(Inner Voices)
- Are you ready? / - Yes, Jungeun.
The organizers of this event are here.
Celebrities like us
have to book a lot of gigs at the year-end.
If we impress them...
We'll all get a ton of gigs!
- Got it? / - Yes!
Nope. I'll get them all.
Only I'll get all the work!
The performance is starting.
- Let's go. / - Okay.
Guys, the Olympics are around the corner.
Let's win the gold in the short track relay.
Jinyeong, you have a weak lower body...
- So do some squats over there. / - Yes, captain.
I see you're all working hard!
Mr. Sponsor! Hello!
We're training well thanks to you.
For our athletes that have been working so hard,
I'd like to say a few short words.
To all the athletes...
I thank you for all your hard work.
And I hope you all do well at the Olympics!
And! Even if you face adversity...
I hope you overcome it!
Please stop speaking.
Are you a principal?
Geez... He's talking for so long to get all the gigs.
Lastly, I'd like to energize all the athletes.
Let's go, athletes!
Let's go, Korean athletes!
Let's go!
Man, I'm dizzy.
I almost took a dirt nap trying to get gigs.
- Work hard. / - Yes. Good-bye.
- Hwekyung. / - Yes.
You're the best skater on our team.
- Do a good job! / - Yes.
Hwekyung, are you okay?
Captain, I think my injury isn't fully healed yet.
I'll give up on the Olympics.
What are you saying?
We practiced so hard.
You can do this. Stand up, Hwekyung.
Stand up! You can do this!
What are you doing?
It's so exposed.
I have a wedgie now.
Let me go.
Hwekyung, hang in there.
We have to go to Pyeongchang together!
Mom, I'm right here.
Please write on the Pyeongchang homepage
that the mascot is good at waving.
Hwekyung... Team doctor! Team doctor!
Bring the first aid box!
I have the first aid box!
I brought a makeup box by mistake.
Why did I get so nervous? This stupid stage fright...
What are you doing?
Let me take a look at the patient.
His injury is too severe. He can't compete.
No. Hwekyung has to compete.
If you take an injured athlete,
would you win a gold medal or a strawberry?
What the heck did I just say?
Why am I so nervous? Why did I say strawberry?
Gosh, this is nuts.
Then what should we do?
The only people on the team
are me and Hwekyung!
Did he forget about me?
And how long do I have to stand like this for?
Am I needed here?
Captain, long time no see.
Kim Junho.
You quit the team and you come crawling back?
We don't need your help so beat it!
Captain, you still have your pride.
- But you have no skills. / - What, punk?
Is this a comedy show?
Isn't this a drama?
Is this a soap opera?
Jungeun, you hit me too hard.
I can just hit you back then.
Captain, did you just hit me?
You hit me? I'll hit you back then!
He hit me again.
It really hurts to be hit in the same spot twice.
I'm all dizzy... You're in trouble now.
This patient can't compete.
- You can't compete in the Olympics! / - Hwekyung.
- I don't think I can. / - Oh, no...
Who was it?
Who hit my darling?
Try hitting me. I'm a girl.
Try hitting a girl!
Hey! He's a man!
He's a man!
For more infomation >> Inner Voices | 속 보이스 [Gag Concert / 2017.12.30] - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
Reflections {Overwatch Official Comic Dub} - Duration: 8:17.
"Gerard, what have I done?"
"What I would give to have you back."
"Now, I'm truly alone."
Tracer: "Did you make all this by yourself?"
La princesse Charlotte entrera à la crèche en janvier-2017 - Duration: 2:35.
TOYOTA - 2018 世界新車大展 | 特別報導 - Duration: 5:43.
Quel type d'homme attirez vous? | ANDY donne notes à un mec | Évaluation #1 - Duration: 8:26.
MON TOUR DU MONDE EN 4 MINUTES - Duration: 3:54.
Hvar ferry to Split, Croatia + bus ride to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina travel vlog - Duration: 10:40.
Well good morning good morning.
It is another very early start to the day today.
We are leaving Hvar Island and traveling all the way to Mostar.
Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Still waking up here.
I know what you mean.
What time is it?
And we had a bit of an emergency this morning in terms of time because what happened was
our clocks there was a time change in Canada but the time change occured here earlier.
