humans carry body fat in a variety of places around the hips and thighs waster
all over multiple body parts today's video will discuss how to get rid of
visceral fat before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our
YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon
so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily however
there are different types of fat within the body subcutaneous and visceral
subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat found right underneath the skin and
generally doesn't impose a huge health risk visceral fat however is a type of
fat that's found in and around the organs especially in the abdominal or
belly cavity it surrounds the stomach liver and intestines visceral body fat
is very harmful to your health changing your eating habits 1 monitor your total
fat intake limit dietary fat to about 20 to 30 percent of your total caloric
intake this is equal to about 40 to 70 grams of fat daily based on a 2,000
calorie diet higher levels of fat may increase your risk of weight gain or
levels of visceral fat to consume heart-healthy fats although it's
important to monitor your overall fat intake it's also important to make sure
you're consuming the types of dietary fat will improve your health and help
support your desire to decrease visceral fat 3 limit your carbohydrate intake a
low carbohydrate diet has been shown to be an effective leading pattern to help
reduce levels of visceral fat reduce the amount of carbohydrate rich foods in
your diet to help promote the reduction of the sural fat carbohydrate rich foods
include bread rice pasta crackers tortillas bagels
sweets and sugary beverages limit these foods to one to two servings maximum
each day 4 consume adequate fiber daily studies have shown that those who
consume adequate fiber daily had lower and had an easier time lowering visceral
fat levels women should consume 25 grams of fiber daily and men should consume 38
grams of fiber daily 5 monitor your total calorie intake consuming a
moderate to low calorie diet has been shown to support the loss of visceral
fat in general men should consume around 2,000 to 2,500 calories daily and women
should consume 1,600 to 2,000 calories daily incorporating other lifestyle
changes to reduce visceral fat engage in cardio exercises cardio exercises have
been shown to be one of the most effective methods at reducing visceral
fat try different types of exercise keep your exercise routine fun and exciting
by engaging in a variety of different exercises go to bed early it's
recommended adults sleep at least seven to nine hours each night sleep is
essential to your overall health and wellness studies have shown that those
who slept less than six hours nightly had higher levels of visceral fat
monitoring your progress measure your waist circumference waist circumference
is a measure that indicates your risk for obesity metabolic syndrome and other
chronic health conditions weigh yourself weekly although your main
target goal is to reduce the amount of visceral fat you will need to monitor
the changes in your weight over time weight loss while modifying your diet
and incorporating exercise can indicate your levels of visceral fat are
decreasing how you get rid of visceral fat let me know in our comment section
below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends
for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Visceral Fat | Visceral Fat Reduction - Remedies One - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
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Purdue edges Arizona 38-35 in Levi's Stadium's Foster Farms Bowl - Duration: 6:21.
Purdue edges Arizona 38-35 in Levi's Stadium's Foster Farms Bowl
All of the pregame buzz was about Arizona quarterback Khalil Tate, but it is Purdue quarterback Elijah Sindelar who will be remembered for his Foster Farms Bowl performance.
The unheralded sophomore threw for 396 yards and four touchdowns, including the game-winner, in the Boilermakers' 38-35 victory Wednesday night in front of a crowd even smaller than the pre-Jimmy G days at Levi's Stadium.
After Purdue (7-6) lost a 17-point, third-quarter advantage, Sindelar drove the Boilermakers 75 yards and connected with Anthony Mahoungou on a 38-yard TD pass with 1:44 remaining to regain the lead.
Tate, who threw for an Arizona bowl-record five scores, couldn't manage a second comeback, and threw an interception with 1:16 remaining as the Wildcats (7-6) closed the season by losing four of their final five games.
"This team has fought the whole year, and I couldn't be prouder of my teammates," said Sindelar, who completed 33 of 53 passes to outduel Tate in a game filled with avalanches of contrasting momentum.
Senior Gregory Phillips caught 14 passes for 149 yards and his first two touchdowns of the season for Purdue, and Mahoungou added six receptions for 118 yards to spark Purdue's 371-yard first half and a 31-14 lead.
Arizona, which got 13 tackles from Tony Fields II and 12 from Jace Whittaker, held the Boilermakers scoreless for the first 18½ minutes of the second half to give Tate a chance to take over the game.
The sophomore gave the Wildcats their first lead since the 4:09 mark of the first quarter when he found Shun Brown for a 24-yard score with 3:21 remaining in the fourth quarter.
A play after racing to recover a bad snap, however, Sindelar responded by throwing the game-winner, erasing a rough second half and putting the focus back on a Purdue defense that limited Tate, who came into the game averaging more than 10 yards per rush, to 58 yards on 20 carries.
The Boilermakers "deserved this victory," Purdue head coach Jeff Brohm said. "Our team played to the end. They finished it off, like we talked about.".
It looked like Arizona might be the team to finish it off as Tate, seeing that he was contained in the running game, took to the air. He completed 17 of 26 passes for 302 yards, including quite the second-half rally.
He threw two 40-yard touchdown passes in a 2½-minute span to trim Purdue's lead to 31-28 with 6½ minutes to play in the third quarter.
