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For more infomation >> get free robux on roblox ❗ how to get roblox ❗ free robux codes ❗ roblox giveaway 💯% - Duration: 4:50.
CBS3 On The Street Asking Philadelphia Residents For Their New Year's Resolutions - Duration: 1:36.
Christmas Routine 2017 - Duration: 8:51.
Hey guys! Welcome to my Christmas 2017 routine.
I did it vlog style....
so let's just get started.
Shall we?
Alright guys! So the first thing that we did: hair makeup check.
On our way to my brother's house...
his house is pretty decked out for Christmas.
Look at that Garland!
Big Star Wars nerd...
had ornaments galore all over his tree...
and he had the Darth Vader Yule Log going on his television.
I got some amazing Pusheen gifts, which you'll see later.
We had breakfast.
And my nephew had a crazy toy haul.
That included this little RC car that he got which was insane!
My brother, my dad, and Ross (my husband) took this thing out.
They absolutely loved it.
I think it fulfilled like a childhood dream for them.
I don't think Tristan really thought It was a big hit for him
but my brother and my dad loved it.
We left Bryan's house, traveled back to Kansas City...
And yes, I definitely got some sleep along the way.
Which was really nice.
It's about a four-hour drive.
The roads were pretty clear...
which was fantastic for travel.
But, what was super nice...
is that we did have a white Christmas!
For the first time in a very very long time.
And, I don't think we realized...
how many items that we had to unpack from the car.
There was a lot, and we made trip after trip after trip.
And I needed a little bit of a reward.
So I grabbed my hot chocolate mug...
it's this little bird mug.
Obviously super cute.
Had some hot chocolate.
And then the next thing that I had to do...
was go and get our Christmas cookies that we made at work.
And we did a Christmas cookie trade.
It was amazing!
Little Oreo balls were mine...
and they turned out so so so good.
So you know.
A little bit of hot chocolate.
A little bit of Christmas cookies.
I think we deserved it after a long day of opening presents,
going to Brian's,
traveling four hours,
and then going to our house.
I turned on our Christmas tree...
which I had completely decked out.
It's flocked and it's super pretty.
I absolutely loved it.
I've got some of my favorite ornaments on it including...
that little Pusheen ornament there.
My Simba and Nala ornament,
which I got from Ross's mom last year.
And then my favorite ornament, which was that Garfield.
Lit some candles...
And then I decided to film the rest of the YouTube video for you guys and go over my Christmas swag.
How do you say it, it's Christmas swag? Swag! Got it!
Okay guys, so Christmas is officially over,
and I'm pretty sad about it, but it was a busy holiday...
And we finally got back home.
So we went to my parent's house in St. Louis,
and then we opened presents,
went to my brother's house,
drove four hours, and finally got home. So we're exhausted.
I put on my PJs took off all my makeup.
I'm gonna go over my Christmas haul with you right now.
The first thing, and this is actually Ross...
It's not mine.
I kinda wanted to steal it though.
So my mom got Ross a Harry Potter wand stand.
Is it picking up?
so he has this amazing Voldemort wand,
and I'm pretty sure I know where it's gonna go.
The second item that we got that was Harry Potter related was...
Ross got me this Harry Potter
Patronus novelty LED desk light
and if you can see...
It shines on the wall.
Like there's a shadow there.
It says always on it,
and then it the shadow will actually show up on the wall there.
And I absolutely cry every single time that I see...
the Snape scene at the end of the seventh movies.
And Ross knows that, so that's why he got that for me.
And I really really love it!
The next theme that we got this Christmas was Pusheen.
I got Pusheen everything.
I think my parents ,
and my brother ,
and Ross bought everything...
that Barnes & Noble had for sale for Pusheen.
So the first thing that Ross got me,
which I haven't even taken this out of the box yet,
But I love I love it. I love stuffed animals and,
I have a lot of them.
Is the Pusheen and Stormy collector set and
They're wearing this cute little apron and hat.
And there's stormy, and I don't have a stormy yet.
I have a pretty big Pusheen.
So I'm really excited that I have stormy right now.
So that was the first of many Pusheen items that I got.
I got this little Pusheen a mug from my mom...
There's the mug there, and
this is kind of the little box that it came in.
It's so cute!
A Pusheen sleep mask like is that not the most adorable thing.
Last but not least on the Pusheen list was
My nephew, which was so sweet...
he got me at his Book Fair,
so he used his own money
And I thought that was really cute.
This amazing little Pusheen book.
My nephew also whenever we play Super Smash Brothers.
I am Kirby.
Almost 99.9% of the time.
And it makes me really happy because I beat everybody at it...
They're probably don't appreciate it,
but my nephew got me this little got me this little Kirby!
Look at him - he looks so cute!
I got an owl from Barnes Noble, too...
But the dog got ahold of it.
Yeah, so
Not showing you that one
I got...
So all of this was like...
Stocking stuffers,
nail file,
eye shadow applicators,
a whole bunch of Merle Norman makeup...
which I am obsessed with Merle Norman,
and I think it's really underappreciated.
So this is the
Lasting Cheek Color Merle Norman,
and this is in sugar melon,
so that's what that looks like there
I've got...
this Merle Norman eyeshadow, and
this is so pretty.
I literally use this almost every single day.
Sunbeam is the color.
It's not really focusing on it.
There it goes.