A week ago and then it occured in Canada so our clocks were set back.
They changed.
Yeah, so oh my gosh woke up we woke up thinking we had lots of time and actually we didn't.
Yeah, we were running an hour behind.
Anyways, we're going to give you guys an apartment tour before we run out of here to go catch
our ferry.
Sam is going to do the tour.
I'll be behind the camera.
Let's get started.
Alright guys, so the place we stayed in here was fabulous.
It was huge.
Like really big apartment so let's take a quick look.
So first thing is first is the bathroom.
First thing is the bathroom.
The bathroom was really cool.
Nice big shower.
Nice my flip flops are still there.
Oh my gosh.
I need to pick those up.
You see that is what I'm talking about.
Oh my gosh today we're not on the ball.
We're not.
So come on in here.
Um, we had a really nice kitchen.
We were cooking a lot.
We made pasta here every single day we were either making spaghetti or polenta with tomato
sauce and veggies.
It was really good.
Let's continue we have to make this a very speedy tour.
That is true.
Dining area.
This couch was awesome.
We utilized that a lot for just chilling and watching Netflix or here was our work table.
And if you come outside I'll show you the views.
It has been pouring rain like this morning it was so bad we were wondering if our ferry
was even going to go.
Well it was actually storming this morning.
It looks so much better now.
It was super windy and yeah there was thunder and lightning.
I was like oh my gosh Audrey I don't think we're going to get out of here.
That is kind of like the ultimate travel nightmare being stuck on an island is wondering if you
can actually get off the island.
But anyways I think we will.
Um, although it is calling for quite a bit more rain.
Um, this is the bedroom.
It was comfortable and yeah because this was off-season we only paid $25 US dollars a night
for this guys.
Yeah, and normally we use airbnb but we found this was on booking dot com and yeah it was
just a great deal.
And now we're going to get ready to leave because any minute now we're going to be getting
picked up.
(waves and rain sound)
So our ferry is here and it is massive.
It is a behemoth in comparison to the one that we took coming to the island.
This one is called Lastovo.
I mean it is by Jadrolinija the same company.
So yeah, yeah.
How many stories is that?
I don't know.
It looks like a cruise ship almost.
It is huge I'm glad they brought the big ship yes for the storm we're going to need it.
The waves are fierce this morning.
(Wind Sounds)
Okie dokie.
We are here.
We are back in Split.
That was a really bumpy ferry ride.
Oh yeah.
I was feeling nauseous.
A kid puked.
Right in front of you.
Right in front of me.
Kind of gross but anyways we have to go catch our bus now.
Tickets in hand.
We're going to Mostar.
We sure are.
Let's go find our bus and the terminal.
(Rain and wind sounds)
We've got pizza slices and cheese burek and you've got one over here.
We're lucky we had a little bit of change left.
I didn't know if we could actually get we spent the last of our Kuna here.
We literally like spent it all just now.
So we get two pizza slices and a burek.
Also our bus door is open so maybe we can go get on.
Tres Miserable.
Actually yeah the weather the weather is awful.
Oh my gosh.
We are soaking wet.
It has been pouring like it is coming down like a curtain like a sheet of water.
How would you describe it?
It is just like raining sideways basically.
It is.
It is just yeah nice to get on the bus.
It is toasty in here.
It is dry the heat is on.
So we're planning to sleep for a few hours and before we know it we'll be in Mostar.
I sure hope so.
Have a good nap.
(Rolling sounds)
Alright alright.
We have arrived at our airbnb yes.
Oh my gosh guys we owe you the biggest update.
So yeah, the bus trip went really well.
Um, the weather improved.
It started off awful as you remember.
And then the rain started to slow down a bit.
It is not like it became like really nice outside but it just kind of got a little bit
And yeah, we were going down the coast for a long while and then we kind of veered off
into the left and then the landscape completely changed.
It was more like lakes, rivers, mountains.
And yeah, the border crossing was an absolute cinch.
Super quick.
Everything has been super easy.
I was all border crossing were like the Balkans.
So far we handed over our passports to the bus driver uh he went and got them stamped.
Brought them back on and that was it.
The only other event that was noteworthy was that we had to change buses right at the last
And that was right near the end of the journey.
