I'm being stared at by a cat.
Oh no! And now they're both looking at me!
One heard the word cat.
Hello Internet. Bluh- lugh -luh.
Did I say that weird?
It is MarissaSmokes.
Today, as you can tell from the video title,
I have the results
for my
Food Stats Antibody Assessment,
which means
I know what foods I'm allergic to now,
thank goodness, and I can avoid them.
But before we get into that
let's take a dab.
I've been away from the house for, like,
six hours, something like that
and it's dab time.
We're gonna smoke some of this Hindu Cheese
by Vibrant Highs.
This is from Eugene OG.
Never sponsored.
I don't know if dispensaries can sponsor videos
but if they can,
hit me up
cuz, uh,
I'm already your free advertisement.
Dab? Dab? See that dab?
Let's get it.
Oh, I almost started singing a copyrighted song.
I'm going to have, like, a little bitty
dance break while I am
heating this nail.
It's not real dancing, so, enjoy!
*Song Begins. See Video Description.*
Let's talk about food allergies.
So, I'm going to try and give
kind of a short intro as to why
I was having, uh, food allergies tested anyways
and then we'll get into what I'm allergic to.
[Having the]...testing done
was actually kind of happenstance.
I have been having a lot of
intense anxiety attacks
that are not like a normal panic attack,
and I'll have my mental health playlist linked somewhere
and you can go back and watch my past several
videos because I've been talking about this
a lot recently.
Since it's been really, really intense.
these anxiety attacks have been
coming with nausea, it was making my back hurt,
I went in to have my back adjusted,
and my kinesiologist, who is also
a nutritionist,
noticed some signs in my
face and by looking my throat
that suggested that I had some sort of
food allergy
that I was unaware of
and that it could be exacerbating
my anxiety,
causing these nausea attacks,
and just generally, kind of,
wreaking havoc on my body, causing me to be really
tired and lethargic all the time,
throwing off my sleep,
could be.. Could be
the reason for a lot of different
physical problems that I have.
Today I got the results
and found out what it is
that I'm allergic to and what I can't eat anymore.
So we are going to look at that
together, here.
So, essentially, here's what I got back:
It is a chart
and if you look at it up
close what you'll see are
bars going across, you've got 0
through, it looks like 6, up here
at the top, groups of foods,
and then some breakdowns of different foods within that food group.
So, what this
means down here at the bottom, the one
through six, is your reaction class -- how
strong of a reaction you have
to these different food groups.
Now, looking at this
you can just see
where the bars are longer.
We've got a ton of long bars up here
in the highly reactive section.
We've got one down here.
These are meh.
Here is something going on.
And here, again, we've got kind of meh
The way that my doctor described it to me
anything that's really a, uh,
three reaction or above,
those are the sorts of things that you'd want to be
cutting out of your diet.
And once they've been cut out for
six weeks to eight weeks
the, uh, antibody,
it has a relatively short half-life,
so the amount of antibodies will
die off, and
so then, maybe, you could reintroduce
one of these items or have
a little bit of something every once in a while
without having that intense reaction
because all those antibodies looking for that
that code of amino.. or that chain of amino acids
are no longer present in your body.
So, let's talk about what these
high bars are one here.
That section where everything
was up, we're in between
a Class 4 and 5 reaction,
that is dairy.
I am super intolerant to dairy.
Not just cow dairy,
they also tested me for,
um, my tolerance to goat milk.
I also tested a little lower,
a low 4, but still up in that
high range.
And that all comes back to what they tested me up
for, here at the top,
which is, I don't know if I'm going to say this right
casein or casein.
Which is the protein that makes up milk.
Down here, this fun miscellaneous category,
I have a fun one
and it is Baker's Yeast.
I'm not allergic to Brewer's Yeast,
which is what is used in vinegar
and a lot of preservatives.
So, luckily, that is one that I'm okay with
because it's really hard to find foods
without those preservatives in them.
Baker's Yeast is what you find in
things like leavened bread.
no leavened bread for me.
But, oh wait,
what's this over here?
Is that
whole wheat and spelt, which is
just another way of saying wheat,
and sesame seed, and
wheat gluten, and wheat gliadin?
Oh yeah, I'm really allergic to wheat.
No bread for me.
Not just unleavened bread,
no bread-bread.
Bye bye bread.
Veggies, good to go.
I can have all the veggies.
What's this?
What is..?
...right there?
Cranberry. Blueberry.
What is in cranberries and blueberries
specifically that I'm allergic to,
but is not in any other fruit?
