What's up guys your boy tokars here and welcome back to another reaction video
They'll be bringing you guys will be reacting to a HL Santa ji
entrance video so if you don't know what that video is you guys may be like what you reacting to a random video
It's because it's my best friend's video that he made probably an hour ago. Probably by the time. I'm recording this
We'll be uploading this tomorrow subscribe to a HL hair hockey ma
That name may sound similar
And you're right because I shout-out him at out in my first episode of my shout outs on a video
um so subscribe to
HL air hockey because try to get into like 50 subscribers or
whoever's watching this go subscribe to him right away and
We're gonna get this video o set up and ready once when I roll my intro
Alright guys, so we got the video right here and
right when you see
The link to my friends China below go subscribe to him right away
So we're gonna start 3 2 1 let's go
And right after this I'm going to my grandma's house, and I'm gonna
Be home late
Santé G. If you don't know Santa G. Oh my god
To be honest if you don't know who Santa G. Is, it says really name is Michael green Oh oh
My god to be honest he shouldn't have been that for Halloween
And I promise that I won't quote the Rose pimp. I will not roaster
He was so embarrassed
To be honest I think this may get copyright or something
Oh my god, that's my friend's mom
Well that wasn't
like a reaction that I thought I was gonna really laugh at it, but
Well, I don't mean laugh and make fun of it. Just laugh like or something
To be honest my question of banette for Halloween
But anyways guys, thank you all for 3k subscribers already. Let's get like 4k
I don't know
But let's try to get like 4k in the next two months or so but um
Anyways guys, I won't be enjoy make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe
I don't see you in the next video. Goodbye everyone
For more infomation >> Reacting To My Best Friend - A H L Santa G. entrance video Reaction - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool's record Virgil van Dijk deal to alter Manchester United transfer plans - Duration: 4:28.
Liverpool's record Virgil van Dijk deal to alter Manchester United transfer plans
Klopp's show of ambition could prompt United to back Mourinho's call to spend more.
Liverpool's record move for defender Virgil van Dijk could have a knock-on effect for Manchester United's transfer plans, according to reports.
The Netherlands international will complete a £75m move to Anfield when the January window opens, making him both Liverpool's record signing and the most expensive defender ever.
The transfer comes amid Jose Mourinho's public concerns over the lack of money United have spent, which has only been highlighted further by Van Dijk's move which has taken Jurgen Klopp's spending past the £150m mark.
Mourinho said the £300m Man Utd have spent under him is not enough to catch City.
And, according to the Manchester Evening News, United are now concerned that it is not only rivals Man City that are willing and able to out-spend them, but Liverpool, Chelsea and perhaps even Arsenal too.
That will give Mourinho fresh ammunition in his talks with the board over transfer targets and budget, having claimed the £300m he has spent so far is not enough to win the Premier League title.
United have been linked with a move for Ozil, who is available on a free next summer.
United have generally topped out their spending at £150m, but that has filled their squad with plenty of chaff, rather than brought in the world-class talent that is needed to bridge the gap to City.
Liverpool's big spending could also further justify Mourinho's pragmatic approach in big games and allow him to continue to play the underdog card, given that United's rivals are all outspending them when it comes to signing defenders.
Speaking earlier this month, Mourinho said: 'One thing is a big club and another thing is a big football team.
They are two different things 'We are in the second year of trying to rebuild a football team that is not one of the best teams in the world.
Manchester City buy full-backs for the price of strikers.
When you speak about big football clubs, you are speaking about the history of the club.'.
When told that United had spent close to £300m, he replied: 'It is not enough.
And the price for the big clubs, the price for the big clubs is different from the other clubs.
So the big, historical clubs are normally punished in the market for that history.
'When you tell [describe] a club like Manchester United, do you think Milan is not as big as us? You think they are not as big as we are? Do you think Real Madrid are not as big as we are? You think Inter Milan is not as big as we are? There are many big clubs and you say big clubs, I know what is a big club.'.
Melwood gallery: 43 photos from pre-Leicester training - Duration: 5:17.
Melwood gallery: 43 photos from pre-Leicester training
DECEMBER in SoCal? ❄️ | Vlog No. 5 - Duration: 5:58.
