Jung Hyung Don Hilariously Reveals Why He Can't Keep In Touch With G-Dragon Anymore
Jung Hyung Don revealed the simple reason why he cant keep in touch with BIGBANGs G-Dragon anymore.
The 7th Weekly Awards were held on the December 27 episode of MBC Every1s Weekly Idol. On this particular episode, emcees Defconn and Jung Hyung Don dressed up in suits and filmed outside for the first time in awhile.
The emcees brought laughs as they claimed the cold weather made their lips freeze.
One of the awards included in the award show was the 2017 King General Best Moment Award. Jung Hyung Don commented, It may seem grandiose, but its honestly just an award for the most memorable scene..
BIGBANG, Shinhwa, Highlight, TWICE, and GOT7 were listed as the nominees, but the award ultimately went to BIGBANG. The two emcees went directly to YG Entertainment to present the award, but BIGBANG was notably absent.
The staff of Weekly Idol urged Jung Hyung Don to call G-Dragon, to which Jung Hyung Don replied, I dont know his number.
Defconn asked his fellow emcee, Arent you guys close? Why dont you know [his number]? Jung Hyung Don explained, I lost [G-Dragons number] when I changed my number, causing the rest of the staff to laugh.
For more infomation >> Jung Hyung Don Hilariously Reveals Why He Can't Keep In Touch With G-Dragon Anymore - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
How much do I earn on YouTube? - Duration: 2:18.
หน่อไม้ผัดไข่ - Duration: 1:32.
Stir Fried Bamboo Shoot with Egg
Oil 1 tbsp
Garlic 1 tbsp
Egg 2
Bamboo shoots 350 g
Water 1 tbsp
Sugar ¼ tbsp
Fish sauce 1 tbsp
Red chili 1 tbsp
1-2 serve
하성운 가족관계 여동생 할머니 동생 부모님 모두 파해쳐보자 - Duration: 2:30.
볼보트럭 첨단안전장치, 교통사고 확 줄인다! 고속도로 사고발생 감소 입증 - Duration: 2:23.
조윤선 남편 자녀 구속 나이 성형전 조윤서 나이 결과는 - Duration: 2:09.
심진화 사람이좋다 다이어트 보조제|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 11:29.
정준영 근황 집안 군대면제|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 11:04.
공서영 고졸 학력 나이 인스타 공서영 결혼 클레오 몸매 여행말고미행 - Duration: 2:17.
월드컵 최종예선순위▼한국 이란전 축구 하이라이트영상|K-News - Duration: 10:41.
서장훈 오정연 이혼, 진짜이유?|K-News - Duration: 7:42.
Make your own moves.
천리안 같은 시력 위해 매일 해야하는 눈 운동 10가지 - Duration: 5:06.
افضل دكتور عظام في جدة و الرياض - Duration: 4:22.
Live from Joes Inn - Best buddo to the stars - Duration: 32:04.
SUDUT - Episode 3 - Bam Mastro - Duration: 9:51.
Singalong With The Strong H...
Pitbull becomes Chitamacha K-9 officer, defying stereotypes - Duration: 2:35.
Stomach Gas Problem In Urdu | Pait Ki Gas Ka Fori Ilaj | Qabz Ka Ilaj In Urdu kamran sultan - Duration: 2:07.
Stomach Gas Problem In Urdu | Pait Ki Gas Ka Fori Ilaj | Qabz Ka Ilaj In Urdu kamran sultan
Special committee on unification policy reform advises gov't to be more open to N. Korean policies - Duration: 0:51.
A special policy reform committee tasked with advising South Korea's Unification Ministry
has announced the results of its three month probe into the previous conservative administration's
policies towards North Korea.
The committee said the closure of the joint Kaesong Industrial Complex was unilaterally
decided by former President Park Geun-hye... without any prior consultations with relevant
ministries or the South Korean firms operating there.
