"knee ga"
[Edit note: I wasn't sure about this "rumor", but Shell said that Agents are a WIP in terms of upgrading :"v ]
[credits for the cute art go to lazy Mary x33]
[This story was a true fact of my beginning Bloons career ;p]
[short "selling all my free towers" transition :p]
[Now we're getting into the proper edit you guys have been waiting for for months CX Enjoy :p]
For more infomation >> A NEW BTD5 WONDER!! [Bloons TD 5 "Expansion" mod] - Duration: 16:40.-------------------------------------------
【MEIKO・KAITO】 Sweet Devil 【VOCALOIDカバー】 - Duration: 2:45.
Make up and dress up!
I become very lovely, too!
I'll use mascara and falsies to get long lashes.
My eyeliner is on point,
along with my eyeshadow.
I'm going all-out on the lipstick,
in a shimmering pink.
"You're showing too much cleavage!"
You say that, but you secretly like it.
I'm about an inch taller with these heels,
which is just the right height.
The babydoll bracelets on my wrists are
adorable enough to make your heart pound, aren't they?
Doesn't a classic red manicure look best?
Hey, are you dreaming over there?
You're actually not the only one that I like.
But don't get me wrong...
(You're) I'm liar girl.
Listen, I really do love you.
You'd hate it if there were others, right?
I'm sorry not to become meekly.
I love you, baby! ♡
I love you. I do, honestly!
You'd also hate it if there were others, wouldn't you?
I have only you, it's really true!
So kiss me already,
do you love sweet devil?
Hey, are you dreaming over there?
You're actually not the only one that I like.
Don't get me wrong...
(You're) I'm liar girl.
I'm sorry for all the lies...
But it has to be only me!
Can you love me through life?
Is that a "yes"? Let's promise with a kiss~
Do you love sweet devil? ♡
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
SkyWay – tak vypadá cesta do budoucnosti (RU, s CZ titulky) - Duration: 3:59.
Every time I play PUBG - Duration: 10:59.
Every single time I play PUBG English Subtitles by Otz
You did it!
Target acquired.
Watch for any change in wind speed and direction.
Remember what I taught you.
Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet's flight path.
At this distance, you'll also have to take-
Alright, take this.
Oh hey, I wanna throw smokes down too.
No, no no no, no no fuck, That's not the one I wanted to-
Fuck me
Yo yo yo yo, I'm peaceful
"I need to give you a full rectal examination."
*pulls the pin*
No, that's 600.
The fuck?!
Hey guys!
Looks like we're all gonna fucking die!
Alright, I didn't wanna pause the video but trust me, this is important.
I need you to look at the screen very, very carefully...
and see what's just about to happen.
Okay, let's go.
Well, fucking congratulations, you have made it to the first and final question.
For one chicken dinner, and it's the following.
"Where did that guy driving the van just now go?"
A) He's hiding behind it.
B) He's ducking in the seat.
C) He got into the buggy.
or D) He just quit the game.
Now, you don't wanna rush your answer because if you get it wrong you'll...
TWISTED: Alright, okay okay.
OTZ: Can you crawl towards it?
TWISTED: Alright I'm dead- OTZ: Yeah, yeah, it's perfect, it's perfect.
TWISTED: Alright let's do this.
OTZ: Oh this guy just got, got him.
I think they're all dead now.
OTZ: They're moving.
OTZ: Oh come on, both of you, both of you...
TWISTED: Do it. Fucking do it.
TWISTED: Oh you got sniped.
OTZ: Okay, okay I think they're coming to you now.
OTZ: Back off, back off.
TWISTED: Alright, I'm running away.
OTZ: I'm pretty sure he must've seen you.
OTZ: Yeah, he's on the same spot I marked...
OTZ: Get on that little crate.
OTZ: I'm in position.
OTZ: I'm gonna drop to the ground, I think I'll be a bit harder to see this time.
OTZ: Oh, go back, go back, go back... shit, I don't see them.
TWISTED: I might die.
OTZ: You're good, you're good, you're good.
OTZ: Make it to that spot, even if you get knocked out.
OTZ: Maybe heal up or whatever.
TWISTED: I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it, I made it.
OTZ: Are you there?
TWISTED: I'm here.
OTZ: Okay, stand very still, as if you had given up.
OTZ: They're both coming dude, they're both coming.