Okay, so
First of all, I got these makeup sponges
and these are in the house shape
and usually I would use a beauty blender -
- actually nowadays I use my fingers to "blend"
my CC cream
because I started wearing CC cream this year
hohoho getting so old
Um but
The beauty blenders
that I currently use once in awhile
are REALLY bad
They're from YesStyle and they had good reviews
but for me they just don't work
So I got this makeup sponge for my sister
I also got this charcoal gel face mask
I actually saw someone - like - recommending it online
And I'm kind of iffy about it because
You know, it's only $1.50
and it's from a Japanese dollar store
since this is just for the nose area
I don't really care
Uh and then I got these wooden pinches
I'm gonna give some to my sister -
- sorry I'm chewing gum
I'm gonna give some to my sister uhhh
to display polaroid pictures
And then lastly, I got -
- sorry about my nails
I got this dog toy for my doggy
as a little Christmas gift to him
'cause it's so cute!
Joakim Kurad - "Make a Wish"
Stop! (I was telling her to act pretty but she made this face lol)
-He's dead
-Push-up push-up!
So right now I'm gonna snack on this bruschetta
It came in - uh what is it - like a gift basket?
or a snack basket
which had a lot of chocolate and sweets
Um but basically we're gonna eat it with
Uhh American cheese
Ya so fancy
While watching
Parks and Rec
So today is -
- idek what day it is what day is it?
And yesterday I just spent the whole day at home
And I cleaned my room
And I cleaned out my clothes and everything
*weird noise* Um and
today I have a lot of stuff to do
If I plan on doing it today
Should I do it all today? (no)
I have a dentist appointment at 10:30 AM
and right now it's only 9:35 AM
Oh no
It's at 11:30 AM
And I have to make my permit appointment (lol)
Just by phone
No it's not
So I think I'm gonna plan everything
Not for this week
I didn't even make plans with my friends yet
I'm gonna make plans for myself (today and tmrw)
because I have some stuff to do
Joakim Kurad - "Longing"
Uomini e Donne: i neo-tronisti e il post sibillino di Raffaella Mennoia | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:45.
Uomini e Donne, clamoroso: Paolo Crivellin resta senza corteggiatrici - Duration: 3:55.
Gossip Uomini e donne: Paolo Crivellin lascia il programma senza scegliere? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:52.
Uomini e donne: la fine del trono di Paolo e l'arrivo di Mariano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.
Coloring for Kids with Alphabet E - How To Draw Elephant - Coloring Book for Children - Duration: 4:54.
Coloring for Kids with Alphabet E - How To Draw Elephant - Coloring Book for Children
다임러트럭, 신형 '악트로스 트랙터' 출시..첨단 편의사항 적용 - Duration: 7:45.
스카니아, 국내서 '유로6' 상용차 고객 전달..업계 최초 - Duration: 2:41.
유가 하락으로 트럭 시장 훈풍..기름 값 하락세 영향 - Duration: 2:59.
현대차, 상용차 부문 집중 투자 계획..전주공장에 2조 투입 - Duration: 4:40.
A lifeline for communities
(EP-1) Trixz Plays Resident Evil 7 (DLC) - Duration: 5:49:49.
(EP-3) Trixz Plays Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Duration: 2:20:40.
(EP-2) Trixz Plays Resident Evil 7 (DLC) - Duration: 2:41:20.
Funny Ice Cream Shop Play, chocolate, melon,learn color,toy, RIWORLD - Duration: 5:03.
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like strawberry
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it?
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
It is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet!
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream!
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like melon
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it!
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
Oh, it is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
Thank you
So sweet!
Ice cream !
Ice cream !
So sweet Ice cream
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like chocolate
Here you are
Thank you
How much is it?
1 dollar
Here you are
Thank you
it is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
So sweet Ice cream!
What kind of flavor do you want?
I like water melon
Here you are
Thank you
It is a toy ice cream
Wow, it is changed to real ice cream
So sweet
So sweet
BIG J&PIZZAT-Drive Thru得來速 Audio Music Video - Duration: 2:32.
BREAKING!! He's Running For CONGRESS Now! How Is This Even Possible? STOP HIM! MK Today - Duration: 4:32.
He's Running For CONGRESS Now!
How Is This Even Possible?
When it comes to liberals, the hypocrisy and double standard that exists in everything
they do is truly astounding.
For months, liberals demanded that Trump be impeached over baseless sexual allegations
that women have made against him, where his locker room comments he made a decade ago
about grabbing p*ssy was even enough in the minds of liberals to keep Trump from becoming
President of the United States.
Now in an unbelievable move steeped in hypocrisy that only flaming liberals can pull off, a
Democrat who was busted in a disturbing sex crime is not only walking free, but has just
announced he's running for office.
When it comes to liberals, they can continue to do whatever the hell they want without
facing any sort of consequences.
They can rape children and send pictures of their junk to underage children, even take
trips to "Pedophile Island" and no one bats an eye.
