Hello everybody, I just came back from a small shopping trip to "Zoo and Co."
I bought 3 things.
I just wanted to show you what I bought, it's really nothing special.
but... yeah...
The first thing I have here is a hay house. I wanted to buy the large one.. but then just went with the medium one cauz' they are never in the same house anyways. They love to chew on it, they had it a few years ago and loved it.
And yeah.. I will just put it here the rest of this video.
Then I bought... I was abit mad about this.. cauz' I searched for this winter special stuff the whole time.. and now after christmas I find them.
So yeah... a special hay house for felix. :D
There where also many other things like cookies and stuff but I bought him this house.
And the last thing I found is this "Fun-Park" from JR Farm. I want to do a Review on it with my piggies... we will see if they like it... or ignore it. :D
As always I did put you the price of everything in the corner. I hope you liked this tiny video and we see us next time... or in the review video. :D
For more infomation >> ♥ Haul #3. ♥ | - little Pawtners - - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Hey guys it's me JJ and I'm back in my room.
So I'll be honest.
I haven't even done this in a while because I pre-recorded my videos so the problem with
that is when your channel hits a milestone you are still there from a week ago.
7,000 subscribers.
So, oh my god.
Over 10,000 subscribers.
Holy guacamole.
Thank you so much!
So there's a lot of new people here so hi, I'm JJ.
But anyways to get to the point of this video, here are five misconceptions that I have noticed
and some of them are misconceptions by me or misconceptions by America as a whole.
We just think these things.
First misconception was my personal own and I've told people this.
When I was in the US I thought that Brazilian food was like Mexican food and I don't really
like Mexican food because it has a lot of tomato and stuff in it.
So I was kind of nervous.
I really didn't know anything about Brazilian food.
I knew all of these other random facts and stuff but food I just never really came across.
But yeah it's definitely not like Mexican food, they definitely do not use as much tomatoes.
In the US I hated spaghetti and lasagna because they use marinara sauce and I hate it.
Here they don't use marinara sauce as much.
Here it's like this tomato sauce that's really like thin and light and I love it.
So I eat it here all the time, I eat spaghetti all the time, I eat lasagna all the time.
It just doesn't have marinara and ugh I hate that.
Okay and this one is a misconception from my family.
I think a lot of Americans as well, and I before I went on exchange, we just don't
know how it is in the world.
So my family was saying you're not going to have wifi when you're in Brazil and they
thought Brazil didn't have wifi.
And I was like, I'm pretty sure wifi is a global thing.
I think it's pretty normal but who knows.
No one really knows that but that's the second misconception.
Brazil does have wifi.
I mean it depends where you are, but it does have wifi.
Okay so this third misconception still gets to me today. So in the US we're used to seeing
people from all races.
Not like everyday, but if you go to a big city you'll see people of all races from
all over the world.
So when I first came to Brazil it was so hard for me because I would see, I really never
imagined seeing asian people in Brazil.
I don't know why.
I hope that's not rude or anything.
But so whenever I see them I think, oh someone who knows English because my brain is wired
that if anyone's from a different race they're from the US.
I couldn't imagine other races learning another language that wasn't english.
It sounds really dumb when I say it out loud.
But that was it.
Because we're used to seeing America has all these mixed races and everyone learns english
here but the same thing happens for about any other country.
Especially Brazil because they take in a lot of different races, it's really mixed.
I was really surprised.
So those people most of them are probably born into this country and never knew english
and probably only know portuguese.
And it's just like what a weird concept for me.
I don't know why it's so hard for my mind to wrap around.
I mean now I'm getting used to it but it's just weird.
Okay and then the fifth one is that people always say this and I think it is true, depending
what region you go to.
A really big reputation for Brazil is that no one knows english.
I have videos I made before I came to Brazil that kind of share some of those misconceptions
that I even had.
What I decided is when it becomes a year since I posted the video then I'll react to it.
I mean it'll be a year in like March.
Everyone says, yeah no one knows english there JJ, you need to make sure you learn your portuguese.
