Hey everybody really good to see you back, it doesn't matter whether you're
selling your home and want a little information , or whether you're one of my
Realtor friends or a small businessman that is looking for some tips on YouTube.
I'm here to help you. So why do so many real estate agents not use YouTube ? Well,
one of the reasons is they set up beautiful pages, they get it all set up,
they post a couple of videos and get eight (8) views. They're not pleased! To set up a
professional video presentation and a YouTube channel is time or cost
intensive. One of the things that no one ever explains to them, including those
coaches that tell every Realtor that they have to have a Youtube channel, is
that YouTube does not count clicks. What they count is the amount of
time that people are spending watching your videos. So if you have very short
60-second videos like you would place on Facebook Instagram snapchat to
communicate with your clients, you're not going to get a whole bunch of play on
YouTube. So factor that in! I'm going to put up three different authorities on
YouTube. Here's their pictures now. Each one of them I'm going to link to one of
their videos that talks about the rating and the amount of time watched. 60 second
videos don't cut it. In early August what I did, was, I
produced a series. I wanted to experiment with making slightly longer form. I
thought that there'd be some benefit to me in this learning process. Now, I posted
them and I didn't really optimize them and they were really too short so what
I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna condense them together. I'm gonna put the first one at
the end of this video and for any of my community members that would like to
follow it, by all means please subscribe you'll get a notification if you hit the
little bell, for the notice and you'll get to see how I redid my garage, and
you'll even get to know a little bit more
about me. Until next time I wish you the very best and if you're a Realtor
remember Realtors can do anything including YouTube long-form videos. Thank
you ! Hey everybody have you ever heard the expression work with what you have
well, I want a larger studio area and the only way that I'm going to be able to
get that, is in my own four car garage. Hey join me for this journey let's see
what I turn this into.
Do you figure anybody wants to go to the recycler with me?
For more infomation >> San Diego Realtor | Tips for Sellers and Realtors | Youtube Watch Time - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Elegance Navi Rijklaar - Duration: 0:54.
Gf vip: Ignazio Moser, Cecilia Rodriguez e la clip dello scandalo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:56.
5 Easy And Natural Everyday Hair Care Tips | how to take care of your hair - remedies one - Duration: 3:35.
Gorgeous Kropf Special Edition Double Loft for Sale $30K - Duration: 4:52.
Gorgeous Kropf Special Edition Double Loft for Sale $30K
Aloe vera juice helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol⚫healthcare☑️ - Duration: 3:58.
Drinking aloe vera juice is often advised by natural healers as a way to lower cholesterol,
boost circulation, increase blood oxygenation and stabilize blood sugar.
Aloe vera, an ornamental succulent that grows in tropical and subtropical landscapes, also
thrives indoors as a houseplant.
One well-known perk of growing aloe is having access to fresh aloe vera gel, a traditional
folk remedy for minor burns and skin complaints.
But the same plant that provides safe, drug-free soothing of your skin may also allow you to
improve your health from the inside out.
In fact, many health experts suggest that aloe vera juice has extraordinary therapeutic
Several scientific studies are currently underway to explore the healing potential of aloe for
such ailments like, ulcerative colitis and diabetes.
Why is aloe such a potent healing substance?
Aloe is rich in potent phytocompounds – that attack pain and swelling and promote healing.
Polysaccharides, including a substance called acemannan, act as natural anti-inflammatory
and healing agents – which can also improve blood circulation and oxygenation.
Allantoin, a natural chemical compound found in aloe, has mucilaginous qualities, meaning
it has a soothing and demulcent effect.
In addition, bradykinase, a natural pain reliever, is also present, as is aloe emodin, found
by researchers to suppress production of COX-2 and nitric oxide – both of which trigger
Finally, glucomannan, a water-soluble fiber in aloe, has hypoglycemic or blood sugar-lowering
Diabetics feel better on aloe vera juice.
There is recent evidence supporting the theory that aloe vera can lower both blood sugar
and cholesterol – in people with type-2 diabetes.
In a two-month study, published in 2012 in Planta Medica, researchers treated diabetic
patients with 300 mg. of aloe vera extract, in capsule form – every 12 hours, and found
that aloe was significantly superior to placebo in reducing blood sugar levels and harmful
LDL cholesterol, with no adverse effects reported.
Blue Shield Complementary and Alternative Health concurs that aloe vera has been shown
to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels in both animal and human studies, and lists
the usual dosage of aloe vera juice as 5 to 15 ml., taken twice a day.
