Hello and welcome to my list
of the Top Ten Movies of 2017!
For more infomation >> Top Ten Movies of 2017 - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
SIRIANS - Everything you ever wanted to know 2018 (Alien Breeds) - Duration: 6:50.
In star immensity, there is a call Sirius.
It is about two times greater than our Sun and 25 times brighter.
Located in the constellation Canis Major, Sirius has a companion called lower
Sirius B.
In little sister are a part of the species alien focused negative earnings
personal, working in the control and manipulation species.
Sirius is home to many exotic species, both physical and non-physical humanoid
good and bad.
The great majority are evolved to help mankind by sending messages to your
One of the most famous is contacted Alex Collier.
He says that diversity of races is great, with appearances, colors and aspects of all
Ranging from reptilian beings to aquatics Nommos called ..
This alien race are known to able to manipulate the sound of advanced way.
They play an important role acting as guardians and guides in the etheric
of Syrians.
On earth reincarnated in animals such as dolphins, whales and the old sirens with the intention of
protect the biosphere of the Earth.
But there would be evidence of the existence this breed Alien?
Yes it is in the African tribe of Dogon.
A tribe that has arguably knowledge advanced astronomy.
To get an idea was they who pointed the existence of Sirius B, well before the
Scientists found out.
At first she made a name Dwarf Star White then called Sirius B.
It takes 50 years to complete one orbit Sirius around and rotates around its
axis by a terrestrial year.
But the world learned of the Dogon tribe in 1930, when French researchers heard by
first legends of the priests.
Legend has it that aliens descended from heaven in a big boat accompanied by a
wind and noise.
The Extraterrestrial Water gave the Indians all knowledge of astronomy, pointed
location of a star that could not It is seen from the earth, because of the huge amount
brightness that coming from the biggest star.
Years later with better telescopes astronomers They were able to photograph SIRIUS B, confirming
what they were talking about the Dogon.
No telescope use the tribe also identified the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and small
Sirius between fragments A and B indicating the possibility of a SIRIUS C.
Further evidence of these aliens are the Myths of Babylonia and Sumer.
According to Alex Collier the Syrians are similar dolphins and whales.
Decided to reincarnate these creatures because aware similar to humans,
vibrating unconditional love to the planet and the third dimension.
As I said, Sirius is home to various races aliens.
One other benevolent also come from a planet called SEE located in LYRA star.
These Aliens have lost intergalactic war with Draconian Empire and they had to live
There is also the presence of the alien Felines which turned out to be the closest race
Alex Collier also points to another race KATAVY call.
They have dark skin, yet over the years gained due blue tint
to ultraviolet light from another star.
It has great telepathic and psychic power and They can live much more than Humans
from the earth.
But Sirius boss the Syrians.
Spiritually advanced, vibrate at high of love and compassion frequencies.
Most are taller than humans, have more developed brain and a lobocerebral,
above the forehead of the same feature dolphins and whales.
For this reason, they can see other dimensions, inside and outside objects and the opposite side in
third dimension.
This breed has been involved in building of ancient Egypt, acting as experts
in healing, but they are also good warriors.
The Syrians played an important role on Earth, because they were one of the first civilizations
to visit our solar system in other eras.
Some theories suggest that were the first visitors about 4 or 5 million years
ago, but they were for a short period time for scientific reasons.
This time made the first agreement It happened 1 million years ago in America
Latin, then began the colonization.
The Syrians, joined with Pleiadian race Felines and creating two versions of humanity
with their own DNA.
Evolved technologically, it has centers training, a kind of university
coordinated by their masters.
It has a direct link with the Earth, where pass on their spiritual knowledge.
It was they who gave the knowledge of astronomy and medicine to the Mayans and Egyptians,
as well as help with Cataclysm in Atlantis acting as curing workers.
Some people feel a strong affinity with Sirius, they probably have been
there in past lives and are now reincarnated.
According to Alex Collier many knowledge Aura, healing crystals came through
the Syrians because they are seen as aliens healing and gives as an example Goddess Osiris
who was killed and cut into pieces.
The Syrians are members of the Intergalactic Federation Light, watch the Earth go into a large
change only awaiting the start of the transition.