Blah blah blah.
And I was scared but kind of excited because I thought, yay I won't be able to speak my
language from my home country because other exchange students that don't speak english
never speak the language of their home country.
And I'm think gosh darn it!
I wish I could have that experience.
I think that would be really cool but I didn't even say the point.
So a lot of people here speak english here in Brazil.
As you could see if you saw the "Inside a Brazilian Mall".
We went out to someone and they spoke english.
And that was just by chance.
So I think a lot of people speak english if not just a little something, but it also probably depends
on the region.
I bet if you go to the northeast maybe for that case, no one speaks english.
I don't know but for my region a lot of people speak english.
And a lot of people in the Rotary club at least speaks a little english.
Okay so those are my five (four) misconceptions but comment down below a misconception that you
may have about America or maybe a misconception that you've heard about Brazil that I didn't
mention or that you think should be added and maybe I'll make another video.
Make sure to put a comment down below.
please like this video.
Thank you so much for watching.
Again thank you to the people that subscribed.
Don't think I wasn't grateful because I really am grateful.
I just wasn't literally in the moment for my other videos.
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter.
Have a great day.
Peace out.
Okay first Mex- Mex-conception.
It actually kind of works because I'm talking about Mexican food.
Yaourts et risque de diabète de type 2 : les promesses et bientôt les preuves ? - c0ns3ils - Duration: 4:30.
THE PERM // Inu Tabuki - Duration: 2:38.
The perm its should not exist these limits the most boring stuff in the world.
How to deal in perm.
You will have to start by working,
to make a cane sarb, Suggérer une modification
yeah that's okay and you oh yeah shit I have no friends in fact
to be bored, Suggérer une modification
write on the table
and finally go under the desk softly.
Must still admit that the perm is very boring.
What I like to go there I do not understand.
When you rejoice to have perm.
-The teacher is absent.
-YES !
-The course is canceled.
-YES !
-The course was postponed.
-YES ! wait what ?!
Yeah because when the lesson is postponed, you add 1 hour of class another day.
And besides if you're lucky your parents can sign your book.
Like her you can leave classes earlier.
But there is also the CPE who must sign and it's really not cool.
The best is when you discover that you have allowed in the last hour
it is paradise ! Suggérer une modification
I find that during the perm we should be able to eat, talk and in no case take crosses.
Yeah because after 3 crosses you take 1h of glue.
I'm sick of it. Suggérer une modification
Me in my perm you have the rules that hang on the wall.
And the supervisors do not hesitate to call you back.
The worst is when you're a new 6th and you do not know any of the perm.
When are you a new 6th.
Where do you tell where you are?
Oops deceive room.
What? Work not know.
-What is that ? Suggérer une modification
-Bah it's an exercise.
-Ah good ?!
Oh yeah, because I work you have already lost sight of me.
I am at the end of the hall!
And yeah the end of the course is the best time of the day waiting for you since ... waits ... 1,2 ... 4,
Oooh ... and then shit I go back to perm!
BBI - Moments drôles 2017 - Duration: 6:16.
U&D: Paolo Crivellin sceglie Angela Caloisi? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:59.
OCG - Reaching The Island with Doomfist on Chateau Guillard - Duration: 2:44.
Syndrome des jambes sans repos : 7 stratégies efficaces qui vont vous aider - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:42.
How to TAP DANCE - Learning the 'Time Step' - Duration: 11:43.
Hi guys, and welcome.
My name's Bill Simpson and I'm a professional tap dance teacher, performer and choreographer,
and the creator of the 'Just TAP' series.
In this video, I'm going to show you
one of the most important and universal combinations of steps in the history of tap dance -
The Traditional 'Time Step'.
The Time Step is not only
a crucial and useful addition to your tap toolbox,
it's one of the most commonly used steps in tap dance.
Whether you know it or not, you've undoubtedly seen them done before,
and you'll almost certainly see them again throughout your tap journey.