Yeah, the last leg to Mostar was on a different bus.
I feel like we should give a little shout out to our last two hosts.
Because the last one in Hvar he ended up driving us to the ferry terminal at like seven in
the morning which was super nice of him to get up.
Especially in the rain.
And then this guy right here in Mostar he came to meet us at the bus terminal.
With his bike and like it was so funny we were told that a guy with a mustache on a
Mustache on a bicycle would meet us.
And I thought like oh my gosh that could be like any one of 10 men.
But no low and behold when we arrived at the bus station he was there.
Waiting for us.
A guy on a bike with a mustache.
And he was the only one we could see and so yeah we followed him all of the way here.
Yeah, our place looks cool.
We'll save the apartment tour for another time because we're hungry.
So that is our priority at the moment.
Let's go find some food in the town.
Let's do it.
So yeah we walked into town found a restaurant.
It is a Monday.
A rainy Monday night so it is super quiet.
Super chill.
I've ordered.
Let me tell you the name of this.
I feel like this is something I'm going to be eating quite a bit so it is probably a
good idea if I know what I'm talking about.
It is maybe ćevapčići.
I'm not entirely sure but it is kind of like this pita.
And we got a little bit of beef.
This looks like chopped onions.
So it is looking good.
It is looking good.
I have a feeling I'm supposed to eat it with my hands.
Then we also got a mozzarella salad to go with that too.
We haven't been eating enough salad.
Is it good?
It is juicy.
Fresh off of the grill.
Try that salad too.
Oh my gosh.
I'm so hungry.
Look at you.
Look at me.
We are back from dinner.
We're back at our airbnb and you know what?
It is a Monday night and that means there is a new Star Trek episode on Netflix.
So I've got my cup of tea.
We've got some chocolate, laptop with Netflix all queued up and oh yeah we're totally geeking
We sure are.
And we're tired so yeah it has been a long day of travels so we're just going to relax
and then go to bed.
So yeah, see you in the next video where we'll actually show you around Mostar and maybe
try some of the food.
Honda CR-V 2.2 CTDi LS - Duration: 0:59.
La théière de fer et la théière d'argile - Histoires avant de s'endormir - Histoire pour Enfants #17 - Duration: 1:53.
How I Make Money Online
Mazda CX-5 2.2D Skylease 2WD - Duration: 0:58.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Automaat Estate Business Solution AMG - Duration: 0:41.
5 étapes pour un corps alcalin avec plus d'énergie - Duration: 4:27.
Quel type d'homme attirez vous? | ANDY donne notes à un mec | Évaluation #1 - Duration: 8:26.
Mathilde Seigner : qui est son compagnon, Mathieu Petit ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:31.
L'astuce de Julie Gayet et François Hollande pour déjeuner incognito au restaurant - Duration: 3:06.
Steve Marlet et David Bellion répondent aux questions grooming les plus posées sur le Web - Duration: 3:15.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 180 Estate Ambition Avantgarde Automaat - Duration: 1:01.
Il Segreto, spoiler gennaio: ecco che fine farà la perfida Lucia - Duration: 4:03.
MON TOUR DU MONDE EN 4 MINUTES - Duration: 3:54.
How To Fix The 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress - Duration: 6:49.
Hi! This is Topher with WinningWP.
In this video, we're going to look at how to fix
the 500 internal server error in WordPress.
And we're going to keep it a quick and easy beginner guide.
These are things that you can try even if you don't
think of yourself as a highly technical person.
Have you ever seen one of these before?
This page isn't working.
HTTP error 500.
What does it mean?
It means that something is so broken that WordPress
can't even print it out.
The whole point of WordPress is to be able to print
things to your screen.
And this means that at a fundamental level
WordPress can't function.
Now that's not as bad as it might sound.
If somebody cut the power line to your house,
everything electronic in your house would stop working.
But all that's required to fix it is to fix
that one wire and everything comes back.
It works similarly in WordPress.
It's almost certainly one little thing broken and
when you fix it, everything's going to snap back in place.
So don't panic.
Your site is probably going to be fine.
The next question is, what causes it?
It's almost always broken code in one of these three places.
Plugins, your theme or WordPress core.
And that broken code could come from any number of places.