Picking the right aloe vera juice is critical for success.
Buy commercial aloe vera juice from a reputable supplier and, of course, always look for 'untreated'
– organic juice.
If you dislike the bitter taste of aloe, you can mix it with other juices to make it more
Ask your doctor before using aloe vera juice, especially if you have kidney or liver disease,
or take diuretics, digoxin or medication for diabetes.
Plus, you may want to avoid aloe if you're allergic to garlic, onions , tulips or other
members of the lily family.
Pastel Accents Over Expansive Light Wood In Two Modern Homes - Duration: 7:00.
Trono Classico news, in arrivo un nuovo tronista: la rivelazione della Mennoia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.
Grande Fratello Vip: Luca e Ivana hanno litigato? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.
Moser e il video di Cecilia Rodriguez che fa discutere | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.
Uomini e Donne, Maria De Filippi si è stufata di Gemma? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.
TRT KORO - KEÇA KURDAN - Duration: 3:43.
Ignazio Moser ha trascorso il primo Natale insieme a tutti i Rodriguez riuniti. Cecilia ha portato - Duration: 2:47.
Singalong With The Strong H...
Tales From The Skull Mountain S1E17 - Mighty Max Escapes From Skull Dungeon - Duration: 20:14.
Greetins to all fans!
Today, Semi-Final
Episode of the season and i will present,
the first released set ever
wolrdwide, along with 2
DMZN sets more
which is Mighty Max
Escapes from Skull Dungeon.
All who read
my MM bible regarding the series,
( i'm going really soon to have it translated for global readers)
you will already know
this set was released first also to my country
it was hmmmm
the work of a mysterious
toy company -that i am not allowed to reveal-
where they posted to Bluebird Toys
their thought for a male toyline similar to the successful poly pockets.
So the only fact that i can reveal is that
this set is 'based'
into a specific polly pocket chassis if you can see
and it's a gore suggestion
for male polly pocket customers,back then
i wrote on my bible
that easter of '93,
i was eating my coco pops
while i was watching kids advertisements on tv
suddenly i ,
saw the first MM advert aired for the first time
featuring this set, Skull Dungeon
As a result, coco pops messed all the place hahahah
This is the
leader of the sets,
or the Trademark and the most iconic of the series
Anybody who can't remember MM,
if he notices this set, will
say for sure ,
''oh the male poly pocket!'' it's a MIghty Max!
it's so famous
and so familiar
this design
it's worldwide
recognisable. A Tremendous set
with lot of work invested
i can say for sure only positive elements exist inside
Let me grab it
so we can start to see
the set from the beginning.
Look how,
ehm how
amazing scuplted it is!
A skull
with prison bars details here
The infamous eye who all know the purpose inside,
Bones in a funny row
tiny holes possible representing pores of the bone structure
It's a set with only
pros as i said earlier
and before we enter the set
let me add some info, some people claim
that they own the Color Variant (CV) set
Unfortunately my friends, skull dungeon never had an official CV release
After discussions
with my best friend @mightyone,
(the top-notch
and knowledgeable collector
of MM in my country, possible in Europe and worldwide along with 2-3 persons more)
The CV it's a release which is considered
the 1st edition as he claims
for example , BBT
very first batches with prototype Max inside
This Max is a Prototype Max
focus please
waiting for the camera to focus
well, no focus, camera is pissed off hahaha
no way
This Max
was inside only into the first Doomzones
batches and only in the very first Skull Mountain big playset,
and for a very limited time,less than a year
back in 1992.
So some of these light colored Skull Dungeons
are a result
of a different factory color mixing and spraying
Some of them took this color after some failures or
random mistakes upon mixing colors etc
So no official CV for Skull Dungeon
but there is also a prototype metallized set
of course it wasn't released because it was just proto
where i know the collector who owns it ;)
Also if you noticed a page that i included from a rare toy fair catalogue
there is also a TRUE CV
which is an idea of a POSSIBLE CV release
of 1993
one year after the original set
but never saw the stores
BBT never had intentions
for CV's Releases (except Fire Alien)
They created later by, well you know,
no no you don't know
Τhey created by Ideal factories
To the set now,
Το the exterior,
there is this big advantage
mouth which opens
and becomes stairs!
Τhis is the cool
entrance to the dungeon!