But! Before we jump in, there's something that you should know…
There are a lot of different types of Time Steps,
and a lot of variations and styles in which the step can be done.
the 'Traditional Time Step' that I'm about to show you is effectively the base pattern.
Of all the Time Steps that you could learn,
this is the one that will be most useful to you on your tap journey.
On that note, let's jump in and get started,
and I'll talk more about the Time Step after,
and why I feel it's such an important step for any tap dancer to know.
So, the Time Step is made up from a small number of very basic fundamental steps,
primarily, the 'shuffle', and the 'Flap'.
The shuffle is made up of 2 brush beats –
The 'Brush Forward',
and the 'Brush Back'.
Keep the ankle relaxed, and think of the movement
pushing down and up, rather than forward and back.
The next step is known as a 'Flap';
specifically, a Flap Walking -
also commonly known as a 'Tap Step' or 'Brush Step'.
The first beat of the flap is the same as that of the shuffle:
the brush forward, then, instead of the brush back
as we do with the shuffle, we 'Ball-Dig' that same foot,
allowing us to lift the previously supporting leg
to repeat the step on the other side.
The shuffle and the flap are very similar steps,
and when you're starting out, it's easy to get them confused.
Here's the crucial difference between the two steps:
with the shuffle our weight stays where it is,
but with the flap the weight changes to the other side.
So, now that we've got those 2 steps prepared, let's put them together with a few more beats
to learn the base Time Step pattern, commonly known as a 'Single Time Step'.
We're going to start the Time Step on count 8, with a shuffle on the right foot.
We then hop on the left on count 1,
then step onto the Ball-Dig on count 2.
We then lift the previously supporting leg, and do a flap on the left,
then step onto the Ball-Dig on the right once again,
lifting the left, ready to do the whole thing on the other side.
That's it. That's the Time Step.
Have a look at the single Time Step, with counts, starting on the right foot.
Now, let's break down the other side.
Starting with our weight on the right,
we shuffle the left on count 8.
Hop on the right on 1,
Ball-Dig on 2,
flap on '&3',
and then step onto the Ball-Dig on the left,
lifting the right, ready to begin the whole thing again.
Have a look at the Single Time Step starting left with counts.
As you can see, rhythm-wise,
there's a little pause after the hop on count 1.
But aside from that, the rest of the beats are even.
Here are a few things to watch out for,
and a few hints to help get this step flowing as quickly as possible.
In tap dance, it's generally not the individual steps that will mess you up,
it's the weight placement,
and the transition of weight between the right and the left.
Ensure that you're constantly preparing for the following beats
by transferring your weight as efficiently as possible.
With the Time Step, there's 2 weight transitions to watch out for:
after we hop on count one, we step on count 2,
lifting the supporting leg ready for the flap,
and then again on the Ball-Dig after the flap,
which readies us to do the whole step on the other side.
Also, remember that with this particular Time Step,
ideally, we want to try to keep the heels off the ground.
Here it is again this time, alternating between the sides.
Now, I strongly encourage you to jump in and give it a try,
but at this point, let me stress: it won't happen straight away -
it's meant to take a little time.
Practice it slowly to begin with, one side at a time,
then gradually start speeding up
and alternating between the sides as the Time Step settles into your muscle memory.
When you're practicing, you may discover there's actually a hidden trap within the Time Step:
As I mentioned the shuffle and the flap can be easily confused,
And the problem is that each step will put your weight in a very different place,
and doing one where you should be doing the other, will completely muck up the weight placement of the step.
If this happens to you, don't worry - it happens to most of us when we first learn it.
But to help you remember, within the single Time Step, it alternates between the shuffle
and the flap.
Make Sense?
One last little hint:
when you're practicing the step, try saying the beats as you're doing them.
This may help to get it flowing.
Now, once you understand the Single Time Step,
learning the Double and Triple Time Step becomes a relatively simple task.
They're not nearly as scary as they sound,
and in fact, they utilize the same Time Step pattern that you just learned.
Let me explain…
In order to do a Double Time Step, we're only adding one more beat to the single.
