wait a minute I just went to bed
mommy what are you talking about okay maybe I just saved it didn't go to sleep
last night that could be okay so I'm sleeping and no nightmares tonight
you are sleeping okay no don't what oh it's a nice little dream wait no
I don't want you to chase me I don't know what the oh it's of my little booty
look oh is that rainbow - it has a rainbow
ah rainbow - I can break the sound barrier that's pretty cool all this is
so cute oh nevermind forget I asked you that again oh look there's butterflies
and pretty collars it's nice music and Link like what are you doing here cool
he didn't say anything he's just oh okay a man of few words I see how it is is
this Ben yes what a beautiful dream there are ponies and butterflies
everywhere and look at this guy he's really cool yes he is am i zelda no I'm
not he is as talkative as you what no he's
less talkative what are you talking about
okay well what do I do here this is such a nice dream and Rainbow Dash should I
follow you I don't know what I'm supposed to do oh look
Oh Pinkie Pie oh my gosh he's so cute why aren't you playing you really should
be happy in a place like this let's eat some cake okay what what pinkie leave
him to me what okay all right day four what is with my dreams they're
not very good ones okay pinkie pie is so cute why did he get so mean
she is Pinkie Pie is she I'm guessing peek oh gosh okay forget I said that
okay yeah uh Pinkie Pie's cute I'll give you that Pinkie Pie is really
cute until the eyes turned black and oh my gosh that's creepy okay you had a
nightmare with Ben you can really trust wait wait stop okay
you had a nightmare with Ben can you really trust in him I don't know your
mother has already went to work okay can I leave maybe I can go look for that
cabin in the woods now yes okay so she left so I was just supposed to go to
sleep hey Ben what's doin bud wait what okay good morning Paula something
happened you look strange anyways let's go to the theater I will show you the
way awesome are we gonna play with Sally Ben is walking with you now that Ben is
walking with you now
okay we're going to the theater wait how is he showing me the way if he's behind
me oh okay somebody's gonna show me the way
good morning good morning Muffy we need to go to the theater today is this okay
wait why do we have to get permission from him
yes I checked the mountains I guess and River this morning everything is okay
and the day is clear I think that you can go where you want to go awesome
no more Slenderman jump scares maybe thanks Neffe Muffy what I really
appreciate that so Paulo let's go okay awesome I want to
go to the theatre what are we gonna watch watch out around this place
anyways if you need something come and talk to me okay we'll do love your
moustache yes the best ever awesome okay let's keep things that
happened like our secret even if we tell him he probably won't believe us all
about the tails stolen everything and Sally okay we'll keep that secret Ben
where's the theater I don't know how you go to the theater do we go that way
he's not gonna let us look look at this oh nevermind he is it's gonna say can't
go no we can't go awesome okay so is this the way there's a bridge don't fall
in the water Ben Ben stopped Oh Ben drowned he's probably afraid of
water maybe or is that water I don't even know but it's a bridge right okay
Paula you like creepypastas do you think that I'm a monster yes I do I think
you're a monster I'm not a monster I swear I am a normal
person like you I thought that you were my friend would you drown me what I'm
not gonna click yes well that would be really creepy no of course not
for one moment I thought that you were one of the demons - I am relieved now
because I don't even know how to swim oh my gosh wow this is just creepy it's
really creeping me out you have your reasons to think that I'm a monster but
I will show you that I can be a great friend
awesome Ben I'm just glad to know that don't dress okay who is that what is
that stop now this woman was possessed by a demon called zogo oh we usually
have to explain this in a scientific way I like to call it the sagas disease and
this disease is all around this town oh wow the government was going to throw a
nuclear bomb here okay that's creepy and destroy all signs of life in this area
but our foundation would never let this happen
creepy wow that is really really creepy and are you supposed to be a MIB is that
a minim black what what is it MIB I don't know don't say stupid things I am
Christopher one of the four royal knights from the SCP foundation we are
Secret Service wait SCP that sounds familiar why does that sound familiar
the SCP from creamy positive Oh what is that that website that you
found on the Internet it's just a thing to think that the real
isn't real so we show ourselves in public to confuse people okay I'm
confused as anybody else confused are you confused I am really confused
there's another point you are just children but my orders are to kill
anyone who spreads secret information so nothing happened here okay oh nothing
nothing happened okay I guess can you give me a cellphone number to an
emergency or something like this we from SCP can have a number for a long time
wait I am having trouble reading this okay so my current cell phone will be
destroyed after this mission anyways here's the number Christopher gave the