According to them, this process can happen in many ways, in time and mode from
the moment that human beings awaken.
They show that it is possible to achieve other dimensions for humans will never feel
These beings often act through dreams since ego does not interfere.
They say they were designed to be guardians the planet, as well as dolphins and whales
keep the seas.
There are several versions about what really It happened with humans and handling
genetics, but mostly the Sirian They are seen as a Alinígena Race Beneficial
helping mankind.
But you and what do you think?
Like if you like, share this video to strengthen our friendship, strong hug and
See you.
Uwielbiam Cię, Abba - Duration: 4:48.
Nos étés - Saison 3 - Épisode 19 - - Duration: 32:51.
2018 台北車展 Mitsubushi 要跟你一起跨界! - Duration: 5:05.
Les antihypertenseurs - Random888 - Duration: 7:03.
Best Christmas Markets - Duration: 4:40.
Hi guys!
This December we visited a ton of different Christmas markets all around Europe
and while I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one,
it was clear to me that some markets excelled in different areas.
So I thought, now that I've been to so many, it would be fun to create different categories
and have a bit of a Christmas market awards show.
So I'm going to tell you what I thought was best
and, at the end of the video, I'll give an award for the best overall Christmas market in Europe.
So here are the categories.
Best Food.
Friendliest People.
Most Magical Atmosphere.
Best Christmas Tree.
Most Fun.
And Most Choice.
The best food was at the Budapest Christmas Fair at Vörösmarty Square.
The other Christmas markets you'd find a lot of the same types of food over and over again,
but in Budapest you really were spoiled for choice
and the flavours just popped in your mouth
and when I think of the best food I tried at any Christmas market in Europe
it has to be Budapest.
The awards for friendliest people goes to Bratislava, Slovakia
to the Christmas market in the central square.
I talked to people in different booths- I had a lot of different questions about what I should try-
and I found people really helpful and just friendly overall
and after that evening I was left with this warm feeling after having met so many lovely people.
Next up, the award for most magical atmosphere.
This goes to Vienna to the Christmas market in front of the City Hall.
I just felt like a little kid is the best way to describe it.
It felt like I had walked in to some magical Christmas fairytale.
Christmas, of course, means Christmas trees.
The best Christmas tree I found in Europe was in Prague at the Old Town Square.
From the size, which is twenty-five metres,
to the decorations that look like falling icicles,
to the story of how it's sustainably sourced, this Christmas tree really just had it all.
At any Christmas market you want to have fun and the award for most fun goes to Wrocław, Poland.
It felt like a carnival.
They had rides and games, larger than life decorations.
People in Poland just know how to have a great time celebrating Christmas.
The most choice award goes to the entire city of Berlin
and I realized when I was trying to figure out the categories
that I had been to so many Christmas markets in the city of Berlin
that that actually should be the award because there are so many different markets.
There's one to suit every taste, whatever you are interested in doing.
If you want a nice dining experience then Gendarmenmarkt is perfect.
On the other hand, the Scandinavian market is amazing for trying lots of different food and drinks
because they have booths and stalls from all over the Scandinavian countries.
I also loved the Historic Christmas Market because it felt totally unique.
They kind of shun electricity.
It has a Medieval feeling.
You find axe-throwing and fortune-tellers and it felt like nowhere else I had been before
so there's definitely something for everyone in Berlin.
Taking all of these things into consideration,
I have to award best overall market or experience to Vienna, Austria.
When it comes to Christmas, for me it's all about magic:
that intangible kind of feeling that you get at Christmastime.
And, for me, I found that the most at the Christmas market in Vienna
in front of that gorgeous City Hall that was all lit up.
Just the lights everywhere,
the skating rink that wasn't just a rink but a track
that wound its way through the trees that were all lit up like some forest in Narnia,
the smells that you were greeted with as you walked through the stalls,
the steaming mugs of glühwein that people were carrying around.
It was all very unexpected and I just… I felt so happy being there.
At the end of the day, any place that makes you feel like a kid at Christmas -
that has to be the clear winner.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this little Christmas market awards show.
I can't believe how many markets we went to this December, honestly.
I just feel like the luckiest person in the world
and I can't imagine a better way to have spent the lead up to Christmastime.