OTZ: Oh my god, they have no fucking idea...
TWISTED: This could work...
OTZ: Alright, let's do this.
They're there, one's there.
TWISTED: Do it, do it, do it, they're both there, they're both there.
TWISTED: You did it!
OTZ: Yesssss!!
TWISTED: Finally!
OTZ: Hell yeah!
TWISTED: We fucking got it.
BONUS CONTENT: how to make a new map
PU: Hey kid, how do you like the new map??
OTZ: What the fuck, who the f-
OTZ: Who the fuck are you?
PU: I'm PlayerUnknown, I made this game.
OTZ: You did?
PU: Yeah, get in the car, I'm gonna show you around.
OTZ: Okay.
PU: So, when we were making the new map, we knew that we wanted to do something dif-
PU: Oh stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
PU: Give me a second, I'll be right back.
PU: Yeah these are my favourite buildings, there's lots of good shit in them.
PU: We put like umm, a few of them, around the map, so players don't have to spend a
lot of time looting complicated buildings anymore...
OTZ: But doesn't that defeat the point of going to high-risk, high-reward areas?
I mean, if this good gear is all around the map, what's the point of going to places like Prison?
PU: Well, that's okay really, I don't want anyone to go to prison anyway.
When I was in college, many years ago, a friend of mine who went to prison n-
PU: You see this island?
It's one of the best places in the game.
OTZ: Really?
PU: No.
PU: Oh look the zone's here..
OTZ: Umm, we don't have a boat.
Do we... do we swim now?
PU: Nah, it's not worth it, no.
Um, do you have a frag grenade?
OTZ: Uh, no...
OTZ: Why?
PU: Ah, nevermind.
OTZ: Are we going for the drop?
PU: If we're going we better hurry, once these things touch the ground they're impossible to find.
PU: Get in the van, quick, I'll get us there in a jiffy.
PU: We'll go for the next one.
PU: ... and this is where we buried all the ones working on the Xbox One port,
after they had that tragic accident.
PU: And... and I think that's everything, I think I've shown you everything you need to know.
PU:I bet you have a thousand questions!
OTZ: Actually, I do yeah, I have one.
OTZ: Why is that crate over there on fire?
PU: Uh...
OTZ: I saw you throw that Molotov.
PU: What? No you didn't.
OTZ: Yeah, I totally- you just threw that fucking Molotov at
BTS DNA but it's actually about biology and sung by a bored 15 year old - Duration: 3:46.
So I had this really great idea
To help me study for my bio final
The only problem, I forgot to make it
Until after my exam yesterday (I made this a while ago)
So in short
I'm probably screwed
And my grade
Gonna suffer
But, I can at least try to
Impress my teachers and peers by
Taking a song they think is trash and make it educational
The nucleus
Acts as the brain of all our little cells
You know what's inside that thingy?
It's holds all of our genetic make up
So bascally if you'll be hot or pretty
It's all decided in this tiny thingy
All of our ribosomes
Are tiny particles
Of this thing science likes to call
It's found throughout the cytoplasm
I bet you wanted me to go and say
Are the organelles that
Capture energy
From the sunlight
And convert into
Chemical energy
In photosynthesis
Why I even need to know this?
I'm not quite sure either
However I do know
The chemical formula
It's 6CO2 + 6H2O and light energy
And once the whole process is finally done taking place
(oh yeah)
It's turns into
C2H12O6 + 6O2
If you reverse this (photosynthesis)
You get the formula for cellular respiration
What that even is
To be honest I'm not quite sure
So basically if a plant lives or dies
It will eventually impact our lives
If all the plants are dead
We'll all be dead to!
Cause then we wouldn't have any
We would surely all be very dead
I bet you really wanted me to say
The mitochondria
Is the powerhouse of the cell
Oh please, did you really
Think that I
Would go
This whole song
Making that joke
The mitchondria
Is the powerhouse of the cell
It takes all of your FOOD
And converts into energy (for da cell)
Lala la lala
Lala la lala
Biology is very
Lala la lala
Lala la lala
But it would really help if I
(JK I did study)
(I promise I'm a good student ;-;)
Funny Treasure Hunt, chocolate, play, kids, toy, family, fun, RIWORLD - Duration: 4:00.
So funny
So sweet
Don't eat chocolate too much
Let's go
Where are you?