Seoul shut down the factory zone in February 2016 in response to Pyongyang's nuclear test
the month before.
The nine member committee panel also advised the government to separate humanitarian aid
and joint economic cooperation from politics and military exercises.
The committee advised the ministry to set-up a task force to help deal with enacting unification
policies into law.
4th industrial revolution committee unveils detailed plans - Duration: 0:47.
The Presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution held its third meeting on Thursday
morning to deliberate on measures to incorporate the fourth industrial revolution into the
Korean economy.
Since its launch in October, the committee has worked with 21 other ministries and the
private sector to come up with detailed plans.
The agenda was mainly on adopting a 5G network by 2019 and distributing its frequency as
a surge in data and sensors will require a fast data processing network.
The government expects investing in the network will add 27-and-a-half billion U.S. dollars
to the economy and create over eleven-thousand jobs over the course of five years.
Investing in drones, driverless cars, smart factories were also discussed.
First round of talks to amend South Korea-U.S. FTA set for Jan. 5 in Washington - Duration: 0:46.
Wrapping up domestic procedures to renegotiate the deal - Seoul and Washington will begin
their first round of negotiations next week for the amendment of the South Korea-U.S.
Top negotiators from South Korea's Trade Ministry... and the U.S. Trade Representative will sit
down in Washington next Friday, January 5th.
The talks are not expected to be easy as the Trump administration wants to amend multiple
automobile and agro-livestock articles in a bid to alleviate its trade deficit.
Seoul is seeking to protect sensitive sectors like agriculture while vying for a 'mutually
beneficial' deal.
The two sides have held two preliminary meetings to arrange the amendment talks... since the
Moon and Trump administrations took power earlier this year.
President Moon calls 2015 bilateral agreement on Japanese wartime sexual slavery issue 'defective' - Duration: 1:16.
President Moon Jae-in has said the 2015 South Korea-Japan agreement over the issue of Japan's
wartime sexual enslavement of Korean women was defective regarding its procedure and
content,... as it was a quote "political deal" that was made without the consent of the victims
and Korea's citizens.
"In spite of the fact that the previous agreement was ratified by both heads of state, as President,
I want to make it clear that I am with the Korean people in believing that this agreement
cannot solve the issue regarding the victims of Japan's wartime sexual slavery."
( , .)
Such remarks came just a day after the foreign ministry task force announced the results
of its five-month review of the deal... and uncovered that the former Park Geun-hye administration
had kept sensitive parts the 2015 bilateral agreement a secret,... apparently to avoid
angering the public.
President Moon urged follow-up measures to resolve the issue.
A Blue House official emphasized that the government's official stance on the issue
will be announced early next year... and that Seoul will continue to seek its two-track
approach with Tokyo by separately dealing with historical issues and establishing a
future-oriented bilateral relationship with Japan.
Japanese leaders express distrust and disagreement toward Korea's review of 2015 Seoul-Tokyo deal - Duration: 2:31.
While President Moon Jae-in is urging follow-up measures after the release of the review into
the deal on Japan's wartime sexual slavery,…
Tokyo still says the deal is 'irreversible'.
And Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also standing firm on the issue, saying he
'won't move an inch'.
Lee Ji-won has more.
Japanese leaders expressed their strong distrust toward Korea,.. and said they are firm on
maintaining the controversial settlement deal on Japan's sexual enslavement of Korean women
during World War II.
Tokyo's Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported Thursday that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told
people that the agreement would not "move an inch".
The paper added that such comments by the Prime Minister show the Japanese government's
growing distrust toward its Korean counterpart,... and that Tokyo plans to "not respond" to any
of Korea's follow up requests on the matter.
NHK also reported that Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, who was visiting Oman, told reporters
that if Korea chooses to ignore what the previous administration had done, it would be difficult
to reach any kind of agreement with Seoul.
He reportedly added that he had already told Korea's foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha that
efforts to change the agreement would make the bilateral relationship between Korea and
Japan unmanageable.
