hey guys its adrienne welcome back to my channel okay in today's video I'm
literally doing like a giant Christmas slash not Christmas clothing haul so I
actually got a ton of clothes sent from boohoo calm and most of the stuff that I
chose was for my upcoming trip to Thailand if you didn't know I'm going to
Thailand with my boyfriend you gonna be so fun I'm so excited so I ordered a ton
of stuff that'll work really well for Thailand I was gonna put this in a what
I got for Christmas haul but honestly I didn't really want to film on Christmas
I want to spend time with my family and I got a lot more for christmas and
hanukkah from my dad my mom my stepmom my brother everyone so I figured I would
just do a general clothing haul for you guys today and this is really ironic
because it's literally snowing here in Seattle no that doesn't work like it
does in the movies there's snow all over the ground and Here I am wearing outfits
that I'm gonna wear in Thailand which is like 85 degrees so if you're new here
subscribe but give it a thumbs up if you like haul videos I don't do fashion very
often but I like it and just so you guys know I will link every single item down
below in the description box they are very inexpensive items very good quality
so I highly recommend checking them out and it'd be a perfect thing to spend
your christmas hanukkah money on and if something is sold out or not on the
website anymore I will link something similar down below so that you guys can
still check that out without further ado let's get into the video so first things
first I got some sweaters more so for the winter and Seattle but these
sweaters they have an a million zillion colors I love it so much it's the
softest sweater I've ever owned like I could actually wear everyday and then I
got this hat which is funny because I never wear hats but it was really cute
and so I thought it would be nice to try for a change especially in Thailand and
it has this really cute kind of ribbony thing with some feathers so it's a very
tasteful awesome again with another really cute sweater it's a little more
red than it's showing up here but again they have so many good sweaters if
you're gonna buy anything from boohoo I highly recommend it these sweaters and I
got this distressed denim jacket also their accessories are so cute like how
awesome are those love earrings they have so many awesome shoe options
too and they're very affordable so I got this pair of boots and okay now we're
into Thailand zone which is funny because I'm in the snow but I got this
really cute crochet white top I think it'll be awesome throwing it on with
snow high-waisted shorts or jeans or some flowy pants and this cardigan that
is kind of like a flowy part again I thought this cardigan would be great to
just throw over kind of anything very versatile which I really like and now
that we're on the topic of shoes these are also from boohoo everything in this
halls from boohoo so I got some white little slip ons some fake Gucci kind of
gold ones and these are also cheap you guys I really love these ones these are
super cheap okay my absolute favorite outfit I got is this red dress but it's
actually shorts so it looks like a dress from the front it's super sexy and sleek
and cute it's very fit and just adorable and this little two-piece outfit for
Thailand again it was so cold outside I think this is perfect for my trip and
it's really really cute and just I don't know a cute little two-piece okay this
actually though has to be my favorite I keep saying this but it's like this
jumpsuit thing but in the back it ties in it's strapless it is so comfortable I
feel like I can sweat and be totally fine and I got a maxi dress which is
also good for sweating and outdoors because you're still cute and no one can
really tell you're sweating so I just and another two-piece set this skirt has
double slits which is so awesome I thought and the top is really cute as
well then I got some lingerie which I obviously wasn't going to try on but I
think they're super cute in this red swimsuit one-piece some more lingerie
and this awesome sports bras situation that it looks really cute on some
pasties cuz you know and this awesome double-sided belt and pair of sunglasses
I hope you guys enjoyed that video because I stood here and my boyfriend
stood here filming this in 30-degree weather in the snow so I hope you guys
liked it again check out the links down below for any of those items follow me
on Instagram if you want to follow my journey in Thailand with my boyfriend
it's gonna be so fun and I don't really know what else to say I have some
awesome videos coming up so subscribe if you aren't already and I love you guys
thanks for watching thanks for sticking by me all these years and also good
For more infomation >> WINTER TRY-ON HAUL 2017! Thailand Outfits + More! - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
"Slip ou caleçon, Rachel ou Monica ?" Les questions insolites du prince Harry à Barack Obama-2017 - Duration: 4:34.
Booba - Cartoon for kids
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OCG - ULTIMATE Doomfist Glitch on Hollywood in Overwatch - Duration: 3:43.
Jade Hallyday: ce que révèle son compte Twitter depuis la mo.r.t de Johnny - Duration: 3:16.
Pewdiepie - 回到學校! [BACK TO SCHOOL!] Walking Dead #4-5 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 15:40.