So sweet
Mommy do not know
Don't eat chocolate too much
Let's go
I found it
Where are they?
So sweet!
Mommy do not know
Don't eat chocolate too much
Let's go
Where are they?
So sweet
Don't eat chocolate too much
Oceans of the World for Kids | Learn all about the 5 Oceans of the Earth - Duration: 8:44.
Listen…listen to the ocean...we love to hear the waves crash against the shore, we
love to hear the waves smash the rocks…we love to watch and listen to the Ocean.
The Oceans of the world are vast…they are humongous!
Look at our earth, most of our earth is covered with water…in fact, over 72% of the earth
is covered with water called Oceans and Seas.
The Oceans are very salty, we call it saline; say it with me "say-leen" …saline means
salty and the Oceans of the earth are saline water and not fresh water and you cannot drink
Ocean water…but you CAN swim in the Ocean and you can open your eyes in it and it won't
burn your eyes!
And you CAN SCUBA dive in the Ocean and explore the Ocean.
Let's explore the Oceans of the world together.
There are five major Oceans of the world, and although these Oceans are all connected,
they each have a different name.
They are; The Pacific Ocean…the Atlantic Ocean…the Indian Ocean…The Southern Ocean
(also called the Antarctic Ocean) …and the Arctic Ocean.
Let's learn a little about them in order of their size.
The largest Ocean is called the Pacific Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean is massive!
Beginning from the coasts of Asia and Australia, and reaching way over to North and South America;
and then up to the north where it meets the Arctic Ocean and wayyy down to the Southern
Ocean; the Pacific Ocean takes in a big big chunk of the earth.
You'll find the islands of Polynesia in the Pacific including Hawaii and Samoa and
Tonga and a thousand other islands scattered throughout the South Pacific.
At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean you'll find the deepest place on earth!
The Mariana Trench.
The Mariana Trench is a deep scar over fifteen hundred miles long cut into the crust of the
earth and at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest known point on earth named The
Challenger Deep!
It is over 36,000 feet deep!
If you dropped the highest mountain on earth; Mount Everest, into The Challenger Deep, it
would still be covered with over a mile of sea water!
That's deep baby!
The next largest Ocean is the Atlantic Ocean.
Although the Atlantic is number 2…it is gigantic!
Like the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic also reaches north to the Arctic Ocean and down
to the Southern Ocean; and borders North and South America.
And then it reaches far across over to…Europe and Africa!
The island of Puerto Rico is in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean kind of looks like an "S" as it follows the coasts of its borders and
it separates the "Old World" of Europe and Asia and Africa from the "New World"
of the Americas.
Over the thousands of years, many thousands of ships have crossed the Atlantic, and thousands
of ships have sunk in Atlantic.
The Titanic hit an iceberg in the Atlantic and sank!
Many ships still with valuable treasure are scattered all over the Atlantic Ocean waiting
to be found!
Ocean number three!
The Indian Ocean…the boundaries of the Indian Ocean are Africa, Southern Asia, Australia
and the Southern Ocean.
The Indian Ocean is the largest breeding ground for the Humpback Whale!
But it is also the source for a large percentage of oil pumping; oil spills are believed to
be a great threat to the health of the Indian Ocean and the life in the Ocean.
Let's consider then Southern Ocean…also known as the Antarctic Ocean which waters
encompasses the southern Continent of Antarctica and touches three Oceans of the world: The
Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans.
The worlds largest penguin species; the Emperor Penguin, live on the ice of the Southern Ocean…did
I say ice?
The Southern Ocean is cold!
It's the coldest Ocean because of the sheet of ice that covers Antarctica…and its cold
all the time!
This brings us to our last-named Ocean…It surrounds and covers the North Pole where
there is no land but only ice and Ocean water and this Ocean is named the Arctic Ocean.
The Arctic Ocean may be the smallest of our Oceans, but it is not small…it is very,
very large and during the warmer months some of the ice melts and becomes ocean water,
and during colder months the water freezes and becomes ice.
These are the five Oceans of the world.
As you look out over these waters of the Ocean you may think…I can't see anything out
over the water and I can't see under the surface…hmm there must be nothing there…and
you may think nothing is going on down there!
But the truth is…a lot IS going on in the Ocean.
There are volcanoes IN the Ocean!