It could be a hacker, it could be your own developer
breaking things.
It could be a new plugin.
It could be WordPress updated in the night and
broke halfway through.
There are many many things.
So we'll try and narrow it down.
But the first thing you should do is work with backups.
Hopefully your host makes backups for you.
And you could log into their admin panel and download
the most recent good backup.
But then also you should download a backup
of the broken site.
If for no other reason, that someone could look
through it later and try to find what happened.
If you don't have a good backup system
that should probably be one of the very first things
you work on after getting your site back in working order.
The easiest way to fix this problem is to contact
support at your hosting company.
They've seen this problem many many times before.
They'll have access to server log files
to be able to pinpoint exactly where the problem is
on your site and they'll have the ability to remove
problem files.
This is the quickest way to get it fixed and
probably the best way.
But what if you don't have access to support?
It could be a holiday or the weekend or
the middle of the night.
Here are some options.
First, try to log into your administration area.
Often the problem is only on the front of the site.
I can log into my admin area.
And yet the front end of the site is broken.
That helps narrow down where the problem is.
Next we're going to deactivate all plugins,
reactivating one at a time.
Now, I'll go to plugins,
and here they all are.
And I can deactivate,
and apply.
And now they're all deactivated.
Now let's look at the front of the site.
And now it's working, which means that the problem
was in one of those plugins.
But which one?
Let's start by activating them one at a time.
No problems there.
No problems there.
No problems there.
Ah, this plugin triggered a fatal error.
And you'll note that it did not actually activate.
And the front of our site still works.
So now we know where the problem is and
our site is working.
But now what do we do about it?
We have this plugin that we had
and now it's causing problems.
Well you do with it whatever you do with any plugin
causing problems.
Check with support from that plugin.
Maybe it's a known issue.
Maybe you could get a previous version.
If it's not an important plugin, maybe you simply
get rid of it.
Now I'd like to point out that for the purposes
of this video, I actually broke regenerate thumbnails
on purpose.
It's actually an excellent plugin and
there's nothing wrong with it.
So let's pretend for a moment that the problem was
not there and our site is still broken.
There, now all of our plugins are activated.
And our site is still broken.
What could it be?
The next step is to set your theme to a default,
like 2017 or any of the 20's actually.
This is the same idea as with a plugins.
You simply try a different one and see
if that solves the problem.
In this case, it did not solve the problem.
If it had, then we would know that the problem was
with that theme.
And again, you could talk to support for that theme,
or at the very least, have your site working
for the weekend, until someone could work on it
to find out what's really broken with it and fix it.
But if it's not your theme, and it's not your plugins,
the next step is WordPress.
This is surprisingly one of the easiest things to do.
And the way you do that, you go to the dashboard menu item
and go to updates.
And it will probably say, you have the latest version
of WordPress.
If it doesn't, you'll want to do this anyway to update.
Right here is a button to reinstall now.
So we'll click that.
And there we are.
We've reinstalled WordPress just like that.
And now we'll check the front of our site
and it's back.
So now we know that the problem was somewhere
in WordPress.
And that could've come from a botched update or
any number of things.
What we know is that now it's fixed.
And since we know it wasn't our theme that did it,
we can go back and set it back.
And sure enough, everything is back in working order.
But what about if you can't log into the admin area?
That happens sometimes where the front and
the back are broken.
If you can't log into the admin area, try logging
in with FTP.
If you're unfamiliar with FTP, check our WinningWP
video on how to use it.
We'll make a link in the description below.
But you can always search YouTube
for how to use FTP with WinningWP.
The first thing you'll want to do is download
your plugins folder as a backup.
And then simply delete it from the server.
This has the same effect as deactivating them
like we did earlier.
Then check your site.
If it comes back, even if it looks broken
because there are no plugins, then start uploading
your plugins one at a time to find out
which one broke things.
Once you know, you can delete just that one
and upload all the other and
then deal with the bad plugin accordingly.
Following these steps will often bring your site back.
But to reiterate my point at the beginning,
the number one best option is support.
They'll try many of the things I mentioned.
But they're much more efficient at it.
And they can go very quickly.
And they can solve the problem.
If you're interested in reading some more options,
and reading more about this problem,
check out WinningWP.com.
