For more infomation >> "పుబ్బ"(పూర్వ ఫల్గుణి) నక్షత్రంలో పుట్టినవారు.? Pubba Nakshatra Characteristics !! - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
굽네치킨, 쭉~ 늘어나는 '치즈'·'소세지' 듬뿍 얹어주는 신메뉴 출시 - Duration: 3:19.
Breaking News From WikiLeaks!! Hillary Colluded!!! SOMEONE WILL BE GOING TO PRISON!!! - Duration: 5:27.
2017 KBS 연기대상 남궁민 이유리 공동 대상 가능성 높은 이유?|TKRTV - Duration: 6:37.
Emerging threats
Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm back
with another video for you guys today so guys today I have a brand new bribe to
show you guys most of you guys probably have noticed it if you have went to the
dude yet but if nothing that's what I'm here to show you guys a new contract is
out willing to give you two weapon bribes my fault my weapon bribes were
just winter bride supply drops so hey guys if you're interested make sure you
guys stay tuned for the video but first we gotta roll that intro
hi guys so today I'm keeping the video short as well but basically if you head
over here to uh what's his face major Howard you'll see that he has a lot of
new contracts today specifically these last two days because obviously they're
the last days of winter see so yeah these are the only time of the day where
you can get it anyway so if you go down here like the first one the bottom of
the first one it says complete 30 multiplayer matches to get to winner
bribes but guys completely thirty multiplayer matches will give you a win
a bribe two of them but the thing is I really don't know what the winner bribes
are for so guys like I was saying I'm not sure what a winner bribe really does
I'm pretty sure this gives you three you know how like when you put a supply
drops cards pop up I'm pretty sure just gives you three winner cards so you can
get a better chance of getting a winner item pretty sure that's how it works
again I'm not sure cuz I forgot what happened when I opened mine but and my
last video a lot of people were like what the hell why aren't I getting what
I want and I get this or that it's not like it's not like I'll guarantee your
weapon or like a epic or heroic item I guess it's just a better chance of
getting that winner item that you want I guess I don't know guys we all know that
this game is really really broken especially since the launch so this
might be a glitch where they haven't fixed yet I don't know unless I'm open
my bribe I got a couple of grips and a calling card where guys aside from that
we also have our other normal uh you know our other contracts this is what
gives you 25 social score which is crazy yeah guys I guess that's it for this
video again I think a couple of days ago I uploaded a video showing all of the
things that were gonna be happening that's kind of like last week of winter
siege so you guys haven't seen that video you guys going to channel and
click on it should be my late last latest video basically just showing you
guys the calendar of every contract and I was gonna come out but I got something
guys you guys might be like you
akhil bhartiya application to forbid when they see you
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