Volcanoes spewing lava!
And LIFE...living things are in the Ocean!
Hundreds of thousands of species of animals and plants are in the Oceans of the world!
From the coldest waters of the Ocean to the warmest…plants and animals rely on healthy
and clean seawater to survive and thrive.
Many varieties of animals make the Oceans their home.
From the tiny krill to the largest animal on earth; the Blue Whale…they make their
home in the Oceans.
I don't think a Blue Whale would walk very easily on land...do you?
Strange and freaky looking animals like Octopus and Squid and the Nautilus and the Cuttlefish…these
amazing and intelligent creatures live in these waters as well.
Fish of every shape and size and color; and Sharks!
They are down there!
What do you think you'll find on the Ocean floor?
If you say; Gardens of spectacular coral reefs which grow very slowly and plants and sponges
that grow and provide protection for smaller critters…well, you would be right!
And deep…way deep down in the Ocean where light cannot penetrate you will find strange
creatures which provide their own bioluminescent light!
Don't forget that mammals like Dolphins and Whales, Walrus, Seals and Sealions…they
all depend on the Ocean.
A vast variety of birds including Penguins and Albatross and the fascinating Pelican;
they also live on and around the Oceans of the world.
All these wonderful creatures big and small and many others require clean and healthy
waters of the Ocean to live…but the Oceans are in trouble!
These Oceans we've learned about are becoming more and more polluted with garbage!
Plastics and paper and garbage we carelessly throw away are making its way to the Ocean
and becoming huge floating islands of trash!
Wreaking havoc and causing problems for our animal friends down there!
Can anybody help protect the Oceans from being the dumping ground of the world?
Can you?
We must all do our part to protect these precious waters of the world.
Raise your hands if you're going to be friend of the Ocean and the billions of our living
friends in the Ocean.
I'm raising my hand right now.
Are you?
RAMPAGE Official Trailer (2018) Dwayne Johnson Action Movie HD - Duration: 2:45.
it's weird you like hanging out with animals more than people yeah
well animals get me a rescue George he was two years old George never would
have survived on his own he definitely trusts you last night
George was seven feet weighed 500 pounds
George you okay buddy you're scared it's okay this morning is nine feet pushing a
thousand what's happening to my friend are you familiar with genetic editing
changes will be incredibly unpredictable
is he the only one oh you didn't know about the 30-foot wolf
hello today huh science experiments falling from the sky having George on
that plane it's big mistake I think we'll be all right
let's go save the world
it's coming back to me
you have to evacuate Chicago George didn't ask for this they're gonna put
them down that's not happening
there's something in the river I was just thinking the only thing that's
missing right now is the giant crocodile
Emerging threats
sabe donde encontrar la vitamina d que su curpo necessita - Duration: 3:13.
BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXEC. M-Sport/ Leder /18"LM/Navi/Clima - Duration: 0:59.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI 20TH ANNIVERSARY, 135 PK / Navigatie / Cruise control / Bluetooth - Duration: 0:57.
MINI 1.5 COOPER D CHILI SERIOUS BUSS Navi /Clima/16"LM/Xenon - Duration: 0:59.
BREAKING: Something AWFUL Just Happened To VP Pence! - Duration: 2:51.
BREAKING: Something AWFUL Just Happened To VP Pence!
The hatred of president Trump isn't only confined to the President himself, as a recent
series of events involving Vice President Pence have revealed.The Vice President and
his family decided to travel to Colorado over Christmas break to take in the sights and
enjoy the snowy weather.
The Pence family chose Aspen as their destination, and had hoped that by quietly retreating to
the mountain town they'd be able to avoid any issues with both the locals and leftist
agitators, who refuse to put politics aside even for the holidays.
Unfortunately, their plan was unsuccessful.As soon as the family living next to the home
the Pence's were renting discovered who was staying there, they immediately decided
to make a political statement the Vice President couldn't possibly miss.
Fox News reports that the daughters of the couple across the street and one of their
girlfriends decided to boldly mock the Vice President's faith, during its most important
holiday, by hanging a massive manner on the pillar between the two homes that read, "Make
America Gay Again" – an obvious reference to the President's famous slogan.Although
while the display was obviously rude and meant as a slight against the Vice President, not
everything about the ordeal was bad.