This comes a day after Korea's foreign ministry released a strongly critical assessment of
the controversial 'comfort women' agreement reached in 2015 by the previous administration
and Japan.
After 5 long months, the special task force in charge of the review said one of its main
conclusions was the lack of proper communication between the government and the victims of
Japan's wartime sex slavery,... not to mention several details deliberately concealed, including
not using the phrase "sex slavery", and dealing with civic groups.
Tokyo's official response came shortly after Wednesday's announcement, with Foreign Minister
Kono protesting that there was nothing wrong with how the agreement was reached, and that
both sides at the time had agreed the issue was resolved "finally and irreversibly."
Meanwhile, Korea's foreign minister Kang told reporters Thursday morning, on her way to
work, that she will meet up with the victims once the government thoroughly goes through
the points made by the task force,... as part of the efforts to either renegotiate, maintain
or destroy the 2015 agreement.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
S. Korean PM orders ministries to push forward with deregulation - Duration: 0:38.
Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon told government ministries on Thursday to push forward with
deregulation efforts with extreme determination.
Take a look.
(Korean) "I urge all ministries to be competitive in
finding out whether there are any irrational regulations and to start removing them."
The prime minister compared the unnecessary regulations to the "bulging waistline of a
middle-aged man," citing the need for the government to push for innovation-based growth.
He emphasized that regulations hindering business activities should be relaxed... to foster
an environment conducive to investment.
Bitter cold morning tuns to relatively mild afternoon _ 122817 - Duration: 2:09.
Good afternoon, waking up and facing the cold reality of a dark and bitterly cold winter's
morning isn't easy.
Here are some ways to help you wake up better in winter.
If you don't have time for hot bath at night, soaking up your feet for 20 or 30 minutes
will also help.
Weather-wise, the last cold snap of 2017 will ease this afternoon, with a high of 2 degrees
Celsius in Seoul under cloudy skies,... while the capital area could see high levels of
fine dust.
Daegu will top out at 7 degrees Celsius.
Temperatures will remain above the norms until Sunday,... but on Saturday we are expecting
up to 10 centimeters of snowfall in the mid afternoon till late at night, so those of
you planning to travel to check out the last sunset and first sunrise of the year will
need to drive carefully.
With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.
While we'll get some relief from the bone chilling conditions in South Korea from this
afternoon, most cities in North Korea will also have higher temperatures under mostly
sunny skies.
As for the rest of Asia, those in Beijing and Tokyo will enjoy mostly sunny skies and
similar weather patterns through New Year's Day.
Meanwhile, depending on your state in Australia, expect to have a mixture of storms, a possible
cyclone and some pretty hot weather on New Year's Eve weekend.
Heading to North America, frigid temperatures and below-zero wind chills have hit the Chicago
area, and it will remain freezing cold for the time being.
As for South America, most major cities will have a repeat of Wednesday's conditions.
Taking you to Europe,... Stockholm, Berlin and Rome will have a rainy Thursday.
Lastly to Africa, Algiers will be rainy while Cape Town will be windy.
That's all the weather update for now.
Korea to impose additional regulatory curbs on cryptocurrency trading, prices nosedive - Duration: 0:47.
Quite stunning scenes on South Korea's cryptocurrency exchanges this morning as prices fell of a
cliff after the government made a surprise announcement.
It plans to require real-name transactions in cryptocurrency trading starting next month,...
banning the use of anonymous virtual accounts-- to regulate what they see as out of control
The government policy coordination minister said Thursday that only *real-name bank accounts
and matching accounts at exchanges can be used for deposits and withdrawals.
And the issuance of new accounts at cryptocurrency exchanges will be banned for good,... as the
government said it (quote) "cannot let this abnormal situation of speculation go on any
SM 디어 마이 패밀리 발표 故종현 참여 MV 공개 - Duration: 2:34.
Obama warns against divisive social media use - Duration: 1:56.