I don't know.
And that's what I'm allergic to.
I know that was a long explanation
but I really wanted to be sure
that I gave you guys all the information
that I had.
Now what I'm going to be doing with this,
I am going to be cutting out
these products that I am highly allergic to.
For that my doctor,
who is Bilby Chiropractic,
if you're interested.
So, he gave me these sheets that his practice
has kind of created themselves,
but you can also look up all this information online.
So, these are just, for instance this one
on top is Food's Containing Wheat
and then down here's he's
also listed some alternatives
to wheat that I can use.
We're going to take an ending dab now because
I think I've rambled on enough
about this for right now.
Well, thank you all for joining me for this
sesh and finding out
about my food allergies.
I know I've been super curious about it,
I don't know if anybody else has
since I've been talking about it.
I.. hope you enjoyed this video? Did I
already say that? I'm stoned.
If you did please do give it a thumbs up
and be sure to subscribe to my channel
to stay up to date with all my future videos.
Until next time my friends
peace out and stay stoney!
For more infomation >> I'M ALLERGIC TO...?! - Duration: 10:38.-------------------------------------------
Ulysses Wilkerson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML TV - Duration: 7:03.
Ulysses Wilkerson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
An Alabama teenager was badly injured with trauma to his brain after an encounter with police in the city of Troy.
Ulysess Wilkerson's mother, Angela Williams, wrote on Facebook on Christmas Eve, "Troy police officers did this to my son While he was in handcuffs.
Please share this s*** happening in Troy Al now.
I hope that they body camera was on and they haven't told me s*** yet.
Please share I'm heading to Birmingham to UAB he has fracture and had to transport to have surgery.".
The incident occurred in the downtown area of Troy, about 50 miles south of Montgomery, on December 24 just before midnight.
Wilkerson is 17 years old and allegedly encountered city police after walking behind a closed building.
Here's what you need to know:.
Wilkerson Ran From Police.
Buzzfeed reports that police in Troy exited a car after seeing Wilkerson walking near a business that was closed.
That report says that Wilkerson ran from the cops, when they caught up with him, a struggle occurred.
The arrest is under investigation by the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation.
Heath Carpenter told the website that the case is still under investigation while refusing to say whether any officers had been put on leave.
After being taken into custody, Wilkerson was taken to Troy Regional Medical Center.
A witness, Brittany Patterson, told WKRG, "You could see the swelling of his face you could tell he had a lot of bleeding.
He looked like he was passed out or maybe in and out of consciousness." After seeing the scene, Patterson said she thought, "I hope they are not beating him.".
Cops Say a Gun Was Found Close to Where Wilkerson Was Arrested.
Wilkerson's mother's Facebook post has been shared nearly 100,000 times at the time of writing.Buzzfeed reports that, in a statement, the Troy Police Department has deemed the use of force as "necessary." Cops in the city say that they believed that Wilkerson was armed.
The website's report adds that after cops examined the scene, a gun was found close to where Wilkerson was arrested.
Wilkerson's Father Says, 'All Over the World People Are Saying They Want Justice.
Facebook/Sadot WilkersonThe image being shared by many of Wilkerson's friends.
In an interview with WKRG, Ulysses Wilkerson's father, Sadot Wilkerson said, "From all over the world, people are commenting they want justice.
They had him handcuffed when we got in there they said he was charged with obstruction of justice the ambulance came to take him to UAB they took the handcuffs off and dropped the charges on him.
As y'all can see troy police officers tried to kill my son and he has massive swelling and they can't start surgery until swelling goes down." On his Facebook page, Sadot Wilkerson has called for justice for his son using his son's moniker "FatDaddy.".
Wilkerson Is Being Charged With Resisting Arrest & Obstructing Governmental Operations.
Facebook/Sadot WilkersonSadot Wilkerson posted this photo to Facebook, claiming it shows one of the officers who beat up his son.
Wilkerson is facing charges of obstruction of justice and obstructing governmental operations.
In a statement, the Alabama Bureau of Investigation said:.
On Sunday, December 23, 2017, Troy (Alabama) Police Officers arrested a 17-year-old juvenile in the area of Madison Street at approximately 11:52 PM.
During the arrest, the juvenile was injured, and was transported directly to Troy Regional Medical Center.
The Juvenile was later transported to University of Alabama Medical Center in Birmingham, and subsequently released.
City of Troy Police Chief Randall Barr requested the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) conduct an independent investigation into the use of force by his officers.