cell phone number to bed awesome we have a cell phone number let's call it better
not say 666 anywhere it's better for you to stay home no that's boring until we
content we secure contain and protect all this area of Lagos disease maybe
we'll meet again ah oh no oh they disappeared okay well
let's go well I go home then I'm gonna go home
is this the theater awesome I think we found it
maybe it's probably a fake skeleton that was used in the theater okay that's just
a little creepy why is that creepy do you want some popcorn yes
wait Oh see what's above you want save your progress never mind I got to save
that's cool
okay we get to pick a door whoa wait what's that what was that what I guess
we go and the one that's open okay
can we sit down no we have to talk to the person on stage oh my god I was not
expecting that Squidward is that Squidward's suicide oh my gosh there's a
red mist on the room go away I want to stay alone go away go away what is squid
we're doing here oh my gosh that was creepy did that creep you out I was not
expecting that and this I should have been but I wasn't no no no I want to
stay alone there's just one way to do that
Oh Oh what Squidward's suicide no no no what right here he did all of us so
creepy the clarinet sound is still playing oh
oh oh my goodness why was that the mist disappeared this is creeping me out okay
I'm gonna have nightmares what was that did you see that face in the mist yes I
did and it creeped me out and it was scary really scary Ben I want to go home
okay I want to go home I want to go back to sleep but no nightmares or anything
like that I just want to go and Sally is gonna come I don't know Sally creeps me
out to you let's go to the other room this one is pretty scary yes let's go to
the other room definitely let's get out of here
I don't like it let's go over here and relax and have popcorn and have fun okay
what is this ghost use curse ghost when it's ghost okay this is creepy ole
everything is like dark what whoa wait what is this
what's going on so lonely won't you join me
oh gosh what do I do run pray fight missing know what I don't know I'm gonna
pick the wrong one what is missing no
let's fight
no buried alive wants to fight oh my gosh you're terrifying stop stop okay
come on we can win no no game overino oh no Paulo let's find Sally fast or we
will die in this insane place the theater wasn't like this before
Diaz right there's a curse around this town oh gosh this is creepy on the other
hand the SCP guy said that this is a disease I'm really confused what is it
wait oh I didn't know where to go where Sally Sally come please
oh gosh get out of this place oh there's another one open or did we already go
there oh no we didn't Oh Sally help help us I'm playing with my friend Jack oh
that sounds fun Oh No I lost jack okay no it doesn't
sell fun anymore what who is eyeless jack please that
sounds really creepy I don't want to go on can I just stop like here like
seriously no laughing Jack Oh
laughing Jack that sounds better oh no it doesn't I take it back I take
it back who is laughing Jack who's eyeless jack
I don't know I gotta look this stuff up oh my I'm going crazy with this I think
that I could die any moment these creepypastas are going to explode
my body of fear why are you afraid he isn't a bad guy he's laughing at all
okay I'm glad he's not bad this is intense that lad Sally please
let's get out of this place I'm not feeling well I fill something in my
heart and my Dino then you can't drown this is Oh oh my gosh that picture is
scary this is bloodthirst what your heart wants blood what well wait a
second are you saying that I'm filling this pain in my heart because I know no
Ben no no you can't escape from your destiny you won't be one of us soon
oh my gosh no no I will never be insane like you Jeff slender break and Sonic
yes he exe I will keep my mind and my soul solid good good don't bend oh no no
Ben won't no he won't he will never please Ben no seriously okay you're
already with two curses tails dawn ghosts just one more Oh No No
Jack isn't physical now go away Jack stay out what do you have to say Sally
these are the creatures that you are protecting do you prefer them than us
oh she's thinking yeah Sally think you're just an insane girl like them I
could never call you a friend you never will have a friend because you are scary
and insane I oh she's crying oh poor Sally Sally just
be nice she needs to be nice why are you crying
because you said that that I'm scary and insane
I just want to have friends my childhood was hard and they did bad things to me I
I just want somebody strong to me my friend and to protect me from the
outside world oh she needs hope Sally needs help we have to help her sorry I
didn't know that I feel really guilty now Sally you should know that you can
always trust us we are in the same situation you're not alone ah that's a
nice really so we can be friends sure one time you said we will be
friends forever even after the death we will be friends so let's make a promise
oh good we will be friends forever we will be friends forever
I really appreciate that friends forever what about you Paula
do you also want to say yes yes so this is it we promised each other now nothing
can stop her from ah I made two friends and that nice we will be friends forever
I remembered one thing my cousin is the one that takes care of me she is very