The knock out nude collection.
And it's got just a ton of colors in it...
moonstone, rose quartz, gold star, smitten, caramel, bold as brass, beauty mark, tigereye, cosmic, and cafe society
Look at how pretty it is it's beautiful. Oh, that's pretty much it.
As far as Christmas went, so I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas.
I'm gonna start...
uploading some videos focusing on 2018.
And I'm really excited about it.
And I hope that it is the best year ever for you guys so stay tuned for that and make sure that you...
like this video and subscribe. So I will see you later. Bye!
One last thing so I also forgot and this was the big one...
The thing that I'm filming on is my brand new
Oh wait, I should really be recording this. Shouldn't I? That'd be smart- okay.
Totally forgot, and it's what I'm filming on and it was my
Canon EOS Rebel 2 camera, that was my big Christmas present!
Which is why I can make movies now for you guys. So that was it. That was just the small thing that I totally forgot.
Night Luna!
You guys have a great night and a very happy holiday, and we'll see you later!
Bum Bum Bum
Bum Bum Bum
Bum Bum Bum
Bum Bum Bum
Tori Roloff Has Some Very Exciting News to Share - Duration: 2:52.
Tori Roloff is ringing in the new year with a very cool announcement.
In her latest Instagram post, the Little People, Big World star surprised fans by telling them
of her new business plan...
... and it sounds pretty darn exciting.
Along with the quote/photo below, Roloff shared the following caption with 636,000 fans.
"I finally opened an etsy shop!!!!!
I am starting with digital files!" she said, clearly psyched about the project and adding:
"You can download and print and then frame for decorations in your home!!
I will eventually be taking custom orders so please stay tuned!
"Make sure to follow @zandtcreationsbytori because that's where I'll be posting!
I want to keep this profile for Baby j cuteness and babe uh fun!!
"Thank you guys so much for the support!
I am so excited about this new adventure!!!
ZandTCreations, huh?
We'll start following that new account right now and we're anxious to see what Tori comes
up with going forward.
It will also be interesting to see how fans react to this news.
Amy Roloff has received some backlash over the past few months for often including sponsored
posts on her Instagram account and/or promoting various products, even while posing with her
family members.
To an even greater extent, Audrey Roloff has really heard it from critics for constantly
pushing her line of clothing.
Or not just for pushing it, but for doing so while also doling out marriage advice or
quoting the bible.
Will Tori see followers turn on her in a similar manner?
Up until this point, she was one of the few Roloff family members who didn't look to monetize
her social media page.
There's nothing wrong with doing this, of course.
Heck, you could argue there's a whole lot right about it if it means Tori will be earning
money that could go toward her son's education or even more basic needs.
We'll be curious to see what comes of this business plan, both in terms of what Tori
creates and what people say about it.
We certainly wish her the very best of luck.
She and Zach seem like a happy, loving and supportive child... and little Jackson Kyle
is just SO cute.
Don't believe us for some reason?
Scroll down to see what we mean!
Jackson Roloff Baby Photos: OMG!
He's So Cute!
Start Gallery
谢娜发微博喊话陈赫,结果陈赫直接在评论区对她是一番嘲笑 - Duration: 2:46.
两代星女郎再度同框?林允晒与张柏芝合照,却被网友吐槽:脸大了 - Duration: 2:16.
年底宣判,马蓉或占优势,难怪最近不断挑衅! - Duration: 3:11.
李湘一家三口到香港过节,王诗龄手提包竟价值过万 - Duration: 2:43.
孩子支持是最大的满足?曾被问及性别,金星四个字回应:我是人生 - Duration: 2:50.
十大流量男星:跑男团邓超李晨都输给鹿晗?薛之谦都比周杰伦靠前 - Duration: 6:57.
Penis-Flashing Dem Who Was JAILED For Lying To FBI REWARDED With Unbelievable New Job! - Duration: 4:35.
385428 - Duration: 3:48.
Navigating tomorrow
Girte Baalo Ke Liye Khas Wazifa Aur Tail | Baal Lambe Aur Ghane Karne Ki Dua - Duration: 3:51.
Girte Baalo Ke Liye Khas Wazifa Aur Tail | Baal Lambe Aur Ghane Karne Ki Dua
Korea's stock market may turn bullish at start of 2018 amid rosy outlook - Duration: 0:37.
Korea's benchmark KOSPI surged nearly one-point-three percent to two-thousand-four-hundred-67 on
Thursday... the last trading session of 2017... as investors sought undervalued shares amid
the rosy outlook for January.
Analysts say Korea's stock markets may turn bullish at the start of next year as hopes
for a January rally are outweighing investor appetite for profit-taking.
Korea's domestic stock investment funds have also attracted over three billion U.S. dollars
over the past month amid expectations for fresh market rallies in January.
Iranian cities hit by anti-government protests - Duration: 0:43.
Protests have flared up across Iran... as thousands of Iranian citizens expressed their
dissatisfaction with the government.
The protests that began on Thursday in the northeast of the country spread to major cities
on Friday... as police made arrests in an attempt to disperse the crowds.
A handful of people were even arrested in the capital, Tehran.
Iranians are protesting against their government's economic and foreign policies,... including
corruption and Iran's involvement in Syria and Iraq.
The demonstrations represent the most serious and widespread expression of public discontent
in Iran since mass protests in 2009.
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