Wepower Ico Review | What is WePower | Wepower Coin with Anthony Darvill - Duration: 13:46.
hi everyone today I'm bringing you wepower so wepower is a blockchain based
of green energy trading platform so it enables green energy producers to raise
capital by issuing tradable energy tokens so a little bit like halogen and
if you are in parallel or you Saul Perlmutter you'd know that it has kicked
us and we power and looks like it's going to kick ass as well there was one
thing I was I was bit uncertain about was the price so at one WPRI so the
ticker will be 69 cents now was brought to my attention in my private audio
group that our testing is actually pretty good considering there's only 289
million tokens compared if we got a para ledger power ledger had a billion to
start with but obviously they've grown a lot they got down at 356 now if you've
seen pallid from all time you can see that it come out I mean after the ICO he
get seven cents but now we're up to like the ninety cents and it has been a high
over there 131 and power lines is definitely gonna grow in the nest
definitely in the 2018 but I'd hate to see what village is even that beer to be
honest if provided I can keep doing more deals with other governments around the
world like they do in Thailand now in saying that we pero is in Europe so its
place in Europe so that the rain unit in Estonia is pronounced with the team is
says 800 annoying million they're considering there a lot of them don't
know quite obviously don't know
so yeah that's not is my take on it straight away
there's only 45 percent of a lot of a toga sale so I talkin sale starts person
February to March at first so and you know that gives a minimum is one hear
him problem in USA cannot participate and
yes unfortunately but I'll give you a little bit see if you little para ledger
a parallel work to nine cents and the icao period but once I hit exchanges if
you quick enough especially all the USA guys but even if you're not eating the
ice yawns wake up hit the mark you know hit
these changes you still jumping pretty you know pretty early if you're really
creeping up I'm a naming couple day even taking CDJ it did spy it did spike up
being probably still if you're really creative you'd be able to grab it a
decent price I reckon once all the whales start dumping it and then
obviously you can see as a growth bombing pillage is not even slave a
month or half old since when the exchanges roughly so and
it's definitely got the rooms of movement powers around got power just
because we're talking about we power so Rahman so I think we've got a white
paper on spindle quick summary send a lot of other Aussie reviews on this and
they poured the shit outta me so see how this Krieger like you know I won't go
through the whole lot obviously but so we powers blockchain based green energy
trading platforms and we power enables renewable energy producers to raise
capital by issuing their own energy tokens these tokens represent energy
they commit to produce and deliver energy tokenization standardizes
simplifies and opens globally currently existing energy investment ecosystems as
a result energy producers can trade directly with the green energy buyers so
consumers that investors and raise cameras while selling energy up front at
below market rates so energy tokenization ensures the credit
liquidity and extends access to capital the we power block chain solutions
currently recognized quite early one of the most you know unitive transmission
system operators in Europe so it's optimize the financing cycle and open
access to capital we power enables energy totalization tonight organized
energy represents a contracting negatives between and energy which is
very energy power so WP our Tiger holders will have Priory access to kiss
a in options but purchasing tokenize energy YC renewable energy plants
connected to the platform energy allocation will depend on a
number of WP are tokens held by the participant moreover WPA token holders
are rewarded for no less at point 9% of tokenized ng donated directly by
the renewable energy providers WPA token holders may use or sell this energy so
we power cuts the market at crucial times you or drop in subsidies increase
renewable energy development competing and market price bank started increasing
demand for own capital decreasing debt to capital ratio so it's moved from 2080
to close to 50/50 ratio a newly developing renewable energy products
equity capital became a limited source of financing contributing to a plunger -
negative 23% yoy investment to small leverages for ham sure how I'm serious
rates are up these panels will bring a pipeline of projects requires within the
first two years of we power operations having first client in Spain being
accepted to start a boot camp energy track in Australia we power similar
taneous Lee expands into continents ok
okay this is farms so I can't problems with the energy markets the investor
sizes like an access to investments on local and global levels complicating
expensive in the investment process and limited transparency of investments that
produces signs as like a capital needed to develop the projects long a nice make
sense since you sent it to you capital active acquisition from banks and funds
process perspective constant lack of own funds okay so there's a problem here
little trunk fix so it's good now I'm going to go into this is so detailed and
you can see here all day answering this so anyway I'll leave I'll definitely be
linked for the white paper I will even Scott off the website obviously I'm
surely go to um this is a YouTube I'm known as a wee powers actually answer so
someone's going interesting to watch difference between or with Power ledger
they more focus on renewable energy so we pass networkers answered back we
power is very different from power ledger especially implementation part we