Former U.S. President Barack Obama has warned against the irresponsible use of social media.
The remarks came in a BBC interview with Britain's Prince Harry aired on Wednesday, his first
interview since leaving the White House in January.
Ro Aram has the details.
In what is seen as a dig at his successor and prolific tweeter Donald Trump, Obama warned
that irresponsible use of social media could distort people's understanding of complex
issues, and spread misinformation.
(English) Reuters Edit No3131 "One of the dangers of the Internet is that
people can have entirely different realities they can be just cocooned in information that
reinforces their current biases.
The truth is that on the Internet everything is simplified and when you meet people face
to face it turns out they're complicated."
Obama didn't go so far as to completely condemn social media, noting that it should
be used to promote diverse views in a way that "doesn't lead to a Balkanization of society."
He added that social media is also a powerful tool for people of common interest to convene
and get to know each other and connect.
When Prince Harry asked Obama what was running through his mind when he handed power over
to President Trump, this is what he had to say.
(English) Reuters Edit No3120 ""We hadn't fundamentally changed.
I think was a satisfying feeling, that was mixed with all the work that was still undone
and concerns about how the country moves forward."
Obama also paid tribute to the support of his family, especially his wife Michelle.
After the interview, meanwhile, Prince Harry was asked by the BBC whether he would invite
the Obamas to his wedding next year with American actress Meghan Markle.
He said the guest list is not yet finalized.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
Foreign ministers of Russia and U.S. agree to not accept N. Korea as nuclear state - Duration: 1:47.
The United States and Russia have spoken with one voice on North Korea,... saying they will
not accept the regime as a nuclear power.
But the U.S. isn't interested in Moscow's offer to play the mediator between Washington
and Pyongyang.
Park Ji-won reports.
U.S. State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said Wednesday that top diplomats from
the U.S. and Russia have agreed that they will not recognize Pyongyang as a nuclear
The agreement was made during a phone call the previous day,... with both sides expressing
concerns over the North's nuclear program.
The two countries' foreign ministers also agreed to work together to resolve the issue
through diplomatic channels.
However,... regarding Russia's offer to play the role of mediator to get the U.S. and North
Korea back to the negotiating table,... Washington, in effect,... turned down the proposal, saying
it quote "has the ability to communicate with North Korea through a variety of diplomatic
This is according to a Voice of America report, quoting a State Department official.
Previously, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also said the U.S. has three to four direct
communication channels with the North Korean regime.
The U.S. stressed that Pyongyang needs to understand that there is a different path
that it can choose, although it is up to the regime to change its course.
Meanwhile, the U.S. also urged China to sever all economic ties with the North,... including
expelling all North Korean workers,... and to use its unique leverage over the North
to bring the regime back to the negotiation table.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
Switzerland lists 16 N. Korean individuals, organization for sanctions - Duration: 0:47.
The Swiss government has listed 16 North Korean individuals and one North Korean organization
for sanctions... according to Washington-based Radio Free Asia.
Switzerland's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs... listed Ri Pyong Chol and Kim Jong
Sik -- two key figures of Pyongyang's missile development -- plus 14 banking-related individuals...
who've delivered and received funds from overseas.
The decision comes after the UN Security Council adopted resolution 23-97 last Friday... following
the regime's latest ICBM launch.
In October, Switzerland imposed unilateral sanctions to ban additional employment of
North Koreans... and canceled all joint projects with the regime.
South Korea's employment rate ranks 21st out of 35 OECD countries: Report - Duration: 1:47.
The last several years have been a difficult time for Koreans to find work,... dogged by
a stubbornly high unemployment rate and stagnant wage growth.
A new report has laid the problems bare,... painting a relatively grim picture of the
country's employment market.
Park Soyun reports.
2017 has been a grind for South Koreans looking for work,...especially younger Koreans...
with the youth unemployment rate hovering at an all-time high.
And a new report doesn't paint a pretty picture either.
