5 Best Oils For Stronger Penis.
For men as it is for women, the care for their sexual organs is one of the top priorities.
Sex is the aspect that defines the relationship of a man with a woman and gives them a strong
reason to have a happy and smooth relationship.
Herein, for men their penis is the sign of masculinity and one that needs to be healthy
and strong for gratifying sex for men as well as their partners.
To start with some, there is a list of natural ways in which the penile strength can be maintained.
Out of this, one of the best ones is to give it a good massage using lubricant oil.
In this video, we will give you the best oils that can be used.
1 Olive Oil.
Olive oil is full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and even essential nutrients like
omega fatty acids.
There is nothing that can compare to the benefits and safe use of olive oil.
To ensure that the penis is strengthened in a hassle free way, olive oil can be used without
any doubts.
It will provide the penis with the nutrients to make it strong as well as improve the blood
circulation to the region and thus keep it healthy and free from problems.
A regular penis massage is required for this purpose.
2 Lavender Oil.
One of the essential oils that have major benefits to soothe the muscles and to improve
the blood flow is lavender oil.
This can be mixed with a little carrier oil like olive oil because of its high concentration.
Use this on the penis to improve its strength.
With regular use for a couple of weeks, you will see visible outcomes for yourself.
This is easily accessible and worth the amount you spend on it.
3 Sandalwood Oil.
The soothing and healing properties of sandalwood are known all around the globe.
The same benefits are offered to you by the sandalwood oil.
Usage of this oil on a regular basis will give a herbal effect on the penis and boost
the blood flow to the sexual organ thus making it healthy and strong.
As a dual benefit, it also helps in increasing the sperm count.
This is an oil that a man can consider without any second thoughts.
4 Rosemary Oil.
This is quite a rare oil to be found in the market but then if you do, make sure you reap
the benefits that it has for the penis strength.
Message from rosemary oil mixed with a little carrier oil to dilute the effects is a good
way to strengthen the most important part of a man.
Rosemary oil is known to trigger the blood circulation along with a good massage and
also make it strong and much healthier with every use.
Adhere to it in the normal regimen and see how well it gives you results.
5 Almond Oil.
Almond is one nut that whether taken internally or externally had loads of benefits for the
body solely because it is highly rich in minerals especially zinc that is perfect for penis
health as well.
Using almond oil on the penis each day is going to help you reach the goal in an ideal
Massage it for a while to help it get absorbed by the penis skin and muscles for maximum
For more infomation >> 5 Best Oils For Stronger P*nis - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Puffy Mattress Review
Stéphane Plaza s'est-il fait avoir par une famille dans Maison à vendre ? - Duration: 3:04.
On s'aime en chien - Duration: 23:32.
Peugeot 5008 1.2 PureTech 130pk S GT-Line PANORAMISCH SCHUIFKANTELDAK - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI 180pk S-Line - Duration: 0:50.
MMD On Crack # 16 - Super Perverted! 😍 - Duration: 2:31.
Use my lap as a pillow!
MMM-Miku-san ?!
If you are dozing,
use my legs as a pillow.
Use your lap as a pillow ...
My legs are not good enough?
I'm gay!
It does not have in this country a living more honest soul than me.
[Laughter and laughter]
What this guy talking about?
Finally we met.
How do you feel, Darkness?
I feel...
Super Pervert!
No way, my love, you are my addiction!
Is calling me drugs?
No, you are my world!
I'm round?
You are my life!
I'm F ***?
I told you I do everything for you, what is missing?
It's missing me wanting!
Ooooooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!
How to draw and Paint Lavender rose | SHOUTOUT OPPORTUNITY TOO | 라벤더 장미 - Duration: 5:30.
*intro moosic*
Did you turn on captions yet?
Good, hi I am minty
Here is how you will win to get a EXCLUSIVE SHOUTOUT next video
I will be asking you a riddle that is been made up by me...
Since is been made up by me, you won't find it in google...so don't try to ask google xD
Here is the riddle..
I am really bright and shiney
You can't look directly at me
I also shine at morning and night... to the other side
I sound like 2 words but mean the only 1...
What am I?
Come on! It's really easy!!!
Got it? Great..
Now, comment down below what you think the answer is..
Cutie will provide all the information soon in the comment box...
Good luck~~ 💙
New Video: One Wish for NYE - A Romantic Kiss From Justin Bieber At Midnight - Duration: 3:17.