want to enable investment in training energy and when kinds of energy there
then support p2p trades so no 38 I'd say dirty energy is needed to be
involved going directly to p2p will not work to the full potential of renewable
energy volumes are low so the white paper of power edged up point one point
one point four clearly states that it is trading platform that allows to monetize
excess supply by selling okay so that's true from Europeans perspective most
countries allow to sell energy surplus to the grid already
okay so side side zipper and so their intention is to solve our problems they
exist okay so that takes care of that it's it
makes sense suppose so guys how about this half of them's white paper already
goes through the team check out quickly okay so I revolution elite right token
model so Grozny value value growth is driven by the growth of the platform and
energy options of man backward green energy always retains its energy book
value I don't clarify with European regulators
at school take a model designed to meet regular regularity requirements and
tradable usable and liquid news energy well immunity trade and sell on the
wholesale markets it's not me so I don't know guys it's this one's pretty good if
it's gonna be like it's like the lines of power ledger so that's how I'm seeing
it and a little bit different compared Ledger's more it's trying to sell power
back to the grid where these guys are already done that's they trying to solve
by raising funds for other people again sudden like the market so I think
there's a demo so there is a demo here I did more ideas hug I did you have a look
but you need a meta Massimo no bother try but they have got the the working
model going so you can have a look at that's one supplies not gonna lie for me
I saw it okay I'll get off that typo like well
I'm doing this so that so we pout concept was born in 2017
January since MVP was launched in August deal for greeting to rage integration
test sign 14 energy engineers joined the project in September
so obviously three million raised in an open presale and October public Tiger
star was what's coming up 2018 February so its first test is gonna be in April
so q1 - I'll shoot one we power loss platform the same period and then would
be a waiting game but I mean you see for starters it's kind of your art so I'm
gonna try and so Nick alert I'm going a psycho psycho founder of energy quick
into a quick due diligence on these guys so I co-founder and CEO we power network
heart is doing a bit of CEO or Morris energy international JC board member of
Motors CEO - for it three years that's pretty cool yeah now the only up
couldn't fight was so they've got sunny advisors for them they've actually put
the advisors into the team here there is I know the white paper on here further
down so I have a look at this more about if you interested I mean it's full on so
you've got the time the guys should go for it
so alright so they've got all the linking no it doesn't go to it now yeah
of course doesn't I hand you can open anything that doesn't matter okay but
anyway they're all obviously they're all on the blockchain let's go back over
yeah yeah I'm getting totally that see they haven't really didn't need so I
made it easy to find them anyway so I began through obviously goes through the
team have a good look if you want to sign up for the ice like the tightest
out definitely whitelist yourself so three
emailing get on board and now obviously send you more details or when the sales
gonna start and I was the KYC etc and other than that guy's I mean considering
its type of supplier to start it's like it's the only way less I mean first year
I wasn't be worried about that but then has like another member of my private
pricier it was saying you've got to look at the target and I didn't even look at
the targets at that stay I was like you know just looking at the price I won't
always be - pizza palace some comparing its para ledger this is already a
kick-ass project if you're already in it already know so I mean I'm surprised
barely just still under a dollar at the moment anyway
I mean is it I think as 2018 guys that Palin's gonna be definitely five dollar
coin but this is my opinion and I'm not a financial adviser so obviously do your
own due diligence of power ledger or repair as well but I can see this being
up there it's going to be up there just the fact the token size for starters the
supply is going to be way a lot I mean Palin's are we got 306 million circle
and supply but the total supplies million so and we've already shot up
from the seventh sense all eight singles nine cents in the ICO is there any 10
times so I'm assuming we've housing to do the same thing but like I said I'm
not a financial adviser you go do your own due diligence guys and yeah so I
mean like I'm saying I've had a bit of help with this one because I needed more
information and obviously my team is there to help support me you know with
any questions I had in my slack groups so this is part of the that's part of
being in a group of investing yourself and learn trying to learn everything I'm
doing and then I'll try and greet you guys as much as I can I try and help use
as much as I can I mean I'm trying to make money as much as you guys so I'm in
the same boat like I said do you do deals I think the teens are are
definitely the projects an a.1 straight away I feel sorry for USA guys it's a
shame you guys tagging some more of these but yeah I mean it's all
opportunity hosts ICO so once people look at that if you want more
information about where to find how to do price ICO like jumping in that mean
what are some in this course it's up to you me if you want even more information
let me show my links in description below along with the disclaimer down the
bottom actually and other than that guys I'll see you on my next review
see ya bye
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