Fortunately, we've got a nice rest in the rhythm of the Single Time Step,
straight after the Shuffle Hop that begins the pattern.
Here, we're going to add a 'Brush Forward' beat, and then step onto the Ball-Dig.
So effectively, it becomes another Flap.
Let me show you:
The single Time Step starts with the Shuffle Hop, then after a slight pause, the Ball-Dig.
The Double Time Step starts with the same shuffle hop,
but then straight away, brushes forward into a Flap.
And that's the only difference between the Single and Double Time Step.
Have a look, one more time:
As you can see the beats within the Double Time Step are completely even.
Unlike the Single, there are no pauses.
Now, just as the Double Time Step has one more beat than the Single,
the Triple has one more beat than the Double.
But finding a place for this extra beat isn't quite as obvious in the Double Time Step,
where we have an even rhythm, and no pauses where a beat could easily fit.
If we added another beat and kept it even,
we'd throw off the timing of our 8 count rhythmic phrasing.
So, in order to accommodate this extra beat, we have to change the rhythm.
As we just saw, the Double Time Step starts off with a Shuffle, Hop, Flap.
But with a Triple Time Step, we change the 2 beat 'Flap' to a 3 beat 'Shuffle-Step'.
So it goes: 'Shuffle, hop, shuffle step, flap, step'.
Once again, the rest of the Time Step pattern is exactly the same,
and once again, there are no heels in the step at all.
So, now we know where the extra beat goes, here's how we change the rhythm:
In order to keep the Time Step within the 8 beat phrase, we have to do what is called a 'triplet'.
This simply means fitting 3 beats in the time of 2.
Think of it like this:
the hop is still on count 1,
and the Ball-Dig is still on count 2 -
we just have to fit the 2 Shuffle beats evenly between them.
And that's the Triple Time Step
So, the Single, Double & Triple Time Steps.
As I mentioned, once you've learned the fundamentals of tap dance,
the Traditional Time Step is one of the most important small combinations of steps for any tap dancer to know.
Aside from being one of the most commonly used tap combinations throughout the world,
the Time Step provides a first glimpse into how in tap,
we take a small number of very simple steps,
and combine them together in an endless variety of wonderful and challenging ways.
So hopefully that's making sense so far and you feel like you're off to a great start with the Time Step,
but if not, don't worry.
This has been only a very brief whirlwind introduction to the Time Step, and it's meant to take a little time.
In the full 'Just TAP' course for ADVANCED BEGINNERS,
we explore the Time Step, and many more of the most important and useful tap dance steps
in a detailed, yet super-fun way.
Over my years as a tap teacher, I've been refining my teaching method,
which I have carefully compiled into this course,
specifically for beginners who've covered the basics, and are looking for the next step.
I've packed it with value
and many simple secrets to help you achieve an entirely new level of
tap dance confidence and happiness.
Basically, it's the course I wish I had when I was starting out.
Be sure to check it out at justtapdance.com
I hope you keep working on the Time Step, even if it feels hard to begin with.
You're training both your brain and your body,
and I promise you, with practice, it will make sense over time.
I mentioned, this Time Step pattern isn't the only Time Step that exists in the world of tap dance.
You'll likely encounter some of the Time Step's many variations,
and may find that many tap dancers indeed have their own Time Step,
which may be completely different to the one we've just learned.
But don't let that worry you - it's actually quite exciting,
and with the traditional Time Step pattern in your tap toolbox,
you'll find it much easier to adapt to variations, should you encounter them.
It's been great having you with me for this video.
Please, feel free share this video with anyone you'd like to.
Tap dance is a form of magic like no other
and wherever your tap journey takes you from here, I strongly support your decision to learn tap dance,
and I truly hope you stick with it.
My name's Bill Simpson, and this is 'Just TAP'.
Blink test - Duration: 0:01.
Des aliments qui améliorent la mémoire et des conseils pour stimuler l'activité cognitive - Duration: 7:11.