A new OECD report,.. released by Korea's Ministry of Employment and Labor on Thursday,... shows
South Korea's employment rate ranks at a lowly 21st out of 35 OECD countries.
The employment rate in 2015 was 66-point-one percent among people between 15 to 64 years
of age.
Annual work hours for South Koreans were also the second highest at 2,071 hours, trailing
only Mexico.
The labor income share ranked 23rd out of the 35 OECD countries at 64-percent.
The report forecasts that the number of young, middle-aged, and elderly workers will all
decrease as the country ages amid the chronically-low birthrate.
In terms of gender, there was a higher number of women in the working age population than
men, and this trend is expected to continue.
The employment rate of young people between the ages of 15 and 29 has been declining in
the past,... but has started to show a slight increase since 2013.
The employment rate of people over 50 has steadily increased since 2003, but the number
of recently employed is slowing down.
Experts say the data shows South Korea still has a long way to go in improving working
conditions, which are among the harshest in the OECD.
Park Soyun, Arirang News.
Korea's industrial output figures show solid growth in Nov. - Duration: 2:25.
Korea's industrial output surged in November,... adding to expectations that the economy will
meet estimates of 3-percent economic growth for this year.
On-year figures were up for production, consumption and investment.
However, business sentiment, especially for the automobile sector, is not looking great.
Kim Ji-yeon breaks down the digits for us.
Output across all industries in Korea rose one-point-seven percent in November compared
to the same month last year.
Statistics Korea attributes the jump to increased output in the services sector.
Output in the finance and insurance sectors rose ten-point-four percent on-year.
Retail sales also soared five-point-six percent on-month on increased sales of durable goods,...
the biggest increase in eight years and nine months.
However, automobile production dropped by more than six-percent on-year.
(Korean ) "Looking ahead, business sentiment is showing
signs of slowing down, the construction sector in particular, as prices of raw materials
( . ... . )
Business sentiment in the local automobile industry dropped due to prolonged labor strikes
and massive lawsuits over wages.
The Bank of Korea says its business survey index for the automobile sector dropped six-points
from the previous month to 70 in December.
A reading below 100 means there are more pessimists than optimists.
Despite this, a local expert says sales by Korea's largest automaker Hyundai Motor, and
its sister company Kia Motors, will continue to increase next year... as Beijing's economic
retaliation against Seoul's deployment of the THAAD U.S. missile defense system shows
signs of waning.
(Korean ) "Due to the retaliatory measures, exports
to China have faltered this year with combined sales of Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors amounting
to one-million units.
But next year, auto sales to China are expected to surge to between one-point-four and two-million
( 100 . 140 200 2018 .)
Meanwhile, business sentiment in the shipbuilding and transport sectors dropped five-points
to just 40.
Excluding the semiconductor-related sectors,... all manufacturing sectors had figures below
the 100 mark.
But sentiment in wholesale and retail sales rose this month by six points... mainly due
to end-of-year shopping.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.
张柏芝自曝四次流产动机何在 - Duration: 5:48.
[Vietsub] - FST-7 Tập tay trước | Physique Olympia Jeremy Buendia & Hany Rambod - Duration: 10:53.
Explosion injures at least 10 at St. Petersburg supermarket - Duration: 0:46.
At least ten people have been injured by an explosion at a supermarket in the Russian
city of St Petersburg, though their injuries were not life-threatening.
Authorities say Wednesday's blast was caused by an improvised device containing the equivalent
of 200 grams of TNT.
The ten people taken to hospital were not seriously injured.
It's not yet clear if the suspected attack was terror related.
A criminal probe has been launched on the grounds of attempted murder, but investigators
are exploring all lines of inquiry.
The incident comes weeks after Russian President Vladimir Putin called his U.S. counterpart
Donald Trump to thank him for a CIA tip that helped stop a series of planned bombings in
the city.