I hope that you guys have enjoyed this whole Vlogmas series.
Let me know what you thought.
Leave a comment down below.
Tell me what you thought of these Christmas categories.
Tell me what you would have awarded.
If you like this video, don't forget to like it and share it.
Subscribe to my channel if you haven't already for lots more videos
and I'll see you in my next one.
Secret Story 11 : Kamila enfant, elle dévoile de tendres photos sur Snapchat |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 3:45.
Couple ou pas couple : accusé d'homophobie, un candidat du jeu de C8 s'indigne - Duration: 3:27.
Au Liberia, la victoire de George Weah provoque une explosion de joie - Duration: 8:54.
Evropský den muzikoterapie 2017, Litomyšl, Zámecké návrší - Duration: 11:05.
এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ | ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ | ATN Bangla News | Bangla News | Bangla News Today - Duration: 24:02.
▶ATN Bangla News 29 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today bangla breaking news all Bangla HD
How I Make Money Online
Kia cee'd 1.6 X-TRA - Duration: 1:07.
Infiniti Q30 1.5D Business /Nieuw/Full Map Navi/LED/PDC - Duration: 0:57.
Mazda 6 2.2D 150 Pk SkyLease ECC/Full Map Navi/17" LMV/Privacy Glass/55.161 Km!! - Duration: 0:54.
Infiniti Q50 2.2D 170 Pk Performance + Leder/Navi/Camera/Sportstoelen/19" LMV/Adap. Cruise/72.824 Km - Duration: 0:54.
Haikyuu!! - That One Moment - Duration: 7:15.
As humans, we strive for victory.
Cynics will say that this is due to our need to pummel our opponents into the dirt and
kick them while they're down out of some innately dark lust to feel superior, while
others might say it's because of the joy of succeeding in your passion, bonding with
your teammates and seeing hard work paying off.
Regardless of which side you sit on, it's clear that we desire victory.
Obviously this can be a more abstract thing than winning a game because victory can apply
to many contexts.
But regardless, we are constantly trying to reach that sense of accomplishment.
And examining the psychology and mentality that takes place as people try to get there
is a microcosm of the human condition.
Whether in sport or otherwise, sooner or later everyone experiences a block - a mental block
that they must truly obsess over or devote time to to get past in order to reach their
Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Asahi, Nishinoya and Karasuno overall all experience
this in the hunt for personal betterment and the search for victory.
Evolution and progression, not just in sport, but in general, is messy.
A significant shift must happen for things to improve at a drastic enough level, and
this leaves plenty of room for error.
Innovation is plagued by mistakes, so in seeking to genuinely improve, things will get better
before they get worse.
This is what happens with Karasuno at the beginning of Season 2 - in resolving to get
better, the team must rip apart the status quo.
They all learn new techniques, they make shifts in their personal ideologies, they build stronger
relationships, and most importantly, they get over their mental block to become closer
with their team and their passion.
Hinata develops awareness and maturity, Kageyama learns how to accept the reality of his role,
Asahi shows his authority, Yamaguchi finally steps up to the plate and shows courage, Tsukishima
moves on from his fears and inhibitions to learn why volleyball is worth the effort that
he sees everyday in his colleagues.
Everyone deals with these things and come together in synchronicity - and this doesn't
always happen in real life, but what is realistic is that these personal journeys all had breakthroughs
coinciding with one another and with the team's big leap, because that's what a support
system like a sports team can do for you when everyone is pulling on the same chain.
And from here, we see the draw of sports anime in full form - a potent mix of vicarious satisfaction,
investment in the characters, and an adherence and identification with Karasuno not entirely
unlike being a fan of a real sports team.
Sport is unbridled joy in motion, a pure display of the human spirit.
There's nothing more intimate than someone doing what they love.
It's idealized in most anime, but in experiencing sports, whether playing or watching, the highs
are indescribable.
Yet, there are two aspects of these highs that make them entirely worth it.
Firstly - that they're incredibly difficult to achieve, and secondly - that they're
Everyone is selfish to some extent, even in team sports.
In most cases you'd desire whats best for the team, but we want want we want at the
deepest level, and sometimes things conflict.