Now a Philadelphia judge by the name of Willie Singletary who was busted for sexual crimes
against women, lying to the FBI, and caught in a ticket-fixing scandal is not only walking
out of jail a free man, but has now thrown his hat in the race for a Congressional seat.
. Breitbart reports:
A former Philadelphia judge who was caught up in a ticket-fixing scandal, resigned over
charges of sexual harassment, and was jailed for lying to the FBI, is now running for Congress
as a Democrat with the slogan "A Fresh Start for Pennsylvania."
Willie Singletary, a former Philadelphia Traffic Court judge, has announced his run for the
First District seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Robert Brady, who is also chairman of
Philadelphia's Democratic City Committee, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Singletary, 36, has quite a record to run on.
In 2013, he was caught up in a ticket-fixing scandal that prosecutors at the time said
benefited only Philly's rich and powerful and cost the city and state hundreds of thousands
in unpaid fines….he was convicted of lying to federal authorities during the investigation.
He served 20 months in prison for the conviction, ending his sentence in 2016.
The hypocrisy is truly amazing, isn't it?
This story comes right on the heels of Bill Clinton being caught up in ANOTHER disgusting
crime against women in recent weeks.
Bill Clinton is finding himself at the center of yet another HUGE sex scandal after 4 several
brave women have finally decided to risk it all to take their stories public.
And why Bill's private jet was nicknamed "Air F*ck One" will make you sick to your
The Daily Mail reports:
Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according
to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton
and Obama administrations.
Edward Klein is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine and the author
of numerous bestsellers including his fourth book on the Clintons, Guilty as Sin, in 2016.
His latest book is All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump was released on October 30,
The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president — whose past is littered
with charges of sexual misconduct — stem from the period after he left the White House
in 2001, say the sources.
Bill's escapes with these women were well-known to many around him, where he and his buddy
Roy Burkle used to fly around the world in Burkle's private jet, which was nicknamed
"Air F**k One" because of all the illegal boning that was going on.
But it wasn't all fun and games for these women once they were in the air.
These four women, whose identiteis have yet to be revelaed, allege that they were only
in their late teens at the time, and say that they were all sexually assaulted by the former
So far, there's no evidence to suggest that Burkle knew about the sexual assaults, which
is hard to believe considering this all happened on Burkle's private jet.
When "Rapey Bill" was contacted for comment, he stated through his legal team: "Obviously,
I'm aware of [the allegations] but can't talk about them."
It's pretty sick how liberals keep getting away with their crimes yet they want to declare
President Trump unfit for office based on the fake allegations of women being paid to
come out of the closet with accusations against him.
The liberal hypocrisy never ceases to be amazing.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Classical Hollywood cinema style - Duration: 3:27.
Welcome to Media/Pool, I'm Shuran Zhang.
In this video we'll be talking about
what is Classical Hollywood cinema style.
If you really like watching Hollywood films
you may familiar with some classical films
such as Casablanca (1942) or Gone with the Wind (1939).
But have you ever noticed that
there exist a specific style in those films?
According to John Belton,
classical Hollywood cinema style becomes the means by which narratives are realized.
They draw attention to, underline, and point out
what audience needs to see or hear in order to read and understand the scene.
But we as audience cannot easily perceive
how the events are presented to us.
In order to understand this clearly,
I pick some scenes and short clip from Casablanca as examples.
First, let's look at the details of the classical style.
In classical Hollywood,
according to Belton, "every detail in the scene serves a purpose, advances the narrative and gets used up by the conclusion of the scene"
So in this frame the lamp helps to create a romantic atmosphere.
The brooch, make-up and costume are all serve to shape the character,
and those let audience to aware that she is gorgeous and elegant.
Then,focus on the camera.
Different Camera angel and distance have different meanings
Look at the second picture,
it shows a close-up shot of the character's head.
We as audience can easily concentrate on
her facial expression and feel her emotion.
And light as an important element should be considered in this frame as well
The High-key lighting is used in this frame.
The "high" means high ratio of fill light to key light.
There is high amount of fill light, which washes out shadows cast by the key light.
So highlights the face of the performer also makes the facial expressions readable.
On the contrary,
the low-key lighting producing a shadowy effect and uneven distribution of light.
The low-key lighting in this scene echoes his mood
that he tries to drown his memory.
If you want know more about lighting,
you can search "three-point lighting" on YouTube.
Classical Hollywood editing within the scene
has pursues a strategy of self-effacement
that disguises its operations and makes the scene
appear to be more or less seamless.