According to the Aspen Times, the family was actually quite pleasant to both the police
and Secret Service detail protecting Vice President Pence, and in return received even
more proof that neither President Trump nor Vice President Pence are working to destroy
the First Amendment, as leftist hysteria would have people believe.
The Secret Service agents were not at all perturbed about the banner, Buglione said.
Pitkin County Sheriff Joe DiSalvo said one of his deputies was present when the man who
lives in the home came out and first draped the banner over the stone pillar.
"He was real sheepish and thought he might be confronted by the Secret Service or deputies
who'd tell him he couldn't do it," DiSalvo said.
"When they said, 'We're not here to control your free speech rights,' they came
out with chili and began feeding them.
"They've been really nice to us."
While the Vice President doesn't deserve such harassment, especially while he's on
vacation with his family and trying to take a break from politics, the one good takeaway
from this story is that even though the family disagreed with the Pence's politically,
they were able to express it without fear of repercussion from the government or any
of its officials.
That's the beauty of America.
Although next time, they should wait for a more appropriate time to express their grievances
rather than trying to ruin the Vice President's vacation.
Vores nytårs tale! - Duration: 1:06.
Cheb Djalil 2018 😍 Tmoute 3la Convers 😍 Rai sentimental 2018 - Duration: 7:06.
Ditch the Diet - You ARE Enough! - Duration: 1:59.
Hey Lex here with Great Danes Dish and Neily on Nutrition. The New Year is just
around the corner and with it the onslaught of resolutions. Thousands of
advertising messages will prey upon your insecurities with photoshopped
pictures of bodies no one in real life has. Who's to say you're not enough just
as you are. Well, let me tell you: You are enough. Imagine a life without diets.
What would happen to industries pushing pills, potions, and programs promising a
better life. What if people stopped obsessing about a number on the scale?
Think about it. YOU have power and a wallet. Don't waste money on often empty
promises thinking, hoping, wishing, "This time it will work." Here's the thing. The
dieting industry doesn't want you to succeed. Well, it does, but just not
forever because where would it be? It needs your failures your insecurities. It
needs you back over and over and over again. So I'd like to offer these as
suggested resolutions. 1) I won't give the diet industry my money. 2) I won't
exercise out of guilt. 3) I will move more because I enjoy how it makes me
feel like taking my dog for a walk and 4) I will be kind to myself... and to others
I wish you a very healthy and happy new year and please ditch the diet. You are
enough! Thanks for watching and if you like my stuff please like, comment, and
subscribe to Great Danes Dish. If you need help with ditching your diet
schedule an appointment complimentary with my human, Neily. She'll help you.
Funny Treasure Hunt, chocolate, play, kids, toy, family, fun, RIWORLD - Duration: 4:00.
So funny
So sweet
Don't eat chocolate too much
Let's go
Where are you?
So sweet
Mommy do not know
Don't eat chocolate too much
Let's go
I found it
Where are they?
So sweet!
Mommy do not know
Don't eat chocolate too much
Let's go
Where are they?
So sweet
Don't eat chocolate too much
Aprendendo JAPONÊS: FERIADO | Learning JAPANESE: HOLIDAYS | ポルトガル語講座: 祝日編 {ENG SUB + 日本語字幕} - Duration: 7:58.
Hey guys, genki?
This is Vivian, from vivian uru channel and welcome!
Have you watched my previous video that I talk about the holidays in Brazil and Japan?
If you haven't watched it yet, there's a link of this video in the descripction section and cards, okay?
It's an interesting video and it is related to this one =]
Talking about today's video,,
we are going to have another Japanese class video since you guys enjoyed the last one!
I've separated some useful phrases that you can use during your holidays!
RAMPAGE Official Trailer (2018) Dwayne Johnson Action Movie HD - Duration: 2:45.
it's weird you like hanging out with animals more than people yeah
well animals get me a rescue George he was two years old George never would
have survived on his own he definitely trusts you last night
George was seven feet weighed 500 pounds
George you okay buddy you're scared it's okay this morning is nine feet pushing a
thousand what's happening to my friend are you familiar with genetic editing
changes will be incredibly unpredictable
is he the only one oh you didn't know about the 30-foot wolf
hello today huh science experiments falling from the sky having George on
that plane it's big mistake I think we'll be all right
let's go save the world
it's coming back to me
you have to evacuate Chicago George didn't ask for this they're gonna put
them down that's not happening
there's something in the river I was just thinking the only thing that's
missing right now is the giant crocodile
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
【MEIKO・KAITO】 Sweet Devil 【VOCALOIDカバー】 - Duration: 2:45.