In team sports, you want to be on the field, pitch or court and you want to perform your
best - it's a competition not just against opponents, but with team mates.
Yet in a healthy scenario, the team's needs always come first.
It's a dynamic that creates relationships that are part sibling and part rival, pushing
each other and achieving personal goals to achieve team goals in an ideal world.
And striking a balance and compromise between these two concepts is what makes sport fulfilling
- because it can lead to these.. moments.
It's a mix of personal fulfillment and playing for your team-mates, and when those two aspects
of sport coincide, it's a truly beautiful thing; displaying your bonds with your brothers
or sisters through living out your passion.
Or in an individual sport, finding that one play or game where all of your hard work and
struggles pay off and where you realize that your trials were worth it, that what you are
doing is truly all you want to be doing in that moment.
Often, but not always coinciding with victory - It's mesmerizing, it's ecstasy; these
are the moments that we live for.
When the stars seem to align and everything coincides and coalesces into this one single
moment that seems to freeze time, during which you could not feel any happier or any more
in tune with life.. and then, as quickly as it comes, the moment is gone.
For anyone who has a true passion for a sport or something similar, these tiny points are
the greatest possible high.
We're hedonistic, primitive beings, so this is not surprising that we constantly seek
this gratification.
You can't capture these moments in a bottle, so as soon as they pass, you devote your time
to reaching that point again, to experience that ecstasy once more.
To reach that peak, to see beyond that wall, to open that door.
When you put your everything into a passion and fail, the pain of it can be unimaginable.
So, naturally, the opposite is true.
Tasting victory, experiencing defeat, and the trials, the suffering, the peaks and valleys
that we go through as we try to taste it once more - the pure joy that we experience when
playing, the passion that exudes from us as everything comes together, and the suffering
in between that makes it all the more worth it - I think that above all, THAT is the appeal
of a story like Haikyuu.
There is no death, no political intrigue, no grand wars or weaving narratives - just
raw, unbridled dedication and passion.
A constant internal and external battle, within and outside of oneself, to reach that one
moment - the one that you will look back on fondly for the rest of your life.
And then when it passes, resolving to reach it again .. and again.
Such is the nature of not just sport, but what most of us look for in life.
Volvo V70 2.4d 120kW/163 PK AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:51.
BANC D'ESSAI - Différentes sortes de lait - Duration: 2:58.
GF Vip: Ignazio ha fatto infuriare gli utenti della rete con un video | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.
Doing Makeup with Eyes Closed - Duration: 14:31.
Are you recording?
Yes. I hope so. I need to check again.
Evet. Öncelikle şunu belirteyim.
Bu videoda Türkçe mi konuşulacak İngilizce mi bilmiyorum ama çoğunlukla İngilizce konuşulacak muhtemelen.
Çünkü biz iş yerinden arkadaşız ve orada hep İngilizce konuştuğumuz için buna alışkınız.
Yani Türkçe konuşunca ben başka bir insanmış gibi geliyor bize.
Çok hızlı konuştum. Şİmdi videomuza geçelim.
Un chat secouru après avoir passé 7 mois en mer sur une chaloupe - Animaux 360 - Duration: 2:13.
GF VIP:Luca Onestini apre le porte del suo cuore alla Mrazova | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.
Seat Leon 1.6 TDi 110 Pk Style Business ECC/Full LED/Navi/PDC V+A/Privacy Glass/1e Eig./117.804 Km!! - Duration: 1:00.
Uomini e donne : la scelta di Paolo Crivellin lascia tutti a bocca aperta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.
Uomini e Donne, la Galgani ha passato il Natale con il gabbiano? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.
Uomini e donne News: Mariano Catanzaro sul trono? La prova definitiva | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:54.
當年帥得風靡一世,曾是天王巨星般的人物,如今卻「窮得只能喝西北風」! - Duration: 6:19.
Opel Corsa 1.4 Cosmo 5 Deurs | AUTOMAAT | NAVIGATIE | - Duration: 1:01.
Les antihypertenseurs - Random888 - Duration: 7:03.
Best Christmas Markets - Duration: 4:40.
Hi guys!
This December we visited a ton of different Christmas markets all around Europe
and while I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one,
it was clear to me that some markets excelled in different areas.