Also something similar like this exists ONLY
The possible entrance
is crafted this way only here where Max
could enter the set
but i can make an exception only for Skull Mountain where Max can pass through the mouth-bridge
This is Skull Dungeon
and let's visit the interior compartments
Here is also the Prototype Max
which the camera lens before didn't wanted to focus :P
Proto Max
Who existed only in first BBT DMZNS mosc's
But a more specific approach to this figure, will be discussed on final episode
Second part of the review now,
inside the set we can find 5 parts ,
3 figures and two coils.
Max as usual,
The bad guy is Dr Gore
and his minion Frankenstein a.k.a. Smasher
plus 2 coils.
I feel the need to add that
a friend of mine, @prudent
Dr Gore,
inside the first batches of BBT moc's
which also
Proto Max included,
the legs of Dr Gore wasn't ''connected'' like the figure here
but with space between like
Smasher.But for the next batches,
again from BBT mosc's
or Ideal,Mattel Irwin Bandai etc
There was a connection by then, between his legs.
So this is a considered a rarity.
Whoever owns Dr gore with space between legs he shall feel a bit luckier by now
because you can't find that often or, easily.
You learned new stuff, right?Heheheh
Now you know, some greedy ppl .
These are the figures and
the set has also five moving parts.
Which is;
a big power supply switch
here is the
secret hatch door
my hand spams a bit sorry
the experiments table of smasher
the gate which opens and closes respectively
and the
secret bookcase door
my huge finger will try again to spam and open the door :P
here it is
secret passage as i said
we can see the details
even a skull door knob
in general let's see the upstair compartment
i suppose this is the office and living room of Dr Gore
where Max of course
with a bit of patience to sit
he can sit really comfortable :P
downstairs is the bookcase and the secret prison
where i suppose the name of the set comes from here
and we see here a forgotten or unlucky visitor who fell victim
to Dr Gore's cruel intentions
and we follow the stairs down to the entrance of the set
cool details around sculpted with the mood of a stone cellar
and finally the secret lab
tons of details here too
tools lying on the floor
wrenches etc
a bit of filth
some instruments chemical bottles etc
max placing spot
here we check
the control operatrion panel
check systems buttons lights blah blah
here is the huge electricity coil, or the eye from the exterior
that max has to shut down according to the story
bed comes up and down
other , smaller electricity pylons
some barels
etc etc
the pylons also can be placed here
but if we want to ''play''
according to the story,the pylons
must be placed here
in order to achieve a
so smasher can be
Dr Gore is placed here
mine is kinda loose
the legs, and he pisses me off
and i sold
2 skull dungeons in the past
and i gave the tight Dr gore figures :/
Proto Max ok out of set for now
and the other Max
he can be placed...
Storyline is funny and fast
founds himself imprisoned
inside the cell
and he escapes
through the bookcase
which this part also pisses me off
and Max goes downstairs
and he discovers the lab of Dr Gore
Dr Gore wants to resurrect Smasher
but Max has a different opinion
So Max attracts Dr Gore
but Max
evades him and Dr gore is now locked down
(inside the basement through the hatch)
and Max is closinggggggggggggg the door
That's it. ( LOL)
Max notices the switch
and he decides to
shut it down
and zzzzgrhrhsagfhuigha;gjeghwG;IEGFHA;
so Smasher walks the earth (again)
but Dr gore Escaped from the basement
and he is after MaX!
So Max
remembers the highlight from the story
that if he wants to be victorious he must destroy the pylon
so he grabs these tools ( as you can see in sticker drawing)
and hurls them straight to the main pylon
so a chain reaction is occured
and a meltdown is coming right away
KA BOOM!!!!!
ok that's the story of Skull Dungeon
Very cool set
it is the Leader of the toyline as i said
No cons for this set
Only pros
external design
internal design
lot of pieces and
moving parts inside
all play their role magnificent
an amazing job achieved here from the very start of the series
nothing placed here by luck or randomly
to this set
also there is no reference to the cartoon
but the only revelance is from the movie
Dr Frankestein of 50's
A remarkable set
any people who don't own this they must buy it now!
the trademark as said
not really expensive if we seek loose set
yes it is expensive
i seek the greek mosc though.
if anyone owns it
the greek mosc,
and he is willing to sell it,
i can buy for a generous amount of money
so i can add it to my greek mosc collection
and of course anyone who wants to sell it you can write me a message below
So not mosc to present
no 3rd part unfortunately
This was the famous Skull Dungeon
hope you liked it
Amazing set
and the 17th episode came to it's end
Stay tuned for Season Finale
so i can review for you
the big playset of Series 1
which is Skull Mountain and the episode will be huge
Till then i wish you the best
and wish me patience for the last episode preparations ( LOL)
Cu Guys!