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Made up story claims Selena Gomez one wish for nice romantic kiss from Justin Bieber a made-up story
From Hollywood Life claim Selena Gomez is one wish for New Year's Eve is a romantic kiss from Justin Bieber
But no one close to the singer actress actually told his site that she's called the worst about a desire to kiss her boyfriend
gossip cop can bust this fake exclusive
Hollywood leaves as it's also known is purporting to have exclusive details on how Gomez wants to ring in the New Year
What it has however isn't very detailed at all a so-called source is quoted as saying
Selena has one wish for her New Year's Eve party plans and that is to get a romantic kiss from Justin at midnight after
A rocky year and lots of family drama surrounding Christmas selena is eager to spend her New Year's Eve with Justin
Nothing about that is particularly insightful a revelatory
Everyone knows Gomez has had a rocky year
And it's been well documented that there was family drama surrounding Christmas
It's also hardly
Groundbreaking to assert a woman wants to spend New Year's Eve with her boyfriend and get a romantic kiss at midnight
We wouldn't think she wanted a friendly one in another
Obviously manufactured quote the way Boyd's supposed snitch contends when the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve
Selena wants to be with her man wherever that may be
So she can feel his arms wrapped around her and get a sweet kiss from him as 2018 begins
Hollywood Lee's regularly pretends to have
exclusives on how stars get intimate with each other as if any real sources close to them would be publicly talking about such things and
Most notably the blog never actually says just where the couple will be for the holiday
There was similarly no specifics offered earlier this month when the outlet ran an exclusive about Gomez and Bieber's
supposedly epic New Year's Eve plan and in addition to the aforementioned flaws in this
Concocted new story Paulo weebly's further shows that it's far from being in the loop when it maintains Gomez's mom
Mandy TP was hospitalized after learning about how serious Gelinas relationship has become
Mandy and Selena got into a heated discussion over Justin causing Mandy to check herself into a hospital
Teeth they didn't actually check into a hospital, and it was not a dispute over Bieber that led her to seek medical treatment
Gomez's family issues go far beyond Beiber
Halloween Dee's would know that if it actually had inside access to Gomez's world
But since it doesn't this made-up exclusive is comprised of obvious guesses
She wants to kiss her boyfriend on New Year's and misinformation
TT was hospitalized, and it's due de beber. This is exactly why she's called the online publication the rules
Charlotte Gainsbourg, 26 ans d'amour avec Yvan Attal : « C'est très fragile un couple - Duration: 2:45.
Hartz-IV-Empfänger in der Schuldenfalle | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:51.
Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels with Just Two Ingredients - Duration: 3:58.
Are your blood sugar levels high?
Are your eating habits healthy?
What about your weight?
Is it average or above average?
Did you know that if you're overweight, and you have unhealthy eating habits, you
could be one of the victims of diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease that affects almost 400 million people in all the world, slightly
more than 5% of the population.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease, and is linked to weight gain
and bad eating habits.
Fortunately, diabetes is not a silent threat.
Learn more about the symptoms of diabetes to know if you are in this situation:
Extreme thirst
This is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
Since our kidneys have to work more in order to eliminate the excess sugar through our
urine, dehydration is more frequent.
Extreme hunger
In the case of type 2 diabetes, our cells don't have any glucose to produce energy,
and that makes your body think that you're starving.
So the only way for your body to get more energy is by eating, hence the hunger.
The permanent feeling of fatigue is another symptom of type 2 diabetes.
Wounds may take longer to heal
Due to the high levels of sugar in your body, wounds take longer to heal.
This is one of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and only happens when your diabetes levels
are extremely high.
Blurry vision
Another symptom of diabetes is blurry vision.
Your crystalline swells up due to the excessive amount of sugar in your blood.
That alters its shape and flexibility, lessening the focus and blurring your vision.
Low Immunity
This disease weakens your immune system and lessens your body's ability to fight infections.
So sensitive and cavity riddled teeth are another of the symptoms of diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease that springs from a sedentary lifestyle, paired with poor eating
habits and lack of frequent exercise.
Depressed people who spend large amounts of time sleeping are also more likely to suffer
from this disease.
The best protection against diabetes are healthy eating habits.
Choose to eat less sugar and carbohydrates.
Here are some recipes that can help improve your condition:
Onion and Lemon Broth Squeeze the juice of a grated onion through
a thin cloth.
Mix that juice with the juice of one lemon.
Drink this twice a day.
Test your blood sugar and cholesterol levels regularly to see how you're doing.