Chief Barr's request was approved and Agents from SBI immediately responded to Troy, conducting interviews and collecting evidence.
In order to protect the juvenile involved and the integrity of the investigation, no additional information will be released by SBI until this investigation is closed.
The completed investigation will be turned over to Pike Co.
District Attorney Tom Anderson for presentation to a Grand Jury.
Wilkerson's Injuries Include Swelling on the Brain & a Cracked Eye Socket.
Wilkerson's father told WKRG that his son has suffered, "trauma to the brain, swelling on the brain, and a cracked eye socket in three different places.
Why does hot air balloon float? - Duration: 1:25.
Smart Learning for All
Why does hot air balloon float?
Because it has invisible wings.
It is because of density.
Density is the measure of mass present per unit volume.
Lesser the density, lighter will be the object.
Now, density varies with temperature.
It is so complicated.
All right.
I will explain.
When a hot air balloon is on ground, the air inside and outside the balloon is of same temperature and density.
However, when we turn on the burner of the balloon, the air inside the balloon starts getting hot.
The molecules of air move faster and spread apart, taking up more space.
Hence, the air inside the balloon becomes less dense than the air outside.
As less dense air is lighter, the hot air balloon rises and thus, begins to float.
For more educational videos please visit http://www.SmartLearningforAll.com
Also, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Yellamma pandaga in Gopalraopet - Duration: 21:50.
Nicole Neumann confirmó que está "en un impasse" con Facundo Moyano - Duration: 4:39.
Queen snow white Fairyland Princess Sofia in Eylul , had a dream to Nilo Heidi - TV tontik - Duration: 7:53.
Mercedes Classe X 250d - Duration: 6:08.
Insultes, racisme et menaces de mort : Ariane Brodier dénonce les attaques sur sa grossesse - Duration: 1:35.
Navigating tomorrow
Uomini e Donne news, Sonia torna single: le parole di Claudio D'Angelo - Duration: 3:04.
Un remède naturel pour rendre à vos cheveux blancs leur couleur d'avant - Duration: 5:20.
Renaud, « anéanti par la mort de Johnny Hallyday » : Son frère jumeau se livre - Duration: 1:35.
I like Speed | Little Red Car | Compilation Video For Children | Cartoon Song For Toddlers - Duration: 1:01:13.
I Like Speed Little Red Car
Hush Little Baby | Nursery Rhymes Songs Compilation | Cartoons For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:45.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.
(Eng Sub) 건프라 MG 시난주_메카니컬 클리어_상체 프레임 l 도색하는미녀 - Duration: 34:09.
Please subscribe♥
Hello everyone I am Julie
Today is
the second time of SINANJU
I was worried
that I could not upload this week
Fortunately, the temperature was so high yesterday
and Humidity was low
I sprayed can spray on the frame
Let me show you the parts I painted first
There are so many parts
All of them are frame parts of the SINANJU
I was very cold
because I painted a can spray outside
It took an hour and a half
Because there are many parts, each part was divided and painted
This pelvis(skirt), This legs This backpack
This arms, This head
This.... Upper body!
It is not confusing if you divide each part
It was then dried naturally for one day
If you assemble quickly after painting, you can peel off the paint
It is important to dry thoroughly after painting
I dried it safely for a day
because it is now winter and slow to dry
So today I'll assemble it
I'll take the part off the paint tongs first
As I told you last time
I'll finish the frame first and then make the outer parts
I'll start by looking at the manual
no. 1. Upper body
This is all frame parts of upper body I have trimmed it
Sparkling parts can paint sprayed
It is a silver leaf and light gunmetal color
I tried two-tone feeling
And I did not paint the inward parts
Because it is not exposed
Painting makes the parts thicker
So it's a good idea to check these parts
out and remove them
from the paint to make sure
it is not difficult to assemble
Now assembled
This is a cockpit
Where the pilot rides
The pilot will not paint
He's sitting askew?
Hey, sit right!
Look, MG is elaborate
The cockpit will paint
Why Clear green color enamel?