So I thought, now that I've been to so many, it would be fun to create different categories
and have a bit of a Christmas market awards show.
So I'm going to tell you what I thought was best
and, at the end of the video, I'll give an award for the best overall Christmas market in Europe.
So here are the categories.
Best Food.
Friendliest People.
Most Magical Atmosphere.
Best Christmas Tree.
Most Fun.
And Most Choice.
The best food was at the Budapest Christmas Fair at Vörösmarty Square.
The other Christmas markets you'd find a lot of the same types of food over and over again,
but in Budapest you really were spoiled for choice
and the flavours just popped in your mouth
and when I think of the best food I tried at any Christmas market in Europe
it has to be Budapest.
The awards for friendliest people goes to Bratislava, Slovakia
to the Christmas market in the central square.
I talked to people in different booths- I had a lot of different questions about what I should try-
and I found people really helpful and just friendly overall
and after that evening I was left with this warm feeling after having met so many lovely people.
Next up, the award for most magical atmosphere.
This goes to Vienna to the Christmas market in front of the City Hall.
I just felt like a little kid is the best way to describe it.
It felt like I had walked in to some magical Christmas fairytale.
Christmas, of course, means Christmas trees.
The best Christmas tree I found in Europe was in Prague at the Old Town Square.
From the size, which is twenty-five metres,
to the decorations that look like falling icicles,
to the story of how it's sustainably sourced, this Christmas tree really just had it all.
At any Christmas market you want to have fun and the award for most fun goes to Wrocław, Poland.
It felt like a carnival.
They had rides and games, larger than life decorations.
People in Poland just know how to have a great time celebrating Christmas.
The most choice award goes to the entire city of Berlin
and I realized when I was trying to figure out the categories
that I had been to so many Christmas markets in the city of Berlin
that that actually should be the award because there are so many different markets.
There's one to suit every taste, whatever you are interested in doing.
If you want a nice dining experience then Gendarmenmarkt is perfect.
On the other hand, the Scandinavian market is amazing for trying lots of different food and drinks
because they have booths and stalls from all over the Scandinavian countries.
I also loved the Historic Christmas Market because it felt totally unique.
They kind of shun electricity.
It has a Medieval feeling.
You find axe-throwing and fortune-tellers and it felt like nowhere else I had been before
so there's definitely something for everyone in Berlin.
Taking all of these things into consideration,
I have to award best overall market or experience to Vienna, Austria.
When it comes to Christmas, for me it's all about magic:
that intangible kind of feeling that you get at Christmastime.
And, for me, I found that the most at the Christmas market in Vienna
in front of that gorgeous City Hall that was all lit up.
Just the lights everywhere,
the skating rink that wasn't just a rink but a track
that wound its way through the trees that were all lit up like some forest in Narnia,
the smells that you were greeted with as you walked through the stalls,
the steaming mugs of glühwein that people were carrying around.
It was all very unexpected and I just… I felt so happy being there.
At the end of the day, any place that makes you feel like a kid at Christmas -
that has to be the clear winner.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this little Christmas market awards show.
I can't believe how many markets we went to this December, honestly.
I just feel like the luckiest person in the world
and I can't imagine a better way to have spent the lead up to Christmastime.
I hope that you guys have enjoyed this whole Vlogmas series.
Let me know what you thought.
Leave a comment down below.
Tell me what you thought of these Christmas categories.
Tell me what you would have awarded.
If you like this video, don't forget to like it and share it.
Subscribe to my channel if you haven't already for lots more videos
and I'll see you in my next one.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
FSG are directly involved in talks on another big Liverpool FC transfer ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:54.
Liverpool may well be the star club of the January transfer window.
Already kicking things off by agreeing a £75million fee for Virgil van Dijk, more Liverpool spending
is expected.
The Premier League club could also see Philippe Coutinho leave in an even bigger transfer,
and that's all over the Catalan press once again on Thursday.
Van Dijk's record breaking deal has served as inspiration for the Catalan media to go
big on Coutinho again,
and Mundo Deportivo have him splashed all over their front page, and then page 2 and
3 just for good measure.
