A warm welcome to „fünfkommasechs"!
As you can see, we've got an old friend with us.
No need for introduction, I bet you all know him.
Jan Seyffarth,
Race driver...
Oh dear, now I have to list everything you do...
It's maybe best if I list what you don't do, that's probably faster.
Race driver,
driving instructor at the AMG Academy,
test- and development driver...
You are a presenter, too.
Where? Eurosport?
Eurosport, DMAX, n-tv,...
I can be seen on „GRIP" from time to time.
Yes, on „GRIP"...
Then of course his own vlog.
We'll show that below, you know that already.
His own channel.
It really is more than a vlog,...
...it really is entertainment television!
You absolutely need to watch it!
Then photographer and most of all expert.
AMG expert. And that's nice...
...because we are sitting in a very special car today
for a special occasion! We are in an AMG GT C...
...Edition 50.
Why 50?
Clearly because AMG has its 50th anniversary this year.
And there is this special edition
in a „graphite grey magno" paint finish on the outside.
It really looks like a James Bond car
It's totally awesome! — It's a bit like the Batmobile.
Silvery leather everywhere. Silver safety belts.
Black... matte... this awesome DINAMICA microfibre headliner.
Everything you could possibly have.
And as you know, the GT C is so to speak
the slightly toned down version of the GT R
for normal usage on the road.
Though the GT R is also street legal.
And this weekend, we are on our way
to the family gathering of the AMG GT family.
By now, there are eight family members.
And we'll show them all now, so you get an overview,
because there are so many versions of the GT.
The weather is rather for „advanced drivers",
but we thought
that everybody can drive in the sunshine. — Yes!
And you know Jan.
Jan likes driving sideways from time to time,
especially at the Bilster Berg track.
So I'm looking forward to it!
It's so much fun, even in this weather.
Because the front axle has very much grip.
You can always turn. The rear swerves, but...
...I'd take it! Where do I have to sign?
Where can I buy it? Where is the salesman?
I'll put on this helmet.
I'll look like Humpty Dumpty.
One second.
Exactly, take off your glasses, that's better.
Now I look great, don't I?
Now we are safe!
Listen, the procedure is as follows:
I'll drive ahead and you just follow.
We have wet conditions, which means
that we'll have to be a little more careful.
Warm up the tires first. — Yeah.
And then we can increase the speed.
We are connected via radio, so I'll talk a little.
And you'll just drive behind me and try it all out.
Great, cool, I'm excited! This is my car, you'll overtake.
I'll overtake you, and then we'll get started!
Perfect! See you later!
I'm a little bit scared!
So, Johannes... you'll get the shock of your life now!
Alright, Johannes...
I think you should be good to go now.
Listen: In the centre console, you know the game,...
...there is the gear lever, pull it all the way back once.
It is advisable to choose one of the drive modes
„S" or „S+" via DYNAMIC SELECT.
So sporty mode or „sport plus" mode.
But we'll leave the ESP completely on,
we don't touch that button.
And for the suspension, you can either choose
the first setting,
so that only one light is on,
so that you are in „sport" mode there.
Or you put it into „comfort" mode with the suspension.
And then we'll just start rolling.
I'm very excited! I don't know the track at all!
I felt a bit intimidated, first of all, because...
...when I heard that it's going to be the Bilster Berg,
I had a lot of respect, because I don't know it at all.
But it is famous
for being very demanding.
It's like a rollercoaster.
And thank God we made it possible that you and I
did an exclusive „lead and follow".
Yes, we did a little coaching together.
Just to show – and that's extremely important in these conditions –
to explain and show somebody
how it works in these adverse conditions.
We even had a bit of aquaplaning on the track.
A bit of standing water. — Yes.
And still you could notice
that the GT R has traction.
That's the incredible thing!
We were lucky. We had a gap between two rain clouds
when it became a little more dry.
And you could feel that difference.
We started in very wet conditions,
and then it slowly became drier.
It steadily became better, and that wasn't too bad.
Especially at the end, when the tires had become warmer,
how the acceleration works.
So, now out of the pit lane...
50 km/h here at the Bilster Berg.
During a race, it would be 60 km/h.
As I said, wet conditions,
these are really bad conditions,
because this is neither fish nor fowl.
It's neither really wet nor really dry,
which means that we definitely need to warm up the tires.
Next to the track, we put some little helpers for you.
If you see blue pylons next to the tracks...
...that's a braking zone.
That means that somewhere there, you should „throw the anchor".
And red pylons indicate the entry points
and summits of the corners.
You can follow them, for example here on the left side...
now we can go to the right.
Always drive into the direction of these pylons,
that's your focus point.
I'll quickly tell you a bit about the Bilster Berg.
It's a typical test and presentation circuit.
Not a full-fledged race track.
This means that theoretically, you could drive races here.
...concerning the course of the road...
you notice it here,...
...„Mausefalle" („mouse trap"),
that's what this part is called.
You would encounter some problems with a race car.
This is why it's a test and presentation circuit.
And this track is the only one
which also gives me a queasy feeling.
If I drive too many laps, I even get sick.
We'll slowly roll around the track in the first lap.
This is the back straight.
You must not forget
that you are sitting on 585 horses right now!
You should think of that.
The AMG GT R we are sitting in has 585 hp.
The strongest AMG GT of all the variants.
Many focus on the AMG GT R.
It is THE super sports car, and the flagship.
I am here with Jörg Letzel,
the product manager of the AMG GTs.
Jörg, what else is there?
We all know the GT R, the vibrantly green car,
„Beast of the Green Hell", as they say. — Yes.
But what else is there?
Sure, at the end of 2014,
we introduced the first two models of the family:
the GT and the GT S.
The two coupés
were very well received in the market.
And this spring,
we expanded the family,
introducing the aforementioned AMG GT R
in March 2017.
After that, the two roadsters: GT and GT C roadster,
which were also very successful in the market.
But also the existing models:
the AMG GT and the GT S were further improved.
We have increased the power
and expanded the portfolio of possible extras
in order to be able to offer every customer we have
the perfect car in this segment.
If we sort them and go through them one after the other,
where is every car located?
I believe that with the AMG GT, or the roadster
if you prefer a convertible
you've made a perfect choice.
It is an absolute sports car
that offers the driving enjoyment
that is typical for AMG.
The performance you would expect from a sports car.
This also means that if customers say
that they are just looking for a little more power,
the AMG GT S (the coupé) is made for them.
At our Driving Academy we even put this car on the race track.
And with options, that make the car even sportier,
like the AMG DYNAMIC PLUS package for example,
or the ceramic high-performance brake system,
this car offers the full driving enjoyment on the race track.
You can do all of this with the GT S?
Yes, you can! — Okay.
And as a special add-on...
...with the current model year since April 2017,
customers who chose the AMG GT S
in conjunction with the AMG DYNAMIC PLUS package, which I just mentioned,
can order the optional active rear wheel steering.
Just like you know it as a standard feature from the GT R or the GT C.
So there is a transfer between the cars.
So two steps down from the super sports car,
but still the same driving dynamics.
We are standing next to a really nice roadster,
with a nice open roof.
Roadsters aren't exactly known
for being super sports cars.
But can I get something like that from AMG?
A roadster that still offers the driving enjoyment of a really fast car?
Jan, I would say that our roadsters aren't primarily roadsters,
but primarily sports cars.
A sports car that makes the intensive experience even purer,
through the option of opening the top.
The sound, the emotions, the wind,...
...can be experienced much purer.
Especially for the roadster models,
my colleagues from development
have done everything they could
to make this car just as strong
as the coupés, with reinforcements
that generate nearly the same level of torsional stiffness...
...as the coupés have,
without a dramatic increase in weight.
But still, there is one more variant,
the GT C Edition 50,
which is also a roadster,
and which again raises the level a bit further.
Is that right?
Yes, absolutely. You just said: GT C Edition 50
as a roadster, but you can also have it as a coupé.
Because we surely have customers
who want the power
and technical features of the GT R
in their vehicles, but who are not looking for
that expressiveness that a GT R has
with its aerodynamic elements of the exterior.
Let us finally also talk about the AMG GT R,
we just have to talk about it!
It's simply the top car!
We have driven it on the track.
We like talking about it!
It always makes me smile!
Is it a car I can drive in everyday life
or is it a little race car?
Absolutely yes to the question
about the everyday life.
Of course, we do not only have customers
who permanently or on the weekends drive the car on the race track.
This car – you have to drive it to experience that –
can also be driven by somebody
who just uses it in their everyday life.
And people like you, professional race drivers,
are not underwhelmed.
So I can just drive it normally in my everyday life... — Yes.
...but if I feel like going to the race track,
to the Bilster Berg, I can perfom just like
with a car that was built only for this.
You always have to regard it as a sports car.
This means that it will never offer the comfort
of an AMG S 63 or E 63.
It just wasn't built for that.
This car was designed as a sports car,
but can absolutely also be driven in everyday life.
You have nearly finished your first lap, Johannes.
Just stay right behind me, as you are doing,
this is perfect.
Now we can speed up again a little.