busy and don't doesn't have time but today she's here the theatre awesome
she's working with Dee maybe she knows something that can help us let's talk to
her okay sounds good
everything's happy now okay salia better walking with you now okay
well let's go oh let's go back in for one second see if I can save oh no Ryan
yeah oh wait can we throw something away in the trash there's a metal inside but
you can't grab it without the green metal oh no where do you get the green
metal oh oh I think I missed a metal I haven't been checking trash cans this is
sally's bed do you what no no thanks okay that was weird I don't
want a nightmare thank you very much okay so now oh there's another room who
is that wait yes oh that's creepy this computer just showed this image
probably part of the game and yet seeking oh my gosh stop I'm pretty sure
that was Pinkie Pie let's look at the other ones this computer is turned on on
minecraft do you want to play yes no no I take a back that was stiver what's he
called in creepypasta even minecraft is possessed by this demon yes that's
creepy oh gosh they're not supposed to make
minecraft scary silicide mouths what are we cursed ik no we're not cursed again
Ben no I heard that that's his last curse if he has another one Ben you're
not cursed no they ignore that oh that's creepy
so creepy I'm afraid now sally thanks the demon stuck me here and can't kill
me because of my mask I want to mask seriously this mask protects me from
dark power D is the one who created it so you're Sally's cousin I am relieved
now now I know that I must trust in you so I will show my face
my name is Samara or Sameera I'm not sure I'll say it nice to meet you too
now you look Sally twin sister your appearance
is exactly like Sally's appearance but I think that you are more beauty Sameera
ah that's not very nice to say in front of Sally do you want to die you're
stupid oh my gosh wow what happened to friends forever
well don't diss her okay thanks Ben but there's no time for kidding we need to
stop this curse and the one who unleashed this my mask protected you
from the suicide Mouse's curse but no good but now my
ask is weak and it will break you break you need to hurry and find it I'll pay
let's hurry I am also working with SCP foundation and we are minimizing the
danger around the town but D is the only one who really knows how to stop it oh
my gosh we got a hurry come on stop talking now it's night grab this key and
go to the abandoned house D we'll be there okay good you got the long key why
we because Paula is the chosen one I'm the chosen one uh-oh this doesn't sound
good I don't know the details but D will tell it to you now go to your house it's
too late don't bother D today wait I thought it said to the other I'm
convinced he's executing an important shield spell to contain the demons
inside the town Sally it's better for you to sleep in
Paula's house today because the place is full of this place is full of demons yes
it is that is a scary theater why did we go to the theater we didn't even see a
movie also watch out around the town the sonic.exe broke the spell so he could
kill you no you really know how to use words oh nothing like scaring us okay
let's get the heck out of here let's like go no looking at terminals I don't
want to see Pinkie Pie and look like a demon or anything like that wait what
about that one that door is not open it's locked this one needs an axe key
oh that sounds creepy that that creeps me out there okay let's say yes
and we're supposed to go home and go to sleep I suppose
I can't go through the water okay let's see if there's anything here we gotta
anything down here what's that you found a collectible yu-gi-oh card
you can see it on the key item screen awesome well we will look at that
okay white metal okay we got that
suicide mouse card oh cool
okay so I got another yugioh card that's just a little bit cool I'll know another
one okay why we'll look at these later
wait this is something
okay well let's go guys let's go back home let us out no stop what we can't
come out okay thank you geez
can we go to sleep now
I will ask your mother to sleep with her this night okay good so I will go home
now bye bye guys see you tomorrow bye Ben it's been so much fun yes it has not
that you're creepy or anything okay so I guess Sally's sleeping with her mom with
my mom okay there they are all they're so cute she we good talk to him see what
they say hey mom which do it Sally will sleep
here tonight go to bed honey it's late BYE MOM
see you later got to go to bed yeah and no nightmares tonight
okay I'm not having a nightmare there there are no nightmares in this game do
you want to save yes definitely okay so are we not able to go to bed yes go to
sleep okay awesome and no no no no I'm
sleeping I don't want a nightmare I don't like the nightmares Oh No welcome
to her worst nightmare let's have some fun kid oh my gosh not
my worst nightmare I'm afraid what
I'm actually repeat No
but anyway guys I will talk to you later you need to try this this is a really
fun game it's called creepypasta land and seriously I think you'll like it
I'll talk to you later bye
For more infomation >> CREEPYPASTA LAND PART 5 -- LAUGHING JACK AND PINKIE PIE -- RPG Maker Game - Paula Frye - Duration: 28:00.-------------------------------------------
Gallup: Obama, Hillary Clinton remain most admired - Duration: 3:04.