The Rank of this set is S
Nothing less,only pros
The Big Boss
S Rank for Skull Dungeon!
ラ・フェラーリ5台分。"5000馬力"12.3リッター16気筒、最高速500km/hのDevel 16が本当に登場 - Duration: 3:08.
CNN Talks About Trump-Russia Dossier, Viewers Shocked By What Guest Let Slip On Live TV - Duration: 4:18.
5 health benefits of hazelnuts | Health benefits #8 - Duration: 4:27.
Hello everyone, it's Pierrick. In this video I'm going to show you 5 health benefits of hazelnuts.
The first health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about
is that hazelnuts are a great source of energy.
100 grams of hazelnuts provides almost 700 calories which is
34% of our daily needs in calories.
The second health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about
is that hazelnuts are a great source of fibre and in particular in insoluble fiber.
100 grams of hazelnuts provides 40% of our daily needs in fibre and insoluble fibre
help us to digest quicker.
The third health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about,
is that hazelnuts are good for our muscles because it's a good source of proteins.
So 100 grams of hazelnuts provides 28% of our daily needs in proteins.
The fourth health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about
is that they are rich in vitamins including vitamin E. So 100 grams of
hazelnuts provides about 24% of our daily needs in vitamin E.
And vitamin E helps to protect us from oxidative stress and oxidative stress
can develop cancers and Alzheimer's disease. Hazelnuts also are rich in vitamin B6.
100 grams of hazelnuts provides about 24% of our daily needs
in vitamin B6. And vitamin B6 helps us to keep an healthy brain.
The fifth health benefit about hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about is that they are rich in minerals.
And specifically they are rich in magnesium. Approximately 37% of our daily magnesium needs
is provided with 100 grams of hazelnuts and magnesium is a source of energy.
Magnesium can preserve nervous and muscular balance in our body.
Hazelnuts also are a good source of potassium. 100 grams of hazelnuts provides 27%
of our daily needs in potassium and potassium, unlike sodium, helps us
to lower our blood pressure. Hazelnuts are also a good source of manganese.
100 grams of hazelnuts provides twice of our daily needs in manganese.
And provides about 37% of our daily needs in phosphorus. Manganese
and phosphorus are minerals that help us to maintain healthy bones.
So to resume hazelnuts are a good source of calories. It is an energy booster.
Hazelnuts are also rich in fibre, especially insoluble fibre.
Hazelnuts are also rich in protein, they are also rich in vitamins and particularly
vitamin E and vitamin B6. And nuts are also rich in minerals
They are rich in magnesium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus in particular.
I hope you enjoyed this video, thank you for watching.
Feel free to subscribe to my channel for more videos on nutrition.
And you can support my videos on my patreon page.
See you next time !
PEWDIEPIE ... THESE NEW MODELS OF IDENTIFICATION - 60 seconds of PSY #21 - Duration: 1:44.
They call Squeezie Norman, Amixem Danniil or Russian, and if YOU
you may know him, this is not the case of many parents.
They are called youtubers and they invited them into the live of your
children in recent years.
But what place he took in their development ?
A child, to grow, needs to learn, to experiment, get bored and ...
to help him, it builds throughout its development on identifications models.
If by the age of 8, the models remain often limited to parental models after,
the circle grows.
Then children attach themselves to beings real as teachers, or fictitious
as characters from books.
This is how it goes forever.
Until the last century, the models were recognized for their skills, their efforts.
They were scientists, astronauts, or winners of the World Cup.
In 2000, the arrival of real TV brought a new type of models
spend his time doing nothing except to take the lead with other leading
adding a new definition to the term celebrity.
Today youtubers brought a model more positive and creative, even
if some, rocked by real TV, are still looking for the fame
all cost.
But unlike the real TV that forced the child to watch TV
in the living room in the presence of adults, it is on their tablet or smartphone
they do it and you have no other look at the people who serve as models
your children.
So a tip, interested you in what watch your child on YouTube.
A little help, a subscription and see you soon for a new "60 seconds of PSY."
Next week I answer a divorce mom who is concerned about his child
crying when it's time to go to his father home for the weekend.
At Thursday.
Exclu : Sandrine Quétier quitte TF1 ! - Duration: 2:53.
Johnny Hallyday bat des records, deux semaines après sa mort - Duration: 4:08.
Louane refuse d'évoquer ses parents disparus : « Quand j'ai des choses à dire, ça passe par - Duration: 2:32.
The Construction Of A Fighter Jet Paper #102, Paper Planes (How To Origami Corner) - Duration: 11:29.