Learning Alphabet From A To J For Children By Drawing and Painting | Coloring Page For Kids - Duration: 13:46.
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Thanks for watch .Don't forget SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT To support Us. Love you all
Maëva Coucke (Miss France) en couple : "On va essayer de braver la malédiction" - Duration: 2:17.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
BREAKING NEWS Out Of MINNESOTA – She Was Just Found STABBED 14 TIMES! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 5:11.
Minnesota is rapidly becoming a Sharia Swamp thanks to the liberal politicians who keep
allowing Somali Muslims to invade the city at an alarming rate.
Over the summer, the nation was left in shock and horror after a Somali Muslim cop gunned
down white woman Justine Damond in cold blood after she called 911 to report a crime in
her neighborhood.
Now another unthinkable crime has been taken out in an eerily similar manner by another
Somali Muslim in Minnesota, and the propaganda arm of mainstream media is already kicked
into high gear to bury the violent story.
Ever since Justine Damond was gunned down in cold blood, the local Somali Muslim community
have grown excessively cocky, realizing that they can pretty much do whatever the hell
they want.
They Somali Muslim populace has been out in full force tormenting locals, where white
women are constantly threatened with rape and violence.
Now another American woman horrifically attacked after the brutal near-death assault she endured
at the hands of the very same Muslims that liberals are so hell-bent on protecting.
WND reported:
Morgan Evenson was walking home in downtown Minneapolis on the evening of Dec. 13 when
a black man got out of his car, chased her down, tackled her and repeatedly thrust a
3-4-inch blade into her flailing body.
The 26-year-old computer-store clerk frantically fought back, kicking, scratching and screaming
for help.
At some point, neighbors heard her screams and came to her aid.
Her attacker – described as a Somali man in his early 20s, about 5-foot-7 with a slight
build and wearing grey stone-washed jeans – fled.
Evenson was left bleeding on the curb with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck and back.
Her kidney was lacerated.
She was lucky to survive.
It happened while she was walking home from the Apple Store, where she worked, about eight
blocks away from her apartment.
That's when the man attacked her for no apparent reason.
Police, who have not made any arrests in the case, are calling it a botched robbery.
Evenson told KSTP she struggled with her attacker at the corner of 32nd Street and Fremont Avenue
and she considers herself lucky to be alive.
"It was horrifying, because I could feel something that felt like it was stinging me,
but it was him stabbing me," she said.
"Doctor's told me I had 14 wounds that needed stitches, including a lacerated kidney."
Evenson told KSTP her main concern now is getting better and helping police find whoever
did this so he cannot do it again.
"I cannot imagine anyone attacking someone like that and as a woman it is especially
frightening, but I knew I had to fight back and I want him to know I am OK and that he
will be caught," Evenson said.
Police have called the case unusual for the level of brutality just to get a woman's
purse, leading some to wonder if the assailant didn't want more than just a purse.
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the city's largest newspaper, has been AWOL on the story.
The newspaper's on-duty news editor, Maria Reeve, did not return WND's calls Tuesday
to inquire about why it went dark on such a brutal, unprovoked attack on a defenseless,
unarmed woman walking home from work.Other media, such as the Southwest Journal, have
reported on the crime but left out the assailant's full description as a Somali migrant.
The Sharia Swamp that Minneapolis has been transformed into falls directly on the shoulders
of the city's Muslim-loving mayor, Betsy Hodges.
Following the death of white woman Justice Damond, who was killed by the very same Muslim
police officer that Hodges fast-tracked through the police academy, the Islam-pandering woman
has been on a war path against the local community.
She recently set up an anti-blasphemy hotline in her city so the Somali migrants could call
and report on anyone who "harassed" them or spoke negatively about Islam.
What's equally disturbing is that Minneapolis is becoming a hotbed for human trafficking.
Hundreds of women and children are disappearing off the streets at an alarming rate, with
74 abduction cases just this year, leaving the FBI and local authorities completely frazzled.