So, as you can see, if we go a little faster,
the car starts skidding a little.
That means that we have to accelerate and brake carefully.
Ok, come on, try to keep up!
That was absolutely extreme.
When I got out of the car, I thought "Wow! Awesome!"
I was glad that I could keep up with you to a certain degree.
Foggy glasses!
Yes, that looked great.
The helmet is also great,
most of all if you are a little chubbier at the moment
and the helmet squashes your face.
Then you really look your best.
But that doesn't matter at all.
You can't be vain here, because
this is all about this...
it is a piece of sports equipment.
I have really exercised here!
Because if you are sitting in this car, you really have to...
...it is a piece of sports equipment.
You have to use your brain power,
you have to use your brain all the time.
Nearly like a chess player. You have to read the road.
A professional driver has a lot of advantage
from reading the road.
Yes, absolutely!
As a professional race driver,
the driving happens automatically.
You don't even think about it anymore.
As you said, you read the road.
In a race, you also look at what you competitors are doing.
Good point! We didn't even have any competitors.
Right! You try to come up with strategies.
But for you, it is even more difficult.
Because for me, yesterday, the driving was a side issue.
I knew exactly what I had to do in such conditions.
You were steering with one hand, talking to me on the radio! It was awesome!
I had the time to give you advice
and to read the road in order to draw conclusions.
I could say „I have to do this and that here."
Driving more slowly, or with an offset from the line
in order to have optimal grip, optimal conditions.
Because I have free capacities for that.
But for you, as you said, it's high-performance sport.
You were just like „How do I drive?..."
„What am I supposed to do?..."
„Do I have the right steering wheel posture?"
All those things.
When you are approaching the corner, you brake.
While you are cornering more,
you should reduce the brake pressure.
Perfom a so-called „trail braking."
At the apex, you shouldn't be braking anymore.
So right here, your foot should be off the brake
and you should slowly accelerate.
And when the car is straight again, hit it hard!
Do you hear that?
Sounds great, doesn't it?
The AMG GT and GT S have the „normal" exhaust system.
But the GT R has the prominent exhaust in the middle.
Does that have anything to do with the performance, or...
...does it change the sound?
Both. On the one hand performance, due to the weight.
The exhaust system is made from titanium.
This saves 6 kg of weight.
And of course, it also changes the sound design, the sound composition.
This makes driving the GT R a special experience.
This is why this exhaust system is a triple-flow system.
This means that we have two exhaust pipes
on the left and right and one in the middle.
This is a special feature of the GT R.
I push a small button on the central console.
There is an exhaust pictured on it.
What happens technically?
Do the flaps open? How many are there?
You can see them very well here:
one flap on the left, one on the right.
They open then.
And then, the sound gets even more performant.
That means with closed flaps...
They are really closed?
Yes, they are just normal flaps.
We have a little more back pressure,
so the sound is muffled,
and if you push the little button, it goes "clack"
and they are open.
The most important button to me is the exhaust button.
Now it got a little louder. — Yes, exactly!
And the trick is, if you now put it into „race"...
You know what the great thing is?
How it pops! — Yes!
How it fires out of the back!
That is... I always say it's like an orchestra that is playing.
Yes, and you are Paganini.
You'll probably notice how we are stepping up our pace again, Johannes.
This makes driving a little bit more difficult.
We are edging more and more towards the limit.
But with each round, the tire temperature increases.
The tire pressure increases.
And this generates more grip,
because the tire interlocks itself with the road.
An thus, the AMG GT R can unfold its full potential
and work at the highest level.
We've got rear axle steering.
We know that this system gives us
more agility in lower speed ranges.
So much agility, that it couldn't be transported
into higher speed ranges.
That's where the rear axle steering begins to offer
added stability and control instead of more agility.
It is essential that we have agility
and stability at the two ends of the spectrum.
Do you feel that if you are sitting in the car?
That's a good point.
In general, we follow the strategy
that systems shouldn't impose themselves.
No system should tell the driver
„Look, now it's my turn!"
As far as it is possible, we only want to use the advantages of the systems.
In this case, the car feels
very agile in the lower speed range.
Because it is very agile.
Because the rear axle steers into the opposite direction of the front axle.
If have seen it explained by saying that
it virtually shortens or lengthens the wheelbase.
That's the physical equivalent of it.
Yes, that's right.
Because if you have a short wheelbase,
which is the case in lower speed ranges
with this rear axle steering,
the car is small and agile.
Like a go-kart. A go-kart is small and agile.
I believe everybody has been to a go-kart track.
And there you notice how small and agile that car is.
But somewhen, there comes the point
when we say that we don't need even more agility.
There, the systems slowly begins to reorient itself
and works into the same direction.
So there is a fluent transition between these two states?
Yes, there is even a speed range for this.
That is roughly around 100 km/h.
Around that range, the strategy begins to shift
towards more stability.
But in order to return to the original question:
No matter which systems is working,
the systems shouldn't push themselves to the fore,
they should only have their positive effect.
In this case, it is agility, stability,
also the feeling of much grip on the rear axle, for example.
How many degrees are we talking about?
1 or 1.5 degrees, is that right?
You are very well informed, Jan.
I have driven the car one or two times before.
The systems can achieve 1.5 degrees at the maximum
by changing the length of the track rod by a few millimeters.
This maximum of 1.5 degrees is usually only reached while parking the car.
If we are driving at higher speeds, much smaller,
more subtle steer angles are enough,
which immediately lead
to more lateral force at the rear axle,
and that there is no overshooting of the rear axle,
as there would with a passive system.
So, Johannes, on with the show!
Next round! You'll probably notice that I am increasing the speed.
And you can still keep up, very good!
And you'll notice here that the car is skidding less in the corner.
Remember the first round, how it was skidding then,
now you can properly accelerate out of it!
If we go forwards a little, we can see a gigantic black carbon tunnel.
Yes, as you can see in writing here,
this is our carbon torque tube.
This is a feature that is solely reserved for the GT R.
As we have it here, the stiff connection
between the engine in the front and the transmission in the back
in carbon
can only be found in the GT R.
Does this torque tube affect the driving dynamics?
You as head of the driving dynamics team...
Does it change the rigidity of the car?
No, both versions are stiff.
It's about reducing the weight.
It reduces the weight by 10, 12 kg.
The GT R is lighter, anyway.
As the top sports car, it has to be lighter than the basic vehicles.
Here, we can save an important amount of weight.
Which again also improves the driving dynamics.
A lighter car helps my driving performance.
There are systems in the GT R
that aren't unique to it,
but which are important for it
in order to attain the desired driving dynamics.
Let's take a look at this!
We can see here the left front engine mount. — Okay.
There is the possibility to connect something to it.
Usually, there would be a cable attached to it.
There is a reason for it! — Yes!
By the way: in the front and in the back!
It's a controllable engine mount.
A so-called magnetorheological mount, an MR mount.
Depending on the power I apply,
the magnetorheological fluid hardens inside of the mount
and makes the mount stiffer. — Okay.
That means: if I'm driving very dynamically, very fast...
You know this as a race driver,
you don't want anything to be wobbling or rattling inside of the car.
That would hamper any precise steering correction. — Correct.
It has to be stiff.
Yes, we would otherwise say that the car feels „spongy".
And it would feel like that
if we tried to obtain maximum comfort.
For that, the mount would have to be soft.
We could just use a very rigid mount.
But the car is also driven on normal roads.
There are manhole covers and cobbled streets.
And then we have the possibility
to render this mount soft. — Okay.
This means we still have comfort
and when you need to drive dynamically, it notices
and automatically stiffens.
So it's also a clever systems that works automatically.
Yes, we have made a clever system clever!
So, then we'll drive back into the pit lane
and see if Johannes is still feeling well.
I still have a small surprise for him.
Are you alright?
It's totally awesome!
I couldn't understand you sometimes,
but it was still awesome!
It really is like a rollercoaster,
you feel it in your stomach.
You probably saw me swinging off.
Yes, as I said before:
you could see that you've been getting closer and closer
to the limit.
Just as it should be.
And of course does the car swing off from time to time.
We've got very difficult conditions.
But you can also see how... yes, it's especially difficult for you!
But you can also see
that the car gives you a feeling of safety,
so you can get closer to the limit.
Let's take a look here.
Oh, the tires are even slightly cold yet.
They haven't quite reached the right temperature,
but it still worked well.
Most of all, it is very well balanced.
I mean I am a layperson, I don't know the track,
but it is so neutral.
It is so easy to steer it! It's like a computer game.
Yeah, right.
But if you want... I had it in „sport plus" now...
but if you want „race" mode...
which is not advisable if you are a newbie...
then it's probably like an animal and is constantly driving sideways.
Yes, it goes sideways, although...
„race" mode and „S+" are relatively close together.
There are a few subtleties
that are there for the race track.
But if you completely switch off ESP
and then switch on the traction control,
then it's something entirely different.
You have to show me that! We'll do a „taxi drive"!
I'll get „shotgun" into the car with you...
Now he takes away my surprise!
I was just about to say
„Come, may I show that to you?"