Gallup: Obama, Hillary Clinton remain most admired
Gallup poll: Obama is 'most admired man' for the 10th year in a row - Duration: 2:55.
Gallup poll: Obama is 'most admired man' for the 10th year in a row
Trump ends 2017 with big wins on economy, taxes, ISIS and more - Duration: 2:58.
Trump ends 2017 with big wins on economy, taxes, ISIS and more
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn's credibility - Duration: 2:43.
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn's credibility
Israel plans a Trump station as Trump-naming frenzy sweeps country - Duration: 4:16.
Israel plans a Trump station as Trump-naming frenzy sweeps country
영화 '1987' 개봉 첫날 33만명…2위로 출발 - Duration: 2:01.
THIẾT BỊ TRƯNG BÀY ĐIỆN THOẠI B1110 - SD Group - Duration: 2:38.
Meet the best rescue team in ...
U.S., Russia agree to join hands to resolve North Korean issue - Duration: 0:38.
The United States and Russia have spoken with one voice on North Korea,... saying they will
not accept North Korea as a nuclear state.
U.S. State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said Wednesday that both sides have
agreed to collaborate to resolve the issue through diplomatic channels.
The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution last week that toughened sanctions
on North Korea, limiting oil supplies that could be used to further develop the regime's
nuclear and missile programs.
Russia has offered to play the role of mediator to get the U.S. and North Korea back to the
negotiating table.
World's richest 500 see their wealth increase by U.S. $1 tril. in 2017 - Duration: 0:38.
It turns out 2017 was a great year to be one of the handful of super-rich.
According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the world's 500 richest people added one trillion
U.S. dollars to their collective net worth this year, more than four times the previous
year's estimate.
The top billionaires now control about five-point-three trillion dollars of global wealth, up almost
20 percent from 2016.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos gained the most this year, adding 34-point-two billion dollars
to his name and leapfrogged Bill Gates as the richest person in the world in October.
China exported no oil products to North Korea in November: customs data - Duration: 2:06.
Beijing says it has stopped oil product exports to Pyongyang for months now.
An unprecedented step in reponse to the regime's provocations, even going beyond what's required
in under the UN sanctions.
And as Kim Mok-yeon tells us, the unexpected cold shoulder got the hermit kingdom's attention.
Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday that China conducted a strict no oil export
policy towards North Korea last month.
Citing data from China's General Customs Administration, Reuters said that China had suspended exports
of gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and fuel oil to North Korea, a move that far exceeds what
it's required to do under the latest UN sanctions imposed last week, which limit refined oil
exports to the regime to half-a-million barrels a year.
This is the largest and the longest such sanction imposed by Beijing.
Previously, it had only suspended sales of oil products to Pyongyang for three days in
2003, following Pyongyang's missile test.
One North Korea expert said the latest move is expected to deal a significant blow to
North Korea's market economy, but added that crude oil exports are even more critical to
the regime itself.
(KOREAN) - "I think North Korea's market economy also
known as the Jangmadang will be hit hard by the cut in petroleum exports.
But since the data did not reveal details about crude oil exports, the state economy
could be less affected."
From early this year, trade between North Korea and China has been slowing, especially
after China banned coal purchases in February.
China's trade with North Korea fell to 388 million U.S. dollars in November, the lowest
volume recorded this year.
Beijing's grain exports to Pyongyang in November also dropped to record lows this year with
corn exports plunging 82 percent to 100 tons, and rice exports falling 64 percent to less
than 700 tons.
However, Chinese exports of liquefied petroleum gas to North Korea, rose 58 percent from a
year earlier to 99 tons, while exports of ethanol increased 82 percent to 3,428 cubic
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
Launch of 2018 PyeongChang Victory Ceremony - Duration: 2:08.
Standing atop the podium while their national anthem plays at the background.
Olympians push themselves for years for a shot at soaking in that moment.