Make up and dress up!
I become very lovely, too!
I'll use mascara and falsies to get long lashes.
My eyeliner is on point,
along with my eyeshadow.
I'm going all-out on the lipstick,
in a shimmering pink.
"You're showing too much cleavage!"
You say that, but you secretly like it.
I'm about an inch taller with these heels,
which is just the right height.
The babydoll bracelets on my wrists are
adorable enough to make your heart pound, aren't they?
Doesn't a classic red manicure look best?
Hey, are you dreaming over there?
You're actually not the only one that I like.
But don't get me wrong...
(You're) I'm liar girl.
Listen, I really do love you.
You'd hate it if there were others, right?
I'm sorry not to become meekly.
I love you, baby! ♡
I love you. I do, honestly!
You'd also hate it if there were others, wouldn't you?
I have only you, it's really true!
So kiss me already,
do you love sweet devil?
Hey, are you dreaming over there?
You're actually not the only one that I like.
Don't get me wrong...
(You're) I'm liar girl.
I'm sorry for all the lies...
But it has to be only me!
Can you love me through life?
Is that a "yes"? Let's promise with a kiss~
Do you love sweet devil? ♡
Well, well, well….it seems we were right all along.
Conservative Watchdog Group Judicial Watch continues to uncover corruption upon corruption
and lie upon lie as the Obama administration's house of cards continues to fall.
Director of Investigations and Research at Judicial Watch, Chris Farrell, was a guest
on Fox News on Friday evening.
Through the course of his interview, he revealed just how deep the rabbit hole goes, as he
discussed at length the portion of Huma Abedin's emails released by the State Department recently.
Farrell specifically detailed how disgraced former FBI Director James Comey perjured himself
before Congress when discussing the emails on more than one occasion.
At least four emails determined to be classified were found among 2,800 documents stored on
a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner.
His wife Huma Abedin is the former deputy chief of staff to then-Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton.
The emails date from 2010, 2011 and 2012 with various discussions with Middle Eastern leaders
including Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.
Prior to the documents' release by the State Department large and lengthy portions up to
and including entire pages were redacted.
Three of the emails in question were sent either to or from an address called "BBB
Backup," which one email identifies as a backup of a Blackberry Bold 9700, believed
to belong to Abedin.
FOX News reported Friday –
At least four of the documents released Friday are marked "classified."
One November 2010 document that was released shows Abedin forwarding an email to an address
titled "Anthony Campaign."
Former FBI Director James Comey said during a congressional hearing earlier this year
that he believed Abedin regularly forwarded emails to Weiner for him to print out so she
could give them to Clinton.
The segment on Fox News goes on to point out that Judicial Watch requested these emails
The conservative group Judicial Watch filed suit against the State Department for all
official department emails sent or received by Abedin on a non-state.gov email address.
"This is a major victory," the group's president, Tom Fitton, said in a Friday statement.
"After years of hard work in federal court, Judicial Watch has forced the State Department
to finally allow Americans to see these public documents."
Fitton added, "That these government docs were on Anthony Weiner's laptop dramatically
illustrates the need for the Justice Department to finally do a serious investigation of Hillary
Clinton's and Huma Abedin's obvious violations of law."
Though a former congressman, he resigned in mid-2011 amid significant scandal.
It is also highly unlikely that he possessed such security clearance even while serving
as a public official given that he did not serve on any House committees that would expose
him to any sort of sensitive foreign policy matters.
Additionally, despite the designation of "classified" amongst specific documents intelligence agencies
warn that the documents in question are "born classified," meaning that their distribution
is restricted whether or not they bear "classified" stamps or other identifying marks.
Comey has repeatedly shown he lacks testicular fortitude as well as any sort of basic moral
compass with regard to holding the Clinton crime family accountable for their reign of
terror over Washington and the rest of America when in the midst of a tense presidential
campaign he refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while
she was secretary of state.
He also refused to prosecute during the Whitewater scandal as well as other instances, appointing
himself as a protector of sorts for the Clintons and allowing them to continue to function
above the law.
What do you think about this?
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