Because the kit is also clear.HAHA
And psycho frame color is green
In case of clear paint If you paint with a toothpick,
you can see the marks
Use a sponge
Its name is Magic Block
It is mainly used for cleaning
The advantage of this is that there is no trace of paint
I sometimes use this when I have to paint a large area
Shake the enamel well Thinner is not put. Only paint
Put the paint into a sponge
This is a really simple way
I can see some sponge marks,
But when combined with other parts, it does not matter much
So I'm fine
If you are more comfortable with your brush, you can use it
I did not paint well..HAHA
Now number one is over
Power line components are too small and round
Be careful not to lose small parts
This part is a waist
I protected it with a masking tape
so that it does not become stiff when assembled
This is a non-painted part
This part is painted
Parts not seen after assembly were not painted
as much as possible
Particularly, joint parts should be very careful
And A rib like part
The cockpit should be assembled in this part
But the cockpit was not dry yet
I have to wait a moment
Then I will do a partial painting on the frame
This part will not hide after assembly
The paint used for partial painting is..
It's an acrylic paint
The can spray of the Tamiya company
I painted in the frame is erased
in the enamel thinner
So it is difficult
to add enamel paint on top of it
So I prepared an acrylic paint
If you paint acrylic and go wrong,
it can be wiped off with water
And it is safe to paint the can spray
Water only removes acrylic paint
The metallic paint of the Acrylicos Vallejo Company is beautifully shiny
The paint is said to contain real metal powder
I will use only the paint without diluting the paint
When using this paint,
Since metal powder is contained in the paint,
it should not be diluted with water
It's a water-based paint
I recommend using a brush instead of toothpick
But I use toothpick
Because this is very simple to use
And I'm lazy and I do not want to wash my brush
I do not use a brush unless it is large part
I have painted here
Drying time
And I'll check to see if I need another part of the painting
Power line into the waist
This part was painted in light gunmetal color
And I did not paint the power line parts
So I left the gate marks while I cleaned up the parts
I just do not think it would be pretty
if I just put it together
The parts are very small
After thickening the toothpick with masking tape
ruined it.... again
I was so enthusiastic..HAHA
Just plug in a few pieces with some spacing
total 16 pieces
First, I'll show you how to paint four
gunmetal color enamel
The color is dark and I can not see you well
If you paint gunmetal color
I'm glittering glitter than the original parts
I'll turn off the camera and paint the remaining 12 parts. To save time.
Today Leo is not interfering with me
The reason is that he is sleeping
He bothered me until he fell asleep
He sleep very well
Look at his swollen abdomen He eat a lot of rice...
A lot of talking mouths!
oops He is sleeping with his eyes open
Close eyes
oh, woke up
Good night..Good night song..
Ok, continue to assemble
Painted in clear green color
Full frontal was boarding in SINANJU
According to the manual,
the clear outer parts must now be assembled
But I will make the outer parts later
So I will just assemble what is possible now
oops I put it upside down
I corrected it And
It's where the arm goes in
This part was also painted with acrylic copper paint
I could not paint well...HAHA
This part also has to be assembled with clear outer parts
But today is the time to make a frame
I'll just look slightly
Press firmly to complete the assembly (But I have not finished yet)
The power line is like a bead of necklace
There is also a little two-tone feeling here
Waist parts will be put here later
Complete frame assembly of upper body
Next, the number 2 of the manual head
I think it's the best time to assemble the head
This is about the frame part of the head
This is a monoeye
It does not look transparent after assembly
So I will attach a metal sticker here
This is the product of HIQ company in Japan
I like the HIQ sticker better than the paint because it has good color
When I take a picture, the sticker is very beautiful
The size varies Look for the right size
This removes the protective film before use
I have two colors of this sticker Pink and green
Mainly used for mono eye kit
This sticker is nice to put on the lens of the weapon
The disadvantage of this sticker is weak adhesion
Is it a little bigger?
OK, done
This is painted parts with silver leaf color
Let's just look at the shape
I feel a bit scary because I only have a frame
The head simply ends
Okay, let's make it up to arm today
These are the right arm frame parts
This is also a light color silver leaf color,
dark color is light gunmetal
And the very small parts are the original parts that have not been painted
I put some masking tape
on it before painting the can spray
This is to soften when combined with other parts
Let's make it quick
Starting an arm
The criteria for choosing colors when painting is their own taste
You are seeing my taste now
When I painted one color, it seemed monotonous
So I put two colors
The inside is dark and the outside is light
It was painted after combining the two parts for convenience
This is a part that does not need to be separated again later
This is a cuff part
And this is a part of the shoulder joint
This is the elbow
This felt no need for painting
So I will use the original parts. Without painting
There is this feature
The mold in this part looks miserable
So I will paint a part Acrylic paint I used before
I'll put points in copper color on arm like upper body
Part painting is freedom!
Paint where you want to paint like me!