Won Jung-hwan show us what's being prepared by the host city to make sure the ceremony
leaves a lasting impression.
The details of the medals ceremonies, or 'Victory Ceremonies', for the PyeongChang 2018 Winter
Olympics and Paralympics were revealed to the public on Wednesday.
"The awards ceremony will be a time to recognize the fruits of the athletes' efforts over the
years, as well as a time of joy and celebration for the global spectators."
Due to the cold weather and the locations of the ski venues, since the 2002 Salt Lake
Winter Olympics, the medals ceremonies have been held at a separate venue the day after
each event.
At PyeongChang 2018 the ceremony will be held at the 'Medal Plaza' between 7 and 9 p.m.
each day.
The first Victory Ceremony will take place at the medal plaza inside the PyeongChang
Olympic Plaza on February 10th.
PyeongChang 2018's victory ceremonies combine traditional and modern styles of Korean art.
The podium was inspired by a traditional Korean tiled roof, known as a 'giwa', covered in
For the Paralympics, the podium is slightly lower and has wheelchair accessible slopes
on each side for the athletes.
Along with their medals, the athletes will receive a special gift: an Olympic mascot
doll wearing an Uhsahwa , a traditional gift that was given to those who passed the state
exams to become government officials back in the Chosun dynasty.
Not every athlete will receive an Olympic medal, but all of them are training hard in
the hope of standing proudly on this special podium, and those who do stand on it will
never forget that moment.
(STANDUP) "Olympic athletes will never be able to convert
the value of their medals into money, just as the effort required to stand on the podium
is priceless..
But the organizers say they will make sure everything is provided so the athletes can
bask in sporting glory for the day.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News."
Prosecutors demand 12 year prison term for Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong - Duration: 1:58.
Prosecutors are demanding that Samsung's jailed billionaire heir apparent Lee Jae-yong spend
twelve years behind bars... for his role in the sprawling power abuse scandal that caused
the previous Park Geun-hye administration to crumble.
Seoul's High Court is set to hand down its final verdict in February.
Lee Ji-won has the details.
The Independent Counsel team was firm.
It demanded 12 years for Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong at his appeals
trial on Wednesday.
The prosecution said this is a typical case of corruption involcing politicians and business
leaders,... and requested the same 12 years it initially demanded back in August.
Though in the original ruling the court found Lee guilty of all five charges, including
bribery and embezzlement,... it had sentenced him to only five years, saying that some of
the money Lee had Samsung donate to two foundations -- about 19 million U.S. dollars -- cannot
be considered a bribe.
The foundations were controlled by President Park Geun-hye's longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil.
This time, in the hope of getting a different result,... the prosecution made changes to
the petition for appeal,... by broadening the bribery charge related to the funds...
to make it easier to prove Lee guilty.
Another change in the petition for appeal includes specifying a bribery charge related
to Samsung's sponsorship of the equestrian training of Choi's daughter.
The charge is also supported by some new evidence added this time -- text messages and call
logs between the former senior presidential secretary for policy coordination Ahn Jong-beom
and executives at Samsung Electronics,... which show them discussing Samsung's purchase
of horses.
The Samsung heir allegedly gave or planned to give a total of 38-million U.S. dollars
to former President Park and Choi.
The court said the verdict will be out on February 5th.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Task force review slams 2015 'comfort women' agreement - Duration: 3:28.
Our starting point this morning,... a bombshell for South Korea-Japan relations over the controversial
2015 agreement on Japan's sexual enslavement of Korean women during World War II.
The five month long investigation has concluded that the dispute could *not be "fundamentally
resolved" because the victims' demand for legal compensation had not been met.
Shortly after the announcement,... Japan fired back angrily,... with its foreign minister
saying,... if Seoul tries to change the deal,... bilateral relations will become unmanageable.
Our Kwon Jang-ho has it all covered.
After 5 months of review, Korea's foreign ministry released on Wednesday a strongly
critical assessment of the controversial 'comfort women' agreement reached in 2015 by the previous
administration and Japan.
The special task force in charge of the review said one of its main conclusions was the lack
of proper communication between the government and the victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery.
Despite Tokyo agreeing to apologize for the atrocity that saw some 200-thousand women,
mostly Korean, forced to serve in military brothels, the victims have been calling for
the Japanese government to take legal* responsibility on the matter.
The task force slammed the previous Park Geun-hye administration for treating the agreement
as a diplomatic issue, rather than a human rights matter.