That would be awesome!
I'm excited!
But I'll have to drink some water before that...
Thank you very much! — You're welcome!
Look! This can almost be done with one hand!
That's where you actually need traction control
especially in this weather
Speaking of wet tarmac:
I've later followed „Mister DTM" onto the race track...
drove through a puddle...
the car swung off...
and I almost saw me crashing into the guardrails!
For more infomation >> Mercedes-AMG GT: The GT Family at Bilster Berg Pt. 1 | #MBFanFilm - Duration: 27:15.-------------------------------------------
Another superb gesture from Liverpool winger Mohamed Salah - Duration: 2:17.
Another superb gesture from Liverpool winger Mohamed Salah
Reds player takes another step towards worlds nicest man title by supporting 120 families in his homeland.
Liverpool winger Mohamed Salah has donated 30,000 Euros to the Association of Veteran Egyptian Players.
Former Egypt midfielder Khaled El-Ghandour, who is now a radio host, revealed that Salah has made the kind gesture which will help provide support for around 120 families in his homeland.
It's the latest generous act by Salah, who back in October turned down the offer of a luxury villa as reward for firing Egypt to the 2018 World Cup.
Instead he asked businessman Mamdouh Abbas to make a donation to his home village of Nagrig instead.
Salah has never forgotten his roots.
He has previously paid for a special unit at the local hospital as well as gym equipment for the community centre and an all-weather pitch for youngsters to play on.
Liverpool's 21-goal top scorer is set to be crowned the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Player of the Year next week.
Salah and team-mate Sadio Mane are expected to attend next Thursday's awards ceremony in Ghana.
They are joined on the shortlist by Borussia Dortmund striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.
Liverpool tipped to beat top European clubs to sign Leon Goretzka - Duration: 3:44.
Liverpool tipped to beat top European clubs to sign Leon Goretzka
Schalke midfielder Leon Goretzka is poised to announce his next club in January, and Liverpool have reportedly moved ahead in the queue.
Goretzka is set to leave Gelsenkirchen after five years, with the 22-year-old entering the final six months of his contract in 2018.
He will therefore be able to leave Schalke on a free transfer, in a situation similar to that of his fellow Germany international Emre Can at Liverpool.
Given Goretzka's performances for both club and country in recent years, including seven goals and one assist in 15 games this season, he is attracting interest from a host of top sides.
These include Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Man United and Juventus, with the latter also pursuing a deal to sign Can.
But according to German publication Bild, Liverpool could pip their fellow European giants to one of the most impressive deals of 2018.
They claim that with the prospect of working under Jurgen Klopp, and alongside both a former team-mate in Joel Matip and a top midfielder in Naby Keita, Goretzka's interest will be piqued.
Furthermore, though Schalke are still hoping to convince the youngster to extend his spell at the Veltins-Arena, Liverpool could easily offer better terms.
Given Can's likely impending departure, with Borussia Dortmund also credited with an interest alongside Juventus, Klopp will need to sign a replacement next summer.
Though Keita is already set to arrive in a £55 million deal in July, uncertainty over the future of Philippe Coutinho suggests another arrival is required.
Jordan Henderson continues to struggle with injury problems, while James Milner will turn 32 in January and Marko Grujic is seemingly no closer to a starting berth.
That leaves Georginio Wijnaldum and Adam Lallana as Klopp's only other dependable, senior midfielders, highlighting the impact Can's exit would have.
Goretzka is arguably an upgrade: a burly, box-to-box midfielder with an ever-improving eye for goal, who would need little adjustment to the demands of life in the Premier League.
Signing him on a free transfer would be a major coup, as he has the potential to develop into one of the leading midfield talents in Europe.
Gemma Galgani lo confessa sui social: ecco chi è il suo amore segreto | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:01.
Jeep Wrangler Backup Camera How To Install it! 2008-2018 - Duration: 31:26.
Greetings! I'm Geofatboy. The Jeep Wrangler - it's a great vehicle.
Recreational - lots of fun, great in winter, great in summer. It does have a couple
design flaws. In the back here, the vision is very limited from the
driver's seat looking into the rearview mirror facing backward. Someone, children
could be playing behind you someone can pull out behind you and you can't see.
Unless your vehicle has a backup camera. So what I'm going to do right now I'm
going to show you how to install this backup camera. This is a Brand Motion and
my Jeep is a 2008 Wrangler Sahara Unlimited and it has the factory radio
with the navigation built in so I have the camera that corresponds to that to
those specs this is the Brand Motion nine zero zero two eight eight four
seven. There's a look at it. I'll put some links under the video just click where
it says "show more" and it'll take you directly to the cameras and some of the
other products shown in the video. This way if you want to pick up any of these
items it'll be nice and easy! On the outside you have the spare tire which
takes up a lot of vision from the front also the brake light and then you have
these hinges, hinge covers, and the windshield wiper here. Let's open the
vehicle up. Inside you have this windshield wiper cover for the rear
wiper and then you have your two rear head rests which also will block your
vision looking rearward. I'll take you through the whole process removing the
spare tire, installing the camera bracket, and then running the wire all the way
from the back here through the subwoofer, along the side, behind the dashboard, and
then into the factory radio. I'll also show you how to chirp the OBDM module
to activate the rear view camera on the factory radio. Here's everything the kit
comes with. This is the mounting bracket with the camera and then this little
bracket is adjustable here there's two nuts in the back you can adjust this so
you get proper vision out the back through your tire, through your rim, and
this will go alongside the vehicle from the rear all the way up to the front.
Once you get to the front that will plug into this power harness.
This is the 22 pin white connector with the RCA jack this is what will plug into
the factory radio, and this is the program module, this is what you'll plug
into your OBDM port and this will chirp or beep the horn in order to
program it to your radio. It says down here: not returnable if seal is broken so
I'd be sure that before you open this seal you're going to keep the product
and use it. It also comes with about 15 black zip ties and a an extension
bracket if you need it for the camera, and then these are three wheel spacers
that will go on the spare tire. There's always a little bit of nervous anxiety
before you start a project like this don't worry that's a good thing. As Rob
Schneider says: "You can do it!" Don't worry it's not that difficult. Its
time-consuming just I'll say this that I looked over the Brand Motion
instructions that come with the product and they're really not up to par. These
pictures look like they've been copied 50 times, they're black and white,
and it's really hard to see what's happening in these pictures. So we're
gonna go through this process I'm gonna put some good light on it and try to
show you everything to make it much easier so you can just follow along with
the video, do what I do, and complete it in a few hours. Oh by the way this
product the camera I have it does have the parking lines, the guide lines which
will guide you when you go into reverse. So every time you put your car in reverse
and you can see behind you, and if you feel nice and safe, you could say "Thanks
Geofatboy, I appreciate your help on this one!"
All right let's get started. The first step will be to remove the spare tire. if
you have a locking lug like this one you'll need the key for it. We'll start
with that.
Now that the spare tire has been removed you can install the bracket now. It says
on the instructions do not run the cable through the center of the bracket you
don't want it going through there and I could see why, if you go to remove your
wheel at a later date and you drop it off you're gonna chop the wire in half.
So you don't want to run it through there. You leave it up here for now. Now
let's open up the back door and remove this trim panel. I have a steel scraper,
they call for a plastic scraper but this is a metal scraper I just put
some painter's tape over it to protect the finish. So you can see what you have
here. Here's a spot where you can bring the cable through this round circle.
Let's see how we can get it through there. The bracket is on, it's loose but
it's on here. Let's unravel all this so we can fish it through. There's an
opening here where your taillight wire comes through that's where you want to
drop it through again you don't want to put it through the center of the bracket
here. This has a shroud over it, a plastic shroud, wire loom to protect the wires
from the elements outside which is good. So I've got the bracket here, cable
comes around, and I'm sure this will need to be adjusted later but I'm just going
to straighten it up for now. I presume it will be straight just like this.
So I'm just tightening that gently not all the way yet, it may require a little bit
of adjusting later. Okay the cable is through here now we want to take this
end and get it through the vent. There's a plastic vent inside here we want to
fish it through there to get it inside the rear compartment. I've got a piece of
stiff wire here that I'll use to fish it through the back door, you can use a coat
hanger, just cut it and use that. Now I've got the wire, the solid wire through the
air vent and into the back of the vehicle the back door. I'll form a hook on the
end of this wire just loop it around like that and then I'll take the end of
the cable that goes to the front and just loop it through here like this and
tape that up.
Now I'll fish this wire through it's a little tricky doing this, you want to
push and pull at the same time gently so that you can wind your way through the
obstacles that might be in there. Okay I've got it through so now I'll pull all
this wire all the way through to the inside. So the cable goes from the
bracket right here. Here's the camera eye. It goes from the camera, it's inside this
wire loom, and it goes down in there, and you can see the bracket inside there are
the plastic air vent. So we're inside there. Here's a look from the bottom and
there's the cable you can see it right here. It goes through that plastic vent
it comes out this hole right here and it's going to follow this factory wiring
across here, through the subwoofer, along the side and up to the front. The next
move is to take this cable and fasten it to the factory wiring so we'll use these
zip ties. We start on this end we'll get it just about where we need it and you
just slide it through the slot and pull tight these will only tighten one way.