Raw Garlic and in Pills Garlic has many and varied benefits, and is
used to treat, fight, and prevent several diseases.
Recent studies have shown that garlic can increase insulin production, a hormone that
turns glucose into energy and controls type 2 diabetes.
Furthermore, consuming large quantities of raw garlic reduces blood sugar levels.
How to use Garlic In order to benefit from garlic, you need
to eat raw garlic regularly.
Remember that garlic, after it has been warmed up, loses most of its beneficial properties.
If the taste keeps you from being able to eat it, you can take garlic pills or garlic
You should consume from 500 milligrams to 1000 milligrams of garlic a day, which adds
up to 1 or 2 fresh, raw garlic cloves.
Another alternative would be drinking "garlic water".
Pour 200 milliliters of water in a cup and add one minced clove of garlic.
Let it sit so that the garlic's properties can be absorbed into the water, and drink
it throughout the day.
At the end of the day, throw the garlic away.
Remember that if you eat too much garlic you may suffer from some digestive problems.
These recipes are not recommended for people who are allergic to garlic, pregnant, or breastfeeding
women, or children under the age of 4.
New Dino Bricks Tyrannosaurus Rex Escape T-Rex Vs Indominus Rex Lego Compatible Dinosaur Unboxing - Duration: 14:06.
okay it's great to see you again I'm so glad to see you we're gonna have another
awesome Lego set today this is a off-brand Lego set this is a Dino brick
it's it's Lego similar it's very similar to Lego it's from China so sort of like
New Dino Bricks Tyrannosaurus Rex Escape T-Rex Vs Indominus Rex Lego Compatible Dinosaur Unboxing
Lego this is the t-rex who's game so this would be like a Jurassic world Lego
whoa Wow looks totally awesome let's go ahead and check it out and it comes with
two booklets so the booklets and how it fits together instructions and
everything are very similar to like LEGO sets and then let me see if this shows
any other one I guess this is a pretty big company okay they do have other ones
here looks like a tran Adan Triceratops a truck one and Velociraptor one so guys
this is very similar basically I mean this is pretty much Jurassic world Lego
sets except by an off-brand company and let's check out what comes in here they
do not send a box though I think that's to save from shipping because they
actually ship it from China so you've got one bag two bags three bags for that
five bags six bags this is a smaller t-rex - seven bags eight bags nine bags
and some extra bigger pieces that are in here okay awesome
let's go ahead and put this together it looks sweet okay guys seriously these
Dino brick set this Dino brick set is awesome this is the first time I've put
together our Dino brick set and guys this actually goes better together then
Lego does I mean the pieces fit together so nice it's super tight I mean I really
like Dino bricks and ah I know they have a lot of sets on Amazon so I mean it I
mean actually sorry they have a lot of sets on eBay
I did buy this set on eBay and guys it's totally worth it
I mean it's a better price than Lego it is from China so you're gonna have to
wait probably two to three weeks for shipping but it is such an awesome set I
really like it I put together all the lego jurassic world sets and a lot of
lego dinosaur sets and if you ask me this thing is totally comparable
okay but anyways let's check out some of the options of the set so you have this
big chair here that rotates with light on the front that moves up and down so
the person sitting in here could see what is going on all around the park the
only thing I don't like is this light hit saw if the light is not on there
this thing will turn 360 degrees so that's cool you can see she's looking at
like some type of a computer screen the minifigs also are really good quality
guys I do like the minifigs a lot and then over here you've got this round
rotating tower you can put a guy in here and you've got like searchlights around
the side of the tower and it will turn 360 degrees so that is a nice feature
also ah you got really cool-looking stickers which I really like the color
schemes they came up with here it says welcome to Dino bricks and this has an
awesome sliding door I mean you have to manually slide it open like that but
it's so much fun I mean I really like the fact that this door slides like that
I mean it just slides in between these pieces here sometimes it gets a little
stuck and you got to give it a little bit more of a push okay guys sorry that
sliding part was totally my fault I had left one of the bricks in there
off a little bit so it does slide really nicely and you could open it
really nicely there so I mean I like the fact that it just slides between the
walls here I mean it just slides on this saw you got this smooth part that you
installed down here and it runs on it almost like it's running on Rails as you
can see here when I move it it's just sliding right on top of the wall there
and sorry but these spots are just clay I used to secure the set when I do a
speed build because the slightest movement really
like messes so here is a good look at the back of it and like I said guys
quality wise I mean these sets are totally awesome you will not go wrong in
buying them and then also ah it's a really cool unique Lego t-rex I mean I
never seen this color scheme available anywhere really nice good type movement