Acrylic is dry quickly
So you have to paint quickly too. Otherwise, there are marks left
Dry for a few minutes
I'll assemble the finger parts
right hand
The finger parts are divided by the nodes
The hand did not paint
because it is a moving part
This product has a separate thumb and index finger, and the rest is attached
I will paint a part of the vernier
Metallic blue color inside
I often use this color for the red kits' vernier
Like the Gundam, the white kit is often paint red color for vernier part
This is also a personal taste
Is not my voice too quiet?
It 's a very late night now
Neighbors are all sleeping
So I'm making it quiet
Okay, if the inside is dry,
it will paint on the outside
It was dry
Now I'll paint the outside with the anamel gunmetal color
one more
I will dry for 10 minutes
Let's assemble
The parts I made earlier
This is the unpainted part
Full Painting is not necessarily beautiful
There are a lot of features in arm
I can not get it all together
The outside parts have to go in
Let's just feel it
Complete arm frame
Add left arm
I'll show you everything I made today
Upper body
It's the result of today's work..HAHA
But it is scary because there is frame only
zombie? Feeling a bit like an undead?
But this is not all
It will be pretty when the outer parts are combined
Because I have taken too long today,
I will make the rest of the frame the next time
I'm sorry I can not show you everything today
It takes time to make than to think
I added a partial paint to the assembly ...
Next time, meet with leg parts
Did you get up?
come on~
It's over. Let's play
Guys, we will meet again next time
Because it is the end of the year,
probably next time will be next year
Happy New Year♥
Queen snow white Fairyland Princess Sofia in Eylul , had a dream to Nilo Heidi - TV tontik - Duration: 7:53.
Eggsactly, coming right up on Weekend at the Cottage.
Okay work with me, it's been maybe a rough week. You're kind of tired.
Maybe you went out last night. You're slightly hungover.
You wake up and you think my goodness what can I make?
Something delicious to eat. It's on this plate.
I'm going to show you how to make baked eggs.
Not just any baked eggs. We're going to do baked eggs with a really beautiful accompaniment.
A collection of accompaniments let's say.
It all started when I picked up this really cute little condiment caddy at a discount store.
7 bucks for its little tray and 6 small containers.
Into the 6 small containers we're going to start by placing an assortment of wonderful
things we're going to sprinkle on the baked eggs.
To begin, how about a little bit of avocado? We're going to fine chop an avocado.
Place it into the 1st container.
Cherry tomatoes. We're going to finely kind of chop them.
A little sprinkle of balsamic vinegar some kosher salt. Stir it together. #2 is done.
How about some cheese with eggs? Some grated Canadian cheddar,
but what else do I have? Some chopped green onions. I love green onions with eggs.
What would eggs be without bacon? I cooked off a sheet of bacon.
I chopped it up. I've got bacon there and then, finally,
a beautiful little salsa. A bit of red onions, some orange peppers, a bit of mango.
Cut everything up and I tossed itwith a little bit of red wine vinegar. The salsa is complete.
Now it's time to actually bake the eggs.
Before you begin decide how many eggs per person.
I'm going to do 2 for each person.
Take small bowls crack your eggs beforehand. So 2 eggs go here, 2 eggs into the 2nd bowl. So far so good.
Now you're going to need little oven proof baking dishes like this.
I'm doing eggs for 2. So 2 go onto a baking sheet.
I've turn the stove on to the grill setting or the broiler setting. The rack is in the top position.
Into each of these little containers I'm placing 1/2 T of butter; butter, butter
and then 1T of 35% cream.
Transfer them to the oven. They're going to get all nice and hot and bubbly.
When they do, bring them out of the oven onto your work surface.
Pour the eggs into each. Now we're going add a little chiffonade of fresh herbs.
Whatever you have in the fridge. I had sage. I took some thyme off the stem
and I also had a little bit of dill. All of the herbs fine chopped.
Do a sprinkle of herbs on top of your eggs then a little bit of salt a tiny bit of pepper
and last touch is Parmesan cheese. Put Parmesan cheese on top
and return the baking sheet with the 2 dishes of eggs into the oven.
They're going to broil underneath that setting. They get nice and bubbly the eggs are going to cook.
Give the pan a little shake. Make sure those egg whites are perfectly done.