It's claimed that Liverpool's owners FSG and club director Michael Edwards have been
in direct talks with Barcelona recently, showing some level of progress on Coutinho's potential
move to Spain.
Despite lots of words and column inches, there's nothing especially new… other than Mundo
Deportivo saying Coutinho's entourage have been enthused by the Van Dijk deal, believing
it shows Liverpool will sell soon.
There's still no agreement on a fee, and Liverpool haven't even assured Barcelona
of a sale,
but the Catalan newspaper again speak of growing confidence a deal can be done.
Barcelona are now preparing their latest 'assault' to sign Coutinho, and Liverpool should hear
about that shortly.
BREAKING NEWS!! Liberal Governor Just Set Them ALL FREE! REMOVE HIM NOW! - Duration: 4:19.
Liberal Governor Just Set Them ALL FREE!
Ever since Trump got into office, liberal mayors and governors have been thumbing their
nose at both the President and federal law, where these nasty officials continue to harbor
illegals in their "Sanctuary Cities."
Despite President Trump's Justice Department threatening to fine and imprison any elected
official caught sheltering illegals from deportation, these officials continue to put the lives
of countless Americans in jeopardy by allowing these criminals to hide out in their cities.
Now liberals of these Sanctuary Cities have found a new loophole from preventing their
precious illegals from being deported, after what New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo did overnight
is borderline treason against the United States of America.
Breaking reports reveal that in a clean sweep, Gov. Cuomo pardoned 18 illegals that were
slated for deportation, where he gave Trump the middle finger saying that he's going
to fight Trump's crackdown on illegals in every way possible.
In a statement, Cuomo said: "While the federal government continues to target immigrants
and threatens to tear families apart with deportation, these actions take a critical
step toward a more just, more fair, and more compassionate New York."
Even more horrifying is these aren't just innocent people that Cuomo is pardoning, as
this governor continues to echo the ridiculous rhetoric on the left that Trump is "ripping
children away from their families."
One of the illegals that Cuomo pardoned is a hardened criminal, who was convicted of
criminal facilitation in 1994.
According to Breitbart:
Lorena Borjas, 57, is one of the illegal aliens Cuomo pardoned.
Borjas, who is a biological male who lives as a female, had been convicted of criminal
facilitation in 1994.
Cuomo's office said Borjas has become an advocate for transgenders and immigrants.
The Governor's Office said the pardons for those in danger of being deported should act
as a bridge to legal status, although they stressed there is no guarantee the pardoned
would gain legal status.
The New York governor has had a history of pardoning and commuting the sentences of controversial
He commuted the sentence of radical terrorist Judith Clark in 2016.
Cuomo also pardoned 39 people convicted of misdemeanors when they were under 18 years
old who have not re-offended in the past ten years or more and commuted the sentences of
two people.
"These New Yorkers have proved their rehabilitation, in some cases for decades, but have been unable
to gain legal status or fully re-enter society due to the stigma of conviction," Cuomo
Trump ran on the promise to put America first, unlike Obama who constantly put the interests
of illegals, criminals, and terrorists before the American people.
This isn't the first time that liberals have taken outlandish steps to prevent their
illegals from being deported, as they understand that illegals comprise a hefty portion of
their loyal voter base.
Several months back, Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez literally called for blood in violence
in the streets, telling illegals to take whatever means necessary to keep themselves from being
Gutierrez incited acts of domestic terrorism, telling illegals to "take to the streets
and fight" to get what they want.
Being that there's currently over 11 million illegals in America, this is a serious threat
towards our country.
Liberals and illegals are already taking this congressman's calls for war in our streets
quite literally.
Shortly after the announcement of the DACA getting axed, protests broke out in front
of the White House and in cities across the country.
Liberals always like to argue that America is a "country of immigrants" and that
our doors should therefore be automatically opened to whoever wants in.
The issue with opening our borders is that we have no idea who is flooding into our country,
and with the threat of violent gangs from Mexico and ISIS terrorists finding loopholes
to gain entry into America, it's more important than ever that we properly vet these people.
And now that liberals are using the tactic of simply pardoning these illegals to keep
them in our country, no telling what criminals are now lurking that's putting the lives
of countless Americans into jeopardy.
what do you think about this?
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