(Korean) "The fact that the universal standard of a
victim-centered approach was not sufficiently taken to resolve this human rights issue has
caused more pain to the victims, their families and the general public that has been supporting
And as the foreign minister, I find it regretful and unfortunate, and I bow my head in apology."
The review also confirmed the deal had several details deliberately concealed, including
additional details such as not using the phrase "sex slavery", and dealing with civic groups.
Furthermore, the previous administration seems to have secretly agreed to consider how to
deal with the issue of memorial statues commemorating the victims, several of which sit outside
Japanese embassies and consulates around the world as a sign of protest.
Tokyo responded shortly after Wednesday's announcement, with the Japanese foreign minister
protesting that there was nothing wrong with how the agreement was reached on December
28 of 2015, and that both sides at the time had agreed the issue was resolved "finally
and irreversibly."
He added that if Seoul keeps changing its stance on the comfort women issue, the bilateral
relationship between Korea and Japan would be unmanageable.
Civic groups representing the victims welcomed the results of the review, saying that it
was the first step to bring about justice for the victims.
They called for the agreement to be scrapped altogether, and that they look forward to
see how the Moon administration will handle the matter in the new year.
However, despite the task force's announcement, Seoul hasn't released what it will do next.
Foreign minister Kang previously said the government will take the task force's review
into consideration when formulating a new policy, but she added that the next step will
also require more consultation with the victims and related parties.
(Standup) "The task force's review effectively allows
room for the Moon administration to distance themselves from the 2015 agreement.
But that now leaves the difficult task of building a new policy with Japan and the victims...
one that's long lasting and brings some measure of peace to the victims.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News."
Obama warns against divisive social media use - Duration: 1:01.
Former U.S. President Barack Obama has warned against the irresponsible use of social media.
The remarks came in a BBC interview with Britain's Prince Harry aired on Wednesday, in what is
seen as a dig at his successor and prolific tweeter Donald Trump.
Take a look.
(English) Reuters Edit No3131 "One of the dangers of the Internet is that
people can have entirely different realities they can be just cocooned in information that
reinforces their current biases.
The truth is that on the Internet everything is simplified and when you meet people face
to face it turns out they're complicated."
He went to say that social media should promote diverse views in a way that "doesn't lead
to a Balkanization of society."
After the interview, meanwhile, Prince Harry was asked by the BBC whether he would invite
the Obamas to his wedding next year with American actress Meghan Markle.
He said the guest list is not yet finalized.
Explosion injures at least 10 at St. Petersburg supermarket - Duration: 1:22.
Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world and we start with an explosion
in Russia.
The blast at a supermarket in St. Petersburg has reportedly injured at least ten people.
For more let's turn to our Ro Aram…
Aram… run us through what happened?
Well Semin…
Russia authorities say Wednesday's explosion was caused by an improvised device containing
the equivalent of 200 grams of TNT.
It was said to have been inside a locker at a storage area meant for customers' bags and
was rigged with shrapnel to cause more damage.
Russia's Investigative Committee said the ten people taken to hospital were not seriously
It's not yet clear if the suspected attack was terror related.
A criminal probe has been launched on the grounds of attempted murder, but investigators
are exploring all lines of inquiry.
The incident comes weeks after Russian President Vladimir Putin called his U.S. counterpart
Donald Trump to thank him for a CIA tip that helped stop a series of planned bombings in
the city.
Russia's Federal Security Service said seven suspects linked to the Islamic State group
were arrested in connection to the alleged plot against Kazan Cathedral and other crowded
The most recent terror attack in St. Petersburg was in the city's subway in April, which killed
16 and wounded more than 50.
11 Exercise Tips for People With Type 2 Diabetes - Duration: 5:16.
11 Exercise Tips for People With Type 2 Diabetes
If youve heard it once, youve heard it a thousand times: Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. And now that you have diabetes its even more so.
" Exercise will burn up some of the excessive sugar floating in your bloodstream to fuel your muscles during workouts. Its basically a straightforward and natural way to reduce your blood sugar," says Dr.
Michele Olson, an exercise physiologist and adjunct professor of sport science at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama. Fortunately, you dont have to run a marathon or swim a mile to reap the benefits of working out.
A little change will go a long way in preventing the long-term complications associated with diabetes. Get started with these 11 tips: 1. Do a blood sugar check. You need to think about your blood sugar levels both before and after exercising.