Bring them out and you're almost ready to go.
last in you
need something to dip into these beautiful eggs
I love brioche for this application I've toasted off four pieces of brioche
slider them with butter cut them into soldiers so nice thin slices place them
on the side present your little accompanied minutes on there gorgeous
little caddy and get ready to enjoy baked eggs as you see the egg looks so
wonderful in this dish I can then go and add a little bit of avocado maybe some
salsa bacon yes please and so on and you're ready to enjoy my little tiny
toast soldiers are standing by one thing to point out in the beauty shot I have a
fork and knife but I think when you dig in you'll see a spoon is the way to go
mmm they're kind of creamy and they have a cheesy flavor and when you add your
favorite topping this is exactly what you need for your next weekend
looking for other great ideas please head to weekend at the cottage calm if
you haven't already please sign up for our newsletter also find us on our
dedicated YouTube channel remember to subscribe click for notifications drop
comments thumbs up and then finally find us on your favorite social media feeds
Pinterest Instagram Facebook and Twitter looking for the ultimate start to your
weekend day or any day how about big eggs get to enjoy
Blac Chyna et Rob Kardashian en procès, Kris Jenner l'accuse d'avoir saboté leur télé-réalité ! - Duration: 2:47.
Mercedes Classe X 250d - Duration: 6:08.
Clara Morgane : attaquée par un comte pour son champagne sexy, elle réplique avec humour - Duration: 3:32.
6 Real Sex Stories That Willl Make You CUM in your Pants Right NOW, Story # 5 - Duration: 6:35.
Hello Friends, today we will talk about, 6 Real Sex Stories That'll Make You Disgustingly
Horny, Part 5.
I met her on the beach.
This happened during the summer, probably a week into August.
I was at the gym, and I had a nasty chest and arm pump going.
I decided to get some cardio in that day but didn't feel like staying at the gym any
longer, so I decided to run on the beach instead.
I got to the beach and I took my shirt off, because when you're at the beach, you're
expected to be shirtless.
I began running, had my keys in my pocket, my phone with headphones connected in my hand
and the house music was bumping.
I was running between the hard, wet sand and the loose, dry sand.
Within the first 10 minutes of my run, I saw these girls about the same age as me and we
ended up making brief eye contact as I passed by.
I threw in a little nod and gave a cheeky smile.
When I reached the main lifeguard tower which is about a half mile from my starting point,
I turned around and ran the other way.
By the grace of God, the girls were still in the same spot.
I decided like going for a little swim, but I didn't want to risk getting my stuff stolen
as it was fairly busy (11:30 am in a tourist town).
I asked the girls if they would mind if they could watch my stuff as I went for a swim,
they obliged.
Went for a little swim, came back, commence small talk.
Basic questions like if I was from around there, if they were visiting, etc.
They were in town to visit the fair and the rest of the city.
One of them asked if I wanted to hang out later, said yes, we exchanged contact info,
and we parted ways after a decent amount of time of talking.
Went home, showered, and awaited for her to send me a snap.
Sometime goes by, roughly 4 in the afternoon.
Then I get the message.
She's at a hotel not too far away and she provides her room number.
I arrive.
I brought my drawstring bag with me packed with the essentials: phone charger, jacket,
and some condoms.
She ended up meeting me in the lobby.
She guided me back to her room, and we started watching some TV.
While we were watching, we talked a bit more.
I'm sitting on one end of the couch, and she's on the other.
After a little bit, she repositioned herself, but this time she's on my lap, and this
triggers a boner.
There was no way she didn't feel it.
But she looks at me and winks, gets up, grabs my hand, and takes me to the neatly made bed.
Foreplay ensues.
She starts giving me a blowjob and it was my first one so I really had no idea what
to do with my hands.
I was flat on my back so I kinda just put one hand on the back of my head and the other
on my chest.
I tap out before I burst.
Then I go down on her and that was also my first time at something.
Eye contact was avoided as she seemed to be enjoying herself and had her eyes closed.
After foreplay, I bring out a condom and she helps put it on, I was able to maintain the
erection by jerking myself off while going down on her.
To start, we went with the standard missionary position.
However, it didn't last long since it was my first time.
She asked if it was because what felt like 5 minutes was more like a minute and a half.
She said not to worry and that there would be plenty of more to come.
Its only 7:30pm and we end up cuddling on the bed while the tv was going in the background.
She initiated round 2 by sliding her hand into my boxers and began working her ways.
This time we did a different position, since I had to get up and grab another Durex, I
was off the bed, and when I got it on, she was on the edge of the bed, and opened her
legs cordially inviting me to penetrate her.
I accepted of course, and she has me put her sun kissed legs on my shoulders, this was
She felt like mixing it up a bit.
I pulled out, almost about to burst, and she turns over into her stomach and has me continue.
(Not anal) I wanted to last as long as possible so I could enjoy this sweet view.