I'm leaving it loose for now that first one, and we'll put another one here in
the middle.
Okay so it'll just follow that. You can tighten this up. Make sure that the wire
is snug coming through there. All right now with these zip ties, here's a trick
if you cut these, they're really sharp and you can cut your hand very easily on
the sharp edge. If you just grasp it with the tip of your lineman pliers and twist
it and just keep twisting till it breaks off the end is not sharp so if you rub
your hand against it you're not going to get cut. We're out of the woods back here
so we can reinstall this trim piece. Okay now we'll move on to the rear
compartment. Now let's remove the subwoofer. There's three bolts: top left,
bottom left, lower right, and let's pull back the subwoofer okay so you can see.
We have wiring here which is what we want to follow coming in and
there's wiring here so we'll get on the same path with these wires and take them
all the way to the front along the side here. Here's a look at the wiring. Some of
these connectors are quite thick, you could think about running them through
this but I don't believe this is thick enough to handle these wires with these
connectors so I'm gonna fasten it to the outside and run it along here following
the factory wiring from the subwoofer and the rear lights to the front along
the side along the right side of the vehicle. You can peel back this carpeting
so you can see these, find these wires, you can see where the factory wire comes in at.
So here's where we'll just follow this around and up to the front. When you
fasten these wires, make sure you leave a little bit of play so that when the
door swings it's not too tight. You need some slack in there. Here's the factory
wiring that we'll be following we're gonna fasten to this to get all the way
to the front. I tuck it underneath so you can't even see it, it'll be hidden that
way. Now we can twist off our zip ties.
Here's a look at the wiring. It comes through the plastic trim plate. I have it
zip tied to this existing factory wiring. It makes a loop here. Again - make sure you
leave enough so the door can open and close. And it follows this factory wiring
right here, and then attach it to this wire loom with the zip ties and we'll
work our way behind this carpeting all the way up to the front. So you can
replace your carpeting now. And then reinstall the subwoofer.
Before we go any further up towards the front let's finish off the back. There's
three of these push nuts they're called, or push washers. What they do is they
just retain, their like retaining washers. They keep the bracket in place. So let's
install those. And I think a good way to do it is just start it like that. Just
get it so it's on there, because these are really tight. They don't thread on
but if you can push them on hard enough they can at least get started up there.
And I think this might work. I have a rubber mallet and this is a 5/8 deep
well socket. Let's try and see if we can get them to go in that way... Perfect!
It goes in almost all the way, it will take a little bit with a screwdriver.
Just to seat them all the way, you can use a screwdriver. We can tighten these
nuts. it's a phillips screwdriver in the front
and it is a 3/8 nut in the back. So just hold that nut and tighten this down so
that they're nice and snug. Now we can reinstall the spare tire.
You can see that the spare tire is now mounted and directly through the center
hole the camera protrudes and it's sticking out a little bit but I think
that's good because you want it to be able to look down and see something
that's close to the rear of the vehicle. I just want to remove this paper. It kind of
draws attention to it. We don't want that. We want it to be unobtrusive, not as
noticeable, inconspicuous. so there we go we're done in the back and the side.
We'll work our way to the front now.
Here's a better look at the camera.
Here's our wire coming along the rear. We're going to pull up this carpeting,
and we're going to fasten it to this factory wiring harness and get it past
the rear passenger seat. Now we can remove our zip ties. So here's the wire
that follows the factory wiring loom right along here, and it's zip tied
to the loom so we can replace this carpeting. Put it back in, we've got it
all the way down to the side of the passenger seat. Okay here's the side of
the passenger seat and you can see that the carpeting is here and the wire is
tucked neatly underneath, the carpeting comes all the way down here and here is
where it comes out. Now we're working our way up into the front driver's
compartment. So we need to remove these tabs this tab right here, that one, that
little black tab. This one and this one. So we can remove that and run the cable
through there. I'll remove this tab here this is by the rear passenger seat.
Okay I was able to get the bracket off here, and then the two up in the front.
I'm gonna enlist my solid wire again and use it as a fish to come back here
and get these and pull them up towards the front. I've got the cable tied onto
the solid wire. I'll pull the rest of the wire through towards the front. Close
this back up. Okay now we've worked our way up from the backseat area to the
front seat area here's the plastic strip trim strip. It's pulled away and then you
can see the wire loom that's where our wire comes through from the back going
up toward the front so we just need to get it from here up into the front
compartment underneath the dashboard. I have these left over from replacing a
couple of bicycle tire inner tubes these are perfect for sliding under here, but
you can use a scraper as well and just slide it along here. I've got it pulled
away far enough where I can just run the wire through there and up to the front.
Now I'm pulling the wire along the front door panel up to the front underneath
the dashboard.
You've got it all the way up here to the very front right, as far to the front as
I need to go, right next to the factory wire loom. Here's the wire. I found
a little soccer ball underneath the trim. It's amazing what you find! Pop those
back in place. Those are good to go. Now we're ready to
attack the front dashboard area. Now I'm in the front of the vehicle, we're gonna
remove this portion of the dash so we have access to the back of the radio so
we can complete the wiring that needs to be done there. So take the plastic insert
tool and start up at the very top. Just put it behind there and pry across and
slide like that and just pick up on this area and then bring it all the way up
and pull forward and you can see that there's a little wiring harness here I
don't think we need to remove this we don't have anything to do there but that
does expose these bolts right here. Two bolts one on the upper left
upper right of the radio. Now we'll come down to the bottom. Take the plastic
insert and this very bottom plastic plate that's right below the 12-volt
power outlets. I'm using the flat scraper on this one.
Move that out of the way and that exposes the other two bolts down at the
bottom here lower left and lower right. Now let's remove the four screws upper
left. It's an 8 millimeter screw. I'll place them in the cup holder so they
don't get lost. Then there's two down here at the bottom. Okay now we will pry
off from the top.
Now I'm gonna put the key in just so I can put it down into low one so I can get
some room to pull this away.
So now I've got this turned off to the side it's out of the way. We can get to
the radio we're gonna remove these four bolts upper left upper right lower left
lower right from the radio and set those in the other cup holder. I should be able
to pull the radio out now alright okay. We've got it out far enough where we can
see what we're doing back here which is great! Now I will bring the wires up from
the lower area to behind the radio. I'm going to remove the glovebox, all you do
is push in and squeeze. There's a couple of tabs that lock in
so once you get beyond that you can pull it right out. Now we'll work on getting
the wires from the lower portion through behind the glovebox, to the radio area.
Okay now connecting the wires. You have the power harness which is right here.
It's got a yellow and black jack on it and this yellow one but then the power
wires are black and red you have one black wire, one red wire. And then you
have these two power outlets down here. This one is labeled "power outlet" this
one doesn't have any label on it. You want to use the one on the left. On the
back of it there's a wire that's blue with the red stripe and then there's a
black wire with a white stripe. So you want to connect the red wire from this
power harness to the blue wire with the red stripe as I did right here. And then
you want to connect the black and white wire to the black wire from the power
harness. What I did was I snipped the wires to cut them in half and then I
stripped them back and I used this barrel type connector this is a Sta-Kon
or Panduit is the company that makes it. It's just hollow and it has metal on the
inside. You slide the wires, I twisted the three wires together, and slid them inside,
and then I crimp it with this pliers.
Just put it in here like this and for insulated you just squeeze it down and
that will crimp it. And it's a nice mechanical tight fitting for those wires.
Better than using a wire nut. So that's the back of the power outlet, we'll just
plug that back in. And we're going to reassemble everything. This is the
chassis harness, this is the one that comes from the camera. This goes all the
way around from the front, to the side, to the back, and that attaches to the camera.
So you're going to take this one and you're going to plug it directly into
the power harness that you just spliced into the back of the 12-volt outlet. And
then you're going to plug the yellow to yellow and you're going to plug the
black to black just like that. And then you will take this remaining yellow wire
it's the one that's longer. These two match up, they're the exact same size.
They go together like this and I'm going to tape these together so they don't
come apart. And you'll take this yellow one, and plug this into the 22 pin white
connector which is right here. It has a black connector on the end of it so you
connect that like that. I'm going to tape this up as well. Then this 22 pin
connector will plug into the back of the radio. I've got everything plugged in. Now you
want to go ahead and reassemble everything in the reverse operation of
how you disassembled everything. The way you took it apart you're gonna put
it back together the same way. Here's the back of the radio. Here's the white pin,
the 22 pin connector. It's got the black and red wire coming off of it with the
RCA jack. On the other side there's the RCA jack
plugged into the the black connector, and I just put tape on it so it doesn't come
apart. And then down here is your cigarette
lighter the back of your power outlet.