180-degree rule is one simple law of editing and it is often used in conversation
By remaining on one side of this line,
the camera ensures that screen direction remains constant.
That is, if one character stands on the right of the frame
and another on the left,
Those characters retain their relative screen positions
from one shot to the next.
If the camera crosses the axis, the original screen position of the characters is reversed.
Nowadays, we can still find the classical style in Hollywood.
And After watching this video,
you can analyze your favorite film by yourself.
That's all from me for now.
If you enjoyed this video
please click like and subscribe to this channel,
leave a comment and check out our other videos.
This has been me, Shuran Zhang for Media/Pool.
Thanks for watching!
Growing our connections
សរសេរជាទម្រង់ត្រីកោណមាត្រតាមវិធីទាញជាកត្ដា | Trigonometric form of a complex EX01 - Duration: 10:06.
Trigonometric form of a complex EX01
VAL - Tutorial Jockey | ENG SUBS | Left 4 Dead 2 - Todo sobre el Jockey - Duration: 6:35.
What's up Vicietas! VAL here with a new Left 4 Dead 2 video in which we will talk
about the junkie... the joquei.... The Jockey!
The jockey is a half man of half a meter with a little big tic on his right leg
and moves his head as if he was watching a tennis matchs.
He has a hump with the form of a hanger, and sometimes you want to hung him behind
the bathroom door, near the bathrobe.
Besides, he is also known as "The Piggy", "The Kid", "Pygmy", "Puny", "Monkey",
"Nape blower", "Half-crap", "El cani".
He is the showman of the infected team and he makes parties more enjoyable
making funny postures. His favourite is the crab one.
His primary attack, I mean, the one performed with the left mouse button, is the pounce.
This attack has two parts: The "jump and grab" part, that does no damage,
and the "going for a walk" part, which takes away 4 life points every second.
The jockey doesn't kill, he just leaves the survivors helpless,
so when he overthrows a survivor, he is free to go to disturb the others.
When he does his primary attack he can't cross doors, even if they are half-broken
or he is on top of a survivor. We should use the claw to break the doors.
You can cross through the windows just by walking through them.
Ah, and don't forget the stun the survivors.
The secondary attack, I mean, the one performed with the right mouse button, is the claw,
that takes away 4 points for every attack and I don't know what Nick thinks about it.
--Very good, that's how I like it, with style.
Uhmm ok!...
The jockey has 325 life points but he has a low tolerance to fire,
so he will burn away in just 32 seconds.
The first technique is "The high jump" that you can perform simply by putting your
crosshair long distance over the survivor. This will allow us to jump further and higher,
and get the survivor confused, so we will decrease the risk of being stopped in the
middle of the jump.
The second is the "Bunny Hop" or "Bhop". Although it requires a lot of accuracy,
you can do it easily by clicking with the left mouse button and pressing the space bar every
time you reach the floor. With this technique you will gain velocity and will be able to
catch the survivors without being noticed.
The rest of the techniques are similar to the Smoker's, but I will rename them with
new stupid names to differentiate them.
"The Earring" is based on riding a survivor towards a cornice
and leaving him hanging there.
In some places you can do what I call "The Golden earring" because instead of leaving
the survivor hanging, you kill him instantly.
"The Freefall" consists in throwing down a survivor from a high place to take away
some life points, to leave him helpless on the floor, or to kill him instantly if the
place is too high.
You can perform the "Dance together" by isolating a survivor from the rest of the
team, and leaving him in a non-returning point, so he ends up dying
because nobody can go to save him.
The next technique is called "Looking for love" because we will introduce the survivor
to a cuddle-needed witch, or we will make him activate
a car alarm which will wake upall Zombieland.
And talking about zombies... in "Zombies party" we will leave the survivor playing
with a lot of zombies eager to party.
When a jockey is riding someone, he can lead the survivor towards the direction he wants
but the victim can slow down this by moving in the opposite direction.
As most of the special infected, he doesn't like to be pushed
and we will be able to kill him shoving him 5 times.
But you can also perform a dead stop, a technique that we will be able to do by shoving a jockey
who is jumping toward us. That will leave him in a vulnerable position.
You can instant kill a jockey by shoving his balls from the bottom when he is jumping.
His energy bar will take 30 seconds to fill up when he leaves a healthy survivor helpless
on the floor, 6 seconds when he leaves a survivor hanging, and half a second when he leaves
a severely injured survivor helpless on the floor, or kills
him because he was on a black and white view.
Something important is the attacking order because the smoker can steal the jockey's
survivor. The charger and hunter can do so too.