Lasted probably 2 minutes plus the first 2ish in the starting position.
Back to cuddling.
Get a text from the mother saying I needed to head home (both me and my new female accomplice
are 18 btw.).
I head home but the girl said she'd message me the next day for some more.
Wasn't until around noon till she sent a snap.
I forgot my drawstring bag back at her hotel and the snap I received was a picture of the
condoms, captioned, 'ready for more.
;)' Went over.
More fucking.
We fucked maybe 3 times.
Would've been more but she wanted to go out and get something to eat.
After we ate at a local diner, we went back to her hotel for another round.
Then, we went to a movie at 830.
It was her idea to have sex in the car after the movie.
Got back to the hotel.
Went to the bed, and we ended up spooning the night away.
Spent the night at her hotel room.
Woke up next morning, and good ol morning wood woke both of us up.
This iniated even more love making.
She had to leave that same day, and it was bittersweet saying goodbye because I knew
I wouldn't be getting any hot action like that anytime soon.
But the sweet part was that my back could heal from all the scratching on her end.
If you have some other tips, please do share with other readers in our comments section.
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The future of shipping
우리가 사용하는 물건들에 숨어있는 숨겨진 기능들 20! - Duration: 11:20.
6 Real Sex Stories That Will Make You CUM in your Pants Right NOW, Story #4 - A REAL LONG ONE - Duration: 10:30.
Hello Friends, today we will talk about, 6 Real Sex Stories That'll Make You Disgustingly
Horny, Part 4.
I just divorced my wife, and exploring my Gay Side.
I've been bi as long as long as I can remember but have never really fully explored my gay
After being married for over 20 years and raising two kids, my wife and I are separating
for at least a few months while I figure this out.
She was really pissed, at first, but has since calmed down and we are working through how
to do this.
I have been moved out for a whole week now, and I'm living with my straight friend who
is also divorced.
My first week of freedom I had sex with one guy twice and with 2 other guys once each.
[…] On Thursday I started a conversation with
a guy named Connor, but by the time we started chatting it was nearly midnight and I was
very tired, so we decided to see where things took us Friday.
All day Friday at work I left Connor's profile open, on my phone.
I constantly went back going over his pics and stats.
6'2″ tall and 220 lbs.
A little chubby and covered in a fairly thick coat of hair.
A bear for sure.
But what I really liked were his dick pics.
7.5 inches, cut and gorgeous.
I admit I am a sucker for a good-looking cock.
He texted me a little after 5:00 pm while I was driving home.
I called him back and we chatted while I drove.
He had a deep voice and laughed a lot.
He said I could come over whenever I wanted.
I said I would go home and clean up, then grab some beer and head his way.
I told him 90 minutes, but it was almost 7:30 by the time I pulled into his driveway.
I parked behind a blue F-150.
His garage door was and so was the hood of a mustard yellow 64 Camaro.
Connor came out from behind the car and introduced himself.
We shook hands and opened beers while he told me about his car.
We looked at some of his other toys, a dirt bike, a mountain bike, snowboards and longboards.
He was an electrician by trade and things were going well.
After checking out all his stuff, we went inside and opened another beer.
He looked like he could drink a lot of beer.
We took our beers and sat down next to each other on the sofa.
Our eyes met and we could both tell how horny we were.
Our lips and tongues crashed together as we tried to set down our beers without spilling
Our arms embraced each other as we pressed our bodies together.
Connor was clean shaven but his five o'clock shadow was already rough.
I broke our kiss and started working my way down his neck, as I pushed him back and climbed
on top of him.
He moaned as I worked my way up and down his neck from his ear to his collarbone, while
my hands explored his broad chest over his shirt.
My exploration eventually led further south where I could fell the outline of his stiffening
erection through his jeans.
I slid down, an got on my knees between his legs.
He looked down at me and smiled while I fumbled with with the bottom and zipper on his jeans.
He lifted his ass so that I could slide them down leaving Connor in his athletic style
The smell of dick was sumptuous.
I nuzzled into his crotch savor if the scent of his manhood.
My cock was so hard.
I pulled aside the white ribbed fabric and out flipped his hardening 7.5″ penis and
Connor grabbed his beer and sipped it.
I grabbed it and enjoying the softness of the skin and the hardness of the shaft.
I held in front of me and admired the head.
I ran my finger around the ridge of his helmet and traced his veins up and down his shaft
while Connor watched and drank more beer.
A tiny pearl of pre-cum started to ooze out of his cock slit.