everywhere so I mean I really like that and like I said they also did a great
job with the minifigs the minifigs are very comparable to Lego I mean I've
I've seen a lot of like cheaper China minifigs and LEGO sets that fall apart
easily this is a super tight set I mean you could pick this thing up and like
shake it and this thing holds together really well
so uh overall guys I am super pleased with this set and I would recommend it
to anybody that wants to buy it okay guys so odd this is it's really fit
more for the smaller a Lego one these are the more the off-brand lego jurassic
world dinos full-sized ones are really gonna be too big for this set so this
would be more full size one this is the one you get in the Lego set the original
Lego set if you buy you get this big guy if you buy the off-brand or you could
buy these little guys separate ah even you could buy these little guys even on
Amazon I'll include a link below the video where you could purchase those
guys you know they are cool and comes in a cool set you get a bunch of different
dinosaurs of really nice bright colors and it's decent quality I mean it's not
as good as the Lego wants but it is pretty decent quality this guy here also
is an off-brand one you could see I mean he looks like so uh anyways like I said
this set is totally awesome is just the right size for the smaller smaller Lego
dinos so just go ahead slide the games back we have like the dinos enter here
this could be well I guess it would be like Jurassic Park so you would have
a big Jurassic Park Zoo let in here let's check out some of the other Lego
dinos we've got - okay so here you've got Delta blue and Charlie velociraptors
as you can see when you take these smaller t-rexes I mean they are about
the same size and the velociraptors so the set almost seems well I guess if you
use it you would have like giant size T bracket size velociraptors going in and
out of the gate so it is still usable for these guys so that is and then you
could also have battles with the blossom rafters and t-rex also you could have
them rip apart the Lego set then you got some also like off-brand Triceratops so
these also bit nicely and you know this is an open set so you could keep the
back of it open and you know just have dinos keep entering the eggs
make it look like it's a huge park in there I mean all these different dinos
we had go in here they are really just in the back of the set and like I said
this is a really nice unique t-rex that you get for that is only included in
this set whoa guys there is this set I covered the options of it and like I
said I mean it is a great body the only thing I really don't like about the set
is the front is pretty much all you give so I mean it's great for imagination
though I mean because like I said you could set this up and have like a lot of
Lego dinos enter in there and pretend like it's like a huge zoo or something
because you don't have sights to limit you so I mean it's all big all goes as
far as your imagination will take you so these two guys battle which one you want
to win t-rex or indominus okay guys well if you did enjoyed the speed build in
this video please go ahead and click like that's a thumbs up below the video
drop the comments I do read all your comments I'll get back to you as soon as
possible thanks for viewing
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Top 5 Favorite Places On The Grand Princess - Duration: 2:28.
Hey cruisers now that we have been on Grand Princess for more than week I have
decided on .. the captain is waiting for people to get back on board so I guess
he's sending a message that this ship is leaving anyway we decided that we wanted
to tell you about our top 5 favorite places on Grand Princess we're going to
start with number one number one is right behind me and that is the aft hot
tubs on the deck 16 this is an awesome awesome place for glacier viewing and a
great place to take in sail away in almost any port even following
CruiseTipsTV for any length of time you know
that the covered pools and hot tubs are an absolute favorite of mine they keep
you warm and out of the elements they're great for families awesome for Alaska
and so many other reasons so this is number two
all right next up on my list is on deck 15 and it is the aptly named One5
lounge this is a great spot to come during the day to get a really really
dramatic view of everything around you high on the ship at night it converts to
a nightclub and dance club and we love coming here every night for pre-dinner
cocktails the international cafe in the Piazza always ranks as one of my
favorite places on the ship why you ask well number one it's a 24-hour venue
there's not a lot of 24-hour venues on this ship number two this little food area
right here changes from Donuts to salads to paninis to all kinds of snacks that
you can get at any time of the day and they're super high quality you also get
the best espresso drinks down here and friendly service or with a smile at all
the promenade deck on Grand Princess rounds out my list of favorite places on
the ship its traditional it's nautical its a
beautiful place to stroll day or night and I just love being close to the sea
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Thanks to Quebec, Canada is the second largest cranberry producer in the world | We Are The Best - Duration: 3:06.
Unité 9 : les familles - Duration: 43:13.
Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen / Jeff Buckley (Daniel Morais cover) - Duration: 4:56.
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed a proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew was Hallelujah
Hallelujah (4x)
Baby I've been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the Marble Arch
But love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah (4x)
There was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me, do you?
I remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Hallelujah (4x)
Well, maybe there's a God above
But, all I ever learned from love
Is how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
It's not to cry that you hear tonight
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Porsche 911R Old & New / The grandfather of all racing Porsches - Duration: 7:52.
Upon opening the doors, you'll feel they're light as a feather.
The windows go down with a leather strap.
The windshield is thinner than the standard ones.
There are air vents in the small quarter windows at the rear of the car.
The indicators of a NSU.
It also has the tail lights of a NSU.
For a big part the car's been made of polyester.
The rims are wider.
The engine lid folds all the way back on to the rear window.
It's all purely rudimentary.
Talking about the 911R...
it is the grandfather of every racing Porsche,
or racing 911 that has ever existed.
It's an extraordinary car to drive, simply because it's so light,
combined with quite a good amount of horsepower.
And it still has a very smooth suspension as well.
It's a car you can take dancing through the bends.
I can't describe it any better than that.
My name is Johan Dirickx and I'm the caretaker of the JFD Collection.
In essence, it's all about 911's.
Air-cooled 911's.
It's those cars that really passionate me.
The 911R originated in 1967.
It was the first project of Ferdinand Piëch,
to turn the 911 into a pure racing car.
Before that, a couple of 911's were raced, mainly at Monte Carlo,
but those were more or less standard cars.
It was his task to turn the 911 into a race car,
as light as possible,
a 2 liter engine, dual ignition, 210 hp,
in a body that only weighed 900 kg (1984 lbs).
In 1967, to participate in Group 4, they had to build 500 cars.
The racing department wanted to build all of those.
But then the bean counters and the guys from marketing came in...
They claimed they'd never be able to sell 500 of these cars to the general public.
So they ended up only building 20 cars.
And as a result they ran in the 'Prototype' category.
The first race the R competed in was Mugello 1000km in 1967,
in which Van Lennep and Elford came third, driving prototype #2.
They were competing heavy hitters like the Porsche 910 and 908, Ferrari and so on.
So it was an excellent result for such a small car, considered to be the 'underdog'.
In circuit racing the R was relatively unsuccessful.
It managed its biggest achievements in rallying...
the Tour de France, the Tour de Corse...
and of course the World Record at Monza.
Those are its biggest accomplishments.
But the car was actually no real match for the brute force of the competition,
the 12 cylinders, the 3.0 liter engines...
that used to race in the Prototype category at the time.
Now fast forward, 50 years later, Porsche released a new model.
They went back and looked at their history,
and the link was made, 50 years, from R to R.
It was the perfect timing to make this connection after 50 years.
They decided to limit the production to 991 cars.
While from the original, only 4 prototypes and 20 production cars were made.
In fact, the new 911R is practically a GT3 RS....
With the essential difference it has no spoilers.
The downforce is generated by the diffusers and the bottom of the car,
rather than by the top of the car.
And a second thing that differentiates it is the manual gearbox.
The new electronic gearboxes are definitely a bit faster.
That can't be contradicted.
But there's also something like 'the joy of driving'.
Which in my opinion is also manifested in a manual gear box.
The reason I could buy this car,
is because I also own the original R,
and my old R served for the brochure pictures of the new 911R.
As a result of this and some appreciation from Porsche,
they allowed me to order this car in 'paint to sample'.
So I managed to turn something from an already exclusive line, into something even more exclusive.
When you see both cars besides one another,
you'll notice that the 2017 car has bcome a gigantic car.
It's no longer the small 911 that we know from the 60s and 70s.
Technical specification wise there are almost no similarities.
The 1967 model has a 2.0 liter engine with double ignition,
while here you have a 4.0 liter engine with 500 hp,
compared to 210 hp...
You can't compare those things.
Also, in terms of handling, that new car is just phenomenal...
It's a fantastic car, a perfect, amazing car...
Yet, in my eyes, they sort of missed an opportunity,
to make the new car as extreme as the old one.
When you get in the old car, you can feel it...
Everything trembles, it makes a hell of a noise, there's the smell as well...
It's something completely different... The old one is clearly a race car,
while the new car is almost a luxury car.
Today they form a pair.
It's the first and the last, with 50 years in between.
So they belong together.
I think these cars are inseparable and will continue to live on together.
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