I think you will be astonished to know that, 50% of the total wealth of our world is owned
by the top 1% people only.
So why it is like that?
Why most of us remain poor throughout our whole life?
Is it just because of luck?
Or there is something else?
This is what I'm going to share with you in this video from Robert Kiyosaki's all time
best selling book "Rich dad poor dad".
According to Robert, here the root problem is our education system.
The problem with our education system is that, whatever we learn up to 90% of that is useless
in our practical life.
So we collect the required practical education from our parents or from the people around
Here the problem is unless our parents are in the world's top 1% people, instead of teaching
how to be rich unconsciously they teach us how to be poor.
Because they had also learned the same thing in their childhood.
If a kid asks to his parents, " why i need to study?" in most of the cases the answer
he gets, " Because you have to get a good job, so that you can earn a lot of money".
Robert Kiyosaki's poor dad means his own father who had a Ph.D. but who always struggled financially
used to say the same thing.
But Robert's rich dad means his friend's dad who had passed the 8th grade only and was
the richest man in Hawaii, used to say something different.
He said, " you need to get the best study so that you can open your own company and
create good jobs for other people."
Poor dad used to say, "you have to work for money " whereas rich dad used to say, " find
such a way so that money works for you ". As we don't have any rich dad around us so we
made the mistake to learn financial education from our poor dads.
Who teaches us nothing but how to live poor and die poor.
But nowadays dew to so advanced internet, it is not any more difficult for us to find
rich dads.
Robert kiyosaki, Napoleon Hill, Sandeep Maheshwari there are so many rich dads, and if we wish,
we can now easily learn from them over the internet.
Smart idea 1 Learning the right thing from the right person
After getting a job what does most of the people do?
They buy a new bike or something which they had desire for long time.
Now, i am going to define two words.
One is assets and the other is liabilities.
An assets is something which puts money into your pocket.
Like a rented house or a business or something from which we get a regular income.
On the other hand liabilities are those things which get money out of your pocket.
For example, a bike, it needs fuel four times in a week, or a expensive mobile which is
going to become useless after few days or months.
All of these are liabilities and these are the hindrance in the way of getting rich.
So then, should not we use bikes or expensive mobile phones?
No, that's not right.
You just only need to be careful that the maximum percentage of your income is invested
in assets and the minimum percentage is spent for the liabilities.
Means, first you need to keep aside a fixed maximum percentage of your income for investing
in assets then after all the required thing you should spend the minimum percentage on
the liabilities.
Then only you can gradually become rich.
If liabilities also become more and more with more income then the condition will be always
the same.
Smart idea 2 Maximum assets, minimum liabilities.
There are mainly two types of income process, one is active and another one is passive.
Active means you are getting paid only when you are working actively.
For example, a shop, when it is open and you are sitting their selling your products, only
in that time you are earning but when the shop is closed and you are sleeping at your
home there is no earning.
On the other hand passive income means when you are not even working then also you keep
For example, consider my this little YouTube channel, even when i am sleeping at my home,
viewers are watching my videos and from that I'm earning all the time.
Now, if you are working for active income only, then you are working for money, which
is used to be done by the poor dads.
But if you are working for passive incomes then money is working for you which is used
to be done by the rich dads.
Because if you only get paid only when you are actively working then in this short life
span there is no chance for you to get really rich.
Smart idea 3 Investing for passive incomes.
I have got these smart ideas from Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad.
If you want to know in more details, you can buy this book from the link given below in
the description.
At last a little request to you, if you find this video useful in finding any kind of solution
for your life problems, then please share it with your loved ones.
Because by sharing you can also help to change someone's life.
And please let us know by commenting below, on which topic you would like to watch the
next video.
Because our main aim is to help you.
More wisdom, more solution, better life.
For more infomation >> RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki – Animated Book Summary - Motivational Video - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Social Network Integrated - NetEase Minecraft Chinese Pocket Edition Review - Duration: 10:23.
In 2017, NetEase released Minecraft as 我的世界 for Chinese, not only on PC, but also on the
Last video, I mentioned I will make a PE video.
And there you go.
But, before we continue, we need to know.
How they treat the old PE players?
For the iOS version, I can download directly from the App Store.
For the Android version, if you want to play the official Minecraft, you have to go to
NetEase website to download it.
If you downloaded the official version, you will get a pop-up telling you to login with
your NetEase account.
If you are too lazy, just downloaded from your built-in App Store or something that
is not official, you will not be able to login with your NetEase account.
The same as PC, if you are online, you will get a force update.
So how about offline gaming?
Anyone here?
I am still alive!
Oh it's time to play some Minecraft PE I think.
And now you can see, our map created before is here.
So in offline gaming, it is great.
After finishing the update, we will get into
the mainpage of the game.
But you can see.
There are five tabs in total.
The first tab is about something like Facebook... or Faceblock?
For example, there are comments section.
You can comment to the post.
However I can't see what I type.
So what I am typing, I don't know, I have to check it again and again.
Nice job, NetEase.
Besides, you can like to the post, or repost the post.
Of course, you can delete your posts.
You can also send the posts by your self, just like the ehh...
You know, Faceblock.
You can select photos, and type something, then post it out.
You can even send a screenshot in-game with one click.
The second tab is about Friends.
The importance of friends in Chinese PE is shown on the official promotion.
This is the friends list.
You can click on a guy and look at his/her posts.
And also send private message.
There are also official accounts you can follow, err... if you want to add friends, oh no,
that's impossible.
You can also join the multiplayer by clicking on the specific message, but that guy should
be hosting a room.