With the black and red wire attached. Now you can reinstall the four bolts on the
radio: one, two, three, and four, down at the bottom. Tighten those up. Okay those four
are tight. Now we install the instrument panel. So again, the wire goes along the
floorboard here, and it comes up underneath in here. Here is my wire, this
one, so it comes out of the corner and then it goes up behind the glove box,
to the back. I have it twist tied to
the wires, the existing wires up here. I
have it tied to those wires, and then it goes up in the corner, and it comes out
behind the radio. You'll find hollow spots where you can fish the wires
through. There's plenty of little spots where you can sneak through. Now you can
go ahead and reinstall the glove box. It's got two little hooks on the bottom
here that fit onto these little round points here. And then it just rolls
upward, and squeeze the sides and it latches the two little protrusions, they
will latch behind. There you go okay now it's the moment of
truth! We're gonna open this up. It says not returnable if seal is broken but
we're gonna do it. We have faith that we installed everything properly. So I'm
going to open this up and remove this. This is what will flash or program the
factory radio to accept the reverse camera. And remove this, another sticker
it says warranty void if removed. And I'll remove that. So I have the module
here. What I'll do is turn the key on, you don't start the car, but you
turn it all the way to the position right before start. Wait for all the
beeping to stop and all the chimes to stop. Then you take this module and you
plug it right into the OBD port. I've pulled Mine out so you can see it better.
It's right here just line these up and the horn should honk. You plug it in and
leave it in until you hear the honk. "Beep Beep" There you go! You heard the honk now you
can pull it out.
Now we'll test the system. Okay let's start the car and test it.
Step on the brake, put your parking brake on, step on the brake and put it in
Oh! look at that! Beautiful! I can see behind me, and I can see the guidelines
on both sides. It's a thing of beauty!
Success, the sweet smell of success, don't you love it?!
It takes about one second to kick in but you can see back there which is really
Here we are looking from the exterior of the vehicle. Here's a look at the camera.
You can see it hiding in there. It's pretty inconspicuous you have to kind of
look forward to see it which is good.Okay now we're gonna do another test.
We're gonna show you how the reverse backup camera works in this 2008 Jeep
Wrangler. So my assistant is going to place it from park into reverse. All
right go ahead. (Assistant) "Tada!" look at that. look how cool that is.
It's a lovely snowy day in Chicago, and you can see grid lines
behind for parking, and a clear view of the vehicle behind us.
Excellent thank you very much, I hope this video helps you save some time when
you go to install your backup camera, and by the way if you ever need any shaving
supplies check out ShaveNation.com. I'm Geofatboy. Thanks for watching. Have A
Great Shave, Have A Great Day! (Assistant)- Adios, peace out!
As I said before I'll put some links under the video.
Just click where it says "show more" and if you want to pick up any of the items,
the cameras and other things shown in the video, the links will take you right
to the product so it's nice and easy. I'm Geofatboy. Hope you enjoyed the video
and i hope it helps you install your camera. Thanks for watching, we'll see you
next time!
Paolo Crivellin resta solo, dalla De Filippi arriva un nuovo tronista napoletano | M.C.G.S - Duration: 6:26.
[LIVE] World War 2 Live Stream • Call of Duty PS4 Stream - Duration: 2:33:44.
ОН ПРЕВРАТИТ ВАШУ ЖИЗНЬ В КОШМАР! Избегайте этих мужчин! Юлия Ланске - Duration: 8:09.
Top Advertisement Models Of 2017 Revealed - Duration: 2:45.
Top Advertisement Models Of 2017 Revealed
Consumers have chosen their favorite advertisement models of the year 2017. According to the Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporations 2017 Media & Consumer Research results, this years most favorite advertisement model is Gong Yoo with 6. 7 percent of the votes.
Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. With Gong Yoos hit drama Goblin in the beginning of the year, he received many love calls from companies to advertise diverse merchandise from coffee to clothing.
Ever since 2007, he has not ranked within the top three, but this year, he took the crown as the top advertisement model.
Song Joong Ki, who took first place last year, came in second with 6.5 percent of the votes. Third place was AOAs Seolhyun (5.6 percent) who received explosive support from teenage boys to men in their thirties.
Jun Ji Hyun (4.7 percent), Park Bo Gum (4.6 percent), and Suzy (4.2 percent) followed behind with slight differences respectively.
The most memorable advertisement of this year was Gong Yoos commercial for the Kanus coffee product. Second place was taken by Park Bo Gums advertisement for Dominos Pizza, and Jung Woo Sungs SK Telecom advertisement won third place.
Red Velvet Irene's Hand Viciously Grabbed By Crazed Fan - Duration: 1:24.
Red Velvet Irene's Hand Viciously Grabbed By Crazed Fan
Red Velvets Irene is by far one of the most beautiful and loved K-Pop idol at the moment. Which is why some fans might take their fandom to a new level.
Irene looked amazing as usual during Red Velvets performance on the recent Gayo Daejeon.
During SBSs Gayo Daejeon, she encountered an extremely enthusiastic fan that seemed to be crazy about her. The fan just wouldnt let go of her hand. Have a look below.
The fan was none other than the beautiful and adorable Lisa of YG Entertainments girl group BLACKPINK.
Hyundai ix35 2.0i CVVT 163pk - Duration: 0:54.
Grande Fratello Vip: Cecilia e Ignazio a Trento con altri due vip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.
Gossip Uomini e donne, Cristian e Tara si sono lasciati? La foto della verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.
KBS To Partially Halt General Strike + New Episode Of "2 Days & 1 Night" To Air This Weekend - Duration: 3:31.
KBS To Partially Halt General Strike + New Episode Of "2 Days & 1 Night" To Air This Weekend
Some of the members of the KBS labor union who are currently on strike will be returning to work in 2018.
To go along with this decision, a new episode of 2 Days & 1 Night is set to air on December 31.
The labor union released an official statement on December 29 that read, We have made the decision for producing directors (PDs) working in the variety and drama departments to temporarily halt their participation in the strike from January 1.
They will be returning to their respective programs and making preparations to return to a regular filming schedule to make the transition smoother once the strike is officially over.. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
They continued to add, This decision was made to protect the rights and interests of our viewers, as well as to begin building a new future for KBS.
Because of our fight, the power of board members who have prolonged president Ko Dae Youngs influence in KBS has greatly diminished and Ko Dae Youngs termination from his position is nearing.
Therefore, we believe we are now at a point where we must begin slowly preparing to return to a regular filming schedule for our programs..
According to the labor union, the first program to return will be 2 Days & 1 Night, which will return with a 10th anniversary episode on December 31.
The KBS staff is also working hard to ensure a successful broadcast of the upcoming Pyeonchang Winter Olympics.
However, the labor union stated that though they will be putting a partial halt on their strike, this does not mean that they are decreasing the pressure theyre putting on the KBS president.
They stated, If president Ko Dae Young is not terminated from his position by the fourth week of January, the variety and drama staff will stop their work and return to the strike.
Our general strike will not end until Ko Dae Young is removed from his position..
Gossip Stefano De Martino: vacanza sulla neve con Gilda Ambrosio e Santiago | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:37.
드림콘서트 방불케하는 오늘(29일)자 'KBS 가요대축제' 초호화 라인업 - Duration: 2:16.
옥시토신 만드는 포옹, 하면 할수록 살이 쏙빠져|K-News - Duration: 4:57.
박나래♥기안84 베스트 커플상 수상…"대상타면 결혼하겠다는 약속 꼭 지키겠다" - Duration: 2:43.
The Four: Battle For Stardom ...
Best Pranks of 2017 - Duration: 10:54.
hey I want to ask you if I can have your number?
"can I have your number?" "I usually give my number to strangers" "Me too...bye"
She is just a girl, just talk to her, just say hello my name is Johannes, just go over here, just do it!
Hey I am Johannes, I want to ask if I can have your number
Yeah? sorry my voice
"Yeah?" "But you can talk normal, right?" "Yes but my voice..-my voice..sorry..sorry"
"Can I have your number?" "Is this hidden camera?" "What?..can-......shit!"
"Hey..hey..-my voice..hey..hey..yeah it's good again..yeah I want to ask you if I can have number and if you want to meet up and eat some gummy bears"
"Are you kidding me?" "No"
I wait for my boyfriend so take a walk
Yeah okay
"Holding hands?" "Sorry I am more into younger ones" "Younger ones?" "Yeah" "Yeah it's disgusting cause I have teeth already"
"Yeah so I can't feed you with porrigde, I am really sorry"
"He likes me" "Yeah it looks like that"
I think he really likes me
Sorry can I have the number of your daughter?
I don't want to be involved in that
"Can I have your number?" "Yeah"
Very nice
Just type it in
"Alos my last name?" "Yeah every thing" "Thanks" "No prob"
Wanna hold my hands?
My hands..holding..anyone?"
Do you feel this?
That's love
My birthday is next week so I want to invite some more people to my party
"And yeah I thought you guys look nice soI invite you" "Thank you"
It will be fantastic, there will be balloons and cookies, everything you need, and a big amount of .. fun"
Okay..good.. see you next week
"Sorry can I show you a trick?" "NO"
"Sorry can I show you a trick?" "For what?" "Fun"
"So" "Top move" "Good thank you"
9 ngọn núi đẹp nhất trên thế giới- QUẢ GÌ ĐÂY ???!!!hoabanfood - Duration: 8:19.