If your blood sugar is low prior to working out, then snack on 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates (like an apple, orange, slice of bread or granola bar) and wait 15 minutes before re-checking.
If its within your target pre-exercise range, then hit the gym; if not, continue to follow the 15/15 rule (eat 15 grams of carbs, wait 15 minutes) until its within a normal range.
If your blood sugar levels are too high before a workout, focus on having a protein-rich snack an hour or so before you want to get started.
Listen to your body. If youre on medication to lower blood glucose levels and you end up feeling weak, tired and tempted to call it quits during your workout, it could be that your blood sugar is low.
To be safe, pause and check your levels. Sipping on a fast-acting carbohydrate source — such as a sports drink, 100 percent fruit juice or five to six crackers — can bring you back to normal.
Refuel ASAP. What you eat after your workout may be one of the most important foods you eat all day.
"Refueling after exercise is important to prevent a drop in blood sugar levels," says Erin Palinski-Wade, RDN, CDE, and author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet. "This is also the time that you replenish glycogen stores that have been depleted in your muscles." She says that for every half-hour of exercise, aim to eat 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates (try eight ounces of milk with a medium apple, for example).
If your blood sugar is elevated after exercise, focus on refueling with proteins like tofu, beans, fish, Greek yogurt or hard-boiled eggs. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. "People with diabetes always need to add extra fluids to the minimum recommendations," says Olson.
(She says for men thats an average of 100 ounces of water a day, and for women about 75 ounces.) " Water helps to dilute the blood and moves waste through your kidneys," she explains.
Never start your workout if you feel thirsty. Thirst means you are under hydrated, says Olson. Drink one to two 8-ounce bottles of water beforehand, and then drink about a third of a cup of water every 15 minutes during exercise.
Train for fun. Researchers discovered that people with Type 2 diabetes who used a Wii Fit video game as their only form of exercise for a 12-week period experienced a reduction in elevated blood sugar levels — proof that working out shouldnt feel like punishment.
So think about what you like doing — swimming, tennis or biking — and do it for fun. The rest will follow.
Sit less, move more. Even if you think youve checked working out off your to-do list, dont plant yourself in front of that computer screen for the rest of the day.
Not even exercise can undo the harm of sitting for long stretches, according to a review published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Whats more, a study from the University of Leicester found that decreasing sitting time by 90 minutes in total in each day may result in critical health benefits for those with diabetes.
If you work 9 to 5, try to get up and move around every hour for at least 10 minutes. Exercise in increments. Instead of doing one long workout, consider breaking it up throughout your day.
A Canadian study found that participants who engaged in high-intensity exercise (10-minute bursts, three times per day) experienced a larger decrease in blood sugar patterns over a three-month period compared to those who performed more sustained, lower-intensity exercise.
Galina Denzel, co-author of Eat Well, Move Well Live Well: 52 Ways to Feel Better in a Week recommends doing things like power walking during your lunch break or going up and down a large set of stairs in your office before you head home. 8.
Walk after meals. Going for a stroll after you eat directs blood sugar to active muscles, and your muscles contractions use up glucose, thereby lowering your levels. Researchers suggest waiting about 30 minutes after a meal and then taking a 15-minute walk.
"This can be done after every family dinner as a way to bond with your kids or catch up with friends, so it doesnt really feel like working out but its doing something to jumpstart changes in your body," says Denzel.
Get a good pair of kicks. A side effect of diabetes is that the reduced blood supply to your feet can cause a loss of feeling known as peripheral neuropathy.
This can mean that foot injuries like blisters, which can happen when youre working out, do not heal well.
"One of the most important rules in working out with this disease is wearing shoes that fit well and protect your feet," says Olson.
Also, make sure to watch your feet for redness, sores and bumps, and check in with your doctor regularly if you notice any new foot problems. Lift weights. Dont forget about the dumbbells during your workouts.
While either aerobic activity or resistance training alone can improve the blood sugar levels of someone with Type 2 diabetes, doing both three times a week had the best results, discovered a studypublished in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
"Experiencing an increase in lean muscle mass from weight training can boost your base metabolic rate and cause you to burn calories at a faster rate," says Olson. And burning those calories keeps your blood glucose levels in check.
Your bodys fat-to-muscle ratio decreases, reducing the amount of insulin you need in your body to help store energy in fat cells. Use apps like Jefit Workout or Gymstar to find databases of moves and get customized routines to follow.