2017 in Review: North Korea PART 1 - Nuclear & Missile Development - Duration: 4:41.
Those of us here in South Korea have grown somewhat numb to North Korea's provocations
over the years,... but the regime's rapid advancement in terms of missile technology
has raised a few eyebrows.
Adding the those concerns,... Pyongyang recently declared it had completed its weapons development
after its latest ICBM launch.
As part of our series of year-end special reports, our Oh Jung-hee takes a look at North
Korea's nuclear and missile upgrades over the past twelve months.
This year, North Korea conducted one nuclear test and 15 missile tests, firing 20 missiles
in total.
That's fewer tests than last year... but this year's provocations were bolder and more daring...
in that the regime continuously tested upgraded missiles... which are now deemed to be capable
of striking anywhere in the United States.
Among the missiles Pyongyang fired in 2016, the ones with longest ranges were the intermediate-range
Musudan ballistic missiles.
These can fly up to 3000 kilometers,... putting the U.S. territory of Guam within reach.
But these missiles weren't considered a big threat... as only one out of the eight Musudan
tests was successful.
This year, the regime started firing missiles with longer ranges.
Intermediate range Hwasong-12 missiles fired in August and September passed over Japan.
ICBM-level Hwasong-14 missiles in July... which were launched at a lofted angle,...
reached altitudes of 28-hundred and 32-hundred kilometers,... and the latest Hwasong-15 reached
an even higher altitude of over 44-hundred kilometers.
The higher the altitude, the longer the missile range.
If fired at a normal trajectory,... the Hwasong-15 is believed to be able to fly up to 13 or
14-thousand kilometers.
(Korean) "The Hwasong-15 ICBM can carry a super-sized
nuclear warhead and strike the whole United States.
It's the DPRK's most powerful ICBM and meets the DPRK's goal of completing the rocket weapons
But still unanswered are two questions: has North Korea developed the technology to miniaturize
a nuclear warhead... and can its missiles successfully re-enter the Earth's atmosphere.
The ideal weight of a nuclear warhead designed for an ICBM is seen to be around the 500-kilogram
But some experts say... if the engine is strong enough, the warhead may not have to be made
any lighter.
(Korean) "I've conducted a virtual simulation after
the Hwasong-15 launch... and even if we assume the warhead's weight as 700 to 800 kilograms,
it appears the missile can fly up to 10-thousand to 12-thousand kilometers.
This would mean that the North has lightened its nuclear warhead to a sufficient level
for itself."
Missile re-entry is another crucial part.
When an ICBM re-enters the atmosphere,... it has to protect the nuclear bomb inside
from frictional heat of 7000 to 8000 degrees Celsius.... as well as massive pressure and
Whether the North has achieved this technology is not clear... but pundits say,... Pyongyang
was still aiming to test the technology through the latest Hwasong-15 launch.
(Korean) "The North decided not to fire its missile
to fly over Japan,... because if it does, then it can't check whether the missile successfully
re-entered the atmosphere as it doesn't have a satellite.
But if the missile falls in the East Sea, then the regime can check the missile re-entry
using radar."
Having declared the completion of its nuclear weapons program,... will the reclusive regime
continue with its provocations?
Analysts say the North could possibly halt its provocations... at least temporarily -- until
after PyeongChang Winter Olympics -- and turn toward a peaceful dialogue with the surrounding
But if that fails,... the North could conduct further ICBM... and even submarine-launched
ballistic missile tests... and a seventh nuclear test to develop an even lighter nuclear warhead.
(Korean) "What the North calls a "completion" is actually
about 90-percent complete, not a hundred-percent.
There're more stages Pyongyang has to go through to diversify its missiles and actually deploy
The North could also go on to develop solid-fuel missiles... and SLBMs."
Next week, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will make his New Year's speech.
And there's a lot of interest on... whether he'll use the speech to officially declare
North Korea as a nuclear state... and hint at the possibility of starting negotiations
with the United States.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
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