There'll be a link in the description
to an excellent blog post about this issue.
If you'd like to learn more about WordPress,
check out WinningWP.com.
Wltoys K989 1 28 Rc Drift Project EP7 Drift Tires Upgrade From The Sinohobby Mini Q With Test Drive - Duration: 3:45.
hello everybody welcome to a new episode of how to DIY Rc to the Wltoys
k889 RC drift project where we have the new Sinohobby mini Q RC drift tires
upgrade and going over the specs of the new tires
they are 8,5mm wide they have no angle they are completely flat and
they are made of a different kind of plastic than the Austars still hard
plastic slightly softer than the Austar and they will fit on the Austar
rims with no problems at all fit perfectly there is only one difference
Sinohobby mini q drift tires are 8.5mm wide and the Austars in the
front a 9-mil wide and rear they're 11 millimeters wide so that's a slight
difference but the contact surface is a lot larger than the 6803 tyres so
they will give us a lot more grip so in the front as in the rear and I will do a
comparison and test and well I'm gonna roll the clip of how the austar wheels
are drifting and going to mount them on the car the new drift tires and then show
you the test let's roll the clip
as you can see the drift tires from the mini q are working a lot better than
the austars give me a lot more front grip and there for a lot more control
while the cars out of control and has helped me a lot
in transitions making an eight-figure a lot easier and a lot more precise so I'm
really liking this upgrade and it was only three bucks so it's not gonna break
the bank so if you didn't have any drift tyres yet and I recommend this mini
Q over the austars and they fit perfectly on the austar rims now put a
link down below help you out hope you help me out and give the video a like
and if you did it then give it a dislike I hope you subscribe for the next
episode in this RC drift project and I want to say good bye until next time
La théière de fer et la théière d'argile - Histoires avant de s'endormir - Histoire pour Enfants #17 - Duration: 1:53.
Hvar ferry to Split, Croatia + bus ride to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina travel vlog - Duration: 10:40.
Well good morning good morning.
It is another very early start to the day today.
We are leaving Hvar Island and traveling all the way to Mostar.
Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Still waking up here.
I know what you mean.
What time is it?
And we had a bit of an emergency this morning in terms of time because what happened was
our clocks there was a time change in Canada but the time change occured here earlier.
A week ago and then it occured in Canada so our clocks were set back.
They changed.
Yeah, so oh my gosh woke up we woke up thinking we had lots of time and actually we didn't.
Yeah, we were running an hour behind.
Anyways, we're going to give you guys an apartment tour before we run out of here to go catch
our ferry.
Sam is going to do the tour.
I'll be behind the camera.
Let's get started.
Alright guys, so the place we stayed in here was fabulous.
It was huge.
Like really big apartment so let's take a quick look.
So first thing is first is the bathroom.
First thing is the bathroom.
The bathroom was really cool.
Nice big shower.
Nice my flip flops are still there.
Oh my gosh.
I need to pick those up.
You see that is what I'm talking about.
Oh my gosh today we're not on the ball.
We're not.
So come on in here.
Um, we had a really nice kitchen.
We were cooking a lot.
We made pasta here every single day we were either making spaghetti or polenta with tomato
sauce and veggies.
It was really good.
Let's continue we have to make this a very speedy tour.
That is true.
Dining area.
This couch was awesome.
We utilized that a lot for just chilling and watching Netflix or here was our work table.
And if you come outside I'll show you the views.
It has been pouring rain like this morning it was so bad we were wondering if our ferry
was even going to go.
Well it was actually storming this morning.
It looks so much better now.
It was super windy and yeah there was thunder and lightning.
I was like oh my gosh Audrey I don't think we're going to get out of here.
That is kind of like the ultimate travel nightmare being stuck on an island is wondering if you
can actually get off the island.
But anyways I think we will.
Um, although it is calling for quite a bit more rain.
Um, this is the bedroom.
It was comfortable and yeah because this was off-season we only paid $25 US dollars a night
for this guys.
Yeah, and normally we use airbnb but we found this was on booking dot com and yeah it was
just a great deal.
And now we're going to get ready to leave because any minute now we're going to be getting
picked up.
(waves and rain sound)
So our ferry is here and it is massive.
It is a behemoth in comparison to the one that we took coming to the island.