One man's eerie warning about the human trafficking epidemic went insanely viral last
month, garnering over 17 million views, after his wife and daughter were nearly abducted
at a local Minneapolis Target parking lot.
Nahar Ali says he frequently sees vehicles mysteriously parked at the back of dark parking
lots, where this pack of human traffickers go around town scouting for people to abduct.
It's absolutely sickening what's going on right underneath our noses as liberals
keep advocating to bring more of these third world country savages in, as the startling
love affair between the left and radical Islam continues.
Muslim migrants continue to prove to us that they have no intentions of assimilating into
western society, and with these anti-American morons flooding cities at an unprecedented
rate, attacks on "infidels" will sadly become the new normal in places like Minneapolis.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
What If Nintendo RUINS the January Nintendo Direct? - Duration: 8:26.
2017 WAS A FLUKE!!...
Nintendo Switch has had CRAZY momentum.
Unmatched momentum in many ways.
In fact, as I'm writing this script, it's just been revealed to have sold nearly 300
thousand units in Japan in a week thereby passing PS2, the best selling system of ALL
time's first year of sales in the region, in under 10 months.
That is INSANE.
& a direct result of the excellent work Nintendo has been done creating, supporting, and marketing
the platform in 2017.
But, what if 2018 is the year they start to stumble? & the catalyst of the streak ending,
is the January Nintendo Direct being a bust.
First of all, I wanna say regardless of what happens in January, the Switch will be fine.
This video isn't meant to be the typical Nintendo doom and gloom you'd see on a video
with a title like this.
It's just a thought experiment because everybody and their mother has their heart set on this
mythical January 2018 Nintendo Direct that Nintendo never said would happen.
Do I think it'll happen?
Am I POSITIVE it'll happen?
Absolutely not.
Nintendo to a certain extent is a creature of habit.
They USUALLY do a Nintendo Direct around January.
They did a major presentation dedicated to Switch last year in January and that worked
Why wouldn't Nintendo do most of the things we expect them to do but don't any other
Besides the fact that we don't run a company that's been profitable for over a century...
They love to subvert expectations, admittedly, to varying degrees of success.
& that's the 1st major possibility that could ruin the January Direct.
After all, what better way to ruin expectations for a thing than to deny us the joy we'd
receive from it existing to begin with?
Cause, yeah, Santa not bringing what you hoped for is sad and everything, but, if Santa told
you Christmas was all a lie and your gifts were too, how would you feel then?
After all, they don't necessarily NEED to do the Direct.
Switch will do just fine in the 1st quarter of the year regardless of what they do thanks
to stragglers buying into the platform with Holiday money and gift cards.
They haven't experienced Mario Odyssey.
Hell, given the Wii U's sales figures they probably have yet too play Splatoon, Mario
Kart 8, or Breath of the Wild either so there's plenty for them to look forward to in the
1st few months.
On the negative side, a lot of the devs and publishers with announcements we could've
seen teased may have went back to the drawing board after Nintendo's decision to delay
64GB Switch cartridge production as reported by The Wall Street Journal earlier this week.
Not every dev is as efficient as Nintendo and they need the extra space.
Sure, they could always offload the majority of their game onto us by way of mandatory
installs but, that no doubt has an effect on sales and who wants that if it can be helped?
Another, slightly less disappointing possibility is the Direct existing but focusing on smaller
announcements or games we already know enough about.
Up for a Yoshi for Switch Direct anyone?
That's totally a game that can use a half an hour Direct about how it's Yoshi again
with a different skin.
How about Kirby Star Allies???
Unless I'm missing A LOT about those games, something tells me they won't be big enough
in scope to warrant a full on Direct.
& the I.P themselves aren't really popular enough to hype enough people up for.
Just look at the type of games we usually get Directs for.
Pokemon is a juggernaut so even relatively minor announcements like Pokemon Ultra Sun
& Ultra Moon are enough to warrant their Direct.
Although, to be fair, that Direct also had a few other Pokemon announcements.
What other Yoshi and Kirby announcements could we POSSIBLY get??