Singalong With The Strong H...
Mercedes-Benz SLK-Klasse 200 K. Special Ed. - Duration: 1:00.
Danton ka dar khatam karne ka wazifa | Danton ka dar khatam karne ka wazifa - Duration: 3:28.
Danton ka dar khatam karne ka wazifa | Danton ka dar khatam karne ka wazifa
Gorgeous Kropf Special Edition Double Loft for Sale $30K - Duration: 4:52.
Gorgeous Kropf Special Edition Double Loft for Sale $30K
Sehat Mand Rehne KE 10 Asool || By Ashraf Health Care || - Duration: 2:39.
ybf BB BeYOUty Balm Lip Butter Trio Pinks - Duration: 3:07.
MattyBRaps - Right In Front Of You (LEGENDADO PT-BR) - Duration: 3:41.
SKIN CARE/HOW TO REMOVE DARK NECK/SKIN CARE ROUTINE/BROWN SPOTS/ home health care/ beauty balm - Duration: 3:35.
A tropical storm in the Philippines.What happened on Planet.What happened in the world. - Duration: 5:45.
As a result, tropical storm "Kai-Tak" that struck
December 15 at the Biliran island, as well as to Leyte, Samar,
Romblon province have suffered 222 thousand. Man. 87.9 thousand. Residents
They were evacuated.
Several cities were cut off from the outside world.
"Kai-Tak" (another name "Urduha") - became the 26th Pacific
cycle in Asia for 2017
Tropical storm "Vinta" (International Classification
"Tembin") has fallen 22 December the island of Mindanao with speed
to 30 m / s.
The storm has affected the lives of over 75 thousand. Man.
Most importantly, in any complex situations can never be
to lose heart.
A man who knows how to maintain good spirits,
will always find a way out any adversity!
Always in every situation Stay human!
Connecting people - the key the survival of mankind!
If you are involved in storm weather, remember that the most
dangerous during a storm They are lightning strikes.
The first thing you need to do is to stop worrying
and calm down.
Being on the street look around around and find a safe
shelter to wait out not the weather.
Avoid open areas.
Lightning usually byot at the highest point.
And the person who is in the field will be a one
most point.
Do not hide in a haystack.
If you will not be near shelters, hide in any
opportunity to deepen - a ditch, ravine or the lowest
location field.
Squat and bend down head.
Do not be quick to leave safely place, will be held until 20-30
minutes after the last strike lightning.
During a thunderstorm, go from reservoirs.
Do not swim and do not catch fish.
When lightning strikes the water spreads shot radius of 100 m.
Often lightning byot to shore.
Therefore depart away from the shore.
Do not talk while storm on a mobile phone.
Even incoming calls can cause falling
Best of all, completely Switch off your phone before
the storm is over.
Also avoid any metal items.
Watches, chains and umbrella over head - it's potential
targets for lightning.
Being in the boat - lift protective awning, slide
boots or stand on any electrically object
cover yourself polietelenovym package that the water drains
the edges of the boat, not the boat.
See that package is not in contact with water.
Being in the woods, remember, lightning, except
glades, never in byot ground.
Trees are natural lightning rods.
And the higher the tree, the more it is attractive for
Therefore, stay away from the highest, and
lonely standing trees.
The safest option - sit between the stunted
trees with dense crowns in the position of "embryo" - omitting
his head on the lap of closed and covered his hands.
During a thunderstorm, do not put in the open tent
and do not sit at the burning fire.
Smoke is a good conductor electricity.
While in the mountains, go down with elevations.
Avoid crevices and trenches.
During a thunderstorm, a crack, become filled with water
a conduit for draining electricity.
Safe stop near vertical plumb
( "Finger"), whose height more than human height
5-6 times, holding him at a distance of 2 m.
Also, you can hide in caves, but no closer than 2 m
from its walls.
All metal objects - must be collected in a backpack
and pull on the rope to 20-30 m below the slope.
While in the car, remember that they are well
protect passengers.
Therefore, during a thunderstorm Stop the machine, close the
all the windows, turn off the radio, mobile phone and GPS-navigator.
Do not hold the metal items.
While in the house at the time of thunderstorms, close all doors
and windows.
Do not light the stove or fireplace.
Close the chimney.
The effluent from the chimney smoke It has high electroconductivity
and can draw to itself electrical discharge.
Turn off all electrical appliances - radios, televisions,
and disconnect the antenna.
Do not be near window or
in the attic, as well as a number of with massive metal
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