I touched it with the tip of my tongue and pulled back allowing a translucent string
of saliva and pre-cum to connect my mouth to his cock.
He watched everything intently.
I opened my mouth wide and slowly lowered it down over his dick until I felt the tip
touching the back of my throat.
I closed my lips tightly and pulled back applying pressure.
I continued to bob up and down on Connor's dick while he drank beer and enjoyed the show.
After about 15 minutes or so, he pulled me off and planted a big wet kiss on my lips.
"I need another beer, you?"
I pounded the rest of mine and said sure.
We took our beers to the bedroom where we both stripped down to our jockstraps.
The room was messy with work clothes and towels on the floor.
There was an unmade king-sized bed and a large tv on the wall.
Connor flopped down in bed and turned on some porn on the big screen.
It was a couple of manly leather bears grunting and sucking and fucking, and it made it seem
like there was a couple of other guys in the room with us.
I took a big swig of my beer while I stood beside the bed and admired this big bear of
a man.
He wasn't fat.
He didn't have a gut that would hang over his belt, he was just big and thick everywhere.
Including his cock.
As I stood there looking down and admiring him he reached out and started fondling my
hard cock and balls.
So I reached down and started playing with his junk.
After a few minutes he leaned over and took my whole dick in his mouth, all the way to
the pubes.
It was so warm and wet.
He really went to town sucking and bobbing up and down until I was on the edge in almost
no time.
I pulled out and told him I was too close.
"No problem," he said.
" I'll eat your ass instead".
So, I climbed on top of him with my ass in his face and his dick in my face.
He licked and fingered my ass for at least half an hour, eventually working three of
his beefy fingers into my wet hole.
I just enjoyed the buffet of hairy cock and balls I had in front of me.
Finally, Connor couldn't take it anymore.
"Damn I need to fuck your ass," he said, getting out from under me and positioning
himself behind me while I was on my hands and knees.
On the screen I front of us a black guy in leather chaps and harness was fucking a muscled
hairy bald guy in a sling.
I watched the scene on the screen while Connor got a squirt bottle of lube and a condom.
Soon I felt his tip searching for love portal, a little too high, so I reached behind me
and guided him inside me.
He slid in easily but slowly, going all the way until I felt his pubic hair against my
butt, then left it there for a minute or so, before slowly starting to move back and forth.
When I first started bottoming, there were times when fist being penetrated it would
still hurt, and sometimes a greedy top would try to go to quick.
I was more experienced now, so pain was unusual, but sometimes there would be some discomfort.
Not tonight though.
Despite his size, Connor got things going slowly and built his pace and force gradually.
Within about fifteen minutes however he was pounding me as hard as I've ever been pounded
and stabbing my man-cunt with full thrusts that took him completely out of me to buried
balls deep.
We changed positions and guzzled some more beer.
Now I was on my back while he held me by my ankles.
Fuck I was in heaven.
He thrust his dick all the way into my butt hole and I moaned loudly.
He let go of my ankles an leaned down to kiss me while he ground he cock inside me, my own
erection trapped between our bodies.
We broke agin for more beer.
He laid on his back, his hard dick against his stomach.
I climbed on top of him, and lowered myself down onto his sword stabbing my guts to the
I leaned forward and we kissed while rode him for at least twenty minutes.
"Where do you want me to cum?"
He asked eventually.
"I want to make you cum with my ass," I said.
"That might take a little while longer," he said.
I was ok with that so I continued to ride him.
After another 15 minutes or so, he started grunting and thrusting his hips up against
I knew he was close so I increased my pace.
I spit in my hand and grabbed my own hardon, so I could be ready to shoot my load when
he came.
It want long before we were both grunting and moaning loudly as we climaxed together.
I laid down on him, all sweaty until we had to get up for more beer.
It was almost 11:00 and we drank beer and watched lorn and talked for a while.
I noticed Connor start to fool around with his dick, shaking it and getting it hard.
I leaned over and helped with my mouth, which usually gets me super hard.
When Connor was hard again, I got on my hands and knees and he got right to business behind
I didn't need much warming up after the first time.
He fucked me in various positions for the next hour until finally pulling of his condom
and stroking his cock furiously until he unloaded on my chest.
I was already jacking it too and it wasn't long before I mixed my cum with his.
It was almost 1:00 when I left.
My legs were shaking and I could hardly walk.
Today has been a little rough.
I am sore but I can't wait to see Connor again.
Fuck I love cock.
If you have some other tips, please do share with other readers in our comments section.
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