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 recently got its own Direct so, it's not unheard of for smaller
games to get their own Directs.
HOWEVER that game was a huge question mark.
The Xenoblade Franchise for most people is a mystery so having a Direct to explain the
world and its rules is understandable.
Kirby and Yoshi are known quantities.
You either like them or you don't and I'm positive you knew whether or not that game
interested you from the time they revealed the initial Gameplay trailers.
There's not much more a Direct could do for games like these, in my opinion.
I don't know, I could be wrong, maybe there's someone watching that's dying to here the
full title of the Yoshi Switch game and wants a full 25 minute Direct on it.
Who knows.
In the same vain as that last scenario, Nintendo could bring in 2018 with a Nindies Direct,
which, while cool and interesting in their own right, Nindies Showcases aren't exactly
the window into an amazing year for Switch games everyone is hoping for.
Last year it was used to follow up a major blowout event wherein we learned of exactly
what Nintendo Switch was going to be in detail, we saw Mario Odyssey and a few other game
announcements for the 1st time, and many of us that went to 1 of Nintendo's Switch press
and fan events got to finally get our hands on the console itself.
That would be pretty hard to follow up on with a Nindie Direct, especially if it's
full of announcements for games that we know are on their way with little else.
Even I am waiting for more info on Morphies Law, an announcement for The Kings Knight
Treasure Trove DLC release date, & more information on Travis Touchdown but, those announcements
need to be contextualized as a small part of a bigger picture.
Think how disappointed everyone was for the Metroid Prime Federation Force announcement
compared to the Samus Returns announcement, Prime 4 being announcement made it easier
to have excitement for the thing that not EVERYONE wanted because we knew it was on
the way.
Nindies are awesome, but, they need to be ancillary, not the full picture.
Realistically, the January Direct doesn't need to be a dream scenario where we get every
big announcement known to man.
All Nintendo needs to do is give us a snapshot of the first 4 to 6 months & throw in a big
announcement or 2.
I don't expect to hear much about Switch Online, especially if it really is being moved
to Fall 2018, I don't expect any Breath of the Wild sized announcements, that's
what E3 is for, but, we could at the very least get a 1st and 3rd party game reveal
on the level of a Splatoon, some unannounced ports and maybe even a glimpse at Pokemon
for Switch or Metroid Prime 4.
They could even give us a sneak peak of whatever Animal Crossing will be on Switch.
We already knew it was coming from what they said about the mobile game back when Switch
was still NX, just show it oss.
The Switch event last January gave us a small idea of what we could expect to see on Switch
from Nintendo's past & Nintendo's future as well as some past 3rd party games Nintendo
fans likely missed out on up until now along with a few small new 3rd party games.
Now that 3rd parties had some time they should have SOMETHING new ready to show off.
Ports like Wolfenstien 2 and Bayonetta 1 & 2 are great to fill time until dev teams have
enough time with the hardware to create something even better.
So far we know we're getting Project Octopath Traveler, Lost Sphere, Mega Man 11 and a few
other games.
The January Direct would be a great place for a little reminder of those to pad a few
new announcements.
More games from the 1st batch of Switch games more tailored to the platform should be rolling
out soon, showcasing some at the top of the year would be smart.
I'm getting lost in the weeds, the point is, Nintendo could very well let the people
with crazy expectations down next month by not making the right announcements or foregoing
a Direct in January altogether in favor of a later date.
That alone won't hurt Switch's momentum, they'd have to announce nothing at all in
Q1 for that to happen & we already know at least 1 3rd of Q1 will have support from 3rd
party & possibly Kirby or Yoshi makes it out before Q2.
Sorry this video is on the shorter side.
It's my birthday as I writing this & I didn't want to spend the WHOLE day writing, but the
show must go on!
If you still want something to watch, check out the other video we uploaded this week!
It's Logan 2017 video
Anyway, those are my thoughts.
What do YOU think?
Are you banking on a January Direct.
If so, what do you think will be shown off?
Let me know in the comments!
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