And actually after I recorded this, they updated something about friend system to combine PC
and PE's friends list.
So there comes a question.
If you are too lazy, just downloaded from your built-in App Store or something that
is not official, you will not be able to login with your NetEase account.
[Hyper distorted sad violin]
The next tab is the main page.
Singleplayer, multiplayer, realms server and resource download center go from here.
There is a recent part where you can launch your last played map quickly.
Let's go to the resource center, because why not?
Featuring textures and maps are shown here.
This is the category.
Let's take a look at the map first.
So you can see there are lots of maps you can download.
This map costs me 200 emeralds.
And sometimes your downloaded map does not even work properly.
By the way if you logging in with the NetEase account, you can sync your emeralds and diamonds
between PC and PE.
[Hyper distorted sad violin]
Let's join the realms.
I random joined a public server.
As soon as we loaded, my first thought was...
Is this server has walked through by the grievers?
I joined another server, but got the same result.
2000 years later
Let's check the version, but it said you are not allowed to use this command.
Why not build own one?
[My Heart Will Go On Flute]
Stop the [Bleep] realms server!
On the top left of the page, you can see the Steve with...
Actually is the place to edit your skins in game.
[My Heart Will Go On Flute]
But now, you can set your custom PNG skin from your gallery.
By the way, you can't set 32x64 skins for that.
Let's see if it will work in the multiplayer.
I go to rebuild my realms, then start the game.
Then on the other side, I join the realms with another account.
As you can see, my custom skin on my iOS device is able to see.
But when we switch to the Android, I am Steve again, so it is just client-side only.
The only way to show skins in multiplayer is to rent skin for 30 days.
The fourth tab is the community, which works like a small Minecraft Forum.
You can see the posts they post here, and comment, or just upvote.
5 sub-forum are included: News, Minecraft Discussion, Suggestion, Walkthrough and Video.
All videos should be uploaded at CC broadcasting, which is NetEase's website.
"Me, the broadcaster, 18 years old now."
And the last tab.
You can claim the daily rewards here.
And some limited activities.
What I think is really useful is the last one.
It names the game genius.
You can ask it for some useful tips and tricks of Minecraft PE.
So that's about the Chinese PE.
How do you think about it?
Let me know in the comments below, or just tell me what videos you want to watch in the
Like for like, dislike for dislike, maybe you can consider clicking the subscribe button
down below.
And also, I wish you all guys have a happy new year.
See you in 2018.
KARAOKE | Đừng Hỏi Em Remix (Don't Ask Me) | Mỹ Tâm - Duration: 4:15.
Happy New Year! - ASMR sexy tapping and cutting by Sarah ASMRotica (Christmas) - Duration: 33:58.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Republican Governor Immediately Silences Every Anti-Trump Welfare Leech In His State. - Duration: 3:37.
Republican Governor Immediately Silences Every Anti-Trump Welfare Leech In His State.
There is a stereotype in America that is far too often accurate.
It consists of myriads of welfare leeches spending their benefits on everything but
that for which they were intended.
This would include food stamp fraud.
This consists of illegally selling food stamp benefits for cash which is then used for illegal
drugs among other things.
Then there are those who make fraudulent applications for benefits.
Another characteristic that is common to these folks is an unwillingness to work, ever if
In other words, government benefits that are to be a safety net for those who are truly
impoverished are instead used to subsidize idleness and drug abuse.
Unhealthy lifestyles are subsidized while children are often in need.
All courtesy of a depraved nature coupled with poorly administered benefits.
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin intends to end at least part of this abuse.
Those on welfare in his state will have to submit to periodic tests for illegal drugs.
Thus ends or dramatically curtails the misuse of welfare benefits to support an illegal
drug habit.
"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, whose pro-growth and pro-taxpayer reforms have transformed
the Badger State into a magnet for jobs and opportunities, seeks to further rehabilitate
his once-ailing state by implementing drug-testing for able-bodied food stamp applicants.
"'Wisconsin's Republican governor has submitted a plan to state lawmakers for drug
testing able-bodied recipients of the state's Food Share program,' the Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel reported Monday.
"'If the state Legislature doesn't object within 120 days, the plan will go into effect,
though it will take at least a year for actual testing to begin,' the report noted."
At least it will take a year to implement the program.
For a moment there, one could have been concerned that government had lost its ability to take
a simple project and string it out for months or years.
Seriously, though, this is precisely the sort of thing that needs to be done nationwide.
The left will scream that what we have is typical Republican insensitivity to the needs
of the poor.
On closer examination, that is easily proven as false.
Note how things will work.
"According to the Walker administration, the goal wouldn't be to make life more difficult
for those in need of food stamps, but rather to first identify recipients with substance
abuse issues and then provide them with the help they need to recover.
Because most employers aren't too keen on hiring drug abusers.
"'Employers have jobs available, but they need skilled workers who can pass a drug test,'
Walker explained in a news brief released by his office.
'This rule change means people battling substance use disorders will be able to get
the help they need to get healthy, and get back into the workforce.'"
This is even more compassionate than what the liberals allege to support.
Impoverished drug addicts are to be identified and placed in programs to help them overcome
their addictions.
Once they are "clean" they are more likely to find good jobs, earn more money, and get
off welfare.
Of course, the results won't be perfect, but it is an excellent plan.
Unless you are a candidate for office who needs drug-addicted welfare recipients to
win elections, it's hard to see how anyone loses under this program.
Could we now hope that other states follow Wisconsin's lead?
what do you think about this?
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