ID yourself. Wear a necklace or bracelet or carry something that identifies you as a person with diabetes at all times.
"You never want to be somewhere and have an attack and be unable to get the help you need," says Olson. Make sure you indicate whether or not you take insulin and list an emergency contact as well.
The Big Nut: A Euro Trip Experience - Duration: 5:35.
The Right Way To Do An Elimination Diet - Duration: 3:52.
The Right Way To Do An Elimination Diet
"Food is fuel." On the surface, that's a statement everyone can get behind. Food does fuel our workouts and our daily lives. But for some people, certain foods may drag them down rather than pump them up.
In cases of food allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities, they may provoke unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, gas, severe diarrhea, constipation, unexplained changes in weight, or nutritional deficiencies, says registered dietitian Maxine Yeung, M.S., R.D., C.P.T., founder of The Wellness Whisk.
And sometimes, they may also cause non-GI woes such as headaches, migraines, skin rashes, acne, joint pains, mood changes, low energy levels, runny noses, hives, and itchy eyes, says registered dietitian Kerry Clifford, M.S., R.D., L.D.N, with Fresh Thyme Farmers Market.
How can people who are suffering from these and other symptoms find out if the culprit is the food they eat? One common strategy is to perform an elimination diet.
All about identifying the foods your body does and does not like, elimination diets allow women to make eating choices that sustain them instead of zapping their health and energy.
Here, nine must-follow tips for how to do an elimination diet safely and effectively.
1 TALK TO YOUR DOC OR REGISTERED DIETITIAN Before undertaking an elimination diet, consult a professional so they can ensure that you're conducting the diet effectively and that you're still able to meet your nutritional needs, Clifford says.
After all, if you decide to try cutting out gluten, its easy to not get the fiber you need. And if you eliminate dairy, you could be putting yourself at risk of too-low vitamin D and calcium levels.
wont let those issues happen. Its also important to talk to your doctor about any issues that youve had in the past (or currently have!) with disordered eating or anxiety, Yeung says.
Especially in those with a tendency to control their eating, elimination diet to turn into food restriction or a hyperfocus on good and bad foods, and your health professional can help you to ensure that you follow your elimination diet in the healthiest way possible, both physically and emotionally.
2 DETERMINE YOUR BASELINE "Before starting an elimination diet, keep a food and symptom diary to help identify patterns between eating habits and symptoms," says Yeung.
This will help you and your healthcare professional figure out which food or foods you should try to eliminate.
For example, if you notice that you regularly get itchy after eating walnuts and almonds, you might decide that you want to try eliminating tree nuts.
Its totally possible that you will decide to eliminate multiple foods or types of foods. The important thing is to eat normally and thoroughly document both everything you eat and how you feel after eating it.
Track for at least a couple of weeks before making any decisions about what youll try cutting.
3 TIME IT RIGHT The second you spot a potential link in your log, it can be tempting to jump right into your elimination diet. Dont. Instead, keep eating normally, track your symptoms, and start planning.
On day one of your diet, you should feel knowledgeable about the exact foods youll need to avoid, prepared with lots of well-rounded recipes, and ready to read food labels with confidence, says Meghan Sedivy, R.D., L.D.N., a registered dietitian with Fresh Thyme Farmers Market.
In terms of picking an actual day to start, choose a time when you know that you will easily have complete control over what you do (and dont) eat.
So, no, vacation isnt the best time to try out something like this. 4 ELIMINATE EVERYTHING AT ONCE If you decide that you should try eliminating multiple foods or food groups, remove all of them at once.
Again, its important to do this with a doctor or RDs supervision. After all, if youre cutting dairy, gluten, shellfish, and nuts. getting the nutrients you need is going to require some help, says Sedivy.
5 GIVE IT AT LEAST ONE TO TWO WEEKS Your doctor or dietician can help you determine the appropriate time period for your elimination diet, which will largely depend on the food(s) you're eliminating.
However, your body requires a good week or two to recoup from any potentially triggering foods. It will be tempting to quit the process early, but Yeung says it's important to stick it out.
"Many people stop the elimination diet early because they are feeling better shortly after starting, but by doing this, you risk eliminating foods that you do not necessarily need to because you didn't go through the reintroduction phase," she says.
"This could cause imbalanced diets and stop you from eating foods that you may really enjoy and can tolerate.".
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