이지애-김일중, 대한민국 톱스타상 MC커플 - Duration: 2:17.
Bệnh Tiểu Đường, Mỡ Máu Cao Có Cần Phải Kiêng Ăn Trứng? Kết Quả Khiến Cả Triệu Người Bất Ngờ - Duration: 10:25.
Baker Mayfield, Cris Cyborg, LeBron James | Sports Most Trending Topics - Duration: 10:20.
welcome back to the best sports show on YouTube
it must be 10 p.m. now yesterday's video I posted a comment saying what would you
like for me to post today NBA NFL UFC my man Chris Brown responded now he knows
he knows I don't do all sports in one day
with that being said if you're new to this channel make sure you subscribe
down below and become a part of the most lit sports channel on YouTube boy and
also hit that goofy-looking bell down there so you can be notified when I drop
a video look the first hoppy Baker Mayfield yes he is playing the Georgia
Bulldogs in the Rose Bowl game Monday at 5 p.m. coming down below who you got in
that game now you know me I'm from Atlanta I'm rocking with the Bulldogs
who you guys got let me know that it's gonna be lit number 2 verse number 3
anyway this is what I really want to talk about in the 2018 NFL Draft
you have Josh Rosen Sam Darnold Josh Allen then you have Baker Mayfield they
have my man projected to go 10th to the Cincinnati Bengals what does that say to
Andy Dalton your outta of here is finally going to be gone that's is this mock
draft is true according to CBS Sports they got him going 10th overall to the
Cincinnati Bengals now will that be a good fit pairing him up with my man AJ Green
Imagine that Baker Mayfield to Green be kind of lit but would you guys be
surprised if he went sooner than ten let me know what you think about that in the
comment section moving on I told you it was going to happen and be a news now
I've been watching a whole lot ESPN and all I see is Kevin Durant being better
than LeBron James here with that mess man oh man no I'm just gonna lay it out
flat right now in 2012 you already know I'm about to say LeBron popped him and
no NBA championship man his team versus his team right now this is what a lot of
people overlook right imagine if that was a Cleveland team his original team
going against KD original OKC team KD will have a ring right now what
some say LeBron went and joined Wayne became a super team and that's how he
achieved his goal I'm just saying now here's another thing they compare
LeBron James to who Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan that's the greatest no when have
you heard or seen anybody comparing KD to any of these players all right enough
here's another one here's another one now look out for my man KD cuz I
know some of y'all probably at this point probably thinking I'm a KD
hater no no no KD is I got he's my man now let's check this out
KD averaged 40 points against LeBron and that's serious now look at this last
year go to state hopped Cleveland KD averaged over 30 points against LeBron
James LeBron James cannot stop KD this past Christmas hold on
KD did win MVP recent champion recent MVP so this is this is this is all I'm
saying this past Christmas he just popped LeBron again without Curry
and this is what ESPN is saying it's Kevin Durant better than LeBron James at
this point in his career oh no man I don't care what nobody say look LeBron
James has been to the NBA championship shit just look back to back to back back
back back look rough he's just dominate he's dominant and recently right here's
some more news on bra recently that Christmas game LeBron was fouled by who
how many times within the last four minutes of that game crucial and then
in the last under 30 seconds 10 seconds or something like that
my man got foul like three times on one drive I'm not putting up argument for LeBron
I'm not gonna put up argument for KD because I like both of these guys
we can go back and forth all day all day long
who's better I'm um this is this is King Coopa J this one time for y'all look
this is how I feel LeBron James is a dominant player he's
bully he's a bully I feel like he's a better overall player than Kevin Durant
because people act like LeBron James I ain't doesn't have defense since Kevin
Durant been on this little block spree lately look don't forget to who he block
to win the championship key block your guests Iguodala
come on now LeBron James is one of the top defenders in the game right okay
I don't care what anybody say no KD if we talk about scoring and you need buckets
nobody can stop KD right not even Kawhi look listen it is there
there's you know how you got the triangle defense you got pop you got all
these great coaches there is not a defense designed today that's that can
stop KD KD is 7 foot wingspan of a million he can shoot over your tallest
player easily easily way from anywhere on the floor just let me know what you
think moving on now this subject is very very very very very special to me
because this is the first time I'm going to be talking about women on this
channel now we have you UFC going down this Saturday Sabado for all my Spanish folk now
Cris Cyborg vs Holly Holme 18-1 11-3 you add winning this matchup now you
got cyborg this chick is like the Terminator she she's a beast right for
grappling strike oh man she got hands now look check this out check most of
the guys sitting at home watching this video will get smacked up by her real
talk oh I would too I'm gonna sit here and flex for y'all man I have to put that man what you want
me to fight that this it's not happening it's not happening most of you dudes
probably wouldn't fight her no you ain't bro no you wouldn't but anyway on the opposite side
of the ring we have Holly Holm she's a beast now look I'm gonna be real job I
didn't really know all about Holly Holmes until she beat
Romda Rousey when she'd be told Ronda Rousey put them hands on her to
hear with that kick mo oh she blew up she she blew up man she
had Ronda crying all over TV all over social media yeah my career is over oh
my god look that blew her up but since then she's kind of like you know she was
here and then she kind of just no way down
Cyborg has kind of weighing down so they kind of actually need this fight so this
is a big fight and Holly Holm do oppose a threat I mean both of these ladies as
you can see from the stats they right around the same but cyborg just
completely dominates her in every like category stepwise like so you know what
it is I mean it's two big names so they're gonna post it for UFC and it's
gonna go down in this gonna sell tickets just because people want to see now
imagine if now look Holly Holm got some reach yo she's good she's good with
the legs when she kick Rousy put her to sleep she kicked a few chicks and put
him to sleep I'm just gonna be ripped so if she can get one of them kicks I don't
know man is y'all see Cyborg her neck is like man look I'm picking Cyborg in this
one y'all let me know what y'all think down an comments section that is
it I did it NBA NFL mix with a little bit of college
and UFC shutout to my man Chris Brown again for suggesting this video and also
if there is a video you want to see and is trending just say it in the pen
comment below people subscribe to the channel right now I told you it was
gonna be lit peace
Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.6 FSI TURIJN AIRCO | - Duration: 0:57.
Belle année sur laVieDesChats - Duration: 3:23.
{Nightcore} Loin de toi [FR] + Lyrics Sous-titre - Duration: 3:37.
Why Is My Wage Garnishment Continuing After Bankruptcy? - Duration: 2:02.
This is great.
We file bankruptcy to stop a wage garnishment but it's still going on after I filed the
Is something wrong?
My name is Ron Drescher.
I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania,
and Virginia, and unfortunately human resources, payroll departments, and creditors they don't
move as quickly as we want them to move after you file the bankruptcy.
So sometimes if there's a wage garnishment in place and the payroll company or the payroll
department has it set up to withdraw that amount from your paycheck every time you get
paid it might take one, two, or three, or maybe even four although I don't usually see
that long pay periods before they fix it and get it right.
That's the bad news.
The good news is every penny of that money that has been paid over to creditors or withheld
from your check can be recovered as an unauthorized post-bankruptcy transfer.
It's inconvenient especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck to file the bankruptcy
and have the garnishment continued, but the good news is it will get fixed though it might
just take a little time.
In this modern world things just don't move as fast as we really want them to all the
My name is Ron Drescher.
I'm an attorney practices bankruptcy and creditor's rights.
If your wages are being garnished and you don't know what to do about it, you think
that maybe bankruptcy will help, please pick up the phone and call me.
I would love to hear from you.
EXO Ko Ko Bop Official (HD M/V) | (3D Bass Boosted Audio) - Duration: 3:26.
EXO 'Ko Ko Bop'
Official HD Music Video
3D Bass Boosted Audio
Sonny Digital on Collab with 808 Mafia, Making Money as an Artist, Producer Struggle & Union - Duration: 4:34.
Yo, it's your boy Sonny Digital and I'm rocking with Ergy! Straight out of France, let's get it! BOOM
I go by the name of Sonny Digital, I'm a producer, rapper, DJ, artist.
You probably know me from a lot of records I produced
I got racks on racks on racks, racks on racks on racks
racks on racks on racks, racks on racks on racks
I wear Gucci I wear Bally at the same damn time
On the phone cooking dope at the same damn time
Club goin' up, on a Tuesday Got your girl in the cut and she choosey
Club goin' up
I mean, I'm all over the globe!
I even came out to France and did some shows.
I know about Booba too!
What do you think about his music?
It's just different but I mean
it's popping though, he's doing his thing. I see a lot of artists out there though
It's a lot of dope artists out there
Bro, when they play some Booba out there
I don't know why, but I know Booba,
He's he like a legend out there, it's kind of how it was said to me though
Bro they play is records, club went crazy!
To go back to your producing days, how it all started
One thing that's very specific about Atlanta, is that all
of you guys really know each other and work together how do you explain that
everybody collab like that in Atlanta, and how is it different than anywhere else?
like I was telling [...] is kind of regular it's kind of like I know...