Tate found Tony Ellison streaking after the Boilermakers' safeties inexplicably vacated the middle of the field, and, following a Scottie Young Jr.
interception, Tate connected with Tyrell Johnson on a jump ball, despite pass interference, to make it a game after Purdue had put up the final 24 points of the highest-scoring first half in Foster Farms Bowl history.
After Arizona scored twice in a minute and a half to go ahead 14-7, Purdue dominated the final 19 minutes of the first half. Sindelar connected with Phillips on touchdown passes of 42 and 22 yards, and D.J.
Knox scored on a run from 13 yards for a two-touchdown lead. The Boilermakers weren't satisfied with the 28-14 advantage and shined in what seemed like one of the longest closing minutes of the season.
After a lengthy review, it was decided that Navon Mosley ripped the ball away from Tate with 56 seconds left in the half, giving possession to Purdue.
Purdue pretended to kneel at its 32-yard line, but Knox darted from behind the nonchalantly standing offensive line for a 30-yard gain.
A still confused Arizona defense allowed the Boilermakers to work the ball to the 9-yard line before they settled for a field goal, a 26-yarder by Spencer Evans to send them into the locker room with a 31-14 lead.
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Boss of Pattiland
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bangla waz tofazzal hossain Bangla Gojol Sabdane Thakio Nari Pordar Arale
bangla waz tofazzal hossain Bangla Gojol Sabdane Thakio Nari Pordar Arale - Duration: 1:22:02.
bangla waz tofazzal hossain Bangla Gojol Sabdane Thakio Nari Pordar Arale
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The X-Files Returns
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超正女模和友人唱K飙高音"头痛+身体发麻",昏迷3天后骤逝! - Duration: 3:18.
【MUKBANG】 Michelin Star Soba Noodles!!! 10 Servings [4360kcal] [CC Available] | Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 5:43.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka (english subs by ~Aphexx~)
So today, tadaa I'll be eating this bowl of ramen made by 'tsuta'
I made 10 persons worth today and omg you guys....
This ain't your normal everyday ramen
awarded 1 Michelin star by Tokyo Michelin guide
To the owner/chef of the restaurant 'tusuta' this ramen was created by Chef 'onishi'
a Michelin star you guys
This is an instant Ramen that you can make at home but
Just like the ramen made in the restaurant It uses the same truffle oil
Have you guys ever tried Ramen made with truffle oil?
I, for one, have not and am really looking forward to this
Alrighty let's go make 10 portions Of these 'tsuta' noodles
This is how it's made 4 bags/portions came in one of their boxes
in it was noodles and soup And these instructions
Let the soup come to room temperature Then add 350ml have hot water to each packet
In a large pot of boiling water boil the noodles for about 2 minutes
Thoroughly drain the liquid from the noodles then combine with the soup
Add toppings to taste char siu, bamboo, boile egg, onion
Toda it's done
It really does smell very wonderful I don't think I've ever smelled anything like it
itadakimasu The noodles are on the thin side
It's crazy delish The Soup is especially yummy
The noodles are good as well but The flavor of the soup really stands out
The chicken-y flavor really stands out in this And it's accentuated by the flavor of truffle oil
The soup is a blend of, strong, tamari and salt based soy sauces A very unique blend of soy sauces, it says
And to that they added chicken essences
also flavored with mackerel and bonito along with some varietals of clams
also shitake and other shrooms come to gether to produce this soup
The soup is legit yummy
I really love that balance of flavors from the soy sauces and chicken
The noodles also have a nice mouth feel And are very yummy
You can tell they use really yummy flour To make these noodles
Totes delish
I also added all sorts of toppings to this
I looked online for pictures of 'tsuta' ramen And I tried to copy what I saw
the char siu is so yummy
From what I saw of the 'tsuta' ramen They use eggs like these that weren't cut in half
The nice thing about them not being cut in half Is that you get to enjoy doing that here
I goofed I'm making them turn out runny
It's full of very strong unique flavors But it doesn't overpower your palette
This bamboo goes nicely with this as well
The noodles however they do a good job at sopping up the flavors from the soup
I'm really enjoying the flavor Of the truffle oil
I love how this is so easy to make
It's amazing that with just the addition of hot water you can make a soup with all this time invested in it
These noodles are totally The same as any from a Ramen Shop
this tasty yet not overpowering soup is so tasty and delish
No matter how much you have of the soup or the noodles It doesn't feel that heavy
~ then again food doesn't affect me that way ~
I feel as though a normal person would have An easy time digesting these noodles
Only the Soup remains now
All done gochisosamadeshita
this 'tsuta' noodle was so yummy
It's so nice to be able to enjoy a bowl of ramen At home that was made with this much love and care
With a wonderful blend of chicken and soy sauce flavors The soup was very yummy however...
When you slurped up the noodles It picked up the wonderful flavor of the truffle oil
you can find these noodles online from the online site 'MUUU'
You can find a link to it down below in the description area
So won't you please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching
If there is anything you want me to do or eat please Tell me in the comments section below and if you like this Video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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bangla waz tofazzal hossain Bangla Gojol Sabdane Thakio Nari Pordar Arale
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