This one is called Lastovo.
I mean it is by Jadrolinija the same company.
So yeah, yeah.
How many stories is that?
I don't know.
It looks like a cruise ship almost.
It is huge I'm glad they brought the big ship yes for the storm we're going to need it.
The waves are fierce this morning.
(Wind Sounds)
Okie dokie.
We are here.
We are back in Split.
That was a really bumpy ferry ride.
Oh yeah.
I was feeling nauseous.
A kid puked.
Right in front of you.
Right in front of me.
Kind of gross but anyways we have to go catch our bus now.
Tickets in hand.
We're going to Mostar.
We sure are.
Let's go find our bus and the terminal.
(Rain and wind sounds)
We've got pizza slices and cheese burek and you've got one over here.
We're lucky we had a little bit of change left.
I didn't know if we could actually get we spent the last of our Kuna here.
We literally like spent it all just now.
So we get two pizza slices and a burek.
Also our bus door is open so maybe we can go get on.
Tres Miserable.
Actually yeah the weather the weather is awful.
Oh my gosh.
We are soaking wet.
It has been pouring like it is coming down like a curtain like a sheet of water.
How would you describe it?
It is just like raining sideways basically.
It is.
It is just yeah nice to get on the bus.
It is toasty in here.
It is dry the heat is on.
So we're planning to sleep for a few hours and before we know it we'll be in Mostar.
I sure hope so.
Have a good nap.
(Rolling sounds)
Alright alright.
We have arrived at our airbnb yes.
Oh my gosh guys we owe you the biggest update.
So yeah, the bus trip went really well.
Um, the weather improved.
It started off awful as you remember.
And then the rain started to slow down a bit.
It is not like it became like really nice outside but it just kind of got a little bit
And yeah, we were going down the coast for a long while and then we kind of veered off
into the left and then the landscape completely changed.
It was more like lakes, rivers, mountains.
And yeah, the border crossing was an absolute cinch.
Super quick.
Everything has been super easy.
I was all border crossing were like the Balkans.
So far we handed over our passports to the bus driver uh he went and got them stamped.
Brought them back on and that was it.
The only other event that was noteworthy was that we had to change buses right at the last
And that was right near the end of the journey.
Yeah, the last leg to Mostar was on a different bus.
I feel like we should give a little shout out to our last two hosts.
Because the last one in Hvar he ended up driving us to the ferry terminal at like seven in
the morning which was super nice of him to get up.
Especially in the rain.
And then this guy right here in Mostar he came to meet us at the bus terminal.
With his bike and like it was so funny we were told that a guy with a mustache on a
Mustache on a bicycle would meet us.
And I thought like oh my gosh that could be like any one of 10 men.
But no low and behold when we arrived at the bus station he was there.
Waiting for us.
A guy on a bike with a mustache.
And he was the only one we could see and so yeah we followed him all of the way here.
Yeah, our place looks cool.
We'll save the apartment tour for another time because we're hungry.
So that is our priority at the moment.
Let's go find some food in the town.
Let's do it.
So yeah we walked into town found a restaurant.
It is a Monday.
A rainy Monday night so it is super quiet.
Super chill.
I've ordered.
Let me tell you the name of this.
I feel like this is something I'm going to be eating quite a bit so it is probably a
good idea if I know what I'm talking about.
It is maybe ćevapčići.
I'm not entirely sure but it is kind of like this pita.
And we got a little bit of beef.
This looks like chopped onions.
So it is looking good.
It is looking good.
I have a feeling I'm supposed to eat it with my hands.
Then we also got a mozzarella salad to go with that too.
We haven't been eating enough salad.
Is it good?
It is juicy.
Fresh off of the grill.
Try that salad too.
Oh my gosh.
I'm so hungry.
Look at you.
Look at me.
We are back from dinner.
We're back at our airbnb and you know what?
It is a Monday night and that means there is a new Star Trek episode on Netflix.
So I've got my cup of tea.
We've got some chocolate, laptop with Netflix all queued up and oh yeah we're totally geeking
We sure are.
And we're tired so yeah it has been a long day of travels so we're just going to relax
and then go to bed.
So yeah, see you in the next video where we'll actually show you around Mostar and maybe
try some of the food.
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