Say me you knew each other, and you know one of your friends but your
friends just happen to be good at making beats too. He knows somebody might be good
at making beats too, and we just all got common ground so it's
easier for people who got common ground and kind of like link up and just chill
and do it though, and really get lost in it
and so like I don't think it's like a hard thing though. I feel like it's harder
for us to probably get together and collaborate now versus back then
Just because it's more political and it's like, there's more money
and stuff involved, but like I don't know...
It's all a vibe. We just happened to go do it, do our thing, that's it.
You just finished a panel in front of a lot of artists, a lot of producers
We feel like for you, it really matters to give back like that and educate those
people you talk a lot about why a union might be needed
Why some producers might not be
getting paid as much as they should be
like can you tell us a little bit about that?
As far as people not getting paid and all that stuff and
whatever it's really all on everybody going through
the game you learn this stuff. I'm just telling y'all the problems that I had
producing this stuff. There's a lot of people that's connecting with those
same problems and stuff. Putting together a whole Union for me though
It's gonna be like... that'll take up a lot of time though. There's a lot of
people I got worried about aside for myself to keep going what I got going on
So your career is really taking a new turn right now. You're stepping a little bit
away from producing. We see on stage more, rapping more, linking with Steve Aoki
Jimmy Kimmel Live a few days ago, more underground artists around here, Genius,
K Camp, you're putting your own music. You're putting yourself in front of the lights right now
Why does it matter? Why did you step away from producing and
Why are you trying to be on stage a little more?
Well I make more money when I'm on stage though.
First of all! You know like being a producer too man, that shit just...
is too laggy. If I get a hit today, I'm not gonna see money from it
until nine months after it came out though versus the artist we're gonna
start seeing the residuals soon that shit get the [...] Gonna do some shows and
be eating good and stuff. As a producer, you're sitting down like "Man,
I fucked up! I got a hit song, my shit banging all over
I barely can motherfucking buy a fucking bottle in the club and shit though
that'd be the situation and stuff, and just imagine you're in that situation
but like I said you and that artist share this song, and the artist over there just
living it up off your song, he ain't seeing no down point off this shit though!
Seeing it like that kind of made it... I don't know, I ain't really in it for this though.
I'm a real nigga, I do shit the right way.
I try give everybody their credit you know saying
The most efficient way for me to work now that I found out, it's for me to work with myself
and make people want to work with me. People understand they're like man
I don't really need nobody though because I can produce my own record, hop on my own record
record myself, put out my own stuff, I got my own fanbase who's gonna listen to it.
There's nothing that I need!
Months Before Royal Wedding, Shocking Find Made At Meghan's Toronto 'Bachelorette Pad' |MK Today - Duration: 3:50.
Months Before Royal Wedding, Shocking Find Made At Meghan's Toronto 'Bachelorette
Prince Harry's finacée Meghan Markle was one of the many celebrities who threatened
to move to Canada if Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016, citing "misogyny"
and "divisiveness" as reasons to leave the country.
Well, he won alright, and now, a shocking find has been spotted at Markle's "bachelorette
pad" in Toronto.
Calling Donald Trump a "misogynist," Meghan Markle said she would move to Canada if he
were to win the 2016 presidential election, as it would be an easy transition for her
because she already spends a great deal of time there filming "Suits."
"It's really the moment that I go, we film suits in Toronto and I might just stay
in Canada," Markle said while appearing on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on
May 4.
"I mean come on, if that's the reality we are talking about, come on, that is a game
changer in terms of how we move in the world here."
"Yes, of course, Trump is divisive," added the actress.
"Think about just female voters alone.
I think it was in 2012, the Republican Party lost the female vote by 12 points.
That's a huge number and with as misogynistic as Trump is and so vocal about it, that's
a huge chunk of it."
"You're not just voting for a woman if it's Hillary because she's a woman, but
certainly because Trump has made it easy to see that you don't really want that kind
of world that he's painting," Markle went on.
Prince Harry's new love interest slammed Donald Trump as 'misogynistic' during
a TV interview and threatened to leave America if he becomes president.
Meghan Markle, 35, who stars in legal drama Suits, voiced her strong opposition to the
Republican nominee while appearing on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on May 4.
Protocol dictates that members of the British Royal family must remain politically impartial.
But the actress – who is not quite in the royal fold yet – tore into Trump, branding
him a divisive misogynist.
[Source: The Daily Mail]
Markle wasn't the only one who threatened to leave the U.S. if Trump were to become
Indeed, there was no shortage of liberal celebrities who promised to do the same.
Rosie O'Donnell, Miley Cyrus, and George Lopez also said they would flee the country,
just to name a few.
However, Markle has been the only one to make good on her word.
She is now living at Kensington Palace with the rest of the Royal family as she and Prince
Harry prepare for their March 2018 wedding.
That's not to say she wasn't fully prepared to move to Canada if her relationship with
Harry didn't work out, though.
Markle kept a bachelorette pad in Toronto, where she would stay during the filming of
For sale signs have since been spotted at the residence, indicating that the owners
who rented it to the actress are looking to cash in on the notoriety she had created for
the place, instead of renting it to someone else.
With the upcoming royal wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle definitely doesn't
need to rent out her Toronto home anymore.
She'll be living in a cottage at Kensington Palace after all!
However her former rental is now on the market for $1.395 million, according to Realtor.
The three-bedroom home was the soon-to-be royal's crash pad while filming Suits.
With a lovely backyard for kicking back during the summer and a cute little kitchen, we have
a feeling that the actress had quite a fun time in her Canadian home.
[Source: Lonny]
Truth be told, we're certainly not missing out here in America with Meghan Markle having
ditched the states for Britain.
She's Harry's problem now.
Good riddance!
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
These 3 tricks Will Lose Your Weight Extremely Fast WITHOUT DIETING! - Duration: 2:32.
Are you fed up with your heavy weight
Have you gone crazy and decided to go to gym?
Well you can go
But if you think without working hard in your gym, you can't lose your weight. I suggest you think for a while
Yes today. We are going to tell you how to lose your extra weight without starving and working out
Ok let's present the process
Formula 1 breathing form stomach, this is the formula to breathes in and out not with your chest, but with your stomach
What's the system?
Yes, I'm telling you and follow the instruction
Sit on a chair straight, but your hands on the thigh
Then start to breathe slowly with your stomach not with your chest
Repeat it again and again
Take the breathing only 2 minutes a day this will bring you a thin waist ripped abs and strong abdominal muscles
Formula to contrast bathing well now. I'm going to reveal it very simple, but effective formula to lose your weight
so ready
first keep the running water
104 degree Fahrenheit and leave it to go 3 to 4 minutes
And then switch the temperature from 73 to 77 degree Fahrenheit and continue at 40 seconds at the time when you are taking bath
This contrast shower will help to lose your extra weight as well as chase away such diseases as arrhythmia
obesity vegetal vascular dysfunction
primary hypertension and cellulite
formula 3 massage
Now the third formula. What is going to be discussed is massage
You can perform it at your home or in your chosen salons to do this massage you have to have cupping water
honey and pinching ones
this regular massage with these ingredients will help to fracture the fat deposits improve blood circulation in the front of your abdomen and
Normalize digesting system this will obviously help you to fight fat
Enjoy your slim body hit the like button and subscribe if you find this video beneficial
as for always stay happy stay healthy and stay with smell see
The economics of change
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Amice - Duration: 1:01.
종현의 죽.음.을 통해서 본 K팝의 명암 - Duration: 5:15.
BLACKPINK-So Hot (THE BLACKLABEL REMIX) Korean,Eng subs+FMV - Duration: 2:22.
BLACKPINK in your area
BLACKPINK in your area
Why are you staring at me? Why?
Am I that pretty?
I know it already but
All that staring makes me blush
(Why you want to do that?)
Whenever I go by their side
Boys look back
With all the attention that I feel on my back
What should I do
I'm so hot, I'm so pretty
I'm so fine, I'm so attractive
I'm so cool, I'm so gorgeous
I'm so so so hot hot
A little bit of black with a little bit of pink
But ain't none little about this
Been living it big
Your crib could fit in my crib
Pretty as shhhhhh
Don't gotta say it no more
Look at my face and they know
They've seen it before
Oh, made it to vogue
Put the pop back in pop at the top
What we rock they all rock, had to stop
Have to shop, keep the swagger on five mil
We the only gang to run the game in high heels
I want to live a quiet life
Like other girls
My mom's to blame, she made me this way
My life is so tiresome
I'm so hot, I'm so pretty
I'm so fine, I'm so attractive
I'm so cool, I'm so gorgeous
I'm so so so hot hot
I'm so hot, I'm so pretty
I'm so fine, I'm so attractive
I'm so cool, I'm so gorgeous
I'm so so so hot hot
¿HACIA DONDE EVOLUCIONAMOS, HOMBRE O MÁQUINA con Yolanda Soria y Luis Palacios - Duration: 2:25:26.
Sonny Digital on Collab with 808 Mafia, Making Money as an Artist, Producer Struggle & Union - Duration: 4:34.