If we speak about stun, the hunter one has no problem making his attack near other infected.
If the charger crashes against a wall that is near him without taking with him anybody,
he will make us loose our victim as a jockey. Something similar happens
when a boomer explodes near us.
As with the smoker, I don't recommend the spitter-jockey combination because when this
last one dies, the survivor will have 2 immunity seconds to the acid.
The boomer is useful only when he is not exploding near us, because his puke will attract a lot
of zombies that will combine their damages with the jockey's one.
Last but not least, a jockey will always do a nice job placing the survivor
so the charger can do an instant kill charging him.
That's all, don't forget to comment what you think about this video,
click on the like button with a big smile, and subscribe to the channel if you want to save Zoey.
At this point, I'd like to be honest, I don't think that Zoey is going to survive.
If you have already subscribed, thank you for that, if you haven't, subscribe now
so Zoey doesn't get very hurt when she falls.
Well, everything has gone well. In the end it was only a scare.
BREAKING!! He's Running For CONGRESS Now! How Is This Even Possible? STOP HIM! MK Today - Duration: 4:32.
He's Running For CONGRESS Now!
How Is This Even Possible?
When it comes to liberals, the hypocrisy and double standard that exists in everything
they do is truly astounding.
For months, liberals demanded that Trump be impeached over baseless sexual allegations
that women have made against him, where his locker room comments he made a decade ago
about grabbing p*ssy was even enough in the minds of liberals to keep Trump from becoming
President of the United States.
Now in an unbelievable move steeped in hypocrisy that only flaming liberals can pull off, a
Democrat who was busted in a disturbing sex crime is not only walking free, but has just
announced he's running for office.
When it comes to liberals, they can continue to do whatever the hell they want without
facing any sort of consequences.
They can rape children and send pictures of their junk to underage children, even take
trips to "Pedophile Island" and no one bats an eye.
Now a Philadelphia judge by the name of Willie Singletary who was busted for sexual crimes
against women, lying to the FBI, and caught in a ticket-fixing scandal is not only walking
out of jail a free man, but has now thrown his hat in the race for a Congressional seat.
. Breitbart reports:
A former Philadelphia judge who was caught up in a ticket-fixing scandal, resigned over
charges of sexual harassment, and was jailed for lying to the FBI, is now running for Congress
as a Democrat with the slogan "A Fresh Start for Pennsylvania."
Willie Singletary, a former Philadelphia Traffic Court judge, has announced his run for the
First District seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Robert Brady, who is also chairman of
Philadelphia's Democratic City Committee, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Singletary, 36, has quite a record to run on.
In 2013, he was caught up in a ticket-fixing scandal that prosecutors at the time said
benefited only Philly's rich and powerful and cost the city and state hundreds of thousands
in unpaid fines….he was convicted of lying to federal authorities during the investigation.
He served 20 months in prison for the conviction, ending his sentence in 2016.
The hypocrisy is truly amazing, isn't it?
This story comes right on the heels of Bill Clinton being caught up in ANOTHER disgusting
crime against women in recent weeks.
Bill Clinton is finding himself at the center of yet another HUGE sex scandal after 4 several
brave women have finally decided to risk it all to take their stories public.
And why Bill's private jet was nicknamed "Air F*ck One" will make you sick to your
The Daily Mail reports:
Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according
to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton
and Obama administrations.
Edward Klein is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine and the author
of numerous bestsellers including his fourth book on the Clintons, Guilty as Sin, in 2016.
His latest book is All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump was released on October 30,
The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president — whose past is littered
with charges of sexual misconduct — stem from the period after he left the White House
in 2001, say the sources.
Bill's escapes with these women were well-known to many around him, where he and his buddy
Roy Burkle used to fly around the world in Burkle's private jet, which was nicknamed
"Air F**k One" because of all the illegal boning that was going on.
But it wasn't all fun and games for these women once they were in the air.
These four women, whose identiteis have yet to be revelaed, allege that they were only
in their late teens at the time, and say that they were all sexually assaulted by the former
So far, there's no evidence to suggest that Burkle knew about the sexual assaults, which
is hard to believe considering this all happened on Burkle's private jet.
When "Rapey Bill" was contacted for comment, he stated through his legal team: "Obviously,
I'm aware of [the allegations] but can't talk about them."
It's pretty sick how liberals keep getting away with their crimes yet they want to declare
President Trump unfit for office based on the fake allegations of women being paid to
come out of the closet with accusations against him.
The liberal hypocrisy never ceases to be amazing.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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