Yo, it's your boy Sonny Digital and I'm rocking with Ergy! Straight out of France, let's get it! BOOM
I go by the name of Sonny Digital, I'm a producer, rapper, DJ, artist.
You probably know me from a lot of records I produced
I got racks on racks on racks, racks on racks on racks
racks on racks on racks, racks on racks on racks
I wear Gucci I wear Bally at the same damn time
On the phone cooking dope at the same damn time
Club goin' up, on a Tuesday Got your girl in the cut and she choosey
Club goin' up
I mean, I'm all over the globe!
I even came out to France and did some shows.
I know about Booba too!
What do you think about his music?
It's just different but I mean
it's popping though, he's doing his thing. I see a lot of artists out there though
It's a lot of dope artists out there
Bro, when they play some Booba out there
I don't know why, but I know Booba,
He's he like a legend out there, it's kind of how it was said to me though
Bro they play is records, club went crazy!
To go back to your producing days, how it all started
One thing that's very specific about Atlanta, is that all
of you guys really know each other and work together how do you explain that
everybody collab like that in Atlanta, and how is it different than anywhere else?
like I was telling [...] is kind of regular it's kind of like I know...
Say me you knew each other, and you know one of your friends but your
friends just happen to be good at making beats too. He knows somebody might be good
at making beats too, and we just all got common ground so it's
easier for people who got common ground and kind of like link up and just chill
and do it though, and really get lost in it
and so like I don't think it's like a hard thing though. I feel like it's harder
for us to probably get together and collaborate now versus back then
Just because it's more political and it's like, there's more money
and stuff involved, but like I don't know...
It's all a vibe. We just happened to go do it, do our thing, that's it.
You just finished a panel in front of a lot of artists, a lot of producers
We feel like for you, it really matters to give back like that and educate those
people you talk a lot about why a union might be needed
Why some producers might not be
getting paid as much as they should be
like can you tell us a little bit about that?
As far as people not getting paid and all that stuff and
whatever it's really all on everybody going through
the game you learn this stuff. I'm just telling y'all the problems that I had
producing this stuff. There's a lot of people that's connecting with those
same problems and stuff. Putting together a whole Union for me though
It's gonna be like... that'll take up a lot of time though. There's a lot of
people I got worried about aside for myself to keep going what I got going on
So your career is really taking a new turn right now. You're stepping a little bit
away from producing. We see on stage more, rapping more, linking with Steve Aoki
Jimmy Kimmel Live a few days ago, more underground artists around here, Genius,
K Camp, you're putting your own music. You're putting yourself in front of the lights right now
Why does it matter? Why did you step away from producing and
Why are you trying to be on stage a little more?
Well I make more money when I'm on stage though.
First of all! You know like being a producer too man, that shit just...
is too laggy. If I get a hit today, I'm not gonna see money from it
until nine months after it came out though versus the artist we're gonna
start seeing the residuals soon that shit get the [...] Gonna do some shows and
be eating good and stuff. As a producer, you're sitting down like "Man,
I fucked up! I got a hit song, my shit banging all over
I barely can motherfucking buy a fucking bottle in the club and shit though
that'd be the situation and stuff, and just imagine you're in that situation
but like I said you and that artist share this song, and the artist over there just
living it up off your song, he ain't seeing no down point off this shit though!
Seeing it like that kind of made it... I don't know, I ain't really in it for this though.
I'm a real nigga, I do shit the right way.
I try give everybody their credit you know saying
The most efficient way for me to work now that I found out, it's for me to work with myself
and make people want to work with me. People understand they're like man
I don't really need nobody though because I can produce my own record, hop on my own record
record myself, put out my own stuff, I got my own fanbase who's gonna listen to it.
There's nothing that I need!
Drought in Israel. What happened on our planet. What happened in the world. - Duration: 2:46.
In Israel, the drought reached serious proportions.
According to the Israeli mass media,
forecasters warn local residents that
anomalous weather behavior It may take a few
In the lake of Tiberias, which It is very important for
a large part of the country, the water level was the most
lowest in the past 15 years.
According to experts, if the drought continues,
the authorities may issue resolution on normalization
water for the population. December 24, Sunday,
Israel started to rain but according to weather service,
already Tuesday they will cease and the newly installed solar
In today's world of global climate change
We can not vouch for any one inch of land in mind manifestations
new extreme anomalies nature, representing
danger even for relatively stable neighborhoods.
In other words, all kinds of one growing risks not
insured and climate refugee tomorrow may
become one of us.
In this context, it is crucial globally and quickly change
values of the society to the consumer format on the spiritual and moral,
creative format where goodness, humanity, conscience,
mutual aid, friendship, domination spiritual and moral foundations
would stand in first place in the relationship between
people, regardless of their nationality, religion,
social status and other conditioned, artificial
division of the world community.
When all the people will seek create life, convenient
for all others, it they are in this life
save yourself and your future ...
Red Velvet Irene's Hand Viciously Grabbed By Crazed Fan - Duration: 1:24.
Red Velvet Irene's Hand Viciously Grabbed By Crazed Fan
Red Velvets Irene is by far one of the most beautiful and loved K-Pop idol at the moment. Which is why some fans might take their fandom to a new level.
Irene looked amazing as usual during Red Velvets performance on the recent Gayo Daejeon.
During SBSs Gayo Daejeon, she encountered an extremely enthusiastic fan that seemed to be crazy about her. The fan just wouldnt let go of her hand. Have a look below.
The fan was none other than the beautiful and adorable Lisa of YG Entertainments girl group BLACKPINK.
Bệnh Tiểu Đường, Mỡ Máu Cao Có Cần Phải Kiêng Ăn Trứng? Kết Quả Khiến Cả Triệu Người Bất Ngờ - Duration: 10:25.
옥시토신 만드는 포옹, 하면 할수록 살이 쏙빠져|K-News - Duration: 4:57.
Кадры из фильма Черепашки-ниндзя - Duration: 1:39.
Months Before Royal Wedding, Shocking Find Made At Meghan's Toronto 'Bachelorette Pad' |MK Today - Duration: 3:50.
Months Before Royal Wedding, Shocking Find Made At Meghan's Toronto 'Bachelorette
Prince Harry's finacée Meghan Markle was one of the many celebrities who threatened
to move to Canada if Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016, citing "misogyny"
and "divisiveness" as reasons to leave the country.
Well, he won alright, and now, a shocking find has been spotted at Markle's "bachelorette
pad" in Toronto.
Calling Donald Trump a "misogynist," Meghan Markle said she would move to Canada if he
were to win the 2016 presidential election, as it would be an easy transition for her
because she already spends a great deal of time there filming "Suits."
"It's really the moment that I go, we film suits in Toronto and I might just stay
in Canada," Markle said while appearing on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on
May 4.
"I mean come on, if that's the reality we are talking about, come on, that is a game
changer in terms of how we move in the world here."
"Yes, of course, Trump is divisive," added the actress.
"Think about just female voters alone.
I think it was in 2012, the Republican Party lost the female vote by 12 points.
That's a huge number and with as misogynistic as Trump is and so vocal about it, that's
a huge chunk of it."
"You're not just voting for a woman if it's Hillary because she's a woman, but
certainly because Trump has made it easy to see that you don't really want that kind
of world that he's painting," Markle went on.
Prince Harry's new love interest slammed Donald Trump as 'misogynistic' during
a TV interview and threatened to leave America if he becomes president.
Meghan Markle, 35, who stars in legal drama Suits, voiced her strong opposition to the
Republican nominee while appearing on the Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on May 4.
Protocol dictates that members of the British Royal family must remain politically impartial.
But the actress – who is not quite in the royal fold yet – tore into Trump, branding
him a divisive misogynist.
[Source: The Daily Mail]
Markle wasn't the only one who threatened to leave the U.S. if Trump were to become
Indeed, there was no shortage of liberal celebrities who promised to do the same.
Rosie O'Donnell, Miley Cyrus, and George Lopez also said they would flee the country,
just to name a few.
However, Markle has been the only one to make good on her word.
She is now living at Kensington Palace with the rest of the Royal family as she and Prince
Harry prepare for their March 2018 wedding.
That's not to say she wasn't fully prepared to move to Canada if her relationship with
Harry didn't work out, though.
Markle kept a bachelorette pad in Toronto, where she would stay during the filming of
For sale signs have since been spotted at the residence, indicating that the owners
who rented it to the actress are looking to cash in on the notoriety she had created for
the place, instead of renting it to someone else.
With the upcoming royal wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle definitely doesn't
need to rent out her Toronto home anymore.
She'll be living in a cottage at Kensington Palace after all!
However her former rental is now on the market for $1.395 million, according to Realtor.
The three-bedroom home was the soon-to-be royal's crash pad while filming Suits.
With a lovely backyard for kicking back during the summer and a cute little kitchen, we have
a feeling that the actress had quite a fun time in her Canadian home.
[Source: Lonny]
Truth be told, we're certainly not missing out here in America with Meghan Markle having
ditched the states for Britain.
She's Harry's problem now.
Good riddance!
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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